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> 影视听说 > 影视原声 > 迷失 > 迷失第二季 >  第13篇





[00:00.00]Previously on "Lost"...
[00:00.53]Charlie, just give me the baby.
[00:02.77]Who the hell are you, John?! - Charlie 把孩子给我 - 你以为你是谁啊 John?
[00:04.71]Aaron's not your responsibility!
[00:07.11]Where were you when he was born?! Aaron不是你该管的
[00:08.84]Where were you when he was taken?! 他出生的时候你在哪里?
[00:10.93]You're not his father. You're not his family! 他被抓走的时候你又在哪里?
[00:12.40]你不是他爸爸 也不是他家人
[00:14.49]Neither are you, Charlie.
[00:16.10]你同样也不是 Charlie
[00:19.94]I'm sorry! 我很抱歉
[00:26.53]This is not your island.
[00:29.08]This is our island, 这个岛不是你们的 而是我们的
[00:31.50]and the only reason you're livin' on it
[00:34.06]is 'cause we let you live on it. 而你们之所以能生活在这里
[00:38.11]Right here, there's a line.
[00:41.91]You cross that line, 如果你们敢踏过这界线
[00:43.93]we go from a misunderstanding to something else. 那我们之间就不仅仅只是误会了
[00:49.41]It's your call, Jack. 你自己决定 Jack
[00:51.35]Sayid tells me that you're a cop.
[00:53.25]I was a cop. Sayid和我说你是个警察
[00:55.83]Can I ask you something? 曾经是
[00:57.83]Shoot. 我可以请教你一些事情吗?
[01:01.57]How long do you think it would take to train an army?
[01:22.38]- Is that all of them? - All six of 'em. Just, uh,
[01:27.39]one box of ammo. 所有6支都在这了
[01:29.99]At least we don't have to worry about running out anytime soon. 呃...但是只有一盒子弹
[01:35.03]Jack, I'm grateful that you decided to keep them all in the same place.
[01:38.04]Jack 很高兴你决定
[01:41.64]Oh, I had to take them from Charlie-- his heroin stash.
[01:47.13]I figured it might have therapeutic value, if it ever came to that. 是藏海洛英的
[01:50.70]You're just gonna leave it all in the statues? 我想如果他看不到这些
[01:53.17]You want to break seven Virgin Marys? Be my guest. 会对他戒毒有所帮助
[01:56.02]I'm superstitious. 那你打算敲碎这7个圣母玛利亚?
[01:58.08]John? 你自便吧
[02:00.92]The combination. John
[02:07.76]I'm gonna go ahead and assume that you're asking me because you're worried that
[02:11.14]I might fall off a cliff or something, 你担心我会摔下悬崖
[02:14.23]that it would be irresponsible
[02:16.13]for just one of us to have access to this room, 或者你觉得只有一人能进来这里
[02:18.50]rather than this being an issue of trust. 是很不可靠的
[02:22.95]Well, there are a lot of cliffs on this island, John. 而不会觉得这是你不信任我
[02:24.97]这岛上有很多悬崖 John
[02:31.48]All right, but I think we should agree, Jack,
[02:34.81]that if either of us need to open this door, we consult each other first. 好吧 但是我觉得我们应该达成协议 Jack
[02:38.79]Absolutely. 如果我们中的任何一人需要进来这里
[02:40.53]Right 7, left 33, right 18. You need to write it down? 我们都得与对方商量
[02:43.17]右转到7 左转到33 再右转到18 你要把它记下来吗?
[02:44.67]- Nope. I got it. - All right.
[02:48.68]And, Jack, you may want to consider locking the medicine in here, too. 不用了 我记得住
[02:51.37]还有 Jack 你应该考虑下
[02:53.42]Why would I need to do that? 把药品也放在这里面
[02:56.50]Well, well... now look who had to relocate to the suburbs. 我为什么要那么做?
[02:59.30]看吧 看吧
[03:08.92]Ain't that just like a woman?
[03:11.80]She keeps the house. 像个娘们似的
[03:14.03]You get the cheap-ass apartment. 她住着大房子 而你却只能呆在小公寓啊
[03:17.51]Man, I thought these people hated me, but I gotta hand it to you-- 伙计 我以前觉得这些人都恨我
[03:21.50]stealin' a baby, tryin' to drown it? 不过现在这名头得转给你了...
[03:24.62]Now that's a new low. 偷走孩子 想要把他淹死?
[03:27.04]Even made Locke take a swing at ya. 你现在成为新的孤立对象了
[03:29.65]Hell, that's like gettin' Gandhi to beat his kids. 连Locke都要打你
[03:33.50]Shouldn't you be more worried about Jack ransacking your tent right now? 这就好比让甘地来教训他自己的孩子
[03:37.82]What? 他正在搜你的帐子
[03:47.49]What the hell do you think you're doin'?
[03:50.74]- You stole these from the hatch. - You stole them from me. 你到底在干什么
[03:53.78]What? - 是你从我那偷过去的 - 什么?
[03:54.34]They were in my stash when I left. I just took back what was mine.
[03:57.28]These belong to all of us, Sawyer, to the group. 我乘Mike的筏子走之前 它们是我藏起来的 我只是拿回属于我的而已
[04:00.40]You don't have a stash anymore. 这些是属于我们的Sawyer 是属于大家的
[04:02.06]Seriously, doc, you don't want to do this. - 你那藏东西的地方已经没有了 - 我是认真的 医生 放下它
[04:05.29]Just give me the pills. We'll forget it ever happened.
