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生活大爆炸第二季12.The Killer Robot Instability(机器人杀手不稳定性): Howard被penny打击事件






[00:00.72]All right, that's the last servo. 好了 最后一个部件

[00:04.16]Behold the Mobile Omnidirectional Neutralization and Termination Eradicator. 人家看到的 是全方位运动 销毁终结切割器

[00:09.45]Or...MONTE. 或者 MONT-E

[00:13.44]Featuring one articulated razor-sharp killing saw,one polycarbonate grinding and flipping wheel, 装有铰接式锋利锯齿 聚碳酸脂磨刀和转动轮

[00:18.04]steel-armor plate exoskeleton top and bottom,and enough horsepower to drive a 110 pounds of mechanized death 从上到下为钢制金属板外壳 其马力足以将110磅的机械

[00:23.54]from zero to holy crap in 4.8 seconds. 彻底毁灭 只需短短4.8秒

[00:27.66]Is it wrong to say I love our killer robot? 如果说我爱我们的机器人杀手 是不是大罪过?

[00:31.44]As with my father, I both love and fear it. 跟对我爸爸一样 我既爱它又怕它

[00:35.42]All right, enough chitchat. Let's destroy something. 好了 废话少说 我们来搞点破坏

[00:38.74]1,2,3 1 2 3

[00:40.73]Okay. What shall be first to taste the wrath of Monte? 好了 让谁先来尝尝Monte的厉害

[00:43.77]************* 也许我们该从小的东西开始

[00:45.85]************** 好吧 也许今天我们最终可以搞清楚 这个魔法球里有什么了

[00:52.61]Did it when I was four. 我四岁时就做过了

[00:53.92]It's an icosahedral dye floating in tinted blue water. 是个二十面体染色物在蓝水里漂浮

[00:57.80]Man, call "spoiler alert" before you say things like that. 老兄 说之前给个"剧透"警告好吧

[01:02.12]How about the toaster oven? 烤面包机怎么样?

[01:03.98]What did the toaster oven ever do to you? 烤面包机咋得罪你了?

[01:05.92]What did I ever do to Jimmy Mullins in the third grade? 三年级时 我又咋得罪Jimmy Mullins了?

[01:08.40]He still punched me in the face with my own fists. 他照样用我的拳头朝我的脸打了一拳

[01:11.99]Sorry, you little nerd, you were just in the wrong boys' room at the wrong time. 抱歉 可爱的小呆子 你在错误的时间出现错误的房间

[01:17.21]Gentlemen, goggles. 同志们 护眼镜

[01:19.41]This is an auspicious moment. 这可是个历史性的时刻

[01:21.60]Like Robert Oppenheimer or Neil Armstrong, 就像罗伯特·奥本海默和尼尔·阿姆斯壮 (制造第一枚核武器和第一次登月)

[01:24.58]we need the appropriate words to mark this historic scientific event. 我们得编句合适的台词 来纪念这个有历史意义的科学事件

[01:30.25]How about "Die, toaster, die"? "死吧 烤面包机 去死吧!"怎么样?

[01:34.05]That'll do it. 我看行

[01:58.21]All right, what's next? 好啦 接下来砍什么?

[02:01.02]No, I think I'm just going to stay in tonight and do laundry. 不了 我今晚要呆在家里洗衣服

[02:30.03]Oh, yeah, this door got the full Monte.

[02:33.84]Leonard? 噢 耶 这门被Monte毁了

[02:35.23]What the hell?

[02:37.70]Killer robot. We built it. Leonard?

[02:39.42]Yeah, well, it almost killed me. 怎么回事?

[02:41.70]If it wanted to kill you, you'd be dead. 机器人杀手 我们造的

[02:42.99]是吗 它差点杀了我

[02:45.27]它要是想杀你 你早死了

[02:48.67]So, who exactly does it want to kill?

[02:51.38]I'm sorry, are you unaware of the upcoming Southern California Robot Fighting League Round Robin Invitational? 那么 它到底想杀谁?

