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[00:01.00]Previously on Lost: Lost 前情提要
[00:02.56]Two days after I found out I had a fatal tumour on my spine, 就在我发现我脊柱上有个 致命肿瘤后的两天
[00:05.52]a spinal surgeon fell out of the sky. 一个脊柱外科医生就从天而降
[00:07.52]We had such a wonderful plan to break you, Jack. Jack 我们有一个如此完美的计划 用来攻克你
[00:10.20]My wonderful plan got shot to sunshine 但你看到我可恶的X光片 发现我快要死了的那一刻
[00:12.88]when you saw my X-rays and figured out I was dying. 我的美妙计划就泡汤了
[00:15.64]You want me to save your life. 你要我救你的命?
[00:17.68]I want you to want to save my life. 我想要你心甘情愿来救我的命
[00:21.04]All I can ask is that you think about it. 我能要求的只是希望你会考虑一下
[01:11.60]Police. Open the door. 警察 开门
[01:16.28]Everything's all right here. 这里一切都好
[01:17.80]We have reason to believe someone dangerous is in the motel. 女士 我们确信这家汽车旅馆里 有个极度危险分子
[01:20.96]We're conducting a room-to-room search. 我们正在逐间房地进行搜索
[01:23.08]I'm alone, officer. 长官 我是一个人
[01:24.52]You could be held at gunpoint, forced to say that. 这个人可能拿枪指着你 命令你这么说的
[01:27.36]- Please open the door. - I don't think I should. 请开门
[01:29.92]Ma'am, you have three seconds before I break this door down. 我不想开
[01:29.62]女士 给你三秒钟 我要破门而入了
[01:33.28]One... two... 一...
[01:38.68]Hey. 嘿
[01:40.64]Wanna get it on? 想不想嘿咻?
[01:44.24]Hell, yeah. 当然
[01:50.92]Warning. 警报
[01:56.40]Warning. 警报
[02:00.52]Hey. 嘿
[02:03.80]Hey yourself. 回嘿你
[02:07.08]- Warning. - Whatcha doing? 警报
[02:10.52]Throwing rocks. 扔石头
[02:14.84]- I thought you had to pull the lever. - I know how to get a fish biscuit. 我以为你得拉那个控制杆
[02:19.68]Then get me one. 那给我一块
[02:22.64]What, you trying to keep me feeling productive? 你想让我觉得自己还挺有用的?
[02:46.92]You took these blood tests and made all the notations? 你做了这些血液测试 加注了所有记号?
[02:51.72]- How old are the X-rays? - A week. 这些X光拍了多久了?
[02:56.72]The tumour on your spine is borderline inoperable. 你脊柱上的那个肿瘤 处在不可做手术的边缘地带
[02:59.40]At the rate it's growing, that borderline goes away in about... 如果以现在这种速度生长
[03:03.12]...one week.
[03:14.04]The O.R. We were in, is that fully equipped? 我们去过的那个手术室 仪器什么的都齐全?
[03:16.60]Yes. 是的
[03:17.68]- Anaesthesia? Sterile? - Yes. 麻醉药呢? 消毒水?
[03:25.32]You need to be in surgery yesterday. 你昨天就应该做手术
[03:33.12]All right, then. 那好吧
[03:35.60]Whatever you need, it's yours. I'm ready. 你需要什么随便说 我准备好了
[03:39.52]No, I think you misunderstood me. 不 我想你会错意了
[03:42.60]I didn't say I was gonna do it. 我没说要帮你
[03:44.44]I just wanted you to understand how you're gonna die. 我只想让你知道你会怎么死
[03:51.60]You think I believe you people? 你以为我相信你们吗?
[03:53.68]You think I trust you? That I'm gonna just do the surgery 你觉得我会傻到信任你 帮你做这个手术
[03:56.80]and hope that you let me go? 然后希望你们放我走?
[03:58.88]- Jack... - No, don't! - Jack - 别来这一套!
