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胡敏读故事记托福词汇141:被宠坏的女儿 A spoilt daughter




141 A spoilt daughter 被宠坏的女儿

"I used to tend livestock-pigs and sheep mostly---after I first managed to get out of Yugoslavia. It was loathsome work, and the location wasn’t very nice, but what could I do! It provided me with a livelihood. After that, I used to load coal at a coal merchant’s, then drove a locomotive for a while. With the money I saved I was finally able to rent some decent living quarters in a decent locality for my family, and buy a litter of puppies, ” said Mirko Brankovic, reminiscing.


“My son is at Harvard now, but my daughter goes to school locally, 16 she is. You should see her with her lithe and lethen body. She is a lively kid if there was one. What she likes most of all is going to the disco, where she does a dance called the locomotion. The trouble is she is quite spoilt, like so many young kids nowadays, and the house is littered with her belongings, not only that, she litters the school yard with her chewing gum wrappers and we’ve been called in to see the principal more than once. When she is not at the disco, she is hanging around the lobby at some hotel or rather, trying to be picked up by someone and invited for dinner. Sometimes we have trouble locating her. Her mom’s worried out of her mind about her.” Mirko sighed.


“yeah her favorite food is lobster salad, while we may do with liver and onions at home. That young lady is a load of trouble and things can only get worse as far as I can see.”



lithe adj. (指人、身份等)柔软的,易弯曲的

litter vt. 乱丢 vi. 乱丢垃圾 n. 垃圾,窝(指家畜、幼崽)

livelihood n. 生计,谋生

lively adj. 活泼的,活跃的,栩栩如生的

liver n. 肝脏

livestock n. 家畜,牲畜

living quartes 住房,住处

load n. 重担 vt. 装载,使负担

loathsome adj. 令人讨厌的

lobby n. 大厅,休息厅

lobster n. 龙虾

locate vt. 找出,定位,设置

locality n. 位置,地方

locally adv. 在地方上,在当地

location n. 位置,场所

locomotion n. 运动,移动

locomotive n. 火车头


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