[02:54.95]抱歉 难道你不知道即将举行的 南加州机器人格斗循环邀请赛?

[02:59.64]You know, since I moved last year, not all my mail has been forwarded.

[03:03.21]知道吗 从我去年搬来以后 不是所有的邮件都被转寄掉

[03:05.45]It's a big deal.

[03:07.06]There's an awards banquet and a dance afterward.


[03:10.81]Perhaps you'd like to come with me. 会有颁奖宴会还有舞会

[03:15.12]I know the other fellas would be really excited to see a girl there. 也许你会想跟我一起去

[03:19.89]How is it supposed to be a dance if I'm the only girl? 我相信其他人看见女生 肯定会很兴奋

[03:22.07]Well, that may be a slight exaggeration. 如果就我一个女生去 怎么能叫舞会呢?

[03:24.97]You'd be the only doable girl. 好吧 也许这么说有点夸张


[03:30.10]You're a pig, Howard.

[03:32.66]How is "doable" anything but a compliment? 你是头猪 Howard

[03:35.64]Howard, why don't we just work on the robot? "可以上"是在赞美你 没别的意思

[03:37.25]Please, Leonard, not now.

[03:38.41]Once again, Penny and I have begun our little tango. Howard 我们还是搞机器人吧

[03:40.82]拜托 Leonard 现在不是时候

[03:42.87]Our tango? 又一次 Penny和我开始了 我们的双人探戈

[03:44.60]The carnal repartee, the erotic to and fro.

[03:47.71]But as delicious as the appetizer might be, 我们的探戈?

[03:48.17]肉体的博弈 性欲的推拉

[03:51.07]at some point we will have to succumb and eat the entr\e while it's still... 尽管开胃菜很美味

[03:54.64]我们还是该屈从 吃下主菜 趁它还是...


[04:07.35]I'm begging you, stop talking. 热的

[04:11.00]Look, normally I can just ignore you. 求你了 不要再说了

[04:13.29]I mean, I get it-- you're a little peculiar. 听着 通常呢 我无视你就好了

[04:14.99]You know, like Sheldon.

[04:16.11]Excuse me, Penny, but in this room, you're the one who's peculiar. 我知道 你有点古怪


[04:19.68]抱歉 Penny 但是在这间屋里 你才是古怪的那个

[04:22.04]Yeah, you might be right.

[04:24.47]But back to you. 嗯 也许你说的对

[04:25.31]I know you think you're some sort of smooth-talking ladies' man,

[04:28.09]but the truth is, you are just pathetic and creepy. 但是回到你身上

[04:28.88]我知道你认为自己是个 能言善辩的少女杀手

[04:31.66]但事实是 你很可悲又恶心

[04:34.07]So what are you saying?

[04:36.90]I am saying it is not a compliment to call me "doable." 那么 啥意思呢?

[04:40.62]It's not sexy to stare at my ass and say, Ooh, 我的意思是说我是"可以上的" 根本就不是啥赞美

[04:42.93]it must be jelly 'cause jam don't shake like that. 盯着我的屁股看并说 "喔~ 这肯定是果冻"

[04:46.51]And most important, we are not dancing a tango, we're not to'ing and fro'ing. "因为果酱不会这样晃动" 一点也不性感

[04:50.70]Nothing is ever going to happen between us. Ever. 还有最重要的 我们没有在跳探戈 我们没有你推我拉

[04:54.73]Wait a minute. This isn't flirting. You're serious. 我们之间不会有什么 永远不会

[04:59.28]Flirting? You think I'm flirting with you? 等一下 这不是在调情 你在说真的?

[05:01.15]I am not flirting with you.

[05:02.51]No woman is ever gonna flirt with you. 调情? 你认为我在跟你调情?

[05:04.43]You're just gonna grow old and die alone. 我根本没有在和你调情


[05:08.00]你只会慢慢变老 孤独而终

[05:11.17]Thanks for the heads up.

[05:14.74]Howard, where you going? 谢谢你的提醒

[05:15.99]I'm going home to live my creepy, pathetic life.

