1.Handle - 处理
例句: The customer service team efficiently handles all inquiries and complaints.
例句含义: 客户服务团队高效地处理所有询问和投诉。
2.Headcount - 员工人数
例句: The company aims to maintain its current headcount despite the economic downturn.
例句含义: 尽管经济下滑,公司仍计划维持当前的员工人数。
3.Hold - 保留
例句: Please hold this reservation for me until further notice.
例句含义: 请为我保留这个预订,直到另行通知。
4.Hours - 小时数
例句: She works overtime for several hours every day to meet the project deadline.
例句含义: 为了赶项目截止日期,她每天加班数小时。
5.Important - 重要的
例句: It's important to prioritize tasks and manage your time effectively.
例句含义: 有效地安排任务和管理时间是很重要的。
6.Inbox - 收件箱
例句: I need to clear out my inbox before the end of the day.
例句含义: 我需要在今天结束前清空我的收件箱。
7.Include - 包括
例句: The package includes a free gift and a discount on your next purchase.
例句含义: 这个套餐包括一份免费礼物和下次购物的折扣。
8.Inform - 通知
例句: Please inform the team leader of any changes to the project plan.
例句含义: 如有任何项目计划变更,请通知团队领导。
9.Input - 输入
例句: The system requires user input to proceed with the next step.
例句含义: 系统需要用户输入才能继续下一步。
10.Interview - 面试
例句: She prepared thoroughly for her job interview and impressed the interviewers.
例句含义: 她为面试做了充分的准备,给面试官留下了深刻印象。