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[00:00.48]Previously on "Lost"... 剧情回顾...
[00:03.72]Ow! Oh, damn it. 噢 该死
[00:06.19]- You all right, brother? - I'm fine. I'm fine. - 你没事吧 伙计? - 我很好 我没事
[00:09.18]- I'm training. - Training for what? - 我在训练 - 为了什么训练?
[00:11.46]For a race around the world. 为了一个环球赛跑
[00:15.19]- Jack. - I'm Desmond. - 我是Jack - 我是Desmond
[00:19.36]See ya in another life, yeah? 那么我们在新生活中再见了
[00:40.14]Type in exactly what I tell you, you understand? Exactly. Nothin' else. 仔细按我说的输入 听懂了么? 要完全一致 不能有一点差错
[00:43.46]4... 4...
[00:46.08]8... 8...
[00:48.57]15... 15...
[00:50.59]16... 16...
[00:53.55]23... 23...
[00:56.36]42... 42...
[00:57.90]Now press "execute." 现在按"执行"键
[00:59.55]- What's gonna happen? - Just push it! - 会发生什么事? - 快按
[01:02.58]Kate! Locke! kate Locke
[01:05.18]Who the hell is that? 那是谁?
[01:09.41]Move, and I kill him. 快滚 不然我杀了他
[01:29.00]Michael! Sawyer! Michael Sawyer
[01:30.57]Jin! Jin
[01:35.15]Others. Others. 其他人 其他人
[01:37.43]Others! Others! 其他人 其他人
[01:38.89]- Other what? - Others. - 什么? - 其他人
[02:33.75]Where's my boy? 我的孩子在哪儿?
[02:36.53]Where's my boy? 我的孩子在哪儿?
[02:39.22]Hey! 嘿
[02:40.67]Hey, what did you do with my boy?! 嘿 你们把我的孩子怎么了?
[02:42.75]You hear me? 你听到没?
[02:44.12]Come back here! 回来
[02:48.33]Do you want him to die? 你想让他死吗?
[02:50.13]Put it down. 把枪放下
[02:56.35]Is this what you were talking about, Locke? 这就是你所说的吗 Locke?
[02:59.63]Is this your destiny? 这就是你的命运吗?
[03:04.32]All roads lead here. 该发生的还是会发生的
[03:08.88]My mother stole again from me this week. 这星期我妈又偷了我的钱
[03:11.44]I don't even keep money in my purse anymore. I've been hiding it. 我现在都不把钱放在钱包里了 我一直把钱藏着
[03:15.59]But when she wants a drink... 但她一要喝酒...
[03:18.70]she stole $30. 就偷了我30块
[03:21.53]I know it may not seem like a lot of money to some of you, 我知道这对于你们其中的 一些人来说不算什么
[03:24.55]but it's a lot to me, 但对于我来说却是一个大数目
[03:27.01]and I want it back. 我想要回我的钱
[03:31.24]Something you want to say? 你有什么要说的吗?
[03:35.37]John, you've been coming here for a month now-- John 你来这儿已经一个月了...
[03:39.18]I just don't think $30is worth getting angry about. 我觉得30块钱不值得你这么大惊小怪
[03:42.73]Well, Francine feels like $30-- 呃 Francine觉得30块...
[03:44.39]Francine feels a little too much, you ask me. 是Francine想得太多了
[03:47.34]You all do. 你们都是
[03:49.58]I mean, seriously. 我是很认真的
[03:51.95]"So and so never called me back", "my mother stole $30from me." "他再也没给我回电话" "我妈偷了我30块"
[03:55.23]I never even knew who my parents were. 我甚至都不知道自己父母是谁
[03:58.38]Couple years ago, my, uh, my birth mother found me, and, uh, 几年前 我的 呃 我的亲生母亲找到了我 然后 呃...
[04:03.99]she told me... 她告诉我...
[04:08.13]I was special. 我很特别
[04:12.63]And, uh, through her, I met my real father. 并且 她带我去见了我的亲生父亲
[04:16.86]Great news, right? 好消息 不是么?
[04:18.32]Well, he pretended to love me just long enough 他假装很爱我 为的就是
[04:21.93]to steal my kidney because he had to have a transplant. 从我这里骗走我的肾 因为他需要一个肾来做移植
[04:24.45]And then he dropped me back in the world like a piece of trash, 然后他把我像垃圾一样丢了出来
[04:27.97]just like he did on the day that I was born. 就像我刚出生时他丢了我那样
[04:32.77]You want your damn $30 back! I want my kidney back. 你想要回你那该死的30块 我想要回我的肾
[04:47.23]Probably a good idea. 这也许是件好事.
