2. Turn your face to the right
Scientists say that the left side of our face tells it all about how and what we feel. When you are photographed, turn your face to the right to slightly hide your left side. This trick is especially useful if you know that you have felt stressed, upset or depressed lately and do not want others to know this about you. Besides this, turning your face to the side will make you look romantic, set off your cheekbone and the curve of your eyebrow. This position hides other imperfections besides negative emotions on your face. Turn your face to the right if you know that you have a broad forehead or a wide nose. People with their face turned to the right look less aggressive in the pictures even when there is no smile on their face. Before the photo session practice a bit in front of your mirror and find the pose you look best in. And think if you can improve your hair-do as well.