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[00:01.00] Previously on Lost: 前情提要:

[00:05.17]Right now, this is our priority. 但现在, 这才是我们优先要做的


[00:14.61]How did you come to be on this island, Danielle? 你是怎么到这岛上的, Danielle?

[00:17.01]The ship slammed into rocks, ran aground. 我们的船触礁搁浅了

[00:38.90]Hold on a second, dude. You want what now? 等等, 兄弟. 你现在想要什么?

[00:44.57]- You wanna make snowballs? - Hold the bamboo tighter. 你想做雪球?


[00:49.58]I think. 我想是这样的

[00:51.08]- Hey. - Hey. - 嘿 - 嘿

[00:52.61]- How's it coming? - It's coming. 船修得怎么样了?

[00:54.95]Long as nobody sabotages this one as well, huh? 快成了

[00:55.35]只要没人再蓄意破坏, 是吧?

[00:57.65]I got people standing guard 24l7. 我找了人24小时守护着

[00:59.89]Nobody gets near this, with or without intent to burn. 没人能接近它

[01:03.09]I was thinking, uh, the chances of a passing ship 嘿, 我说, 我在想

[01:05.83]spotting this raft out there is pretty slim. 路过的船只发现这个筏子的可能性应该会很小

[01:08.20]We could use something to send a distress call 我们可以用点什么东西来发求救

[01:10.60]to any ship that might be close. Like an SOS. 信号给那些有可能接近的船只

[01:13.30]OK. I'll ask Sayid, but even if he could make something like that, 就像 S.O.S 那样

[01:13.70]好吧, 恩, 我去问问 Sayid


[01:17.01]he's not gonna have anything to power it with. 也找不到电源来供电啊

[01:19.41]Didn't Sayid say that crazy French chick had batteries? Sayid 不是说过那个法国女人有电池吗?

[01:24.61]- Absolutely not. - I'm not asking you to go. 绝对没说过

[01:27.48]- I'll do it. - No, you won't. 我又不是叫你去. 我去做

[01:29.08]- We're trying... - Do you think she would 不, 别去

[01:29.23]兄弟, 我们只是 --

[01:31.29]give up something she needs to a stranger? 你们真的以为她会把她生存的必需品

[01:33.59]All I'm asking is for you to tell me how to find her. That's it. 交给一个完全不认识的人吗?

[01:33.99]我只是问你怎么找到她. 就这样

[01:37.26]I was brought unconscious to her camp. 我被带到她那之前已经昏迷了

[01:39.69]I was disoriented. I don't know how to find her. 我逃出去的时候完全迷失了方向. 现在我也不知道去哪找她

[01:42.70]Don't know, dude? Or don't want to? 是不知道还是不想告诉我们?

[01:45.70]Sayid, look. You've got her maps and her papers. Sayid, 听我说, 你得到了她的地图和纸

[01:48.50]You thought they were pointing to something. 你认为它们是在指示着什么东西

[01:51.04]- I was wrong. - Maybe they're pointing to her. 我搞错了

[01:53.68]Look! I don't know what these papers mean! 也许它们就指向她住的地方


[01:55.81]They could be the ravings of her disturbed mind. 我所知道的是, 这些可能是她精神错乱的产物!

[01:58.51]Song lyrics, mixed with equations! 一些等式, 夹杂着歌词!

[02:06.05]If this map is pointing to her, 如果这张地图是指示她的所在地的话

[02:08.02]then you should know she resides here in this area. 那么你们应该知道她住在这儿, 在这个地区

[02:11.06]She gave it a name. "Territoire Fonce. " 她把那儿叫做 territoire fonce

[02:14.43]Shannon translated it. Shannon 翻译过来意思是 "黑色领地"

[02:15.83]It means "Dark Territory." That sound like a place you'd like to visit?


[02:20.70]- So you won't help? - I didn't say that. 那么你不会帮忙了?

[02:23.87]I'll build the distress beacon. I suggest you find another power source. 我也没那样说



[02:27.98]- Something in the cockpit. - We're not going to the cockpit. 在驾驶舱里面应该能发现点什么


[02:36.42]* Swing your partner, dosey do

[02:38.52]- Step high! - What are you doing in there? Hugo, 你在里面干什么?

[02:41.36]- ... when you cut the... - I'm just checking something out. 等会儿, 妈妈. 我在找点东西

[02:45.06]I hope you're not watching those G-string mujeres again. 希望你不是又在看那些脱衣舞节目

[02:48.63]Look, Ma, we talked about this. 噢, 妈妈, 我们谈过的

[02:50.33]If you want me living here, you gotta respect my privacy. 既然你想让我在这住, 你应该尊重我的隐私

[02:54.30]And no, I'm not. 而且, 我也没有看

[02:58.14]Look at you. It's Saturday night. 看看你自己吧


[03:01.74]A grown-up man sitting at home watching TV. 一个成人还坐在家里看电视

[03:05.78]You should go out. Try to find yourself a nice woman. 你应该出去, 试着给自己找个女人

[03:09.22]I'll get right on that. 是的是的, 我会的

[03:10.65]Try eating better. You're gaining weight again. 至少得改变下膳食了. 你体重又增加了

[03:13.52]... with the Mega Number 42. 特别数字, 42

[03:19.26]And that makes tonight's Mega Lotto Jackpot Drawing 这样今晚的抽奖结果就出来了

[03:22.86]four, eight, 15, 16 and 23, 4, 8, 15

[03:26.16]16, 和 23, 加上一个特别数字 42

[03:28.20]with the Mega Number 42.

[03:30.44]Whoever has those numbers has won 选到这几个数字的人中了头奖

[03:33.24]or will share in a near record jackpot. 至少也会是分享这接近记录的巨奖

[03:36.11]That's right, Mary Jo, 是的, Mary Jo, 因为已经 有16周没有人中头奖了

[03:37.58]because this is the sixteenth week without a winner.

[03:53.29]片名:LOST - 迷失 第一季 第十八集

[04:12.08]Hi. 你好

[04:16.02]You awake? 你醒了?

[04:17.65]I was just wondering that myself. 我只是在想事情

[04:22.66]That French lady wrote this stuff? 那个法国女人 -- 是她写的这些东西吧?

[04:25.39]It's the middle of the night. What do you want? Hurley, 现在是半夜. 你想要怎样?

