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> 影视听说 > 影视原声 > 迷失 > 迷失第一季 >  第14篇






[00:02.16] Previously on Lost: 前情提要

[00:04.50]- I think I'm all right. - I told you I'd take care of you. - 我想我没事 - 我说过会照顾你的

[00:07.67]- Thanks, Charlie. - You're quite welcome. - 谢谢, Charlie - 没关系

[00:10.71]- Listen to me. - Sayid. - 听我说 - Sayid!

[00:13.38]- We're not alone. - Has anyone seen Ethan? - 这里不只有我们 - 有人见到Ethan了吗?

[00:15.88]He took off to the beach. 是的, 他往海滩那边去了

[00:17.65]- Where's Charlie? - He went after Claire. - Charlie在哪? - 他跟Claire走了

[00:20.38]Footprints, three sets, all over the place. 脚印 -- 这里布满了三种不同的脚印

[00:23.22]I think they've been taken. 我想他们可能被带走了

[00:25.15]Claire. All they wanted was Claire. Claire.


[00:30.96]Walt! Walt!

[00:34.96]Walt! Walt!

[00:38.57]Walt! Walt!

[00:41.74]Walt! Walt!

[00:42.94]Have you seen Claire's bags? 嘿, Michael, 你见到Claire的包了吗?

[00:44.71]- You seen my son? - You seen her bags? - 你见到我儿子了吗? - 你见到她的包了吗?

[00:47.01]- Claire's? - Her luggage. Claire的?

[00:48.48]No one seems to know what's happened to it. 她的行李, 并没有被带到这


[00:51.08]Sorry, I don't know. I'm just looking for Walt. 哦, 抱歉, 我不知道 我只是在找Walt

[00:53.38]Oh. Got it. Sorry. I've not seen him. 哦, 知道了, 抱歉, 我没见过他

[00:58.49]Hey, Jack. You seen my boy when you were out there? 嘿, Jack, 你在那边看到我儿子了吗?

[01:01.32]No. He was at the caves. 没, 他在山洞里呢

[01:03.12]Yeah, he took his dog for a walk. Told him to stay close as usual. 是的, 但他去遛狗了 我告诉过他别走太远的...

[01:06.26]You listened to your old man when you were ten? 10岁时你会听父亲的话, 是吧?

[01:08.83]Uh, yeah, I listened. Maybe a little too well. 哦, 是的

[01:10.81]是的, 我听, 听得很好

[01:12.60]Yo, dudes, got a new tourney lined up. 哟, 老兄们, 新一轮的比试开始了

[01:15.17]We're playing for deodorant sticks. You dawgs up for some golf? 来赢取仅剩的除味棒

[01:18.41]I gotta go find my kid. - 你们要玩会儿高尔夫吗? - 我要去找我孩子

[01:20.81]Hey, if Walt shows up, 如果Walt回来了,

[01:22.61]tell him to stay right here until I get back. 告诉他我让他呆在这, 直到我回来为止

[01:24.98]You got it. 知道了

[01:28.25]- Walt! - He seems to hate it, doesn't he? Walt!

[01:30.32]- What? - Being a dad. 他好像很讨厌它, 是吧?



[01:33.49]No, it's just... a lot of hard work. 不, 只是...


[01:37.29]Walt? Walt!

[01:39.33]Walt! Walt!

[01:41.46]Nah, he hates it. 不, 他是讨厌

[01:44.60]Walt? Walt!

[01:54.48]Walt? Walt!

[02:00.82]Walt! Walt!

[02:04.29]This is the one. 就是它了

[02:05.99]This is definitely my baby's crib. 这就是我的婴儿床

[02:09.92]Uh-huh. 呃, 真漂亮


[02:13.66]It'll look great in the alley we'll be living in. 放在我们屋里将会很好看的 这个要租三个月

[02:16.06]- This is three months' rent. - What? It's not three...

[02:17.58]什么? 不是三个 --

[02:20.20]Look, don't you want the best for this kid? 你不想给我们孩子最好的吗?

[02:22.87]I know you're excited, but we can't afford this. 我知道你很兴奋, 但是, Michael, 我们承受不起的

[02:25.71]Our baby in this crib. Come on. That's a happy kid. 我们孩子躺在这里? 他是个快乐的孩子

[02:32.71]I talked to Andy. He said he can throw some work my way. 嘿, 我和Andy说了

[02:35.45]- Construction? What about your art? - No. 他说他可以找些活给我

[02:35.54]建筑? 那你的美术呢?

[02:37.79]I'm not giving it up. I'll take a break until you finish law school. 不, 不, 我没有放弃 我只是想休息一下

[02:41.39]Pass the bar, get hired by some fancy-ass, high-paying law firm. 直到你法学院毕业, 成为律师,


[02:45.86]Somebody's got it all figured. 有人把这些都算计好了

[02:48.63]I'll get back to painting eventually. 是的, 最终我会重新我的绘画的

[02:50.87]Meanwhile, you can support me and Walt 那时,

[02:53.80]in the manner to which we'll soon become accustomed. 你可以用我们不久就会习惯的方式 来支持我和Walt

[02:57.37]"Walt," huh? Walt, 啊?

[02:59.04]I'd like to do that, you know? Name him after my dad. 我喜欢那样 -- 取我父亲的名字给他

[03:05.41]Walter. Walter

[03:07.58]Walter Lloyd. Walter Lloyd

[03:10.12]"Lloyd"? Lloyd?

[03:11.62]Oh, all right. That's why you won't marry me. 哦, 好吧, 就是这个原因你才不跟我结婚

[03:14.02]It's not that marriage is too prosaic. You want him to have your last name. 婚姻并不像你想的那么乏味


[03:17.96]Hey, you want me to agree to "Walter," or what? 嘿, 你想让我同意Walter这名还是不想?

[03:34.81]- Man, I suck. - You can do better than that. 我不行

[03:37.25]- You might wanna take it easy on him. - See this knot, Walt? 你可以做的更好


[03:39.17]看见这个结了吗, Walt?

