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[00:01.00]Previously on Lost: "迷失"前情提要...
[00:02.40]- Let me ask you something. - Anything. 我问你点事儿
[00:04.24]How'd you know Claire was drowning? 随便问吧 兄弟
[00:18.88]Claire! Claire!
[00:21.36]I could hear her calling for help. 我听到她在求救
[00:24.16]You hear the lightning as well? 你也能听到闪电袭来?
[00:41.32]I wasn't saving Claire, Charlie. I was saving you. Charlie 我不是在救Claire
[00:46.16]When I saw the lightning hit the roof, you were electrocuted. 当我看到闪电击中蓬顶的时候 你被电死了
[00:51.32]And when you heard Claire was in the water, you... 当你得知Claire在水里的时候 你...
[00:55.04]You drowned trying to save her. 在救她时淹死了
[00:57.92]I've tried, brother, I've tried twice to save you, but... 兄弟 我尽力了 我尽全力救了你两回 但不管我怎么努力...
[01:01.40]No matter what I try to do...
[01:05.40]...you're gonna die, Charlie. Charlie 你还是要死
[01:20.48]You're insane, mate. 老兄 你是疯了吧
[01:22.16]Superman can fly around the entire planet in the blink of an eye. 超人能在眨眼之间环绕地球
[01:26.56]Dude, if we're going by a pure foot race, 伙计 如果纯粹是步行赛的话 超人会被闪电侠远远甩在后面
[01:29.44]Supes would get dusted by the Flash.
[01:31.32]Why would the Man of Steel agree to a sodding foot race? 但是为何钢铁战将同意步行赛呢?
[01:35.48]For charity. 为了慈善?
[01:37.52]And Flash would totally win, because he can vibrate through walls and stuff. 闪电侠能完胜 因为他能震动着穿过墙壁和障碍物
[01:41.68]Vibration! Whatever would Superman do if he came up against a wall? 喔 震动
[01:46.12]Well, no smashing allowed. 不准破坏
[01:48.48]No flying, no smashing... Any other restrictions I need to know about? 不准飞 不准破坏
[01:52.16]Perhaps we should fit Superman with a pair of kryptonite... 也许我们该给超人配个氪石... (氪石:会让超人失去他所具有的超能力)
[01:57.36]What the hell? 什么鬼东西?
[02:03.64]Charlie! Charlie!
[02:06.44]- Don't touch it! - Oh, my God. Oh, my God! - 不 不要!别碰 - 噢 天啊
[02:08.40]Just breathe... 呼吸 呼吸 听到吗?
[02:10.32]Don't try to talk. We've got to get him back. 看上去像是自制的 我们得把它拔出来
[02:12.52]- No! You help! - I can't help! - 不 你帮帮他! - 我帮不了他!
[02:16.36]I'm sorry, mate. 兄弟 对不起
[02:35.78]在这儿 在这儿
[02:40.00]Superman can fly around the entire planet. 超人能绕地球飞一圈...
[03:13.64]Hey! Where's the wire? 嘿
[03:17.72]You eat those mushrooms Jack warned us about? 你是不是吃了 那些Jack警告我们别吃的蘑菇?
[03:20.12]Listen to me. There's a wire, a cable, buried in the sand. 听着
[03:25.36]Do you know what I'm talking about? 你知道我在说什么吗?
[03:27.84]- This is future crap, isn't it? - The cable! Do you know where it is? 又是你的预测 是吗?
[03:29.30]这电缆 你知道在哪儿吗?
[03:32.76]- This is important. - Why? 这至关重要
[03:37.64]Superman. 超人
[03:44.48]Because someone's coming. 因为有人即将到来
[04:37.60]God tests our faith in many ways. 上帝通过很多渠道来检验我们的信念
[04:40.16]As you well know, we have our own test here. 正如你所知的 我们这儿也有自己的检验
[04:43.92]A vow of silence that lasts as long as we see fit. 只要我们觉得合适 沉默的誓约能永远长存
[04:48.12]This challenges both one's patience and his faith. 这不仅挑战了人的毅力 还有信念
[04:54.08]For some it may last a week, 对某些人 可能要持续一周时间
[04:57.24]those we're less sure about, a month. 那些我们难以确定的可能需要一个月
[05:01.16]Personally, Desmond, Desmond 我个人以为你不会撑过...
[05:03.48]I never thought you'd last.
[05:07.84]And so now I stand corrected. 现在我承认自己有错
[05:11.36]For whatever reason, your path has led you here. 不管为了什么原因 你的人生之路指引你到了这里
[05:17.84]And now you're one of us. 现在你是我们中的一员
[05:23.16]Welcome, brother. 欢迎 兄弟
[05:25.60]Thank you... brother. 谢谢 兄弟
[05:36.52]Morning, Jack. Jack 早上好
[05:42.00]Must be nice to wake up in your own bed. 在自己的床上醒来肯定感觉不错
[05:44.40]Yeah. Home sweet home. 没错 家 温暖的家
[05:48.40]Listen, I was wondering if I could borrow your first aid kit. 我能借用你的急救箱吗?
