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[00:00.34]Previously on "Lost"... 剧情回顾...
[00:01.76]We're gonna have to take the boy. 我们得带走那个男孩
[00:03.56]I'm not giving you anybody! 我不会给你任何人
[00:05.31]- Dad! Dad! - Walt! 爸爸
[00:14.47]Where is she? 她在哪儿?
[00:16.29]- You mean Kate? - I love her. 你是说Kate?
[00:33.30]Kate! Kate! Kate
[00:42.07]Look here and here. 看看这些
[00:44.16]You can see it's eroding up the spinal artery in the l5 area.
[00:47.96]Plus all this extradural growth-- 这些硬膜外的骨质增生...
[00:51.17]I'm surprised it hasn't caused permanent ischemia. 我很诧异 居然没有引起持久性缺血
[00:58.11]He says you don't need to talk in whispers. 他说 你们没必要窃窃私语
[01:00.67]He knows he doesn't have a chance. 他知道没有治愈的机会了
[01:03.50]Your father appreciates candor. 你父亲很直率
[01:05.45]We both do. 我们都是
[01:08.13]Well, then tell him I'm very sorry, 好吧 告诉他 真的很抱歉
[01:10.89]but he's not a candidate for surgery. 但是我们不会给他进行手术
[01:20.69]The way the tumor is situated on the spine, it's just not possible to remove it. 瘤在脊柱上
[01:27.26]He wants to know why you won't try. 他想知道你为什么不试一下
[01:30.82]Because what your father is looking for 因为你父亲需要的
[01:33.48]is not a surgical procedure. What he is looking for is a miracle. 不是外科手术
[01:47.52]He said, "I did not come all this way for you, sir. 他说 "我并不是冲着你来的 先生
[01:51.89]I came for him." 我是冲着他来的"
[01:59.30]Miss Busoni, I, uh-- Busoni小姐 我...
[02:01.82]You fixed a woman with a crushed spinal column-- 你曾治愈过脊柱粉碎的女人
[02:04.72]an impossible surgery. And now she walks, yes? 一个不可能的手术
[02:08.19]I consulted many medical journals before making this trip here. 在我来这之前 我参考过许多医学期刊
[02:11.28]Then you should know it was a very different case 你要知道 那是完全不同的情况
[02:13.70]under very different circumstances. 完全不一样
[02:15.98]But a miracle, right? 是个奇迹 对吧?
[02:21.01]Look, everything that my father is saying-- 听着 我父亲说的每一句话...
[02:23.24]the risks, the unlikelihood-- he's absolutely right. 风险 不可能性 他说的一点没错
[02:27.00]But will you try? 但你是否愿意试一下?
[02:49.31]I'll have to admit him in the next couple of weeks, 接下来的几周我来安排
[02:52.01]run some tests. 给他做一些测试
[03:39.38]Locke? Locke?
[03:47.09]John! John
[03:51.06]- Stay in there. Stay-- - - Michael! What are you-- 别动
[03:54.63]- Stay in there, Jack! - Hey, whatever's going on-- - 别动... - Michael 你...
[03:54.90]别动 Jack
[03:56.65]嘿 不管发生了什么...
[03:58.62]Look, I'm going after my son. 听着 我去找我的儿子
[04:00.07]I'm going after my son, and nobody is going to stop me, okay?
[04:01.84]没人能阻止我 知道吗?
[04:03.83]Okay? That is my right. That is a father's right. 那是我的权力 是一个父亲的权力
[04:06.67]There's another way to go about this-- 还有其他的解决方法...
[04:08.00]- Get in the damn room! - You gonna shoot me, Michael?! - 呆在那儿 - 你真打算向我开枪 Micheal?
[04:12.53]No. But I'll shoot your damn computer. 不 但是我会打那台该死的电脑
[04:16.19]That thing is not what you think it is anyway. 事情不是你想的那样
[04:18.83]You don't understand, man. You don't have any idea. Now get in there! 你不会明白的
[04:20.73]你不会知道的 现在马上进去
[04:23.20]Michael! Michael, listen, Michael 听着 我们可以一起去找 好吗?
[04:25.00]we can do this together, okay? I'll come with you.
[04:27.52]No. I have to do it... now. - 我跟你一起去 - 不 我现在就去找
[04:31.03]I have to do it alone. 我一个人去
[04:51.46]What happened?
[04:52.81]Michael knocked you out. 怎么回事?
[04:55.03]Look over here. Michael把你打晕了
[04:56.26]- Why would he... - He went after Walt. 看这里
[04:59.66]You feel nauseated? Sick? 他为什么...
