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> 影视听说 > 影视原声 > 迷失 > 迷失第一季 >  第12篇






[01:35.16]Ow! Son of a bitch! 噢!妈的!

[01:41.20]- What are you doing? - What are you doing? - 你干嘛呢? - 你又在干嘛?

[01:43.47]- You practically busted my knee. - Are you stalking me now? 我的膝盖 -- 你差点打碎我的膝盖骨,该死!

[01:46.60]Stalking you? I was protecting you. 你在跟踪我?


[01:49.37]From what, Southern perverts? 保护我什么,不受色狼袭击?

[01:51.34]Yeah, whatever. 算了,随你怎么说

[01:53.58]- I can't believe you. - It's not that bad. 我可不相信你

[01:56.51]It's my knee. I'll tell you how bad it is. 没那么严重


[02:00.42]What the hell are you doing all the way out here? 算了,你跑到这地方来干什么?

[02:03.28]This is the only place the trees aren't picked clean. 大家的食量都很大


[02:06.92]You shouldn't be here alone, not after... 恩,但你这时候不该一个人来这儿,已经有人出事过了--

[02:09.19]No, I'm fine. I can take care of myself. 不,我很好.我能自己保护好自己

[02:11.86]Oh, of course. "I don't need protecting. 哦,当然. "我不需要保护.我能自己照顾好自己

[02:14.63]I can take care of myself.

[02:16.66]- Me Kate. Me throw rock." - Shh. 我是Kate.我能扔石头."


[02:20.77]What, you smell blood on the wind? 怎么了,你闻到血腥味了?

[02:23.27]You don't hear that? 你没听到吗?

[02:43.42]What are you doing? 你干什么?

[02:45.33]I need to soak my sore knee. 我得浸泡一下我疼痛的膝盖

[02:50.10]Come on, Freckles. 来吧,雀斑女

[02:52.90]After all we've been through on this damn island, 我们在这该死的岛上经历了这么多事

[02:55.70]don't we deserve something good? 难道不该好好享受一下吗?

[02:58.14]What, you're gonna say no? 怎么,你不想吗?

[03:00.18]Are you some sort of navel-gazing, no-fun, mopey type? 难道你是那种目光如豆,又消沉,又毫无乐趣可言的类型?

[03:15.46]Well. 啊... 很好

[03:18.46]It's chilly. Come on, girl! 水挺凉的

[03:21.43]Whoo-hoo! 来吧,小妞! 呜-呼!

[03:24.57]It's nice, huh? 很爽,是吧?


[03:38.31]Come on, let's go to the rock. 走,去岩石那边

[04:41.53]片名:LOST - 迷失 第一季 第十二集

[04:52.15]Hey, are you okay? 喂!你没事吧?

[04:54.12]Yeah. You? 恩!

[04:56.56]Yeah. I'm gonna go check 'em out. 没事.你呢?

[04:56.58]没事. 我再去看看

[04:58.29]- Check 'em out for what? - See what they got on 'em. - 去看什么? - 去看看他们都带了些什么

[05:01.36]Sawyer! Sawyer!

[05:35.93]Hey! Got myself a wallet. 嘿.我给自己找了个钱包

[05:38.67]- You're disgusting. - He ain't gonna miss it. - 你可真让我恶心 - 那家伙不会在想他的钱包了

[05:41.87]Help me with that case. 帮我一下,我要取那个箱子

[05:44.01]Oh, I'm disgusting, but you're not? 哦,我是让你人作呕,但你就不是了?

[05:46.94]It's mine. 那箱子是我的

[06:24.15]You wouldn't happen to have your key on you, would you? 你不会刚好带了钥匙吧?

[06:43.36]That case ain't yours, is it? 那箱子不是你的,是吧?

[06:51.41]No. 是我的

[06:53.91]Well. 恩...

[06:56.78]You wouldn't mind if I just... 那么你不会介意我...

[07:00.18]- Take it. - I don't care. 把它拿走吧


[07:04.89]That's not what it looks like. 但看起来你并不这样想

[07:14.90]Something you want to tell me about this suitcase? 关于这个箱子有什么对我说的吗,雀斑女?

[07:24.81]Take it. 你拿去吧

[07:51.70]Everything is washing out to sea! 东西都快被冲到海里了!

[07:54.14]This can't be normal. 这绝非正常--

[07:56.00]The tide shifting so suddenly. 潮水来的如此的急...

