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外研社新标准高中英语第四册 Model5-7




[00:01.00]Module 5 Words and Expressions

[00:11.44]cave n. 洞; 山洞

[00:14.27]peak n. 山顶; 山峰

[00:17.95]plain n. 平原

[00:21.64]plateau n. 高原

[00:25.64]shore n.(海、 湖、 河等的) 岸

[00:28.80]slope n. 斜坡

[00:32.79]valley n. 山谷

[00:37.04]wood n.(常作复数) 树林

[00:41.13]flat a. 平坦的

[00:45.20]at the edge of 在… …的边缘

[00:49.74]surround vt. 围绕;环绕

[00:53.72]colleague n. 同事

[00:57.77]downstreet v. 向下游; 随波而下

[01:01.66]goods n. 货物

[01:05.76]trade vi. 做生意

[01:08.26]temple n. 寺庙

[01:11.71]dock n. 码头 vi. 驶人码头

[01:15.97]hilly a. 多山的; 丘陵起伏的

[01:18.77]raft n. 木筏

[01:22.28]narrow vt. 变狭窄

[01:25.29]at least 至少

[01:29.78]detour n. 迂路; 绕行之路

[01:33.38]legend n. 传奇; 传说故事

[01:36.77]be heavy with 有大量的

[01:41.65]deck n. 甲板

[01:44.43]distant a. 遥远的

[01:47.61]exploit vt. 开发

[01:50.54]in the distance 远处的

[01:54.20]cruise n.(乘游轮的)漫游; 巡航

[01:58.29]cabin n. 船舱;机舱

[02:01.64]forbid vt.(forbad/forbade, forbidden) 禁止

[02:05.01]lounge n.休息室; 休息厅

[02:08.19]mountainous a.多山的

[02:11.89]immense adj. 极大的

[02:15.90]fertile a. 肥沃的

[02:18.37]remote a. 遥远的

[02:22.18]steep a.陡峭的; 险峻的

[02:25.46]varied a. 多变化的

[02:28.69]spot n. 地点; 场所

[02:31.70]rip off 敲竹杠;敲诈

[02:34.36]get a kick out of (俚语) 从… …中得到乐趣

[02:38.61]view n. 景色; 风景

[02:41.97]pin n. 别针

[02:45.50]naturally adv. 自然地

[02:49.31]torch n. 手电筒

[02:55.70]Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World


[03:04.20]2 Read the passage and answer the questions.

[03:09.15]The Monster of Lake Tianchi

[03:13.06]The "Monster of Lake Tianchi" in the Changbai Mountains in Jilin province,

[03:18.87]northeast China,is back in the news after several recent sightings.

[03:24.44]The director of a local tourist office,Meng Fanying,

[03:29.20]said the monster, which seemed to be black in colour,

[03:32.63]was ten metres from the edge of the lake during the most recent sighting.

[03:37.66]"It jumped out of the water like a seal --

[03:40.61]about 200 people on Changbai's western peak saw it," he said.

[03:46.45]Although no one really got a clear look at the mysterious creature,

[03:51.09]Xue Junlin,a local photographer,

[03:53.79]claimed that its head looked like a horse.

[03:56.61]In another recent sighting,

[03:59.27]a group of soldiers claim they saw an animal moving on the surface of the water.

[04:03.99]The soldiers,who were walking along the side of the lake,

[04:07.32]watched the creature swimming for about two minutes.

[04:10.97]"It was greenish- black and had a round head with 10-centimetre horns",

[04:17.12]one of the soldiers said.

[04:19.18]A third report came from Li Xiaohe,

[04:23.35]who was visiting the lake with his family.

[04:25.85]He claims to have seen a round black creature

[04:29.27]moving quickly through the water.

[04:32.00]After three or four hundred metres it dived into the water.

[04:36.70]Ten minutes later the monster appeared again and repeated the action.

[04:42.34]Mr Li Xiaohe

[04:44.22]said that he and his family were able to see the monster clearly

[04:47.95]because the weather was fine and the lake was calm.

[04:52.04]There have been reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi

[04:56.22]since the beginning of the last century,

[04:58.95]although no one has seen one close up.