[05:53.08]I've twisted my ankle. 我...扭了脚
[05:59.92]- You want me to take a look at it? - No, you're all right. - 要我看看吗? - 不用了 谢谢
[06:03.28]- I've taped my share of ankles. - Right. - 我已经包扎过了 - 好的
[06:11.08]Thanks. 谢谢
[06:15.00]Something wrong, Hurley? Hurley 有什么不对劲吗?
[06:17.08]No, just keeping Desmond company... 没有 只是...
[06:23.64]...because we're friends. 因为我们是朋友
[06:27.52]- Bring that back when you're done. - Absolutely. - 用完了还给我 行吗? - 没问题
[06:32.92]What the hell was that? Do you want him to get suspicious? 你讲的是什么鬼话?
[06:36.12]Suspicious of what? 怀疑什么?
[06:39.36]This is like when you knew Claire was drowning. 比如你知道Claire要淹死 是吗?
[06:41.72]That's why you got the first aid kit, someone's gonna get hurt. 这就是你要急救箱的原因 有人要受伤了吧
[06:44.96]- Is it me? - No. This is just a precaution. - 是我吗? - 不 仅仅是以防万一
[06:47.72]Look, dude, you want me to take you to the wire, I want an explanation. 听着 伙计 你不是要我带你去找电缆吗?
[07:00.44]I saw a sequence of events. Things that are gonna happen. 我看到了事情的发展过程 那些即将发生的事情
[07:05.12]- What'd you see? - It was like a jigsaw puzzle. 你看到了什么?
[07:06.80]类似拼图玩具 只是我没有那盒子上的全图
[07:10.52]Only I didn't have the picture on the box,
[07:13.00]so I don't know how the pieces fit, exactly. 所以我不知道怎么正确的拼起来
[07:15.28]One of the pieces, the first one... 但是里面的一块图 第一块...
[07:20.80]It was you pulling the cable out of the sand. 就是你把电缆从沙子里拉了出来
[07:26.36]So what're the other pieces? 那其他部分呢?
[07:28.40]If I tell you that, it'll change the picture on the box. 如果我告诉你的话 盒子上的全图会发生变化
[07:31.96]So what? Isn't that the point? Preventing something bad? 那又怎么样?
[07:37.32]Not this time. 这回不是
[07:38.68]So you're not trying to stop something from happening. 这么说你不准备阻止那事情发生
[07:42.80]You actually want it to happen? 你其实想让它发生
[07:54.80]More than anything. 这才是最重要的
[08:06.00]Hey, Freckles, you home? 嘿 雀斑女 你在吗?
[08:08.84]Thought you weren't allowed to use nicknames. 你好像不被允许叫别人绰号吧
[08:11.36]You weren't around when I lost the bet, so you're... 我赌输的时候你不在场 所以你不算
[08:25.32]- What's up? - I wanted to ask you something. 怎么了?
[08:29.24]Yeah? 什么事?
[08:32.52]I'm up here. 我人在这儿呢
[08:39.12]Did you tell him?
[08:40.84]Did I tell who, what? 告诉谁?
[08:42.64]You know, did you tell the doc about you and me? 你知道
[08:50.68]No. But he knows. 没 不过他知道
[08:54.36]He saw us on one of their surveillance monitors. 他在监视器里看到我们了
[08:56.88]- You said the camera was broken. - Well, they had another camera. 你不是说那个镜头坏了?
[09:00.60]Those perverts. 那群变态的
[09:02.64]Anyway, he knows. 不管怎样他知道了
[09:05.80]Well, now that that's out of the way... 既然大家都知道了
[09:09.80]How about a little afternoon delight? 不如来点午后刺激?
[09:15.76]- That means sex. - I know. 我说做爱
[09:17.60]Come on, Freckles, wait! 等等 雀斑女
[09:19.76]- You need me to make you a mix tape? - Yeah, why don't you do that. 要我给你混盘带子吗?
[09:21.56]好啊 为什么不
[09:30.72]Dude, you're gonna have to tell me again. 老兄 再告诉我一遍
[09:33.00]- What do we need Jin for? - Because he was there with us. 我们要Jin干什么
[09:36.60]On the beach, when I find the cable. 海滩上 我发现电缆的时候?
[09:40.08]This way. 朝这里 对了
[09:41.16]Here it is! 对
[09:42.36]- That's right. - In one of your puzzle flashes. 在你的那些拼图式的闪念里?
[09:50.40]So if he doesn't come, 那么 如果他不来 那个神秘人也不会来了?
[09:53.48]then neither does the "someone" you won't tell me anything about.
[09:57.04]That'd be the long and short of it. 基本上就是这样
[10:02.04]But I have no bloody idea how I'm gonna get him to come with us. 真不知道怎么让他和我们一起走
[10:06.16]Watch the master. 看我的
[10:14.04]- Camping? - Yeah, sleeping under the stars, - 露营? - 是的
[10:15.68]海滩上生个火 嚼着棉花糖 躺着看星星
[10:17.60]a fire on the beach...