[04:13.04]Well, Jack, I'm very disappointed in your decision. Jack
[04:14.82]对你的决定 我很失望
[04:21.16]Well, Ben... Ben
[04:23.24]...at least you won't have to be disappointed for very long. 至少你不会失望太久了
[04:51.92]You shouldn't have come here. 你不该来的
[04:56.08]Yeah. You're right. 你说得对
[04:58.68]I've made a huge mistake. I am just full of regret right now. 我犯了个大错 现在很后悔
[05:02.00]Seriously! 我说真的
[05:04.20]It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. 结婚前见新娘不吉利
[05:07.88]It's bad luck to see the bride in her dress before the wedding. 结婚前看到新娘穿婚纱才不吉利
[05:11.80]You, my friend, are naked. 我的朋友 你可是光着身子
[05:17.32]Have you tried it on? 你试穿过了没有?
[05:19.00]I have to hold my breath to get the claspy things to clasp, so... 我得屏住气 才能把搭扣扣起来
[05:24.36]I'm waiting till the last minute.
[05:26.20]Well, that's in about 12 hours, you might wanna get clasping. 还有12个小时呢 你现在就可以扣起来试试
[05:36.92]Hey. 嘿
[05:40.76]I know it's... 我知道这...
[05:43.80]It's been fast. 有点快
[05:46.08]But this is right. 但... 这是对的
[05:50.72]I know it's real. 我知道这是真实的...
[05:55.36]And I love you, Monica. 我爱你 Monica
[05:59.20]I love you too, Kevin. 我也爱你 Kevin
[06:15.20]Come on. Time for work. 起来 开工了
[06:22.28]- What about him? - Oh, he's got the day off. - 那他呢? - 他今天休息
[06:26.32]- If he's not working, neither am I. - You're not? 如果他不开工 那我也不
[06:28.76]Just go, Freckles. 你不去 是吧?
[06:29.02]去吧 雀斑女
[06:30.84]Man wants to give me a day off, let him give me a day off. 他想放我一天假
[06:35.00]No, Sawyer. We're a team. 不 Sawyer 我们是分工合作的
[06:37.64]You break the rocks. I haul 'em. 你弄碎石头 我把它们拖走
[06:40.80]All right. Fine. - 好吧 - 行
[06:53.76]Lord knows I wouldn't wanna break up the team. 主知道我可不想拆散你们这支队伍
[07:22.08]What happened to him? 他怎么了?
[07:24.52]Must've been an animal. Maybe one of the bears. 一定是动物干的 可能是只熊
[07:27.32]- Are we gonna carry him back? - No. 我们要把他带回去?
[07:30.52]We're gonna bury him here. 不 我们就把他埋在这里
[07:33.52]- Are we? - The people back at camp... - 这里? - 营地那边的人...
[07:36.08]There's just been a few too many funerals lately. 最近已经经历了太多了葬礼
[07:39.00]Nobody needs to see him like this. 没人需要看到他这样
[07:40.92]I'll slip back to the beach and get shovels. 我溜回海滩去拿几把铲子
[07:43.16]- I'll come. - No, I'll be back... - 我跟你一起去 - 不 我一小时后就回来
[07:44.84]It's not safe to go alone, John. John 一个人回去不安全
[07:51.32]I appreciate your concern. 多谢关心
[08:03.32]So, what killed Eko? 到底是什么杀死了Eko?
[08:07.96]Folks back at the beach call it the monster. 海滩那边的人管它叫"怪兽"
[08:11.04]I don't really have a name for it. 我不知道该怎么叫它
[08:14.36]- You don't believe in monsters. - I believe in what I can see. 你不相信有怪兽吧
[08:19.68]But obviously, you have. 很显然 你是看到了
[08:23.52]- Tell me what you think it is. - Might be what brought us here. 你为何不告诉我你觉得那是什么?
[08:27.08]So you believe this monster decided that Eko was meant to die? 很有可能就是把我们带来这里的东西
[08:27.22]也就是说 你觉得这个怪兽 认为Eko注定要死?
[08:30.32]I believe Eko died for a reason. 我觉得Eko的死 一定有道理
[08:33.28]I just don't know what it is yet. 我只是现在还不知道
[08:36.40]Is that why you lied? 这就是你撒谎的原因?
[08:39.16]We're not headed back towards the camp, are we? 我们不是要回营地 对不对 John?
[08:43.24]Sure, we are. 当然回去
[08:44.68]Just need to take a little detour first. 只是先小小绕个道
[08:57.24]- Compound breach. - Someone's on the grid. 有人逃跑 有人逃跑
[09:00.16]Where is she? Someone's on the grid. I want him on the ground. Her too. 她在哪里?
