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[00:00.23]Previously on "Lost"... 剧情回顾...
[00:01.22]Hey, Locke. You have a message. It's going on the raft. 嘿 Locke 你快写点东西
[00:04.08]When they get rescued, they can contact your family. 这会带上竹筏去的
[00:04.86]等他们获救时 他们就可以跟你家人联系了
[00:14.07]- Michael! - Jin! - Michael - Jin
[00:31.21]We were on a plane from Sydney to Los Angeles. 我们当时在从悉尼飞往洛杉矶的飞机上
[00:33.49]- Flight 815? - You were on it? 是815航班?
[00:38.12]Back up! 退后
[00:41.36]Coming out! 来人啊
[01:44.09]Hi there, Hurley. 你好啊 Hurley
[01:50.88]Jin, you're here. Jin 你回来了
[01:52.92]I sure am. 是的
[01:55.95]Dude, you speak English. 伙计 你会说英语
[01:57.76]No. You're speaking Korean. 不 是你在说韩语
[02:02.29]I am? (韩语) 是么?
[02:10.35]What's he doing here? (韩语) 他在这儿干什么?
[02:14.69]Everything's going to change. 一切都会改变的
[02:17.90]What? (韩语) 什么?
[02:20.48]Everything's going to change. 一切都会改变的
[02:26.35]Have a cluckety-cluck-cluck day, Hugo. 来点咯咯鸡快餐吧 Hugo
[02:29.72]Hurley! Hurley
[02:35.58]- You fell asleep? - No, I was just... 你睡着了?
[02:36.96]不 我只是...
[02:39.35]resting my eyes. 休息一下眼睛
[02:43.30]The numbers are written right there. 那些数字写在这儿
[02:44.81]Yeah. I remember the numbers. 好 我记得那些数字
[02:49.30]Locke went back to the beach, so I'll be taking the next shift. Lock回去海滩那儿了 下一个我来
[02:52.30]Awesome. 太好了
[02:54.51]Jack told me about your job. Jack告诉我你工作的事了
[02:58.38]At least we have jobs again, right? 至少现在咱们又有工作了 是吧?
[03:01.69]Hooray for us. 太棒了
[03:12.75]Well, ain't life grand? 恩 生活真不错啊
[03:20.54]What I wouldn't give for a cup of water right now. 现在要是有杯水就更好了
[03:31.07]No way. No more human pyramids. 好了 别再叠罗汉了
[03:33.75]Just forget it. 省省吧
[03:39.86]- Hey, let us out of here! - Enough! 嘿 让我们出去
[03:42.95]- Hey! - Chill! - 够了 冷静点 - 嘿
[03:46.39]Every minute I spend down here 我在这里的每一分钟
[03:48.80]is another minute my boy is still out there. 就是我儿子在危险之中的一分钟
[03:52.17]Well, let me break it down for you, Mike. 让我说给你听 Mike
[03:55.07]Right now Rambina and her buddies are trying to figure out what to do with us. 现在Rambina他们一伙人正在琢磨怎么对付我们
[03:59.07]Until they make up their damn mind, there ain't nothin' we can do. 在他们决定之前我们什么也做不了
[04:11.15]Yeah. 对啊
[04:15.19]Why don't you pee on it? 要不你撒点尿液在上面?
[04:27.00]Grab the rope. 抓住绳子
[04:31.88]Please. 拜托
[04:39.79]Don't do it. 别听他的
[04:48.42]Climb the rope, or I shoot your friends. 沿绳子爬上来 不然我就朝你朋友开枪
[05:08.39]You next. 下一个是你
[05:11.58]Don't do it. 别上去
[05:13.18]She's bluffing. 她在骗我们
[05:15.91]Gun's only got one bullet. She ain't gonna waste it. 枪里只有一发子弹 她不会浪费在我们身上的
[05:19.32]Son of a bitch!
[05:21.77]Ohh! God! 狗娘养的
[05:23.34]Grab the rope. 哦 妈的
[05:39.48]You want me, hot lips? 下个是我吗? 辣妹
[05:42.31]Gonna have to come down here and get... 这得要你下来...
[05:45.75]Bitch. 婊子
[06:00.35]4, 8, 15, 16, and 23 with the mega number 42.
[06:04.63]Whoever has those numbers has won
[06:07.20]or will share in a near-record jackpot. 16,23
[06:10.20]That's right, Mary Jo, because this is the 16th week without a winner. 特别号码 42
[06:16.61]Hugo? Hu-- 是啊 Mary Jo
[06:20.17]Ay, Hugo. Hugo!
[06:22.06]Oh! Hugo, wake up. Wake up! Hugo?
[06:24.96]Mom, stop. 喔...
[06:26.00]- I just slipped. - Slipped sitting down? 唉 Hugo Hugo
[06:28.60]噢 Hugo 醒醒
[06:30.38]- Is it your heart? - Ma, I'm fine. 醒醒
[06:32.85]You're lying. I always know 好了 妈妈 好了 我只是滑倒了
[06:34.89]'cause you don't look me in the eye. 坐着都会滑倒? 是心脏不好么?