[07:58.07]Rising in so short a time. 在短时间一下能涨这么高

[08:00.71]There's a lot not normal around here. 这儿有太多不正常的地方了

[08:02.88]The rate this beach is eroding, 按照海滩被侵蚀的速度来看,

[08:04.58]the fuselage is going to be underwater in days. 机身部分恐怕得在海里呆上一阵子

[08:07.35]We need to get all this stuff off the beach before nightfall. 我们得赶快在太阳落山之前把所有东西转移出海滩

[08:11.09]I hope moving up the coast will make a difference. 我希望海岸的上升能带来点变化

[08:13.86]It'd make a difference if everyone moved inland. 如果大家都搬到内地去的话就会的

[08:17.46]I think you'll find people slightly wary of entering the jungle 我想你会发现以后人们进入丛林会更加谨慎的

[08:20.83]after what happened to the pregnant girl, 自从那个怀孕的女孩出事之后,

[08:23.06]not to mention whatever that thing is. 更别说那个不知道是什么东西的怪物了

[08:25.10]Sayid... Sayid...

[08:28.50]I need you to take me back to the French woman, Rousseau. 我想要你把我带到那个法国女人Rousseau那去

[08:31.77]Claire's still out there. Claire现在还在别人手中

[08:33.41]Now, Rousseau mentioned that there are... 然而Rousseau还提到过...

[08:36.18]...others on this island. - Her mind is gone. 岛上还有其他人

[08:38.58]- You heard them. - I don't know. - 她神经已经失常了 - 但你自己也听见了

[08:40.35]- You said that you... - The wind. - 我也不知道我听到了什么 - 你说过你 --


[08:43.05]It was the wind playing tricks.

[08:47.36]Then what about the papers that you took from her then? 那好,那么你那时候从她那带走的纸张又怎么说?

[08:50.49]Documents, maps. Isn't there... 那些文件,还有地图--我是说,有没有--

[08:52.29]I'm skilled at mathematics, but these are beyond anything I've ever seen. 我对数学和译码都很在行


[08:56.26]There are these notes in French accompanying the maps and diagrams. 那些只是一些法文写的笔记加上一些图解

[09:00.20]If I could translate them, I might be able to make sense of it, but... 如果我能翻译出来的话,


[09:05.21]What? 但是什么?

[09:06.74]Perhaps some things are best left untranslated. 也许有的东西还是把它保留不翻译的好

[09:09.88]Yeah? 是吗?

[09:11.08]Maybe you should tell him that. 也许这些你得去跟他说说

[09:30.10]You're doing something productive. 很高兴看到你在做有点价值的事情

[09:32.40]- Where have you been? - What do you mean? 你都去哪了?

[09:34.84]You and Locke have been leaving before sunrise and coming back after dark. 我去哪了是什么意思?



[09:38.74]What are you doing out there? 你们都去干什么了?

[09:41.94]Is he your new boyfriend? 他是你的新男友?

[09:49.98]- We're looking for Claire. - I thought there was no trail, 我们在找Claire

[09:53.05]- That no one knew where to look. - Yeah, at least I'm doing something. 我想不会有什么线索了,我们甚至连到什么地方找都不知道


[09:56.86]Don't you see the way they look at us? We're a joke. 你难道没看见周围的人都怎么看我们吗?


[10:00.90]I'm trying to contribute something. 我在努力想做点贡献

[10:03.13]And you're just... you're useless. 而你呢--你什么用也没有

[10:45.84]Okay, Miss Ryan, if you'll just give me some ID, 好的,Ryan小姐,请把身份证给我

[10:48.81]we'll get started on your loan app. 然后就可以开始贷款的程序了

[10:51.35]Okay. Here you go. 好的.给你

[10:53.95]So, what brings you to New Mexico? 那么,是什么原因让你去新墨西哥州的呢?

[10:57.28]- My work. - What line of work is that? 我的工作

[10:59.85]- I'm a photographer. - What do you photograph? 什么工作呢?


[11:03.29]I've been commissioned for a coffee table book. 那你都拍些什么?


[11:05.86]Pictures of old theaters in small towns. 恩,一些小镇上老剧院的照片

[11:08.90]There's a fantastic one down in Ruidoso. 噢,Rio Doso那边有个就很棒

[11:11.07]You can't miss it. It's off the main road. 别错过了.就在大路边上

[11:13.33]I'll have to make sure I give you an acknowledgement, Mr... Hutton. 恩,我用完之后


[11:17.87]Mark. 我叫Mark

[11:19.47]Everyone down on the ground now! 全部给我趴下!


[11:24.81]Don't even think about it! Let's go! 别!别想逃!走,行动!

[11:27.01]Shut up and move over there! Let's go! 给我闭嘴,都到那边去!快行动!

