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百科知识视频之煎蛋小学堂66 母老虎来了大姨妈






This is Lilly,also known as Superwoman on YouTube.And as a member of the female sex,she experiences her period on a monthly basis.You see,the first time I got my period,I had no idea what was going on.I walked into the washroom,tra la la la la,took down my underwear and I was like "What is this?"Because I never got "thetalk,"so I was so concerned.My mind was racing."Did I fall off my bike earlier today?" because I had no idea what was going on.

这位是 YouTube ii Superwomanii 频道主Lily.作为女性的一员,她也会来大姨妈。你知道吗 我第一次来姨妈时,完全不知道发生了什么。我走到厕所 开开心心地脱下内裤,当时想 这是什么?没人“教育”过我 因此我特别担心。开始胡思乱想“白天骑车时摔了?”因为我对此毫不了解。

I'm pretty sure most girls go through that denial phase where you hate it,but you can't look away,so I was just like"I'm dying.I'm dying."What you may or may not realize is that every single time a woman has her period,it's because her body was preparing to get pregnant and have a child.You know,the act that prepetuates our entire species?Yes.Every single month the female body goes through an incredibly complex and fascinating transformation called the menstrual cycle.

我敢肯定 大多女孩都经历过否认期 你很讨厌它,却又躲不掉 我当时想“我要死了 我要死了”你可能不知道 每次女性来姨妈时,都是因为其身体正准备孕育新生儿。就是能让人类长存的那件事?对 每个月女性都会经历极为复杂 令人着迷的转变 即“月经周期”。

It all starts in the ovaries,which each contain over 100,000 eggs.Once a month,one egg will release,which spends roughly three days making its way to the uterus.And while it's making its way there,the uterus begins to create a lining,which is rich in nutrients and everything essential to begin life.Under the right circumstances,a sperm will fertilize the egg and begin pregnancy in the womb.

这一切要从卵巢开始 每个卵巢含有十万卵子。每个月 它释放一个卵子,卵子历时三天到达子宫。在卵子行进途中 子宫也开始铺设 “内膜”,它富含营养物和一切孕育生命必须的物质。在合适条件下 精子会使卵子受精 并在子宫内开始受孕。

Before this,however,female ovaries increase production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone and these hormones promote and maintain the special lining of the uterus.But the hormones also enter the bloodstream and travel throughout the body including your brain.It's here that estrogen and progesterone are thought to interfere with other chemical messengers in the brain,called neurotransmitters.

而此前,卵巢会增加雌激素和孕酮的分泌量,这些荷尔蒙有助于维持子宫内特殊的内膜。但荷尔蒙也会流入血液并穿行于身体各部分 包括你的大脑。在这里 雌激素和孕酮被认为会影响大脑内其他化学信使 即“神经递质”。

And this can lead to the notorious premenstrual syndrome,or PMS in women.More like"period my sucks"...Science.So there's a whole bunch of chemicals in my brain and they're all out of whack,messing with the mind every single month.I mean,science is messing with my conscious.I'm irritable and anxious and I haven't even started my period yet.

这就导致了臭名昭著的“经前期综合征”。还不如说“月神经”科学……也就是说 许多化学物质在我脑内乱成一团,每月让我抓狂好一阵。我是说 科学让我很迷惑。当我脾气大、特焦虑时月经还没到呢。

Which brings up an important point:PMS is not the same thing as your period,which is perhaps one of the biggest myths out there.It actually happens 7-14 days before a girl even shows signs of bleeding.This is because estrogen and progesterone levels peak during the creation of the uterine lining.Roughly 50-80% of women have experienced some degree of physical or psychological PMS symptoms,but many aren't even aware that PMS can occur so much earlier than the period as contemporary culture perpetuates the myth that it's menstruation,or the period itself that causes these hormonal changes.

那么 另一个重点是 经前综合症和月经是两码事,这也涉及到了一个大谣言。它发生在流血症状的7-14天前。PMS要归因于雌激素和孕酮含量在构筑子宫内膜时达到顶峰。约50-80%的女性会经历 某种程度的生理或心理PMS症状,却并不知道PMS会比经期早到许多 当代文化也使得月经本身 造成荷尔蒙改变的谣言得以流传。

PMS can manifest itself as psychological symptoms such as mood changes.I hate you so much,but you're kind of cute at the same time,but I want to kill you.Anger,crying,Irritability.It's fine,It's fine.It's fine.It's fine.It's fine.Or as physical symptoms such as upset stomach,difficulty sleeping,and even nausea.One woman's PMS is not like the other,which is why how professionals have trouble finding a clear understanding of how it all works.

