It was as clear as daylight then that burglars had forced an entry during her absence.Her first impulse was to go round all the rooms looking for the thieves, but then shedecided that at her age it might be more prudent to have someone with her, so shewent to fetch the porter from his basement. By this time her legs were beginning totremble, so she sat down and accepted a cup of very strong tea, while he telephonedthe police.
7.It was as clear as daylight then that burglars had forced an entry during herabsence.
语言点2:force an entry的意思是“强行闯入。”
8.Her first impulse was to go round all the rooms looking for the thieves, but then shedecided that at her age it might be more prudent to have someone with her, so shewent to fetch the porter from his basement.
9.By this time her legs were beginning to tremble, so she sat down and accepted acup of very strong tea, while he telephoned the police.
语言点1:strong tea的意思是“浓茶。”
语言点2:telephone the police的意思是“给警察打电话”,telephone在这里作动词。