[10:22.20]Camping. 露营
[10:30.64]- Yes. - Everybody likes marshmallows. 好
[10:34.20]Good man. Get food, water... 好极了 带上水和吃的
[10:37.80]- Where are you going? - We need one more. 你去哪里?
[10:42.92]How daft do you think I am? 你以为我很蠢吗?
[10:45.24]This isn't a camping trip. You've had another vision, haven't you? 这不是去野营
[10:48.56]你又预见什么事了 对吧?
[10:52.44]What was it this time? 这次怎么回事?
[10:56.24]Someone's coming to the island. 有人要来这个岛
[10:58.88]"Coming?" As in someone who's not already here? 要来?
[11:01.80]How is that gonna happen? 到底怎么回事?
[11:05.12]I can't tell you. 我不能告诉你
[11:08.84]It's got nothing to do with me? 这难道和我没关系?
[11:10.52]Well, you're a part of it, as are Jin and Hurley. 你也是其中一员 和Jin Hurley一样
[11:13.52]Right, but with all due respect, 对 无意冒犯 不过你之前并没告诉Jin和Hurley他们会死
[11:15.12]you haven't previously told Jin or Hurley that they're gonna die.
[11:21.32]Well, that's not gonna happen. Not this time. 不会死的 这次不会
[11:31.32]Can I bring my guitar? 我能带吉他去吗?
[11:34.00]Absolutely. 当然
[11:37.32]All right, I'm in. 好 我也去
[11:40.08]You had me worried for a second. 我刚才有点担心
[12:11.48]This is it! 就是这里
[12:15.20]Well, how can you tell? 你怎么知道?
[12:16.96]That's where I followed the wire into the jungle. 我就是在这里沿着电缆走进丛林的
[12:20.16]Where is it then? 它在哪里?
[12:25.16]Way to go, dude! 干得好 老兄
[12:30.20]Here it is! 在这儿
[12:34.48]Here it is! 信号灯就在斜坡的这边
[12:37.24]Just one thing. Last time I followed this wire into the jungle, 不过…那次我沿着这根缆线走进丛林时
[12:40.36]I almost got kebabbed by one of Rousseau's spiky deathtrap things. 差点被那些Rousseau的长钉机关串成肉串
[12:47.12]We're not going into the jungle. Well, not yet. 我们不到丛林里去 还不到时候
[12:50.04]It's getting late. So we'll camp here the night. 天黑了 今晚就在这里露营
[12:54.36]Camp. 露营
[12:59.32]So when do they get here? 他们什么时候来? 你那些神秘人物
[13:01.92]Your mysterious someone?
[13:05.16]Soon. 快了
[13:14.80]You do realize you are free to talk again, Brother Desmond. 你现在可以轻松的说话了 Desmond兄弟
[13:20.96]Used to being quiet, I suppose. 以前总是沉默吧
[13:24.60]Moriah. Moriah葡萄园
[13:27.16]I find the name the brothers have chosen for the wine made here... 教友们给这里的葡萄酒取的名字…真有意思
[13:32.44]...interesting. - And why is that, brother?
[13:35.44]Well, Moriah is the mountain where Abraham was asked to kill Isaac. 为什么?
[13:35.56]Moriah是座山的名字 上帝让亚伯拉罕杀死儿子以撒的地方
[13:40.36]It's not the exactly the most festive locale, is it? 不是很喜庆的地方吧?
[13:43.96]And yet God spared Isaac. 但是上帝原谅了以撒
[13:46.72]Well, one might argue that God need not have asked 可能有人会说上帝用不着让亚伯拉罕
[13:49.80]Abraham to sacrifice his son in the first place. 牺牲自己的儿子
[13:53.52]Then it wouldn't have been much of a test, would it, brother? 那样就不叫考验了 对吗?
[13:57.20]Perhaps you underestimate the value of sacrifice. 也许你低估了牺牲的价值
[14:01.20]Brother Desmond, I met this man down by the gates. Desmond兄弟 Desmond兄弟
[14:04.72]Says he needs to have a word with you. 我在门口碰到这个人 他有话和你说
[14:12.76]Sorry, sir. 对不起
[14:22.88]Forgive me, brother. 原谅我
[14:40.36]- Hey. - Hey. 嗨 嗨
[14:44.20]- The oatmeal's awesome. - It is, huh? 麦片很好吃啊
[14:50.20]- It's strange, huh? - What's that? 很奇怪吧?
[14:54.04]Being back. Not looking for a way out of a cage. 怎么了?
[14:54.12]回来了 不再想方设法逃出笼子
[14:59.32]Not finding a reason to go running off into the jungle again. 不再因为这事那事一次次再冲进森林
[15:03.24]I almost don't know what to do with myself. 真不知道该做什么事
[15:06.44]Well, enjoy it. I'm sure something will go wrong soon enough. 享受这种乐趣吧
[15:14.32]Well, my big, dangerous adventure for tonight 今晚最冒险的事是要去海里洗盘子
[15:18.40]is gonna be doing the dishes... in the ocean.
