When she camein with the last course -- a huge pudding -- she tripped on the carpet and the puddingwent flying through the air, narrowly missed my aunt, and crashed on the dining tablewith considerable force. Though this caused great mirth among the guests, AuntHarriet was horrified. She reluctantly came to the conclusion that Bessie was drunk.
22.When she came in with the last course-a huge pudding-she tripped on the carpetand the pudding went flying through the air, narrowly missed my aunt, and crashedon the dining table with considerable force.
语言点:flying through the air是夸张修辞格。
23.Though this caused great mirth among the guests, Aunt Harriet was horrified.
24.She reluctantly came to the conclusion that Bessie was drunk.
语言点:reluctantly come to的意思是“不得不认定”,其语气比have to要委婉得多。