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BBC News:利比亚战争造成机场飞机损毁




BBC News with Neil Nunes.

The government in Libya has said it's considering asking for international help to end the fighting between rival factions which is threatening to destabilize the country. At least one person died and six were injured in fighting between rival militia groups at the international airport near the capital Tripoli. The government said the air traffic control tower and all the buildings had been destroyed and nearly all the planes on the ground were damaged. Rana Jawad is in Tripoli.

利比亚政府正考虑请求国际帮助解决其境内两组对抗势力之间的战争。此次冲突是两组势力为夺取国际机场指挥台而发动,冲突已造成至少一人死亡六人受伤。机场内建筑遭到了不同程度破坏,停留机场内的飞机都被损毁。Rana Jawad在的黎波里报道。

Here in the capital we've basically seen a power struggle that's been growing over the years and these groups are more powerful and the fighting that we saw since Sunday is a wider struggle for power and it's a turf for a sanctuary and it's only got some worse and this significant shift in tone by the Libyan authorities at the moment is unclear. They may just have been using it as a threat, you know, on foreign forces intervening to gain some leverage with the various militias that they haven't been able to control, or they may have reached a point where they see this as the only way out of their predicament.


Both Israel and the militant Palestinian group Hamas have said they'll consider proposals for a ceasefire in Gaza put forward by Egypt. Under the plans a truce to end a week of violence would come into effect on Tuesday morning. Egypt's foreign minister Sameh Shukri outlined the terms of the ceasefire proposal.

以色列和巴勒斯坦激进组织哈马斯成员同时表示考虑埃及对于加沙地带停火的提案。停火一周计划将于周二上午生效。埃及外交大臣Sameh Shukri总结了这次停火提议的内容。

The proposed Egyptian initiative is based on these main elements: An immediate end of all hostile actions and the reopening of Israeli crossings to be followed by the implementation of the ceasefire after all parties have agreed to cease all hostilities.


The new parliament in Iraq is due to reconvene on Tuesday and try to form a new government with the foreign minister of the Kurdish region describing the country as a failed state. Kurdish MPs withdrew from Mr. Maliki's central government after he accused the Kurds of harboring extremists. Shama Ekli reports from Kurdistan.

埃及新议会定于周二重新召开,目的是建立一个全新政府,不再让库尔德地区外交部长称其国家是一个失败的国家。库尔德议会成员在总理马里奇指责库尔德人为武装分子提供避难所之后撤出政府组织。Shama Ekli在库尔德斯坦为您报道。

Khalah Mustafabakah had no comments about describing Iraq as a failed state and was quick to blame Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. He said the only way forward was for the country to divide into three regions with Kurdistan as an independent state. He said the Kurds now shares bigger borders with the Islamist militant group ISIS than they did with the rest of Iraq. He was adamant, however, that the Kurdish leadership will not negotiate with ISIS, or what is known as the Islamic State.

Khalah Mustafabakah没有对描述伊拉克为一个失败国家发表任何评论,也没有指责总理马里奇。他指出伊拉克发展的唯一出路是把国家分成三个地区,其中库尔德地区作为一个独立的政区。他说库尔德人民现在正与伊斯兰激进组织ISIS分享更广泛的边疆领域。他非常坚持,然而,库尔德地区领导人不会和ISIS组织或所谓的伊斯兰国家谈判。

The authorities in China have begun criminal investigations into three former high-ranking officials over allegations of corruption. Two of those held, Li Dongsheng and Jiang Jiemin, are said to be close associates of the former National Security Chief, Zhou Yongkang, who is already under investigation.


BBC World News.

The Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon is in Haiti to discuss efforts to alleviate a cholera epidemic that has killed more than 8,000 people. The outbreak has been linked to the UN's own peacekeepers and the organization is facing three lawsuits. The UN has so far not accepted this responsibility.


Pope Francis has added his voice to those calling for action to protect and care for tens of thousands of unaccompanied children migrating from Central America to the United States. The Pope said Central America and Mexico needed to inform the public of the dangers of the trip north. Will Gra reports from Mexico City.

Pope Francis 号召给予单独穿越美洲中部进入美国境内的儿童更多的保护和关注。下面是来自墨西哥的报道。

As the debate on the issue of unaccompanied child migrants heats up, Pope Francis has now added his voice to those calling for action. Such a humanitarian emergency demand is a first urgent measure that these minors be protected and duly taken in, the Pope said, in a letter read by the Vatican's envoy to Mexico Christophe Pierre. Pope Francis called for the attention of the international community to this challenge and for measures to be taken by the specific countries involved, namely Central American nations Mexico and the US.

