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[00:00.44]Previously on "Lost"... 剧情回顾...
[00:01.72]Tequila and tonic. 龙舌兰酒
[00:03.93]- Ana-Lucia. - Jack. - Ana-Lucia - Jack
[00:06.59]We'll have the next drink on the plane, okay? 上飞机后我们再喝一杯 好么?
[00:09.53]- 42F. - 42F, right. - 我的位置是42F - 42F 好的
[00:17.63]All right, all of you, get up. 好了 你们全部起来
[00:22.29]Sawyer! Sawyer
[00:23.19]Can you help me make a stretcher? We're gonna carry him. 能帮我一起做担架么? 我们得抬着他
[00:28.26]Walt! Walt
[00:31.39]- Walt! - Shannon! - Walt - Shannon
[00:40.10]Shannon! Shannon
[00:50.50]翻译: Singa
[00:55.50]YYeTs美剧翻译组制作 www.YYETS.net
[01:16.62]So how you doing? 最近怎么样?
[01:19.07]Well, the family with the screaming baby moved. 呃 有个很吵的孩子的那家人已经搬走了
[01:22.91]You must be thrilled. 那你一定很高兴了
[01:26.24]Actually, it's... 事实上...
[01:28.28]too quiet now. 现在又觉得太安静了
[01:35.10]So how's Danny? 那么Danny怎么样?
[01:37.13]You two trying to work things out? 你们有尝试着和好么?
[01:40.06]There's nothing to work out. 没什么好和好的了
[01:42.42]He left. 他走了
[01:44.95]You okay with that? 你还好吧?
[01:47.37]I guess you could say I'm one of those people who's just better off alone. 我想我是那种喜欢一个人生活的人
[01:55.15]So, uh, how was the firing range? 那么 呃 射击练习得还行么?
[01:57.67]Good. 很好
[01:59.73]How did it feel to hold a gun again? 再次握枪的感觉怎么样?
[02:02.33]Very good. 非常好
[02:04.36]All these steps count, Ana. 这些步骤都是必须的 Ana
[02:06.78]You've come a long way since we met four months ago. 从我们四个月前见面到现在 你已经经历了很多东西
[02:12.43]She say, you know... 她说 你知道...
[02:17.41]when I can come back to work? 我什么时候能回去工作?
[02:20.87]She left the final determination up to me. 她让我做最后的决定
[02:23.77]Right. 好的
[02:27.32]Do you think you're ready? 你觉得你没问题了么?
[02:30.82]What do you think? 你觉得呢?
[02:53.32]Welcome back to the force, officer Cortez. 欢迎你回到警队 Cortez警官
[03:11.58]Sayid! Sayid
[03:13.41]Sayid, no! Sayid 不
[03:15.89]- Eko, let him go! - He's one of us! - Eko 放开他 - 他是我们中的一个
[03:19.03]No! 不
[03:21.09]Eko! Eko
[03:28.94]No! No! 不 不
[03:31.08]Eko! Eko
[03:36.51]No! No! 不 不
[03:41.54]Hey! 嘿
[03:43.04]Hey! 嘿
[03:44.26]Don't move! Nobody move! 别动 谁也别动
[04:01.18]Nobody move! Nobody!
[04:05.53]Does he have anything else on him?
[04:09.48]He just had a gun to your neck.
[04:12.27]Check to see if he has anything else on him.
[04:14.59]- Hey. Put it down. - Stop.
[04:17.16]What are you, crazy? Don't point that at me! 不许动 谁都不准
[04:18.67]- I said stop! - What is your problem, huh?
[04:21.00]Ana! 他身上还有其它东西么?
[04:21.75]Get back!
[04:23.55]Get back, both of you! 什么?
[04:25.73]- Are you crazy? - Ana-- 他刚才拿枪指着你的脖子
[04:27.77]- Now! - Ana! 去看看他身上还有些什么东西
[04:30.44]- 嘿 放下枪 - 站住
[04:33.04]We need to tie him up. 你怎么了 疯了么? 别拿枪指着我
[04:34.52]- 我说了别动 - 你到底是怎么了啊?
[04:36.26]- I'm not tying him up. - He tried to kill you. Ana
[04:41.13]No. - 你疯了么? - Ana
[04:43.62]- 退下 - Ana
[04:52.11]- 我不会去绑他 - 他刚才想杀你
[04:55.62]You. 不
[04:57.22]You do it.