[03:41.62]I want you to aim for it. Right here. 我要你瞄准它, 就这

[03:45.62]Focus on it. All right? 瞄准了, 好吗?

[03:48.12]Picture it in your mind's eye. 在你想像中描绘出来

[03:50.43]You know what that is, right? 你知道什么意思吧?

[03:51.99]- A picture in your head. - Right. Do it again, but see it. 好像脑海中有幅画

[03:53.53]没错, 再来, 但要看到它

[03:57.50]See it before you do it. 在扔之前先看到它

[04:00.00]Visualize the path. See it. 想像出它的路线

[04:03.40]See it. 看到它


[04:18.35]- Whoa. - Yes! - 喔 - 漂亮!

[04:20.15]I knew you had it in you. 我知道你行的, Walt

[04:21.72]It was weird. I actually saw it in my mind like it was real. 太奇怪了, 我在脑海中见到了 就像真的一样

[04:25.36]- Who's to say it wasn't? - Hey! 谁说不是了?

[04:28.00]What the hell is going on? 嘿! 这怎么了? 把它给我

[04:29.70]- Gimme that. - But I...

[04:31.27]- Take Vincent and go back to camp. - Mr. Locke... 带Vincent回营地去

[04:33.84]Now, little man. - 但Locke先生 -- - 现在就去, 孩子

[04:47.48]- You gave my boy a knife? - You should've seen... 你给我孩子刀

[04:50.05]Don't tell me what I should've seen. Back home, I'd call the police on you! 你应该看到了 --


[04:51.99]如果我们没在这, 我会报警抓你的

[04:54.32]Encouraging a kid to sneak away. 怂恿一个孩子从父亲身边溜走,

[04:56.26]- Giving him a knife? - Walt knows his own mind. 给他一把这样的刀?

[04:59.03]- Don't talk to me like you know him! - You need to calm down. Walt有他自己的想法

[04:59.13]嘿, 不要跟我说的好像你了解我儿子一样

[05:02.16]You keep playing my son against me, and I'm gonna have a... 你需要冷静

[05:02.45]你总是让我孩子和我作对, 我要 --

[05:08.40]The man said "calm down." 那人说要你冷静

[05:12.91]- What are you, his attack dog? - Easy. You were waving the knife. 你是谁 -- 他的军犬?

[05:14.52]冷静, 冷静, 挥着刀的人是你

[05:16.74]He was trying to make sure you didn't hurt someone. 他只是要确保你不会伤害别人

[05:21.88]Michael, I know it's been difficult to bond with your son. Michael, 我知道带孩子不是件容易的事

[05:26.89]You know why he's attached to me? 你知道他为什么喜欢和我在一起?

[05:28.72]Because I treat him like an adult. 因为我把他当大人看, 可你仍然当他是孩子

[05:30.73]He's ten years old. 他只有10岁

[05:32.49]He's been through more than most people. 他比某些人一辈子经历的都多

[05:35.10]You haven't spent enough time with him to see it, but he's different. 你没和他相处够长的时间来了解他 他很不一般

[05:39.47]- What did you say? - And we're not back home. 你说什么?

[05:40.78]还有我们还没离开这, Michael

[05:43.30]As long as we're here, Walt should be allowed to realize his potential. 只要我们在这, 应该允许Walt去发掘他的潜力

[05:54.48]You stay away from my son. And me. 离我儿子远点...


[06:14.13]片名:LOST - 迷失 第一季 第十四集

[06:24.65]You're not taking him. You're not taking my son. 你不能带他走


[06:27.82]You can go if you want to, but Walt stays with me. 如果愿意, 你可以走, 但Walt要留下来

[06:30.75]- I'm trying to have a discussion. - You're not. 我想要和你讨论一下

[06:33.09]You're talking about going to Amsterdam. You and him. How is that a discussion? 不, 你没有, 你说你要去阿姆斯特丹 --

[06:35.26]只有你和他, 那能叫讨论吗?

[06:37.46]It's an offer, and that's where the job is. 他们聘我了, Michael, 工作就在那边

[06:39.76]You said you were happy. 你说你很高兴

[06:41.20]What about the legal clinic being a good fit? You said that. 很合适的法律解释是什么? 是你说的

[06:44.27]This is a huge opportunity. 这是个很大的机会

[06:47.07]I've wanted to do International Law. 你知道我一直想做国际法的

[06:49.27]Am I supposed to be happy for you? For your huge opportunity? 我应该为你在那工作 -- 那个很大的机会高兴吗?

[07:01.05]We've talked about taking some time apart. 我们谈过分开一段时间的

[07:08.22]Look, babe, I thought that was... 宝贝, 我以为那是 --

[07:11.33]Hey, we said a lot of things. 嘿, 我们说过很多事

[07:13.66]You said you wanted to live on a boat. 你说过你要生活在船上

[07:19.63]I still love you. 我仍然爱你

[07:21.24]You know I do, but we've been through so much in such a short time. 你知道我是的, 但我 --

[07:22.96]Michael, 这么短的时间里我们经历太多了

[07:26.47]- Things... - Babe, we got problems. 宝贝, 我们有问题. 每人都会有

[07:28.64]That's what people have. You wanna go to counseling? 你想去心理咨询吗?

[07:31.58]I'm down with that. Let's go. Right? 我没事, 我们走吧?

[07:41.36]Oh, man. 哦, 天哪

[07:44.99]You already took it, didn't you? 你已经接受了那份工作了, 是吧?

[07:47.86]The job.

[07:49.96]Yeah, I did. 是的

[07:54.74]You haven't worked in months. 你已经几个月没工作了

[07:57.07]Construction slows in the winter. I told you. 建筑活在冬季会变慢的, 我已告诉过你

[07:59.54]I can provide for him, give him everything. 我可以照顾他, 我会给他所有他需要的

[08:01.91]Except for his dad. He's not going with you! No! 除了他爸爸, 他不可以跟你走, 不!

[08:04.38]- You wanna argue about this? - Yes. There are laws against this. 你真要跟我争论这个吗?