[05:18.31]Howard 你去哪里?

[05:19.56]我回家继续过我的 恶心的可悲的人生

[05:23.53]Well, someone had to say it.



[05:32.35]He said maybe we should enter you in the killer robot competition.



[05:51.71]Howard, the phone is ringing!

[05:55.91]Here's a crazy idea, Ma: Answer it! Howard 电话在响!

[06:01.29]Hello? 我有个疯狂的主意 老妈 接电话如何!

[06:02.84]All right, hold on.

[06:04.46]It's your friend, Leonard! 你好?

[06:06.36]He wants to know why you're not at school today! 好的 稍等

[06:08.53]是你朋友 Leonard!

[06:11.08]I don't go to school, Ma. I work at a university. 他想知道你为什么今天没去上学!

[06:15.97]That's a school! Now pick up the phone! 我不是去上学 老妈 我在大学就职

[06:19.22]I don't want to talk to anybody. 那就是学校! 快接电话!

[06:21.15]Should I ask Leonard to bring over your homework? !


[06:25.66]I don't have homework. 要我叫Leonard把你的家庭作业带来吗?

[06:27.45]I'm a grown man with a master's degree in engineering!


[06:31.27]Excuse me, Mr. Fancy-Pants. 我是个拥有工程学硕士的大爷们

[06:34.76]Want me to get you a Popsicle? 抱歉 了不起先生

[06:36.82]Cherry, please!


[06:40.49]I ate the cherry. All that's left is green. 樱桃味的 好吧!

[06:44.37]You make me want to kill myself. 樱桃味的我吃了 只剩蔬菜味的了

[06:48.19]What's going on? 你让我真想自杀呀

[06:49.13]I don't know, now they're just yelling about Popsicles.


[06:54.28]Sounds like Penny really got to him. 不知道 他们正为冰棒问题吵呢

[06:56.22]I'm not surprised.

[06:57.13]Despite his hard and crusty shell, Howard is a very sensitive man. 好像Penny真地伤到他了

[07:00.18]Do you know he writes poetry? 我觉得不意外呀

[07:01.20]尽管Howard用坚强的外壳来保护自己 其实他是个非常敏感的人

[07:03.25]Mostly about men from Nantucket and hermits named Dave, 知道他还写诗吗?

[07:07.23]but he does it with real sensitivity. 大多是关于来自楠塔基特岛的人 和叫Dave的隐居士

[07:10.03]Hey, Hofstadter. 但他是用心去写的

[07:11.54]Word around the pwasma wab is you built a wobot?

[07:15.16]Yes, we did, Kripke. 嘿 Hofstadter

[07:16.38]His name is Monte. 等离止誓验室 谣传你们在造机器银

[07:18.39]Well, if you have any dewusions about entering him against my wobot, 对 我们造了 Kripke

[07:21.41]the Kwipke Kwippler in the Southern California Robot Fighting League Wound Wobin Invitational, 他名叫Monte

[07:22.46]如果你着梦操控他来 南加州机器银格斗循环邀请晒

[07:25.77]aka the S.C.R.F.L.R.R.I., 对抗我Kwipke Kwippler的机器银

[07:28.25]his name is gonna be Swrap Metal.

[07:31.30]Come on, is that really necessary? 又简称S.C.R.F.L.R.R.I

[07:33.72]Leonard, I believe it is. 他就该改名叫金属废物银了

[07:35.47]This is trash talk, and trash talk is a traditional component in all sporting events. 得了吧 真的非要这样吗?

[07:37.79]Leonard 看来需要的

[07:39.54]这是上场前嘴上较劲 是所有竞技的传统部分

[07:42.08]Kripke, your robot is inferior and it will be defeated by ours

[07:47.09]because ours exceeds yours in both design and execution. Kripke 你的机器人很差劲 会败在我们的脚下

[07:52.32]Also, I'm given to understand that your mother is overweight. 因为我们在设计与做工上都超越你

[07:56.39]还有 我听说你老妈是肥婆

[07:58.71]Oh, snap.