[04:07.57]把这些药片还给我 我会当什么都没发生过
[04:09.99]Are you threatening me?
[04:12.78]Last chance, doc. 你在威胁我?
[04:13.60]没有下一次了 医生
[04:50.86]What do you want right now?
[04:55.45]Just you. 你现在想要什么?
[05:07.23]- Oh, damn it. - What is it?
[05:10.51]Uh, gonna be late for that meeting I told you about. 该死
[05:15.26]- A meeting, huh? - Yeah. 怎么了
[05:15.44]我开会要迟到了 就是我和你说过的那个会议
[05:17.77]You got another date, you can just say so. 会议?
[05:20.58]I can only wrap my mind around one woman at a time. 是的
[05:23.44]如果你还有约会 你直说就是了
[05:25.63]but I appreciate the permission. 我可没本事脑袋里同时想着两个女人
[05:28.23]Back in a flash, gorgeous.
[05:32.17]一会就回来 美人
[05:35.92]You weren't exactly supposed to see that.
[05:39.95]Are you serious? 你不该看到这些
[05:43.18]- What? - You're not serious. 你没开玩笑吧?
[05:46.63]You just happen to have a suitcase full of cash, 什么?
[05:51.25]and you go to pick it up, and then the lock just happens to break? 你这么巧带了个装满现金的手提箱
[05:57.13]- Give me that. - It's not even real. 锁恰好坏了?
[06:02.79]Newspaper? 给我
[06:07.14]Are you trying to con me? 报纸?
[06:09.75]What, I ask you what all the money's for,
[06:12.07]and you do some song and dance about an investment or something and then-- 你在想方设法的骗我钱?
[06:16.50]and then I say, "hey, yo, I've got some money." 你就编一些投资啊什么的来骗我
[06:19.96]Look, you got me. Good for you. 然后...然后我就会傻呼呼的说 "嘿 嘿 我这里还有些钱"
[06:23.77]看 都被你看穿了
[06:26.85]No harm, no foul.
[06:29.11]You should have done your homework. 你真行啊
[06:31.95]I didn't take anything from him in the divorce. 这也没什么
[06:37.76]I'm not even worth your trouble. 和他离婚我什么都没得到
[06:45.62]Well, shame on me.
[06:49.79]I want you to show me what you do. 我真是无地自容啊
[06:56.04]Show me what you do, what you really do.
[07:00.46]And what do I do? 让我看看你到底是怎么做的
[07:03.85]Show me how to con people, Sawyer. 什么怎么做?
[07:07.27]告诉我你是怎么骗人的 Sawyer
[07:14.33]I like what you've done with the place.
[07:18.48]The maid's day off. 我喜欢你布置屋子的方式
[07:22.02]You want to move? 今天不用女仆
[07:26.58]I heard Jack took your painkillers. 挪一下好吗?
[07:28.76]Yeah, well, guess me and the doc are on the outs.
[07:31.56]One less Christmas card I'll have to send this year. 我听说Jack拿走了你的止痛药
[07:34.45]Maybe that'll cheer you up. It's from the hatch. 是啊 我想那医生算是把我看成外人了
[07:37.59]I know you're hard up for new reading material.
[07:40.01]Well, as much as I'd like to learn to feather my hair... 这可能会让你开心一点 我从舱里拿来的
[07:44.78]I lost my damn glasses on the raft. 就象我想知道怎么剪头发一样
[07:50.72]You want to read it to me? 在竹筏上我把眼镜弄掉了
[07:53.27]What, you got an appointment or something? 能读给我听吗?
[07:57.94]怎么了 你有约会么
[08:02.35]All right, "ten ways to tell if he's a sensitive man."
[08:06.82]- This oughta be good. - Mornin'. 就这个了 "10种可以判断他是否是个敏感男人的方法"
[08:08.62]Hey, John.
[08:12.94]Now there's a sensitive man. 早上好
[08:13.50]嘿 John
[08:15.81]Claire asked him to sleep down here. 这就是个敏感男人
[08:17.90]Come on. Locke's got himself needs...
[08:21.87]just like anyone else. 拜托
[08:25.51]Not everyone is like you, Sawyer. 就和其他所有人一样
[08:27.94]Guess that's why el Jacko and Ana Lulu ain't asked me to join their revolution.
[08:29.97]不是所有人都象你一样的 Sawyer
[08:32.04]我想这就是为什么Jack和那个Ana Lulu
[08:35.64]What, you didn't hear about their little army? 没叫我参加他们的革命的原因吧
[08:41.24]Guess I'm not the only one on the outs with the doc. 怎么 你没听说他们的小军队?
[08:56.31]Hey, man.
[08:58.29]You gonna "put the lime in the coconut, drink 'em both up"?
[09:00.90]嘿 伙计
[09:04.55]"Lime in the coconut"? 你要把橙汁放在椰子里然后一起喝下去?
[09:07.37]The song?
[09:09.77]What do you want, Hurley? "椰子里的橙汁"?
[09:12.39]So I'm over at Rose and Bernard's tent. 一首歌
[09:13.07]你想要说什么 Hurley?
[09:14.77]Did you know he's a dentist? 我刚才在Rose和Bernard的帐子附近
[09:18.06]Well, that's not all he's been holding out on us. 你知道他是个牙医吗?
[09:21.15]The guy picked up Boone's signal from the norwegian plane...