[05:02.32]No, I'm okay. 觉得恶心么?
[05:04.88]Good. Give me a boost up. 不舒服?
[05:05.04]不 我没事
[05:07.13]很好 拉我一下
[05:09.89]It's no use. I bolted it shut from the inside.
[05:13.87]You did what? 没用的
[05:15.19]No point in changing the combination if you can get in through the air vent. 上锁了
[05:21.03]That's really good thinking, John. 不然没别的办法
[05:23.68]真是好主意 John
[05:25.58]You want to tell me why you let Michael in here?
[05:28.00]Uh, he... he wanted a gun. 想告诉我为什么让Micheal进来?
[05:31.69]For shooting practice. 他...
[05:34.42]Shooting practice. 要练习射击
[05:39.26]The button.
[05:43.86]- How long was I out? - About 20 minutes.
[05:48.63]We're on shift for the next four hours. There's nobody coming down here. 大约20分钟
[05:51.48]Yeah, I know. We better hope Sawyer shows up to get his band-aid changed. 接下来的4小时是我们的班
[05:53.83]对 我知道
[06:13.81]Did you just throw a banana at me? 早上好
[06:15.59]Couldn't find any rocks. 刚才是你向我丢香蕉?
[06:19.21]There are nicer ways to wake a man up, Freckles. 因为找不到石头
[06:22.80]Come on. It's time to go get your bandages changed. 叫醒人的方法还有很多 小妞
[06:25.22]Well, why can't you do it for me? 走吧 该去换绷带了
[06:27.21]Because I'm not your nurse, and Jack's got the bandages. 为什么你不帮我换?
[06:31.77]Of course he does. Jack那里有绷带
[06:38.38]You want to give me a hand?
[06:53.93]Come on. 谢了
[06:58.34]This place still creeps me out.
[07:00.41]You'll get used to it. 这地方让我毛骨悚然
[07:02.86]Where is everybody? 你会习惯的
[07:05.96]Jack? John? 人呢?
[07:08.70]Maybe they went out for ice cream. Jack? John?
[07:10.64]Shh. - 也许他们出去吃冰淇淋了 - 在这里
[07:12.70]- In here! Hey! - Jack?
[07:15.30]In here! In the armory! 嘿
[07:16.77]Michael locked us in here! Jack?
[07:18.47]- What did he say? - I got it. 在这里 军械库里
[07:23.93]Hope you got the combo, doc.
[07:26.26]Right 3 times to 25. 希望你们知道密码
[07:30.12]25, got it. 顺时针转3圈到25
[07:31.55]Left 2 times to 29. 25 搞定
[07:36.77]Right once to 40.
[07:43.62]Howdy, boys.
[07:45.32]- What are you doing, Jack? - We're going after him. 你们好 伙计们
[07:47.97]你想干嘛 Jack?
[07:52.02]Hey, what... what happened?
[07:54.81]Michael went after Walt. 嘿 什么...
[07:57.93]Went after Walt? 怎么回事?
[07:59.54]Pulled a gun on me, put us both in there and went after Walt. 去找Walt?
[08:07.54]Hey. What are you doing?
[08:10.77]What does it look like? Comin' with ya. 嘿 你要干嘛?
[08:13.95]You're still on antibiotics. 你觉得呢?
[08:15.65]It's a good thing I'm traveling with my doctor then. 和你们一起去
[08:29.34]How is he?
[08:31.24]Thought you'd gone home. 他怎么样?
[08:33.19]My home is a hotel room. 我还以为你回家了呢
[08:38.00]I like it more here.
[08:41.44]Think you need to find a better hotel. 我更喜欢病房
[08:44.22]You didn't answer my question. 那你应该找个更好的旅馆
[08:49.48]His counts aren't where I'd like 'em to be.
[08:53.77]You've been doing tests for a month now, Jack.
[08:57.61]I'm thorough. 你已经测试了一个月了 Jack
[09:11.37]I have a confession to make.
[09:16.17]I don't believe in miracles.
[09:19.12]Yeah. Guess I'm not too sure about them, either. 我不相信奇迹
[09:21.44]对 也许我也不太相信
[09:23.56]I bet your wife feels differently.
[09:28.38]Your wife. She's the woman you fixed, isn't she?
[09:31.00]你妻子就是你治愈的那个女人 对吧?
[09:36.41]I'm thorough, too. 对
[09:39.99]She must be a very special person to let you work until 4:30 in the morning. 我也很细心
[09:42.65]她一定很特别 会允许你熬夜工作到凌晨4点30
[09:47.23]I completely lost track...