[08:01.02]Now, of course, if that is the result of a glandular condition and not sloth and gluttony,

[08:04.15]I withdraw that comment. 哇 够狠呀

[08:05.09]当然 如果是腺分泌的关系 而没有懒散和贪食

[08:06.94]What difference does it make? Fat is fat. 我收回我的批判

[08:09.00]There are boundaries.

[08:10.99]Tell you what, forget the S.C.R.F.L.R.R.I. 哪有什么区别?胖还是胖呀


[08:15.17]Wet's settle this woboto a woboto. 听好了 忘了S.C.R.F.L.R.R.I.

[08:19.41]What do you mean? 偶棉来个机器银一对一吧

[08:20.27]There's no guarantee we're gonna go against each other in the Wound Wobin,

[08:23.07]so let's throw down. 什么意思?

[08:25.15]You know, unless you're afwaid. 循环晒上我们不一定碰得上


[08:28.88]We accept your challenge. Name a time and place. 要是怕怕就算鸟

[08:31.72]Tomorrow, 3:00, the kinetics wab. 我们接受你的挑战 定个时间和地点吧

[08:33.39]Make it so.

[08:34.39]No, don't make it so. Barry, we can't fight you tomorrow. 明天 3:00 动力学实验室

[08:37.41]Our engineer is incapacitated. 就这么说定了

[08:39.67]What's wrong with him? 不 别定下来 Barry 我们明天不能和你战斗

[08:40.69]He's depressed because he's pathetic and creepy and can't get girls. 我们的工程师崩溃了


[08:45.56]We're all pathetic and cweepy and can't get girls. 他可悲又古怪 找不到女人 所以他抑郁了

[08:50.35]That's why we fight wobots. 我们都可悲又古怪 找不到女人

[08:55.01]If you're not there, you'll be exposed to widicule. 所以我们才玩机器银格斗

[08:59.80]I'm curious, what part of America is that accent from? 如果不出现 就等着当笑柄吧

[09:03.87]我很好奇 他这说的是啥方言啊?

[09:09.10]Hey, you got a minute?

[09:10.44]Yeah, come on in. What's up?

[09:13.15]- I need you to apologize to How... - Get out. 嘿 有时间吗?

[09:14.51]有 进来吧 啥事呢?

[09:16.78]Come on. Wolowitz won't come out of his house and we need him for a robot battle. - 我需要你去给Howard道... - 滚出去

[09:20.65]Well, then have the robot go and get him. 行行好吧 Wolowitz不肯出来 我们的机器人大战需要他呀

[09:23.09]The robot didn't hurt his feelings.

[09:24.77]His feelings needed to be hurt. 那让机器人找他去

[09:26.79]He's been in bed for two days. 机器人又没伤他自尊

[09:28.55]Yeah, probably with a blow-up doll. 他就是欠骂


[09:32.45]He's not with a... 那也好 可能是和充气娃娃玩呢

[09:34.04]Does it really matter who or what he's with?

[09:36.97]The guy is devastated. 他没有和...

[09:38.64]Oh, please, how could I possibly devastate Howard? 他和谁在一起玩真的重要吗?

[09:42.23]Okay, don't take this as a criticism, 那家伙崩溃了

[09:42.71]请问 我怎么可能把Howard弄崩溃?

[09:44.65]but you kind of have that overexposed-to-gamma-rays thing going on.

[09:46.30]好吧 我不是批评你

[09:48.81]What does that mean? 但你有时会发生暴露在致命的 伽马射线之下那种状况

[09:50.35]You know, like, most of the time, you're the easygoing Bruce Banner,

[09:53.37]but then, when you get angry, you kind of turn into, like, you know... 那啥意思?

[09:54.42]比如 大多数时候 你是和气的Bruce Banner

[09:57.44]但当你生气时 就好像变成了...

[10:00.37]I turn into a bear?

[10:03.28]Seriously? Gamma rays? Bruce Banner? 成熊了?