[05:01.39]Tie him.
[05:04.24]Use the vines from the stretcher.
[05:06.18]Hey, if we take that thing apart, we won't be able to--
[05:08.51]Shut up.
[05:10.34]Ana, Sawyer needs a doctor, or he'll die. 你
[05:15.20]I know what I'm doing.
[05:22.03]嘿 如果我们把担架拆了 我们就无法...
[05:26.19]Ana Sawyer需要看医生 不然他会死的
[05:29.63]I hope this is all of it. 我知道我在做什么
[05:32.03]That's all we've got right now.
[05:35.50]Thanks, captain.
[05:40.71]Come on in.
[05:44.65]Hey. Look who's here. Good to see you, Ana-Lucia. Welcome back. 但愿就这些了
[05:48.54]Thanks, Raggs. 现在我们也只有这些资料
[05:50.05]I'll get you those I.R.S, captain. 好的
[05:52.41]- Today. - You've got it. 谢谢 长官
[05:57.59]How are you? 进来吧
[05:59.80]- Good. Fine. - Good. 嘿 看看是谁来了 很高兴见到你 Ana-Lucia 欢迎回来
[06:05.15]Your assignment. 谢谢 Raggs
[06:05.90]我会把那些资料拿给你的 长官
[06:08.27]- 今天之前 - 好的
[06:09.79]Evidence? You're putting me behind a desk?
[06:13.27]- Is that a problem? - I want patrol. 你好么?
[06:16.06]- I don't care what you want. - Just put me in a car. - 很不错 - 好的
[06:18.29]You were in an officer-involved shooting. No.
[06:23.66]You doing this because you're my captain?
[06:25.65]取证部门? 你想让我坐办公桌?
[06:27.26]Or because you're my mother?
[06:29.12]- 有问题么? - 我想去巡逻
[06:31.92]- 我不在乎你想做什么 - 我要坐巡逻车
[06:34.41]Both. 你曾被别人枪击过 不行
[06:40.19]I need to be back on the street. Please. 是因为你是我的上司你才这么做?
[06:47.12]I put you in a car,
[06:48.78]everyone's gonna know that I pulled strings. 两个都是
[06:51.30]You don't want me to treat you like my daughter? Don't ask for favors.
[06:54.54]Then transfer me.
[07:00.68]You don't get the transfer, but I'll give you the car.
[07:08.08]Happy? 你不是不想让我对你像对女儿一样么? 那么就别求我帮你
[07:10.57]Sorry to bother you, captain. 那就把我调走
[07:12.18]Ana, there's a call for you in the bullpen. They say it's real important.
[07:15.50]Thanks, Raggs. I'll be right there. 我不会调走你的 你去巡逻吧
[07:19.93]They got you a cake.
[07:22.99]Try and act surprised. 开心了么?
[07:26.43]不好意思打扰一下 长官
[07:28.04]Ana 大房间有你的电话 他们说很重要
[07:31.36]谢谢 Raggs 我马上去接
[07:38.64]Jack, nice to see you out of the hatch. You can use more sunshine. 要装作很惊讶的样子
[07:43.69]I'll take that under advisement.
[07:45.49]A little fruit might do you good, too.
[07:47.96]Good for the constitution. At least that's what they say.
[07:51.62]Well, if that's what they say...
[07:54.49]Jack 很高兴在舱子外面见到你 你可以多晒会儿太阳了
[07:59.64]Where did you get these? 我会考虑一下的
[08:01.01]Now just 'cause you're a little excited, no reason to talk with your mouth full. 来点儿水果也许会更好
[08:03.81]对身体有益 至少他们是这么说的
[08:07.47]呃 如果是他们说的...
[08:16.75]Past the hanging tree, double or nothing. 这些水果你是从哪儿来的?
[08:20.29]You sure?
[08:21.31]Dude, double or nothing. There's no way you're hitting it that far.
[08:23.78]Hurley, the woman's on bloody steroids.
[08:26.84]Double's 10,000 bucks.
[08:28.26]Oh, that's nothing to someone who's worth $150 million.
[08:31.24]He'll build you your own course if you'd like. 打过那棵树 我们赌双倍
[08:33.18]- What's he talking about? - Ignore him. He's an idiot.