[09:02.42]让他趴到地上 她也是
[09:03.96]If he moves, you shoot him. 他要是敢乱动 就开枪
[09:07.60]Yeah. They're here. Did the doctor get out again? - 是 他们在这里 - 好的
[09:08.98]医生又逃了? 你肯定?
[09:11.00]You sure?
[09:12.60]Well, does he know? 他知道吗?
[09:14.28]How the hell did she get over here? 她到底是怎么过来的?
[09:19.48]- Get up! Come on, get up! Go! - Alex! Alex! 起来! 快点! 起来! 走!
[09:21.26]Alex! Alex!
[09:23.28]- What do you think you're doing? - You gonna shoot me? 你以为自己在干什么啊?
[09:26.20]You're not supposed to be here. Just calm... 怎么着 你要朝我开枪?
[09:26.14]你不应该过来的 冷静点
[09:28.56]What did you do to him, Danny? Where is he? Danny 你对他做了什么? 他在哪里?
[09:32.12]- I want to talk to Ben. - Sure. That sounds like a great idea. 我要和Ben说话
[09:33.62]没问题 听起来是个不错的主意
[09:36.80]- Why don't we lower the slingshot... - Where is he? Tell me! 不如把你的弹弓放低点
[09:38.34]他在哪里? 告诉我!
[09:41.40]- Get off of me! - Get her out of here. - 不 不 放开我 - 把她带走
[09:44.08]Get her out of here! - 我该怎么处置她? - 把她带走
[09:45.16]Put me down! Listen, whatever they say, don't believe them, 放我下来! 听着 他们说什么都别信
[09:48.96]they're gonna kill your boyfriend! Just like they killed mine! 他们会杀了你的男朋友
[10:12.56]I don't understand. It's supposed to be two weeks. 我不明白 应该是两个星期
[10:15.12]- Our schedule moved up. - Is that an order? - 计划提前了 - 什么 这是命令吗?
[10:17.84]- That's stupid. - It's not my call. It's the way it is. - 是他说的 - 真愚蠢
[10:18.76]我做不了主 只能这样了 Danny
[10:26.52]I would like for you to put this on and come with me, please. 请把把这个戴上 跟我走
[10:31.52]You think I'll do it because you said please? 你以为你说了"请" 我就会戴上这个头罩?
[10:33.80]No, you'll put a hood over your head because the man standing behind me, 不 Kate 你会戴上头罩 因为站在我后面的那个人
[10:37.96]the one who's burning a hole in my back, 就是那个怒火快要 把我后背烧出个洞的那家伙
[10:40.96]that man is going to kill Sawyer. 他要杀Sawyer
[10:43.76]But if you put this on and you come with me, 但如果你戴上这个 跟我走的话
[10:46.16]there's something you can do for us that will save his life. 你可以帮我们做点事 这样可以救Sawyer
[11:30.56]Come in. 进来
[11:35.04]Oh, sweetheart, you're beautiful. 哦 甜心 你太美了
[11:40.28]Absolutely beautiful. 美若天仙
[11:44.44]- How is it out there? - There are a lot of excited policemen. 外面怎么样?
[11:49.16]I've asked them not to shoot their guns in the air when you say "I do." 别担心 我跟他们说过了 当你说"我愿意"的时候 不要开枪
[11:54.56]You know, mothers-in-law aren't supposed to be so nice. 你知道 丈母娘不应该那么好的
[12:01.12]Monica, I have something for you. Monica... 我有样东西要给你
[12:07.56]Suzanne, you shouldn't have. Suzanne 你不必...
[12:09.20]My mother gave that to me on my wedding day. 是我母亲在我结婚那天给我的
[12:13.32]She told me someday I'd give it to my daughter, 她告诉我有朝一日我该传给我的女儿
[12:16.24]but... since I had four boys... 但我四个全是儿子...
[12:21.40]Here. 拿着
[12:38.88]It's perfect. 太完美了
[12:42.64]Kevin's been coming to the church since he was about yea high. Kevin自从中学以来 就一直来这座教堂
[12:47.12]When I first met you, Monica, 当我第一次见到你的时候 Monica
[12:48.92]I was struck by your honesty and your devotion to Kevin. 你对Kevin的坦诚和忠心 让我深受感动
[12:53.36]When I asked him what he loved most about you, he said, 当我问他你最爱她什么的时候
[12:56.40]"Because what you see is what you get." 他说"看到什么就是什么"
[12:59.28]With that being said, 好
[13:01.16]you've got the rings, you've vowed your vows... 戒指交换过了
[13:05.40]...and I now pronounce you husband and wife. 我现在宣布你们成为夫妻
[13:30.44]Thanks, Mom.