[11:30.02]- Who's back there? I see you! - Big boy, get your ass down there! 谁在后面?我看见你了!


[11:33.85]Get out! Let's go! 出来!都给我出来!走!

[11:35.39]All right! Hold it right there! 好的!给我就在这别动!

[11:38.06]All right, girlie, get up and get over there! Let's go! Move! 好,小妞,站起来,到那边去!

[11:41.20]Stay there! Get down on the ground, bitch! 快去!动起来!呆在那儿!就是那儿!


[11:44.70]Are you the manager? 你是经理?

[11:46.63]- I said, are you the manager? - Yes. 我问你,你是不是经理?

[11:49.44]Good. Now let's open the money cage now 是

[11:49.51]好. 现在在有人伤亡之前把钱库给我打开

[11:52.34]before people start getting killed.

[11:54.81]Don't look at me! Look at the floor! 不要看我!给我看地上!

[11:57.01]Down right now! 马上趴下!

[11:58.28]I said, down! 我说了,趴下!

[12:33.01]Gotcha. 抓住你了

[12:34.52]Get off of me. 放开我

[12:36.02]I hate to bicker about positions, 天哪,我可不喜欢为用什么姿势争吵,甜心

[12:37.92]but I think you're the one on top. 但我想你在上面比较好

[12:41.96]Maybe you're not here for the case at all. 也许你就完全不是冲着箱子来的


[12:48.96]Woman! 噢,你这女人

[12:51.70]If you wanted to play rough, all you had to do was say so. 想动粗的话,说就是了

[12:59.44]You wanna try for it again? 还想再来抢吗?

[13:03.34]Give it to me. 给我

[13:06.55]No. 不

[13:47.42]We're quite close to the equator. 我们这地方离赤道很近

[13:49.59]The sun might be stronger than what you're used to. 阳光会比你所习惯的来的强烈

[13:52.23]I have a pretty good base. 我底子很好

[13:58.33]There was a matter I was going to ask you about. 我有点事要想问你

[14:05.84]- What? - I need a favor. 什么事?


[14:12.65]I need your help translating papers I took from Rousseau. 我需要你帮忙翻译一下我从Rousseau那拿来的文件

[14:15.78]- Who's Rousseau? - The Frenchwoman. - Rousseau是谁? - 那个法国女人

[14:17.89]The distress call we intercepted. 我们接收到的求救信号就是她发的

[14:26.89]- Did my brother put you up to this? - Your brother? 是我哥叫你来的?


[14:31.13]No. 不是

[14:34.70]The papers contain equations with notations in French. 那些文件是一些法文写的笔记加上一些图解

[14:37.91]- If I can understand the notations... - Sorry, I can't do it. 如果我能看懂这些符号的话--


[14:42.34]You're the only person who speaks French. 你是这岛上唯一能说法语的人

[14:44.75]- I barely speak French. - Please, Shannon. - 我基本上不说法语 - 求你了, Shannon

[14:47.45]Can you at least try? 你能不能至少试一下?

[14:58.13]Son of a bitch. 婊子养的

[14:59.79]You're wasting your time, man. 你在浪费时间,兄弟

[15:02.66]If you pick the lock on a Halliburton, I'll put you on my back and fly. 如果你能把锁给打开,


[15:06.23]You better find yourself a runway, daddy, 那你最好给自己找个跑道,老爹

[15:08.87]'cause there ain't a lock I can't pick. 因为还没有我打不开的锁

[15:11.41]- What's he trying to do? - Pick the lock on a Halliburton. 他在干嘛?


[15:17.11]Good luck. 祝你好运

[15:20.75]The only way you're gonna open that case is with pure force, impact velocity. 唯一能打开箱子的方法就是用纯粹的力气,老兄--


[15:25.79]- What's that mean? - You gotta hit it with something hard 那是什么意思?

[15:28.79]like a sledgehammer. Or the axe. 用大锤,或者斧头砸它

[15:44.44]- You got it. - Yeah. 你拿到了


[15:48.41]Right there.

[15:50.81]Isn't there an easier way to get there? 没有别的容易点的路去那儿吗?

[15:53.01]The easiest way isn't always the best. 容易的路不一定就是最好的路

[15:55.68]- Did anybody see you take it? - No. 有人看见你拿走这个了吗?


[15:58.92]- I don't think so. - Well, which is it?

[16:01.62]Sorry? - 恩,到底是哪个? - 什么?

[16:03.16]"No," or "I don't think so"? "没有," 还是 "我认为没有"?