[08:37.17]伙计 就赌双倍 你不可能打那么远
[08:39.04]- Whoo-hoo-hoo! - Crap! Hurley 这女人就像打了内固醇
[08:42.38]You hooked it. 两倍就是一万美元
[08:44.69]Try keeping your left arm straight. 哦 那对于一个身家 1亿5千万的人来说并不算什么
[08:47.09]如果你喜欢 他可以给你建一个私人球场
[08:48.76]You're giving me tips? - 他说什么? - 别理他 他是个白痴
[08:50.92]Kate, I'm...
[08:54.06]I'm a doctor. - 喔喔喔 - 真该死
[08:56.13]So you think you could do better?
[09:00.23]Anyone can hit a ball. That's not golf. 试着伸直你的左臂
[09:03.51]And what's golf? 你在给我传授经验?
[09:06.45]Golf is accuracy. Kate 我...
[09:12.72]Well, why don't we play a few holes 所以你认为你可以打得更好?
[09:15.95]and see which one of us is more accurate? 谁都可以击球 但那不是高尔夫
[09:19.14]Ooh! 那么什么才是高尔夫?
[09:23.79]You're kidding, right? 高尔夫讲求精确性
[09:25.77]Three holes, no handicap. We play for bragging rights.
[09:30.45]What are we waiting for? 比比我们俩谁更精确?
[09:40.76]Ana, let's just get to their camp. It was an accident. They'll understand. 你在开玩笑 是么?
[09:41.62]三个洞 不设标准杆 谁赢谁才有权说大话
[09:46.29]They'll understand? I killed one of them. 我们还等什么?
[09:56.61]Ana 我们快去他们的营地吧 那只是一场意外 他们会理解的
[09:58.47]- Those two move? Shout. - Wait. What are you do--
[10:02.14]他们会理解的? 我杀了他们中的一个
[10:05.83]Untie me.
[10:08.55]- I'm not gonna-- - Untie me!
[10:14.32]- 这两人想动你就喊 - 等等 你想干...
[10:17.70]What are you doing?
[10:21.01]I'm taking him back to his camp. 放开我
[10:23.29]Don't leave. Please. - 我不会... - 放开我
[10:26.66]If that were you, he'd let you die. Ana
[10:28.90]I'm not doing it for him.
[10:32.38]I'm doing it for me. 你做什么?
[10:39.14]别走 求你了
[10:42.51]如果你和他互换 他是不会救你的
[10:45.76]So that shrink give you any good drugs? 我不是为了他才这么做的
[10:49.50]Not that kind of shrink. 我是为了我自己
[10:52.70]- Did you miss me? - Boy, did I.
[10:57.42]Heard about you and Danny.
[11:00.87]Want me to go kick his ass for you?
[11:03.90]Nah. 那个心理医生给了你什么好药?
[11:05.71]It's better this way. 不是那种心理医生
[11:10.62]What are we doing in Westwood? - 你想我么? - 伙计 当然
[11:13.69]Thought a change of scenery would be nice. 听说了你和Danny的事了
[11:16.64]Nice, safe neighborhood for your first day back.
[11:22.81]- This was her idea, wasn't it? - She is the captain. 现在这样很好
[11:26.81]8-adam-9, please respond to a domestic disturbance call. 2210 south veteran. 我们来这儿做什么?
[11:32.18]- This is 8-adam-16. - That's not our call. 这儿风景很好
[11:36.79]We're just three blocks away from that call on veteran. We got it.
[11:41.53]Copy that, 8-adam-16. - 这是她的主意 是么? - 她是上司
[11:44.10]呼叫亚当809号 有一起家庭骚乱事件等待处理 在2210街区
[11:48.13]Where are you going?! What are you doing?! - 这是亚当816号 - 那不是呼叫我们的
[11:50.93]Not the TV, Travis. The tv is mine!
[11:54.17]Like hell it is! I bought it with my money! 我们离事件地点不到三个街区 我们会去处理
[11:57.46]- Did you call the cops?! - What?! 收到 亚当816号
[11:59.46]Huh?! Do something useful, Shawna. Shut your trap!
[12:02.16]Arrest him! He is stealing my tv!
[12:04.53]- She hit me! She hit me! - He cannot get away with it! 你要去哪儿? 你在做什么?
[12:06.43]Hey, enough, both of you!
[12:07.99]What are you gonna do? Take the baby? 不是电视机 Travis 这电视机是我的
[12:12.03]- Shut the damn kid up! - No! 滚吧 这是我拿钱买的
[12:15.22]Both of you! - 是你叫的警察? - 什么?