PMS可表现为诸多心理学症状 如情绪转变。我烦死你了 但你有那么可爱啊,但我也想杀了你。愤怒 。哭泣。易怒。没事 没啥 屁事没有 没大姨妈的事。。。或生理症状 如胃部不适,失眠,甚至恶心。不同女性的PMS也不同,这也是为何科学家难以找出其确切的机理。

Other physical changes take place as well.The amygdala in the brain,which controls emotion increases its activity.We also see lower levels of the feel good chemical serotonin and the neurotransmitter gaba which has anti-anxiety effects,meaning stress and anxiety run high.Oh,okay,so,you're wondering why I feel this way when all this stuff is happening in my body?Because I can become a hot mess and I cannot control it.It's like I want to make out with you,but I also don't want you to touch me.Because like you're good looking and stuff,but I also hate you.And I want lots of chocolate.

其他生理变化也在发生。大脑中控制情绪的杏仁核更活跃。我们也发现 让人“感觉好好”的血清素 和抑制焦虑的神经递质GABA水平下降,意味着强烈的压力和焦虑。好吧 你想知道当这一切发生时 我为什么会有这种感觉?因为我体内这一团糟控制不住。这就像是我想跟你亲热 但 你特么碰我试试。你长得很帅 但是我还是恨你。给我弄一大堆巧克力。

And here I am thinking that maybe I'm just having a bad day or I'm being crazy because it's not happening at the same time as my period.But no,it could have just been PMS.But when menstruation (or the period)begins,these hormone levels drop sharply.After no fertilization occurs,estrogen and progesterone levels drop and the body realizes it just ain't happening.

现在 我想可能今天只是不太顺利 或者 这没在我月经时发生很让我狂抓。也不是 可能只是PMS。但是 当月经开始时 荷尔蒙水平会显著降低。受精未发生后 雌激素和孕酮水平下降 身体意识到受精并未发生。

As a result,it begins to literally shed the layer it had created for a potential fetus.And this shedding of the membrane and mucus has nowhere to go but out,which,of course,has its pitfalls as well.But this is when the really fun part starts.Because although there's not the same amount of hormones raging around in my brain,now I get to push an unused membrane of mucus and blood out of my system.It's honestly a lot of fun,because it causes cramping and bloating and the wonderful condition of wanting to poop but not being able to.

结果呢 它便开始剥去这层为胎儿准备的膜。脱落的内膜和粘液只能被排除体外,这当然也有它的缺点。不过 有趣的才刚刚开始。当我脑内不再有那么多胡搅蛮缠的荷尔蒙后,我得把没用的粘膜粘液和血液排出去。这东西很有意思的 它会带来腹痛 腹胀 还有想拉却拉不出来的奇妙感受。

Of course,when it ends,the cycle gets to start all over again,a cycle which is essential for the perpetuation of our species.So if I'm having an off day,dude,just know,I'm doing it for humanity.Because there's only a few consistent cycles in the universe.The sun rises and sets.Tides come in and out.And my menstruation.So appreciate.That's right.Women are awesome,okay?We'll be here signing autographs all night.Seriously.Without the persistent nature of the menstruation cycle,our very existence as a species would be completely altered.

当然 这一切结束后 循环又要重新开始了,这个循环对人类的长存至关重要。所以 要是我今儿不太好,你就当我在为人类所贡献吧。宇宙中毕竟只有几个固定的循环。太阳东升西落。潮起潮落。以及我的大姨妈。感激着点 这才像话 女人很伟大的 懂吗?我们会整晚给你签名的 真的。没有稳定的月经周期,人类作为物种的存在会被彻底改变。

So while changes in mood may be a byproduct of this incredible event,we wager it's all worth it.So thank you women,for being strong enough to put up with PMS and menstruation.

尽管情绪变化只是奇妙周期的副产物,但这一切都值得的。感谢各位女性 你们经受住了PMS和月经的考验。我们欠你们个情。


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