[04:28.16]Nothing. Couldn't sleep. 没有

[04:31.20]And I got curious. 只是睡不着


[04:34.04]You and Shannon, 你和Shannon --

[04:35.84]you guys have been trying to figure out some of this stuff, 你们在试着从这里面发现点什么

[04:39.07]and I was wondering what... 我在想, 你知道

[04:42.11]...you guys figured out about this stuff? 你们发现了...


[04:46.81]- What stuff? - I don't know. - 什么东西? - 我也不清楚

[04:49.48]Well, take these numbers she wrote down a bunch of times. 这几个数字她重复写了好多遍

[04:54.52]Got any idea what it means? 知道这里面有什么意思吗?

[04:58.79]I thought at one time they might be coordinates of some kind. 我曾经想过这有可能是某种座标

[05:02.10]Coordinates, yeah. 座标, 也是

[05:05.60]But when you first found her, the French chick, 当你第一次找到她的时候 --

[05:07.33]就是那个法国女人 --

[05:08.87]you said you saw a wire or something on the beach. 你说你在海滩上看到了电线之类的东西

[05:11.94]You followed it, and it led you to her. 然后它就引你到了她那儿

[05:13.91]No. It led me into a trap she set. 不. 它引我到了她设的陷阱里面

[05:17.18]But her place is probably close, right? 但她住的地方可能离这不远, 是吗?

[05:20.85]- Why are you interested in Rousseau? - I'm not. 你为什么突然对Rousseau这么有兴趣?

[05:24.19]Just making conversation, dude. 没有

[05:24.18]只是, 恩, 跟你谈下话, 兄弟

[05:26.59]Sorry if it's a bad time. 如果找错时间的话,我很抱歉

[05:30.09]Good night. 晚安

[05:43.14]Yeah, you. 好吧, 是的 , 就你吧

[05:44.31]How did you come up with the winning numbers? 你是怎么想到那些数字的? 它们有什么重要意义吗?

[05:47.34]Oh, uh, they just, uh, sorta came to me. 哦. 啊, 它们只是, 啊... 随便写的

[05:52.51]- Why don't you introduce your family? - Oh, yeah, okay. Um... 介绍一下你的家庭怎么样?

[05:54.34]哦, 是的. 好吧. 恩...

[05:56.65]This bashful beauty is my mom, Carmen. Come here, Ma. 这个 -- 这个害羞的美女是 我的妈妈 Carmen. 过来, 妈妈

[06:01.09]And this is my brother, Diego, and his wife, Lisa. 这是我弟弟Diego和他妻子Lisa

[06:04.53]- Whoo! We're rich! - Nice, dude. 呜呼! 我们发财了!

[06:06.69]Ignore him. He's an idiot. And, uh... 很好, 兄弟. 别管他. 他是个笨蛋

[06:08.20]还有, 啊...

[06:09.90]Oh! You gotta meet this guy. This is the greatest guy I know. 哦, 你们得看看这个家伙

[06:11.59]这是我见过的最伟大的人. 我祖父Tito.

[06:13.20]My grandpa, Tito. He's worked three jobs for...

[06:15.33]他做过3个工作,做了 -- 多少年?

[06:17.97]- How long's it been, Abuelito? - 52 years. - 52年 - 52年

[06:20.34]Fifty-two years!

[06:21.61]He's 70 years old, and the closest thing that he's had to a vacation 他已经70岁了


[06:25.25]is when they put a pacemaker in him four years ago. 四年前被装上心脏起搏器的时候

[06:28.32]The first thing I'll do with the money is to give him the rest he's earned. 所以我用这些钱第一件要做的事


[06:32.75]That's what it's all about for me, 因为对我来说重要的是

[06:34.72]to be able to do things for the people I care about. 能够为我所关心的人做点事

[06:38.59]'Cause I really put my family through a lot recently, 因为最近我确实让我的家庭受了不少苦

[06:41.60]and, um, well, this way I can make it up to them. 而且, 恩, 这样或许才能补偿他们

[06:44.77]You know, maybe even buy my mom a new house. 你知道, 也许甚至给我妈妈买一栋新房子

[06:47.70]And, uh... 还有, 啊... 也许等祖父休假完

[06:49.50]Maybe after, uh, my grandpa comes back from his cruise,

[06:52.84]we can get to do some of the things that we always wanted to do. 我们可以


[07:00.31]Grandpa? 祖父?

[07:07.46]- Hey. - I'm not doing anything. 嘿, 伙计

[07:09.19]What? 什么? 我什么都没做


[07:12.16]- What? - Just saying good morning. 什么?


[07:15.06]Oh. Right. 哦

[07:16.76]Morning. 早上好

[07:18.87]- Sorry. - You going somewhere? 抱歉, 我只是 --

[07:20.84]Me? No. - 你要去什么地方吗? - 我? 不

[07:24.44]Well, yeah... 恩, 是的

[07:27.84]...just thought I might take a walk. 只是想我得去散一下步, 啊

[07:30.71]Uh, maybe scope out some, uh, new fishing area. 也许去找点, 啊, 新的捕鱼的地方

[07:33.85]- I'll come with. - That's okay. 哦, 等等. 我也去

[07:35.62]I could use a bit of the wide open. 不用了

[07:37.35]Dude, I could really use some alone time right now. 不, 我也想出去呼吸一下新鲜空气

[07:37.43]兄弟, 现在我想一个人去

[07:41.79]Sure. 好吧

[07:52.40]I'm a big guy. I get dehydrated easy. 我块头大. 很容易脱水

[07:56.00]Yeah. 是的

[07:58.67]Yeah, okay. 是的, 好的

[08:07.62]Claire, you got a second? Claire


[08:11.92]- Uh, sure. - I was wondering if you're free 啊, 是的, 当然

[08:14.02]to help me with a little project. 我想你有没有时间来帮我做样事情

[08:15.86]- Me? - Yeah. - 我? - 是的

[08:17.69]I'm building something and I could use an extra pair of hands. 我在建个东西. 得需要个帮手

[08:21.10]I'm nine months pregnant. I can barely waddle to the beach. 我已经怀孕快9个月了

[08:24.33]Could you hold a saw? 连走在海滩上都很困难


[08:27.77]- Um, yeah. - Can you move your hand back and forth? 恩, 是的


[08:33.41]- Possibly. - You're perfect. 也许吧


[08:36.24]Come on. 来吧

[08:40.05]Okay. 好的

[08:47.12]So, what exactly are we building? 那, 恩, 我们到底要造个什么东西?