[15:22.48]- Be careful. - I'll try. - 小心点 - 我会的
[15:27.80]- Can I borrow that spoon? - Yeah. - 我用下勺子好吗? - 好
[15:38.04]Thanks. 谢谢
[15:47.40]- Good night. - Yeah, good night. 晚安 晚安
[16:17.60]What, my doorbell busted again? 我的门铃又坏了?
[16:21.72]- What the hell are you doing? - Shut up and don't talk. 你要做什么?
[16:34.68]- You crying? - I said shut up. - 你哭了? - 不要说话
[16:44.24]You got it. 好吧
[17:36.88]Dude, I love the part about the bird. There was a bird, right? 老兄 我喜欢小鸟的那段
[17:40.80]- You. - Me? OK... 那是小鸟 对吧?
[17:44.08]Have you heard the one about the Chupacabra?
[17:47.48]Chupa? 怪兽?
[17:49.00]Yeah, it's like this bear with spines, but Mexican... 对 象一只浑身长刺的熊 但是墨西哥人……
[17:52.76]Thanks. 谢谢
[17:56.08]Who's that? 那是谁?
[18:05.04]Her name's Penny. 她叫Penny
[18:07.28]That's not bad, Des. Not bad at all. 长得真不错
[18:10.16]So how did you manage to leave her behind and come here? 你怎么离开她来这儿的?
[18:16.48]Because I'm a coward. 因为我是个懦夫
[18:18.92]Sorry. 对不起
[18:21.92]You and me both, pal. 你和我都是
[18:25.56]You know, I tried to run away from her, and she tracked me down. 我想逃避她 但是被她找到了
[18:30.64]"With enough money and determination, you can find anyone," she said. 她说 只要有钱有决心 什么人都能找到
[18:37.04]I used to get through my nights thinking that she actually meant it, 我曾经整晚想着她的话 她说她不会放弃
[18:41.88]that she never gave up.
[18:45.32]That, maybe, she spent the last three years... 也许这三年她一直在...
[18:49.28]...looking for me. 找我
[18:59.64]What's that? 那是什么?
[19:13.00]- Is that a helicopter? - Rescue! 直升飞机?
[19:23.88]Is that how a helicopter's supposed to sound? 那该是直升飞机的声音吗?
[19:28.28]No. 不
[19:49.64]We gotta go out there. - 我们得去那里 - 去那里?
[19:50.88]- Out there? - Well, yeah. - 对啊 - 为什么?
[19:52.72]- In what? - Well, we gotta do something! 我们得采取行动
[19:57.12]Look! - 看 - 看
[20:13.72]Oh, my God. 天哪
[20:21.88]- Pallet? - Nah, dude. It's not a food drop. 不是 伙计 不是空降食物
[20:24.12]You saw the beacon thing. Someone, like, ejected. 看见拿到光了吧
[20:26.80]But that was a helicopter. You can't eject from a helicopter. 但那是架直升机啊
[20:30.04]Well, maybe they jumped. All that matters is that they're here. 那就是他们跳下来了
[20:33.56]They? How do we even know it's a person? "他们"? 谁知道是不是人?
[20:35.52]Because he said "someone" was coming. 因为他说了"有人"要来
[20:40.28]- Where're you going? - Out to where it fell. Let's go. 你去哪里?
[20:43.96]No. Whoa, slow down. We're not going into the jungle 快 我们走
[20:43.96]别 喂 慢点
[20:47.16]- in the middle of the night. - Yes, we are. 我们可不要大半夜的到丛林里去闯逛
[20:49.92]Were you even listening to Hurley when he mentioned Rousseau's deathtrap? Hurley提到Rousseau的致命陷阱时 你没有在听吗?
[20:53.64]It's gonna be light in two hours, we'll wait... 再过两个小时就天亮了
[20:56.12]- She can't wait! - "She?" - 我们等到... - 她不能等
[20:59.12]They! Whoever it is, could be hurt. 她?
[21:02.88]We have to go, all four of us. Now. 我们四个得走 马上
[21:05.08]Why? 为什么?
[21:06.44]Because that's the way it's supposed to happen. 因为这事本应发生
[21:11.72]Right, well, I guess it's supposed to happen without me. 是吗? 那看来这事本应发生 但我不会参与
[21:32.32]We'll leave at first light, then. 那么天亮立即动手...
[21:36.52]Together. 一起
[21:40.04]Terrific. 好极了
[21:49.32]Is your sister in? 你姐姐在吗?
[21:52.84]Leave. Now. 走开
[21:57.52]Let him be, Derek. 别这样 Derek
[22:05.40]Hello, Ruth. 你好 Ruth
[22:11.32]So you're a monk now, are you? 那你现在是个修道士了啊?
[22:12.80]Well, technically, I'm still a novice till the Abbot says... 理论上我还是个新手 但是院长说
[22:16.32]Why are you here, Desmond? 你来干吗 Ddesmond?