[04:50.21]You know, if you get kidney cancer, you've only got one. 你知道 要是你得了肾癌 你只会有一个肾得癌
[04:55.04]That's funny. 真的很有趣
[04:59.12]I'm sorry if I ruined your meeting. 如果这次聚会被我搞砸了我很抱歉
[05:01.30]Oh, hell. You just said everything I've always wanted to say in there. 哦 去它的 你只是讲出了 我在那儿一直想说的话
[05:05.24]Most of the time, I want to stand up and scream, 很多时候 我都想站起来大声喊
[05:07.76]"get over it, freaks." "把那些事都忘了吧 笨蛋"
[05:09.60]Well, why don't you? 那你干嘛不这样做呢?
[05:11.09]Well, I have to keep a cork in. 我还是忍忍吧
[05:12.98]If I get all hot and bothered, there's no stoppin' me. 我要是一激动起来是很难停下来的
[05:18.97]Guess you won't becoming back next week, huh? 我想你下周不会来了吧?
[05:22.14]- No. Not likely. - Hmm. That's too bad. - 是的 我不会来了 - 噢 那太可惜了
[05:25.83]I like bald guys. 我喜欢秃顶的男人
[05:28.29]- Well, I'm not bald. - I can wait. - 我还没秃顶呢 - 我可以等
[05:34.64]I'm-- I'm Helen... by the way. 呃 顺便说一声 我叫...我叫Helen
[05:39.37]Hi, Helen. I'm John. 你好 Helen 我是John
[05:44.22]Where's Kate? Kate在哪儿?
[05:45.73]Lower your gun, or I'll blow his damn head off. 把枪放下 不然我崩了他的脑袋
[05:49.25]Where's Kate?! Kate在哪儿?
[06:41.41]Put it down. 把枪放下
[06:42.19]I'm not putting down anything. 我什么也不放
[06:43.66]Calm down. It's okay. 冷静点 没事的
[06:52.92]- Do not move. - No, don't-- - 不许动 - 不 不要...
[06:54.53]- Don't what? - He's unarmed. - 不要什么? - 他没有武器
[06:55.85]He just had a gun pointed at your head. 他刚刚还用枪指着你的头
[07:01.73]Oh, what did you do? 你都干了什么?
[07:05.34]What did you do? 你都干了什么?
[07:11.85]We're all gonna die. 我们都会死的
[07:18.51]We're all gonna die. 我们都会死的
[07:22.55]I have to fix it.
[07:24.06]What the hell's he talking about?
[07:25.94]If you do not let me up, we are gonna die.
[07:27.91]Stop moving, or I swear to god...
[07:29.33]Look at the wall!
[07:31.13]You see that?
[07:32.78]That's a timer, and it's countin' down.
[07:37.29]I've gotta enter the code. I've gotta push the button.
[07:39.99]Or what? 我得把它修好
[07:40.89]- Jack, you should let him up. - Don't tell me what to do! 他到底在说什么?
[07:43.69]Or what? 听着
[07:44.73]What's gonna happen? 如果你不让我起来 我们都会死的
[07:45.91]别动 不然我要你好看...
[07:48.34]Do I know you? 你看墙上
[07:50.78]那是个计时器 一直在倒数计时
[07:57.39]You got him? 不然会怎么样?
[07:58.89]- Jack 你还是让他起来吧 - 不用告诉我该怎么做
[08:14.92]Nothing, Jack. 你看着他
[08:32.13]Hey. 怎么了?
[08:32.92]没什么 Jack
[08:34.52]What are you doin'?
[08:39.92]Where are you going?
[08:41.15]Nowhere, I...
[08:46.68]I just have trouble sleeping in a strange bed.
[08:51.60]No, it--it has nothing to do with you, Helen. I promise. 嘿
[08:54.77]I really like you.
[08:59.18]I'm sorry. I'll call you later. 你去哪儿了?
[08:59.15]没有 我...
[09:09.60]不 这...这和你没关系 Helen 我保证
[09:17.18]我很抱歉 回头给你电话
[09:30.52]John, I know you like to drive through my neighborhood.
[09:33.74]And I know that every now and then you like to park outside my house.
[09:40.76]Now I thought it might all stop when I moved, but, uh, here you are.
[09:47.03]Now I admit, at first I thought it was funny. 早上好
[09:48.52]John 我知道你喜欢在我家附近开车转悠
[09:51.91]Now it's just annoying. 也知道你常常把车停在我家前面
[09:54.32]So how about you tell me what the hell it is you want?
[09:58.76]我本以为我搬了家你就不会来了 但是 呃...你又来了
[10:04.51]Excuse me? 我得承认 开始我是觉得挺有意思的
[10:18.27]There is no "why."
[10:21.57]You think you're the first person that ever got conned? 什么?
[10:24.99]You needed a father figure, and I needed a kidney, 为什么?
[10:27.79]and that's what happened.
[10:31.01]Get over it.
[10:35.26]And, John, don't come back. 没有为什么
[10:40.35]You're not wanted. 你以为你是第一个被我玩弄在股掌间的么?
