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生活大爆炸第二季07.The Panty Pinata Polarization(Panty Pinata极化): Sheldon和penny杠上了事件





[00:09.43]Time! 时间到!

[00:10.31]All right,Klingons, pencils down. 好咧 克林贡小盆友们 停笔 (Klingon 人类发明的外星语言)

[00:14.91]Okay,I have "pokh." 好吧 我做出来"Pokh"

[00:16.39]- Have it. - Got it. - 一样 - 也有

[00:18.38]"Potl." "Potl"

[00:18.93]- Yup. - Have it. - 没错 - 我也是

[00:20.47]"Pukhpa." "Pukhpa"

[00:21.07]- Have it. - Got it. - Yup. - 一样 - 也有

[00:22.82]I have "chorrr." 我做出来"Chorrr"

[00:23.71]- Got it. - Yup. - 有 - 对

[00:24.23]- "Nekhmakh." - Yeah. - "Nekhmakh" - 没错

[00:25.39]And "kreplach." 还有"Kreplach"

[00:27.38]- Hold on a second. "Kreplach?" - Yeah. - 等会儿 "Kreplach"? - 是啊

[00:29.44]That isn't Klingon; it's Yiddish for meat-filled dumpling. 这哪是克林贡语 这是依地语 指肉馅饺子 (Yiddish 犹太人使用的国际语)

[00:33.22]Well,as it turns out, it's also a Klingon word. 这样是没错啦 但它也是克林贡语单词噢

[00:35.93]Really? Define it. 真的假的? 啥意思来着

[00:37.50]"Kreplach": A hearty Klingon... dumpling. "Kreplach"意思是丰满的克林贡饺子

[00:42.60]- Judge's ruling? - Bilurrrbe. - 裁判怎么说? - Bilurrrbe(不对)

[00:46.98]Hey,guys,I need to use your TV. 嘿 小伙子们 我要用下你们的电视机

[00:48.99]What's wrong with your TV? 你的电视机咋了?

[00:50.20]I don't know. It just died. I'm getting a bunch of static. 不晓得呢 开出来一片雪花 都是噪音

[00:52.71]Did you pay your cable bill? 你交了有线电视费没?

[00:54.55]Ugh,you sound just like the cable company. 呃 你是收有线电视费的咩

[00:57.57]All right,so,shh! Tyra Banks is about to kick someone off America's Next Top Model. 嘘! Tyra Banks要踢掉一个美国超模了

[01:01.70]- Excuse me,Penny, but we're... - No,no,don't tell her. - 抱歉 Penny 我们在... - 别告诉她

[01:03.69]playing Klingon Boggle. 玩克林贡语拼词游戏

[01:07.05]What do you mean,"Aw"? Like she didn't know we were nerds? 你"嗷"是啥意思? 好像她不知道我们是群呆子一样

[01:10.62]All right,if you must watch, then mute it with closed captions,please. 好吧 如果你非看不可 就开静音看字幕好了噢

[01:14.16]Fine. 成

[01:18.79]All right,Boggle warriors... kapla'! 好咧 拼词小将们 Kapla!(开始啦)

[01:30.10]Look at those women. 瞧瞧那些女人

[01:33.03]They're gorgeous. 真漂亮

[01:34.29]"Worf," nice! Too bad that's a proper noun. "Worf" 赞! 可惜那是个专有名词

[01:38.90]Oh,look,there's the future Mrs. Wolowitz. 噢 瞧啊 那不是未来的Wolowitz太太嘛

[01:42.41]No,wait,that'sthe future Mrs. Wolowitz. 不 等会儿 那才是未来的Wolowitz太太

[01:44.95]With her head in the lap of... Oh,what a coincidence. 她的头正巧... 噢 哪有这么巧

[01:47.10]It's the future Mrs. Wolowitz. 这就是未来的Wolowitz太太

[01:50.26]Yeah,and they can all move in with you and your mother. 没错 她们都能搬来同你和你妈一起住

[01:55.13]The current Mrs. Wolowitz. 现任Wolowitz太太

[01:59.38]Is "qochbe'" spelled with a (gargling) or a (guttural grunt)? "Qochbe"怎么拼来着? 咳嗽音还是咕哝音?