[08:53.66]Where is it? 它在哪?

[08:57.73]- Where's what? - The map. It won't help you find her. 什么东西?

[08:58.50]地图. 我告诉过你你不会用它找到她的

[09:00.87]- I don't have it. - What's worse 哎呀哎呀, 不在我这

[09:02.64]is you won't do your own dirty work. You get Hurley to do it. 更糟的事你甚至不自己去做这事

[09:05.64]Wait a minute. Hurley? - 你叫Hurley去 - 等等等等

[09:07.64]He was in my tent last night. Quizzing me about Rousseau. Hurley?


[09:10.61]About numbers she wrote, how I came to find her. 有关她写的那些数字的


[09:16.95]You don't know anything about this, do you? 你一点也不知道, 是吧?

[09:20.99]- Charlie, have you seen Hurley? - Um... Charlie


[09:24.43]Couple of hours ago. He was setting out for a walk. 恩, 几个小时以前. 他正准备出去走走

[09:27.30]Acting like a loon, I might add. 像个疯子那样, 我得说

[09:30.63]My God. He's going after her. 天, 他去找她去了

[09:33.90]- When are you gonna be back? - If we catch him, before nightfall. 你什么时候回来?

[09:35.35]如果能追上他的话, 天黑以前就能回来

[09:38.21]Why? 为什么这样问?

[09:40.01]Are you worried about me? 你在担心我吗?

[09:42.88]So what if I am? 如果是的话怎么样?

[09:46.65]Sayid! Sayid!

[09:48.32]You ready? 你准备好了吗?

[09:55.29]I'll be fine. 我会没事的

[10:17.24]Hugo, turn that noise down. Hugo, 把声音开小点

[10:19.35]Oh, sorry. 哦, 抱歉

[10:24.65]Where are you taking me? You know I don't like surprises. 你要带我去哪?


[10:27.86]You're gonna like this one, Ma. 哦, 这次你会喜欢的, 妈妈

[10:30.02]I mean, after everything you've been through... 我的意思是, 你经历了这么多事情

[10:32.79]...like Grandpa... 祖父的事

[10:37.90]Then at the funeral, Father Aguilar getting struck by lightning. 然后在葬礼上


[10:42.87]Man, that was a freak storm. 噢, 真是讨厌的暴雨

[10:45.17]And Diego moving back home 然后Diego搬回了家, 因为Lisa离开他和一个服务生走了

[10:47.01]- After Lisa left him for that waitress. - Don't mention that whore.

[10:51.75]I'm just saying, you deserve something good to happen. 别跟我提那贱人


[10:59.79]You know, 你知道...

[11:02.16]ever since I won the lottery, it's like... 自从我中奖之后, 就好像...

[11:06.13]...we've had nothing but bad luck. 我们一直都在倒霉

[11:09.56]Like, I don't know, 就好像是 --

[11:11.57]the money's cursed or something. 那些钱是被诅咒了一样

[11:13.33]Ow! 噢

[11:14.57]That's blasphemy. You know we are Catholic. 这是在亵渎神灵

[11:17.41]- We don't believe in curses. - Jeez, Ma, I'm just talking. 你应该很清楚我们天主教徒不相信诅咒

[11:19.08]天, 妈妈, 我只是说说而已

[11:23.41]Okay, we're almost there. Here, put this on. 好了, 我们快到了. 来. 戴上这个

[11:42.03]- Why do I have to wear this? - Give me your hand. Careful. 为什么叫我戴这东西?

[11:43.60]把手给我. 小心点

[11:45.20]- You be careful. - Stepping down. 不, 不, 你 -- 你小心点

[11:47.00]I can't see anything. - 你在下车 - 我什么也看不到

[11:50.30]Okay, now, take off your blindfold, 好了, 现在把它取下来吧

[11:53.57]and get a look at your new dream house. 然后看看你漂亮的新房吧

[11:56.71]My ankle. Ahhh! 啊! 我的脚踝! 啊! 我的脚踝! 啊!

[11:58.98]I said take off your blindfold. 我说了你可以取下来了

[12:01.22]Why did you make me put that thing on? 你为什么要叫我一开始就戴上那东西?


[12:07.25]Hugo, do I smell smoke? Hugo, 你闻到烟味了吗?

[12:10.22]Aw, crap! 噢, 见鬼

[12:11.96]Hang on. I gotta call 911. 等等, 妈妈. 我去打911

[12:13.53]You tell them I broke my ankle. 恩, 也告诉他们我扭伤了我的脚踝!

[12:25.24]Drop the phone. Move away from the vehicle. 放下电话. 离开车

[12:27.54]- No, no! It's the house. - Do it! Now! 不, 不, 不, 是房子... 你们搞错了

[12:29.68]Turn around. 马上! 转过身去!

[12:35.15]No such thing as curses, Ma? 没有诅咒那回事, 是吗, 妈妈?

[12:38.19]You have the right to remain silent. 你有权保持沉默

[12:40.09]Anything you say can and will be used against you. 如果你放弃那个权利的话


[12:59.31]Yo! French chick! 哟!


[13:11.05]I would think you'd be happy. 我认为你会高兴的

[13:12.82]Every one of your stocks is up. 你手上的每支股票都上涨了

[13:14.56]Your interests in orange futures skyrocketed 在热带风暴袭击佛罗里达后

[13:17.56]after those tropical storms hit Florida. 你在Orange Futures的股份暴涨

[13:20.06]And you are now the majority shareholder 而且你现在是Tustin一个盒子公司的最大股东

[13:23.53]for a box company in Tustin.

[13:27.13]- A box company? - Mm-hmm. They make boxes. 盒子公司?

[13:28.29]恩. 生产盒子的

[13:29.80]Lucrative business. Everybody needs boxes. 稳赢的生意. 每个人都需要盒子

[13:32.97]Which reminds me, your sneaker factory in Canada... 这又让我想到了 --

[13:34.77]你在加拿大的帆布运动鞋厂 --

[13:36.41]- I own a sneaker factory in Canada? - Well, not anymore. 我还有个在加拿大的帆布运动鞋厂?