[10:53.26]还有John 别再来了
[11:06.22]I don't think you need that, Kate.
[11:13.44]Whatever you're looking for, maybe I can help.
[11:15.43]Can you fix a computer?
[11:17.87]Then you can't help me, can you?
[11:19.76]Sayid can fix a computer.
[11:22.12]Get him.
[11:23.81]Go and get Sayid. 没必要用枪了 Kate
[11:25.66]Can you get back up that rope?
[11:27.20]I won't have to. There's gotta be a front door in this place.
[11:29.38]Down the corridor to the left.
[11:30.97]Be persistent, the wheel sticks. 你在找什么 也许我能帮上忙
[11:34.92]Got ya. 你会修电脑吗?
[11:45.20]不用了 这里肯定还有个门
[11:48.97]用点力 把手很紧
[11:52.50]Now you're gonna tell me what's goin' on. 找到了
[11:55.44]Jack, we don't have time for th--
[11:56.63]- We're taking a time-out. - Please, just let me--
[11:58.39]Look, you wanna get to work, you're gonna tell me how you got here.
[12:02.90]It was three years ago.
[12:04.69]I was on a solo race around the world,
[12:06.78]and my boat crashed into the reef, and then Kelvin came.
[12:10.01]Kelvin? 现在你得告诉我到底是怎么回事
[12:10.91]Kelvin. He comes runnin' out the jungle.
[12:12.67]"Hurry, hurry, come with me." Jack 我们没时间...
[12:15.39]He brings me down here. - 我们先停一会儿 - 求你了 让我...
[12:17.85]First thing he does, 'cause it's beepin' already, 听着 如果你想继续做你的事 就先告诉我你怎么来到这儿的
[12:19.99]he types in the code, he pushes the button, and it stops. 是三年前了
[12:24.78]船撞上了暗礁 然后Kelvin出现了
[12:26.39]"What was all that about?" I say.
[12:29.21]"Just savin' the world," he says. Kelvin?
[12:28.91]是Kelvin 他从丛林中跑了出来
[12:30.67]"快点 快点 跟我来"
[12:34.25]Saving the world? 他把我带到这里
[12:36.06]His words, not mine. 当时这个已经开始嘟嘟倒计时了 他做的第一件事就是
[12:37.99]输入密码 按下按键 声音就停了
[12:40.52]So I started pushing the button, too.
[12:43.53]And we saved the world together for awhile, and that was lovely. 我问他"到底是怎么回事?"
[12:46.71]Then Kelvin died, and now here I am all alone. 他回答说"是在拯救世界"
[12:55.02]The end. 是他说的
[13:04.71]然后Kelvin死了 所以现在就我一个人了
[13:10.57]Don't tell me you believe this. This is crazy.
[13:12.99]You think that makes sense, pushing a button? 讲完了
[13:16.29]You're gonna take his word for it?
[13:17.95]His word is all we have, Jack.
[13:21.54]You don't have to take my word for it.
[13:23.48]Watch the film.
[13:28.05]The bookcase, top shelf, behind "turn of the screw." 你不会相信他的话吧 这太难以理解了
[13:31.71]Projector's in the pantry. 你觉得那可能吗 按个按钮就可以拯救世界?
[13:35.95]我们也只能听他的了 Jack
[13:46.05]书架的最上层 《压力》那本书后面
[14:09.76]Dude, I gotta say,
[14:11.80]I didn't think we were gonna get through the night.
[14:14.68]And I wasn't even here for that baby stealing part.
[14:18.38]I can assure you it was very exciting.
[14:20.60]It's about time things are finally returning to normalness.
[14:26.37]Aw, crap. 等等
[14:28.94]Sayid... 伙计 我说
[14:30.77]We need your help.
[14:39.68]What do you know? What did they do to you? 我能肯定的告诉你那件事很精彩
[14:42.58]Who the hell are they? 事情也该是时候变得正常了
[14:44.51]Who the hell are they? Sayid
[14:48.39]Others. 噢 见鬼
[14:52.11]Did you see Walt? 我们需要你的帮忙
[14:53.37]The others-- how many?
[14:56.44]How many?
[14:59.76]They had him blindfolded. Blindfolded. 你知道些什么? 他们对你做了什么?
[15:03.50]Could be a hundred of 'em out there. 他们到底是谁?
[15:10.04]- Push me up. - What? 其他人
[15:12.21]Boost me up. 你看到Walt了吗?
[15:13.72]I'm gonna try to get us outta here. 其他人...有多少?
[15:17.25]Come on. Help us out, Chewie. 他们有多少人?
[15:22.83] 他们可能有上百人
[15:30.62]- 把我推上去 - 什么?
[15:35.46]They got it weighted down with something. 我试试看能不能出去
[15:38.49]It's tied off somewhere. 来吧 帮帮忙 伙计
[15:41.76]Come on. Lift me higher.