[05:01.82]Some photos have been taken

[05:04.20]but they are not clear because it was too far away.

[05:08.36]Many people think

[05:09.64]the monster may be a distant cousin of the Loch Ness monster in Scotland.

[05:14.57]They also think that there might be similar creatures in other lakes around the world

[05:20.55]Scientists,however,a re sceptical.

[05:24.25]They say that the low-temperature lake

[05:26.83]is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures.

[05:32.01]Lake Tianchi is the highest volcanic lake in the world.

[05:37.77]It is 2,189 metres high and covers an area of about ten square kilometres.

[05:48.00]In places it is more than 370 metres deep.


[06:00.96]3 Listen to the first part of the radio interview and check your answers.

[07:26.83]4 Listen to the second part of the interview.

[07:31.76]How many explanations are given

[07:34.09]for the disappearance of the dinosaurs?

[10:05.17]5 Listen to the second part again.

[10:09.99]Tick the key words and phrases when you hear them.


[12:44.09]1 Listen to the sentences.

[12:48.08]Say which consonants disappear.

[12:51.29]1 I'll come straight to the point.

[12:57.13]2 The most widely accepted theory.

[13:03.56]3 I think it's the most likely explanation.

[13:12.10]Now practise saying the sentences.

[13:20.13]2 Study these sentences and practise saying them.

[13:27.81]Now listen and check.

[13:33.22]1 We went to Loch Ness.

[13:38.13]2 We saw the most fantastic creature.

[13:45.20]3 We didn't take any photos.


[13:57.43]Read the passage and answer the questions.

[14:00.77]1 How are western dragons different from Chinese dragons?

[14:07.96]2 Do you know any dragon stories?

[14:13.39]The Universal Dragon

[14:17.06]Dragons can be friendly or fierce,

[14:21.46]they can bring good luck or cause death and destruction,

[14:26.09]but one thing is sure--

[14:28.17]people talk about them almost everywhere in the world.

[14:31.95]For a creature that doesn't actually exist,that's quite something.

[14:36.81]In Chinese culture,dragons are generous and wise,

[14:41.70]although they can be unpredictable.

[14:44.49]The dragon was closely connected to the royal family:

[14:48.56]the emperor's robes have a symbol of a gold dragon with five claws.

[14:54.13]Other members of the royal family were allowed to wear dragon symbols,too,

[14:59.02]but with fewer claws and of a different colour.

[15:03.01]According to popular belief,if you were born in the year of the dragon,

[15:07.73]you are intelligent, brave,and a natural leader.

[15:12.18]But in the west,dragons had a different reputation.

[15:17.35]The very first text in English,

[15:20.15]the Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf,tells the story of a Scandinavian hero,


[15:26.72]who fights and kills a dangerous dragon but is himself killed in the fight.

[15:32.91]However,across the border in Wales,

[15:36.50]the red dragon which appears on the Welsh flag is a positive symbol,

[15:41.20]indicating strength and a sense of national identity.

[15:45.91]Why should the dragon have a different character

[15:49.56]in different parts of the world?

[15:52.38]Some experts believe it is due to the animals the myths grew out of.

[15:57.50]In the west,the idea of the dragon probably came from the snake --

[16:02.95]an animal which people hated and were afraid of.

[16:07.03]But in China,the idea of the dragon may have come from the alligator --

[16:13.52]a shy animal which lives in rivers,

[16:17.04]but which is usually only seen when there is plenty of water--

[16:21.07]a good sign for agriculture.

[16:23.92]So the Chinese dragon was a bringer of good fortune.