[09:49.83]I've gotta-- will you excuse me? 我完全忘了时间了...
[09:52.01]Yes, of course. Go. 我得...我先走了行吗?
[09:58.37]Thank you. Jack
[10:01.01]Yeah. Of course. 谢谢
[10:04.69]- Good night. - Good night. 应该的
[10:07.35]- 晚安 - 晚安
[10:20.56]How is he?
[10:22.95]Hey. Sorry to wake you. 他怎样了?
[10:25.15]嘿 抱歉把你吵醒了
[10:27.29]I gotta get up anyway.
[10:31.68]So how is he?
[10:34.53]About the same. 他怎么样了?
[10:42.62]Sarah, I'm sorry.
[10:44.71]I meant to... I just got... Sarah 我很抱歉
[10:48.56]Hey... that's the price of being a miracle worker. 我本来想...
[10:59.88]Where are you going?
[11:01.06]I've gotta go to the gym, and then I've got some papers to grade. 你要去哪?
[11:23.28]I didn't want to say anything until I knew either way, but, um...
[11:25.84]在了解之前 我什么都不想说
[11:30.44]I was late, so I got a pregnancy test. 但是 呃...
[11:33.14]我的例假还没来 所以我做了验孕
[11:42.94]Don't worry. It's negative.
[11:45.57]别担心 没怀上
[11:50.47]Do you, um...
[11:52.55]do you want to talk about it? 你...
[11:56.06]What's to talk about? 你想谈谈吗?
[11:59.45]Sarah, I... 谈什么?
[12:01.54]See you later, Jack. Sarah 我...
[12:04.18]一会儿见 Jack
[12:15.17]Well, I can't tell you it's definitely Michael's, 怎么?
[12:17.40]but looks like his boot print. 我不能说这绝对是Michael的
[12:19.88]There's one over here, too. 但是看起来像他的鞋印
[12:21.86]That sounds like a trail. 这里也有一个
[12:24.37]- You got a gun for me? - You're not coming. 看起来是他的踪迹
[12:27.47]- Excuse me? - You're not coming. 有枪给我吗?
[12:29.26]Someone has to be here to take care of the button. 你别跟来
[12:31.35]So why should that person be me? - 什么? - 你别跟来
[12:32.96]- I can track, carry a gun-- - - You're not comin'. You're stayin'. 得有人留下来管那个按键
[12:33.90]那为什么是我? 我可以拿枪...
[12:37.82]All right? 你留着
[12:44.61]Let's go.
[13:01.91]What did she do to you?
[13:03.94]- What? - Kate.
[13:06.76]- What did she do? - She didn't do anything. 她对你怎么了?
[13:10.18]Right. Kate 她做了什么?
[13:11.82]You yellin' at her 'cause she wanted to help get Mike back makes a lot of sense. 她什么都没做
[13:14.14]好吧 那你朝她大吼
[13:16.42]Why don't you go back and see if I hurt her feelings? 就因为她想帮助找回Mike这件事很有意义?
[13:19.18]I'm just sayin'. 你为什么不回去 看看我是否伤了她的心?
[13:20.70]Yeah. I know. You love her.
[13:24.68]What did you say? 我正想说呢
[13:24.61]恩 我知道
[13:29.47]What? 你说什么?
[13:31.91]Does any of this look familiar from when you were coming back?
[13:35.47]Oh, yeah. There's my favorite leaf. 是你回来的那条路么?
[13:38.52]How could I forget this place? 哦 对 这是我最喜欢的叶子
[13:40.35]What's wrong?
[13:41.56]When you came across the island, what side was the ocean on? 我怎能忘记这地方?
[13:45.58]当你们穿过这个岛 这边的海是哪个方向?
[13:53.22]You came from the east. Michael's heading north.
[13:56.03]What the hell's that supposed to mean? 你从东边来 Michael朝北走
[13:57.54]That means he's not going back to where you came from.
[14:02.54]He's heading somewhere else. 就是说他不会回到你们来的那地方去
[14:18.80]*The sun's very strong today.
[14:20.46]*I don't need a hat.
[14:22.54]*I know. 今天太阳很大
[14:25.48]*Just wear it. 我不要帽子
[14:30.65]*I think something's wrong. 戴着它
[14:38.07]- Hello, Hurley. - Hey.
[14:41.10]Cool hat, dude. 好啊 Hurley
[14:45.19]- Is Kate all right? - Uh... yeah. 帽子不错 伙计
[14:50.15]I guess Michael took off. Kate还好吧?