[06:36.21]- I'm not lying. - Then tell me what happened.
[06:38.03]妈妈 我没事
[06:40.15]Huh? 你在骗我
[06:40.63]我知道 因为你眼睛没有看着我
[06:42.72]Huh? 我没骗你
[06:44.63]那就告诉我发生了什么事 恩?
[06:47.22]It must have been something I ate.
[06:49.21]Yes, it must be something you ate, because you eat basura, 恩?
[06:52.21]- and you don't exercise. - I do exercise. 一定是我吃东西吃坏了
[06:54.58]Falling down is not exercise. 是的 一定是你吃坏了
[06:56.42]The only time you move is to lift a drumstick from the bucket. 你吃这么多东西却从不运动
[07:00.51]Every day it's the same thing, Hugo-- 我做过运动
[07:02.41]work, then we eat chicken. 滑倒不叫运动
[07:05.77]You have to change your life, Hugo.
[07:08.55]You think someone else will change it for you? 每天都一样 Hugo
[07:10.71]Maybe if you pray every day, Jesus Christ will come down from heaven, 运动一下 然后我们吃鸡肉
[07:14.00]take 200 pounds and bring you a decent woman and a new car. 你得改变一下你的生活了 Hugo
[07:17.52]Yes, Jesus can bring you a new car. 也许你每天都在祈祷
[07:19.80]Maybe I don't want to change. Maybe I like my life. 耶稣会从天堂下来
[07:20.86]帮你减掉200磅的体重 然后带给你一个不错的女人
[07:25.43]Oh! That must be Jesus. 是的 耶稣会给你一辆新车的
[07:27.10]也许我不想改变 也许我喜欢我的生活
[07:32.83]Hola. Un momento. 噢 一定是耶稣打来的
[07:35.29]Yes, it is Jesus! He wants to know what color car you want.
[07:41.66]是的 是耶稣打来的
[07:49.03]Hurley, pardon me.
[07:51.34]We need to have a little chat.
[07:53.05]Don't worry. Mommy's off for a walk, so it's just you, me and the baby.
[07:56.24]Spill it. Hurley 打扰一下
[07:57.65]Uh... spill what? 我们得说说话
[08:01.58]The hatch. What's in it? 别担心 他妈妈散步去了
[08:05.08]Uh, nothing, really. 说一下吧
[08:05.43]呃... 说什么?
[08:08.24]You've been out there an entire day and night 那个舱子
[08:10.94]looking at nothing? 里面有什么?
[08:11.86]呃 什么也没有
[08:13.86]Well, I guess it's... 你在那儿一天一夜了
[08:15.57]kind of like a bunker,
[08:17.74]you know, from world war II, only newer. 什么都没做?
[08:19.46]呃 我想它就像...
[08:21.59]- What's in it? - I don't know. 一个掩体
[08:23.96]你知道 是二战时的
[08:25.57]But somehow you know it's a bunker. 可能迟一点
[08:28.78]Well, I guess someone told me. 里面有什么?
[08:34.72]You're gonna lie to me? 呃 是别人告诉我的
[08:37.22]You're gonna lie to the baby?
[08:40.06]Dude, look, I'd never lie. 你要骗我?
[08:41.58]Oh, and the time you told me you were worth $150 million?
[08:45.03]- It was $156 million. - I'm sorry. 你要骗这孩子?
[08:47.50]I must have confused it with the $900 trillion I am worth myself. 伙计 听着 我从不说谎
[08:48.56]哦 那你上次还跟我说你有1亿5千万家产
[08:52.10]And this baby's made of chocolate lollipops. So if you'll excuse us, 是1亿5千6百万
[08:53.53]抱歉 我可能为我900万亿的家产
[08:55.05]I'm gonna flap my wings and fly off this island. 感到困惑了
[09:22.93]- Hey, Rose. - Hey, yourself.
[09:27.58]So... doing laundry, huh? 嘿 Rose
[09:30.28]Indeed I am. 嘿 你好
[09:32.79]You want to hand me those dirty clothes over there? 呃... 在洗衣服啊?
[09:39.99]Thank you. 帮我把那些脏衣服递过来吧
[09:42.38]Don't you want to know what happened?
[09:44.98]What happened?
[09:46.31]You know, out there. 谢谢
[09:47.52]Everyone's asking me what's in the hatch. 你不想知道发生了什么么?
[09:50.12]Well, that's your business, honey. 什么什么?
[09:53.05]Don't you want to know? 你知道 就在那里
[09:54.89]Whatever it is, it's not gonna help get this laundry done, now is it? 每个人都问我舱子里有什么
[09:56.16]呃 那是你自己的事 亲爱的
[10:01.86]呃 不管是什么 它都不会
[10:03.76]Well, actually, it sort of is. 帮我洗衣服的 是吧?
[10:10.36]呃 事实上
[10:14.70]It's around here somewhere.