[12:16.31]Put your hands where I can see 'em! 恩? 做点有价值的事吧 Shawna 别瞎来
[12:18.92]Get down on the ground. 逮捕他 他偷了我的电视机
[12:21.52]Officer Cortez! - 她打了我 她打了我 - 他不能把电视机带走
[12:23.28]Ma'am, get your baby upstairs. 嘿 够了 你们两个
[12:24.86]Ana-lucia! 你想干什么? 把孩子带走?
[12:25.87]Get your hands on the ground!
[12:29.30]He's down. - 让这该死的孩子别吵了 - 不
[12:31.28]Okay, okay. I'm down, I'm down. 你们两个停下
[12:35.10]Holster your weapon. Now. 趴下
[12:40.57]太太 把你的孩子带到楼上去
[12:48.58]好 好 我趴下 我趴下
[12:53.94]I think you should let him go.
[12:56.14]No. He's gonna come after me.
[12:59.03]You don't know that.
[13:01.07]I killed someone he loves.
[13:13.43]不 他会报复我的
[13:17.88]Sit down. Now. 我杀了他爱的人
[13:22.11]I'm bringing him water.
[13:25.13]You gonna shoot me?
[13:27.65]Shoot me.
[13:34.44]Don't even think of untying him. 马上坐下
[13:50.43]Who is that woman? 你别想放开他
[13:54.10]Her name is Ana-Lucia. She was on the plane.
[13:58.79]Tail section. They all were.
[14:01.55]We were bringing 'em back.
[14:03.65]Where is Walt?
[14:07.12]They took him. 那女人是谁?
[14:09.78]The others.
[14:11.40]她叫Ana-Lucia 她是飞机上的
[14:14.44]What do you mean, they took him?
[14:16.61]From the raft. The night we left. 他们全都是尾舱的
[14:23.65]Hey, man-- 他们带走了他
[14:28.72]Hey, we're gonna get out of this, man.
[14:31.73]怎么回事 他们带走了他?
[14:33.90]从竹筏上带走的 就在我们离开的那个晚上
[14:41.31]Guess you're first. 嘿 伙计...
[14:42.67]Lucky me. 嘘
[14:46.88]You know, the ladies' tee at my club back home is about 10 feet closer, so if you-- 嘿 我们会想办法放开你的 伙计
[14:51.13]Shut up, Jack.
[15:04.17]你得知道 在我俱乐部里 女子发球区往往会前推10英尺 所以如果你...
[15:09.24]You're up. 闭嘴 Jack
[15:27.19]Wow. 该你了
[15:29.62]You really put it in there.
[15:36.53]We have more balls. You could always just take a drop.
[15:39.03]I'm good.
[15:45.74]Got it. 喔
[15:53.82]我们还有球 你可以选择抛球
[16:01.11]You may want to move.
[16:18.58]Where is the doctor? 你最好躲开点
[16:30.13]I got him. I got him.
[16:32.34]- Okay. Where are we headed? - Bathroom.
[16:37.55]He's burning up. We've got to get him in the shower
[16:39.73]and bring his fever down.
[16:42.00]What can I do?
[16:46.03]Okay. Go through the medical stash. There's a bottle of Ofloxacin. 我拉着他 我拉着他
[16:50.84]- Ofloxacin. - Ofloxacin, little white pills. - 好的 我们去哪儿? - 浴室
[16:53.22]Bring the alcohol and some gauze patches,
[16:55.45]and strip that bed, make sure it's got clean sheets on it. 他烧得很厉害 我们得给他冲个澡
[17:01.43]- Kate! - Uh, yeah. Yeah.
[17:03.33]你去医药箱里找找 那儿有一瓶氧氟沙星
[17:08.14]- 氧氟沙星 - 氧氟沙星 白色的小药片
[17:11.89]What happened? 再带一些酒精和纱布过来
[17:15.36]John... the button.
[17:18.72]- Kate - 呃 好的 好的
[17:32.65]John... 快按按键
[18:04.29]Hey. 你好
[18:07.66]What are we doing here, Ana? 你好
[18:10.60]I mean, their camp has gotta be close.
[18:14.11]I just want to get back to my wife.
[18:19.85]How long have I kept you alive out here, Bernard?