[16:02.34]加油 把我举高点
[16:23.33]It's a girl.
[16:33.38]Wanna tell me what was goin' on down here before I showed up, John?
[16:37.67]Kate was tied up. Desmond had a gun on me.
[16:40.31]I think you pretty much caught the gist of it.
[16:44.84]Desmond. 是个女的
[16:48.31]He wanted to know a lot about us--
[16:50.54]how we got here, if we were sick.
[16:53.05]You didn't ask anything about him? 能告诉我在我下来前这儿发生了什么么 John?
[16:55.33]He was the one with the gun.
[16:57.03]You sure seem calm for someone who believes the world's gonna end in the next 45 minutes. Kate被绑了起来 Desmond拿着枪指着我
[17:01.60]He'll fix it. 我想基本上你已经知道个大概了
[17:03.90]You understand that what he's saying, it's... Desmond
[17:07.60]it's insane. It's impossible. 他想知道我们很多事
[17:09.94]Why is it insane? 我们是怎么来的 我们是否病了
[17:12.00]Because the last time I saw the computer that was gonna save the world,
[17:15.66]it didn't look like that. 他拿着枪啊
[17:17.36]Is the reason you're so upset because he said he recognized you? 作为一个相信世界会在45分钟后毁灭的人来说 你还真沉得住气
[17:29.14]Because that would be impossible. 这是疯狂的 是不可能的
[17:56.48]Welcome. I'm Dr. Marvin Candle,
[17:59.44]and this is the orientation film
[18:01.13]for station 3 of the Dharma Initiative.
[18:04.60]In a moment,
[18:05.71]you'll be given a simple set of instructions for how you and your partner
[18:09.57]will fulfill the responsibilities associated with this station.
[18:12.75]But first, a little history.
[18:15.47]The Dharma Initiative was created in 1970
[18:17.02]欢迎观赏 我是Marvin Candle博士
[18:19.09]and is the brainchild of Gerald and Karen Degroot, 这是专为达摩启动计划
[18:22.48]two doctoral candidates at the university of Michigan. 第3岗位制作的影片
[18:25.44]Following in the footsteps of visionaries such as B.F. Skinner-- 接下来
[18:26.25]我们会对你和你的伙伴如何担负起 这个岗位的责任
[18:29.65]...imagined a large-scale communal research compound, 做出简要的说明
[18:33.62]where scientists and free thinkers from around the globe 但是首先 还是先来看看历史介绍吧
[18:36.48]could pursue research in meteorology, 达摩启动计划是1970年首创的
[18:39.73]psychology, 是密西根大学两个博士候选人
[18:42.83]zoology, Gerald和Karen Degroot智慧的结晶
[18:45.71]and utopian social-- ...reclusive Danish industrialist 跟随着比如B.F.Skinner这样的梦想家的脚步
[18:49.28]and munitions magnate Alvar Hanso, 他们描绘了一幅大规模的公共研究情景
[18:52.28]whose financial backing made their dream of a multipurpose...
[18:54.16]在那里 全世界的科学家和自由思想家
[18:55.89]social science research facility a reality. 能够追求在气象学
[18:59.85]You and your partner are currently located in station 3-- or the swan-- 心理学
[19:04.26]and will be for the next 540 days. 动物学
[19:07.30]Now station 3 was originally constructed as a laboratory 和理想化社会研究方面的发展... 丹麦的隐士工业家
[19:11.25]where scientists could work to understand the 军需品巨头Alvar Hanso
[19:13.43]unique electromagnetic fluctuations emanating from this sector of the island. 他的强大的经济后盾使得他们的多目标的...
[19:19.19]Not long after the experiments began, however, 你和你的伙伴现在并且在接下来的540天中
[19:22.79]there was... an incident.
[19:26.03]And since that time, the following protocol has been observed. 将一直在第3岗位...或是这个天鹅里...
[19:30.38]Every 108 minutes, the button must be pushed. 科学家可以在这里研究这个岛上这块区域
[19:35.19]From the moment the alarm sounds, 发出的单一电磁波
[19:37.95]you will have four minutes to enter the code
[19:40.73]into the microcomputer processor. 但是在实验开始不久之后
[19:43.18]...induction into the program. 发生了一起...意外
[19:45.19]When the alarm sounds, either you or your partner must input the code. 从那时开始 下面这些协定就开始被执行了
[19:50.96]It is highly recommended that you and your partner take alternating shifts. 每隔108分钟这个按键必须按下
[19:55.43]In this manner, you will both stay as fresh and alert-- 从警报响起的那一刻开始
[19:58.19]...utmost importance that when the alarm sounds, 你将有4分钟时间把这些代码
[20:01.33]the code be entered correctly and in a timely fashion. 输入计算机里
[20:05.40]Now do not attempt to use the computer for any-- 当警报响起时 无论你或是你的伙伴必须输入代码
[20:09.43]Congratulations, until your replacements arrive,
[20:13.49]the future of the project is in your hands.