[10:53.34]Someone actually lived down here?
[11:00.22]Well, what is it for? 真的有人住在这下面么?
[11:05.06]Uh, it's... it's kind of a long story.
[11:06.96]呃 这是用来干什么的?
[11:09.99]Hurley... 呃 这...
[11:11.32]who else did you tell? 这说来话长
[11:13.59]No one.
[11:15.51]I swear. Hurley...
[11:17.12]Dude, it's a big job. 你还告诉谁了?
[11:19.25]I needed... 没了
[11:21.25]help. 我发誓
[11:22.80]Hello, Jack. 伙计 这工作量太大
[11:24.70]Hey, Rose.
[11:26.30]She's cool. 我需要...
[11:27.13]She won't tell anyone.
[11:29.22]Honey, I don't even know what I would say. 帮助
[11:29.70]- 你好 Jack - 嘿 Rose
[11:32.03]她很好 她不会和别人说的
[11:35.43]亲爱的 我连我要说什么都不知道
[12:23.61]All this is food?
[12:26.81]It's only a matter of time before we have to tell everyone what we found down here.
[12:31.31]So you know what to do? 这全是吃的么?
[12:33.34]Inventory all of it and figure out how we make it last. 他们迟早会知道我们在这儿找到什么的
[12:37.73]And in the meantime, nobody gets anything. 你知道怎么做了?
[12:40.09]No exceptions. 清点一下所有食物
[12:41.30]That's your responsibility, Hurley. Okay? 算一下能维持多久
[12:45.22]What's that? 这期间不许有人拿东西吃
[12:46.64]You don't want to know. 没人可以例外
[12:48.13]你就负责这个 Hurley 好么?
[12:50.01]"Dharma Initiative salad dressing."
[12:52.00]"Ranch composite." - 什么声音? - 你不会想要知道的
[12:54.55]Sounds tasty.
[13:02.38]Apollo bars? You ever hear of these? 好像很美味
[13:05.99]Unh-unh. But candy is candy.
[13:08.51]That's what Bernard always says. 阿波罗条? 你听说过么?
[13:11.35]Talk about a sweet tooth.
[13:14.17]That man has a mouthful of sweet teeth. 但是糖就是糖 那是Bernard经常说的
[13:17.74]Bernard-- that was your husband? 说到吃甜品
[13:19.97]Is my husband. 那家伙真的很爱吃甜的东西
[13:22.24]Oh, but...
[13:23.67]I thought he was in the back of the plane. Bernard...是你的丈夫么?
[13:28.89]I'm sorry. I didn't mean-- 哦 但是...
[13:30.45]No, no. That's okay. Don't feel bad. 他当时是在飞机的后舱
[13:32.59]Bernard is fine. I know it.
[13:35.32]You want to get the canned tuna? 抱歉 我不是说...
[13:37.53]不 不 没关系 没事的
[13:39.53]Bernard肯定还活着 我知道的
[13:45.05]Everyone's gonna hate me, Rose.
[13:47.96]Now that's just plain silly.
[13:50.93]You're about the only one on this island that everybody loves. 每个人都会恨我的Rose
[13:55.94]Well, that'll change. 噢 别傻了
[13:58.26]Hey, you guys happen to find any shampoo in here? 你可能是唯一一个
[14:00.54]Uh, yeah. There's some right over here. 呃 那是会改变的
[14:05.31]Uh, Kate, you can't take it. 嘿 你们在这儿有看到过香波么?
[14:08.83]Thanks, Hurley. 哦 是的 那儿有几瓶
[14:12.97]It's just one bottle. 呃 Kate 你不能拿
[14:15.13]That's where it starts. 谢谢 Hurley
[14:20.73]Welcome to Mr. Cluck's. Can I take your order? 只是一瓶罢了
[14:28.45]Hey, Hugo. 欢迎来到咯咯鸡快餐店 你想要点什么?
[14:33.23]You okay, man?
[14:35.25]Yeah. Fine. 嘿 Hugo
[14:38.71]Reyes! My office! Now. 你还好吧 伙计?
[14:47.70]You want to tell me something, Reyes? Reyes 马上来我办公室
[14:53.07]Uh... no. 有什么要说的么 Reyes?
[14:56.23]You sure about that?
[15:00.38]Uh... yeah. 呃... 没有
[15:03.97]This is last night's surveillance tape.
[15:07.36]呃... 是的
[15:15.89]Reyes, you owe the company for an 8-piece dark meat combo.
[15:19.16]I didn't eat eight pieces.
[15:20.49]You want to watch the whole tape?
[15:22.38]Oh, and while you're here, how many times Reyes 你欠公司8块黑肉三明治
[15:25.09]do I gotta tell you those napkins cost money? - 我没吃8块这么多 - 你想把录像都看一遍么?