随着无人陪伴儿童独自移民事件争议的升温,Pope Francis对外发表号召。教皇在给墨西哥教主的信件中称这种人道主义紧急救助是第一次紧急措施。教皇称要对现阶段特殊情况予以特别关注。

The United States is to sell Katar Apache attack helicopters and Patriot and Javelin air defense weapons in a deal worth more than 11 billion dollars. The Pentagon spokesman described Washington's relationship with the Gulf state as critically important in the region and said the arms deal underscored the partnership. The US has a major airbase in Katar.


Customs officials in the United States have seized a shipment of 67 live giant African land snails at Los Angeles International Airport. The eatable snails, each weighing nearly a kilo, arrived from Nigeria where they are considered a delicacy. The US bans their importation as they can carry parasites including one that can leads to meningitis.


BBC News.

BBC News with Neil Nunes.

The government in Libya has said it's considering asking for international help to end the fighting between rival factions which is threatening to destabilize the country. At least one person died and six were injured in fighting between rival militia groups at the international airport near the capital Tripoli. The government said the air traffic control tower and all the buildings had been destroyed and nearly all the planes on the ground were damaged. Rana Jawad is in Tripoli.

Here in the capital we've basically seen a power struggle that's been growing over the years and these groups are more powerful and the fighting that we saw since Sunday is a wider struggle for power and it's a turf for a sanctuary and it's only got some worse and this significant shift in tone by the Libyan authorities at the moment is unclear. They may just have been using it as a threat, you know, on foreign forces intervening to gain some leverage with the various militias that they haven't been able to control, or they may have reached a point where they see this as the only way out of their predicament.

Both Israel and the militant Palestinian group Hamas have said they'll consider proposals for a ceasefire in Gaza put forward by Egypt. Under the plans a truce to end a week of violence would come into effect on Tuesday morning. Egypt's foreign minister Sameh Shukri outlined the terms of the ceasefire proposal.

The proposed Egyptian initiative is based on these main elements: An immediate end of all hostile actions and the reopening of Israeli crossings to be followed by the implementation of the ceasefire after all parties have agreed to cease all hostilities.

The new parliament in Iraq is due to reconvene on Tuesday and try to form a new government with the foreign minister of the Kurdish region describing the country as a failed state. Kurdish MPs withdrew from Mr. Maliki's central government after he accused the Kurds of harboring extremists. Shama Ekli reports from Kurdistan.

Khalah Mustafabakah had no comments about describing Iraq as a failed state and was quick to blame Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. He said the only way forward was for the country to divide into three regions with Kurdistan as an independent state. He said the Kurds now shares bigger borders with the Islamist militant group ISIS than they did with the rest of Iraq. He was adamant, however, that the Kurdish leadership will not negotiate with ISIS, or what is known as the Islamic State.

The authorities in China have begun criminal investigations into three former high-ranking officials over allegations of corruption. Two of those held, Li Dongsheng and Jiang Jiemin, are said to be close associates of the former National Security Chief, Zhou Yongkang, who is already under investigation.

BBC World News.

The Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon is in Haiti to discuss efforts to alleviate a cholera epidemic that has killed more than 8,000 people. The outbreak has been linked to the UN's own peacekeepers and the organization is facing three lawsuits. The UN has so far not accepted this responsibility.

Pope Francis has added his voice to those calling for action to protect and care for tens of thousands of unaccompanied children migrating from Central America to the United States. The Pope said Central America and Mexico needed to inform the public of the dangers of the trip north. Will Gra reports from Mexico City.

As the debate on the issue of unaccompanied child migrants heats up, Pope Francis has now added his voice to those calling for action. Such a humanitarian emergency demand is a first urgent measure that these minors be protected and duly taken in, the Pope said, in a letter read by the Vatican's envoy to Mexico Christophe Pierre. Pope Francis called for the attention of the international community to this challenge and for measures to be taken by the specific countries involved, namely Central American nations Mexico and the US.

The United States is to sell Katar Apache attack helicopters and Patriot and Javelin air defense weapons in a deal worth more than 11 billion dollars. The Pentagon spokesman described Washington's relationship with the Gulf state as critically important in the region and said the arms deal underscored the partnership. The US has a major airbase in Katar.

Customs officials in the United States have seized a shipment of 67 live giant African land snails at Los Angeles International Airport. The eatable snails, each weighing nearly a kilo, arrived from Nigeria where they are considered a delicacy. The US bans their importation as they can carry parasites including one that can leads to meningitis.

