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新概念英语第二册逐句精讲语言点 第52课(3)




Lesson52 A pretty carpet

We have just moved into a new house and I havebeen working hard all morning. I have been trying toget my new room in order. This has not been easybecause I own over a thousand books.To makematters worse, the room is rather small, so I havetemporarily put my books on the floor. At themoment, they cover every inch of floor space and Iactually have to walk on them to get in or out of theroom. A short while ago, my sister helped me tocarry one of my old bookcases up the stairs. Shewent into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those books on the floor.'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some timethen added, "You don't need bookcases at all. You can sit here in your spare time andread the carpet!"


7、She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those books on thefloor.



语言点2:get a big surprise大吃一惊

8、"This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,"she said.


语言点:本句中形容词最高级prettiest修饰carpet,而修饰carpet的定语从句I have ever seen前省略了引导词that。

9、She gazed at it for some time then added, "You don,t need bookcases at all. Youcan sit here in your spare time and read the carpet!"


语言点:gaze at = stare at =focus on 盯着看


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