[22:20.40]Now that my initiation's done... 既然本意已达 呃...
[22:24.32]I felt like I owed you an explanation. 我觉得还歉你一番解释
[22:27.08]Desmond, you could never begin to explain what you did. Desmond
[22:33.52]You left one week before the wedding. 你在婚礼前一周离开
[22:35.60]Everything was planned, bought and paid for. 万事俱备
[22:38.20]You just disappeared completely. 你却全然消失
[22:40.96]I had a calling. 我收到了召唤
[22:42.92]We dated for six years and the closest you ever came 我们相恋了六年
[22:44.60]期间你最接近宗教体验那次 还是因为凯尔特人队赢取冠军杯!
[22:46.44]to a religious experience was Celtic winning the Cup.
[22:49.72]Look, yes, I was scared about the wedding. 听着...
[22:50.24]是的 婚礼这事是我退缩了
[22:53.40]So I had a few pints too many maybe, and I... 也许当时我喝多了...
[22:58.56]I raised my eyes and I asked, 我抬起眼
[23:01.64]"Am I doing the right thing?" 自问 "我在做正确的事吗?"
[23:04.92]And that's the last thing I remember. 这是我记得的最后一件事
[23:07.76]When I woke up, I was lying on my back in the street, 然后我醒过来
[23:11.48]and I don't know how I got there. 却不知道怎么会到那儿
[23:13.52]And there was this man standing over me, Ruth. 然后有个人站在我身前 Ruth...
[23:17.68]And he reached out his hand and he said to me, 他伸出手问我 "需要帮助吗 兄弟?"
[23:22.52]"Can I help you, brother?"
[23:24.80]And the first thing I noticed was the rope tied around his waist. 然后我第一眼就注意到他腰间绑着的绳子
[23:27.76]我看着他 然后...
[23:29.56]I looked at him and I knew. I knew I was supposed to go with him. 我明白了
[23:36.64]I was supposed to leave everything that mattered behind... 我注定要抛下...
[23:43.36]Sacrifice all of it for a greater calling. 全部都牺牲掉
[23:51.52]Well, it's a good thing a bloody shepherd didn't help you up, 幸好不是什么该死的牧羊人(指耶稣)帮了你
[23:55.24]or I suppose you'd be off with the sheep, wouldn't ya? 要不然你就得在羊群里混了 是吧?
[24:00.84]Next time you want to break up with someone, Des, don't join a monastery. 下次和别人分手时 Des
[24:07.20]Just tell the girl you're too bloody scared. 只要告诉她 你这混账是害怕了
[24:19.76]You a doctor or a carpenter? 你到底是医生还是木匠?
[24:21.28]What, your dad never taught you to use a hammer? 怎么 你爸爸没教过你怎么用锤子?
[24:24.76]No, my dad taught me how to drink. 没有 我爸倒是教会了我喝酒
[24:27.12]Well, it's something. 至少那也算是样本事
[24:31.24]Hope I'm not interrupting. 我没有打扰你们吧?
[24:34.00]You two arguing over who's your favourite Other? 两口子争论谁更喜欢谁呢?
[24:36.56]What do you want, Sawyer? 你想干吗 Sawyer?
[24:39.00]What I wanted, Doc, was to inform you 我 我想干的是...医生
[24:40.92]there's been developments since you were AWOL. 告诉你自从你擅自离职以来 事态有些进展
[24:45.40]So tell me... 告诉我
[24:50.16]How's your backhand? 你的反手抽击怎么样?
[24:54.52]Where'd you get the table? 你哪搞来的桌子?
[24:56.00]Don't you recognize it? Fell out of the purple haze after the hatch went blammo. 你没认出来吗?
[25:01.24]If we don't play every 108 minutes, the island's gonna explode. 如果我们不每隔108分钟玩一次
[25:07.16]Finally. Something I can beat you at. 总算有我能击败你的地方了
[25:11.76]You know, considering I haven't played since I was 12, 要知道 考虑到我从12岁起就没再玩过
[25:14.72]I wouldn't be too proud. 这没啥好骄傲的
[25:18.16]What is that, 18 point? 多少了 18分?
[25:22.16]It's kinda strange, huh? Being back. 回来...
[25:27.48]Something funny? 很好笑吗?
[25:29.72]Kate said the same thing in the kitchen last night. 呃 Kate昨晚在厨房说了一模一样的话
[25:33.60]- She did, huh? - She did. 是吗?
[25:38.84]Nineteen point. 19分
[25:44.24]So you guys ate together, huh? 那你们一起吃饭的啊?
[25:46.28]No, Juliet and I had dinner together last night. 不是 昨晚我和Juliet一起吃的晚饭
[26:00.08]- Best two out of three? - You got it. 三局两胜?
[26:07.88]- So what's next? - Next? 接下来怎么办?
[26:10.36]Yeah, you saw the wire, the flashy thing falling out of the sky... 是啊 你看到了电线 空降下来的闪光物
[26:13.72]Now what? Maybe I can help you find... 接下来呢?
