Please remember him for his genius, his art and the magic he brought to every one of us.
Of course I was going to go and see his film and applaud him and be with people who admired him.That was always my thought in my head,is" I need to do this for Bruce."
She really is this incredible woman with just great dignity and grace under fire.
It was great to see Bruce again,but only a month later my memories were very fresh anyway, you know.
It was more pain than joy at the time.
Everybody said all these years, you know,he had an allergic reaction to marijuana,he had a brain aneurysm.The most important thing is how he lived.
Every time you see him, it's still emotional.We miss the friend.
每次看到他 还是会伤感,我们很怀念这个朋友
I'm now 74, but there really has not ever been a day that I haven't thought about him at least once, maybe twice or three times or four times or five times through the day There's nobody who's gonna replace Bruce Lee,not while you or I are alive.
It just won't gonna happen.This genius passes away way before his time.We have to be thankful we had him for 32 years.