BBC News.

BBC News with Neil Nunes.

The government in Libya has said it's considering asking for international help to end the fighting between rival factions which is threatening to destabilize the country. At least one person died and six were injured in fighting between rival militia groups at the international airport near the capital Tripoli. The government said the air traffic control tower and all the buildings had been destroyed and nearly all the planes on the ground were damaged. Rana Jawad is in Tripoli.

利比亚政府正考虑请求国际帮助解决其境内两组对抗势力之间的战争。此次冲突是两组势力为夺取国际机场指挥台而发动,冲突已造成至少一人死亡六人受伤。机场内建筑遭到了不同程度破坏,停留机场内的飞机都被损毁。Rana Jawad在的黎波里报道。

Here in the capital we've basically seen a power struggle that's been growing over the years and these groups are more powerful and the fighting that we saw since Sunday is a wider struggle for power and it's a turf for a sanctuary and it's only got some worse and this significant shift in tone by the Libyan authorities at the moment is unclear. They may just have been using it as a threat, you know, on foreign forces intervening to gain some leverage with the various militias that they haven't been able to control, or they may have reached a point where they see this as the only way out of their predicament.


Both Israel and the militant Palestinian group Hamas have said they'll consider proposals for a ceasefire in Gaza put forward by Egypt. Under the plans a truce to end a week of violence would come into effect on Tuesday morning. Egypt's foreign minister Sameh Shukri outlined the terms of the ceasefire proposal.

以色列和巴勒斯坦激进组织哈马斯成员同时表示考虑埃及对于加沙地带停火的提案。停火一周计划将于周二上午生效。埃及外交大臣Sameh Shukri总结了这次停火提议的内容。

The proposed Egyptian initiative is based on these main elements: An immediate end of all hostile actions and the reopening of Israeli crossings to be followed by the implementation of the ceasefire after all parties have agreed to cease all hostilities.


The new parliament in Iraq is due to reconvene on Tuesday and try to form a new government with the foreign minister of the Kurdish region describing the country as a failed state. Kurdish MPs withdrew from Mr. Maliki's central government after he accused the Kurds of harboring extremists. Shama Ekli reports from Kurdistan.

埃及新议会定于周二重新召开,目的是建立一个全新政府,不再让库尔德地区外交部长称其国家是一个失败的国家。库尔德议会成员在总理马里奇指责库尔德人为武装分子提供避难所之后撤出政府组织。Shama Ekli在库尔德斯坦为您报道。

Khalah Mustafabakah had no comments about describing Iraq as a failed state and was quick to blame Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. He said the only way forward was for the country to divide into three regions with Kurdistan as an independent state. He said the Kurds now shares bigger borders with the Islamist militant group ISIS than they did with the rest of Iraq. He was adamant, however, that the Kurdish leadership will not negotiate with ISIS, or what is known as the Islamic State.

Khalah Mustafabakah没有对描述伊拉克为一个失败国家发表任何评论,也没有指责总理马里奇。他指出伊拉克发展的唯一出路是把国家分成三个地区,其中库尔德地区作为一个独立的政区。他说库尔德人民现在正与伊斯兰激进组织ISIS分享更广泛的边疆领域。他非常坚持,然而,库尔德地区领导人不会和ISIS组织或所谓的伊斯兰国家谈判。

The authorities in China have begun criminal investigations into three former high-ranking officials over allegations of corruption. Two of those held, Li Dongsheng and Jiang Jiemin, are said to be close associates of the former National Security Chief, Zhou Yongkang, who is already under investigation.


BBC World News.

The Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon is in Haiti to discuss efforts to alleviate a cholera epidemic that has killed more than 8,000 people. The outbreak has been linked to the UN's own peacekeepers and the organization is facing three lawsuits. The UN has so far not accepted this responsibility.


Pope Francis has added his voice to those calling for action to protect and care for tens of thousands of unaccompanied children migrating from Central America to the United States. The Pope said Central America and Mexico needed to inform the public of the dangers of the trip north. Will Gra reports from Mexico City.

Pope Francis 号召给予单独穿越美洲中部进入美国境内的儿童更多的保护和关注。下面是来自墨西哥的报道。

As the debate on the issue of unaccompanied child migrants heats up, Pope Francis has now added his voice to those calling for action. Such a humanitarian emergency demand is a first urgent measure that these minors be protected and duly taken in, the Pope said, in a letter read by the Vatican's envoy to Mexico Christophe Pierre. Pope Francis called for the attention of the international community to this challenge and for measures to be taken by the specific countries involved, namely Central American nations Mexico and the US.