[26:15.76]That's it. There is no "next." - 也许我能帮你找找... - 够了
[26:19.00]We find the beacon. 我们找到那信号灯
[26:20.80]- Why are you lying to me, mate? - Look, mate... 伙计你为什么骗我?
[26:22.00]听着 伙计 到现在我已经救了你三次命
[26:23.92]I've saved your life three times now.
[26:25.92]If that hasn't bought me your trust, don't know what will. 如果这样还不够让你信任我 我不知道怎样才行了
[26:30.32]Let's move. 快走
[26:41.00]Dude, seriously, I'm gonna have a coronary. 伙计...
[26:42.28]真的 我要累出心脏病来了
[26:44.28]Actually, you're not. And if you don't get a move on, 不 你没有 如果你再不动的话
[26:46.92]- we're not gonna make it... - Hey! Look at this! - 我们就不能在黄昏之前到那里 - 嗨
[26:53.20]Can't be Rousseau's. If it was Rousseau's, 肯定不是Rousseau的
[26:55.48]a massive rock would be flying at my head right now. 要不然应该会有块大石头砸到我头上才对
[26:59.96]Don't move. 别动
[27:01.04]- What are you doing... - Don't move. - 你干吗? - 别动
[27:10.92]Did that come down with the flashing red light thingy? 这是和那闪光物一起掉下来的吗?
[27:15.00]约瑟夫 海勒: 第22条军规
[27:17.24]Walkie-talkie? 对讲机
[27:20.88]No, dude, that's a satellite phone! 不 那是卫星电话
[27:27.44]- Crap. It's dead. - Shocker. 糟糕 没电了
[27:37.12]Oh, my God. 我的天
[27:39.08]Is that you? 那是你吗?
[27:45.16]Then who is she? 那她又是谁?
[27:47.76]That would be Penny. 她就是Penny
[28:06.84]- What's this? - Your mix tape. 这是什么?
[28:13.92]Well, you gonna take it, or ain't ya? 你到底要不要拿去啊?
[28:17.88]The Best of Phil Collins, huh? "菲尔柯林斯精选"?
[28:19.68]Don't get picky. And if Bernard asks, 别吹毛求疵
[28:22.56]- I don't know a thing about it. - Thanks, James. 如果Bernard问起来 就说我什么都不知道
[28:24.04]谢谢 James
[28:27.24]So why'd you jump me last night? 你昨晚为什么对我那么主动?
[28:30.52]What? 什么?
[28:31.92]Because you saw the doc hanging out with Juliet? 是因为你看到医生和Juliet呆在一起?
[28:36.80]- It is not like that. - It's not? 不是那样的
[28:41.36]You ain't gotta use me, Freckles. All you gotta do is ask. 别想要利用我 雀斑女
[28:56.88]- You think it's her, don't you? - Who? 你觉得是她 对吗?
[29:01.76]Your girl, Penny. 你的女朋友Penny
[29:05.12]You think it's actually her who bailed out of the helicopter. 你觉得从直升机里出来的是她
[29:08.68]Earlier I hoped it. 原先我希望如此
[29:10.68]Now I know it. 此刻我知道如此
[29:16.40]Why didn't you tell us? 你为什么不早点告诉我们?
[29:18.32]- Would you've come if I had? - Of course. Why wouldn't I? 我说了你们还会来吗?
[29:23.80]I didn't want to tell you because... 我原先不告诉你们是因为...
[29:27.00]...I didn't want anything to change. 我不想改变什么
[29:29.64]Fair enough. 那好吧
[29:31.48]Look, if whatever you're seeing leads to your girl getting us rescued, 听着 要是你的猜测能让我们得救
[29:35.12]why would we want to change anything? Right? 我们干吗要改变什么?
[29:39.00]Right. 对
[29:48.20]Right. 对啊
[29:54.80]Thanks for the heads-up about bringing an umbrella, dude. 多谢提醒我们带雨伞了 老兄
[30:06.96](凯尔特人队歌) It's a grand old team to play for
[30:14.12]and it's a grand old team to see
[30:18.80]and if you know your history
[30:22.96]Brother Desmond... Desmond兄弟?
[30:25.00]What are you doing? 你在干吗?
[30:27.28]Well, I believe I'm getting pissed on our lovely wine. 看来我是被这美酒迷倒了
[30:32.72]That bottle of our lovely wine fetches over a hundred quid. 这瓶美酒值一百多镑
[30:37.00]We've only bottled a 108 cases this year. 今年只灌了108箱
[30:40.68]It's just as well we've taken a vow of poverty then, isn't it? 就像我们做了贫困宣言一样 对吧?