[15:28.95]All right? It's two per customer. 你在这儿的时候
[15:30.57]Two. We're not made of money here at Mr. Cluck's, Reyes. 我和你说了几次了
[15:33.75]I'm not made of money. Are you made of money? 那些餐巾纸是要钱的
[15:36.27]'Cause if you're made of money, maybe you don't wanna work here. 好么? 每个客人只能给两张
[15:38.95]So get it together. 就两张 我们咯咯鸡快餐店是不印钱的 Reyes
[15:41.51]What, is that a problem, Reyes? 我不是家财万贯 你是么?
[15:45.20]可能你就不会在这儿工作了 所以好好想想
[15:47.66]怎么了 有问题么 Reyes?
[15:54.36]Dude, I quit.
[15:58.87]Oh, my god.
[16:01.84]- Oh, my god. - Dude! 伙计 我不干了
[16:03.86]Are you okay?
[16:05.66]I'm... I'm fine. 哦 天那
[16:07.65]Randy's losing his brain in there.
[16:09.38]Well, you should get back in there. - 哦 天那 - 伙计
[16:10.49]They'll have you scrubbing johns for the rest of the week. 你没事吧?
[16:12.61]Doubt it. I quit, too. 我... 我很好
[16:15.55]What? Randy情绪很失控
[16:16.63]Looks like we got ourselves a day off. 呃 你最好回去
[16:19.87]Who needs money when you got good looks? - 不可能了 我也不干了 - 什么?
[16:51.36]You can come out now.
[16:54.42]I saw you back at the rock
[16:56.83]and then at the mangrove tree. 你现在可以出来了
[16:59.98]In fact, I've walked in a big circle. 我在岩石那儿看到你了
[17:02.02]I'm not sure how you didn't realize it. 在红树那儿也是
[17:06.16]事实上 我绕了一个大圈
[17:10.70]All right.
[17:12.82]You don't have to insult me.
[17:18.45]Want to tell me why you've been following me, Charlie? 好吧
[17:24.48]Quite simply, John, 想告诉我你为什么跟着我吗 Charlie?
[17:26.43]there are a lot of secrets around here.
[17:28.82]And I'm tired of being at the bloody kids' table. 好吧
[17:31.44]I got Claire's baby back. 原因很简单 John
[17:33.40]I didn't go swanning off to "the black rock" on a bloody A-team mission, 这地方有太多的秘密
[17:36.65]but I would have if someone had asked me. 我也厌烦了只是看护着那孩子
[17:40.40]I think I'm entitled to some sodding answers around here. 但却没有和你们一起行动
[17:46.11]What do you want to know? 我想我有资格知道这的一些事情
[17:56.93]How's it going?
[17:59.19]It's not.
[18:00.42]On the other side of this door there's more concrete.
[18:03.83]I'd say it's at least 8 to 10 feet thick. 怎么样了?
[18:07.19]You see this? 还不行
[18:12.89]Interesting. Good thing this is titanium. 你看见了吗?
[18:16.11]Almost no magnetic attraction.
[18:19.65]But we're not going to get in up here. 有意思
[18:21.92]Up here? 还好这是钛合金
[18:29.47]Perhaps we can go under it. 从上面?
[18:48.12]Grab the rope.
[18:49.77]I ain't doing nothing till I know my friends are okay.
[18:53.20]So we friends now, huh? 抓住绳子
[18:58.88]Do it now, or the rope comes up.
[19:00.50]那我们现在是朋友了吧 恩?
[19:05.33]快上来 不然我把绳子拉上来了
[19:10.42]Howdy, boys.
[19:12.12]- Thanks for the rescue. - Everything is cool.
[19:14.74]We had a talk, and they believe we were on the plane, too.
[19:17.55]Swell. I guess we can all sue Oceanic together. 你们好啊 朋友们
[19:19.40]- 谢谢你们救我 - 没事了
[19:21.80]我们谈过了 他们相信了我们也是在飞机上的
[19:23.55]What you got there? 又多了一批幸存者
[19:26.98]Nothin'. 我猜我们可以一起去告大洋航空公司了
[19:28.07]You got a rock? You looking for some revenge?
[19:30.64]You got three seconds to drop it. 你手上的是什么?
[19:32.34]- Ana. - One. 没什么
[19:34.19]Two. 是石头么? 你想报复我?
[19:35.54]Now hold on--
[19:37.21]Hey! Hey, what's... - 给你3秒钟时间丢了它 - Ana
[19:43.76]You didn't say "three." 等下...喔
[19:44.43]嘿 嘿 怎么...
[19:45.98]Shut up. When I tell you to do something, you do it.
[19:49.04]I say move, you move. 你还没说3
[19:50.64]I say stop, you stop.
[19:52.42]I say jump, what do you say? 闭嘴
[19:54.04]You first. 我叫你做什么就做什么
[19:55.88]You don't like the rules, 我叫你走你就走 我叫你停你就停
[19:57.01]I toss your ass back in the pit right now. You understand?
[19:59.36]- 我说跳 你怎么做? - 你先跳
[20:02.10]I understand. 你如果不按我说的做
[20:11.92]It's getting dark. We're moving out.