[02:04.54]Why is that Mrs. Wolowitz crying? 那个Wolowitz太太为啥哭了?

[02:07.42]That's Anais. None of the other girls in the house like her. 那个是Anais 那屋子没人喜欢她

[02:10.38]House? What house? 屋子? 啥屋子?

[02:13.06]They all live in a house together. 她们同居一处屋檐下啊

[02:14.59]A house,where? 哪儿哪儿?

[02:16.82]I don't know. Somewhere in L.A. 我不知道呢 洛杉矶某处吧

[02:19.09]Wait a minute. 等等

[02:24.54]You're telling me that I'm within driving distance of a house filled with aspiring supermodels? 你是说我距一幢满是 热辣超模的屋子仅仅几步之遥?

[02:31.65]Yeah,I guess. 没错 我猜是这样

[02:33.80]And they live together and shower together and... 而且她们同住还同浴还...

[02:38.86]have naked pillow fights? 赤果果滴用枕头打闹?

[02:43.77]Hey,wh-where are you going? 嘿 你上哪儿去?

[02:45.14]To pay my cable bill. 还是去交有线电视费吧

[02:48.73]All right,pencils down! 好咯 停笔!

[02:51.47]I have "lokh," "makh," and "cherrrkh. " Anybody got those? 我做出来"Lokh" "Makh" "Cherrrkh" 你们做出来没?

[03:28.72]Did I miss anything? Did they kick Giselle off? 我错过啥好戏没? Giselle有没被淘汰?

[03:31.91]Not yet, but her underwater photo shoot was an embarrassment. 还没 可她的水下照可真囧

[03:36.34]Sadly,Mrs. Giselle Wolowitz is sensitive to chlorine. 真桑心啊 Giselle Wolowitz太太对氯过敏

[03:41.55]Lucky for her I like my fashion models pruny and bug-eyed. 她还真走运 我就喜欢傻傻的暴眼模特

[03:46.73]Sheldon,the food's here. Sheldon 吃的买来了

[03:48.48]Ooh,there's the house. Freeze frame, freeze frame. 噢 就是这栋房子 定格 定格

[03:57.40]What are you doing? 你干嘛呢?

[03:58.24]Marking the star positions and physical landmarks so we can find the house of the supermodels. 把星星的位置和地标拓下来 这样我们就能找到超模之家了

[04:04.81]Why? 找那干啥?

[04:05.79]Isn't it obvious?Every week,they kick out a beautiful girl, 不明摆这嘛 每周都有个漂亮姑娘被淘汰

[04:08.80]making her feel unwanted and without self-esteem. 使她感到被人嫌弃 无地自容

[04:13.67]A.k.a. the future Mrs. Howard Wolowitz. 她就是...Howard Wolowitz他未来太太

[04:18.31]- Is my hamburger medium well? - Yes. - 汉堡五分熟? - 是的

[04:19.96]- Dill slices,not sweet? - Yes. - 加了不甜的莳萝片? - 是的

[04:21.52]- Individual relish packets? - Yes. - 独立调味包? - 是的

[04:22.98]- Onion rings? - Yes. - 放了洋葱圈? - 是的

[04:23.92]- Extra breading? - I asked. - 多加一块面包没? - 我问了

[04:25.15]- What did they say? - No. - 他们怎么说? - 没门

[04:26.25]- Did you protest? - Yes. - 你抗议没? - 当然

[04:27.40]- Vociferously? - No. - 大声嚷嚷着? - 没有

[04:28.54]Well,then what took you so long? 那咋还那么久咧?

[04:32.64]Just eat. 吃你的吧

[04:34.79]Hey,guys,what'd I miss? What'd I miss? 嘿 小伙子们 我错过啥没? 我错过啥没?