[30:43.96]We've also taken a vow of charity. 我们也起了博爱宣言
[30:48.88]Aye. 对啊
[30:59.20]Something tells me, Desmond, that you're not cut out to be a monk. 我有种感觉 Desmond 你六根尚未清静
[31:03.68]Well, you know, I've had a tough week. 要知道 我这一周...很不顺利
[31:13.12]I'm sorry for the wine. I'll take the penance. 对于喝酒我很抱歉
[31:18.72]I'm afraid you're beyond penance, Desmond. 恐怕对你来说忏悔远远不够 Desmond
[31:22.32]Brother Desmond. Desmond兄弟
[31:25.08]Not anymore. 不再是了
[31:29.68]Are you... Are you firing me? 你...你是在开除我?
[31:31.68]I am indeed. 的确如此
[31:35.16]You can't do that. I heard the call. 你不能这么做
[31:37.64]I'm sure you did hear the call. 我听见了召唤
[31:39.32]But the Abbey, clearly, isn't where you're meant to end up. 但这修道院显然不是你落脚的地方
[31:42.56]I have little doubt that God has different plans 我隐约觉得上帝对你的安排不止是个修道士 Desmond 他对你有更大的计划
[31:45.28]than you being a monk, Desmond. Bigger plans.
[31:48.00]Oh, I'm sure he does. 是啊 他当然有
[31:49.32]He does. You've just spent too much time running away 他的确有
[31:53.36]to realize what you may be running toward.
[32:08.48]Hey! 嗨
[32:14.36]What am I supposed to do now? 那我现在该怎么办?
[32:17.64]Whatever comes next. 随遇则安
[32:33.04]Who's Penny? Penny是谁?
[32:34.84]She's a chick Desmond used to date. 他是Desmond以前女朋友
[32:37.20]Now he thinks she fell from the sky. 他现在觉得她从天上掉了下来
[32:39.24]So we're gonna go save her life, and she's gonna get us rescued. 所以我们要去救她 然后她就能拯救我们
[32:47.96]Even if I spoke Korean, it wouldn't make any sense. 老兄 就算我会韩语 你也听不明白的
[32:50.72]Hey, we'll move faster if we stop talking. She might be hurt. 嗨 少废话 快赶路
[32:54.96]I'm moving as fast as I can. 她可能受伤了
[32:56.96]In case you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly the Flash. 提醒你一下 伙计 我可不是闪电侠
[33:00.16]The Flash is pathetic. 闪电侠太逊了
[33:02.56]You got something against the fastest man alive? 你对史上最快的人有意见吗?
[33:05.80]You're insane, mate. 你疯了 伙计!
[33:06.92]Superman can fly around the entire planet in the blink of an eye. 超人能在眨眼之间环绕地球
[33:10.56]Dude, if we're going by a pure foot race, 伙计 如果纯粹是步行赛的话 超人会被闪电侠远远甩在后面
[33:12.88]Supes would get dusted by the Flash. 但是为何钢铁战将同意步行赛呢?
[33:14.80]Why would the Man of Steel agree to a sodding foot race?
[33:18.16]For charity? 为了慈善?
[33:19.68]Flash would totally win, because he can vibrate through walls and stuff. 闪电侠能完胜 因为他能震动着穿过墙壁和障碍物
[33:23.32]Vibration! And what would Superman do if he came up against a wall? 哦 震动
[33:26.76]Well, no smashing allowed. 不准破坏
[33:30.68]No flying, no smashing. 不准飞 不准破坏
[33:32.96]Any other restrictions I need to know about? 还有什么其他限制要我知道的?
[33:36.88]Perhaps we should fit Superman with a pair of kryptonite ballet slippers. 也许我们得让超人穿上 一双氪星材料做的芭蕾舞鞋...
[33:43.36]What the hell? 什么鬼东西?
[33:45.96]Charlie, duck! Charlie 快闪!
[33:59.12]Dude... 老兄
[34:11.20]This way. 这边
[34:13.76]No, the beacon fell this side of the rise. 不 那东西落到山脉的那边
[34:16.00]No, there! 不 那边
[34:18.00]How about we split up? Me and Charlie will go that way. 分头行动怎么样?
[34:20.80]You and Jin go around, and we'll meet up at that ridge over there. 我和Charlie去那边 你和Jin走另外一条路
[34:24.04]You and Jin. I'll stick with Desmond. 呃 你和Jin
[34:37.84]You said "duck." 你让我"快闪"
[34:39.88]- Sorry? - You shouted "duck." 什么?
[34:44.08]You knew, even before we set off. You knew all this time, didn't you? 你知道的 在我们出发前就知道
[34:46.44]- 你一直都知道的 不是吗? - 是啊
[34:48.12]- Aye. - Why didn't you say anything? 既然如此你为何一言不发?
[34:50.36]If I'd told you the truth, you wouldn't have come. 因为告诉你事实 你就不会来了
[34:52.84]And you needed me to come... because I was part of your vision. 你需要我来 因为我在你的预言里出现
[34:56.32]You thought the way you could get your girl was if I took an arrow in the head. 你认为唯一救回你女朋友的方法 是往头上射根箭
[35:01.20]- You were gonna sacrifice me! - If the flashes don't happen 你本打算牺牲我
[35:04.36]exactly how I saw them, the picture changes. 场景有变化
[35:09.16]I was supposed to let you die, Charlie. 我本该让你死的 Charlie
[35:11.32]- What's that supposed to mean? - It means it's bloody pointless! 那是什么意思?