[20:16.44]On behalf of the Degroots, 这样 你们就会保持时刻警觉地状态...
[20:18.28]Alvar Hanso and all of us at the Dharma Initiative, ...在警报响起时
[20:22.09]thank you. 能准确的及时的输入代码
[20:24.88]And... 不要尝试拿电脑做任何...
[20:26.34]good luck.
[20:29.94]祝贺你 直到你的替班到达
[20:40.26]We're gonna need to watch that again. Alvar Hanso和达摩启动计划的全部人员
[20:44.70]What's that? (印度合十礼)
[20:46.50]It's a present. It's been six months. 并...
[20:49.67]It's sort of an anniversary, right?
[20:54.86]- I didn't get you anything. - That's okay.
[20:57.93]It only cost me a buck.
[21:07.50]给你的礼物 我们认识六个月了
[21:09.40]It's to my place. 有几分像周年纪念 是么?
[21:10.97]Thought you might be tired of knocking.
[21:14.50]Well, Helen... - 我没给过你什么 - 没关系
[21:19.51]I don't know what to say. 只花了我一美元
[21:23.29]There's, uh, there's just one condition, though, John.
[21:27.22]When you stay over,
[21:29.67]you stay over. 是我家的钥匙
[21:32.04]What do you mean? 我想你大概厌倦了老是敲门
[21:34.50]I followed you last night, 呃 Helen...
[21:37.12]to that house that you go to.
[21:41.77]Is it your father's house? 我真不知道该怎么说
[21:44.29]只有 呃 只有一个条件 John
[21:50.89]Why would you follow me, Helen? Why would you do that? 你就得过夜
[21:54.59]Well, you sneak off in the middle of the night. 我昨晚跟踪你
[21:56.99]I just needed to know where you were going. I care about you, John. 去了你去的那间屋子
[22:00.80]No. Well, yeah, but what I do is my business. It's personal.
[22:03.79]I wasted 20 years of my life being angry. 是你父亲的房子么?
[22:08.54]I told myself I would get over it, but I...
[22:11.64]I couldn't do it alone. 你为什么跟踪我 Helen? 你为什么这么做?
[22:15.45]I needed to find help. 呃 你半夜鬼鬼祟祟的出门
[22:17.99]我只是想知道你去哪儿了 我很在乎你 John
[22:20.29]You helped me, John.
[22:21.80]不 呃 是的 但是我做什么是我自己的事 是我一个人的事
[22:24.80]And I can help you. 我在愤怒中荒废了我20年的生命
[22:28.10]You just have to promise me that you're not gonna go to that place anymore. 我告诉自己我得忘了它 但是我...
[22:36.85]All right. 我需要帮助
[22:39.97]All right? 你帮助了我 John
[23:06.41]You're gonna watch that again?
[23:10.03]Aren't you?
[23:11.63]No, John, I'm not.
[23:34.03]Okay, okay, okay. 不 John 我不会了
[23:36.04]Are you all right, sister?
[23:40.46]- Who are you? - We crashed here.
[23:43.79]We were on a plane. Sydney to Los Angeles.
[23:50.08]40 of us made it.
[23:55.25]Flight 815? 没事 没事 没事
[23:57.04]小姐 你还好吧?
[24:00.27]You were on it, too? - 你们是谁? - 我们坠机了
[24:03.62]Wait. You were in the back? 我们本来是在悉尼去洛杉矶的飞机上
[24:08.79]It broke off midair. How did you s-- 什么?
[24:10.83]I don't know. I don't know. The plane came apart, 我们中有40多个幸存
[24:14.89]and somebody's frickin' hardside 815航班?
[24:16.86]came out of the overhead and knocked me out.
[24:19.67]I woke up underwater and made my way to the top,
[24:24.96]swam to shore. 等等 你是在后舱的么?
[24:28.04]You've been out here by yourself all this time?
[24:29.79]它在半空中断裂了 你怎么...
[24:32.52]Trying to find food, 我不知道 我不知道 飞机断成了两半
[24:34.70]making my way, hoping to find somebody. 有人从我头上冲出来
[24:38.38]And then yesterday they found me. 把我撞晕了
[24:41.43]- Who are they? - You tell me. 我在水下醒过来 自己游了上来
[24:43.52]Did you see a boy? 10 years old? They took my son.
[24:50.44]No. I'm sorry. 你这些天全靠你自己活着?
[24:54.83]I'm Ana Lucia. 我试着去找食物
[24:56.49]Sawyer. 一路往前走 希望能找到人
[24:58.61]This is Mike. 然后 昨天 他们找到了我
[25:01.32]The quiet Korean guy's Jin. - 他们是谁? - 我还等着你告诉我呢
[25:05.00]We're about to be the best thing that ever happened to you. 你看见一个男孩了么? 10岁 他们带走了我的孩子
[25:08.28]How's that?