[14:52.95]*What's he saying? 我猜Michael跑了
[14:55.24]What do you mean, he took off?
[14:57.02]He stole some guns, and he went all commando. 他说什么了?
[14:59.74]Said he was going after Walt. 你说什么 他跑了?
[15:03.17]Later, dudes. Gotta get to the hatch. 据说他是去找Walt
[15:07.12]等会见 伙计 得去舱里了
[15:12.94]*What are you doing?
[15:14.94]*He said they just left.
[15:16.58]*If I hurry I can catch up... 你在干嘛?
[15:18.67]*You're not going anywhere. 他说他们刚走
[15:20.66]*Don't go! 如果快的话我还能追上...
[15:22.59]*Don't walk away from me! 你哪里都不能去
[15:26.09]*While you were on that raft... 别走
[15:28.36]*do you know how worried I was?
[15:31.39]*I didn't know if you were dead or alive. 当你还在竹筏上时...
[15:35.04]*I was out of my head. 一想到你生死未卜
[15:38.93]*I won't go through taht again. 我都快要疯掉了
[15:43.82]*Michael's my friend. 我不想再那样了
[15:48.20]*I'm your wife. Micheal是我朋友
[16:11.22]Hey, doc. Wanna slow down?
[16:15.07]嘿 医生
[16:16.78]Take a break a minute? 走慢点行吧?
[16:19.09]Good idea.
[16:24.20]He still heading north? 好主意
[16:27.27]Yup. 他还在往北走?
[16:28.77]You think he's lost?
[16:30.58]Doesn't seem to be. 对
[16:32.16]Trail's as straight as the interstate. 你觉得他迷路了?
[16:34.75]The path of a man who knows where he's going. 不会
[16:39.68]Where are you going, Jack? 是一个有方向感的人走的路
[16:43.04]What? 你要怎么做 Jack?
[16:45.15]Well, let's say we catch up with him-- Michael.
[16:47.71]What are you gonna do? 什么?
[16:50.26]I'm gonna bring him back. 如果我们赶上了Micheal
[16:52.00]What if he doesn't want to come back? 你要怎么做?
[16:54.92]I'll talk him into coming back. 我要把他带回来
[16:57.38]This is the second time he's gone after Walt. He knocked me out. 万一他不想回来呢?
[17:00.69]He locked us both up. 这是他第二次去找Walt 而且把我打晕了
[17:02.68]Something tells me he might be past listening to reason.
[17:06.76]What, you think we should just let him go, write him off? 直觉告诉我他不会听你说理
[17:10.87]Who are we to tell anyone what they can or can't do? 什么 你觉得我们应该随他去
[17:14.70]我们有什么资格去教唆 别人该做什么不该做什么?
[17:30.23]It's not too late to go back.
[17:32.31]The tumor's aggressive,
[17:33.64]but your father could lead a very normal life for at least another year. 现在回去还来得及
[17:37.23]Go back? 瘤在扩散
[17:38.14]Go back where? Home? 但是你父亲还可以 正常生活至少一年
[17:40.83]回去? 回哪里? 家?
[17:42.64]Have you changed your mind, Jack?
[17:44.57]No. No.
[17:46.73]你改变主意了吗 Jack?
[17:48.54]不 不
[17:57.52]Is that it?
[18:06.30]Even if you don't succeed, you're giving us a chance.
[18:13.24]That's all we wanted. 至少给了我们机会
[18:18.75]I'll come out and check on you before I scrub in. 我们不敢奢望什么
[18:22.87]Okay. 手术前 我还会出来跟你确认一下
[18:28.81]Am I interrupting?
[18:31.59]No. I was just leaving. 我妨碍你们说话了吗?
[18:35.61]没 我正准备走
[18:37.70]I'll see you in the morning.
[18:40.72]I'll see you in the morning. 明早见
[18:49.02]I.T.R. Reports need to be signed by you as chief resident.
[19:04.66]There's a line, son. 小心
[19:06.24]You know it's there.
[19:07.89]And pretending it's not... 做事要有限度 儿子 你知道的
[19:10.51]that would be a mistake. 如果超过了限度...
[19:15.69]Guess you would know. 就会酿成大错
[19:21.75]It may be okay for some people, Jack,
[19:25.10]but not for you. 对一些人来说可能没问题 Jack
[19:54.71]Sure Mike went this way?
[19:57.55]Why do you ask? 确定Mike往这里走?