[13:38.19]恩, 已经没有了

[13:39.91]- It was destroyed in a fire last month. - Of course it was. 上个月被火烧掉了


[13:44.49]You might have read about it. Eight-something people died. 你也许看到过报道. 8人左右身亡

[13:47.99]But the good news is, we over-insured it. 但好消息是我们为它投了很多险

[13:50.56]It's gonna yield you a windfall. 这样的话又会给你带来一大笔横财

[13:52.53]And when we add in the generous settlement from the LAPD 再加上你在LAPD购买的豪宅

[13:56.30]for your false arrest, you've almost doubled your net worth 就是你被误抓那栋

[13:57.38]你已经差不多在短短几个月内 就把你的市值翻了一番

[13:59.73]in a few short months. 我现在还是想不通那帮警察为什么会 把你误认为是一个毒品贩子

[14:01.00]I still can't imagine how the police mistook you for a drug dealer.

[14:05.67]- Bad luck. - Hugo. 倒霉

[14:07.17]You are not the first lottery winner to believe Hugo,你不是第一个相信金钱只会

[14:10.04]the money's brought nothing but trouble. It's in your head. 带来麻烦的中奖者

[14:13.21]You don't believe in jinxes? You know, curses? 那只是你自己空想的

[14:13.16]但是, 你不相信诅咒吗?

[14:15.85]I'm an accountant. I believe in numbers. 你知道, 诅咒?

[14:15.80]我是个会计师. 我只相信数字

[14:18.05]- Where'd you get 'em, anyway? - What? 嘿, 无论如何, 你怎么得到他们的?

[14:20.62]The numbers. What did you use? Somebody's birthday? 什么东西?

[14:20.50]彩票的号码. 你用的什么方式 --

[14:23.42]- Phone number? - It's nothing. It's just something... 某人的生日? 电话号码

[14:24.28]没, 什么也不是. 只是些, 啊...

[14:30.70]What? - 什么? - 对了

[14:34.34]That's it.

[14:36.27]It's not the money, it's the numbers. 不是钱. 而是数字

[14:38.71]The numbers are cursed. 是这些数字被诅咒了

[14:40.81]Dude, don't look at me like that. I'm not crazy. 伙计, 别那么看我. 我没疯. 这是真的 --

[14:43.44]- This is really... - Listen to yourself. 瞧啊, Hugo, 瞧你说的. "这些数字被诅咒了"

[14:45.95]"The numbers are cursed." You know there is no such thing as... 你知道没有那种东西 --

[15:04.03]You wanna hit that a little harder? 你还想再敲大点声吗?

[15:07.43]I'm sorry. Is my building a raft to get us rescued bothering you? 抱歉


[15:11.34]- At the moment, yeah. - Why aren't you helping? 现在来说,是的

[15:14.31]I am helping, short-round. 你为什么不来帮忙呢?

[15:14.25]我在帮忙, 小子 -- 提防纵火犯

[15:16.48]Keeping watch for arsonists.

[15:18.95]Walt's got a point. Walt说的对

[15:21.05]You could pitch in, as you've already bought your ticket. 你应该来帮忙


[15:29.22]Did you tie this like I told you? If you'd tied it like I told you, 你像我说的那样系了吗?

[15:30.63]如果你照我说的系的话, 他们还会是捆在一起的!

[15:32.49]the thing would still be together.

[15:34.83]What's the matter with you? What is your problem? 你到底是怎么回事? 你有什么毛病?

[15:41.84]He's never going to speak to me again. 他再也不会跟我说话了

[15:45.77]He just needs time. 他只是需要点时间

[15:49.11]I humiliated him. 我让他丢脸了

[15:58.12]When the raft sails, 筏子起航的时候...

[16:01.62]do you think he's going to leave with them? 你认为他会跟他们一起走吗?

[16:06.23]I don't know. 我不知道

[16:48.27]Don't move! 别动!

[16:50.84]- Hey, what are you guys...? - Do not move. - 嘿, 你们怎么 -- - Hurley, 别动

[16:53.44]You're on a pressure trigger. 你正站在一个机关上

[16:55.38]If you take your weight off it, it will release that. 如果你的重量离开的话, 就会启动那东西

[17:03.25]Oh, man. 哦, 天

[17:06.59]We need to replace his weight on the trigger. 我们得找东西替换掉站在开关上的他的体重

[17:09.36]- How we gonna do that? - Don't move. 替换掉他的体重? 我们该怎么做?

[17:10.55]- 喂! - 别动!

[17:12.23]Hey, everybody just calm down. 大家都冷静下来

[17:14.29]- Can I drop the wire? - Maybe I'll find a rock. 我能把电缆丢了吗?

[17:16.73]- I'm dropping the wire. - No! - 也许我能找块石头 - 是的, 要块大的

[17:17.68]- 我把电缆丢了 - Hurley, 不!

[17:22.84]- I can make it. - Hurley, don't move. 我能做到的

[17:24.67]I can get out of the way. I'm spry. Hurley, 别动!

[17:24.73]我能走开的. 我很敏捷

[17:26.74]- Stay put. - No, wait! Hurley, 站着别动!

[17:28.61]Hurley, don't even... Hurley! Hurley! 别 --

[17:36.08]Hurley, what the bloody hell's wrong with you? Hurley, 你到底是怎么了?!

[17:38.79]Nothing. 没事

[17:43.42]What are you doing out here? 你到这来干什么?

[17:45.56]I came to get a battery. 我来找电池

[17:48.03]Seriously, what's going on? Hurley, 认真点

[17:50.90]Nada. 发生什么了?


[17:53.10]You guys coming? 你们也一起吗?

[17:59.01]You all want to go? Fine. 你们都想去吗?


[18:02.48]But perhaps I should take the lead. 但也许该我来带路

[18:05.25]Excellent notion. 好主意

[18:13.35]Lenny. His name is Lenny. Lenny. 他的名字叫Lenny. 或者 Leonard

[18:15.79]- Or Leonard. - But you don't know his last name. 但你不知道他的名啊

[18:18.76]Look, I just need to talk to him for five minutes. 听我说, 我只是想跟他谈5分钟

[18:21.46]If you can't tell me the person's name, 很抱歉, 如果你不能告诉我病人的名字的话, 先生

[18:23.56]- I can't look it up. - How many Leonards are here? 我就很难查出来


[18:26.73]Can't you just type in "Leonard"? 你就不能打出"Leonard"吗?

