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[00:01.93]Previously on Lost: 前情提要

[00:08.37]Did you say something to my boy? 你跟我孩子说什么了吗?

[00:10.54]- I need to talk to you. - You speak English? - 我要和你谈谈 - 你会说英语?

[00:13.68]My husband doesn't know. He has a bad temper. 我丈夫不知道. 他脾气很差. 我需要你的帮助

[00:16.88]I need your help.

[00:18.25]Where are you? Where are you? 你在哪?

[00:20.62]Where are you? 你在哪?


[00:52.38]Hell of a book. 只是一本破书

[01:09.53]It's about bunnies. 关于兔宝宝的

[01:13.87]You must be cold without your trunks. 不穿泳裤一定很冷吧

[01:16.67]You bet. 没错

[01:18.51]How about you come a little closer and warm me up? 靠近我一点, 为我取暖怎样?

[01:22.18]You sure know how to make a girl feel special, Sawyer. 你真是知道如何令女人感到特别

[01:29.82]You're incredible, Sawyer. 你太厉害了, Sawyer

[01:38.33]I love you. 我爱你

[01:44.97]Look at you. 看看你

[01:51.27]What do you want? 你现在想要什么?

[01:52.67]Right now.

[01:58.31]How could I want anything else? 我还能想要什么呢?

[02:12.53]- Uh-oh, baby. - "Uh-oh," what? - 噢, 啊, 宝贝 - 啊什么?

[02:15.36]- I thought you had a meeting. - Yeah, but it's not until 3:30. - 你有会要开吧 - 是的, 但是3:30开始

[02:18.80]Baby, it's 3:28. 宝贝, 现在3:28了

[02:23.74]Damn it. 妈的!

[02:25.81]Damn it. Baby, why don't you just... 妈的! 宝贝, 你为什么不, 呃...

[02:28.68]Just go. You go, okay? 不用了, 你走吧, 我会留在这的

[02:30.58]I'll stay here, order room service, get fat... 我会点餐的, 然后慢慢变胖

[02:34.52]Why don't you order a chocolate sundae. 点个巧克力圣代如何?

[02:36.95]When I get back, I'll use you as a dish. 当我回来后


[02:52.47]You weren't exactly supposed to see that. 你不该看到这些的

[03:26.97]What're you doing in my stuff, son? 你翻我的东西干吗?

[03:31.67]This is gonna hurt. 会很疼的


[03:38.91]Ready to tell me what happened? 可以告诉我发生什么了吗?

[03:40.82]We were trying to find the source of the distress call. 我们当时试着寻找求救信号的发源地

[03:44.45]I saw the flare from the beach 我看到了从沙滩发出的火箭炮

[03:47.12]and then the flare from Sawyer's position in the jungle. 然后又从Sawyer所在丛林的位置看到了

[03:50.23]I switched on my antenna, 我开启了我的天线

[03:52.99]activated the transceiver... 打开了无线电接收器

[03:56.36]...and then darkness. 然后...


[04:00.47]Whoever hit me came from behind. 有人从背后袭击了我

[04:03.61]- They destroyed the equipment? - Yes. - 然后破坏了仪器? - 是的

[04:07.94]We're gonna figure this out. But don't... 听着, 我们会找到是谁干的, 但不要 --

[04:10.28]I will do what I need to do to find the man responsible. 我会尽我所能找到那人的

[04:16.25]We need some help over here! 我们这需要帮忙

[04:28.13]What happened? 发生什么了?

[04:32.67]Sawyer. Sawyer

[04:50.13]片名:LOST - 迷失 第一季 第八集

[05:01.23]Morning delivery. - 早间递送 - 噢, 你真好, 谢了

[05:02.83]Aw, you're sweet. Thanks.

[05:05.63]Well, I figured in your condition, with the extra baggage, you know. 我想, 以你现在的情况

[05:09.47]- Well, I can still walk. - Barely. 承受着额外的负担

[05:09.99]- 我仍然可以行走 - 几乎不能

[05:13.34]Anyway, I worry about you out here. 不管怎样, 我很担心你 要知道, 这阳光很足

[05:16.44]You know, it's very sunny.

[05:18.81]Thus my hat. 但我有帽子

[05:20.42]You know, there's plenty of hats in the caves. 山洞里有很多帽子

[05:23.62]And we got a doctor. That'll come in handy. 我们那还有个医生, 会很方便的

[05:26.02]- I like the beach, Charlie. - Yeah. - 我喜欢沙滩, Charlie - 是的

[05:29.62]Who wouldn't want to spend the day with sand fleas? 有谁会不喜欢整天和沙蚤在一起呢?