[09:24.00]Nigerian. 他们还隐瞒了其它东西
[09:25.37]Right. Anyhow, he picked it up with this. 他还收到过Boone从那架挪威的 飞机上发出的求救信号
[09:29.54]好吧 反正他是用这个接收到的
[09:32.78]That is a shortwave radio. It's a glorified walkie-talkie.
[09:37.39]Yeah, but can't you switch the blue wire with the red wire, make it stronger? 这是个短波收音机 是个非常不错的步话机
[09:41.19]We tried to send a signal with the plane's transceiver, and all we got 是啊 那你能不能把这蓝线和红线转换一下
[09:44.90]was the french woman's message on a loop. Why would I bother? 让它变得更好用些?
[09:45.90]我们试着用飞机的 无线电向外发信号
[09:49.13]Come on, man, I mean, it's worth-- 我们所能收到的就只有
[09:51.02]It's worth nothing. It's a waste of time. 那个法国女人16年前发出的循环信息
[09:53.37]嘿 伙计 我是说 这值得...
[09:56.36]Just trying to cheer you up, dude. 这没什么利用价值 只会浪费时间
[09:58.80]I don't need cheering up. 我只是想让你振作一点
[10:01.80]Okay, man, sorry. No problem.
[10:06.30]好吧 对不起 没什么事了
[10:20.99]Hey. 嘿
[10:23.92]You get the combo? 嘿
[10:26.99]Nice. 嘿
[10:28.75]Didn't think it'd be that easy convincing your pal to give it up. 你搞到保险门密码了?
[10:33.49]That's the nice thing about you people-- 你不觉得这样就说服你那伙伴
[10:36.23]you're not scared enough. 不会太简单了点吧
[10:39.42]"Not scared enough"? 这对你们来说是好事...
[10:40.84]The same reason we can't talk anyone into joining the army. 你们还没有太害怕
[10:44.39]Everyone around here actually thinks they're safe. 没有太害怕?
[10:45.60]这也是为什么我们不能说服大家都 加入我们的军队的原因
[10:50.01]Trust me, Ana, no one thinks we're safe. 这里的每个人都觉得自己很安全
[10:53.47]相信我 Ana 没人觉得自己安全
[10:56.34]So, Jack...
[10:59.45]what's the combo?
[11:01.87]那么 Jack...
[11:05.13]I was just kidding. 密码是什么?
[11:49.44]Oh. Vincent.
[11:52.47]What are you doing out here?
[11:54.00]噢 Vincent
[12:17.36]Oh, man! It's really comin' down!
[12:20.55]- Get under here, Freckles! - I like the rain! 哦 还真的下雨了
[12:23.16]Yeah, me, too, from under here.
[12:25.10]快进来 小妞
[12:28.06]- What the hell? - That's Sun. 我喜欢雨
[12:27.80]是啊 我也喜欢 但是只限于里面
[12:50.62]- She all right? - She's breathing.
[12:53.18]Go get Jack.
[12:54.69]- Go get Jack! - Okay. 她还好吗?
[12:57.87]找Jack 去找Jack
[13:02.36]- What happened? - Where's Jack?
[13:10.14]Was she conscious at all?
[13:11.75]- Did she say anything? - Nothin', not a word.
[13:13.93]She's okay. She's okay. She's gonna be all right. 她还清醒吗?
[13:17.69]You need to let me take care of her, all right? Please. - 她说过什么吗? - 没 一句话都没说过
[13:20.54]How did you find her? 她没事了 她没事了 她很快就会好的
[13:21.47]I heard her scream, found her out in the jungle about a half a klick from here. 你让我来照顾她吧 拜托
[13:25.03]She was out cold, and her hands were tied. - 你怎么找到她的? - 我听到她在丛林里尖叫
[13:27.17]What do you mean, her hands were tied? 她的手是被绑起来的
[13:30.89]They're back. 她的手为什么被绑起来?
[13:39.21]They told us they would leave us alone.
[13:41.20]Well, John, it looks like they broke their promise. 他们说过不会来惹我们的
[13:43.38]We don't even know what happened. 恩 John 看来他们毁约了
[13:45.23]Do we need to know? - 我们都还不知道到底怎么回事 - 这不是明摆着么?
[13:49.66]- Where'd you find her? - Just outside her garden.
[13:52.40]We should take a look around with guns. 你们在哪里找到她的
[13:55.25]No. 就在她自己的小花园外
[13:56.47]- 我们去看看 - 带好枪
[13:58.13]"No"? 不行
[13:59.10]We arm up, we're just as likely to shoot each other as we are one of them.
[14:05.29]Okay. 可能会误伤自己人
[14:06.70]We'll wait for Sun to wake up. She'll tell us what happened.
[14:11.05]Then we're gonna do something about it. 我们等Sun醒过来吧 她会告诉我们发生了什么
[14:14.61]Sounds like a plan. 然后我们得有所行动
[14:26.83]They usually don't leave any trail.
[14:29.39]It's worth a look. 他们通常不留痕迹
[14:33.12]Let me ask you something.
[14:35.47]This whole scenario make sense to you? 我来问你些事情
[14:38.49]What do you mean? 你想得通这一连串的事情吗?
[14:40.51]Well, think about it. First off, how'd she get away? 你什么意思?
[14:44.22]Woman doesn't weigh a hundred pounds soakin' wet. 想一想
[14:46.54]She was fightin' for her life. People are capable of almost-- 首先 她怎么能够逃脱的
[14:49.46]You couldn't get away... 她是为她性命而挣扎 这种情况下人们什么都能做的出...
