1.I'm proud of myself. 为自己骄傲。
2.Every single day counts. 每一天都很重要。
3.No matter where you go,I'm gonna follow you. 无论你向何方,我将与你同行。
4.Love never ends. 爱无止境。
5.Seize your destiny. 掌握自己的命运。
6.Love in the moment. 活在当下。
7.You can do anything. 没什么能难倒你.
8.Everybody makes mistakes. 人无完人。
9.Focus on the good. 要往好的方面想。
10.Open your mind to the possibilities. 敞开心扉,迎接更多可能。
11.Love is the supreme power. 爱拥有强大的力量。
12.Life is a journey. 人生是一场旅程。
13.life's been full of joy and tears. 有泪水也有喜悦,才叫人生。
14.Hope is everything. 只要心怀希望,一切皆有可能。
15.Keep a positive attitude and things will fall your way. 保持乐观的心态,好事自然会发生。
16.You make your own opportunities. 机会掌握在你自己手中。
17.We should learn to celebrate our difference. 学着为自己的不同而感到骄傲。
18.A million different things make us who we are. 万千经历造就了我们。
19.You're not a nobody. 你不是无名小卒。
20.Knowledge is the food of the soul. 知识是精神食粮。