[19:59.21]Oh, I don't know, Mr. Clean.
[20:01.10]I probably would have gone around Mount Vesuvius. 为什么这样问?
[20:03.07]哦 我不知道 清道夫先生
[20:06.31]Why did you pick that name? 或许我应该去爬维苏威山
[20:10.30]Ain't it obvious? 你为什么选那个名字?
[20:12.95]All you need's an earring and a mop.
[20:17.69]No, your name. Why did you pick "Sawyer"? 再加上耳环和拖把就行了
[20:21.34]What do you mean, "pick"? 不 你的名字 为什么选名叫"Sawyer"?
[20:23.00]After the census, Hurley gave me the flight manifest.
[20:28.36]Your name is James. Right? James Ford. 在人员调查后 Hurley给了我旅客名单
[20:33.20]What's it to you? 你叫James 对吧?
[20:35.63]Just an interesting name to choose, is all. James Ford
[20:38.76]Who'd you get it from? 真是选了个有趣的名字
[20:40.67]Who says I got it from anybody?
[20:49.97]- Michael! - Jack, get down!
[20:51.47]- Michael! - Jack! Jack!
[20:55.69]Jack 蹲下
[20:56.84]- Michael - Jack
[21:08.70]- Michael! - Jack.
[21:12.93]What? Michael
[21:16.78]He's close. 什么?
[21:18.24]Yeah, and if he was shooting at someone, you want 'em coming back?
[21:21.10]Personally, hell, yeah. 他就在附近
[21:22.57]You said these people were two days across the island. 对 如果他都朝某人开枪了 你还想他会回来?
[21:24.78]Yeah, and they took Cindy less than a mile from our camp. 对我来说 是的
[21:27.77]Over here. 你说这些人两天前穿过这个岛
[21:29.38]对 他们从我们营地不到一公里处带走了Cindy
[21:34.81]- Shell casings. How many? - Three. Michael's.
[21:38.26]You boys deaf? I heard at least seven shots. 空弹壳
[21:41.31]You heard 'em, Daniel Boone. What's your count? - 几发? - 3发 Michael的
[21:44.14]Yeah. Seven sounds about right. 你们聋了? 我听到至少7声
[21:47.07]It's gettin' dark. 你也听到了吧?
[21:49.06]Which way did Mike go? 对 差不多7声
[22:04.66]You out here for Michael or just payback for getting shot?
[22:10.52]Why are you out here, doc? 你出来是找Michael
[22:15.05]You got your reasons, and I got mine. 那你来这儿干嘛?
[22:34.12]- I had it. - I know, son.
[22:35.68]I got it! I got it all. I mean, I had it! Jack
[22:38.15]He was a sick old man on a table for seven and a half hours. Jack
[22:38.63]- 我都快成功了 - 我知道 孩子
[22:40.06]要成了 要成了 都快成功了
[22:43.10]His heart gave out. It's nobody's fault. 他是个病老人 已经在台上躺了7个半小时了
[22:47.72]他心脏不跳了 这不是谁的错
[22:50.45]Gotta go tell her.
[22:52.91]Yeah, well, I've already done that.
[22:58.95]Lest you forget, I am still chief of surgery. 对 我已经说了
[23:03.81]免得你忘记 我还是外科主任
[23:06.18]Where is she?
[23:09.13]- Maybe you should go home. - Where is she? 她在哪?
[23:13.82]She's gone. - 也许你该回家去 - 她在哪?
[23:22.89]go home.
[23:53.89]Gabriela. jack?
[24:00.57]My father told me that you'd gone. I, uh...
[24:05.16]我父亲告诉我 你已经走了 我 呃...
[24:07.20]- I, uh... - Thank you.
[24:10.27]Thank you for trying.
[24:11.93]- 我 呃... - 谢谢
[24:18.13]Gabriela... I'm so sorry.
[24:29.59]I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that I couldn't...
[24:33.61]很抱歉 很抱歉我没能...
[24:44.14]- Wha... - It's okay.
[24:48.84]I... 没事的
[24:56.73]I can't. 我...
[25:10.22]What do you mean, you lost it?
[25:12.01]He's a man, not a boar.
[25:14.10]The signs' more subtle. I need light to follow. 你说什么? 你跟丢了?
[25:16.81]Here. 他是人 不是野猪
[25:18.51]Light. 看不清了 我需要灯光指引
[25:22.93]I think we'd better head back. 火把
[25:25.34]- Just find the trail, John. - I've lost the trail.
[25:27.34]You don't just lose a trail. - 我觉得最好还是回去 - 什么?