[08:06.22]该死, 是的, 这方面有法律的

[08:08.22]We're not married, Michael. 我们没结婚, Michael

[08:10.05]I'm his mother, and I'm employed. Who is the court gonna side with? 我是他妈妈, 而且我有稳定的工作


[08:21.76]This is not goodbye forever. 这不是永远分开

[08:29.67]I just... 我只是 -- 我需要时间

[08:31.87]I need some time.

[08:56.33]Are you all right? 你没事吧?

[09:01.07]I'm okay. Thanks. 不, 我没事, 谢了

[09:06.94]I just don't know how to talk to him. 我只是不知该怎样跟他讲

[09:09.28]How to get him to, 怎样使他...

[09:12.25]you know, understand I'm on his side. 你知道的, 我是为他好

[09:18.45]Locke says I should stop treating him like a child. Locke说我应该别把他当小孩看了

[09:22.09]I missed his whole childhood, so... 我错过了他整个童年, 所以...

[09:30.06]It just can't happen. 不可能的

[09:33.50]What? 什么?

[09:37.44]He can't grow up here. 他不可能在这长大

[09:42.94]He can't grow up in this place. 他不能在这里长大

[09:48.42]Once I realized these equations were coordinates, latitude and longitude, 当我发现这些等式是 坐标 -- 经度和纬度时 --

[09:52.65]I assumed she was trying to determine the location of the island. 我推测那个法国女人 正试着找出这的地理位置

[09:55.92]But it was incomplete, her notations fragmented. 但还没有完成


[09:59.69]- Except for the fish song. - Mm-hmm. 除了那首关于鱼的歌

[10:03.00]- The what? - When I lay the pages down like this, 嗯



[10:07.90]I realized it wasn't showing the location of the island. 我发现它并不是记录小岛的位置

[10:13.47]I think it's a location on the island. Specifically, here. 我想它记录的是小岛内部的位置, 特别是这

[10:16.61]So where are we? In relation to the triangle? 那我们相对于那个三角的位置呢?

[10:19.01]Well, the map is hardly at scale, so I don't know. 这地图比例不是很准, 所以我不知道

[10:22.15]We're not even sure it's a map of this island, are we? 我们甚至都不确定这是小岛的地图, 是吧?

[10:25.35]We're not. This may be the transmitter sending out her distress call, 是的, 不确定, 但它可能就是 发射求救信号的发射器

[10:29.09]- And its power source. - What are we talking about? 还有它的电源

[10:31.66]Another excuse to get chased down and killed by whatever lives in the jungle? 我们在谈论什么呢



[10:36.50]Guys, we can't keep doing this. 兄弟们, 我们不能再这样了 --

[10:38.70]Building water filtration systems, playing golf, making a sweet home here. 建设水过滤系统并打高尔夫,

[10:42.77]- We need to get off this island! - You think any of us wanna be here? 在这里建一个小家 我们需要离开这座岛


[10:46.27]No. But I don't think anyone wants to get off as much as I do. 不, 但我不认为现在这里 还有谁比我更想离开这

[10:49.38]So, are you suggesting something? 那你想给点什么建议吗?

[10:51.31]- Yeah. We build a raft. - A raft? 是的, 建一个筏子

[10:55.38]Look, don't say it like that. We need a little optimism here. 一个筏子?

[10:55.58]听着, 不要用那种语气

[10:57.09]我们需要乐观点, 好吗?

[10:58.92]Okay? We gotta do something, 'cause, 我们需要做点什么, 因为老实说,

[11:00.89]let's be honest, no one's coming. 没人会来的

[11:05.03]Those seats we took off the fuselage, they float. 我们从机身里拿出来的座位 -- 它们有浮力

[11:07.56]And we got an axe. And a whole bunch of trees, bamboo. 我们还有斧子

[11:08.97]还有大量的树, 竹子

[11:11.77]- We can do this. - The chances of surviving rough waters, 我们能办到的

[11:13.08]在风浪中存活的机会, 找到航行路线的几率...

[11:14.87]- The odds of finding a shipping lane... - And I get seasick.


[11:20.71]You know what? Great. Stay here. 好吧, 你们呆在这吧

[11:23.01]Grow old, good luck. But I'm doing this. My son and I are leaving. 在这变老, 祝你们好运

[11:24.74]但我要去做, 我和我孩子要离开这

[11:26.41]Anybody that wants to help us build, God bless you. 愿意帮我们建筏子的人, 上帝保佑你

[12:14.80]Hey, Walt. 嘿, Walt. 嘿, 快

[12:16.53]Hey, come on. I need your help with something. 我需要你的帮助

[12:19.33]- I'm doing stuff. - You're reading comics in Spanish, 我在做事

[12:22.24]- And you don't read Spanish, man. - I like the pictures. 你在读一本西班牙语的漫画, 但你却不懂西班牙语


[12:28.34]You like the art, huh? - 你喜欢美术, 啊? - 我想是的

[12:30.28]I guess so.

[12:34.42]You know, when I was your age, maybe a little older, 当我像你这么大的时候 -- 我忘了, 也许更大一点

[12:37.32]I traced comics. Taught myself about perspective. 我曾经描漫画书的, 自学透视画法

[12:40.05]You know what that is? Perspective? 你知道那是什么吗 -- 透视画法

[12:46.23]- Hey. - I said I need your help. Let's go. 嘿

[12:47.20]我说我要你帮忙, 我们走

[12:48.83]- Why do I have to come? - I seen what happens 我为什么要去?

[12:51.10]when I don't keep an eye on you. 因为我看见了当我不盯着你时, 你都干了什么

[12:58.04]- Let me talk to him. - He's 21 months old. 让我跟他聊聊

[13:00.37]- He doesn't use the phone. - I'll talk. 他才21个月, 他不会用电话

[13:02.31]I just want him to hear my voice. I miss him. 我讲就好, 我只是想让他听到我的声音

[13:05.15]I know. Let me call you back. This isn't a good time. 我想他

[13:05.43]我知道, 我以后打给你吧? 这时间不好

[13:07.78]- We gotta go? - It's Michael. 嘘, 是Michael

[13:09.68]- Honey. - I'm getting off...