[18:28.67]The guy's been here forever. He knows me. 我的意思是, 那家伙一直在这. 他认识我

[18:31.64]Our records are private, And any visitors... 我们的记录都是私人的, 先生, 任何人 --

[18:34.37]Dude, do not do that right now! 伙计, 现在给我停下!

[18:36.94]Leave the bulb for another time, man. 下次再装灯泡, 伙计

[18:45.69]Five minutes. 5分钟

[18:47.22]All I need is five minutes. 我只需要5分钟

[18:49.99]Hugo? Hugo?

[18:51.86]- Oh, hey, doc. - It's good to see you! 哦, 你好, 医生

[18:54.73]What are you doing back here? 很高兴见到你. 你回这来干嘛?

[18:58.63]Uh... 啊...

[19:00.97]I don't remember you and Leonard being that close, Hugo. 我可不记得你和Leonard关系这么好, Hugo

[19:05.04]Yeah. Well, we hung. 是的, 恩, 我们关系很好

[19:08.08]I'll leave you gentlemen to it. 那么我就把他交给你了

[19:10.41]Good luck, Hugo. 好运, Hugo

[19:18.82]Hey, Lenny. 你好, Lenny

[19:21.29]Remember me? 还记得我吗?

[19:25.23]Hugo. Hugo

[19:28.66]Hurley. Hurley

[19:32.40]Well, I was... 恩, 我 --

[19:34.54]...just, you know, in the neighborhood and, um... 我就在, 恩, 你隔壁, 恩...

[19:43.08]Look, Lenny, I gotta know, what do the numbers mean? 听我说, Lenny, 我得知道 --


[19:47.05]4-8-15-16-23-42. 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42, 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42...

[19:57.12]Come on, Lenny, give me something. 说啊, Lenny, 给我点提示

[19:59.53]Anything. Where'd you get the numbers? 什么都可以


[20:04.90]Is that why you're here? 那就是你在这儿的原因吗, Lenny?

[20:07.60]It's 'cause of the numbers? 因为这些数字?

[20:09.27]Did they do something to you? 它们对你做了什么吗?

[20:11.94]'Cause I think they did something to me. 因为我想它们对我做了什么

[20:15.44]I think they turned me into a jinx. 我认为它们把我带进了一个诅咒当中

[20:19.58]Bad news to everyone around me. 我周围的每个人都倒了霉

[20:21.92]And when I tell people I think I'm the cause, 当我告诉别人我就是倒霉的原因的时候, 他们 --

[20:25.82]they look at me like I'm nuts. 他们 -- 他们像看疯子那么看着我

[20:28.46]They don't believe me. But, I know. 根本不相信我

[20:31.29]Ever since I won the lottery with those numbers... 但是我知道


[20:39.90]You used those numbers to play the lottery? 你用那些数字去买彩票?

[20:44.81]Uh... 啊...

[20:48.21]- Yeah. - You shouldn't have done that. 是的


[20:51.95]- You've opened the box. - I what? 你打开了潘多拉之盒

[20:54.68]- You shouldn't have used those! - Why? 我什么?


[20:56.72]It doesn't stop! You gotta get away from those numbers. 为什么?

[20:56.83]不会停下来的! 你该远离那些数字!

[20:59.65]- You gotta get far away. - All right. Slow down. 你该走的远远的, 远远的!

[21:02.69]Don't you understand? 听到我说的了吗?!

[21:04.16]You gotta get away from them or it won't stop. 你难道听不懂吗?!


[21:06.69]- Calm down. - Wait. I need answers. 等等, 等等. 我还得等他回答我问题

[21:08.76]- Step away. - The numbers! 先生, 你得退后

[21:10.60]- Where'd you get 'em? - Sam Toomey. He heard them. Lenny, 那些数字! 你从哪儿得到的?

[21:11.31]Sam Toomey! 他听说过!

[21:13.27]He heard them in Kalgoorlie. Sam Toomey是谁?

[21:15.30]- What's Kalgoorlie? - It's a town. 他在Kalgoorlie听说过它们



[21:17.60]- A town where? - In Australia. 在哪的小镇?


[21:21.38]Oh, God. 哦, 老天! 啊!

[21:25.78]It stops here. 在这就没了. 电缆从这进到地下了

[21:27.48]It goes into the ground.

[21:31.42]This poses somewhat of a problem. 这让人感到很疑惑

[21:33.22]Guys, you should come see this. 伙计们


[21:46.43]Whoa. 哇

[21:56.44]- You never mentioned a bridge. - I never saw this before. 你从来没有提过有桥


[22:01.25]- No way she built this. - No, but her team could have. 她不可能一个人把桥造好

[22:03.35]不, 可能是她的考察队造的

[22:05.12]Or Ethan's team. 或者 Ethan那伙

[22:09.52]- What are you doing? - Relax, I'm just gonna check it out. Hurley, 你干什么?

[22:10.60]别急. 我只是去瞧瞧

[22:12.56]- You guys stay here. - Get back here! 你们就在这呆着

[22:14.76]Dudes, chill. Hurley, 回来!

[22:14.93]兄弟们, 冷静

[22:57.90]- Charlie... - Hey! - Charlie - 嘿!

[22:59.57]Hey! If he can do it... 嘿, 如果他都能做到的话...

[23:35.28]Charlie! Charlie! 快动!

[23:38.25]Charlie! Charlie!

[23:43.35]Dude, you okay? 伙计, 你没事吧?

[23:46.95]I'm okay. Whoo! 我没事!

[23:49.96]You two stay right there. 呼!

[23:49.72]好吧, 你们两个就在那别动

[23:51.46]We'll find a way around, and we'll meet you there. 我们去附近找路

[23:54.09]Nah! Screw that! You guys stay! 然后在那跟你们碰头

[23:54.31]不, 不行. 你们呆着别动

[23:56.40]There's a path right here. 这边有条路. Charlie --

[23:58.10]Will you shut up and listen to Jack. He said stay put. Hurley, 你能不能闭嘴听Jack的?! 他叫我们就在这儿等!

[24:01.23]You're acting like a bloody lunatic. 你这样做像个疯子!

[24:18.45]If this weren't the middle of nowhere, I'd say you were lost. 如果这不是个鸟不生蛋的荒凉之地的话, 我得说你迷路了

[24:21.82]- Hi. Is this Sam Toomey's house? - It is. I'm his wife. 你好, 请问Sam Toomey住这儿吗?