[14:51.30]and you versus Sun, hot-oil death match, my money's on you, Sheena. 但是你就没能逃脱
[14:56.81]Thanks for your vote of confidence. 我绝对把钱压你那边
[15:08.51]It's a hood, just like the one they put over my head.
[15:11.40]这是个头套 就象他们套在我头上的一样
[15:12.94]No, it's not.
[15:15.43]This one's black, different weave. 不 这不是
[15:19.02]It's all in the details... and they're wrong. 这个是黑色的 花纹也不一样
[15:21.70]细节说明一切... 他们都错了
[15:25.93]Well, if it wasn't them, then who?
[15:29.04]那如果不是那些人 还会是谁呢?
[15:31.66]What are you saying, one of us did it? 你是说是我们中的人干的?
[15:33.92]Who the hell would want to go after Sun?
[15:36.01]Not much upside in scarin' the crap out of 46 people... 谁会想要去袭击Sun?
[15:40.79]unless you're tryin' to con 'em into joining an army.
[15:51.50]Those necklaces are junk, Sawyer.
[15:54.10]A 5-year-old could tell that.
[15:56.18]They ain't gonna be lookin' at the necklaces, 这些项链分文不值 Sawyer
[15:58.04]they gonna be lookin' at the price tags. 一个5岁小孩都能看出来
[16:00.31]It's all in the details, Dimples. 他们是不会看这项链的
[16:02.86]What if we get caught? 细节说明一切 甜心
[16:04.99]We ain't gonna get caught. 那如果我们被抓怎么办?
[16:06.76]Anybody goes to the cops, only thing they're gonna remember 我们不会的
[16:10.70]is a guy who looks like he's been in a bar fight. 如果有人去报警
[16:18.33]You're scared, huh?
[16:20.87]A little bit. 你害怕了?
[16:23.60]Well, here's the good news, baby-- everybody's scared. 有一点
[16:27.07]这是个好消息 宝贝
[16:28.87]And the thing they're scared of most 所有人都在害怕
[16:31.32]is missin' an opportunity. 他们最害怕的就是
[16:42.41]Hey. You guys want to buy some necklaces? - 他们就只有这些了 25块 - 让我们去街头那家
[16:46.63]- Where'd you get 'em? - Where do you think? 嘿 你们要这些项链吗?
[16:49.10]You want to buy 'em or not? - 哪里来的? - 还用说么
[16:54.32]Hell, forget it.
[16:56.22]- Hey, how much? - Hundred a piece. 见鬼 算了
[16:59.10]嘿 多少钱?
[17:01.00]- For any of 'em? - Yeah, yeah, taster's choice.
[17:04.73]I'll take the $1,200 one and the $1,300 one. 随便哪根都是?
[17:05.24]是的 是的 真是明智
[17:12.23]Hey, wait, wait. Hang on, man. 谢谢
[17:14.89]- I'll buy some of those. - Yeah, me, too. 嘿 等等 等一下 伙计 我也买点
[17:18.76]It's Dana's birthday next week. This is perfect. 我也买
[17:22.15]They love their jewelry. 下周是Dana的生日 送这个最好了
[17:25.77]$500, $600, $700. 他们喜欢珠宝
[17:29.67]500 600 700
[17:32.15]Pulse is good. Strong.
[17:35.33]You just need to-- to watch her. 脉搏跳的稳定有力
[17:40.86]She's gonna be okay, man.
[18:05.00]That bump on her head--
[18:06.37]do you think she fell or that someone hit her? 她额头的肿块...
[18:09.08]I don't know. 你觉得是她摔倒造成的 还是有人打她的?
[18:13.40]Jack, how well do you know Ana Lucia? 我也不知道
[18:15.74]Jack你了解Ana Lucia么?
[18:21.08]Just... the others...
[18:25.35]I was out there with you. 只是...
[18:25.97]其它人... 我当时和你都在一起
[18:27.69]I heard that man say that if we stayed away, they'd leave us alone.
[18:31.28]And we've left them alone. 我听到他们说如果我们离他们远点
[18:32.84]So why would they attack us a few days later? 他们不会来惹我们的
[18:36.08]If it wasn't them, then who was it? 那么他们为什么要再袭击我们?
[18:39.20]如果不是他们 那会是谁?
[18:44.15]Like I said, how well do you know Ana Lucia?
[18:47.40]就象我说的 你有多了解Ana Lucia?
[19:02.01]I got a couple more people interested in joining up.
[19:05.62]Yeah? Who? 有些人有兴趣加入了
[19:06.85]The big guy who lives behind Sayid and Scott.
[19:10.76]You mean Steve. Scott's dead. 是吗? 谁?
[19:11.97]那个很胖的人 就是老和Sayid和Scott在一起的那个
[19:13.67]Scott, Steve... the point is, 应该是Steve Scott已经死了
[19:17.53]after what happened, Scott Steve...
[19:19.25]people are finally willing to do something. 我要说的是 在发生了这事以后
[19:22.98]Where were you this morning? 人们总算是肯有所行动了
[19:25.81]Lots of places. 你今天早上在哪里?
[19:27.74]During the rainstorm? 很多地方
[19:32.96]You think I had something to do with sun getting grabbed?
[19:37.95]Now where would you get an idea like that? 你觉得我和Sun被抓有关系?
[19:41.93]Jack! 你为什么会有这个念头
[19:43.43]Jack... Jack
[19:46.56]Sun's awake. Jack...