[13:11.15]- Who's that? - Let's talk tomorrow. 那是谁?

[13:13.32]What the hell is going on? 我们明天再谈, 好吗? 上班时打给你?


[13:16.62]Michael, listen. Michael, 听着

[13:19.09]I've been seeing someone. 我和别人好了

[13:22.03]What? 什么?

[13:23.70]Who? 谁?

[13:25.43]- Does it make any diff. Erence? - Who is it? - 这有关系吗? - 是谁?

[13:28.00]Brian Porter. Brian Porter

[13:30.54]- The guy who hired you? - It wasn't like that before. 聘你的人

[13:33.17]When you said you needed time to think, you were lying. 之前不是这样的

[13:33.47]那么当你说你需要时间考虑 我俩的事的时候, 你是在说谎

[13:36.21]- No, I did, and I realized... - I'm coming to Amsterdam. - 不, 我没有, 我还发现 -- - 我要去阿姆斯特丹

[13:39.21]- Don't. It's over between us. - I'm not coming for you. Michael, 不要, 我们已经结束了

[13:42.35]I'm coming for Walt. I'm getting my son back. 听着, 我不是去找你!



[13:52.29]Call an ambulance! Help me. 快叫救护车!


[14:03.60]Charlie? Charlie?

[14:05.24]Hey. 嘿, 这些是Claire的东西, 谁把它们拿这来的?

[14:07.81]These are Claire's. Who brought them here?

[14:09.98]- I did. Why? What are you doing? - I don't know where it is. 我干的, 为什么? 你在做什么?

[14:12.51]我找不到了, 我不知它哪去了

[14:14.68]- What? - Claire's diary. 什么?

[14:17.92]She kept her diary in this pocket. I know because I saw her put it there. Claire的日记


[14:20.03]我知道, 因为我看过她放那里的

[14:22.92]Someone's taken it. 被人拿走了

[14:25.13]What are we looking for again? 我们在找什么?

[14:27.46]Any piece of metal or plastic tubing. 任何长形的金属或塑料管

[14:29.46]Anything that looks like it'd work as a frame. 任何看起来像个 -- 能当支架用的东西

[14:33.47]- A frame for what? - You'll see soon enough. 要支架做什么?

[14:37.04]Separate cushions, plastic, tarp. 不久你就会见到的

[14:38.97]Put everything you find in different piles so we can take stock. 嘿, 把垫子, 塑料和帆布分开

[14:39.70]把你找到的东西堆在不同地方 好便于保存

[14:44.25]Am I being punished? 我在接受惩罚吗?

[14:46.65]You think working with your old man is punishment? 什么, 你认为和你爸爸一起工作是种惩罚?

[14:49.48]No, man. 不, 只有我们在控制自己的命运

[14:51.12]This is us taking control of our destiny.

[14:56.09]Feels like punishment. 感觉像是才受罚

[14:58.29]Sawyer. Sawyer...

[15:02.03]Hey, Sawyer. 嘿, Sawyer

[15:05.33]- You know, I could just go inside. - Trick or treat. 你知道, 我可以就这么进去...


[15:11.91]- So, what are you two selling today? - Where's Claire's diary? 你们今天来做什么?

[15:15.11]- Someone took it from her bag. - Oh, I get it. Claire的日记在哪?


[15:19.05]Something goes missing, and you figure it's gotta be me that took it. 哦, 我知道了

[15:19.62]什么东西丢了, 马上, 你们就会想到是我拿的

[15:22.85]Do you have the diary or not? 你拿她的日记了吗?

[15:25.79]- You mean this one? - Give it to me. 你是说这个?

[15:27.69]I'm not sure that's the best idea. 把它给我

[15:29.86]Maybe Missy Claire don't want you reading it. 我不太清楚是否应该那样做


[15:33.03]- I wasn't gonna read it. - Curious what she wrote about you? 我不是要看的


[15:37.70]You bastard. Did you read it? 杂种, 你读了吗?

[15:39.23]Good literature's scarce around here. 这里好的文学作品不多

[15:41.30]- He read it! - Just give it to us. - 他看了 - 给我吧

[15:43.14]"Dear Diary, I'm getting really freaked out by that has-been pop star. "亲爱的日记, 我被那个过气的歌星烦死了

[15:48.14]- I think he's stalking me." - Sawyer! 我想他在跟踪我"

[15:50.24]"Diary, the little limey runt just won't let up." Ow! Sawyer --

[15:51.00]"日记, 那个小英国佬就是不肯放过你"

[15:59.32]- You hit like a ponce. - Oh, yeah? 你打得像个男妓

[16:01.42]All right, enough. - 哦, 是吗, 啊? - 好了, 够了

[16:04.79]You didn't really read it, did you? 你没有看过, 是吧?

[16:07.56]I just hadn't gotten around to it yet. 我只是还没抽出时间

[16:32.82]Um, I'm gonna get some water. 嗯, 我要去找些水

[16:36.96]Yeah, okay. 好吧, 给我也带些好吗?

[16:38.76]Would you bring me some?

[16:40.96]Please? 请你? 谢谢了

[16:42.73]Please and thank you. We gotta work on that.


[16:47.90]Boone. Boone.

[16:51.21]Hi. So you guys just gonna keep coming back without any food? 嗨, 你们要继续这样每次都空手而归吗?

[16:56.28]- Hey, I'm serious. - Uh-huh. - 嘿, 我是认真的 - 呃

[16:58.91]What's going on with you? 你怎么了, Boone?

[17:00.78]Could you be acting any weirder? 你还要这么神秘吗?

[17:02.95]You've been a functioning bulimic since junior high. Shannon, 自从初中开始你就总是叫饿

[17:07.62]I thought you'd be excited about dropping a size or two. 我想你可能会很乐意变小一两号

[17:11.96]Since you're not having any luck with the hunting, 好吧, 既然你打猎一点运气都没有

[17:14.80]maybe you should help Michael. He's building a raft. 也许你应该去帮助Michael


[17:19.50]I was thinking I would help him out. Finally get out of here. 我在想我也许能帮他


[17:25.07]Why don't you help me? 你为什么不帮帮我?