[04:36.66]Giselle's hanging by a thread. Giselle命悬一线

[04:38.42]Oh,good,I hate her. 噢 真棒 我讨厌她

[04:41.01]Then you're not invited to our wedding. 那你可参加不了我们婚礼了

[04:44.87]- Here you go. - Thank you. - 这是你的 - 多谢

[04:46.36]Oh,do we have to suffer through this transparently manipulative pseudo-reality again? 噢 我们又要忍受这 这明显人为操纵的伪真人秀?

[04:50.71]Yes. 是啊

[04:52.41]You and I have a standing TV schedule, which is the result of extensive debate and compromise. 我们有份固定电视节目表的 那可是咱论战和妥协的产物啊

[04:56.88]Any alterations except for breaking news have to be pre-approved at the weekly roommate meeting. 除爆炸新闻外的一切变更 需提前经由每周室友会议批准

[05:03.11]Put it on the agenda. 那提上议事日程吧

[05:04.18]genda. 提上议事日程前你得提出动议啊

[05:06.24]Oh,I'll make a motion, but you're not going to like it. 好 我会提出动议的 可你不会喜欢的

[05:10.77]Fine. Mock Parliamentary procedure. 好呀 还藐视议会程序

[05:13.51]At least put it on mute. 至少开静音吧

[05:16.29]Oh,Giselle's not getting kicked off. It's totally going to be Summer. 噢 Giselle淘汰不掉了 肯定是Summer了

[05:22.83]What? 咋了?

[05:23.41]Sheldon's onion ring. Just put it back! Sheldon的洋葱圈 快放回去!

[05:25.69]- It's one onion ring. - Just put it back before he comes! - 不过是个洋葱圈 - 趁他还没回来 快放回去!

[05:29.44]No,no,no! No,I don't think that's where it was. 不不不! 好像不是那位置吧

[05:30.83]Okay,here he comes. Deny,deny,people. Wall of silence. 好吧 他回来了 抵赖 抵赖哦 全部装木头人

[05:39.41]- Who touched my... - Penny! Penny did it. - 谁碰了我的... - Penny! 是Penny干的...

[05:44.67]Why would you do that? 你为何要这样做?

[05:45.98]I don't know. I was hungry? What's the big deal? 不知道啊 我饿了? 有啥要紧的么?

[05:48.27]The big deal is that nobody touches food on my plate. 要紧的是没人能碰我盘子里的食物

[05:52.16]All right. Look, I didn't know,I'm sorry. 好吧 听着 不知者无罪 对不起

[05:53.85]Well,I'm sorry,but that is your second strike. 得 我很抱歉 但你已经二振了

[06:00.09]What? 啥?

[06:00.98]You have two strikes. 你已经二振了

[06:03.33]Three strikes and you're out. 三振就出局了

[06:06.91]It's a sports metaphor. 体育比喻呗

[06:09.90]- A sports metaphor? - Yes,baseball. - 体育比喻? - 对呀 棒球知道不

[06:15.14]All right,yeah. I-I'll play along. What was my first strike? 好 就算这么说 我何时被一振的?

[06:17.78]March 18th. You violated my rule about forwarding email humor. 3月18日 你坏了我发电邮幽默的规矩

[06:23.33]I did? 有吗?

[06:24.17]The photo of the cat who wants to "has cheezeburger"? 想"乞"芝士汉堡的猫的图片?

[06:28.58]Oh,come on. Everybody loves "LOL cats." 不是吧 大家都喜欢"欢乐猫"

[06:31.41]They're cute and they can't spell 'cause they're cats. 可爱 写字又写不对 因为是猫猫嘛

[06:37.16]I trusted you with my email address, and you betrayed that trust by sending me Internet banality: strike one. 我信任你 才给你邮箱地址 你却给我发些网络俗物:一振

[06:44.33]Touching my food: strike two. 碰我的吃的:二振

[06:48.37]Don't worry. They only stay on your record for a year. 没事的 污点只会记录一年的

[06:52.12]You can get them removed early, but you have to take his class. 你也可以提前解禁 但得听他的训导

[06:56.81]Come on,I touched one onion ring. 不是吧 我只碰了一个洋葱圈

[06:59.69]Yeah,and then you put it back, compromising the integrity of all the other onion rings. 但你又放回去了 危害到其余所有洋葱圈

[07:05.26]Oh,honey,the buses don't go where you live,do they? 小可怜 你住的地方公交都不敢路过 对吧?

