He said, "My training in Wing Chun, my classical art,didn't prepare me for this kind of a battle."That was the beginning of the evolution of his own way of martial arts.
If you read the notes that he left behind,1965 he starts to write,"My style is Western fencing,Western boxing and Wing Chun."He said he owe our knowledge to the Wing Chun,but we're gonna go beyond the Wing Chun.
Bruce Lee took a lot from boxing.He felt boxing was more realistic in that you were trading blows.He likes the boxing footwork.Cause it's alive, it's moving and it changes.
He was totally invested in watching boxing films,going way back to Jack Gene Tunney, Dempsey.Johnson,
What he took from Dempsey was the kinetic chain,how to generate power, the importance of a good jab.There's a lot about the alignment of the body.Bruce had a huge collection of boxing films,and he thought the world of Muhammad Ali.
What he would do was very unique.I once came in, lights were all out.And he's watching this 8mm film and he's watching it backwards.
Ali had a left-foot forward stance and Bruce a right foot forward.So he would run the films backward in the film editor and study them meticulously.