[19:54.63]Hey. How's your head? Any pain, dizziness?
[20:02.20]Just a little bit. 你的头怎么样?
[20:04.41]Do you remember anything? 还疼吗? 晕吗?
[20:06.12]I was working in my garden when Vincent ran up, 还有点儿
[20:10.02]then it started raining. Vincent出现时我正在花园里忙活
[20:11.84]Then there was a bag over my head,
[20:13.92]and I was being dragged. 接着就下雨了
[20:15.39]How many were there? I don't... I didn't see anything. 然后有人用袋子套住我的头
[20:19.20]- 他们有多少人? - 我...
[20:23.96]I kicked and I fought,
[20:26.35]and I just ran as fast as I could, and then I fell... 我拼命反抗
[20:40.90]枪 枪
[20:52.23]Relax, okay? 放松点 别紧张
[20:55.64]Hey, what's going on? 你得耐心点儿 知道么?
[20:59.00]Looks like the good folks of Islandtown are about to form a posse, 嘿 怎么了
[21:03.30]get themselves armed up. 看来岛上的这些人
[21:06.26]Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Jack didn't find that horse of yours,
[21:09.87]start leadin' the charge in a big white hat. 早料到了
[21:22.22]The guns.
[21:24.76]This is all her play to get her hands on the guns. 枪...
[21:26.90]这都是她搞的鬼 就是为了得到枪
[21:30.48]Locke-- you need to go and tell him that they're coming.
[21:33.37]I need to tell him? Locke...你得去告诉他 他们要来了
[21:36.04]Sawyer, please. 要我去?
[21:39.44]Sawyer 求你了
[21:44.41]- So what's next? - Next?
[21:47.16]The next play? 然后呢?
[21:50.81]I'll show you the pigeon drop. 然后?
[21:52.90]We already did that-- twice.
[21:55.80]And the Tulsa bag scam and the looky loo. 我来教你怎么骗
[22:00.85]- I want to do a big one. - You want to do a big what? 还有塔尔萨州的那次和鲁克的牌局
[22:04.53]A big con. 我想干场大的
[22:07.11]- It's called a long con. - Okay, a long con. 你想干场什么大的?
[22:12.04]How does it work? 那叫放长线吊大鱼
[22:14.55]It works by gettin' somebody to ask you to do something like it's their idea, 好吧 放长线吊大鱼
[22:18.41]but it's not their idea. It's your idea. 你得让你的猎物求你做事
[22:22.26]But none of that matters, 让整件事看起来像他们的主意 而实际上是你在一手操作
[22:24.60]'cause the one thing we need for the long con we ain't got... 你才是幕后操纵者
[22:29.19]money. 因为要做这一切只需要一样东西 而我们没有...
[22:31.83]I have money. 钱
[22:33.95]Sorry, Cassie, 40 grand in some mutual fund ain't money. 我有钱
[22:38.51]Remember when I told you that I didn't get anything from the divorce? 听着 Cassie 共有帐户上的4万块根本不够
[22:42.08]- Mm-hmm. - I kinda lied. 还记得我跟你说过
[22:45.36]- Kinda lied how much? - 600 grand. 我离婚时没拿到钱吗?
[22:54.48]Well, hell, baby, with that kind of money, let's go find an island somewhere
[22:57.72]and sit on a beach drinkin' mojitos till we go toes up. 哦 见鬼 乖乖 有那么多钱
[23:01.78]Sawyer, for the first time in my life, I'm actually happy, 咱们都可以去找个小岛 在沙滩上晒晒太阳
[23:04.90]Sawyer 我一生中第一次
[23:08.06]and it's not really about the action or the money. 真的觉得快活
[23:11.82]It's about doing this with you. 而这并不是因为我们干的事或是得到的钱
[23:16.02]Come on. 而是因为和你一起做这些事
[23:18.13]One long con? 来吧
[23:22.93]And then the mojitos.
[23:28.86]I'll think about it.
[23:32.39]Why don't you think about it in here? 我会考虑的
[23:47.18]Hate to interrupt whatever the hell it is you're doin'.
[23:52.06]What are you doin'? 抱歉打扰你了
[23:54.01]I'm alphabetizing. 你在干嘛?
[23:57.06]Sure. Sun gets attacked in the jungle. 我在按字母排序
[23:59.82]You figure it's a good time to start the damn Dewey decimal system. 对啊 Sun在丛林里被袭击了
[24:03.09]Good thinkin'. 你倒在这里
[24:04.44]How can I help you, James? 搞你的杜威十进制系统 真厉害
[24:07.04]Well, actually, John, 有事吗 James?
[24:09.33]I'm here to help you, give you the heads up.
[24:11.04]呃 事实上 John 我是来帮你的
[24:12.58]Heads up?
[24:13.66]Seems Jack's on his way over here to open your little gun closet 我是来给你报信的
[24:16.74]and take whatever he needs. 报信?
[24:18.70]You should know he's not alone. 看来Jack正在来这儿的路上
[24:20.69]Whole camp's pretty shook up about what happened to Tokyo Rose. 要打开你的小枪柜 拿他想要的东西
[24:22.10]还不止他一个人这样 所有人
[24:24.47]I'm guessin' everybody's gonna wanna play cowboys and indians, 都为那个韩国妞的遭遇震惊了
[24:29.02]and once those guns are out and about, 我猜每个人都想逞一逞英雄
[24:32.57]something tells me they ain't never goin' back in. 而一旦那些枪被拿出来
[24:40.75]Why are you telling me this?