[24:23.54]是的. 我是他的妻子

[24:25.29]Well, is he around? 哦, 他在吗?

[24:27.13]'Cause I'd kinda like to talk to him. 因为我有点话想跟他谈谈

[24:29.86]I'd like that too, 我也希望能那样, 但是Sam去世已经四年了

[24:31.73]but Sam's been dead for four years.

[24:37.04]Your husband worked with a guy I know, Leonard Simms. 你先生曾经和我认识的一个家伙 -- Leonard Simms一起工作过

[24:40.71]That's right. They served together in the U.S. Navy. 是的. 他们曾一起在美国海军服役

[24:44.24]How is Leonard? Leonard怎么样了? 还在服役吗?

[24:46.01]Still in the service?

[24:47.98]Uh, he's, um... retired. 啊, 他, 恩...


[24:54.05]Anyway, he told me about Sam... 但是... 他跟我提到过Sam...

[24:57.92]...hearing something. 我听说到了某些事

[25:02.36]- You're talking about the numbers. - Yes. 你要说的是那些数字吧

[25:04.93]The numbers. Exactly. 是的. 完全正确, 就是那些数字

[25:06.87]Do you know anything about them? 你有那些数字有所了解吗?

[25:10.67]Sam and Leonard were stationed at a listening post Sam和Leonard曾被安排在一个监听哨所

[25:14.34]monitoring long-wave transmissions out of the Pacific. 监视在太平洋上的长波信号

[25:17.94]Boring job. Sam hated it. 无聊的工作. Sam 一点也不喜欢

[25:21.25]Nothing to do but listen to static, night after night. 除了整夜整夜的监听之外什么也不干

[25:24.52]Until one night, about 16 years ago, 直到16年前的一天晚上

[25:29.39]there's something in the static. 电波中出现了点东西

[25:32.03]A voice comes through, 一个声音出现了 --

[25:33.73]a voice repeating those numbers 一个声音不停地重复那组数字

[25:37.30]over and over again.

[25:42.64]Couple of days later, we're at the fair in Kalgoorlie, 几天后, 我们在Kalgoorlie的一个展览会上

[25:46.57]and some wally there's got this jar, must have been big as a pony. 有个叫wally的人有个尖口瓶


[25:50.68]It's filled to the rim with beans. Fella's offering 50 grand to anyone 装满了豆子


[25:54.65]able to guess how many beans were in that jar within ten. 给10秒钟之内猜到


[25:59.85]- Sam used the numbers. - Yep. 于是Sam就用了那组数字

[26:02.16]The answer was exact to the bean. 是的


[26:06.29]Man had been running the same scam for 40 years, 他们同样的骗术已经用了40年

[26:09.90]nobody had ever come close. 但甚至连一个答案接近的人都没有

[26:13.20]So we won the money. 所以我们就赢了那笔钱

[26:15.17]On the way home, a pickup truck blows a tire on the highway, 在回家的路上


[26:20.01]hits us head-on. 撞上了我们

[26:22.74]Lost my leg that night. 那天晚上我丢掉了我的一条腿

[26:26.98]- What about Sam? - Barely a scratch. 那Sam呢?


[26:30.42]Most people would consider themselves lucky, 很多人都会认为他们很幸运

[26:33.85]but not him. 但除了他

[26:36.96]He was never the same after that. 自那以后他完全变了

[26:40.13]He started keeping a record. 他开始做记录

[26:44.06]Anything terrible that happened to anyone around us, 发生在我们身边的人

[26:46.26]的任何倒霉的事 --

[26:47.87]he believed it was all because he used those numbers. 他认为都是由于那些数字引起的

[26:51.04]He moved us out here in the middle of nowhere, hoping it would stop. 于是我们就搬到了这个荒芜的地方, 希望悲剧不再发生

[26:54.98]Did it? 那结果呢?

[26:57.78]Did he ever find a way to make it stop? 他找到让它停下来的方法了吗?

[27:01.11]Yep. 是的

[27:04.55]He put a shotgun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. 他把枪对准了他自己的嘴, 然后扣动了扳机

[27:10.29]What is it you're looking for, Mr. Reyes? Reyes先生, 你要找的是这个吗?

[27:18.87]I used them. 我使用了它们 --

[27:22.07]The numbers. 那些数字 --

[27:24.44]To win the lottery. 中了彩票

[27:29.08]And now I think I'm under the same curse. 现在我想我也受了同样的诅咒

[27:32.91]Curse? There's no curse. 诅咒?


[27:36.38]- You just told me... - You think I'd still have my leg 但是你刚才给我说 --


[27:39.19]if Sam hadn't have picked the right number of beans? 我的腿还在吗?

[27:41.96]Floods wouldn't have happened? 你认为洪水也不会有吗?

[27:43.69]Homes wouldn't have burned? People wouldn't have died? 房子就不会被烧毁了吗?


[27:49.90]Well... yeah. 恩, 是的

[27:52.73]You make your own luck, Mr. Reyes. Reyes先生, 运气是你自己掌握的

[27:56.54]Don't blame it on the damn numbers. 别去责怪那些可恶的数字

[27:59.94]You're looking for an excuse that doesn't exist. 你这是在找一个根本就不存在的理由

[28:08.01]It's a trap, right? 是个陷阱, 对吗?

[28:10.32]For catching animals? 用来抓动物的?

[28:13.75]Pass me that cup, please. 把那个杯子给我, 好吗?

[28:17.39]- Ugh! What's this gunk? - Glue. 噢, 这粘乎乎的东西是什么?


[28:21.36]Where'd you find glue? 你在哪弄到的?

[28:23.63]I made it out of rendered animal fat. 我用炼过的动物的脂肪做的

[28:27.80]You made glue? 你做的胶水?

[28:31.81]Wow. 哇

[28:33.57]You should have one of those shows where you fix up houses for people. 你应该让大家看看


[28:38.45]I don't think so.


[28:46.62]Thanks for this. 谢谢你


[28:49.56]Giving me something to do.

[28:54.33]I'm tired of trying to remember what happened to me out there. 我, 啊, 已经厌倦了回忆发生在我身上的事了

[29:00.77]How's that coming... 后来怎么样了呢?

[29:04.74]...your memory? 你的记忆?