[17:31.05]No, thanks. 不, 谢了

[17:42.52]Your father doesn't want us spending time together. 你爸爸不想我们在一起

[17:46.39]He's not the boss of me. - 他不是我的老大 - 但他是你父亲

[17:48.73]But he's your father.

[17:52.00]He cares about you, and you need to show him respect. 并且他关心你, 你要对他表示尊敬

[17:56.67]I'm serious, Walt. You're not to come to me anymore. 我是认真的, Walt


[18:01.84]Damn it! What is wrong with you? 妈的! 你怎么了?

[18:05.51]- I was just coming to see... - I told you to stay away from my son! 我只是过来看看 --


[18:08.98]- I was... - I don't want to hear you! 他没有 --

[18:11.02]I was giving him this pencil to give to you. Walt, 我不想听你讲


[18:13.32]I thought you could use it. 我想你可能会用得上

[18:16.22]Consider it a peace offering. 把它当成个友好的赠品

[18:23.90]I catch you with my son again, I'll kill you. 我再看到你和我儿子在一起的话 我会杀了你的

[18:45.62]- You're a jerk. - What did you say to me? 你是个笨蛋

[18:47.99]- He didn't do anything. He's my friend! - He's not anymore. 你对我说什么?

[18:48.64]Locke先生没做错什么, 他是我朋友

[18:51.26]- I'm looking out for you. - You never cared about me. 他再也不是了


[18:54.13]- What? - You showed up after Mom died. 你不关心我, 你从没关心过我

[18:56.13]Where were you when I was growing up? Nowhere! 什么?


[18:56.82]我成长的时候你去哪了, 啊? 哪也不在

[18:58.47]Listen, Walt. It's complicated. 听着, Walt, 这很复杂

[19:00.87]I don't care! You're not my father! 我不在乎, 你不是我爸爸

[19:06.87]You wanna hate me? 你要恨我吗?

[19:08.84]You gonna punish me for something I can't change? Fine. 你想要由于我不能改变的事惩罚我吗? 好吧

[19:11.65]But you will listen to me. 但你给我听着

[19:19.82]Now, you get over there, 现在, 你走过去, 不要动

[19:23.32]and you stay there.

[19:27.43]Now! 现在就去!

[20:01.76]- That's really wonderful. - Oh, thanks. 呃, 画的真好

[20:04.06]哦, 谢了

[20:05.60]For my son. He's gonna be two next week. 为我儿子画的, 他下礼拜就两岁了

[20:08.24]Yeah? I didn't know you have a kid. 是吗? 我不知道你还有个儿子

[20:10.40]Yeah. Yeah. 是的

[20:13.87]He lives in Amsterdam with his mom. 是的, 嗯, 他和他妈妈 在阿姆斯特丹生活

[20:16.38]Ever get to visit him? 去见过他吗?

[20:18.75]No, not yet. 没

[20:21.75]I had a little, you know, run-in with a car. 没, 还没


[20:26.45]I never know what to write. 我不知道该写什么

[20:28.42]- How about a joke? - I don't know. What kinda joke? - 一个笑话怎样? - 我不知道

[20:32.39]How about "What's black, white and red all over?" 什么笑话?

[20:33.13]"什么东西全身都是黑的, 白的和红的?"

[20:35.56]- Yeah, a newspaper, right? - "A penguin with a sunburn." 哦, 是报纸吧?


[20:40.93]- That's really dumb. - Trust me. 这个好弱智啊

[20:42.70]Mother of four talking here. He'll get a kick out of it. 相信我, 一个四个孩子的妈妈 他一定会很高兴的

[20:49.71]Hello, Michael. 你好, Michael

[21:00.55]Susan? Susan

[21:04.86]Finally called Andy when I hadn't heard from you in over two months. 我打电话给了Andy, 因为两个多月没有你的消息

[21:09.70]I had to hear about your accident from him. You should've called me. 从他那听说你出了交通意外 你应该打电话给我

[21:14.53]Yeah, well, considering how our last conversation went... 是的, 想到我们最后那次对话...

[21:18.64]I'm so sorry about that. 我很抱歉

[21:21.71]- Hey, did you bring Walt? - No. He's at home. - 你带Walt来了吗? - 没, 没, 他在家

[21:26.85]Home. 哦, 和Brian在一起

[21:28.35]With Brian?

[21:34.09]So, what are you doing here, anyway? 那你来这做什么?

[21:36.79]I came to see you. 我来看你

[21:39.56]So, I look pretty good, huh? 我看起来不错是吧, 啊?

[21:41.86]Not that bad. 不是很坏

[21:44.63]They say you're expected to make a full recovery. 护士说你可以完全恢复

[21:47.23]Yeah, after a year of physical therapy. 是的, 在经过一年的物理治疗后

[21:49.50]A year. 一年

[21:52.84]- I'm covering all your medical costs. - What? 我会负担你所有的医药费的

[21:55.58]I've already spoken to the hospital administrator, 什么?


[21:58.21]- And all your bills are coming to me. - What is this about? 你所有的账单将直接寄给我


[22:03.55]Brian and I are getting married. Brian和我要结婚了

[22:08.39]- How nice for... - You don't have to say anything. 真好, 呃...

[22:11.36]Just listen. 你什么都不必说, 听就好

[22:12.83]We're moving to Italy at the end of the month. 我们这个月底要搬去意大利

[22:15.26]Brian's taking over the Rome offices. Brian要去接管公司罗马的办事处

[22:17.40]Sounds like Brian's on a roll. 看来Brian事业挺顺啊

[22:20.33]And he wants to adopt Walt. 他想领养Walt

[22:24.40]Look, I know this is hard. 我知道这很难接受

[22:27.27]But just think about it. 但是你想想

[22:29.78]- You're kidding me, right? - Consider what's best for Walt. 你在开玩笑吧?