[10:05.06]You didn't get The Incredible Hulk from that?

[10:08.18]Never mind. Just, please go talk to him. 不是吧? 伽马射线? Bruce Banner?


[10:10.93]And say what? That I didn't mean it, because I meant it. 没关系 只是请你去和他谈谈

[10:14.02]Well, maybe you can go at it from a different angle, like, um, 说啥呀? 说我并不是那个意思 可我就是那个意思呀

[10:17.55]you see a glimmer of goodness in him and you only said what you said 也许你可以从另外一个角度来谈 比如 嗯

[10:22.01]because you want to nurture it and make it shine. 你在他身上看到善良的闪光点 你那天那么说只是

[10:26.08]因为你想鼓舞它 让它放大闪光

[10:30.16]Okay, let's try it this way.

[10:32.34]Remember the day that we first met

[10:33.75]and you asked me to go to your boyfriend's apartment to get your TV back 好吧 试试这个方法呢

[10:37.47]and he was nine feet tall and he took my pants off and you said... 还记得我们邂逅那天

[10:37.82]你让我去你男朋友家里 替你把电视要回来

[10:42.11]What was that? What did you say? 他有九英尺高 把我裤子都扒了 然后你说...

[10:43.85]Oh, yes. You said you owed me one.

[10:46.18]什么来着? 你说什么来着?

[10:48.16]Okay, come on, that's not fair. 噢 对了 你说你欠我个人情

[10:49.95]I came home with no pants.

[10:52.23]嗷 得了吧 这不公平

[10:54.48]Fine, I'll go over there tomorrow. 我没穿裤子就回家了

[10:57.43]Thank you. 得 我明天去一趟

[11:00.38]I should probably give you a heads up about his mother. 多谢

[11:03.52]What about her? 我该提醒你 要当心他妈妈

[11:05.18]She's a delightful woman. You'll love her.


[11:09.25]她是个讨喜的人 你会爱上她的

[11:11.35]Howard, there's a blonde girl, Patsy, here to see you!


[11:17.54]Okay, now she's saying it's Penny. Howard 有个叫Patsy的金发女郎来找你!

[11:21.66]I don't want to talk to her.

[11:24.19]Ma! 谁?

[11:25.43]She ran past me. 噢 这回她又说自己叫Penny

[11:27.29]Was I supposed to tackle her? 我不想同她说话

[11:31.53]So, I just came by to see how you were doing. 妈!


[11:35.15]I'm fine. 我应该把她扑倒?

[11:37.28]Good. Your mom seems nice. 呃 我只是过来看看你怎么样了

[11:41.51]People move away from her on the bus. 我没事

[11:44.35]很好 你妈妈看上去不错

[11:46.54]What do you want?

[11:48.99]Okay, look. Howard, I just want to apologize. 她坐公车的时候 别人都离她远远的


[11:56.06]好 听着 Howard 我是来道歉的

[11:57.70]For some things that I have said.

[12:02.59]About you.

[12:06.27]I've been informed that you have feelings. 为我说的一些话道歉


[12:11.92]And apparently, I have hurt them. 有人告诉我说你也是有感情的

[12:15.41]So, I'm sorry.

[12:19.51]Howard. 而显而易见的是 我伤害了它们

[12:22.89]Fine. You're sorry. Good-bye. 所以 我很抱歉

[12:26.14]So... you're okay? Howard

[12:28.90]Hey, I'm a big boy. 好 你很抱歉 再见了

[12:30.71]I'm not traumatized by some random comment from some random woman.

[12:33.21]那么... 你还好吧?

[12:35.32]I mean, get over yourself. 嘿 我是个大男孩

[12:37.78]我不会因为某个女人的 随意评论而受创伤的

[12:40.55]Okay. Well, bye.

[12:42.39]我是说 你别臭美了

[12:47.62]好 那么 再见了

[12:51.57]So close.

[13:00.00]Oh, my God. That's Kripke's robot? 就差一点儿

[13:03.58]As you can see, the Kwippler is weducing the Chevy Cavawier to wubble.