[29:06.41]Bits and pieces. Here and there. 到处是琐碎的片段

[29:09.91]Nothing that makes any real sense. 没有一点真正意义上有用的

[29:13.88]Well, maybe I can help. 恩, 也许我能帮你

[29:17.35]I'm good at putting bits and pieces together. 我擅长于把片段联系起来

[29:44.64]What? 怎么了?

[29:46.18]This is familiar. This area. 很熟悉 -- 这个地方

[29:49.75]We're close. 我们快到了

[29:52.42]How do you know? 你怎么知道?

[29:54.69]I thought she lived underground. 我认为她住在地下

[29:57.69]Jack! Jack!

[30:02.16]What the hell was that? 那到底是怎么回事?

[30:16.54]Hell of a security system. 一个安全系统

[30:18.55]Somebody trips a wire, and the whole place blows up. 只要一有人绊到线, 整个地方就被引爆

[30:21.58]- There's nothing here. - The batteries? 这里什么都没有

[30:24.15]Nothing. - 电池呢? - 什么也没有

[30:27.69]I don't get it. 我没弄明白

[30:32.53]She knew. 她知道

[30:34.86]She knew that one day I'd come back and bring others. 她知道有一天我会带其他人一起来

[30:38.60]So she abandoned this place, 所以她就放弃了这地方

[30:41.03]booby-trapped it and moved on. 在这儿设下陷阱


[30:45.21]Moved on where? 搬到哪去了?

[30:47.64]Jack! Sayid! Jack!


[30:51.04]Do we know where we're going? 你知道我们在往哪儿走吗?

[30:53.08]The blast sounded like it came this way. 我想, 爆炸声是从这边过来的

[30:55.45]- I think. - You don't know. 但是你不知道啊

[30:57.88]Dude, what do you want from me? 兄弟, 你想从我这知道什么?

[31:00.05]What do I want? To know what we're doing in the middle of nowhere. 我想要什么?


[31:03.59]And don't tell me it's because of some batteries. 别告诉我就为了些烂电池

[31:06.26]One minute you're "good-time Hurley." 现在你是走运的Hurley

[31:08.60]The next you're Colonel Kurtz. 不久你就会变成Kurtz上校

[31:10.26]It just doesn't make any sense. It's not you. 那完全没有意义. 那并不是你

[31:13.07]Dude, you don't know me. 伙计, 你根本不了解我

[31:14.53]All this time, you've told me nothing about yourself. 恩, 在岛上这么长时间, 你还没对我讲过你的事

[31:17.64]- We all got personal stuff. - Don't change the subject. 我们都有自己的故事, 兄弟


[31:20.61]We're lost out here. 我们在这迷路了

[31:22.18]Jack and Sayid could be hurt, Jack和Sayid也许也受伤了, 如果没被炸死的话

[31:24.31]all because you're acting like some bloody nutter. 都是因为你像个疯子那样行动

[31:29.15]I am not crazy! 我可没疯掉

[31:33.72]- I've got my reasons for every... - I think I have a right to know. - 我有我的理由 -- - 我想我也有权利知道

[31:41.09]Okay. 好. 那行, 你想知道?

[31:42.66]- All right, you wanna know? - Yeah.


[31:46.97]About a year ago... 大约一年前 --

[31:54.01]Is someone shooting at us? 有人在朝我们开枪吗?

[32:15.70]Oh! 噢!

[32:19.87]- You must be the French chick. - Who are you? 你肯定就是那个法国女人了

[32:22.47]Hurley. L, uh... - 你是谁? - Hurley

[32:24.09]我, 啊

[32:28.31]Sayid, that guy you tortured... Sayid -- 你抓去过的那人 -- 他, 啊...

[32:32.85]You were on the plane. 你也是那飞机上的

[32:35.32]Look, I came here to find... Easy. 听我说, 我到这来是为了找 -- 哦, 放松, 放松. 放松

[32:42.02]I'm just getting your notes. 我 -- 我只是拿你的笔记

[32:51.56]Please, tell me why you wrote this. 请你...


[32:55.23]What do these numbers mean? Please. 这些数字代表着什么?

[33:00.14]I don't know. 我不知道

[33:03.11]What? 什么?

[33:07.71]You don't know? 你不知道?

[33:10.12]Okay, that thing in the woods... 那好


[33:15.69]...maybe it's a monster, 也许是个怪物

[33:17.62]maybe it's a pissed-off giraffe. 也许是个生气的长颈鹿, 我不知道

[33:21.59]I don't know.

[33:23.93]The fact that no one is even looking for us, 事实是, 根本没人在找我们 --

[33:28.27]yeah, that's weird. 是的, 很奇怪

[33:30.84]But I just go along with it. 但我还是活过来了

[33:32.87]'Cause I'm along for the ride. 因为我一直都这样--

[33:34.94]Good old fun-time Hurley! 无忧无律的 Hurley

[33:38.41]Well, guess what? 知道吗 --

[33:40.95]Now I want some freaking answers! 现在, 我只想要个见鬼的答案!

[33:59.73]Our ship picked up a transmission, 我们的船收到了个无线电波 --

[34:03.70]a voice, repeating those numbers. 一个声音不停地重复那些数字

[34:06.94]We changed course to investigate. 我们于是改变航向去调查

[34:09.81]After we shipwrecked, 船失事后

[34:12.78]my team continued to search for the transmission source. 我的队伍还在继续寻找电波的源头

[34:16.75]It was weeks before we found the radio tower. 直到几周后发现了那个电波塔

[34:19.39]There's a radio tower on this island? 在这个岛上有个电波塔?

[34:21.45]Yes, up by the black rock. 是的


[34:27.16]Some of us continued to search for the meaning of those numbers 我们中的一部分人


[34:31.56]while we waited for rescue. 同时等着救援

[34:34.60]But then the sickness came. 但是然后疾病就袭来了

[34:37.60]When my team was gone, 我们队的人都死了之后

[34:41.67]I went back, up to the tower 我就上了塔, 改变了电波

[34:45.14]and changed the transmission.

[34:48.01]- That distress signal we heard. - Yes. 就是我们听到那个求救信号?

[34:51.45]But the numbers... 是的

[34:51.38]但那些数字 --

[34:56.19]Did you ever find out anything about them? 你找到哪怕是一点线索了吗?

[34:58.69]Do you know where they got their power? 你知道它们从哪得到的力量吗?

[35:01.16]Power? 力量?