[13:51.68]Step. 小心台阶
[14:30.76]I'll give you two some privacy. 我让你们两个单独相处一会
[14:39.16]Hey. You OK? 嘿 你还好?
[14:43.44]Yeah. You? 是的 你呢?
[14:47.24]Yeah, I'm... I'm great. 我...我很好
[14:52.52]Where are they keeping you? 他们把你关在哪里?
[14:55.52]Outside. In a cage. 外面的一个笼子里
[15:00.68]- Sawyer? - He's in a cage too. Sawyer呢?
[15:06.00]They're making us work. 他们让我们干活
[15:08.36]Work? On what? 活? 什么活?
[15:10.56]I don't know what it is, but it's big. 我不知道 反正是很重要的
[15:17.36]- We're hauling rocks, and... - Hey... - 我们在搬石头 还有... - 嘿
[15:21.80]...did they hurt you? 他们伤害你了吗?
[15:28.56]Kate, hey. Kate 嘿
[15:31.12]Hey, it's gonna be all right. 嘿 会...会没事的
[15:33.84]It's gonna... 会...
[15:36.24]Jack. Jack 你必须得做
[15:38.16]- You have to do it. - What?
[15:41.24]This thing that they told you to do, this operation. 什么?
[15:47.08]- She said, if you do it, they would... - What'd they do to you? 她说如果你答应的话 他们就...
[15:50.40]- What did they do to you? - Nothing. - 他们对你做了什么? - Jack...
[15:50.44]- 他们对你做了什么? - 什么都没有
[15:52.28]How did they get you to ask me? What did they offer? - 他们是怎么让你来跟我说的? - Jack 求你了
[15:54.80]- Nothing. - Then why are you here? - 他们答应了你什么条件? - 什么都没有
[15:56.52]They're gonna kill Sawyer. 那你到这里来干吗?
[16:03.52]I'm sorry. 对不起
[16:08.56]I'm so sorry, but she said that if you do it and do it soon, they'll let us go. 对不起 但是她说如果你答应
[16:11.08]而且尽快做手术的话 他们就放我们走
[16:14.32]And you believe them? 你相信他们?
[16:19.48]I have to. 我不得不信
[16:28.04]Jack? Jack...
[16:31.08]Please. 求你了
[16:33.64]We're done here. 谈话结束了
[16:36.36]- Jack... - Hey! - Jack - 嘿!
[16:38.80]We're done in here. 我们这里谈完了!
[16:40.88]Jack, I'm sorry. You have to do this. Jack 对不起
[16:45.36]They said that they couldn't... 你必须得答应 他们说他们不能...
[16:51.04]Get her out of there. 把她带出来
[16:53.36]Jack! Jack...
[16:56.24]Jack, please. Jack 求你了!
[17:16.12]- Hey, you. - Hey, what's for dinner, gorgeous? 你好
[17:17.16]美女 晚饭吃什么?
[17:19.08]- It's taco night. - You're making tacos? 玉米卷
[17:23.16]Yes. And you better like 'em. 对啊 你最好喜欢吃
[17:26.00]- Or what? - Or no dessert. 不然怎样?
[17:29.80]- I'm leaving now, I'll be home soon. - Love you. 我要走了 我马上到家
[17:32.88]I love you too. 我爱你
[18:04.16]Agent Mars. Mars探员
[18:06.72]It's me. 是我
[18:16.72]I'm glad. 很高兴(接到你电话)
[18:19.00]I realized it was the Feast of the Ascension and I was feeling bad. 今天早上我意识到要庆祝耶稣升天 我心里还不痛快呢
[18:22.36]Lot of holy days have come and gone since you last called. 从你最后一次打电话来 已经过去了很多神圣日子了
[18:25.20]- I thought you and I were friends. - I don't wanna run anymore. 我原以为我们是朋友 (即"这么多圣诞节都不联系我"的意思)
[18:28.80]What's his name? 他叫什么名字?