[18:24.79]That's right. 我们在这儿干什么 Ana?
[18:27.65]So cut me some slack. 我是说 他们的营地已经很近了
[18:29.85]Hey. We just want to know what you're doing. What's the plan?
[18:35.31]She has no plan!
[18:37.99]She only has her guilt... and a gun. 我让你在这儿活了多久 Bernard?
[18:43.60]You want a plan? 让我安静会儿
[18:47.15]嘿 我们只想知道你在干什么 你有什么计划?
[18:48.87]Do you have any ammo back at your camp?
[18:51.78]- What? - Ammo for the gun. 她没有计划
[18:54.10]Do you have any back at your camp? 她只有负罪感... 和一把抢
[18:56.60]Yeah, a couple boxes.
[18:58.31]All right. I want it. At least half.
[19:02.16]And I'll need a pack. A big one. 你要计划是么?
[19:04.35]A blanket. Some medicine.
[19:06.96]Clothes-- jeans and socks. 你们的营地里有子弹么?
[19:10.15]- You getting all this? - Yeah, I got it. - 什么? - 这把枪的子弹
[19:12.34]All right. You bring all of that stuff back to me, 你们营地里有么?
[19:13.89]有 有几盒
[19:15.60]好的 我要了 至少要一半
[19:17.41]and I'll let your friend go.
[19:19.85]Unh-unh. I'm not leaving him. 我还要一个包裹 一个大包
[19:22.18]- Michael, you should. - No. We stay together. 一条毯子 一些药品
[19:25.28]Go. 衣服 牛仔裤和袜子
[19:27.45]- 你都记住了么? - 恩 记住了
[19:29.63]好的 你把那些东西带来给我
[19:38.06]I'll be back, man. 呃呃 我是不会离开他的
[19:39.47]- Michael 你得这么做 - 不 我们呆在一起
[19:41.05]Ana, what are you doing? You can't live out here alone.
[19:49.77]I'm already alone.
[19:55.35]我会回来的 伙计
[19:58.34]Ana 你干什么? 你不能一个人生活在这儿
[20:12.79]I'll sign us out.
[20:14.83]What, you're talking to me now?
[20:16.58]I just want to go home, A.L.
[20:18.56]Hey, I ordered that guy to stop twice.
[20:21.60]So does that mean every time we run into some yo-yo
[20:23.50]with a tv in his hands, you're gonna draw down?
[20:26.19]Hey, Ana-Lucia, your guy-- we got him.
[20:33.92]什么 你现在和我说话了?
[20:35.67]我只是想回家 A.L.
[20:37.74]His name is Jason McCormack. 嘿 我让那家伙停下已经叫了两次了
[20:39.97]We picked him upon an assault on an elderly woman in Echo Park. 那么这就是说每次我们
[20:43.74]His fingerprints match the partial from your crime scene. 碰上拿着电视机的混混 我们就要把他放倒?
[20:46.59]We questioned him, and he confessed. 嘿 Ana-Lucia 你要的人... 我们抓到了
[20:48.44]The D.A.'s ready to file charges. All he needs is for you to I.D. him.
[20:57.29]- It's not him. - He confessed. 他叫Jason McCormack
[21:00.45]I don't know him. 我们抓他时他正在埃克公园 袭击一个老妇女
[21:02.51]Can you guys give us a minute? 他的指纹部分与你在 犯罪现场取得的吻合
[21:05.68]我们审问过他了 他供认了
[21:07.53]地方检察官已经准备控告他 现在就差你的指认了
[21:12.69]Why are you doing this?
[21:14.69]Because it's not him.
[21:17.31]He put four bullets into you-- hollow points through your vest. - 不是他 - 他已经供认了
[21:21.61]He tried to kill you. 我们想单独谈谈
[21:25.71]You want a list of his priors?
[21:27.36]You want to put this guy back out on the street?
[21:34.06]It's not him. 因为这不是他
[21:36.40]他向你开了四枪... 你防弹背心上有四个枪眼
[22:24.26]What happened?
[22:27.58]Out there. What happened?
[22:33.63]There was an accident.
[22:35.59]What kind of accident?
[22:37.25]A girl was shot...
[22:38.83]and killed.
[22:44.46]What did she look like? 发生了什么事?
[22:46.42]She was tall, with blond hair. 那儿发生了什么事?