[35:03.73]They bring bad stuff to everyone around you. 它们给你周围的每个人带来灾难

[35:08.80]They're cursed, you know that, right? 它们被诅咒了

[35:10.31]你也知道的, 是吧?

[35:12.61]The numbers are cursed. 那些数字 --


[35:17.18]The numbers are what brought me here. 那些数字把我带到这儿

[35:20.81]As it appears, they've brought you. 现在


[35:27.02]Since that time, 从那时开始

[35:29.46]I've lost everything, 我就失去了所有 --

[35:32.83]everyone I cared about. 我所在乎的每个人

[35:36.33]So, yes... 所以, 是的

[35:39.80]...I suppose you're right. 我想你是对的

[35:42.20]They are cursed. 它们被诅咒了

[35:47.77]Thank you. 谢谢

[35:53.68]Thank you. 谢谢

[35:58.55]You have no idea how long I've been waiting 你不知道我等了多久

[36:01.35]for somebody to agree with me. 才找到一个跟我意见一样的人

[36:05.83]Thank you! Oh, God, thank you. 谢谢你

[36:07.03]上帝, 谢谢你


[36:16.27]We need to find Hurley and Charlie, 我们得去找Hurley和Charlie

[36:18.87]get out of this jungle. 然后离开丛林

[36:21.91]I hate that we're going home empty-handed. 我只是不想就这样空着手回去

[36:28.18]Hey! 嘿

[36:31.42]Someone shot at us! Hurley and me. 嘿, 有人朝我们开枪 --

[36:33.52]- We were looking for you when... - Rousseau. Hurley和我

[36:33.80]我们正在找你们, 然后 --

[36:35.79]- Where's Hurley? - I don't know. - Hurley在哪? - 我不知道

[36:37.72]He was right behind me, then he just... 他本来就跟在我后面的, 然后他就 --

[36:40.03]He just wasn't. 他就不在了

[36:43.50]- I'll go and find him. - No. - 我去找他 - 不, 不, 不, 我们都去

[36:45.87]- We'll all go. - Go where? 去哪儿?

[36:50.64]What the hell happened to you? Hurley, 你到底发生了什么事?

[36:56.24]Need a battery? 要电池吗?

[37:01.55]She says "Hey." 她说好的

[37:39.39]- You think of a name yet? - Huh? 你想过名字吗?

[37:42.89]For the baby. 什么?


[37:45.76]Haven't really thought about it. 我真还没想过呢

[37:51.76]I was gonna give it away. 我曾经不想要他

[37:54.67]You know, for adoption. 你知道, 送给别人领养

[38:00.51]- Must've been a difficult decision. - Yeah. 那肯定是一个困难的决定


[38:05.91]Well, doesn't matter now. 但现在已经没事了

[38:12.45]It's my birthday today. 今天是我的生日

[38:16.69]Why haven't you told anyone? 恩, 那你为什么不给别人说呢?

[38:18.66]I'm pregnant, single 我怀孕了, 又是一个人

[38:22.30]and on an island in the middle of nowhere. 在这荒芜的岛上

[38:25.46]Doesn't really matter that it's my birthday, does it? 即使是我的生日也没什么意义吧?

[38:30.10]I guess not. 我可不这么想

[38:33.01]Your birthdays will be close, you and your baby. 至少你们的生日会很接近 --

[38:35.74]- That's good luck. - Yeah? You think? 你和你的孩子 -- 那就表示运气好啊

[38:36.59]是吗? 你真这么想吗?

[38:38.68]Yeah, I do. 是的, 当然

[38:40.75]You believe in that? Luck? 你相信...


[38:46.49]I believe in a lot of things. 我相信很多事

[38:52.73]That should do it. 这就好了

[38:54.76]Okay. I give up. 好吧, 我猜不出来

[38:57.86]What is it? 这是什么?

[39:12.61]It's a cradle. 摇篮

[39:15.72]Happy birthday, Claire. 生日快乐, Claire

[39:20.92]Thank you. 谢谢

[39:33.17]I know food's scarce, but your shirt? 我知道食物紧缺, 但是你的衬衫?

[39:37.40]When you find a laundromat, let me know. 什么时候找到个洗衣店, 告诉我

[39:50.15]Back in the jungle, 在丛林里面

[39:52.89]before we became target practice, you were gonna tell me 我们被枪击之前


[39:56.32]what inspired this little quest. 你为什么要一个人去丛林

[40:14.11]I think the plane crash might have been my fault. 我想坠机事件是因为我

[40:16.61]- Don't be daft. How could you...? - Before we came here, 别傻了. 你怎么能 --

[40:19.91]a lot of bad stuff used to happen whenever I was around. 嘿, 我们到这之前


[40:24.35]- What do you mean, like bad luck? - Yeah, that's... 你的意思是, 像是坏运气那样吗?

[40:25.55]是的, 那是 --

[40:27.45]...that'd be kind of a mellow way of describing it. 说轻点, 是这样

[40:31.46]Hurley, bad things happen. Hurley


[40:35.86]Planes crash. People die. 飞机坠毁, 有人死了

[40:37.53]You ought to let me finish. 兄弟, 你让我说完

[40:39.27]You think you're the only person with baggage? 你认为只有你一个人背着包袱吗?

[40:42.94]You know what I was doing when the plane went down? 你知道飞机下落的时候我在干什么吗?

[40:47.17]I was snorting heroin. In the toilet. 我在吸海洛因


[40:51.04]I was such a junkie, 我那时毒瘾大到

[40:53.78]I couldn't even take a plane ride without having a fix. 不吸上一口的话甚至不能上飞机

[40:56.85]I suppose that was your fault as well? 我猜想也是你的错

[41:07.59]So how about it? 那么如何呢?

[41:11.43]What? 什么?

[41:13.67]I just told you the biggest secret in my life. 我把我一生最大的秘密都告诉你了

[41:16.14]Thought you'd wanna reciprocate. 我想你也许想交换

[41:28.01]Okay. 好吧

[41:32.49]Back home, 回到家的话...

[41:36.42]I'm worth 156 million dollars. 我有 1.56 亿美元

[41:50.20]Fine. Don't tell me. 很好, 别讲了

[41:51.40]- Dude. - I bare my soul, 兄弟

[41:54.17]and all I get is bloody jokes. 我把什么都说了, 得到的只是你的笑话而已

[42:27.56]“迷失 第一季 第十八集” -=结束=-


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