[20:16.53]Moving out where? 天色开始暗了
[20:17.97]What did I just tell you?
[20:20.68]Sorry. I forgot. 我们得出发了
[20:22.76]There's just one thing, though-- 出发去哪儿?
[20:25.25]you hit me again, I'll kill you. 我刚说了什么?
[20:26.30]抱歉 我忘了
[20:32.20]Let's go. 你再打我一下
[21:00.48]He pushed that button every 108 minutes?
[21:04.63]He did indeed.
[21:06.22]But how is that possible? I mean, didn't he sleep?
[21:08.54]Don't know. Didn't get a chance to ask him. 他每隔108分钟就要按那个键?
[21:12.10]And after all that time, he just up and left?
[21:13.94]I mean, why? Where did he go? 是的
[21:15.59]Don't know. 但是这怎么可能? 我是说 他不用睡觉?
[21:17.52]I tried to track him, but he didn't leave much of a trail. 不知道 没机会问他
[21:20.37]I guess he figured he'd found his replacements. 那之后 他上来然后离开了?
[21:23.13]- Meaning us. - Meaning us. 我是说 为什么? 他会去哪?
[21:27.54]It sounds a bit nutty. Doesn't it? 我试图跟踪他 但是他并没有留下太多的痕迹
[21:32.51]It is what it is, Charlie. - 是指我们 - 是我们
[21:35.33]And what happens if we don't push it? 这听起来有点疯狂
[21:37.68]We're not going to find out. I'm setting up a system.
[21:41.04]I'm still working on it, but it looks like it's going to be 不是么?
[21:43.15]2-person shifts every 6 hours or so. 但事实就是那样的 Charlie
[21:45.38]Shifts? 如果我们不按那颗键会发生什么?
[21:47.83]Pushing a button? 我们不会去找答案的 我正在建立一个制度
[21:49.63]Oh, and there's a record player. 具体还没弄好 大概框架是
[21:52.40]- 我们要每2个人一班值6个小时的岗 - 轮换?
[21:57.75]What's Hurley been doing there? 按按键?
[22:00.12]He's in charge of the food. 哦 那儿还有只电唱机
[22:18.75]Hey, mate.
[22:21.89]Where you been?
[22:22.86]Hey. I've been... around.
[22:27.07]I know, Hurley. 嘿 伙计
[22:29.79]You know what? 你去哪儿了
[22:30.87]I know about the food. Locke told me everything. 嘿 我...在附近转了转
[22:33.17]- Yeah, well, Locke's lying. - Oh, yeah?
[22:35.24]Is he lying about the button we have to push every 108 minutes or the island will explode? 我知道了 Hurley
[22:38.88]- It's not gonna explode. - Ah! 知道什么?
[22:40.10]我知道关于食物的事了 Locke把一切都告诉我了
[22:41.95]Come on. - 恩 呃 Locke在骗你 - 哦 是么?
[22:42.85]Look, Jack put me in charge.
[22:44.20]- I don't even want to-- - Is there peanut butter? 他骗我说我们得每隔108分钟按一下按键
[22:47.24]What? 不然这个岛就会爆炸
[22:47.98]Peanut butter. 不会爆炸的
[22:48.93]Nutty, creamy, staple of children everywhere?
[22:52.58]Uh, yeah. A couple jars. - 好了 拜托 - 听着 是Jack让我来管理的
[22:55.01]Thrilling. How about you give us one? - 我其实并不想... - 那有花生酱吗?
[22:59.58]It's for Claire. 果仁的 奶油的 能够吸引孩子的那种
[23:02.14]No can do, man. 啊 是的 有一些
[23:04.11]You're saying no to a nursing mother? 好极了 能给我们一罐么?
[23:06.51]- It's not like that. - Oh, it's exactly like that.
[23:08.62]You know, I never thought this would happen, but it did. 是给Claire的
[23:10.47]You've become one of them. 不行 伙计
[23:12.73]One of them? 你对一个正在抚养婴儿的母亲说不?
[23:13.72]Them-- the man. Management.
[23:16.81]Thought we were friends. You've changed, man. - 不是这样的 - 噢 就是这样的
[23:18.13]你看 我从没想过会这样 但是事实就是如此
[23:19.83]- 你变成了他们的一员 - 他们的一员?
[23:23.63]他们...那些人 那些领导
[23:28.46]你变了 伙计
[23:39.30]Drive Shaft. More like "suck shaft."
[23:42.76]I'm gonna go check out the headphones.
[23:46.45]Sure. Headphones.
[23:50.26]- Hugo. - Starla. 我去看看那些耳机
[23:52.41]Why aren't you chuckleheads at work?
[23:54.10]We're currently exploring other opportunities.
[23:56.68]- You quit? - I did. 好的 耳机
[23:59.29]He's mixing it up today. He's off the rails. - Hugo - Starla
[24:01.81]Somebody get a straitjacket! - 你们这两个笨蛋怎么没上班? - 我们正在找其他的工作
[24:03.62]Hey, can I try those on?
