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BBC News:美计划协助库尔德军队夺回苏摩尔城市附近被控制大坝




BBC News with Marion Marshall.

Marion Marshall为您播报BBC新闻。

The BBC has learnt that US military planed carrying out airstrikes against Islamist militants in northern Iraq to help Kurdish forces retake a strategic dam near the city of Mosul. Sources in Mosul say at least 11 militants have been killed. Tom Esslemont reports from Washington. "The airstrikes began earlier on Saturday and said to be continuing. A defense official told the BBC that they would provide air cover to Kurdish Peshmerga forces who had been trying to retake the dam. It was seized by Islamic State militants earlier in the month. The dam is the largest in Iraq and a major source of water and power to the north. If destroyed, experts say it has the potential to cause mass devastation, engulfing the city of Mosul and flooding parts of Baghdad. Kurdish forces have made repeated appeals to Western countries for more ammunition to allow them to take on the Jihadists. The United States says it's already helping to arm them."

据BBC了解,美国军方将计划对伊斯兰激进分子占领的伊拉克北部地区进行空袭来帮助库尔德军队夺回摩苏尔城市附近具有战略意义的大坝。来自摩苏尔方面消息称至少有11名伊斯兰武装分子丧生。Tom Esslemont 在华盛顿为您报道。


The president of the Syrian Opposition Coalition has called on the world to intervene in Syria to deal with the threat there of the militant group the Islamic State in the way they've done in Iraq. Hadi al-Bahra said the Islamic State and forces loyal to the President Bashar al-Assad had carried out massacres. It appealed to the United Nations and United States to end, what it called, the suffering of the Syrian people.

叙利亚反对派联盟主席已经向世界呼吁介入伊斯兰激进分子对叙利亚所造成的威胁,尤其是见证了伊斯兰激进分子对伊拉克所作所为之后。Hadi al-Bahra表示伊斯兰激进分子和拥护总统Bashar al-Assad的武装力量已经开展屠杀行为。他呼吁联合国和美国来结束叙利亚人民的苦难。

The governor of the American State of Missouri Jay Nixon has signed an order declaring a state of emergency in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson as violent disturbances and looting continue a week after police shot dead an unarmed black teenager. The policeman in charge of security in Ferguson is Capt. Ron Johnson. "The governor has enacted a curfew to allow us to provide safety for the citizens at Ferguson, but also to maintain the right of people. That curfew will start today. It will run from 12 midnight. It was the curfew will stop at five in the morning. We will enforce that curfew in an effort to provide safety and security to the area."

美国密苏里州州长Jay Nixon已经签署命令宣布圣路易斯郊区弗格森城市进入紧急状态。该地区因警方射杀一名手无寸铁黑人少年而衍生出一场持续一周左右的暴力骚乱。负责弗格森城市治安的是Ron Johnson上尉。


The Kenyan health authorities have banned the entry of people arriving from the countries worst affected by the deadly outbreak of Ebola virus in West Africa. As a result, Kenyan Airways has said it would suspend flights to and from Sierra Leone and Liberia because of the outbreak, but flights going in and out of Nigeria will continue. Will Ross reports from Lagos. "Kenyan Airways had initially rejected calls to suspend the flights, but it had no choice after the government announced it would not be allowing travelers from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone into the country with the exception of returning Kenyan citizens and health workers. The flight suspensions will start on Wednesday. The fear that the virus could spread beyond West Africa is clearly growing and the affected countries are slowly, but surely being cut off from the rest of the world. It is getting harder for medical staff to reach the countries where they are so badly needed."

肯尼亚卫生当局已经禁止受西非埃博拉病毒影响严重国家人员入境。肯尼亚航空公司表示将会暂停塞拉利昂和利比亚的来往航班,与尼日利亚的来往航班将继续飞行。Will Ross在拉各斯为您报道。


You are listening to the latest World News from the BBC.


Reports from Nigeria say Chadian troops have rescued about 19 Nigerian villagers. They were abducted earlier this week in a raid by Boko Haram militants. One report said the Chadian troops stopped several buses carrying the villagers during a routine border check. Survivors of last Sunday's raid told the BBC that the militants killed at least 25 people and injured many others before taking the hostages away on boats across Lake Chad.


A group of victims from five decades of conflict in Colombia have, for the first time, joined left wing FARC rebels and government negotiators in peace talks that are taking place in Cuba. Ottumwa Voris reports on their visit. "Many see this visit by 12 victims of the Colombia conflict to the peace talks in Havana as powerfully symbolic. President Juan Manuel Santos called it a historic step. He said it was necessary if the country was to achieve peace. They are the first of sixty victims who will attend the talks over the next few weeks. Among them are victims of the leftist guerillas, but also of right-wing paramilitary groups and the Colombia Security Forces. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay praised the move, calling it an unprecedented and a potential model for all the countries dealing with issues of justice, peace and reconciliation."

一群来自50年哥伦比亚冲突的受害者第一次加入左翼哥伦比亚武装力量和政府谈判人员就和平谈判在古巴进行谈判。Ottumwa Voris为您报道谈判进程。

很多人认为12名哥伦比亚冲突受害者参与哈瓦那和平谈判具有象征意义。总统胡安曼努埃尔桑托斯称这是历史性的一步。他表示如果国家实现和平的话,这种做法是必要的。他们是60名受害者中首次来参加未来几周谈判会议的人员。这些受害者中以左翼游击队受害者居多,但也有右翼准军事集团和哥伦比亚安全部队成员。联合国人权事务高级专家Navi Pillay赞扬了这一举措,称其为前作未有并据极大可能性的来解决所有国家正义,和平与和解的模型典范。

A pro-Russian militant leader in east Ukraine has said that some 1,200 fighters trained in Russia will soon join his separatist movement. However, Alexander Zakharchenko, Prime Minister of the self-claimed Donetsk People's Republic said these were volunteers, not Russian forces.