随着无人陪伴儿童独自移民事件争议的升温,Pope Francis对外发表号召。教皇在给墨西哥教主的信件中称这种人道主义紧急救助是第一次紧急措施。教皇称要对现阶段特殊情况予以特别关注。

The United States is to sell Katar Apache attack helicopters and Patriot and Javelin air defense weapons in a deal worth more than 11 billion dollars. The Pentagon spokesman described Washington's relationship with the Gulf state as critically important in the region and said the arms deal underscored the partnership. The US has a major airbase in Katar.


Customs officials in the United States have seized a shipment of 67 live giant African land snails at Los Angeles International Airport. The eatable snails, each weighing nearly a kilo, arrived from Nigeria where they are considered a delicacy. The US bans their importation as they can carry parasites including one that can leads to meningitis.


BBC News.


BBC News with Neil Nunes.

The government in Libya has said it's considering asking for international help to end the fighting between rival factions which is threatening to destabilize the country. At least one person died and six were injured in fighting between rival militia groups at the international airport near the capital Tripoli. The government said the air traffic control tower and all the buildings had been destroyed and nearly all the planes on the ground were damaged. Rana Jawad is in Tripoli.

Here in the capital we've basically seen a power struggle that's been growing over the years and these groups are more powerful and the fighting that we saw since Sunday is a wider struggle for power and it's a turf for a sanctuary and it's only got some worse and this significant shift in tone by the Libyan authorities at the moment is unclear. They may just have been using it as a threat, you know, on foreign forces intervening to gain some leverage with the various militias that they haven't been able to control, or they may have reached a point where they see this as the only way out of their predicament.

Both Israel and the militant Palestinian group Hamas have said they'll consider proposals for a ceasefire in Gaza put forward by Egypt. Under the plans a truce to end a week of violence would come into effect on Tuesday morning. Egypt's foreign minister Sameh Shukri outlined the terms of the ceasefire proposal.

The proposed Egyptian initiative is based on these main elements: An immediate end of all hostile actions and the reopening of Israeli crossings to be followed by the implementation of the ceasefire after all parties have agreed to cease all hostilities.

The new parliament in Iraq is due to reconvene on Tuesday and try to form a new government with the foreign minister of the Kurdish region describing the country as a failed state. Kurdish MPs withdrew from Mr. Maliki's central government after he accused the Kurds of harboring extremists. Shama Ekli reports from Kurdistan.

Khalah Mustafabakah had no comments about describing Iraq as a failed state and was quick to blame Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. He said the only way forward was for the country to divide into three regions with Kurdistan as an independent state. He said the Kurds now shares bigger borders with the Islamist militant group ISIS than they did with the rest of Iraq. He was adamant, however, that the Kurdish leadership will not negotiate with ISIS, or what is known as the Islamic State.

The authorities in China have begun criminal investigations into three former high-ranking officials over allegations of corruption. Two of those held, Li Dongsheng and Jiang Jiemin, are said to be close associates of the former National Security Chief, Zhou Yongkang, who is already under investigation.

BBC World News.

The Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon is in Haiti to discuss efforts to alleviate a cholera epidemic that has killed more than 8,000 people. The outbreak has been linked to the UN's own peacekeepers and the organization is facing three lawsuits. The UN has so far not accepted this responsibility.

Pope Francis has added his voice to those calling for action to protect and care for tens of thousands of unaccompanied children migrating from Central America to the United States. The Pope said Central America and Mexico needed to inform the public of the dangers of the trip north. Will Gra reports from Mexico City.

As the debate on the issue of unaccompanied child migrants heats up, Pope Francis has now added his voice to those calling for action. Such a humanitarian emergency demand is a first urgent measure that these minors be protected and duly taken in, the Pope said, in a letter read by the Vatican's envoy to Mexico Christophe Pierre. Pope Francis called for the attention of the international community to this challenge and for measures to be taken by the specific countries involved, namely Central American nations Mexico and the US.

The United States is to sell Katar Apache attack helicopters and Patriot and Javelin air defense weapons in a deal worth more than 11 billion dollars. The Pentagon spokesman described Washington's relationship with the Gulf state as critically important in the region and said the arms deal underscored the partnership. The US has a major airbase in Katar.

Customs officials in the United States have seized a shipment of 67 live giant African land snails at Los Angeles International Airport. The eatable snails, each weighing nearly a kilo, arrived from Nigeria where they are considered a delicacy. The US bans their importation as they can carry parasites including one that can leads to meningitis.

BBC News.











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