[05:33.03]I want to be here. For when we get rescued. 当我们获救时, 我要在这

[05:38.93]When we get rescued. 当我们获救时

[05:40.94]Right. 没错

[05:52.15]Ow! Jack, it's fine. It's just a scrape. 啊! Jack, 没事

[05:54.98]Yeah, lots of scrapes today. 只是擦伤而已

[05:55.42]是啊, 多处擦伤

[05:59.12]I'm running out of peroxide. 双氧水快没了

[06:01.89]- He just jumped me, man. - Why? - 他冲向我就打 - 为什么

[06:06.63]- Shannon has asthma. - Asthma? Shannon有哮喘

[06:08.72]- 哮喘? - 是的

[06:10.73]- Never seen her have an attack. - She had an inhaler. 以前从没看她发作过

[06:13.27]She sneaks hits when no one's looking. 因为她有呼吸器

[06:13.68]当没人注意时, 她才用

[06:15.34]She's been embarrassed about it since she was a kid. 从很小开始, 她就为此感到烦恼

[06:18.04]Guess breathing's not cool. 用呼吸器可不酷

[06:20.71]- Had an inhaler? - It ran out a couple days ago. - 还有呼吸器吗? - 几天前用完了

[06:23.85]But I had four refills, enough for a couple months. 但还有四管替换的药, 应该足够用几个月了

[06:26.51]She forgets her medication, so I put it in my suitcase. 但她总是忘记带, 所以就放在我的箱子里了

[06:29.42]Today I see that jackass reading Watership Down. 今天我看到那个混蛋读

[06:32.19]- You're losing me. - It was in my bags, stuff I checked. 我糊涂了

[06:33.49]它是在我包里的 -- 我带上飞机的

[06:35.29]If he has my book, he has my luggage. 如果他有我的书, 他就有我的行李

[06:37.23]If he has the luggage, he has the inhalers. 如果他有我的行李, 他就有呼吸器

[06:45.17]Her breathing got really rough today, man. 今天她已经感到呼吸困难了

[06:47.80]If she has an attack, it's not gonna be good. 如果她突然发作就糟了

[07:03.45]Where is it? - 它在哪? - 嘿, 医生, 好久不见

[07:04.89]Hey, doc. Long time, no see.

[07:07.32]- Where is it? - Where's what? - 它在哪? - 什么在哪?

[07:08.92]The girl's asthma medicine. 那女孩的哮喘药

[07:11.49]- Shannon. Her inhalers. - Oh, that. Shannon, 她的呼吸器

[07:14.43]You attacked a kid for helping his sister. 噢, 那个啊


[07:16.83]No, I whooped a thief because he was going through my stuff... 不对, 我是教训了一个小偷 因为他在翻我的东西

[07:20.27]- Yours? ...which I had to move. - 你的? 你说它是你的? - 我正要搬到这的...

[07:22.10]You take something out of a suitcase and that makes it yours? 你从皮箱里随便拿出件东西, 它就是你的了?

[07:25.51]I don't know what kind of commie share-fest you're running in Cave Town, 我不知道你们山洞那怎么共产主义分享

[07:30.14]but down here, possession's nine-tenths. 但在这, 所有权是九十开

[07:32.61]- Man's got a right to protect property. - Get up. 人有权力保护他的财产


[07:36.78]- Why? You wanna see who's taller? - Get up! 为什么, 你想看看谁比较高?

[07:39.49]- Sure you wanna make this your problem? - Oh, yeah. I'm sure. 起来!

[07:39.89]你确定想管这事吗, 医生?

[07:41.52]是的, 我确定

[07:45.36]Hey. 嘿!

[07:47.96]What's going on here? 发生什么事了?

[08:01.81]You told me you were going to Baton Rouge to close a deal. 你说你要去Baton Rouge做笔交易

[08:04.88]Just trust me. There isn't any time to explain. 相信我, 没时间解释了, 我已经晚了

[08:07.38]I'm already late.

[08:09.15]If I miss this meeting, the whole deal's a bust, all right? 如果我错过了, 这笔生意就完了, 好吧?