[24:45.87]'Cause it'll piss off Jack.
[24:50.17]If I were you, I'd change that combination, pronto. 因为这是整Jack最好的方法
[24:56.45]But that won't work. The door will just slow him down. 我会马上改一下密码
[25:00.01]If Jack wants to get in, he'll get in. 可那没用 那只会让他缓缓
[25:04.82]Will you help me? Jack想进来就一定进得来
[25:08.03]Help you what? 能帮帮我么?
[25:10.56]Move the guns.
[25:14.52]Move 'em where? 把枪藏起来
[25:17.58]Fine. You don't want to trust me? Lots of luck. 藏到哪?
[25:20.52]But I can't leave the hatch unmanned. 好吧 你不相信我? 那祝你好运吧
[25:23.69]Oh, sure. 可这里不能没人守着
[25:26.07]You move the guns, 哦 好吧
[25:27.64]and I'll stay here and push your damn button for you.
[25:31.09]How long till they get here? 你去藏枪 我在这里呆着
[25:33.73]Well, that ain't my problem, Hoss. It's yours. 再帮你按那该死的按键
[25:36.80]那就与我无关了 你看着办吧
[25:49.67]Steak sandwich... two beers.
[25:54.36]Thank you. 牛肉三明治...
[25:55.46]Aw, Shucks, you got a beer for me? 两瓶啤酒
[25:57.86]You want one? Ask the lady.
[26:01.12]Well, hell, I do want one, 谢谢
[26:00.84]啊 给我来瓶啤酒吧
[26:03.17]and, um, could I get a plate of chicken salad, 你也要么? 找服务员吧
[26:06.80]white meat only, and please, god, no celery,okay, sweetheart? 好吧 真见鬼 给我来一瓶 呃...
[26:10.47]That's how we make it here, darlin'. 再给我来一盘鸡肉沙拉 只要鸡胸脯肉
[26:14.68]So... 对了 不要芹菜 千万别放哦 行么 亲爱的?
[26:16.50]tell me you got her. 我们这里就是这样做的 亲爱的
[26:22.93]Yeah, I got her. 你搞定她了吧
[26:24.25]All 600 grand?
[26:26.85]All 6. 是的 搞定了
[26:32.59]You fell for her. 到手了
[26:35.49]Oh, come on. You gotta be kidding me.
[26:37.25]- Look, it's got nothin' to do-- - Hey, I found that bitch. 你爱上她了
[26:39.67]Her name is Cassidy.
[26:41.13]Well, I waited six months while you and Cassidy played house. 噢 算了吧, 别开玩笑了
[26:43.54]- Now if you think-- - I ain't doin' it. - 听着 这没什么... - 嘿 是我找到那个妞的
[26:46.87]You know what's makin' you stupid right now? It's your damn hormones. 她叫Cassidy 我等着你跟她纠缠了六个月
[26:50.53]You think you're in love, but you're not. 告诉你 我是不会中途撒手不管的...
[26:53.51]You know, a tiger doesn't change his stripes, James. 是你该死的男性荷尔蒙
[26:56.39]You're a con man, just like me, 你以为你沉浸在爱情中了 可实际不是那样
[26:58.63]and it's not what you do, it's what you are. Do I make myself clear? 老虎斑纹是不会变的 James
[27:01.44]你是个骗子 跟我一样
[27:04.10]不管你做什么 这都不会改变
[27:05.97]I'm sorry, man. I just can't do it. 明白么?
[27:08.67]No, you're gonna do it.
[27:10.84]Because that girl-- she doesn't know you one bit. 对不起 我下不了手
[27:15.26]But when she finds out who you are, who you really are, 不 你必须得干
[27:19.54]she's gonna hate your guts. 但如果她知道你是谁
[27:25.46]Yeah, well... 她会恨死你的
[27:29.49]enjoy your chicken salad, Gordy.
[27:31.04]噢 哎...
[27:32.68]Wait a minute. You don't walk away now.
[27:35.87]You owe me. You don't want to pay me? 好好吃你的鸡肉沙拉吧 Gordy
[27:39.34]I'll put one in your ear, James... 等等 别想现在就走
[27:43.99]you and your little friend Cassidy. 你想赖帐么?
[27:46.20]我会让你好看的 James...
[27:48.24]你和你的妞 Cassidy
[28:08.99]What are you doing here?
[28:10.63]One second. I'm, like, this close to the high score on "Donkey Kong."
[28:15.90]等等 我马上
[28:26.86]Now... what can I do you for?
[28:29.38]- Where's Locke? - I don't know.
[28:31.96]I think he said something about going to the store for a pack of smokes. 说吧 要我做什么?
[28:36.04]不知道 他好像
[28:54.14]Uh-oh, looks like we got ourselves a theft.
[28:57.60]- Who's gonna call the cops? - Where are they?
[29:00.18]Don't look at me. I was just pushin' a button. 噢噢 看来 咱们当中有小偷了
[29:03.07]谁来报警? 枪在哪?
[29:05.25]Oh, yeah. I believe these are yours. 别看我 我只按了个按钮
[29:11.44]对了 我想这些是你的吧
[29:40.46]John... where are they?
[29:44.04]You moved the guns. Where are they?
[29:45.80]John... 枪在哪?
[29:48.20]We had an agreement! 你把枪藏在哪了?
[29:49.99]An agreement that you were about to violate, Jack.