[13:07.07]噢 我的天呐 那是Kripke的机器人?

[13:09.43]I can't watch anymore. 如你所见 Kwippler正把这辆 雪佛兰跑车史得粉碎

[13:11.15]Sheldon, we have to call it off.

[13:12.73]We don't have that option.

[13:14.20]We've accepted the challenge.

[13:15.48]We can't run away from a fight. 我不能再看下去了

[13:16.93]Oh, please, we've spent our whole lives running away from fights. Sheldon 我们得叫停它


[13:21.50]Personally, I can squeeze through a hole in a fence half my size. 我们接受了挑战


[13:25.28]Impressive as that may be, Monte is not us. 噢 得了吧 我们不是一直 都在临阵退缩么

[13:28.83]Monte has no fear. 个人而言 我都能从比我小一半的 篱笆墙当中找个洞钻过去

[13:30.98]Sheldon, did we all not just watch the same video? 你说的可能没错 但Monte可不是我们

[13:33.35]Kripke's robot just had angry sex with a mid-sized automobile.


[13:38.21]You are overlooking the fact that we now know what we're up against Sheldon 难道我们看的不是同一个录像?

[13:40.71]and we can modify Monte so that he's prepared. Kripke的机器人刚刚虐完一辆中型汽车

[13:43.27]You want to prepare him?

[13:44.63]Install a bladder and a pair of shorts so he can wet himself. 但你忽视了一个事实 我们已经对敌人了如指掌

[13:48.96]Excuse me, but how are we going to make any modifications without Wolowitz? 所以我们可以改装Monte 让他做好迎战的准备


[13:52.48]- Have you heard from Penny yet? - Not yet. 给他装个膀胱再穿条短裤 他就可以吓得尿裤子了

[13:54.11]Have faith, gentlemen. We don't need Wolowitz.

[13:56.76]Engineering is merely the slow younger brother of physics. 抱歉 不过没有Wolowitz 我们怎么进行改装?

[13:59.55]- Penny那有信了没? - 还没

[14:01.23]Watch and learn. 打起自信来 先生们 我们不需要Wolowitz帮忙

[14:03.83]工程学只是物理学 发育迟缓的小弟罢了

[14:07.36]Do either of you know how to open the toolbox? 瞧好了 学着点

[14:12.69]And then, when I was 14, I met Marcy Grossman.


[14:18.63]She was so beautiful. 之后 在我十四岁的时候 我遇见了Marcy Grossman

[14:20.93]She just got her braces off but they left a little of the overbite.


[14:27.62]It was so hot. 她刚摘掉牙套 但还是有点龅牙

[14:31.10]Like a sexy little chipmunk.


[14:38.41]I didn't have the courage to ask her out, 就像只性感的小花栗鼠

[14:41.47]but I dedicated a song to her at the ninth grade talent show.


[14:47.03]Aw, that sounds sweet.

[14:48.57]* Marcy Grossman is sunshine * 但我在初三的才艺表演上 给她献了一首歌

[14:52.08]* On a cloudy day *

[14:54.10]喔 真贴心

[14:55.81]* When it's cold outside * * Marcy Grossman就是阴天的 *

[14:59.58]* Marcy Grossman is the month of May * * 一缕阳光 *

[15:02.44]Oh, it's cute. * 在天寒地冻时 *

[15:03.58]* I guess you'd say *

[15:08.06]* What can make me feel this way * * Marcy Grossman就是那热情的五月 *

[15:09.51]噢 真是可爱

[15:10.65]* 我猜你会说 *

[15:12.59]* Marcy Grossman, Marcy Grossman, Marcy Grossman *

[15:16.16]* Talkin' 'bout Marcy * That's great. * 什么才能让我有这种感觉 *

[15:19.66]* Grossman.* * Marcy Grossman, Marcy Grossman, Marcy Grossman *

[15:21.55]Oh, it's fun.