[22:33.21]You can keep holding on if you want. 想想怎样才对Walt有利

[22:34.03]你可以继续坚持, 但问问你自己

[22:35.55]But ask yourself why you're doing that.

[22:38.32]Is it really for him? 你为什么要那样做, 真的是为了他好吗...

[22:41.05]Or is it for you? 还是为你了自己?

[22:48.96]Uh, dude, your kid's gone. 哦, 老兄, 你孩子不见了

[22:52.73]What? 什么?

[22:53.80]He just grabbed the dog and took off. 他刚才牵着狗就走了

[23:02.41]I know where he's gone. 我知道他去哪了

[23:13.32]Locke! Locke!

[23:15.36]- Where the hell is he? - What? 他在哪?

[23:17.12]I'm not in the mood for your games, man. 什么?

[23:19.06]- Where's Walt? - Walt's not here. 我现在没心情玩, Walt在哪?

[23:21.60]- Don't lie to me. - He's not here. Look around. - Walt不在这, Michael - 别骗我了

[23:22.50]嘿, 他不在这, 四处看看

[23:24.06]- I'm not talking to you. - I told him this morning 嘿, 我没和你讲话

[23:26.53]that he couldn't be around me anymore. 我今早跟他说了, 叫他别来找我了

[23:28.57]I'm trying to respect your wishes. 我在试着尊重你的意愿

[23:37.68]Well, then if he's not... 好吧, 如果他没有 --

[23:48.82]Let's go find your boy. 我们去找你孩子

[23:54.46]Thanks. 谢了...

[23:56.63]You really didn't have to help, you know. 你其实不必帮忙的

[23:58.90]I could've managed. 我可以搞定的

[24:00.80]I've had my share of manly encounters. 我有很有男子气概的

[24:03.27]I just thought you could use the company. 我想你可能需要一个伙伴

[24:07.07]You okay? 你没事吧?

[24:11.24]Yeah. 没事

[24:15.55]It's weird. 真奇怪

[24:18.95]I barely knew her. Barely know her... Claire. 我和她并不很熟, Claire

[24:24.59]She's been missing over a week, and... 她已经失踪一个多礼拜了

[24:27.59]...every day she's gone, it feels like... 她离开的每一天, 我感觉好像...

[24:31.97]...bits of me are crumbling, or something. 身上的一部分在破碎, 或者...别的什么

[24:38.64]I think it's right that you should keep her stuff safe... 我想你安全的保存她的东西是正确的

[24:41.88]...'til she gets back. 直到她回来

[24:46.78]Yeah. 是的

[25:48.91]Come on, Vincent. 快点, Vincent

[26:16.07]Vincent! Cut it out! Vincent, 停下来

[26:19.11]Cut it out! What's wrong? 停下来, Vincent! 发生什么了?

[26:22.94]Vincent! Vincent!

[26:30.32]Vincent! Vincent! Vincent!


[26:35.76]He was trying to weasel his way out. 你应该看到他一直在逃避

[26:38.09]Anything not to let the case go forward. Said it wasn't his jurisdiction. 不停的推延案件的进展


[26:42.30]- You're kidding me. - I wish I was. - 哦, 你在开玩笑吧 - 我倒希望

[26:44.36]Same argument, third time in a row. 这已经是第三次同样的论点了

[26:46.13]Barclay said it was an immigration issue. Barkley说这是移民方面的事

[26:48.30]That's classic. Barkley, 那个经典

[26:50.34]He thinks 'cause I'm new to Australian law that I'm some yokel. 他这样想是因为我对澳洲法律是新人 看起来有点像乡下人

[26:53.67]Hey. Hello? Homework. 嘿, 做功课

[26:57.31]- I told you I need help. - He needs help. 我说过我需要帮忙

[26:59.61]I'm a lawyer. I can tell when someone's stalling. 他需要帮忙

[26:59.93]我是个律师, 甜心, 我能判断出你是不是在偷懒

[27:02.15]Who cares about birds of Australia? We're in Australia. 谁担心澳洲的鸟?


[27:06.99]- You okay? - I think I'm feeling kind of fluey. 你没事吧?


[27:09.99]Shouldn't we study birds of Egypt? 我们不应该学习埃及或别处的鸟吗?

[27:12.03]You haven't been sleeping much. Maybe you need to take a personal day. 你已经好久没睡好觉了, 也许你应该休息一天

[27:15.76]I picked the bronze-cuckoo. 我选了铜色杜鹃. 很搞笑, 想看看吗?

[27:17.30]- It's funny, wanna see? - What about Barclay?

[27:20.03]I mean, it doesn't look funny. Just the name. 我是说, 不是它长的搞笑, 是它的名字

[27:22.37]Sleeping in late? That's too much of a fantasy. 睡个懒觉... 感觉像是做梦

[27:25.47]Look! 嘿, Brian, 看, 看

[27:30.04]You're not looking! 你没看

[27:35.12]You're not looking! 你没看

[27:40.49]Oh, my God! 哦, 天啊

[27:50.10]Is it dead? 它死了吗?

[27:51.77]Yeah. 是的, 可怜的小东西

[27:53.97]Poor guy.

[28:15.56]Vincent! Vincent!

[28:20.93]Vincent! Vincent!

[28:46.65]Michael Dawson? Michael Dawson?

[28:49.12]Yeah. Can I help you? 是的, 需要帮忙吗?

[28:52.29]Yeah. I'm Brian Porter. 我是Brian Porter

[28:56.36]Susan's Brian? Susan的 Brian?


[29:02.80]Can I come in? 我可以进来吗?

[29:04.54]I... I need to talk to you. 我要和你谈谈

[29:06.97]Susan know you're here, man? Susan知道你来吗?

[29:09.64]Susan died yesterday. Susan昨天过世了

[29:17.25]Please? 拜托

[29:19.95]Um... 嗯.. 她, 嗯...

[29:24.06]She, uh...

[29:26.13]Turns out she had a blood disorder. 她得了血液病, 她只病了大概一周

[29:30.83]She was only sick for about a week.