[29:54.24]Yes, I moved the guns. 我们有协议的
[29:56.88]Where? 是有协议 但Jack 你刚刚违反了
[29:58.91]Where? 是 我是把枪藏起来了
[30:01.07]Where, John? 藏哪里了?
[30:02.24]Oh, are you gonna start handin' 'em out?
[30:05.29]How many? Who gets 'em? 哪里?
[30:06.40]John 藏在哪里了?
[30:07.67]哦 你准备把它们交出来么?
[30:09.70]How much time before there's an accident-- another accident? 有多少? 在谁手上?
[30:15.51]I made a mistake teaching Michael how to shoot. Now he's... 事故总是一桩接着一桩
[30:19.73]he could be dead for all I know, and that--
[30:22.00]that was my fault. I take responsibility for that, and so, 教Michael开枪是我犯的错误
[30:25.53]yes, I'm taking responsibility for the guns. 我看凶多吉少
[30:28.57]I want two guns, John! 我承认 我负责 所以
[30:30.08]I'm sorry, Jack, that's the way it's gonna be, Jack. 我会对枪的事情负责的
[30:31.69]Two guns. Tell me where they are right now!
[30:33.97]- John 我需要两把枪 - 抱歉 Jack 事情只能
[30:37.10]两把枪 快告诉我它们现在在哪?
[30:45.70]You gave him the guns?
[30:48.63]No. I hid them.
[30:52.08]That's right, Jack. He's as stupid as you are. 你把枪给了他?
[30:54.10]不 我把枪藏起来了
[30:56.44]You two were so busy worryin' about each other, you never even saw me comin', did ya? 没错 Jack 他和你一样蠢
[31:06.66]So how 'bout you listen up?
[31:09.13]'Cause I'm only gonna say this once.
[31:14.95]You took my stuff. 我只说一次
[31:17.77]While I was off tryin' to get us help,
[31:20.80]get us rescued, 你趁我不在
[31:23.12]you found my stash, and you took it, divvied it up-- 趁我为大家寻找救兵的时候
[31:27.88]my shaving cream, my batteries... 你拿走了我的包
[31:31.91]even my beer. 分了我的东西
[31:34.15]And then somethin' else happened. 剃须沫 电池...
[31:36.70]You decided these two boys here were gonna tell you what to do and when to do it.
[31:42.57]Well, I'm done taking orders. 你让这两个家伙
[31:48.01]And I don't want my stuff back. 我可不想再任人摆布了
[31:51.94]Shaving cream don't matter.
[31:55.10]Batteries don't matter.
[31:58.22]Only thing that matters now... 剃须沫无所谓
[32:01.71]are guns... 但现在唯一重要的就是
[32:04.67]and if you want one, you're gonna have to come to me to get it!
[32:14.02]Oh, you want to torture me, don't ya?
[32:16.72]Show everybody how civilized you are.
[32:19.44]噢 你想拷打我了 是吧
[32:22.38]Go ahead. But I'll die before I give 'em back. 让大家看看你是多么的文明吧
[32:28.68]And then you'll really be screwed, won't you? 但是我死也不会把枪给你们的
[32:33.70]那时你们就真的无计可施了 不是么?
[32:38.66]There's a new sheriff in town, boys.
[32:44.24]Y'all best get used to it. 伙计们 现在我是这里的头儿了
[33:04.92]What's goin' on? Where were you?
[33:09.07]Sawyer, what happened? 怎么了? 你去哪儿了?
[33:12.22]You see that black car?
[33:13.74]- Who is it? - His name's Gordy-- Sawyer 怎么了?
[33:16.48]- my partner. - What partner? - 看见那辆黑色轿车了么? - 是谁?
[33:18.71]If I don't walk out the frontdoor with that briefcase - 他叫Gordy...我的同伙 - 什么同伙?
[33:21.00]in the next two minutes, we're both dead.
[33:23.38]What happened? That's the guy from the Mercado deal? 如果两分钟内我不带着那个箱子
[33:25.83]There is no Mercado deal! 从前门出去 我们俩都死定了
[33:28.24]I knew about the 600 grand you had tucked away from the get-go. 怎么了? 那就是跟你做生意的家伙?
[33:33.46]Cass... 我早知道你有60万
[33:36.67]you were the long con.
[33:44.31]Son of a... Go to hell! Go to hell!
[33:48.20]You gotta understand-- 你这混蛋...
[33:50.13]Everything that's happened between us in the past six months, 你去死吧 去死
[33:53.68]all of it-- - 听我解释... - 不
[33:55.59]it was real. 过去六个月里我们之间发生的一切
[33:57.48]Get out. You get out! 都是真的
[33:59.05]Listen, you can hate me all you want later,
[34:02.12]but right now you gotta listen to me. 滚 你给我滚
[34:05.68]He's gonna kill us, 待会儿你想怎么恨我就怎么恨我
[34:08.79]'cause I told him I wasn't gonna take your money. 可现在你得听我的
[34:16.14]Oh, my god. 因为我说我不会拿你的钱
[34:17.42]Look, let's just...
[34:21.58]Okay. 噢 天哪
[34:23.83]This is what we're gonna do-- 听着 现在我们得...
[34:25.39]I want you to go out back through Evan's yard.
[34:27.70]There's a rental car parked out front. 好吧
[34:29.78]Go to Sioux city. 我们接下来应该这么做...
[34:31.95]I want you to check in the Sage Flower motel. 我要你从后门走 穿过Evan的院子
[34:36.91]It's off highway 29. 去苏族市
[34:39.69]Watch TV, have a drink.