[16:08.16]- No. - Good. Let's get to work. 没有


[16:18.21]Hello, Charlie. 你好,Charlie

[16:20.87]Oh, that's right. 哦,没关系.你这几天都不怎么讲话

[16:23.21]You're not talking much these days.

[16:25.85]But it doesn't mean you get to be rude. 但这也并不意味着你变的无礼了

[16:29.28]Excuse me? 你说什么?

[16:31.52]Everybody else 其他人都在忙着把营地搬到高处,除了你

[16:33.09]is helping us move the camp up the beach,

[16:36.22]- Except for you. - Are you serious?

[16:39.16]You think you're the only one with something to be sad about? 你是说真的?


[16:42.20]I got sob stories for you, so why don't you grab 孩子,我这有更伤心的事

[16:45.37]the other end of this thing and help me? 所以你能不能帮我抬一下这边?

[16:52.27]Well? 好吗?

[17:07.35]Come on. 加油

[17:09.62]Come on. 快

[17:27.78]Impact velocity... 冲击速度...

[17:30.38]Physics, my ass. 物理学,妈的

[17:33.71]All right. 那好吧

[17:40.75]Son of a... 妈的...

[17:43.12]Unbelievable. 难以置信

[17:48.46]Hey! 喂!

[17:50.83]Hey! 喂!

[17:52.77]Don't even think about it. 想都别想

[17:57.30]Hey! Damn it. 喂!


[18:30.47]Hell, Freckles, I knew you wanted it. I just didn't know how bad. 该死,雀斑女,我知道你想要

[18:33.87]Whoa! 我只是不知道你居然这么想得到它

[18:35.54]You're gonna have to come up with a new move. 噢,噢!


[18:38.18]Ah! God. 天

[18:39.75]Okay. Okay! 好吧

[18:41.95]Okay, this is just silly. 好!好,这么做太不明智了

[18:45.45]Hold on. I got a proposition for you. 慢着

[18:47.49]You tell me what's inside, and I'll give it to you. 我有个提议...


[18:50.52]Are you serious? 你说真的?

[18:54.60]Hell, no way to open the damn thing. 该死,打不开这东西.

[18:56.93]At this point, all I care about is satisfying my own curiosity. 在这一点上,我只要满足我的好奇心就可以了

[19:01.57]Oh! Easy, sweetheart. I don't really care what it is. 噢!放松点,甜心.


[19:07.04]What's burning me up is why it means so much to you. 让我感兴趣的是为什么它对你来说这么重要

[19:15.05]Last chance. 最后给你个机会

[19:22.89]All right. 那好吧

[19:29.80]Give me the key now. 现在就把钥匙给我

[19:31.77]I'm tired of asking nice. 我已经厌倦了这样好声好气地问你了

[19:34.33]Give me the money cage key now. 现在马上把钱库的钥匙给我

[19:36.87]You're going to kill me. Why would I... 你是无论如何都会杀死我的,我凭什么要给你--

[19:39.01]You think we're having a conversation here? Huh? 你以为我们是在谈判?

[19:41.54]Everybody be cool! Do you wanna go home? 都给我安静!你们还想回家吗?

[19:43.88]Don't look at me! Look at the floor! Everybody calm. Stay down. 别看着我!看着地板!

[19:47.18]Listen to me, I am not gonna ask you again. 都给我冷静.给我趴好.


[19:49.38]I want that key!

[19:50.88]- I can take him. - What? - 我能搞定那个 - 什么?

[19:53.22]The tall guy, he's not watching us. 那高个,他没看着我们.我能对付他

[19:55.62]It's now or never. Keep your head down. 机会只有一个.把头低下

[20:00.43]Hey! Watch out! 喂!喂!小心!

[20:05.10]Pick it up! 把它捡起来!

[20:07.60]Pick it up! Shoot him! 捡起来!射他!射他!

[20:11.04]What's wrong? Shoot! 你怎么了?开枪!

[20:12.71]- Cover him! - Shoot him! 掩护他!

[20:14.47]- Shoot him! Turn off the safety! - Gimme that. 射他!射他!


[20:18.21]It's on the side! Turn it off! 把枪给我!


[20:20.55]I don't know how to use a gun! 我不会用枪!

[20:24.38]You wanna get shot, fat boy? Huh? 你想吃一枪吗,胖小子?啊?

[20:29.09]- Okay, hero. - No, please, don't. - 好的,小英雄-- - 不要,求你了,不要

[20:31.09]Shut up! Let's you and me go talk. 闭嘴! 让我们谈谈吧,恩,走,里面去

[20:33.43]Huh? Right in here. Let's go.

[20:45.57]"I don't know how to use a gun"? "我不会用枪"?