[29:33.00]I didn't know... 我不知道 -- 哦...

[29:34.43]I hadn't talked to her in awhile... Sit down. 我已经好久没和她联系了


[29:38.54]And Walt? 哦, Walt呢? 他怎样, 哦...

[29:40.27]- How is he, uh...? - Yeah, he's fine. 他很好, 他, 呃, 他和他阿姨回家了

[29:43.01]He's back home with his nanny.

[29:45.04]- What? - I mean he's fine... 什么?

[29:47.41]I mean, considering... You know. 我想他很好, 我是说, 考虑到...

[29:50.15]You left him home? After he just lost his mother? 你在他刚失去妈妈后就离开了家?

[29:54.42]Before she died, Susan, 在她死之前, Susan --

[29:57.62]she told me she wanted you to have custody of Walter. 她跟我说她想让你照管Walt

[30:01.46]She what? 她说什么?

[30:02.66]Well, I think she just thought... I mean, since you're his father... 她只是想 --

[30:04.47]我的意思是, 因为你是他父亲

[30:06.50]I haven't been his father in nine years. 我已经有9年都不是他父亲了

[30:09.77]Yeah, well, that's kinda the thing, see? 是的


[30:15.71]Look, I loved Susan very much. 我十分爱Susan

[30:18.48]And I was honest with her from the beginning, 从一开始我就对他很忠诚, 但是她 --

[30:21.08]but she wouldn't hear it.

[30:24.15]- Hear what? - That I... 她听不进去


[30:25.27]我不想当一个爸爸, 好吗? 我只是不知道怎么办

[30:26.85]I didn't want to be a father. I just don't know how.

[30:29.42]What are you talking about? You adopted him. 你在说什么, 老兄? 你收养了他!

[30:32.03]I did, because she wanted that, 是的, 是因为她想那样, 而我想要她

[30:33.76]and I wanted her, and...

[30:36.06]Look... 这是两张机票 - 往返的机票, 返程是从悉尼到纽约的

[30:39.77]Two tickets. One round-trip, the other one-way.

[30:42.40]Sydney to New York. The envelope has money in it for travel expenses. 信封里有旅行用的费用

[30:47.37]She didn't tell you she wanted me to have custody. 她没告诉你她想让我收养他 这是你的主意

[30:49.88]- This is your idea. - I'm a wreck right now, okay? 我是个混蛋, 好了吧?

[30:52.41]I'm supposed to give a damn? 我现在该骂你吗?

[30:54.05]I just lost the woman I love. I can't be his father. 嘿, 我刚失去了我爱的女人 我不能做他的父亲, 他不是我儿子

[30:56.82]Lying son of a bitch! You're the only father he knows! 你这个杂种, 你在说什么?

[30:59.95]It's more than that. There's something about him. 你是他知道的唯一一个父亲

[31:00.14]- 还有别的 - 好吧, 什么?


[31:04.86]What the hell are you talking about? 你在说什么?

[31:10.36]Sometimes when he's around, things happen. 有时, 当他在的时候, 会发生些怪事

[31:17.00]He's different somehow. 不知何故, 他有些不同

[31:24.08]Over here! 在这

[31:29.22]- What the hell would... - Help, please! Help! 到底发生了 --

[31:31.99]- Walt? - This way. 救命! 救命!

[31:32.28]- Walt? - 这边

[31:36.19]Walt! Walt! Walt!


[31:41.53]Walt should be home from school any minute. Walt随时都可能放学回来

[31:46.03]Mr. Porter asked me to give you that. Porter先生让我给你的

[31:48.50]Some of Susan's effects. 一些Susan的遗物

[31:50.84]Oh, thanks. 哦, 好, 谢了

[31:53.17]There's something else. 还有些东西

[32:03.95]- What's that? - Something I think Walt should have. 什么?


[32:11.19]Excuse me. 抱歉

[32:43.96]- Walt? - Yeah? Walt

[32:47.06]There's somebody here to see you. 什么事?


[33:05.11]Dad! Help! 爸爸! 救命!

[33:10.12]- Dad! - Walt! 爸爸!

[33:11.75]Dad, help! Please! - Walt! - 爸爸, 救命!

[33:15.02]- Help! - Hey, Walt... - 救命! - 嘿, Walt --

[33:17.19]Shh! 嘘, 嘘, 嘘

[33:21.43]Dad! 爸爸!

[33:24.60]Come on! Up here! Michael! 快, 上面, Michael!

[33:27.90]Dad! 爸爸!

[33:30.14]Dad... 爸爸

[33:45.28]Hey, Walt. 嘿, Walt

[33:50.36]Who are you? - 你是谁? - 我是, 呃...

[33:53.89]I'm, uh...

[34:03.47]I'm your father. 我是你爸爸

[34:12.21]Hey... 嘿, 嗯, 我想要你知道 --


[34:16.48]I want you to know...

[34:19.82]Listen, I can't explain how sorry I am... 听着, 我无法解释我对你妈妈有多抱歉

[34:22.96]...about your mom.

[34:25.76]You should know that we, uh... 你应该知道我们, 呃 --

[34:30.06]...we loved each other very much when we had you. 当我们生你时我们非常爱对方

[34:34.97]Where's Brian? Brian在哪?

[34:37.77]Brian's not here. Brian不在这

[34:40.24]I come to bring you home with me. 我是来接你和我回家的

[34:46.65]I'm not going anywhere with you. 我不会和你去任何地方的

[34:52.52]Look, Walt, can I...? Walt, 我可以吗?

[34:57.12]Uh... 哦, 我知道弄明白这一切很困难

[34:59.06]I know this is really hard to understand. All of this.

[35:04.86]See, Brian... 你看到了, Brian...

