1.The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. 未来属于那些相信自己命运的人。
2.Harsh advice is the most instructive. 忠言逆耳利于行。
3.Don’t wait for the world to change. Change it yourself. 不要等世界去改变。取改变世界吧!
4.The only true failure is the failure to try. 惟一真正的失败是没有去尝试。
5.Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. 无热情无以成伟业。
6.There is no challenge more challenging than improving yourself. 没什么挑战比提高自我更具有挑战性。
7.Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence. 相信是具有感染力的。不自信也一样。
8.Confidence is half victory. 自信就是成功的一半。
9.Attitude is just as important as ability. 态度和能力一样重要。
10.You are unique with special gifts; use them. 你是独一无二的,你有独特的才能。发挥他们吧!
11.We are all capable if we have faith and passion. 只要我们有信仰、有激情,我们就都是有能力的。
12.Diligence is the mother of good luck. 勤奋是好运之母。
13.If you’re doing your best, you will not have to worry about failure. 如果你尽力而为,你就不必担忧失败。
14.Those who turn back never reach the summit. 中途折返的人永远都到达不了顶峰。
15.A winner never stops trying. 成功者永远不停止尝试。
16.The first and best victory is to conquer yourself. 最重要的胜利就是战胜自己。
17.Take chances, make mistakes .That is how you grow. 去冒险,去犯错误!你就是这样成长起来的。
18.True strength flows from a healthy body and mind working in harmony. 真正的力量来自于健康身体和健康大脑的合作无间。
19.Failure is the sauce that gives success its flavor. 失败是成功的调味品。
20.Failure teaches you more than success. 失败的价值大于成功。从失败中,我们学到更多。