一名东乌克兰亲俄武装力量领导人表示俄罗斯1200名训练有素的飞行员将参与他的分裂行动。然而,自称“顿涅兹克人民共和国”总理的Alexander Zakharchenko表示他们都是自愿者,不是来自俄罗斯军队。

Abdullah Ocalan, the jailed leader of Turkey's Kurdish militant group the PKK has suggested that the PKK's 30-year conflict with Turkey's authorities for more autonomy is coming to an end. In a statement from his island prison, Mr. Ocalan said that Turkey was on the verge of historic developments following the presidential election earlier this month.

土耳其库尔德军队库尔德工人党被监禁领导人Abdullah Ocalan建议库尔德工人党与土耳其当局30年的争夺更多自治权冲突即将结束。在他的海岛监狱中发出的声明中,Ocalan表示在本月早些时候总统大选之后,土耳其将进入一个历史性发展阶段。

BBC News.


BBC News with Marion Marshall.

The BBC has learnt that US military planed carrying out airstrikes against Islamist militants in northern Iraq to help Kurdish forces retake a strategic dam near the city of Mosul. Sources in Mosul say at least 11 militants have been killed. Tom Esslemont reports from Washington. "The airstrikes began earlier on Saturday and said to be continuing. A defense official told the BBC that they would provide air cover to Kurdish Peshmerga forces who had been trying to retake the dam. It was seized by Islamic State militants earlier in the month. The dam is the largest in Iraq and a major source of water and power to the north. If destroyed, experts say it has the potential to cause mass devastation, engulfing the city of Mosul and flooding parts of Baghdad. Kurdish forces have made repeated appeals to Western countries for more ammunition to allow them to take on the Jihadists. The United States says it's already helping to arm them."

The president of the Syrian Opposition Coalition has called on the world to intervene in Syria to deal with the threat there of the militant group the Islamic State in the way they've done in Iraq. Hadi al-Bahra said the Islamic State and forces loyal to the President Bashar al-Assad had carried out massacres. It appealed to the United Nations and United States to end, what it called, the suffering of the Syrian people.

The governor of the American State of Missouri Jay Nixon has signed an order declaring a state of emergency in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson as violent disturbances and looting continue a week after police shot dead an unarmed black teenager. The policeman in charge of security in Ferguson is Capt. Ron Johnson. "The governor has enacted a curfew to allow us to provide safety for the citizens at Ferguson, but also to maintain the right of people. That curfew will start today. It will run from 12 midnight. It was the curfew will stop at five in the morning. We will enforce that curfew in an effort to provide safety and security to the area."

The Kenyan health authorities have banned the entry of people arriving from the countries worst affected by the deadly outbreak of Ebola virus in West Africa. As a result, Kenyan Airways has said it would suspend flights to and from Sierra Leone and Liberia because of the outbreak, but flights going in and out of Nigeria will continue. Will Ross reports from Lagos. "Kenyan Airways had initially rejected calls to suspend the flights, but it had no choice after the government announced it would not be allowing travelers from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone into the country with the exception of returning Kenyan citizens and health workers. The flight suspensions will start on Wednesday. The fear that the virus could spread beyond West Africa is clearly growing and the affected countries are slowly, but surely being cut off from the rest of the world. It is getting harder for medical staff to reach the countries where they are so badly needed."

You are listening to the latest World News from the BBC.

Reports from Nigeria say Chadian troops have rescued about 19 Nigerian villagers. They were abducted earlier this week in a raid by Boko Haram militants. One report said the Chadian troops stopped several buses carrying the villagers during a routine border check. Survivors of last Sunday's raid told the BBC that the militants killed at least 25 people and injured many others before taking the hostages away on boats across Lake Chad.

A group of victims from five decades of conflict in Colombia have, for the first time, joined left wing FARC rebels and government negotiators in peace talks that are taking place in Cuba. Ottumwa Voris reports on their visit. "Many see this visit by 12 victims of the Colombia conflict to the peace talks in Havana as powerfully symbolic. President Juan Manuel Santos called it a historic step. He said it was necessary if the country was to achieve peace. They are the first of sixty victims who will attend the talks over the next few weeks. Among them are victims of the leftist guerillas, but also of right-wing paramilitary groups and the Colombia Security Forces. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay praised the move, calling it an unprecedented and a potential model for all the countries dealing with issues of justice, peace and reconciliation."

A pro-Russian militant leader in east Ukraine has said that some 1,200 fighters trained in Russia will soon join his separatist movement. However, Alexander Zakharchenko, Prime Minister of the self-claimed Donetsk People's Republic said these were volunteers, not Russian forces.

Abdullah Ocalan, the jailed leader of Turkey's Kurdish militant group the PKK has suggested that the PKK's 30-year conflict with Turkey's authorities for more autonomy is coming to an end. In a statement from his island prison, Mr. Ocalan said that Turkey was on the verge of historic developments following the presidential election earlier this month.

BBC News.


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