[20:48.41]- That's classic. - Yeah. - 经典 - 是的

[21:16.24]You never said anything about math. 你从没提到过数学

[21:19.84]You worry about the French. I'll take care of the math. 你负责法语,我负责数学

[21:25.58]I can't do this. 我做不到

[21:28.48]If you really put your mind to it, I know you can. 如果你用心去做的话,我相信你做的到的,Shannon

[21:35.09]Where did you learn to speak French? 你在哪学会法语的?

[21:37.02]I knew this guy. 我认识这家伙

[21:42.83]- This guy? - In France, in St. Tropez. 这个家伙?

[21:44.23]在法国,St. Tropez.我在那住过一阵子

[21:45.80]I kind of lived there for a while.

[21:48.94]Well, they say that is the best way to learn a foreign language. 他们说这就是学一门外语的最好方法

[22:00.58]All right. 那好吧

[22:02.88]Let me see. 让我试试

[22:08.92]So... 那么...

[22:11.26]Uh... 呃...

[22:13.19]What is this? What is it for? 这什么--这个拿来干什么?

[22:23.07]A headache. 头疼?

[22:26.67]Oh. Cool. 噢.很不错

[22:29.54]All right. 好的

[22:31.55]Jack. Jack

[22:35.65]- We got a problem. - We have a problem, or... 我们遇到麻烦了


[22:40.09]...you have a problem? 你遇到麻烦了?

[22:46.73]Jack, you're the only one who knows about me. Jack,你是这儿唯一了解我的人

[22:56.07]Before I left for Sydney, 在我去Sydney之前,

[22:58.21]the marshal who was escorting me, he had this silver case. 押送我的人有个银色的箱子

[23:01.44]The airline wouldn't let him bring it on the plane. 航空公司不允许他把箱子带到飞机上

[23:04.08]It was hard enough trying to convince them to let him wear a gun. 说服他们让他允许带枪就已经很困难了

[23:07.48]But the case, they made him check it. 但是那个箱子--他们让他检查了

[23:10.78]What was in the case? 那箱子里有什么?

[23:13.32]Some traveling money. Some of his personal stuff. 一些旅途用的钱.还有一些他的私人物品

[23:18.39]And four 9 millimeters with a few boxes of ammo. 还有4把9毫米手枪和一些弹药

[23:22.20]- Guns. - Guns. 手枪


[23:31.47]- So, where is the case now? - Sawyer has it. 那,现在它在谁手上?


[23:35.81]Uh-huh. 啊

[23:37.08]- He hasn't been able to open it. - Lucky for us. 他还没打开,但是...

[23:39.55]He will. Sooner or later. - 还算走运 - 但他会打开的


[23:44.38]So, what do you need me to do? 那,你想让我怎么做?

[23:49.42]I know where the key is. He... 我知道钥匙在哪


[23:53.19]The marshal kept it in his wallet,

[23:55.66]in his back pocket.

[24:00.33]- I buried him, Kate. - I know. 我把他埋了,Kate.


[24:04.24]Where? 在哪?

[24:11.45]- So, what else is in the case? - What? 那箱子里还有什么其他东西?

[24:14.78]What else is in the case? 什么?


[24:16.62]Nothing. 没了

[24:20.05]- That's the truth? - Just the guns. 那是真的?


[24:31.93]If you want my help, 如果你想要我帮忙的话,我们就得一块儿打开箱子

[24:35.17]we're gonna open the case together.

[24:38.61]Okay. 好的

[24:43.01]Okay. 好

[24:48.28]- Why are you smiling? - Am I? 你在笑什么?

[24:51.38]You look happy. 我在吗?


[24:54.02]Well, I guess I must be then. 恩,我想那就是吧

[24:56.92]There's no reason. Things are awful. 没有原因会这么高兴吧.事情很糟

[24:58.89]- They're not awful. - We're stranded on an island. - 没那么严重 - 我们在这岛上束手无策

[25:01.76]- No one's coming for us. - You don't know that. - 没人会来救我们 - 你并不了解

[25:04.70]Well, what I do know 我所知道的是丛林里面有某种吃人的东西

[25:07.60]is there's something in that jungle that eats people.

[25:10.57]Just because we've not heard from it doesn't mean it won't get hungry again. 只是几个星期没听到它的声音


[25:14.77]And I know there's a person or people that are trying to hurt us. 我还知道有人在试图袭击我们

[25:18.95]- Charlie. - And... - Charlie. - 还有--

[25:21.85]Nobody blames you. - 没人责怪你 - 什么?