[25:10.35]'Cause next time Shaft opens the cage, 没有 很抱歉
[25:14.13]he's gonna get a surprising little howdy doody.
[25:15.83]我叫Ana Lucia
[25:24.79]Are you in contact with the people that made it? 你遇到我们真的是太幸运了
[25:27.68]The film. Are you in contact with anyone?
[25:31.28]Do you think I'd be here if I was? 因为下次那家伙打开笼子的时候
[25:35.04]How is it that you didn't know about the crash, 他会非常非常吃惊的
[25:38.01]about us?
[25:40.38]I push this button every 108 minutes.
[25:45.28]I don't get out much. 你联系过那个制作人么?
[25:48.43]So these replacements... 那部影片 你联系过他们么?
[25:51.27]Kelvin died waiting for his replacements. 如果我联系了你想我还会呆在这儿么?
[25:56.57]So you don't get out. You don't see anyone. Where does your food come from? 你怎么会不知道坠机的事?
[26:01.15]You really think this is happening? 我没隔108分钟就要按一下键
[26:03.47]Why wouldn't it be?
[26:06.40]It says "quarantine" on the inside of the hatch 我不太出去
[26:08.97]to keep you down here, keep you scared. 那么那些接替者...
[26:11.67]But you know what? Kelvin就是等接替者等死的
[26:13.25]We've been up there for over 40 days, and no one's gotten sick.
[26:16.52]You think this is the only part of it that's true? 那么你不出去 没看见任何人 你的食物是哪儿来的?
[26:19.27]Did you ever think that maybe they put you down here
[26:21.38]to push a button every hundred minutes just to see if you would-- 你真的认为事情是这样的么?
[26:23.95]that all of this-- the computer, the button-- 为什么不呢?
[26:25.92]it's just a mind game, an experiment? 舱门口里面印着"检疫隔离"
[26:30.69]Every single day. 把你封闭在这下面 让你绝得恐慌
[26:34.25]我们在外面已经40多天了 没有人得病
[26:39.56]And for all our sakes, I hope it's not real. 你有没有想过可能他们把你困在这儿
[26:42.38]每隔108分钟去按按键 只是为了看看你是不是真的会去这么做
[26:45.32]But the film says this is an electromagnetic station. 这儿的所有一切...电脑 按键...
[26:46.92]只是一个心理游戏 一个实验
[26:49.30]And I don't know about you, brother,
[26:51.63]but every time I walk past that concrete wall out there, 我每天都这么想过
[26:55.02]my fillings hurt.
[27:00.53]Right. 并且为了我们大家 我希望这不是真的
[27:10.30]我不知道你是怎么想的 兄弟
[27:15.87]Oh, no. 我都会觉得难受
[27:17.65]What happened?
[27:25.22]It's over.
[27:33.13]What? What do you mean, "it's over"?
[27:36.87]不 不
[27:48.73]What-- what are you doing?
[27:51.42]Are you leaving?
[27:52.86]Desmond! 什么? 你是什么意思 "一切都完了"?
[27:58.05]We can-- we can fix the computer. Sayid is coming. He knows--
[28:01.57]Give him my best.
[28:12.19]Wait, wait, wait. Where are you-- 你要走了么?
[28:14.09]You can't leave. Desmond
[28:17.00]Where are you going? 等等
[28:19.09]As far as I can run, brother. 我们可以...我们可以把电脑修好的 Sayid马上就来了 他知道...
[28:28.85]- What should we do? - Nothing.
[28:31.29]We do nothing.
[28:33.25]It's not real. None of it's real. 等等 等等 等等 你去哪儿...
[28:34.70]This isn't-- this isn抰 what was supposed to happen! 你不能走
[28:39.10]What was supposed to happen? 你去哪儿?
[28:40.09]能跑多远跑多远 兄弟
[28:41.83]Jack, please, don't leave me here.
[28:44.09]Good-bye, John.
[28:45.64]- You're on your own. - Jack.
[28:49.85]- 我们该怎么做? - 不用了
[28:54.25]这不是真的 没一样东西是真的
[29:02.83]Jack求你了 别把我丢在这儿
[29:05.09]再见 John
[29:06.64]- 你靠你自己吧 - Jack
[29:20.99]Why is this happening like this? What do you want? What do you--
[29:26.95]What am I supposed to do?!
[29:41.99]怎么会这样? 你想怎样? 你想...
[30:13.08]Helen, what...
[30:14.64]Helen, what-- what--
[30:15.97]Hey, Helen, wait.
[30:25.51]Why are you doing this?
[30:27.45]He's not coming out of his house, John, because he doesn't care.
[30:31.76]I know why you're here, why you keep coming here.
[30:34.93]You're scared. Helen 你...
[30:36.79]You're scared of moving forward-- Helen 你...你...