[34:43.17]Wait for me. I'll be there in the A.M., And it'll all be over. 就在29号公路旁
[34:44.84]看看电视 喝点东西
[34:47.84]- Let me just pack a few-- - There's no time. 等着我 我早上就到
[34:52.01]Hey, remember when you said I was all you ever wanted? - 那时一切就结束了 - 让我稍微收拾下...
[34:56.69]Well, now you know better. 记得你说过除了我你别无所求么?
[35:04.67]I love you.
[35:08.85]I love you, too. 我爱你
[35:14.42]Go. Go. 我也爱你
[35:19.47]快 快
[35:31.50]How'd you do it?
[35:34.33]How'd I do what? 你怎么做到的?
[35:37.20]Locke said that he left you in the hatch when he went to hide the guns,
[35:42.83]and we both know you can't track worth a damn. Locke说他让你留守
[35:47.65]So how'd you get them? 而且谁都知道你根本不懂追踪
[35:52.07]A magician never tells his secrets. 那么 你是怎么弄到手的?
[35:56.84]You played us. 魔术师永远不会揭自己的底的
[35:59.56]You played me.
[36:02.66]All that stuff you said about Ana Lucia-- 你耍我们
[36:04.79]you knew I would go to Jack, 你还耍了我
[36:06.49]and you knew I'd ask youto go to Locke.
[36:08.57]你说的关于Ana Lucia的一切也是假的...
[36:10.36]Now how in the world would I know all that? 你早知道我会去找Jack
[36:16.10]Did you have anything to do with Sun? 我怎么可能知道那么多
[36:19.72]What kind of a person you think I am?
[36:22.63]What kind of a person do I think you are? 你有没有对Sun下手?
[36:26.06]I don't think this has anything to do with guns
[36:29.72]or with getting your stash back. 我把你当成什么人?
[36:32.00]I think you want people to hate you. 我看这和枪无关
[36:39.78]Good thing you don't hate me, Freckles.
[36:45.50]还好你不讨厌我 小妞
[36:51.73]Why do you have to do this?
[36:56.49]You run, I con. 你干嘛非得这么做?
[37:00.74]A tiger don't change his stripes. 道高一尺魔高一丈
[37:31.57]Hey, check this out-- I found a manuscript in one of the suitcases.
[37:35.64]It's like a mystery book. 嘿 瞧啊
[37:37.34]I want to show you something.
[37:42.60]- Cool! You fixed it! - We'll see. 像是一本推理小说
[37:46.41]Hold on to this. 酷 你把它修好了
[37:48.38]Don't expect anything.
[37:50.72]The chances of getting a signal are slim at best. 看看吧
[38:04.83]Static's good, right?
[38:06.30]No. Reception is good.
[38:11.06]- Wait, what's that?! - It's Rousseau's signal. 有噪音就是有戏咯?
[38:11.90]不 说明接收没问题
[38:14.59]Ah, crap.
[38:15.63]But this radio has a wider bandwidth. 听 这是什么?
[38:21.59]Hold it! Stop! Do you hear that?! 噢 该死
[38:28.31]Duke ellington orchestra 等等 听到了么?
[38:30.95]featuring Cootie... trumpet. 那是...
[38:33.85]Up next on wx... 刚才是公爵管弦乐队
[38:36.35]the Glenn Miller orchestra with "Moonlight Serenade." 与Cootie同台演出...喇叭...
[38:52.62]You hear how clear that is?
[38:54.79]It's gotta be close, right?
[38:56.78]Radio waves at this frequency bounce off the Ionosphere. 听啊 多清晰呀
[39:01.99]They can travel thousands of miles. 信号很近 对吧?
[39:02.04]这个波段的无线电信号 是从大气层电离层反射回来的
[39:05.87]It could be coming from anywhere.
[39:12.94]Or any time.
[39:19.47]Just kiddin', dude. 或发自任何时间
[39:56.51]He never saw you, huh?
[40:01.31]No. He was more worried about his sodding guns than being followed. 他没注意到你跟踪他 对吧
[40:05.90]Hmm. 没有 他只关心他的破枪
[40:11.74]Figured you'd want your friends back. 恩...
[40:15.07]If I wanted them, I would have taken them before I told you where they were.
[40:17.64]我想你需要拿回这个 对吧
[40:19.21]That's not why I did it. 如果我要的话 早就拿了
[40:21.98]It's not, huh? 用不着告诉你他们在哪儿
[40:23.90]I wanted him to look like a fool, to feel like a fool. 我不是为了这个才这样做的
[40:30.89]Well, well. Looks like Johnny Locke's got himself a nemesis.
[40:37.12]Sun can never find out what I did to her. Never. 好吧 好吧
[40:38.24]看来Johnny Locke是作茧自缚了
[40:45.71]Don't sweat it.
[40:48.47]They got bigger things to worry about now. 永远
[40:55.37]Sawyer... 他们现在有更重要的事情要关心
[40:59.54]this idea... Sawyer...
[41:01.56]all of this, what we did--
[41:04.69]what made you... 这个主意...
[41:08.19]how does someone think of something like that? 所有这些 我们做的这些
[41:18.26]Now go.
[41:57.71]One Mississippi...
[42:00.84]two Mississippi...
[42:03.95]three Mississippi... 1...
[42:07.23]four Mississippi... 2...
[42:11.03]five Mississippi...
[43:02.00]I'm not a good person, Charlie.
[43:06.54]Never did a good thing in my life. 我不是个好人 Charlie

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