我们需要意念,不要想 用感觉,这就对了。
Bruce Lee, actor, icon,and skilled martial arts.
李小龙是位演员 偶像 同时也是精湛的武术家
A man able to perform super human feats that have yet to be equalled,
他本领超群 至今仍无人能及
such as a two-finger push-up and a lethal blow called the one-inch-punch.
As well as he's a skilled martial artist, Bruce Lee was a writer, philosopher and film maker.
除了精湛武术家的身份 李小龙还是作家 哲学家和制片人
He was the first person to use his phenomenal kungfu skills on screen
without the aid of special effects.
Bruce Lee totally revolutionized the way, eh,
李小龙彻底改变了 呃
on combat which would be presented on screen.
But he wouldn't live to see his global impact.
He died suddenly in Hong Kong aged just 32 have been starring only 4 kungfu films.
仅仅出演过4部功夫电影 年仅32岁的他在香港猝死
His biggest film, "Enter the Dragon" was released on August 19th, 1973, 4 weeks after his death.
1973年8月19日 李小龙最成功的影片"龙争虎斗"在他死后四个星期首映