Science is all about rationality. It’s about figuringout the way things really work. But my believe hasbeen shaken , I heard about Michale Drosnin’s book“The Bible Code”. Oh, Michale Drosnin’s book “TheBible Code”. That’s the bestseller where the authormade strings of letters by taking, say, every 50thletter from a famous bible passage. Then he claimedthose strings predicted the future. That's the one.The new strings of letters keep producing words andeven phrases! Statisticians call this kind of thing“observational selection.” That means if you areallowed to ignore all the data that add up to nothing, it’s actually easy to come up withapparently amazing coincidences.
科学是研究合理性的学科。它找出事物运行的方式。但最近我所相信的受到了震撼,我听说Michale Drosnin的书《圣经守则》。这是本畅销书,书中作者将圣经每页的第50个字母串起来。然后他声称这些字符串能预测未来。就是这样,字母构成的新字符串能组成词汇,甚至短语。统计学家称此类事物叫做 “观测的选择。”这意味着,如果你忽略所有累加起来没有意义的数据,就会很容易发现惊人的巧合。