[24:04.85]You're messing with my worldview here, Hugo. 你辞职了?
[24:07.56]You're my rock. 是的
[24:08.88]I mean, if you quit your job, the next thing you know, 他今天和老板吵架了 他出轨了
[24:11.35]bees will stop making honey and flowers will die, - 谁能看紧他 - 嘿 我能试试那些吗
[24:15.40]and, hell, the whole damn thing will fall apart. 你正在颠覆我的世界观 Hugo
[24:19.04]So, Starla... 我是说 你辞职了就像
[24:22.66]Oh. 花儿会死的
[24:25.52]I'm sorry. Uh, well, 而且 这音响也会掉下去摔成两半
[24:28.70]the hold steady's playing the troubadour this weekend, 那么Starla...
[24:32.44]and I was wondering if maybe friday... 噢
[24:35.00]Um... I have to work. 抱歉
[24:37.99]Oh, no. I didn't mean-- 海德剧院这个周末有民谣歌手表演
[24:39.23]I could probably go saturday. Is that cool?
[24:44.24]Yeah. That's totally cool. 呃...我得上班
[24:46.96]哦 不 我不是说...
[24:48.74]Dude, you've been crushing on this girl for months and doing nothing. 星期六我可以去 可以么?
[24:51.47]Today you're freakin' Fabio.
[24:53.97]Seriously, man, what has gotten into you? 好 太好了
[24:56.48]Nothing. I just wanted to ask her out before...
[24:59.33]Before what? 伙计 你准备追这女孩都已经一个月了
[25:01.22]Nothing. 而你却什么都没做
[25:04.28]This is the last duct. 认真的说 伙计 你到底在想什么?
[25:06.28]I believe we're under the area where we began. 没什么 我只是在那个以前想约她出去...
[25:09.49]They poured concrete all the way down here, too. 什么以前?
[25:18.57]Just as thick. 他们连这里都浇灌了混凝土
[25:21.63]Maybe there's a way around it.
[25:29.69]What is all this stuff here? 也很厚
[25:31.86]My best guess?
[25:34.12]There's a geothermal generator behind this wall.
[25:36.86]That's the power source.
[25:47.69]Careful with these pipes. 那就是能量的源头
[25:49.96]They're very hot.
[25:56.40]That's it. 小心这些管子
[25:57.93]Nothing. It's blocked. 它们非常烫
[26:04.72]So what do you think, Sayid? 没路了
[26:08.02]What do I think about what, Jack? 这里堵住了
[26:09.90]This place, the computer. What do you think is going on?
[26:14.26]你认为怎么样 Sayid?
[26:15.86]The last time I heard of concrete being poured over everything in this way 什么认为怎么样 Jack?
[26:20.24]was Chernobyl. 这个地方 那台电脑
[26:28.44]- Did you hit something? - I don't think so. 是在切尔诺贝利
[26:33.21]It's coming from over there.
[26:36.70]I'm going to check it out. 你撞到什么了么?
[27:04.22]You, um, you took a shower.
[27:06.62]I had to see if it worked. 嘿
[27:10.62]How was it? 嘿
[27:12.92]Uh, the pressure sucked, and it kind of went cold at one point, 你 呃 你在淋浴
[27:18.35]and it smelled a little bit like sulfur, but 怎么样?
[27:21.26]it was a shower.
[27:22.54]Yeah. I know what you mean. 呃 水压有点问题
[27:26.62]You could use one. 而且有时会突然变冷
[27:30.05]Maybe a little later. 但是多少还是把澡给洗了
[27:32.21]I'll leave the shampoo for you. 是啊 我懂你意思
[27:49.32]- I'm Libby. - Michael.
[27:52.85]How many of you?
[27:54.66]You know, on the other side of the island?
[27:57.55]When we left, around 40. How many of you survived? 我是Libby
[28:04.37]23 of us. 我是说 在岛的另一边?
[28:06.70]我们离开时 大概有40个
[28:15.27]Are you all right?
[28:17.96]Now you give a damn.
[28:20.84]I said I'm sorry. It was a misunderstanding.
[28:25.40]Misunderstanding is when you bring me lemonade instead of iced tea. 你还好吗?
[28:28.75]- I said no talking. - He was talking to me. 我说了很抱歉 那是一场误会
[28:32.90]We're here. 当我要冰爽茶 而你给我的是柠檬汁
[28:36.34]What are you gonna do, beam us up? 这才叫误会
[28:45.80]你想干什么 把我们绑柱子上?
[29:34.24]I thought you said there were 23 of you.
[29:37.60]There were.
[29:59.12]Hi, Sun.
[30:04.90]What's wrong?
[30:09.87]I, uh... I found something out in the water, 嗨 Sun
[30:12.68]and I told Shannon about it,
[30:14.73]and we thought you should know. 怎么了?