[35:16.04]I keep saving your life. And what good has it done? 我不断救你的命 却得到了什么好处?
[35:18.84]It's going to keep happening. Maybe that's the point? Maybe it's a test. 这会不断的发生再发生
[35:23.16]- A test? - Like God testing Abraham! 也许是考验
[35:24.20]如同上帝测验亚伯拉罕 区别是我失败了...
[35:25.92]Except I failed. Because I changed what I saw.
[35:45.00]Hey! Hey, can you hear me? 嗨 嗨 能听见我吗?
[35:47.88]Hello! 你好!
[35:54.00]Dude, she's not moving. 老兄 她没反应
[35:58.60]I'm sorry, Penny. I'm sorry. 对不起 Penny
[36:16.44]I was afraid you'd left without saying goodbye. 我还担心你会不辞而别
[36:18.96]No. 不
[36:22.68]I nearly took this with me. 我差点想把这带走
[36:28.88]If you're not in a hurry, 如果你不着急 Martin兄弟几个小时后要进城
[36:30.20]Brother Martin's heading into town in a few hours. He can give you a ride.
[36:34.84]That is, if you don't mind doing some heavy lifting. 条件是 你得帮忙帮些重物
[36:40.12]All ten cases are ready to go. 十个箱子都已整装待发
[36:42.52]Desmond, there, is just getting the last one. Desmond那里的是最后一个
[36:45.12]Thank you, and my father sent the check in advance. 谢谢 我父亲已经提前寄出支票了吧?
[36:47.72]Please thank him for his generous donation. 请感谢他慷慨的捐助
[36:50.16]Always a pleasure to see you. 荣幸至极
[36:55.36]Goodbye, Desmond. 再见 Desmond
[37:03.60]I think we should be able to fit it all in the back, 我想能全部装到后厢里去
[37:06.04]and if not, we'll put the rest in the front. 如果装不下 剩下的就装前面
[37:10.44]Is that all right? 可以吗?
[37:13.84]Absolutely. 当然
[37:26.84]You'd better drive safe, Miss. 你最好小心开车 小姐
[37:29.24]This vineyard only makes a limited number of these cases each year. 这家酒庄每年制造限量的这种酒
[37:32.64]- Is that so? - It's because the monks are lazy. 是吗?
[37:37.28]It's easier making grape jelly than wine. 要知道葡萄果冻比葡萄酒好造多了
[37:40.40]And how do you know so much about monks? 你怎么这么了解修道士?
[37:42.40]- Because I'm an ex-monk. - Really? 我曾经是
[37:44.80]As of last night. I was fired. 真的?
[37:50.56]Oh, it wasn't that funny. 这可不怎么有趣
[37:52.28]I'm sorry, I've never... I didn't know monks could be fired. 抱歉 我只是不知道...
[37:55.80]Well, they can. 哦 可以啊
[37:57.60]I was told in no uncertain terms that 他们用自己也不能确定的语调告诉我
[38:00.28]the Abbey wasn't where I was meant to end up. 这修道院不该是我落脚的地方 只是...
[38:02.88]It's just a step along a path.
[38:06.52]God allegedly has bigger plans for me. 一块跳板
[38:14.24]Something tells me you don't entirely believe that. 我感觉你对此并不完全相信
[38:17.20]- I suspect that's because I don't. - Maybe they're right. 我的确不信 所以怀疑
[38:20.12]If you hadn't got fired, we wouldn't have met, and then... 我是说 想想 如果你不被开除 我们就不会相遇了
[38:23.20]How could you possibly help me unload these crates in Carlisle. 那样你怎么帮我到Carlisle卸下这些箱子呢? (英格兰西北城市)
[38:27.96]Did I say I was coming to Carlisle with you? 我有说要陪你去Carlisle吗?
[38:30.84]Not yet. 目前还没
[38:42.48]Of course, if an ex-monk already has plans, then... 我是说 当然 如果一个前修道士已经有安排了....
[38:45.20]I don't usually get into cars with strangers. 要知道 通常我不坐陌生人的车
[38:47.52]Well, in that case, I'm Penelope. 哦 这样的话 我是Penelope
[38:52.04]Penny. Penny
[38:54.76]Desmond. Desmond
[38:58.60]Very nice to meet you, Penny. 很高兴见到你 Penny
[39:10.24]She's alive! 她还活着!
[39:13.48]Stand back! Get away from her! 退后!
[39:15.28]让开 别碰他!
[39:18.72]I'm here. I'm here, Penny. 我在这里
[39:20.96]- Be careful... - Just get off, Charlie. 我在这里 Penny
[39:21.88]让开 Charlie
[39:23.56]Sorry, Penny, sorry... 对不起 Penny
[39:32.84]Desmond... Desmond?

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