[07:11.84]Look,Penny,I wish I could be more lenient with you, Penny 我也想对你慈悲为怀

[07:13.92]but since you've become a permanent member of our social group, 但既然你要在我社交圈常驻

[07:16.21]I have to hold you to the same standards as everybody else. 我必须对你一视同仁了

[07:19.33]Congratulations. You're officially one of us. 恭喜正式入伙

[07:23.11]One of us,one of us. 入伙万岁 入伙万岁

[07:27.35]Well,what a thrill. 多振奋人呀

[07:29.57]You're sitting in my spot. 你坐我位置上了

[07:30.53]Oh,jeez,you've got to be kidding me. 天呀 你不是吧

[07:32.65]Leonard,she's in my spot. Leonard 她占人家位置啦

[07:34.02]Yeah,yeah. Uh,see, here's the thing. 嗯 嗯 事实上

[07:37.51]After you leave,I still have to live with him. 你走了 我还得和他一起过日子呢

[07:42.43]I don't care. I'm taking a stand. Metaphorically. 管我鸟事 我坚定立场 比喻哦 不是真立起来

[07:47.50]All right,that's it. Strike three. 别怪我无情 三振出局了你

[07:50.48]Ooh,strike three. 怕怕的三振

[07:54.32]I'm banished? What the hell kind of crap is that? 驱逐我? 哪门子鬼话?

[07:57.52]Listen,don't worry. I'll talk to him. 没事的 我会和他谈谈的

[07:59.84]Yeah,you do that. 最好那样

[08:00.74]Just so I know,would you be open to taking his class? 我想知道 你有可能听他训导吗?

[08:08.29]You can do it online! 网上也成呀!

[08:12.44]So based on our triangulation, we've narrowed down the location of theTop Modelhouse to three square miles in the Hollywood Hills. 根据三角测量 超模之家搜索范围 已缩小到好莱坞山的3平方英里

[08:19.04]Or possibly Durham,Noh Carolina. 也可能是北卡洲的达勒姆

[08:22.18]When we find it, you want to go with us? 要是找到了 和我们去吗?

[08:24.39]To do what? 去干什么?

[08:25.79]Party with the pretty girls, dude! 和美女们狂欢呀 老兄!

[08:28.96]Are you insane? 脑子进水了吧?

[08:29.95]You're not going to party with them. 还跟她们狂欢呢

[08:31.48]You're not even going to get anywhere near that place. 你们都不能靠近那里

[08:33.69]That's what they said to Neil Armstrong about the moon. 阿姆斯特朗登月前 人们也这么说

[08:37.43]No one said anything of the kind to Neil Armstrong. 根本没人说阿姆斯特朗什么

[08:39.76]The entire nation dedicated a decade of effort and treasure to put a man on the moon. 全国用进十年的努力和资金 将他送上月球的

[08:44.22]Well,my fellow Americans, before this year is out, we will put a Wolowitz on one of America's top models. 我的美国朋友们 今年之内 我们将送Wolowitz登陆美国超模

[08:51.99]And a large number of people will believe it never happened. 大多数人都会觉得你白日梦

[08:56.80]Okay,let me guess. 我看看

[08:58.05]A quesadilla with soy cheese for the lactose-intolerant Leonard. 不爱乳糖的Leonard要豆奶干酪玉米饼

[09:01.27]Thank you. 谢谢

[09:01.91]Shrimp Caesar salad with no almonds for the highly allergic kosher-only-on-the-high-holidays Howard. 只在犹太大节吃合食的Howard 因为过敏 要不加杏仁的恺撒沙拉虾

[09:07.69]And for our suddenly "back on the Hindu wagon" Raj, the meatlover's pizza, no meat. 突然回归印度风俗的Raj 至尊肉披萨 不含肉

[09:14.05]Coming right up. 马上来

[09:15.64]Wait. Excuse me. 等下

[09:17.00]You forgot my barbecue bacon cheeseburger, barbecue sauce, bacon and cheese on the side. 你忘了我的 照烧培根芝士汉堡 烧烤酱 熏肉 芝士要放边上

[09:21.89]Oh,I didn't tell you? 没告诉你吗?