[18:34.12]Does he know who you are? 他知道你是什么人吗?
[18:37.32]Edward, please. Edward 求你了
[18:39.28]I know you don't want to spend the rest of your life chasing me. 我知道你不想下半辈子都用来抓我
[18:42.60]Please, I love this guy. Just let me go. 我很爱他 求你了 放我一马吧
[18:47.04]I'll tell you what... 你听好了
[18:51.24]...if you can really stay put... 如果你真不逃了
[18:54.52]...really settle down... 安定下来生活
[18:57.56]...then I'll stop chasing you. 我就不再来抓你
[19:05.84]But you and I both know that's not gonna happen. 但你和我都知道这是不可能的
[19:30.24]Sawyer... Sawyer...
[19:33.60]...you really care about him? 你很关心他 是吗?
[19:36.48]Where is he? 他在哪里?
[19:39.48]I'm sorry you weren't able to help us, Kate. Kate 抱歉你帮不了我们
[19:42.28]Move it, Ford. 走 Ford
[19:57.32]Danny. Danny
[19:58.84]- Danny! - You son of a bitch! - Danny! - 狗娘养的!
[20:04.88]Right. Sorry, Jules. 知道了 抱歉 Jules
[20:08.84]You got anything you want to say to your girl... 你对你女朋友还有什么要说的
[20:11.92]...you best say it tonight. 最好今晚就说了吧
[20:32.32]And how was your day, honey? 亲爱的 你今天过得怎么样?
[20:37.04]When the hatch exploded, 当舱门爆炸时
[20:38.88]your prayer stick fell out of a tree, right on top of me. 你的祈祷棍正好从这棵树 掉到我头上
[20:42.68]So Sayid and I went to get it Sayid和我便出去找它 因为不把你和它葬在一起 感觉不对劲
[20:44.20]because it didn't feel right to bury you without it.
[20:48.48]I'd like to think you died for a reason, Mr Eko. 我想你的死一定有原因 Mr. Eko
[20:52.76]Just hope it's not too long before we find out what the heck it might be. 希望不久后我们就能发现到底是什么
[21:09.04]Rest in peace, Mr Eko. 安息吧 Mr. Eko
[21:14.08]And thank you for helping me find my... 谢谢你帮我找到我的...
[21:21.64]抬起你双眼 锁定北方 John
[21:34.00]I saw Jack. 我看见了Jack
[21:39.20]They brought me in to see him. 他们带我去见他
[21:42.44]- They want him to do surgery on Ben. - Who's Ben? 他们要让他替Ben做手术
[21:45.40]Henry, the guy who brought us in. Ben是谁?
[21:45.36]就是Henry 抓我们来的那个人
[21:48.16]He's sick. And they say if he does it, they're gonna let us all go. 他生病了
[21:49.32]他们说如果他做手术的话 就会放我们走
[21:51.56]- And you and me are what, bait? - Something like that. 那你和我算什么 诱饵?
[21:56.56]At least the doc ain't dumb enough to do it. 起码医生哥哥不会愚蠢到这么做
[22:00.00]I told him he had to. 我告诉他必须这么做
[22:03.20]Why would you do something so stupid? 你干吗要做这种蠢事?
[22:05.16]- To save your life. - My life don't need saving. - 为了救你的命 - 我的命不需要别人救
[22:08.24]You wanna die? 'Cause that's what's gonna happen! 你想死吗?! 因为(Jack不做手术的话) 你一定会死
[22:12.44]Pickett is waiting for his chance. I've seen him look at you. Pickett一直在等待机会 我看见他盯着你
[22:15.44]Damn it, Freckles, stay put! 该死 雀斑女 待那儿别动
[22:17.44]And you know what he's gonna do. 你知道他会做什么
[22:19.32]So don't pretend... 所以别假装你不在意
[22:21.80]...like you don't care. 快下来 雀斑女! 我们已经试过了
[22:23.20]- Get down, we've been through this! - Shut up, James.
[22:25.12]闭嘴 James
[22:33.20]You don't want Jack to save your life? Then you're gonna save your own. 你不想要Jack救你? 那你就得自救了
[22:36.84]We're getting out of here, now. 我们现在就出去
[22:38.92]Stop it! Damn it, Kate! 停下! 该死 Kate
[22:44.48]- Go! Get out of here! Run! - You're out of your cage. 走! 快离开这里! 跑!