[25:23.68]What? 因为发生在Clair身上的事

[25:25.19]For what happened to Claire.

[25:26.89]It's not your fault. 那并不是你的错

[25:29.39]You did everything that you could do, 你把能做的都做了

[25:32.19]and you came very close to dying yourself. 你自己也差点丢了命

[25:36.43]Yeah. 是的

[25:39.77]Maybe I should have died. 也许我还是该死了好

[25:43.60]You know what I think, Charlie? 你知道我是怎么想的吗,Charlie?

[25:49.78]You need to ask for help. 你得找个人帮你一下

[25:52.78]Who's gonna help me? 谁会来帮我?

[25:59.12]So why didn't you put him with the others? 为什么你不把他和其他人放在一起

[26:01.82]When you burned the fuselage? 烧掉机身的时候?

[26:07.06]Because I needed to bury him. 因为我得把他埋葬了

[26:22.81]- So you ready to do this? - Hell, yeah. 你已经准备好这么做了?

[26:25.51]By now their imaginations are running wild. 该死,当然了.现在他们已经开始胡思乱想了

[26:27.75]Don't hold back. He won't talk if the details are off. 不要让步


[26:30.78]You and your details, Maggie. 你和你的条款,Maggie.

[26:37.26]- Okay, hero. - No, please, don't. - 好的,英雄... - 不,求你,不要

[26:39.36]Shut up! Everybody just relax! 闭嘴!


[26:44.16]- I said quiet. - Okay, Mr. Manager, 我说了,安静!


[26:46.93]you want to be a hard-ass?

[26:48.50]Protect a vault that doesn't even belong to you? 保护一个不属于你的保险库?

[26:51.17]Okay. There's gonna be consequences. 好吧,只有给点颜色瞧瞧了

[26:54.44]- He's gonna kill me anyway. - I swear, if you don't shut up. 他无论如何都会杀了我的


[27:00.38]You got three seconds to give me that damn key. 你有3秒钟选择给不给我钥匙

[27:03.25]One... 1...

[27:05.25]Two... 2...

[27:07.95]- Three. - All right. 3.


[27:10.46]I'll give it to you. 我给你

[27:12.83]Good. Let's go. 很好,那我们走吧

[27:15.36]Right around here. 就在这边

[27:17.30]Let's go. 走

[27:42.96]- You all right? - Compared to what? - 你还好吗? - 相对什么?

[27:46.16]- You want me to... - No. I'll do it. - 你要我-- - 不,还是我来

[27:49.26]Oh, God. 噢,老天

[28:03.71]- Did you get it? - Yeah. - 拿到了吗? - 是的




[28:27.87]The key isn't in here. 钥匙不在里面

[28:30.64]It isn't? 不在吗?

[28:35.14]That was real good sleight of hand distracting me with the wallet. 不在,但是用钱包这招来骗我还真是个不错的主意

[28:44.32]Open it. 手松开

[28:57.03]- Jack... - Don't. - Jack -- - 别

[29:00.90]Don't. 什么也别说


[29:19.92]"The sea of sparkles?" No, wait. Um... "光亮的海"? 不,等等.不,恩,

[29:22.46]"The sea of silver sparkles that change." "改变的银色的亮光的海洋"

[29:27.53]- It's the same as the last one. - Are you sure? 跟上一个是一样的


[29:32.57]The equation is different. It doesn't relate. 等式是完全不同的,一点也联系不上

[29:35.50]What you're saying doesn't make any sense. 你说的那些东西一点用也没有

[29:39.17]Okay. 好吧

[29:40.47]What about this one? 这句呢?

[29:42.58]It should say something about latitude. 应该是讲关于经度和纬度的东西的

[29:44.81]- Something about the stars. - Give me some room. 有关星星的


[29:49.62]Um... 恩...

[29:51.32]"Next to the pond... blue..." "池塘旁边...蓝色..."

[29:53.89]Uh..."Blue eternity." 啊, "蓝色的水泥板--蓝色永恒."

[29:58.29]No, wait, no. Um, "Blue infinity." 不,等等,不.啊, "蓝色无限."

[30:00.63]- "Blue infinity"? - "Blue infinity." "蓝色无限"?


[30:04.50]There's something about this that is so familiar. 感觉有点东西很熟悉

[30:07.13]You've been telling me what sounds very much like nonsense 在过去一小时里你都在给我讲一些类似于废话的东西

[30:10.20]for the past hour, and now it seems familiar? 现在又说对这个很熟悉?

[30:12.91]Okay, A: I told you that my French sucks. 好吧, "a",我告诉过你我的法语很差

[30:16.91]And B: This isn't my nonsense, okay? "b",这不是废话,行吗?