[09:23.55]You're banished from the Cheesecake Factory. 你被我们店驱除了

[09:27.21]Why? 凭啥?

[09:28.22]Well,you have three strikes. 你被三振出局了

[09:31.00]One: coming in. Two: sitting down. And three: I don't like your attitude. 第一次: 进来 第二次: 坐下 第三次: 烦死你的态度了

[09:35.74]You can't do that. 你无权这么干

[09:36.87]Not only is it a violation of California state law, it flies directly in the face of Cheesecake Factory policy. 不仅触犯了加州法律 还极大的违反了你们的店规

[09:42.31]Yeah,no,there's a new policy: No shoes,no shirt, no Sheldon. 不 新规定--衣冠不整者和Sheldon不得入内

[09:47.85]I bet we could sell that sign all over Pasadena. 我打赌这标语在帕萨迪纳各处 都能买个好价钱

[09:52.82]Penny,can I talk to you for a minute? Penny可以过来谈下吗?

[09:59.19]Well,here's the thing. 是这样的

[10:00.06]Um,I talked to Sheldon and he feels terrible and he agrees 我和Sheldon谈过了 他也不好受

[10:05.62]that he was unreasonable and out of line. 他也觉得自己无理取闹 有些过分了

[10:08.34]Really? Well, that's great. 真的?很好呀

[10:09.65]Yeah,so just apologize to him,okay? 就给他道个小歉嘛?

[10:13.58]What? I'm not going to apologize to that nutcase. 啥?老娘才不给那疯子道歉呢

[10:15.99]Oh,come on. It's easy. He'll even tell you what to say. 别呀 很简单的 他甚至会指导你该咋说的

[10:20.16]Leonard,don't you get it? Leonard 你不明白吗?

[10:21.18]If you guys keep going along with his insanity, you're just encouraging him. 如果你们老对他的无理让步 会助长他的嚣张

[10:24.29]We're not encouraging. It's more like... knuckling under. 不是纵容呀 更像是...屈服淫威

[10:29.56]Look,I like hanging out with you guys, but I'm not going to apologize for something I didn't do. 我很喜欢和你们玩 但我不会为莫须有的罪名道歉

[10:33.53]Well,actually,technically, you did do it. 其实 理论上说 你干过的

[10:38.17]That's strike one,Leonard. 一振警告你 Leonard

[10:41.72]There you go: quesadilla. Salad. There's your pizza. 来了 玉米饼 沙拉 还有披萨

[10:46.66]And thanks to Sheldon's heated discussion with my manager one barbecue bacon cheeseburger, Sheldon和经理激昂争辩换来的 照烧培根芝士汉堡

[10:51.27]barbecue sauce,bacon and cheese on the side. 烧烤酱 熏肉 芝士 放边上了

[10:54.73]Thank you. 谢谢你

[10:57.05]Go ahead. Eat it. 试试看 吃呀

[11:03.44]I dare you. 看你敢不

[11:14.59]That's it. There's the house. I foundAmerica's top models! 找到了 就这房子 我找到全美超模了!

[11:18.75]Are you sure? 确定吗?

[11:19.65]Look,on the roof. Anais and Giselle are sunbathing. 看屋顶 Anais和Giselle在日光浴

[11:24.08]European-style. 欧式的

[11:27.11]You can recognize people on Google Earth? 你能在谷歌地球上认出人来?

[11:29.14]Of course not. I got a buddy of mine at NORAD to have a spy drone fly over. 肯定不行的 我让北美防空司令部一哥们 开无人驾驶飞机拍的呗

[11:34.70]NORAD? You're using military aircraft? 防空司令部? 你在用国防航行器?