[22:47.84]Why don't you run, Kate? 你已经逃出笼子了 不如你跑吧 Kate
[22:49.68]Because me, I ain't running... 因为我... 我不会跑的...
[22:53.80]...because there ain't no place to go. 因为根本无处可逃
[22:58.16]What're you talking about? 你在说什么?
[23:00.92]We ain't on our island. 我们不在我们原先的岛上
[23:03.12]We're on another island, like Alcatraz, a couple miles off shore. 我们在另一个岛 叫Alcatraz来着 离海岸有几英里
[23:07.56]So unless you're a mermaid or you got a boat... 所以 除非你是美人鱼 或者有艘船 不然这一切都没有意义
[23:11.44]...there ain't no point.
[23:13.96]When were you planning on telling me this? 你准备什么时候才告诉我?
[23:16.16]- Never. - Why not? - 永远不说 - 为什么不?!
[23:18.28]Why wouldn't you? 为什么不告诉我?!
[23:24.72]'Cause I wanted you to believe that we had a damn chance. 因为我想让你仍抱有一丝希望
[23:49.52]- What was that for? - I don't know. 刚才那算什么?
[23:58.36]I don't know. 我不知道
[25:09.60]Very nice. 很不错
[25:12.80]OK, now it's your turn. 好 轮到你了
[25:16.04]Look under your place mat. 看看你餐垫下面
[25:18.64]- What did you do? - Just look. - 你做了什么? - 快看看
[25:22.36]What is it? 那是什么?
[25:23.52]You know that honeymoon I've been promising you? 你记得那个我已经答应了你半年的蜜月?
[25:26.08]You are holding in your hand two tickets to Costa Rica. 现在你就拿着两张去哥斯达黎加的机票
[25:29.48]So get your passport ready, baby. 准备好护照 宝贝
[25:34.04]Hey... 嘿
[25:37.52]...what's wrong? 怎么了?
[25:40.28]Nothing. 没事
[25:43.44]I just love you so much. 我真的很爱你
[25:49.04]Come here. 来
[26:20.44]Let me ask you something, Freckles. 我问你点事 雀斑女
[26:25.84]The day Blockhead was beatin' on me... 那天那个傻瓜打我的时候 你说...
[26:28.32]...and you said,
[26:30.88]"I love you," "我爱你" 那只是...
[26:32.36]that was just to...
[26:35.72]...get him to stop, right? 让他住手 对吗?
[27:11.40]I love you too. 我也爱你
[27:41.40]Who is this? 你是谁?
[27:44.28]Hello? 喂?
[27:46.76]Hello! 喂!
[27:50.68]Try it. The door. 去试试 门
[29:22.64]If it helps, I was surprised too. 如果能算安慰的话 我(对他们的结合)也很吃惊
[29:27.08]If I were a betting man, 如果让我押宝 我一定选她和你在一起
[29:28.28]- I would have picked her and you. - Shut up! 闭嘴
[29:34.60]Well... 我想 这么说加快了我的死期 对吧? (nail in one's coffin 是个谚语)
[29:36.64]...this would be the proverbial nail in my coffin, wouldn't it?
[29:49.32]Tomorrow. 明天
[29:52.00]- Sorry? - Tomorrow morning. 你说什么?
[29:54.04]First thing. 明天早上 第一件事
[29:57.92]And everything I mentioned before. 准备好所有我之前提到过的东西...
[30:00.52]The instruments, anaesthesia. Someone who can hold a clamp. 那些器具 麻醉剂 再找个能握紧钳子的人
[30:03.68]Yes. Of course. 好 当然
[30:05.48]I'll get it out. Your tumour. 我会取出你的肿瘤 保住你性命
[30:08.60]And I'll keep you alive.
[30:16.40]But I need your word. 但你要向我保证
[30:19.48]I need what you promised me before. 你要信守之前的承诺
[30:23.04]I need to get the hell off this island. 我要离开这个岛
[30:31.44]Done. 说定了
[31:32.68]What you working on? 在忙什么?