[30:19.53]我 呃... 我在海里发现了个东西
[30:24.82]It's the messages from the raft. 然后我们认为应该和你说一下
[30:31.68]We thought you should decide what to do.
[30:42.45]Why did you tell Charlie, man? 我们想你应该决定做些什么
[30:45.43]Because he asked, Hugo.
[30:46.97]Yeah, well, you shouldn't have.
[30:48.22]You should have listened to me about coming down here, period.
[30:50.37]Now it's all gonna change. Everything. 你为什么要告诉Charlie 伙计?
[30:53.50]Change is good, Hugo. - 是他问我的 Hugo - 噢 但你不应该告诉他
[30:55.49]You know, people say that,
[30:58.06]but it's not true, man. Trust me, I know. 你应该下来听听我的意见 就一会儿
[31:00.72]And guess who gets to be the bad guy, 现在一切都会改变了 一切
[31:02.39]who has to say, "no, you can't have peanut butter 改变是好事 Hugo
[31:04.33]for the cute blonde and her poor island baby"? 你知道 人人都这么说 但那不是真的
[31:07.69]You know who? It's me. 相信我 我很清楚
[31:11.95]You know what? I'm not gonna do it. 谁会想说"不 你不能拿走那罐"
[31:14.08]Find someone else to deal with the chow, man. "给那可爱的金发女人和她可怜的婴儿的花生酱"?
[31:15.76]No. We all have our jobs, Hugo.
[31:18.27]My job is to convince people to push a button every 108 minutes 你知道是谁吗? 是我
[31:21.31]without them knowing why or for what. 你知道吗? 我不想干这个了
[31:23.43]找其他人来做吧 伙计
[31:26.88]Want to trade? 不 我们都有自己该干的事 Hugo
[31:28.01]I don't want to do this, man! 我的工作是在人们不知道为什么的情况下
[31:29.27]I've had a lot of jobs that I didn't want to do. 说服他们每隔108分钟按一下按键
[31:31.50]I still did 'em.
[31:33.83]I'm sorry, Hugo.
[31:37.25]You don't get to quit. - 想交换么? - 我不想干这个了
[31:42.80]Okay, then. 我很抱歉 Hugo
[32:15.72]- Be careful! - Dude, I am.
[32:19.06]- You got it? - Yeah, I got it.
[32:20.98]All right. Let's go!
[32:26.57]You think we got enough gnomes? 知道了
[32:28.09]Okay, we're good. 你拿到了吗?
[32:31.13]好的 我们走
[32:35.57]This is genius. 你想我们玩偶拿得够多了吧?
[32:37.22]No, not to the left, dude. More of an angle. 是的 我们干得很棒
[32:46.73]不 不是左边 伙计 角度再大点
[32:55.22]Whoo! Freedom!
[32:57.08]- Dude, what are you doing? - Freedom!
[33:00.48]So anything else you want to do tonight?
[33:02.33]You'd better let me know now,
[33:04.13]'cause our day off is just about over, huggy bear. 哦 自由了
[33:07.59]In about ten hours, - 伙计 你在干什么? - 我们自由了
[33:08.72]we're gonna have to find ourselves some new employment. 你今晚还想做些什么吗?
[33:11.62]I hear pizza bin is hiring, 你最好让我知道
[33:13.80]or we could try our luck at, uh, gyrorama. 因为我们一天的休假马上就要结束了 Hugo老兄
[33:17.36]But I do kind of dig the chick who works at the bin. 10小时后
[33:21.08]Dude, promise me something. 我听说比萨店正在招人
[33:23.51]Okay, what? 我们可以去Gyrorama碰碰运气
[33:25.68]Promise me that no matter what happens, 我很喜欢在那工作的漂亮的小妞
[33:29.09]we'll never change-- 伙计 答应我一些事
[33:30.70]This will never change. 好的 什么?
[33:34.23]Oh. I know what this is about. 答应我不论发生了什么
[33:36.14]I know why you've been acting so weird lately.
[33:38.60]You're getting that, uh... that, uh... 我们都不要改变...
[33:40.65]stomach-stapling surgery thing, aren't you? 永远不要改变
[33:43.84]- I'm not getting surgery. - Come on, man, it's cool. 噢 我知道是怎么回事了
[33:46.38]I mean, I can still be all surprised. 我知道你最近为什么这么怪了
[33:48.06]I could be like, "ooh! My, Hurley! Wow, is that you?" 你要去做那个 呃... 那个 呃...
[33:52.13]Listen, Johnny, I'm serious. 胃分离手术之类的 不是么?
[33:53.81]Promise me that you and I will always stay the same. - 我是不会去做手术的 - 没事 伙计 这不错的
[33:56.03]我是说 我仍然可以装做大吃一惊
[33:57.96]就像"哦 天那 Hurley 真的是你么?"
[33:59.87]I'll do you one better. 听着Johnny 我是认真的
[34:01.34]Not only will I stay, Gold Pony Boy, I will drink to it.
