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BBC News:曼联前教练担任哈佛商学院讲师



BBC News with Julie Candler.


A policeman in Afghanistan has shot dead a German photographer working for the Associated Press news agency on the eve of the country's presidential election. Anja Niedringhaus and her colleague, the Canadian reporter Kathy Gannon are with a convoy delivering ballots near the Pakistan border when they are attacked. Santiago Lyon, director for photography for AP said Ms. Niedringhauswas giving her life for her work.


I think Anja like many of us who have done that line of work believe very strongly in the need to bear witness to what is happening around the world in order to avoid excuses and in order to negate the idea of impunity, and I think Anja believe that until to the very end and that desire to do that line of work ultimately cost her life.


An Indian court has sentenced three men to death by hanging for the gang rape of a photojournalist under a new law targeting repeat sex offenders. The men were found guilty ofattacking the journalist at an abandoned textile mill in the city of Mumbai last year. The BBC'sR J says attitudes in India towards sexual violence against women are beginning to change.


These accused were tried in fast track court in seven months, they have given the judgement.So, it's quite remarkable in its own way. And young women they are becoming more and moreaware. Even if you look at the national crime record Bureau data that the number of reportedcases have increased which certainly means that more women and more people and theirfamilies are coming forward to report such cases. So, certainly these more awareness in thesociety regarding such a violence against women.


The United States is to evaluate whether to continue its attempts to broker a peace dealbetween Israel and Palestinians. Speaking in the Moroccan capital, Rabat, the US Secretary ofState John Kerry said it was time for what he called a reality check on progress in thenegotiations. He was critical of both Israel and Palestinians for taking unilateral steps that couldjeopardize the talks.


The former Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson is to take up a new job as a lecturerat Harvard Business School, one of the leading academic institutions in the United States. SirAlex hopes the techniques that brought him success can be turned into lessons for aspiringbusiness executives. From Washington Jane O'Brien reports.


The first lesson Sir Alex may want to offer American students is that the game he dominatedfor almost three decades is called football and not soccer. But once the beginner's coursesover, he will be offering tips on leadership and presumably how to build a winning team out ofthe 11 egotistical highly strong but talented people. The secret of Sir Alex's success has beenthe subject of the much debate. He himself has attempted to analyze it in collaboration withHarvard Business professor Anita Elberse, who develop a case study called Sir Alex Fergusonmanaging Manchester United.

阿列克斯爵士给美国学生上的第一节课是,过去30年来他称霸的运动叫football不叫 soccer。但一旦初级课程结束,他将讲授领导技巧,可能是关于如何将11名自尊又强壮有天分的人组建成成功的团队。阿列克斯爵士成功的秘诀一直是这类 辩论的话题,他本人曾与哈佛商学院教授安妮塔·埃尔贝斯合作分析过这个问题,后者曾开发过一个案例研究,名叫“阿列克斯·弗格森爵士管理曼联”。

BBC News


The Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta has said his country will not continue to host refugees atwhat he called at the expense of the peace of his people. In a speech at police parade, Mr.Kenyatta said Kenya was currently hosting one million refugees, but this has led to pain andsuffering from terror attacks. Most of the refugees are from Somalia. Mr. Kenyatta said peoplecarrying illegal weapons would have a two-week amnesty to hand them in. He maintained thathis forces would not withdraw from Somalia.

肯尼亚总统乌胡鲁·肯雅塔宣称本国将不会再以本国人民的和平为代价来收纳难民,肯雅塔在警察游行中发表讲话, 他说肯尼亚目前收纳了100万难民,但这却导致了来自恐怖袭击的伤痛。大多数难民来自索马里,肯雅塔称携带非法武器的人要在两周的赦免期将之上缴。他坚称 本国部队不会从索马里撤离。

President Obama has signed an executive order authorizing sanctions against anyoneaggravating the conflict in South Sudan. The order freezes the assets of the United States ofthose who carry out attacks, threaten peace or obstruct reconciliation. Richard Hamiltonreports.


Barack Obama condemned the widespread violence and atrocities in South Sudan, includingthe recruitment of child soldiers and other human rights abuses. This is a clear sign that theUnited States is losing patience with the conflict, but it appears to be based not on genuinegrievances, but on a simple power struggle. Fighting broke out in December between troopsloyal to President Salva Kirk and his former deputy Riek Machar. Clashes have continueddespite a ceasefire signed in January.

巴拉克·奥 巴马谴责了南苏丹普遍存在的暴力和残暴行径,包括招募童子军和其他人权侵犯行为。这明确表明美国对这场冲突已经失去耐心,但这场冲突显然不是基于真实的委 屈,而是简单的权力斗争。去年12月,忠于总统萨尔瓦·柯克的部队和忠于其前副手Riek Machar的部队爆发战斗,尽管一月份签署了停火协议,但冲突仍在继续。

Reports from Iran say that four Iranian soldiers have been released by al-Qaeda inspired groupwhich operates on the border between Iran and Pakistan. The abduction of the four borderguards alongside a fifth who was executed by the Sunny militants has strained ties betweenPakistan and Iran. Tehran has threatened to send troops into Pakistan to free its soldiers.


An exhibition featuring paintings of world leaders by the former US President George W. Bushis going on display in Texas. Twenty-four portraits of leaders, Mr. Bush met while in office arefetched to display, including the Russian President Vladimir Putin and the former British PrimeMinister Tony Blair. There is also a self-portrait.


BBC News



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