[31:33.84]Just finishing some IRs on that fugitive recovery out of Tampa. 打一些报告 关于Tampa市的逃犯追回计划
[31:37.20]That's what being a cop is, endless paperwork. Thank you, sweetie. 当警察就是这样 没完没了的文件
[31:39.18]谢谢你 甜心
[31:47.40]What if I told you I was a fugitive? 如果我告诉你 我也是逃犯呢?
[31:53.68]What if I told you I was on the run for blowing up my father, 如果我告诉你 我因为炸死了我的父亲而逃亡
[31:56.60]and it was only a matter of time before you found out. 而你迟早会发现这一切呢?
[32:00.80]- This isn't funny. - It's not a joke. - 这不好笑 - 我不是开玩笑
[32:04.64]I almost had a baby, Kevin. 我差点就有孩子了 Kev
[32:06.84]Me! A baby! 我 孩子
[32:10.32]I can't do this. 我不能这么做
[32:12.36]- Taco night? I don't do taco night! - OK, calm down, Monica. 玉米卷之夜? 我从不这么做!
[32:16.08]My name's not Monica! - 好 先冷静下来 Monica - Monica不是我真名!
[32:25.00]I love you. 我爱你...
[32:28.92]But I can't stay. 但我不能留下来
[32:34.88]No, wait, hang on. 等等 等一下 喔唷
[32:40.48]- Something's wrong with me. - I drugged you. - Kev... - 我有点不舒服
[32:41.86]- 我给你下了药 - 什么?
[32:43.76]- You what? - I had to. 我必须这么做 否则他们会以为你知道
[32:45.28]Otherwise they would think you knew.
[32:47.36]People are gonna ask questions, I didn't want you to lose your job. 人们会问很多问题 我不想你失去工作
[32:50.38]不 Kev!
[33:30.52]This is gonna be a very tricky procedure. 这是个很难对付的程序
[33:32.88]If I tell you to do something, I need you to do it, no questions asked. 我叫你做什么 你就立马照做 什么也不要问
[33:36.92]Is that understood? 明白吗?
[33:38.84]You may find this hard to believe, but I'm very good at following orders. 你也许觉得难以置信 我一直很擅长听别人命令的
[33:44.88]Is that a yes? 这算同意了?
[33:47.20]Yes. 是的
[33:49.32]Good. Let's go. 很好
[34:03.16]Do you get nervous? 做手术前
[34:06.72]Before you do surgery? 你紧张吗?
[34:08.60]I used to. But not anymore, no. 以前会 现在不了
[34:23.00]Whatever happens... 不管发生什么 一切都会彻底改变 是吧?
[34:25.00]...everything will be very different, won't it?
[34:28.12]No doubt about it. 毋庸置疑
[34:34.60]Juliet... Juliet...
[34:37.76]...did Alex ask about me? Alex有没有问起我?
[34:40.24]No. 没有
[34:41.64]We took her home last night. 我们昨晚带她回家 我不知道她现在在哪里
[34:43.64]I don't know where she is now.
[34:46.32]Well, see ya on the other side. 好吧 另一边见
[34:55.24]I'm ready. 我准备好了
[34:57.76]I need you to count down from 20. 请你从二十开始倒数
[35:01.40]Twenty... 二十...
[35:03.56]...19... 十九...
[35:06.80]...18... (十)八...
[35:12.32]Scalpel. 解剖刀
[35:29.72]Let's go. 走吧
[35:33.72]- Ben's just gone into surgery. - Ben put his life in the hands of them. Ben的手术才刚开始
[35:34.98]Ben刚把自己的性命 交给他们中的一员
[35:38.48]Shephard wasn't even on Jacob's list. Shephard甚至不在Jacob的名单上
[35:43.72]- Sawyer. Sawyer! - Well, look who got out of her cage. Sawyer Sawyer!
[35:44.98]哟哟哟 看谁逃出笼子啦 你们应该有机会就跑的
[35:46.96]Should've run when you had the chance.
[35:49.00]- Let's go, James. - Don't! You don't have to do this! - 我们走 James - 不 求你了
[35:52.16]He's coming with me. There's nothing you can do about it! Step away. 你不必这么做
[35:52.06]他跟我走 你想管也管不着!
[36:01.44]Give me another haemostat. 止血钳
[36:20.76]Swab again. 再擦拭一下
[36:26.84]Clamp. 钳子
[36:47.76]- What happened? Is he OK? - His blood pressure's dropping. 怎么了? 他还好吗?
