第18单元 坐困愁城
Rachel Stared up at the clouds. One looked like a tree. One looked like a Ferris wheel. The sand was hot under her skin. Everything was silent except for the ocean. She sit up and thinks, "How long will I be stranded on this deserted island?"
Rachel had been out sailing, when her boat hit a rock and sprung a leak. Rachel had toabandon ship and swim to land. She crawled onto the shore. She searched the island but found nothing but coconuts and squirrels.
She hated the idea of one day having o eat the cute squirrels, but she'd have to if she wanted to stay alive. For the last month, she has eaten nothing but coconuts.
Every night she lit a fire hoping a ship would see it and rescue her. So far she has been lucky. There were no wild animals on the island. She had made herself a bed out of leaves and branches.
On her 45th day she spotted a ship. She started a fire and screamed for help. Soon the ship came and Rachel was saved. Rachel never went sailing again.