[25:29.28]You just don't want to find him. 去找踪迹 John
[25:31.37]Yeah, that's right, Jack. - 我找不到线索了 - 你不是找不到
[25:33.12]I've been running through the jungle 你是不想找他
[25:34.58]toward the sound of gunfire because I don't care about Michael. 对 说得对 Jack
[25:38.24]Don't turn around on me, John. 我顺着枪声穿越丛林
[25:40.88]You're not gonna get him to come back, and you know it! 而我不在乎Micheal
[25:42.83]You know what happens if we just turn around and go back? 别想改变我的想法 John
[25:45.44]We're never gonna see him again, 你不会把他带回去的 你自己很清楚
[25:47.54]and that's gonna be on us-- 如果我们回去会发生什么?
[25:49.20]on you and on me. 我们就再也见不到他了
[25:52.26]You're exactly right, Jack! 这取决于我们...
[25:57.75]But if I were you, 你说的很对 Jack
[26:00.11]I'd listen to Mr. Locke.
[26:12.50]Who are you?
[26:14.00]He's the son of a bitch who shot me on the raft.
[26:17.65]Why don't you point the gun down?
[26:20.49]Ow! 你是谁?
[26:30.37]Probably be best if we just keep our hands at our sides, gentlemen.
[26:35.43]Where's Michael?
[26:36.85]Don't worry about Michael. 也许你们最好把两手放好
[26:38.79]He's not gonna find us.
[26:42.21]What do you want? Michael在哪?
[26:44.11]Why don't you build us a fire, John? 别担心Michael
[26:49.20]Think it's time we all had a talk. 你想怎样?
[26:50.91]为什么不生火呢 John?
[27:02.70]"Geronimo Jackson"?
[27:09.00]Whoo. "Geronimo Jackson"?
[27:10.48]As an expert in all things musical,
[27:12.91]I never heard of these guys, shocking as that may be. "Geronimo Jackson." 恩
[27:17.20]This looks sweet. Let's give her a rip. 作为一个音乐方面的行家
[27:20.71]Yeah. 我从没听说过这些家伙 真糟 "Geronimo Jackson"
[27:26.46]So what do you think's the story with that Libby chick? 我们听听吧
[27:29.84]The story?
[27:31.38]She's kind of cute, right?
[27:34.03]You know, in a 你觉得那个Libby背后发生过什么故事?
[27:35.21]"I've been terrorized by the others for 40 days" kind of way. 故事?
[27:39.20]Yeah, there is that. 她挺可爱的 是吧?
[27:46.11]I think I have a chance with her. 是啊 是的
[27:49.37]I mean, it's a classic desert island scenario.
[27:51.70]If I ever had a shot, this is it. 我觉得我跟她有希望
[27:55.95]我说 这是个经典的以荒岛为背景的故事
[27:58.25]You think Claire's missed me yet? 如果让我选
[28:01.46]Dude, it's been a day. 就选这个
[28:08.41]伙计 都烦了一天了
[28:13.69]This music is quite depressing.
[28:16.26]We can change it, dude. You ever hear of Geronimo Jackson?
[28:19.82]I'm afraid not. Where's Jack and Locke? 这音乐很郁闷
[28:22.58]Oh, they went after Michael. 我们可以换一张 伙计 你听过Geronimo Jackson么?
[28:24.92]Michael? Yeah, he's run after Walt again.
[28:27.78]Everyone's gone to bring him back. 恐怕没有 Jack和Locke去哪儿了?
[28:29.79]Who's everyone? 哦 他们去找Michael了
[28:31.18]Everyone-- Jack, Sawyer, Locke. - Michael? - 是啊 他又去找Walt了
[28:34.28]Oh, and Kate. 大家都去了想把他找回来
[28:37.66]大家是Jack Sawyer Locke
[28:40.74]Just sit down, Jack. Nobody gonna hurt you. I come in peace. 哦 还有Kate
[28:45.98]How do you know our names?
[28:48.51]You took Walt. 坐下 Jack 没人会伤害你的
[28:51.52]Walt's fine. 你怎么知道我们的名字?
[28:53.49]He's a very special boy.
[28:56.13]Look, you said you wanted to talk. Talk. 你带走了Walt
[29:00.24]Let me ask you this-- how long you been here on the island? 他是个很特别的孩子
[29:02.80]听着 你说过你想谈谈
[29:04.64]50 days. 那就谈谈
[29:06.13]Ooh, 50 days. That's, what, almost two whole months. 让我问问你 你来到这个岛上多久了?