[30:39.13]with me, with us. 嘿 Helen 等等
[30:43.29]You're gonna have to choose. 不要
[30:46.59]Him or me?
[30:51.39]No. No. No, it's not that simple. 他不会出来的 John 因为他不在乎
[30:54.24]Yes, it is. 我知道你为什么在这儿 为什么你一直来这儿
[30:57.86]I... I... 你心慌了
[31:01.66]I can't. I can't. 和我一起 和我们一起
[31:04.03]- Yes, you can. - No, I can't!
[31:15.19]I don't know how. 不 不 不 事情没这么简单
[31:17.35]Because you don't know what's gonna happen. 就这么简单
[31:21.79]None of us do. 我...我...
[31:25.51]That's why it's called a leap of faith, John. 我不能 我不能
[31:27.03]- 来吧 你可以的 - 不 我不能
[31:31.88]You don't have to be alone.
[31:48.51]这就是我们所说的信念的飞跃 John
[31:54.54]Jack? 你不需要一个人面对
[32:14.05]What is this place?
[32:16.99]John, where's Jack? Jack?
[32:18.88]Jack's gone. Jack
[32:20.57]I need your help.
[32:27.21]What does it look like?
[32:28.56]It's a breaker box. There has to be one.
[32:31.26]Follow the conduit lines. 老天
[32:33.03]Cool. Okay, great. What's a conduit line?
[32:36.73]Those tubes-- follow those. 这是什么地方?
[32:39.99]John Jack在哪儿?
[32:52.40]Whoa. 是一个断路器 这里肯定有
[32:55.21]Did you find it? 顺着导线管找
[32:56.90]Uh... 行 好的 导线管是什么?
[33:00.44]Depends on what you mean by "it." 就是那些管子...沿着他们找
[33:09.86]All right, here's what we're going to do.
[33:11.29]Jin plays dead. You call for help.
[33:13.01]Sick prisoner? You serious?
[33:15.43]What, you got a better idea, sweetheart? 喔
[33:18.72]Where did you get that gun anyway? 你找到它了么?
[33:20.35]What? 呃...
[33:21.19]The gun. How did you get it on the plane? 呃...
[33:23.28]There was a federal marshal on the plane. 就看你说的"它"是指什么了
[33:26.02]So what, you just happened to have his gun?
[33:29.08]Yeah. I'm lucky. Mike...
[33:33.41]How come you didn't use it when they grabbed you? 好了 我们就这么做
[33:34.29]Jin假装死了 你喊救命
[33:37.34]Gosh, I guess I was too busy getting hit in the face with a club. 病了的囚犯? 你是认真的?
[33:38.43]那么你有更好的主意了 亲爱的?
[33:44.89]How come you're suddenly so interested, cupcake? 那把枪 你怎么在飞机上得到的?
[33:47.63]- Hey! - What? 飞机上有个军官
[33:49.00]Come on, let's just-- we've got to-- 然后呢 你碰巧得到了这把枪?
[33:52.25]Back up! 是的 我很幸运 Mike...
[33:53.87]Back up.
[33:59.45]Coming out. 唉 当时一直挨着棍子揍
[34:02.19]Coming out!
[34:07.89]你怎么突然这么感兴趣了 小妞?
[34:10.63]- 嘿 - 什么?
[34:12.00]快点 我们开始...我们还得...
[34:15.94]What happened? 退后
[34:16.93]Who are they? 退后
[34:49.57]Oh, right.
[34:52.20]The code, yeah?
[34:55.30]Right, listen carefully.
[34:56.74]If by some miracle, you manage to get that computer working again,
[34:59.13]you gotta enter the code-- 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42.
[35:03.04]Hit "execute."
[35:04.07]- Again-- 4, 8, 15, 16-- - Shut up!
[35:07.59]Sorry? 停下
[35:08.55]Nothing is going to happen.
[35:10.92]Some man takes you down there, shows you a movie,
[35:12.68]哦 对了
[35:15.87]and you push a button on-- on faith alone. 那些数字 是么?
[35:19.27]Nothing is going to happen! 好了 仔细听着
[35:19.85]如果出现了奇迹 你们把电脑修好了
[35:23.39]In about 15 minutes, you're either going to be very right or very wrong, brother. 你们得输入这些数字... 4,8,15,16,23,42
[35:26.97]You want to shoot me? Shoot me! But I'm not hanging about. 按下"执行"键
[35:27.19]- 再说一遍...4,8,15,16... - 闭嘴
[35:29.87]Why are you running? You don't even know what you're running from! 什么?
[35:34.05]那些人把你困在下面 给你看一部片子
[35:37.56]I remember you. 然后你就凭着信念一个人按那个按键
[35:41.13]Running. 不会有事发生的
[35:45.07]I know you. 是对是错15分钟后就会有结论了 兄弟
[35:46.81]- I met you. - Stop.