[15:23.96]And then she came up with that sexy little chipmunk mouth - * 谈论着Marcy * - 真棒

[15:26.73]* Grossman *

[15:28.47]and spit in my hair. 噢 真有意思


[15:34.73]Which brings us to tenth grade. 朝我头发上淬了口唾沫

[15:38.17]Howard, do you think maybe sometimes you try too hard?


[15:45.12]Look at me. Howard 你觉不觉得有时 自己太心急太过火了?

[15:47.26]What chance do I have if I don't try too hard?

[15:51.92]Well... you'd have a terrific chance. 看看我嘛

[15:54.58]I mean, you're smart, you're funny. You have a cool job. 太心急太过火 我怎么可能会有机会?

[15:57.35]You build stuff that goes into outer space.

[16:00.24]I guess. 这... 你的机会大大的有

[16:01.16]Look, I'm telling you, I've known you for, like, a year and a half 你聪明风趣 又有份好工作

[16:03.43]and this is the first time I feel like I'm talking to a real person. 你做那个飞到外太空的东西

[16:07.61]And you know what? I like him. He's a nice guy. 也是啊

[16:08.23]跟你说哦 我认识你也有一年半了


[16:13.20]You really think so? 而且你知道不 我喜欢他 他人不错


[16:16.88]I don't know.

[16:19.19]I do. 你真的这么想的?




[16:37.22]Nice little bot you've got here.

[16:38.96]I'm aware.

[16:41.47]- What's this do, spin? - Yep. At 3400 RPM.

[16:45.57]It can cut through steel like it was wubber. 你这小机器人不错嘛


[16:48.54]- 这是干嘛用的? 转齿? - 对 3400转每分钟


[16:53.06]Good work. 它切钢就像切橡皮一样

[16:54.79]Sheldon, we've got to call this off.

[16:56.90]No, Leonard. 赞

[16:58.22]For years, merciless thugs like Kripke have made my life a series of painful noogies


[17:03.08]and humiliating wedgies and the insensitively named Indian burns. Sheldon 我们要赶快取消

[17:03.97]不要 Leonard

[17:05.29]多少年了 像Kripke一样的无良恶霸 让我的生活悲惨不堪

[17:08.61]That stops now.

[17:10.17]But, Sheldon, we don't have a chance. 既被痛打又受尽凌辱 还有印第安刑 (抓住手臂来回扭以产生剧痛)

[17:11.52]The only improvement you were able to make on the robot was to put fresh batteries in the remote.

[17:16.34]What you fail to realize is Kripke suffers from a fatal flaw: 这些就此打住!

[17:17.24]可是Sehldon 我们没可能的

[17:19.84]overconfidence from his robot's massive size and its overwhelming power. 你现在能给这机器人改进的 就是给它遥控器换块新电池

[17:24.32]That's not overconfidence. That's observation. 你没发觉的是Kripke有一个致命伤

[17:27.68]Trust me, Kripke will fall easy prey to my psychological warfare. Observe. 他对机器人大体积超能量的过度自信

[17:31.39]那不是过度自信 那叫观察

[17:33.84]Kripke. 信我 Kripke很快就会倒在 我的心理战上的 观察吧

[17:36.46]I would ask if your robot is prepared to meet its maker, but as you are its maker,

[17:40.76]clearly the two of you have met. Kripke

[17:43.53]我想问下你的机器人准备好见它制作人没 不过既然你是他的制作人了

[17:46.76]What is his pwoblem? 很明显你们是见过面了

[17:50.82]Way to bust out the Jedi mind tricks, dude.

[17:55.25]I just want to make sure that we're all clear. 他脑子怎么鸟?

[17:57.05]Standard robotic fighting league rules apply. 学绝地武士心理战还差得远 伙计

[18:00.01]Are you cwazy? This is a stweet fight.