[11:37.39]It was already targeted to poke around a nuclear reactor in Siberia. 已经设定搜寻西伯利亚的核反应堆了

[11:41.25]I took it an hour out of its way,tops. 我最多半路借用一个小时

[11:45.68]Okay,where is he? 他在哪儿?

[11:46.79]Sheldon? I just dropped him off at the comic book store. Why? Sheldon? 我刚把他送到漫画书店了 干嘛?

[11:49.94]Here. Try and go online. 试试看 上网

[11:52.16]- Problem with the WiFi? - Just try. - 无线网坏了? - 试下就知道

[11:55.08]Greetings,hamburger toucher. 你好 汉堡亵渎者

[11:58.63]You are probably wondering why you cannot IM with your little friends about 可能你很纳闷咋不能和 你的密友们网聊了呢

[12:02.82]how much you "heart" various things. 无法倾诉你多么"心水"啥啥啥了

[12:06.34]This recorded message is alerting you that I am putting an end to your parasitic piggybacking upon our WiFi. 这段信息是通告你 蹭我们网上的日子结束了

[12:13.77]If you want to remedy the situation, you can contact the phone company, 如果你想补救的话 可以给电话公司联系下

[12:17.62]set up your own WiFi and pay for it,or you may apologize to me. 自己花钱安无线网络 或者呢 向我道歉哦

[12:25.82]Well? 如何?

[12:27.04]I reiterate: knuckle under. 还是那句 屈服吧

[12:29.59]No,no,no,no,no. It is on. I am gonna introduce your friend to a world of hurt. 不 不 不 不 我卯上了 我要让他见识下悲惨世界

[12:33.64]Oh,Penny,you don't want to get into it with Sheldon. Penny 别和Sheldon过不去

[12:36.38]The guy is one lab accident away from being a supervillain. 这家伙可是出个啥实验室意外 就会变成超级恶人的苗子

[12:41.36]I don't care. I was in junior rodeo. 老娘不管 我参加过初级牛仔竞技

[12:42.81]I can hogtie and castrate him in 60 seconds. 一分钟以内 我就可以捆它四肢 阉割完毕

[12:47.82]No need to neuter the nerd. I can get you back online. 不需要把那书呆子变太监 我能让你上上网

[12:51.63]There,see? Problem solved. 瞧? 问题解决了

[12:56.03]Voil. 搞定

[12:57.30]Hello,puny insects. 好哇 卑鄙小人们

[13:01.23]As a consequence of your efforts to circumvent my will, everyone is awarded one additional strike. 作为违背我意愿的惩罚 每人额外奖励一振

[13:09.76]Thanks a lot,Howard. 真是多谢你了 Howard

[13:11.47]What are you complaining about? I'm the one who has to take the class again. 你抱怨个屁? 我可是又要上课听训的说

[13:24.90]Hello. 你好

[13:27.85]Time to do your laundry,huh? 洗衣时间 啊哈?

[13:30.44]It's Saturday night. 今天是星期六

[13:31.83]Saturday is laundry night. 周六晚是洗衣时间

[13:34.22]I know. 我知道

[13:35.73]Every Saturday at 8:15. 每个周六晚上8:15

[13:38.53]Easy to anticipate. 地球人都知道

[13:43.38]What are you implying? 你在暗示什么?

[13:44.95]I'm implying that you're a creature of habit. 我暗示你是个习惯性动物

[13:47.99]And if something were to prevent you from doing your laundry on Saturday at 8:15, 如果有状况阻止你在周六晚的8:15洗衣服

[13:52.40]you might find it...unpleasant. 你会...不开心哟

[14:02.55]Knuckle under? My ass. 看谁屈服

[14:11.88]Oh,no,are all the machines taken? 噢 不 所有的洗衣机都满了?

[14:18.25]What are you gonna do? 你该怎么办呢?