[35:48.58]Los Angeles. I was training, yeah?
[35:51.59]- You twisted your ankle. - Stop. 你想向我开枪? 开枪吧 我是不会闲在这儿的
[35:53.54]You're a doctor, right? There was this girl. 你为什么跑? 你都不知道你到底在躲什么
[35:56.20]You were worried. You said--
[35:58.09]You said you failed her.
[36:01.62]- That was you! - It doesn't matter. 我记起你了
[36:05.28]- Was she okay? The girl? - It doesn't matter. 那次跑步
[36:09.75]- What happened to her? - It doesn't matter. - 我见过你 - 住口
[36:11.77]- How can you say it doesn't-- - I married her! 洛杉矶 我正在训练 对么?
[36:14.77]- 你扭伤了你的脚踝 - 闭嘴
[36:16.72]你是一个医生 是么? 有个女孩
[36:19.39]你很为她担心 你说...
[36:23.93]Right. - 就是你 - 这不重要
[36:28.89]And you... - 她还好么? 那个女孩? - 这不重要
[36:31.95]you're not married to her anymore then. - 她怎么样了? - 这不重要
[36:34.98]- 你怎么能说这不重... - 我娶了她
[36:58.56]See you in another life, yeah?
[37:17.00]Can you fix it?
[37:20.07]This man, whoever he was, replaced the motherboard.
[37:26.97]The power transformer is blown.
[37:29.05]Don't you need to know why?
[37:31.75]All I need to know is that the timer is counting down to something
[37:35.94]and that this computer needs to be repaired.
[37:39.72]I'm sure you'll tell me why once I've done so. 你能修好么?
[37:43.36]这个人 不管他是谁 换掉了主板
[37:50.64]Found it! 电源变压器烧了
[38:02.45]Uh, what's that? 我肯定在我做完这些后你会告诉我原因的
[38:03.68]- Sayid? - I'm working on it.
[38:05.99]- You have to-- I know what I have to do.
[38:11.68]Reconnected the processor...
[38:13.81]Replaced the transformer... 找到了
[38:22.10]It's on.
[38:23.78]Okay. So what now?
[38:25.10]There was a code. He made me enter it. 呃 那是什么?
[38:27.11]What code? - Sayid? - 我在继续
[38:28.00]Can you remember what it is? - 你得... - 我知道我该怎么做
[38:30.79]- 4. 8. - Wait a minute.
[38:34.11]- 15. 16. - Dude, I'm serious. Stop! 重新连接处理器...
[38:37.73]Hugo, this is not the time or place! 换掉变压器...
[38:39.35]Yeah? Well, I think it is.
[38:41.51]What is this thing? We don't even know what it does! I mean, we need--
[38:44.06]32. 可以了
[38:47.99]You know what? 好了 那现在呢?
[38:49.69]Forget it. Go ahead. Do your thing. 有代码的 他让我输的
[38:53.67]It's not 32. - 4 8 - 等等
[38:57.94]It's 42. - 15 16 - 伙计 我是认真的 停下
[39:02.32]He just told me-- Desmond. Hugo 现在不是时候
[39:02.74]是么? 我看是的
[39:04.40]The last number's 42. 23...
[39:04.90]这是什么? 我们甚至不知道这是干什么用的 我是说 我们得...
[39:07.38]You're sure?
[39:09.50]Yeah, I'm sure.
[39:13.09]算了 继续吧 该干什么干什么
[39:33.43]You do it, Jack. 是的 确定
[39:40.88]You have to do it.
[39:44.27]You do it yourself, John.
[39:45.97]No, you saw the film, Jack.
[39:47.38]This is a-- this is a 2-person job, at least.
[39:53.34]This argument is irrelevant.
[39:55.03]Sayid, don't. Jack--
[39:57.35]Don't. It's not real. 你来 Jack
[39:59.17]Look, you want to push the button, you do it yourself.
[40:01.47]If it's not real, then what are you doing here, Jack? 什么?
[40:03.20]Why did you come back? 得你来按
[40:06.06]Why do you find it so hard to believe?!
[40:08.28]- Why do you find it so easy?! - It's never been easy! 你自己按 John
[40:09.44]不 你看了影片了 Jack
[40:18.51]Sayid不要 Jack...
[40:20.89]Maybe you should just do it. 不要 这不是真的
[40:23.74]No. 听着 如果你想按按键的话你自己按
[40:26.43]It's a button. 如果这不是真的 那你回来干什么 Jack?
[40:30.51]I can't do this alone, Jack. 怎么就这么难以让你相信呢?
[40:31.78]- 你怎么就这么容易相信呢? - 根本就不容易
[40:36.08]I don't want to.
[40:41.48]It's a leap of faith, Jack.
[40:54.04]我不能一个人这么做 Jack
[41:05.03]这是信念的飞跃 Jack
[41:39.09]I'll take the first shift.

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