[30:20.08]Do you ever think that after 16 years on Mystery Frickin' Island, 你有没有想过在这该死的神秘岛上呆了16年之后

[30:24.25]your friend might not be quite adjusted? 你的朋友也许不会太适应?

[30:29.99]This was a mistake. 这是个错误

[30:33.66]Yeah. 是啊.你没听说吗?我是个完全没有用的人

[30:35.43]Haven't you heard? I'm completely useless.

[30:49.28]Sawyer? Sawyer?

[30:52.28]Doctor. 医生

[30:56.18]So, what can I do you for? 我为给你做什么吗?

[31:01.29]Figured she'd get you to do her dirty work for her. 我就知道她会叫你替她做这苦差事

[31:05.29]So, what? We gonna wrestle for it? 那么,怎么办呢,摔交决胜负?

[31:07.86]No, you're gonna give it to me. 不,你会把它给我的

[31:09.80]- Am I? - Yeah. - 我会吗? - 是的

[31:11.76]I'm just gonna give it to you? 我会把它交给你?

[31:14.40]Yeah. 是的

[31:15.97]- Why would I want to do that? - Cephalexin. 为什么我会想那样做?


[31:20.31]Yeah? Go on. 是吗?继续

[31:21.71]That's the antibiotic I'm giving you for the knife wound in your arm. 那是我用来给你治疗臂伤的抗生素

[31:26.21]You're in the middle of a cycle. If I keep giving you the pills, 你还在治疗周期里


[31:30.22]you're gonna be as right as rain. 你不久就会完全康复的

[31:32.79]But I'm gonna stop giving you the pills. 但如果我给你停药的话

[31:35.62]For two days you're gonna think you're all good. 头两天你还会以为你还没问题

[31:38.76]Then it's gonna start to itch. 慢慢伤口就会变痒

[31:41.63]The day after, the fever will come and you'll see red lines 再过一天,就会发烧

[31:44.80]running up and down your arm. Day or two after that... 然后你就会发现手臂上下都有红色条纹


[31:48.97]...you'll beg me to take the case just to cut off your arm. 你就会求我拿走箱子的


[31:55.04]That's a nice story, Jack. 这故事编的不错,Jack.

[31:57.21]And even if it were true, 但即使是真的

[32:00.18]I don't think you could do it. 我也不相信你会这么做的

[32:04.15]You're wrong. 你错了

[32:11.36]She tell you what's inside? 她告诉你里面有什么了?

[32:16.70]Yeah, me neither. 是的,我也不知道.

[32:20.00]Hope you got yourself some jaws of life back in Cave Town. 希望你回山洞的时候为你自己多拣几条命

[32:23.87]That's what it's gonna take to pop this bitch. 要搞懂她只能这样了

[32:26.31]I'll figure something out. 我会搞清楚的

[32:31.84]I know you think you're doing her a favor, 我知道你认为你在帮她的忙

[32:34.68]but however she talked you into doing this, 但不管她对你说什么

[32:37.92]she lied, brother. 她在撒谎,兄弟

[33:01.67]Jack? Jack?

[33:02.74]We're gonna do this together. 我们得一起把它打开

[33:06.45]- Why? - Because that's what I said we'd do. 为什么?


[33:15.89]What are you waiting for? Open the damn thing! 你还在等什么?


[33:20.19]Hell, now we're talking. Don't move. 说定了.别动

[33:24.46]- Please don't. I... - Shut up. - 求你了不要.我-- - 闭嘴

[33:34.51]I let you in. Now please let the girl go. 我让你们进来了.现在请放了那女孩

[33:40.98]Let the girl go? 放了她?

[33:44.18]Man, you have no idea, do you? 你还蒙在鼓里是吧?

[33:47.39]The girl is the one who set you up. 设下这个圈套的就是她

[33:50.26]The girl picked this bank. Picked this vault. 她选中了这家银行

[33:54.29]This whole thing is the girl's idea. 选中了这个金库


[34:00.23]- What are you doing? - Easy, Maggie. - 你干什么? - 放松,Maggie.

[34:03.80]Just cleaning up after myself. 我自己来处理后事

[34:06.91]Hey! 喂!

[34:11.38]You shoot, I shoot. 你开枪,我也开枪

[34:14.81]- Wait. What? - I said no one gets hurt. 等等.什么?


[34:18.79]I know you're cold, baby. 我知道你很冷血,宝贝儿

[34:20.89]But you're not that cold. 那也不至于那样吧

[34:27.73]What the hell is going on here? 这发生什么事了?