[18:02.66]The stweet has no rules. 我只是想确认下我们说好了

[18:04.85]He's right, Leonard. The paradigm is to the death. 按照标准机器人格斗联盟规则

[18:07.37]I will, however, give you the opportunity to concede my superiority now 你是疯了不成? 这是个街战


[18:11.62]and offer me your robot as the spoils of war. 他说得对 Leonard 一直到死为直

[18:15.38]Never. 不过我现在给你们个机会承认 我是比你们优越

[18:16.56]I'd rather see Monte dead than in your hands.

[18:18.88]That could be easily arranged. 然后把你的机器人给我当战利品

[18:21.49]Ready, set, go? 永远都没可能!

[18:23.16]Do it. 我宁愿Monte死都不要落到你手里

[18:24.42]All right then. Weady. Set. Go.




[18:32.75]Come on, Sheldon, you got this. 那好吧 预备 开始

[18:33.92]Indeed. We are prepared for anything he can throw at us.

[18:39.82]来吧 Sheldon 你可以的

[18:40.99]当然 我们做好了万全准备 他怎么对我们都不怕

[18:45.11]That's new.

[18:46.85]- Run, Monte, run! - Go, Monte!

[18:51.39]- Monte! - Go, go, go, go! 这招是新的

[18:53.92]- 逃啊 Monte! 逃! - 闪啊 Mont!

[18:56.48]Don't hurt us, don't hurt us, don't hurt us!

[18:58.46]- Monte! - 跑! 跑! 跑! 跑!

[19:05.02]Well, so much for making up for the emotional wounds of childhood. 别伤害我们! 别伤害我们! 别伤害我们!

[19:11.21]I did this.

[19:12.92]Monte was killed by my hubris and my pride.

[19:16.23]No matter what anybody says, this is my fault. 好了 弥补儿时心灵创伤就到此为止了

[19:18.54]No one's arguing with you, dude.

[19:21.56]I got your text. How bad is... Oy. 是我干的


[19:26.11]Forget the robot. What happened to you? 不管别人怎么说 这都是我的错

[19:29.52]He slipped and fell. 又没人在跟你争

[19:30.82]Yes, I slipped and fell. In the bathroom. 我收到你短信了 它有多烂... 噢

[19:35.15]Bounced right off the tub. 先别管那机器人了 你是怎么了?

[19:38.21]Yes, now he knows what bathtubs are capable of doing when you don't treat them with respect. 他不小心滑倒了

[19:40.69]是 我不小心滑倒了 还是在浴室里


[19:45.01]They sucker punch you when your eyes are closed. 被浴缸弹起来了

[19:49.52]So what do you think, Howard? 对 现在他知道了 如果他不尊重浴缸的话 浴缸会给他好看的

[19:51.53]It's not that bad, right? 那是

[19:54.10]Oh, no. A little electrical tape, some solder... Are you insane? 趁你闭眼时就给你一拳

[19:59.05]I've seen space probes that crashed into the desert that were in better shape than this. 你觉得怎样 Howard?

[20:01.40]也不算很烂 对吧?

[20:04.93]You're right. Monte's gone. 噢 不算 用点电线包布 一些焊剂... 你是疯了还是怎样?!

[20:08.09]We'll bury him in the morning. A simple ceremony. I'll speak. 太空探测器坠毁在沙漠都比这死相好看

[20:11.92]Leonard, you'll play your cello.

[20:15.04]Sheldon, honey, aren't you getting a little carried away? 你说得对 Monte走了

[20:17.20]I mean, it's just a toy robot. 我们明早去埋了它 做个简单的仪式 我来主持

[20:21.78]Just a toy robot? Leonard 你要拉你的大提琴

[20:24.91]Sheldon 亲爱的 你是不是有点走火入魔了?

[20:27.07]我是说 这不就是个机器人嘛


[20:30.96]I know, I got it. 不就是个机器人嘛?

[20:33.32]Sheldon, I'm sorry.

[20:38.69]Well, don't get the wrong idea. Penny

[20:40.26]The way I see it, I'm halfway to pity sex. 我知道了 这就去


[20:50.13]在我看来 她很快就会因为同情 然后跟我做爱了

[20:53.77]<#00FFFF>天才理论传 第二季 第12集 完


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