[29:11.67]Tell me, you go over a man's house for the first time, 50天
[29:13.04]噢 50天 都快两个月了
[29:16.67]do you take off your shoes?
[29:19.75]Do you put your feet up on his coffee table? 告诉我
[29:23.12]Do you walk in the kitchen and eat food that doesn't belong to you, 你会脱掉鞋子吗?
[29:27.01]open the door to rooms you got no business opening? 你会把脚搁在他的咖啡桌上吗?
[29:30.05]会走进厨房 吃不属于你的食物吗?
[29:32.82]You know, somebody a whole lot smarter than anybody here once said that, 会打开你无权打开的门 闯进他人房间吗?
[29:37.02]"since the dawn of our species, man has been blessed with curiosity."
[29:44.40]You know the other one about curiosity, don't you, Jack? "人类自诞生之日起
[29:50.92]This is not your island. 你知道另一个关于好奇心的事吗 Jack?
[29:53.67]This is our island.
[29:56.05]And the only reason you're living on it
[29:58.69]is 'cause we let you live on it. 这不是你们的岛
[30:05.90]I don't believe you. 是因为我们让你们生存
[30:09.62]You don't believe what?
[30:11.32]I think you've got one guy up there with a gun.
[30:15.13]I think there's more of us than there are of you. 你不相信什么?
[30:18.45]I think if you had any real strength, 我认为你只有一个人一把枪
[30:20.97]you wouldn't have had to send a spy. 我认为我们的人比你的人多
[30:24.80]Ethan. 我认为你如果真有实力
[30:30.91]That's an interesting theory.
[30:34.14]Light 'em up! Ethan
[30:40.60]We got a misunderstanding, Jack... 点火
[30:42.95]your people, my people.
[30:45.41]So listen carefully.
[30:47.59]Right here there's a line. 我们有些误会 Jack...
[30:49.61]你的人 我的人
[30:51.23]You cross that line, we go from misunderstanding to... 所以听好了
[30:55.90]something else.
[30:59.00]Now give me your weapons, turn around. Go home. 一旦你跨过了这条线
[31:04.38]No. 现在把你的武器给我 回去吧
[31:06.92]- Jack, maybe-- - No!
[31:11.86]I hoped it wouldn't come to this. 不
[31:14.81]Bring her out, Alex! - Jack 或许--- - 不
[31:22.32]She was following you. 把她带出来 Alex
[31:24.74]Like I said-- curiosity.
[31:31.93]Don't. 就像我说的--
[31:36.53]Jack, the decision you gotta make right now is this--
[31:41.16]Can you live with the fact that I shot this woman right in front of you...
[31:43.42]Jack 你现在要做出决定
[31:46.58]When you could have saved her life by giving up and going home? 你是眼睁睁看着她被打死...
[31:52.50]Now you gonna give me your guns, turn around and walk away. 还是为救她 放弃掉 转身回去?
[31:57.19]It's your call, Jack.
[32:00.42]If you touched a hair on her head, I'll-- 现在把你的枪给我
[32:02.53]Shut up! 回你们的地方去
[32:04.01]全凭你的主意 Jack
[32:06.97]I'm gonna count to three. - 要是你动她一根指头我就... - 闭嘴
[32:18.65]Stop. 一
[32:41.25]Now them.
[32:49.61]Give me the other one, too.
[33:10.98]You and me ain't done, Zeke.
[33:18.11]咱俩没完 Zeke
[33:45.63]Jack, I...
[33:49.38]- You all right? - Yeah.
[33:51.32]Jack 我...
[34:07.94]*What are you you doing out here alone?
[34:10.75]*I couldn't sleep.
[34:14.23]*Are they back?
[34:16.38]*Not yet.
[34:22.11]*Honey... 我睡不着
[34:25.05]*I don't like being told what to do. 他们回来了吗?
[34:31.19]*Being told what to do was my life for four years... 亲爱的
[34:36.81]*I didn't like it much either.
[34:41.04]过去的四年里 听命行事是我全部的生活
[34:47.27]*I don't suppose you did.
[35:21.59]I was just trying to help, Jack.
[35:24.19]When you told me not to go, I just...
[35:28.08]I made a mistake.
[35:32.08]Hey. Could you just talk to me for a second? 我只是想帮忙 Jack
[35:35.76]当你叫我别去 我感觉...
[35:41.03]I'm sorry. 我错了
[35:44.47]Yeah. 你能不能跟我说句话?
[35:46.93]I'm sorry, too.