[35:09.50]Brian loves you very much. Brian非常的爱你

[35:12.17]And he wants you to stay with him, but it's not his choice. 他想和你在一起, 但不是他能决定的

[35:15.98]It's mine. 是我

[35:18.38]I'm your legal guardian. 我是你的合法监护人

[35:22.22]And, uh, it's not like he's gonna disappear from your life. 还有, 他不会就此从你生命中消失

[35:26.52]He'll still call you, write to you, 他还会打电话给你

[35:28.82]come to see you whenever he can. 写信给你


[35:32.36]And you know, you'll still have your dog. 你知道


[35:37.80]But Vincent isn't mine. 但Vincent不是我的, 是Brian的

[35:41.30]He's Brian's.

[35:44.84]Brian said you could have him. Brian说你可以留着它

[35:54.85]Dad. - 爸爸 - 嘿, Walt!

[35:56.02]- Hey, Walt! - Dad! Dad! 爸爸! 爸爸!

[35:58.82]- Where are you, Dad? - Hang on! - 你在哪, 爸爸? - 坚持住!


[36:10.36]Okay. Let's go. Let's go. 我们走, 我们走

[36:18.94]Walt, hang in there, okay? 嘿, Walt, 坚持住, 好吗?

[36:26.38]I'm coming, man. 我来了

[36:29.42]- Dad! - Walt! 爸爸!

[36:31.92]Throw him the knife. Walt


[36:36.96]Walt. Walt

[36:41.03]If he comes near you, use it! 如果他接近你, 就用它


[36:51.30]Stay there, buddy! 呆在那!

[36:58.14]- Come here. - Dad! 过来


[37:03.28]- Okay. You okay? - Yeah. - 你没事吧? - 是的

[37:06.29]- Yeah. - All right. - 你没事吧? - 是的

[37:08.12]Whatever you do, you hold onto this tight. You got me? 好, 不管怎样, 抓紧它 听到了吗? 抓紧

[37:11.62]- What about you? - Don't worry about me. 那你呢? 别担心我

[37:13.93]I'll be right behind you, okay? So hold on. 我会跟着你的, 好吗?

[37:17.63]Okay, Locke, now! 抓住了

[37:17.74]好了, Locke! 开始!

[37:21.37]Pull him. 拉!

[37:30.04]Pull him, Locke. 拉, Locke! 拉!

[38:05.04]Come here. 过来

[38:11.82]I'm sorry... 真对不起, 对不起

[38:13.42]No, it's okay. 不, 不, 没事的

[38:16.79]We're okay. 我们没事了, 真高兴你没事了

[38:18.62]- I'm just glad you're safe. - But Vincent, he ran off again.

[38:20.32]但是Vincent -- 他又跑了

[38:22.09]He found his way back to you once, Walt. 他找回过你一次了, Walt

[38:28.23]He will again. 他还会的

[38:46.25]Hey. 嘿

[38:49.76]I got a present for you. 我有个礼物给你

[38:55.80]Since you like to look at pictures. 因为你喜欢看图画

[38:58.96]- What's this? - Well... - 这是什么? - 打开看看

[39:07.44]Every card, every letter I sent you over the last eight years. 在过去的八年里 我寄给你的信和明信片

[39:13.75]- You wrote me? - Mm-hmm. - 你写过信给我 - 嗯

[39:20.29]I never saw these. 我从没见过

[39:26.16]Did my mom have these? 我妈妈留着的吗?

[39:33.40]- Why didn't she give 'em to me? - I don't know. 她为什么不给我看?

[39:37.17]She didn't throw 'em away, which means, somewhere inside, 我不知道

[39:37.23]但她也没扔掉, 这意味着, 你知道,

[39:40.11]she wanted you to have them. 她心中的某处希望你看到它们

[39:43.21]So, you drew these? - 你画了这些? - 为你画的

[39:45.48]Just for you.

[39:48.75]This one... 这张, 是为你两岁生日画的

[39:50.68]...I did for your second birthday.

[39:57.59]A penguin with a sunburn? 一只企鹅...


[40:01.66]- That's dumb. - Yeah, I know. 好弱智啊

[40:03.60]That's what I said. 是的, 我知道, 我也是这么说的

[40:51.71]Jack! Jack!

[40:54.65]Sayid. Sayid, 你们要听听这个

[40:55.98]You have to hear this.

[40:57.55]- What is that? - It's Claire's, her diary. 那是什么?

[40:58.60]- 是Claire的 -- 的日记 - 你读了她的日记?

[41:00.25]- You're reading her diary? - Yeah, I know, I'm bloody scum. 是的, 我知道我很贱 但听听这个

[41:03.52]Just listen to this. "I had that weird dream again

[41:06.09]with the black rock I can't get away from. "我又做了那个奇怪的梦,

[41:06.29]那个黑岩石, 我逃也逃不掉

[41:08.43]I try to leave, but it won't let me." 我试着逃离它, 但它不让我"

[41:10.26]- Black rock? - They're just dreams. 黑岩石?

[41:12.60]- No. - Sayid mentioned the black rock before. 它们只是梦, Charlie

[41:12.69]不, Sayid之前也提到过黑岩石

[41:15.84]The Frenchwoman said her team was returning from the black rock. 那个法国女人说过些关于 她的小组从黑岩石回来

[41:21.34]The triangle on the map. 地图上的三角

[41:23.48]Maybe it's the triangle. 也许它就是地图上的三角

[41:25.14]Maybe it's where Claire was taken. 也许Claire被带到那去了, 也许她就在那

[41:27.65]Maybe. Charlie, we all want to find Claire. 也许

[41:29.53]Charlie, 我们都想找到Claire

[41:31.98]But there's no sense going out into the jungle in the middle of the night. 但在半夜走入丛林是不理智的

[41:42.96]Don't think that whistle's working, John. 我不觉得那个哨子会好用, John

[41:46.63]You can't hear everything, Boone. 你什么都听不见, Boone

[41:49.13]The sooner you learn that, the better. 你越早学会越好

[41:59.35]Well, I heard that. 好吧, 我听到了

[42:02.82]Vincent. Vincent?

[42:06.02]Vincent, is that you? Vincent, 是你吗?

[42:12.76]Vincent. Vincent!

[42:33.55]Claire? Claire?

[42:36.84]“迷失 第一季 第十四集” -=结束=-


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