1. USA 美国
Freedom:**terms and conditions may apply. 自由:其形式和条件视情况而定。
2. Switzerland 瑞士
Sure we'll take your money. 当然,你的钱我们保管!
3. Australia 澳大利亚
Still ruled by a classy older lady in England because we are too distracted by the large amount of native fauna trying to kill us to declare independence. 仍然由英国女王统治,因为我们因害怕想要杀死我们而独立的大量当地动物而分心。
4. Russia 俄罗斯
Then, things got worse. 后来,一切变得更糟。
5. The Netherlands 荷兰
Looks like the sea wants to kill us again, guys. 小伙伴们,好像我们又要被海给干掉了。
6. Greece 希腊
We did a bunch of shit for mankind like 10000 years ago, now were bankrupt. 大概一万年前,我们给人类造了一些孽,现在我们破产了。
7. Canada 加拿大
We love you England, but get out. 英格兰,我们爱你,但是我们离开了你。
8. North Korea 朝鲜
All is fine. No more questions. Eternal President will lead us to victory. 一切都很好。不要再问了。不朽的领袖会指引我们走向胜利。
9. Portugal 葡萄牙
We had a huge empire, now everyone thinks we're Spain. 我们曾经统治着一个庞大的帝国,现在每个人都把我们当成西班牙。
10. New Zealand 新西兰
Lord of the rings is filmed. 《指环王》拍摄地。
11. Italy 意大利
We were really important but now we make shoes. 曾经辉煌,现在做鞋匠。
12. Austria 奥地利
Austria's greatest accomplishment is convincing the world that Beethoven was Austrian and Hitler was German. 奥地利最伟大的成就就是让世界相信:贝多芬是奥地利人,希特勒是德国人。
13. UK 英国
Had the largest empire ever, but lost due to drinking too much tea. 建立了有史以来最大的帝国,不过后来因为英国人喝太多茶就被打败了。