[36:51.52]- Should he be bleeding like that? - Nope. No, he shouldn't. - 这样流血正常吗? - 不
[36:56.96]Back away from the table. - 退离桌子 - Jack...
[36:58.28]Back away from the table! Now! 退离桌子 快点!
[37:12.96]- Can you hear me in there? - Yeah. 听得见我说话吗?
[37:16.12]Good. - 嗯 - 好
[37:17.72]I just made a small incision in Ben's kidney sack. 我刚在Ben的肾上切了一个小口
[37:21.00]Now, if I don't stitch that back up in the next hour... 如果一小时内不缝合的话
[37:25.04]...he's dead. 他就没命了
[37:29.88]Now get in here and bring that walkie-talkie. 现在就给我进来 带上对讲机!
[37:32.96]- Step away! - No! - 让开! - 不!
[37:47.08]You let go or I do her too. 你放手 否则我也杀了她
[37:51.64]- Let go. - Don't you let go! - 放手! - 别放手!
[37:56.72]Don't even think about it, Sawyer! You fight! 想都别想 Sawyer 要反抗!
[37:59.68]No! No! 不! 不!
[38:01.76]Sawyer! No! Sawyer 别!
[38:04.00]No! No! 不! 不!
[38:07.04]Sawyer, please! You get your hands off of him! Sawyer 求你了! 你把你的手从他身上挪开!
[38:10.24]Get down on your knees. 跪下
[38:13.28]Please! I will do anything you want! 求你了
[38:16.32]I want you to watch. 我要你看着他死
[38:19.36]- Close your eyes, Freckles. - Stand up! - 闭上眼睛 雀斑女 - 你给我起来!
[38:21.96]Close your eyes! 闭上眼睛!
[38:26.84]Don't you give up! 不要放弃!
[38:29.04]No! No! No! 不 不!
[38:33.60]This is for Colleen, 这是替Colleen报仇 你这狗娘养的!
[38:35.60]you son of a bitch!
[38:47.16]Danny! You there? Pick it up! Pick it up, Danny! Pick it up, damn it! Danny 你在吗? 快说话
[38:48.98]说话 Danny 快点说话!
[38:53.16]I'm here. What? 我在这里! 什么事?!
[38:54.36]You anywhere near the cages? 你离笼子近吗?
[38:57.32]Yeah. You could say that. 嗯 可以这么说
[38:58.72]- Give your walkie to Kate. - Now, why the hell would I do that? 把对讲机给Kate
[39:07.00]Because if you don't, the doctor's gonna let Ben die. 因为如果你不做 那个医生会让Ben死
[39:10.20]What are you talking about? What's beeping? 你在说什么? 那哔哔声是什么?
[39:12.64]Just hand her the damn walkie, Danny! 快把对讲机给她 Danny
[39:18.44]Do it. Just do it now! 快! 快给我照做!
[39:27.32]Let go of her. 放开她
[39:30.52]Jack? Jack!
[39:32.28]Jack! Jack?
[39:44.96]Kate, you have about an hour head start before they come after you. Kate
[39:46.50]在他们追你之前 你有一小时的时间逃跑
[39:51.24]Wait, where are you? Where are you? 等等 你在哪里? 你在哪里?
[39:56.44]Do you remember what I told you on the beach, the day of the crash? 还记得坠机那天 我在海滩跟你说的话吗?
[39:59.92]Do you remember what story I told you when you were stitching me up? 记得你在帮我缝合时 我跟你说的那个故事吗?
[40:04.56]- Do you remember it?! - Yes! Yes! I remember! - 记得吗?! - 是的 是的 我记得!
[40:11.48]When you get safe, you radio me and you tell me that story. 等你安全之后 用无线电呼叫我 跟我说那个故事
[40:17.28]Jack, please. Jack 求你了
[40:21.84]If you don't call in the next hour, I'll know something went wrong and he dies! 如果一小时内我没收到呼叫 就知道事情不妙 那他就得死!
[40:29.36]- I can't leave without you! - Yes you are. Go. 我不能扔下你!
[40:31.88]- Jack, I can't! - Go! Now! - 你就得扔下我 快走 - Jack 我不能!
[40:34.00]- I can't! - Kate! Damn it! Run! - 快走! 马上! - 我不能!
[40:35.18]Kate 该死! 快跑!

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