[14:21.30]No problem. 没关系

[14:22.82]I'll just do my laundry another night. 我改天晚上再洗

[14:26.89]Another night? Well,I guess you can try, but deep inside your heart, 改天晚上? 你嘴上这么说 但内心深处

[14:31.51]you'll know that laundry night is always Saturday night. 你知道周六晚上才是洗衣时间

[14:40.54]Woman,you are playing with forces beyond your ken. 小妹妹 你这点小伎俩可别玩过火了

[14:44.69]Yeah,well,your ken can kiss my Barbie. 是吗 你伎俩高明来拍我马屁呀

[14:52.46]Sheldon. Sheldon! Sheldon. Sheldon Sheldon! Sheldon!

[14:59.71]Yes? 咋了?

[15:01.56]Where are my clothes? 我的衣服在哪里?

[15:02.98]Your clothes? 你的衣服?

[15:04.13]Yes,I left them in the washers and when I went down to get them,they were gone. 是的 我留在洗衣机里的 我再下去拿时 它们不见了

[15:07.45]Really? 真的?

[15:08.54]Despite the sign that says "Do not leave laundry unattended"? 你难道没看警告 "别让衣物离开你的视线"?

[15:13.54]Sheldon,where are my clothes? Sheldon 我的衣服在哪里?

[15:15.38]You know,I do recall seeing some female undergarments. Where was that? 知道吗 我好像看到过一些 女人的内衣哟 在哪里呢?

[15:20.61]Oh,yes... Earlier this evening, I happened to gaze out the window and a brassiere caught my eye. 噢 有了...今晚早些时候 我无意往窗外看 一个胸罩映入我眼帘

[15:29.42]Do those look familiar? 那些看起来眼熟吗?

[15:31.79]How the hell did you get them up on that telephone wire? 你他妈怎么把它们弄到电话线上去的?

[15:35.27]When you understand the laws of physics,Penny, anything is possible. 当你懂得物理原理的时候 Penny 一切皆有可能

[15:40.89]And may I add: mwuh-ha-ha. 请容我加一句 哇-哈-哈

[15:45.83]- Get them down. - Apologize. - 把他们弄下来 - 先道歉

[15:47.43]Never. 休想

[15:48.06]Well,then may I suggest you get a very long stick and play panty pi帽ata. 那么我建议你找根竹竿 慢慢挑吧

[15:53.61]Look,wait,Sheldon,this has gotten out of hand,okay? 听着 等等 Sheldon 这是太离谱了 好吗?

[15:56.41]I've done some stupid things. 我做了些傻事

[15:57.96]You've done some stupid things. 你也做了些傻事

[15:59.20]How about we just call it even and move on with our lives? 我们算扯平了 就此收手 继续过日子怎么样?

[16:01.56]I've done no stupid things. 我才没有干傻事呢

[16:03.02]Look,you've got to meet me halfway here. 听着 你多少得让点步吧

[16:04.63]I am meeting you halfway. 我已经让步了

[16:05.86]I'm willing to concede that you've done stupid things. 我都愿意承认你干了傻事了

[16:10.97]Hey,you guys are talking again. Good. 嘿 你们又说话了 很好哇

[16:16.84]What happened? 发生了什么事?

[16:18.91]Leonard,rember when I said it was on? Well,now it's junior rodeo on. Leonard 还记得我说过要开战吗? 好吧 现在是阉牛时间

[16:24.43]Oh,not junior rodeo. 噢 表这样子啦

[16:28.90]What did you do? 你干了什么?

[16:30.27]I had no choice, Leonard. 我没的选 Leonard

[16:31.79]She ruined laundry night. 她破坏了洗衣之夜

[16:50.47]Telephone wires can't electrocute you,can they? 电话线不会电人的吧?

[16:54.39]No. Look,this has to stop. 不会 听着 不能再荒唐下去了

[16:56.33]Oh,no,no,no. It is just beginning. 噢 不 不 不 好戏才刚开始呢

[16:58.61]All right,I really didn't want to do this,but... here. 好吧 我真的不想这么干 但是...给你

[17:06.56]What's this? 这是什么?