[34:04.10]答应我 我和你永远要维持原状
[34:06.94]Can I borrow 2 bucks?
[34:11.20]我不止要维持原状 兄弟
[34:26.94]What you got there, Hurley?
[34:33.47]it's dynamite.
[34:35.40]Dynamite? Well,what are you doing with it? 你在干什么 Hurley?
[34:41.01]I'm sorry, but I can't let it happen again. 呃...
[34:44.93]炸药? 你弄来干什么?
[34:50.23]抱歉 我不能让它再发生了
[34:53.74]Why is there a news crew here?
[34:57.51]Dude, we shouldn't go here.
[35:00.48]Dude, let's go. They jack the prices here.
[35:03.62]Maybe somebody got shot. 这儿为什么会有记者?
[35:07.20]伙计 我们不要去那里
[35:11.33]- 伙计 我们走吧 他们只是在抬价 - 可能有人中枪了
[35:18.31]Why are you doing this, honey?
[35:20.94]Look, just get outta here, Rose.
[35:22.67]But you're gonna hurt somebody.
[35:24.66]Not if I do it from outside the door.
[35:26.58]It's thick. 你为什么这么做 亲爱的?
[35:27.56]And I'll make sure there's nobody around first.
[35:29.75]So please, will you just go? 听着 快出去 Rose
[35:31.88]Unh-unh. You haul me off of the beach, and you drag me into this place. 但是你会伤到人的
[35:35.91]The least I can get is an explanation before you blow it up. 这门很厚
[35:39.26]You don't get it! 所以拜托你先出去好么?
[35:40.72]This is gonna mess it all up! 哼哼 是你把我从海滩拉起来
[35:48.73]Dude, somebody won the lottery! 能给我个解释吧
[35:51.41]Let me tell you something, Rose. 这地方会把事情弄得一团糟
[35:52.82]We were all fine before we had any...
[35:56.44]potato chips.
[35:57.58]But now we got these potato chips, 伙计 有人中彩票了
[35:59.49]and everyone's gonna want 'em. 让我告诉你吧 Rose
[36:01.24]So Steve gets 'em. Charlie's pissed.
[36:03.50]But he's not pissed at Steve. He's pissed at me. 我们以前都相处得很好 直到我们有了...
[36:06.41]That's the guy! 马铃薯片
[36:09.23]That's the guy! 每个人都想得到它
[36:11.00]Steve拿了它们 Charlie不高兴了
[36:13.33]但他没有向Steve发火 他是在生我的气
[36:15.42]And I'm gonna be in the middle of it, 就是那个人
[36:17.28]and then it's gonna be, 就是他
[36:18.77]"What about us? Why didn't I get any potato chips?
[36:22.27]Come on, help us out, Hurley. Why'd you give Kate the shampoo?
[36:25.12]And why didn't I get the peanut butter?" 我就成了大家的目标
[36:27.87]Then they'll get really mad and start asking, 然后就会有人叫"我们的呢?"
[36:31.03]"Why does Hugo have everything? "拜托 帮帮我们 Hurley"
[36:32.67]Why should he get to decide?" "那你为什么把香波给了Kate?"
[36:34.31]Then they'll all hate me. "而我却拿不到花生酱?"
[36:37.26]然后他们就会变得疯狂起来 追问道
[36:40.96]I don't know what to do. "为什么这些东西都是Hugo的"
[37:06.08]Come on, Jack. The inventory's done. This is the only way.
[37:09.10]Are you serious?
[37:10.90]Dude, there's enough food in there
[37:12.47]to feed one guy three meals a day for another three months.
[37:16.13]We have 40 people. It's just not gonna work. - Jack 食物清单都列好了 这是唯一的办法 - 你是认真的?
[37:18.56]伙计 那儿的食物够一个人
[37:20.17]Look, you put me in charge. This is what we're doing.
[37:25.12]Okay. 我们有40个人 这点食物一点不够
[37:28.37]Okay? 听着 你让我来管的话 这件事只能这么做了
[37:30.05]Yeah. Okay.
[37:37.99]Okay. 是的 好的
[40:48.51]Uh, excuse me.
[40:55.54]Back where you guys, uh...
[40:58.59]where you came from, is there a woman named Rose there? 呃 打扰一下
[41:05.33]Black chick in her 50s? 你们来的那里 呃...
[41:11.44]Is she... 有一个叫Rose的女的么?
[41:13.94]is she okay? 50多岁的黑人?
[41:16.68]Yeah, man.
[41:19.18]She's okay.
[41:20.86]Oh! 她...
[41:23.79]Oh, thank you. 她还好么?
[41:25.36]是的 伙计
[41:26.93]Michael. I'm Michael.
[41:29.74]Thank you, Michael. 她很好
[41:32.86]I'm Bernard. 噢 谢谢
[41:36.16]Michael 我叫Michael
[41:39.10]谢谢你 Michael
[41:42.92]Okay. 我叫Bernard
[41:44.27]It's okay. She's fine.
[41:55.83]没事的 她很好

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