[16:32.29]Module 6 Words and Expressions

[16:37.31]monster n. 怪物

[16:40.38]attack vt. 袭击; 攻击

[16:44.02]footprint n. 脚印; 足迹

[16:47.18]hairy a. 毛的; 多毛的

[16:50.29]frightening a. 吓人的

[16:53.43]creature n. 动物; 生物

[16:56.43]grey a. 灰色的

[16:59.02]claw n. 爪

[17:01.71]exist vi. 存在

[17:04.65]sharp a.锋利的; 尖的

[17:07.84]nail n. (手、 脚的 ) 指 甲; 爪

[17:10.27]journal n. 杂志; 学报; 期刊

[17:13.18]sighting n. (珍奇动物 等的) 目击; 发现

[17:16.27]seal n. 海豹

[17:18.95]mysterious a. 神秘的

[17:21.84]claim vt. 声称

[17:25.02]surface n. 表面; 水面

[17:28.11]horn n. (动物头上的) 角

[17:30.75]dive vi. 潜水

[17:33.38]calm a.平静的

[17:36.04]sceptical adj.怀疑的; 不相信的

[17:39.47]unlikely a.不可能的

[17:42.97]volcanic a. 火山的

[17:45.88]cover v. 占地 (多大面积)

[17:48.77]adapt vi. 使适应; 使适合

[17:51.65]disappear vi.不见; 消失

[17:54.47]extinct a.绝种的; 消亡了

[17:57.56]evolve vi. 进化;演变

[18:00.22]die out 灭绝

[18:03.42]throw light on 帮助弄清楚; 阐明某事

[18:06.80]come straight to the point 谈正题;开门见山

[18:10.09]fierce a. 凶猛的; 残暴的

[18:12.72]destruction n.毁坏

[18:15.72]generous a. 有雅量的;大方的; 心地高尚的

[18:18.67]unpredictable a.变化莫测的

[18:21.92]emperor n. 皇帝

[18:24.95]robe n.长袍

[18:27.70]reputation n. 名誉; 名声

[18:30.12]border n. 边境; 国界

[18:32.95]positive a. 正面的

[18:35.86]indicate vt. 象征; 暗示

[18:39.29]identity n. 身份; 特性

[18:43.41]due to 由于; 因 … …造成

[18:46.29]myth n. 神话; 神话故事

[18:48.81]fortune n. 运气; 命运; 财富

[18:54.90]Module 7 READING AND SPEAKING

[19:00.58]1 Read the passage. Put these phrases in the correct places.

[21:01.67]Names and Places


[21:07.73]Sao Paolo 圣保罗(巴西城市)

[21:10.68]Lagos 拉各斯(尼日利亚港市)

[21:14.15]Nigeria 尼日利亚

[21:18.43]Los Angeles 洛杉矶 (美国城市)

[21:22.73]Thailand 泰国

[21:27.55]Russia 俄罗斯

[21:31.80]Pakistan 巴基斯坦

[21:35.75]Philippines 菲律宾

[21:40.27]Cambridge 剑桥(英国城市)

[21:44.31]Oxford 牛津 (英国城市)

[21:48.72]Ulm 乌尔姆(德国南部城市)

[21:53.08]Zurich 苏黎世(瑞士城市)

[21:57.08]Malvinas 马尔维纳斯群岛

[22:01.65]New Zealand 新西兰

[22:05.11]Himalayas 喜马拉雅山脉

[22:11.75]Names and Places


[22:17.62]Thomas 托马斯

[22:19.96]Emma 埃玛

[22:22.68]Orville Wright 奥维尔·赖特

[22:25.50]Watson 沃森 (姓)

[22:28.89]Amold B.Barach 阿诺德·B·贝拉克

[22:33.15]Christopher Evans 克里斯多弗·埃文斯

[22:36.81]Harry Blunkett 哈里·布伦基特

[22:40.06]Elizabeth 伊丽莎白

[22:42.88]Jack Humphries 杰克·汉弗莱斯

[22:46.72]Stephen Hawking 斯蒂芬·霍金

[22:49.95]Peter Hessler 彼得·赫斯勒

[22:53.47]ColinMc Corquodale 科林·麦科克代尔

[22:57.09]Arthur Conan Doyle 阿瑟·柯南·道尔

[23:01.59]Sherrlock Holmes 舍洛克·福尔摩斯

[23:05.07]Karel Capek 卡雷尔·恰佩克

[23:08.68]Elma 埃尔玛

[23:11.47]Isaac Azirnov 艾萨克·阿齐莫夫

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