[22:51.94]- There was an Arab man-- - Shannon. 发生了一场意外
[23:04.84]You said there were five of you from the tail section? 她长得怎样?
[23:05.51]她很高 金发
[23:07.57]- Four. - Four.
[23:08.82]Why didn't the rest of them come back with you? And Michael, Jin.
[23:11.03]- 还有一个阿拉伯男人... - 是Shannon
[23:12.72]They cannot come back right now.
[23:16.72]Can you take me to them?
[23:27.01]No. - 4个 - 4个
[23:27.91]那为什么余下那几个不和你一起回来? 还有Michael和Jin呢?
[23:30.22]Here you go.
[23:33.62]What's happening? Why is he shaking?
[23:36.23]He's septic. 你能带我去他们那儿么?
[23:38.49]The infection's gotten into the bloodstream.
[23:40.90]If the antibiotics don't bring the fever down, he'll go into shock.
[23:46.22]Hold him up. 不行
[23:52.71]怎么了? 他为什么抖个不停?
[23:54.60]Okay, I got him. 他得了败血症
[23:59.99]如果抗生素不能退烧 他会休克的
[24:02.83]Swallow it. Swallow it. Swallow it. Damn it.
[24:06.11]- Here, I'll do it. - No, no, I got it. 扶住他
[24:08.77]I can do it.
[24:20.85]it's Kate. 吞下去 吞下去 吞下去 该死
[24:26.01]You need to listen to me, okay? - 让我来吧 - 不不 我来
[24:30.29]The only way that you are gonna get better is if you take this pill.
[24:37.08]So I need you to swallow it, okay? Sawyer...
[24:44.13]Okay, here we go. 你得听我说 好么?
[24:52.72]Now swallow.
[24:55.11]Swallow. 所以你得吞下它 好么?
[24:57.54]Good. Good. That's good.
[25:03.22]好的 我们开始吧
[25:04.73]Nice job.
[25:07.55]Never learned the whole whisper-in-the-earthing in med school.
[25:11.81]好了 吞下去
[25:16.63]好的 好的 非常好
[25:28.76]What are you doing?
[25:30.84]I'm going, Ana.
[25:33.23]I don't want to be a part of this.
[25:37.83]I know everything you've done for us.
[25:41.13]And I wouldn't even be alive if it weren't for you. But I'm going.
[25:49.95]What about you? 我要走了 Ana
[25:52.99]I just don't think you're the best judge of character. 我不想再这么呆下去了
[25:57.18]I was with you when you put Nathan in the pit. 我了解你为我们做的一切
[26:00.23]并且如果不是你我根本不可能活下来 但是我要走了
[26:03.47]All right.
[26:07.10]You want to go? Go.
[26:12.68]Leave. 我只是认为你的性格不太好
[26:15.01]You... 你把Nathan扔进坑里这件事我倒是很赞同的
[26:24.21]Get outta here.
[26:26.19]你想走是么? 那么走吧
[27:26.22]Hey. Hey, Sun.
[27:28.22]It's all right. Jin is okay.
[27:30.82]What happened? Where is he?
[27:32.86]He's fine, and I'll explain.
[27:35.66]But right now I need to find Jack.
[27:43.15]Where are they? Michael
[27:46.96]嘿 嘿 Sun
[27:48.96]没事的 Jin很好
[27:51.19]I said... where are they? 发生了什么事? 他在哪儿?
[27:54.16]- Jack, it's not his fault-- - Shannon's dead! I'm not... 他没事 我会解释的
[28:02.99]You're gonna take me back out there right now. 他们在哪儿?
[28:05.80]This man isn't the problem. He brought Sawyer back.
[28:08.53]Half-dead, with a bullet hole through his shoulder, John!
[28:15.09]Are you gonna talk to me, or are you just gonna sit there? - Jack 这不是他的错... - Shannon死了 我不...
[28:19.52]Anything I say will only make you angry.
[28:27.08]So, yes, I will sit here. 问题不在他身上 他把Sawyer带回来了
[28:29.27]已经半死了 肩上还有个枪眼 John
[28:34.44]Jack! Jack! 你是想和我说话还是就坐在那儿?
[28:40.18]Michael. 我说的一切都会使你更生气
[28:44.36]We got a problem, man.
[28:47.82]那么 是的 我就坐在这儿
[28:53.32]You remember how to get out there, right? Jack
[28:55.08]Yeah, I think so. Jack Jack
[28:55.99]We should stop and think about this, Jack.