[36:07.71]- Hey. - Hey.
[36:09.77]How did it go?
[36:13.07]He died.
[36:16.48]I'm sorry.
[36:18.24]Yeah. Me too. - 嘿 - 嘿
[36:22.11]- Who was over? - My mom. 怎么样了?
[36:25.61]Her bridge game okay? 他死了
[36:28.70]Oh, yeah. She's on a streak. 我很遗憾
[36:30.07]是啊 我也是
[36:31.94]Did you-- did you eat?
[36:34.12]Yeah. No, I--it's... 谁来过了?
[36:37.25]it's late. I'm fine. 她桥牌玩的如何?
[36:40.61]哦 很好 她运气正旺
[36:43.90]你 你吃过了么?
[36:46.51]You don't have to do that. 吃了 哦没 只是...
[36:48.02]It's therapeutic. Cheaper than a shrink. 已经迟了 算了
[37:02.48]How'd the daughter take it?
[37:05.98]What's her name-- Gabriela?
[37:08.68]She kissed me.
[37:14.77]Yeah, she... 那他女儿怎么样了?
[37:17.79]she kissed me, and... 她叫Gabriela吧
[37:21.39]I kissed her back.
[37:24.29]I... I don't know. I don't know how it happened. I just...
[37:25.97]是的 她...
[37:29.12]她吻了我 然后....
[37:31.29]I made a mistake. 我也吻了她
[37:33.95]I made a mistake, and this is my fault.
[37:36.55]It's my fault that you and me-- 我...
[37:39.33]I haven't been here, Sarah. I mean... 我不知道怎么会那样 我只是...
[37:45.06]We don't even talk anymore. 我犯了错 这是我的错
[37:49.27]I hate what's happening to us, and 我很少来这里 Sarah
[37:52.00]I promise you that things are gonna be different. 我是说...
[37:54.42]I'm gonna-- I'm gonna work less.
[37:57.03]I'm gonna be here for you. 我们甚至都不说话了
[37:59.72]Okay? I'm gonna fix this. We're gonna go back to the way things were. 我恨我们之间发生的事
[38:02.46]I'm gonna fix this. I'm gonna fix this. 我答应你Sarah 事情会好起来的 我会...
[38:10.89]好吗? 我会解决的 我们会像过去一样
[38:13.64]Jack. 我会解决的 我会解决的
[38:22.95]- I'm leaving you. - What?
[38:30.50]I was already leaving you.
[38:32.06]That's why my mother was here. She was helping me pack.
[38:42.70]我已经准备离开你了 我妈来这就是为了帮我收拾的
[38:48.35]I've been seeing someone...
[38:57.75]someone else.
[39:03.57]I have to...
[39:06.38]I can't stay.
[39:10.85]Sarah... 别的人
[39:17.08]you will always need something to fix. 我必须这样...
[39:26.31]Good-bye. 你...
[39:50.93]See you, James.
[39:56.95]Don't beat yourself up, Freckles.
[39:59.64]If he'd told me to stay behind, I'd have done the same damn thing.
[40:04.88]再见 James
[40:08.16]Oh. Hello.
[40:09.82]What's the matter? 别为难自己 小妞
[40:11.19]What's the matter with your little foot?
[40:13.14]Hi. Hi! 如果他让我留下来 我也会跟你一样做的
[40:14.69]Who's that?
[40:17.56]You don't like your uncle Johnny?
[40:20.77]What is he doing to your toy?
[40:22.28]哦 你好 怎么了?
[40:24.06]What is he doing? 你的小脚怎么了?
[40:27.00]嗨 嗨
[40:29.51]Hey, go away. 那是谁啊?
[40:32.08]I barely have enough food to feed myself. 你不喜欢你的Johnny叔叔?
[40:35.42]Here. Get that. Go! 你的玩具呢?
[40:39.85]I see you found a new friend.
[40:43.46]Progress. 嘿 走开
[40:49.41]来 给你 去吧
[40:50.97]Hear you were out lookin' for Michael.
[40:59.69]He ran off looking for his kid again?
[41:11.21]Not much you can do about that then.
[41:17.85]Is it true that you killed one of them?
[41:21.63]One of who?
[41:24.40]Them. 你能做的只有这么多了
[41:31.16]Sayid tells me that you're a cop. 你杀了他们其中一个是真的吗?
[41:36.64]I was a cop. 谁的其中一个?
[41:39.63]Can I ask you something? 其他人
[41:45.87]How long do you think it would take to train an army? Sayid告诉我你是个警察

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