[34:30.46]- You shot me, you stupid bitch! - Shut up, Jason. 你敢开枪打我,你这个愚蠢的婊子!

[34:33.60]I told you not to trust her! 闭嘴,Jason.

[34:35.50]I need the key to safety deposit box 850 now. 我早就告诉你不要相信她!


[34:38.47]- Who are you? - The key to the box now. 你是谁?

[34:41.44]You need two keys, the bank's and... 现在把钥匙给我


[34:43.91]If you had the customer key, why... 既然你有客户的钥匙,那你为什么--

[34:46.01]I'm not on the signatory card. 我还并没有被授权

[34:47.68]You put me up to this to get into a safe deposit box? 你让我这样做就为了一个保险柜?

[34:50.35]I swear to God, you better kill me, 我对天发誓,你最好杀了我,Maggie,否则--

[34:53.15]- 'cause if you don't... - My name's not Maggie. Now go. 我不叫Maggie.现在,走

[35:10.94]Anything you want to tell me? 有没有什么想对我说的?

[35:17.21]All right then. 那好

[35:56.18]Is this it? 是这个吗?

[35:58.05]Is this what you wanted? 这是你想要的东西吗?

[36:28.41]What is it? 这是什么?

[36:32.99]- It's nothing. - What is it, Kate? 没什么

[36:35.62]You wouldn't understand. - 那是什么,Kate? - 你不会明白的

[36:37.96]I want the truth. 我想知道真相

[36:39.86]Just this once. What is it? 就这一次.它是什么?

[36:44.53]- It belonged to the man I loved. - The truth. 是我爱的人的东西

[36:47.13]It belonged to the man I loved! 我要听事实

[36:49.04]Stop lying to me! The truth! 那是我爱的男人的东西!

[36:50.60]It belonged to the man I killed! 别再跟我撒谎了!告诉我真相!


[38:36.34]Your husband was in the tail section of the plane. 你丈夫在飞机的尾部

[38:40.15]Yes, he was. 是的

[38:43.28]But he'll be back. 但他会回来的

[38:46.95]You think he's still alive? 你认为他现在还活着吗?

[38:49.36]I know he is. 我知道他还活着

[38:53.43]How? 怎么知道的?

[38:55.73]I just do. 我反正知道

[38:59.90]It's a fine line between denial and faith. 这是一条在否定和信任之间的线

[39:03.97]It's much better on my side. 线在我这边的话就好很多

[39:25.22]Help me. 帮帮我

[39:26.76]Baby... 孩子...

[39:30.93]I'm not the one that can help you. 我不是能帮你的那人

[39:45.91]Heavenly father, 神甫

[39:49.38]we thank you. 我们感谢你

[39:52.52]We thank you for bringing us together tonight. 感谢你今晚让我们在此相聚

[39:58.22]And we ask, 我们请求你给Charlie指明方向...

[40:01.19]that you show Charlie the path...

[40:32.59]The guy from St. Tropez, St. Tropez的那家伙

[40:36.06]he had this kid. 他有个孩子--

[40:39.00]A real snot, who hated me. 一个真正讨厌的人--


[40:42.17]His name was Laurent. 他叫Laurent.

[40:43.67]He watched this movie over and over and over again 他看了这部电影


[40:48.04]every day, all day, like kids do, 900 times.

[40:51.24]It was the cartoon about fish. 是个关于鱼的电影

[40:55.11]You know, one of the computer ones. 你知道的,是那种用电脑制作的

[40:57.05]Why are you telling me this? 你为什么要对我说这些?

[40:59.08]The movie was dubbed in French, 因为电影是法语配音的

[41:01.12]and at the end, there was this song. 结尾有首歌

[41:04.62]Those notations, they're song lyrics. 那些注解--


[41:08.96]And your French woman, 你说的那个法国女人

[41:11.03]she's just like Laurent, 她就像Laurent那样,因为她不停地反覆的写那些歌词

[41:12.87]'cause she wrote them over and over again.

[41:16.60]What's the song? 是什么歌?

[41:21.63]** La mer 海的肩 *

[41:24.38]* qu'on voit danser 漾起敞亮的海峡 *

[41:27.06]* le long des golfes clairs 起舞翩翩 *

[41:31.59]* a des reflets d'argent 银白色的光线 *

[41:35.98]* la mer 海的眼 *

[41:39.03]* des reflets changeants 撩拨变幻的光圈 *

[41:42.70]* sous la pluie 雨中缱绻 *

[41:47.46]* la mer 海的脸... **

[42:31.28]“迷失 第一季 第十二集” -=结束=-


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