[17:08.85]Sheldon's Kryptonite. Sheldon的死穴

[17:13.37]Oh,my God. 噢 天哪

[17:17.03]He can never know that I gave that to you. 死都不能让他知道是我给你的

[17:19.50]Look,I said I wanted to hurt him,but... but this? 听着 我说过要给他点颜色看 但...但这个?

[17:25.87]It'll shorten the war by five years and save millions of lives. 这能缩短5年的战争 还能拯救数百万苍生

[17:33.97]Oh,pause it. That's it. Confirmed. 噢 暂停 就是它 对头

[17:36.15]We now have the address of theTop Modelhouse. 我们找到了超模之家的地址

[17:40.46]God bless you,Google Street View registered trademark. 上帝保佑你吧 谷歌街景

[17:45.76]Okay,for the record, what you're doing is really creepy. 好吧 说真的 你们让人心里发毛

[17:48.59]You know what? If it's "creepy" to use the Internet, military satellites, 如果"心里发毛"是指用网络 军用卫星

[17:52.70]and robot aircraft to find a house full of gorgeous young models 和无人驾驶飞机 找到装满美貌年轻的模特的房子

[17:56.13]so that I can drop in on them unexpectedly, then fine,I'm "creepy." 然后让我来个意外到访的话 那好吧 我是让人"心里发毛"

[18:05.74]Hello. Yeah,hold on a second. I'll get him. 喂 好的 等等 我叫他来接

[18:08.90]Sheldon,it's for you. Sheldon 你的电话

[18:10.81]- Who is it? - Your mother. - 谁打来的? - 你老妈

[18:12.34]Oh,good. 噢 很好

[18:14.67]Hi,Mom. How are you? 嗨 妈妈 你好吗?

[18:18.59]But,Mom... she keeps sitting in my spot. 但是 妈妈...她总坐人家位子嘛

[18:25.50]And-and she touched my food. 还有-还有她碰了我的食物

[18:28.97]Okay,yes,I took her clothes, but she started it... 好吧 是的 我拿了她的衣服 但是她先开火的...

[18:32.82]No,that's not fair. 不 这不公平

[18:36.95]Why should I have to apologize? 为什么要我去道歉?

[18:39.55]Yeah,I really don't think this is the kind of thing Jesus concerns himself with. 我不认为耶稣会管这等闲事

[18:44.58]No,you're right. I don't really know what Jesus thinks about. 不 你说的对 我真的不知道耶稣在想什么

[18:48.36]All right,good-bye. 好吧 再见

[18:54.35]Did you tell on me? 是你告的密?

[18:55.87]Are you kidding me? I already have two strikes. 开什么玩笑? 我都已经二振了

[19:05.34]Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny Penny Penny

[19:12.05]I am very,very sorry for what I have done. 非常非常抱歉 为我的行为道歉

[19:15.37]Here's your laundry. 这是你的衣服

[19:16.71]I rescind your strikes and you are no longer banished. 我废除了你的记录 你不再被驱逐了

[19:21.75]Can I sit wherever I want? 我想坐哪就坐哪了不?

[19:26.23]Never mind,never mind. That's,that's not important. 没事 没事 这个--这个不重要

[19:29.82]Sheldon,this was big of you. Thank you. I really appreciate it. Sheldon 你真的很宽宏大量 谢谢你 我很感激

[19:32.69]Thank you. 谢谢

[19:34.49]- Good night,Sheldon. - Penny... - 晚安 Sheldon - Penny...

[19:37.24]- Yes? - Well played. - 啥? - 你有一手

[19:43.54]Thank you. 谢谢

[19:44.51]Just rember: with great power comes great responsibility. 但请记住 能力越大 责任越大 (出自<蜘蛛侠>)

[19:51.74]Understood. 明白


[20:08.82]Can I help you? 我们是来修有线电视的

[20:10.19]Yes,we're here to fix the cable. 我想我们装的是卫星的

[20:13.76]I think we have satellite. 我说的就是卫星

[20:17.32]That's what I meant. 好吧 请进

[20:20.65]Okay,come on in.


[20:27.86]She's taller than all the women in my family combined.


[20:33.72]What do we do now?



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