[28:57.93]Think about what, John? Shannon's dead.
[29:00.27]Sayid's being held at gunpoint. Michael
[29:01.89]You want to sit here and hope that situation resolves itself?
[29:05.37]You be my guest. 我们遇到麻烦了 伙计
[29:07.61]- Know how to use this? - Guess so.
[29:14.95]Please. 你记得怎么回到那儿去 是么?
[29:15.82]恩 我想是的
[29:16.73]我们得停下来好好想想 Jack
[29:19.02]What do you want? 想什么 John? Shannon死了
[29:21.50]Excuse me? Sayid正在枪口上
[29:22.90]Peace? Revenge? Justice? And you are going out with all these guns. 你是想呆在这儿期盼事情自己解决么?
[29:29.68]What do you want? - 知道怎么用么? - 应该吧
[29:30.94]I want all of our people back here safely. 站住
[29:33.22]- Your friend murdered-- - Ana-Lucia made a mistake.
[29:38.09]What did you say?
[29:40.90]Ana-Lucia made a mistake. 你想要什么?
[29:43.64]和平? 复仇? 公正? 你就是要拿着枪来解决问题么?
[29:53.96]- 你的朋友谋杀了... - Ana-Lucia犯了个错误
[29:59.58]I will take you there. 你说什么?
[30:01.79]But only you. Ana-Lucia犯了个错误
[30:04.41]And no guns.
[30:16.51]Let's go.
[30:25.11]Where you from? 并且不能带枪
[30:36.15]Where are you from? 我们走吧
[30:41.08]I am from Iraq.
[30:46.26]You have any kids? 你是哪儿人?
[30:51.95]Why are you asking me if I have children?
[30:54.66]I'm curious.
[30:56.34]I do not. Do you have children? 你是哪儿人?
[31:01.49]Are you going to kill me? 伊拉克
[31:06.01]That's what you're thinking about, isn't it? 你有孩子么?
[31:08.96]Should I?
[31:14.62]Almost 40 days ago, on this very island, 我很好奇
[31:17.08]我没有 你有么?
[31:19.59]I tied a man to a tree, and I tortured him. 没有
[31:24.77]I tortured him, as I've tortured many men...
[31:26.75]你现在就在想这个问题 是么?
[31:29.76]men whose voices I still hear at night. 我需要么?
[31:36.82]Should you kill me? 大约40天前 在这个岛上
[31:40.50]Maybe you should. 我把一个男人绑在树上拷问他
[31:44.23]Maybe you were meant to. 我折磨他就像我折磨的许多人一样...
[32:02.71]I'm a cop. 也许你该这么做
[32:06.81]Well... I was a cop.
[32:12.79]One night, my partner and I responded to a burglary call.
[32:18.28]We were the first ones there.
[32:20.40]I covered the front, and he went around the back.
[32:28.32]I was there a minute. 呃... 我曾是个警察
[32:31.04]Then this kid comes right through the front door.
[32:34.63]I tell him to put his hands up. 一个晚上 我和我的搭档 去处理一起入室行窃案件
[32:37.36]And he says I'm making a mistake,
[32:40.71]that he's a student. 我在前门守着 他去后面察看
[32:43.87]And he wants to show me his I.D.
[32:49.07]I believed him. 过了一会儿
[32:52.65]I just... 那个孩子从前门出来了
[32:56.10]I let him reach. 我叫他把手举起来
[33:02.58]All I remember was a pop. 他还是个学生
[33:05.62]By the time I hit the ground, I thought I was dead. 而且他想给我看他的身份证
[33:12.97]I feel dead. 我就...
[33:20.65]What happened to him-- the man who shot you?
[34:21.79]I know you?
[34:26.31]I was pregnant.
[34:46.54]What happened to him? 我那时怀孕了
[34:57.73]Nothing. They never found him.
[35:18.47]不知道 他们没抓住他
[35:29.47]Go ahead.
[35:34.95]Pick it up.
[35:38.29]I deserve it.
[35:49.40]What good would it be to kill you... 来吧
[35:53.82]if we're both already dead?
[36:57.01]Hey. Can you hear me?
[37:03.43]You're gonna be okay.
[37:08.89]You're gonna be all right.
[37:13.17]You're home. 嘿
[37:17.05]嘿 能听见我说话么?

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