[08:16.52]That's everything I have, $140,000. 那是我的全部, $140,000

[08:21.03]There's an oil mining operation in the Gulf of Mexico, drilling platforms. 在墨西哥海湾的钻探平台, 有一个钻油工程

[08:25.77]$300,000 buys you one share. $300,000可以买一个股份

[08:28.74]But as soon as you invest, a government-sponsored fund kicks in 但投资后

[08:31.15]一笔政府赞助的资金马上就会到位 然后两星期后, 你的投资就会翻三番

[08:32.71]and triples your money in two weeks. Triples it.

[08:36.01]- Three hundred thousand? - Yeah. 三番

[08:36.16]- $300,000? - 是的

[08:38.51]- You got 140. - I found an investor in Toronto. 你有$140,000?

[08:40.37]我在多伦多找了个投资者, 他要五五分成

[08:42.18]He wants in, 50-50.

[08:43.85]In two weeks, we'll be splitting almost a million bucks. 两个礼拜, 我们将会平分近百万美元

[08:47.05]Jess, this is my chance. Jess, 这是我的机遇

[08:55.80]There's another option. 还有种选择

[08:57.47]Yeah? And what's that? 是吗? 什么?

[08:59.20]That I give you the 160,000 and we split the profit. 我给你$160,000, 利润我们分

[09:02.97]Yeah? And how in the hell are you gonna scare up 160,000 bucks? 是吗, 那你要怎么弄到160,000美金?

[09:09.21]My husband. 我丈夫

[09:12.45]I'm gonna kill him. 我要杀了他

[09:13.88]- That won't help us get the medicine. - But it'll feel good. 这不会帮我们拿到药的

[09:17.42]So, what's stopping you? 也许不会, 但我会很舒服


[09:20.82]We're not savages, Kate. Not yet. 我们不是野人, Kate


[09:26.36]Let me talk to Sawyer. 让我和Sawyer谈谈

[09:28.06]What makes you think he's gonna listen to you? 你凭什么认为他会听你的?

[09:31.40]- He says we have a connection. 他说我们有关系

[09:38.34]- Do you? - Please. - 真的? - 拜托

[09:52.49]What do you want? 你想要什么?

[09:57.53]- Excuse me? - What do you want, Sawyer? 什么?

[09:59.66]你想要什么, Sawyer?

[10:02.86]Freckles, I got so many answers to that question, 雀斑女, 对于这个问题我有很多答案

[10:06.13]I wouldn't even know where to start. 我都不知该从何说起

[10:08.44]What do you want for the inhalers? 你想用什么来换呼吸器?


[10:13.34]Good question. Hang on a tick. 问的好, 让我想想

[10:18.65]What do I want? 我想要什么?

[10:24.15]A kiss ought to do it. 一个吻应该够了

[10:26.09]- What? - A kiss. - 什么? - 一个吻

[10:28.66]From you. Right now. 你的吻, 就现在

[10:34.23]I don't buy it. 我不会买的

[10:36.30]- Buy what? - The act. - 买什么? - 你的所作所为

[10:39.17]You try too hard, Sawyer. 你太过分了, Sawyer

[10:42.60]I ask you to help a woman who can't breathe and you want me to kiss you? 我要你帮一个呼吸有困难的女孩, 你却让我吻你?

[10:49.08]Nobody's that disgusting. 没人会那么恶心的

[10:54.32]I've seen you, you know. - 我看过你的了 - 看到我什么了?

[10:55.82]- Seen me what? - With that piece of paper.

[10:59.32]The one you keep in your pocket. 那张纸, 你放在口袋里那张纸

[11:02.39]I've seen the expression on your face when you read it. 我看到了你看它时的表情

[11:05.76]How carefully you fold it up. It means something to you. 你小心翼翼得把它折起 它对你一定有特殊意义

[11:10.56]So you can play games all you want, 你可以随你便玩你的游戏

[11:13.73]but I know there's a human being in there somewhere. 但我知道这里还有个有人情味的人

[11:16.87]Give me the medication. 把药给我

[11:18.61]- You think you understand me? - Yeah. 你以为你了解我了?

[11:22.18]- I think I have... - Shut up! - 是的, 我觉得 -- - 闭嘴!

[11:26.41]Wanna know what kind of human being I am? 你想知道我是个什么样的人吗?

[11:31.29]Read it. 读读看

[11:37.56]Read it. Out loud. 读读看!


[11:45.33]"Dear Mr. Sawyer, "亲爱的Sawyer先生,

[11:48.44]you don't know who I am, but I know who you are, "你不认识我,

[11:51.41]and I know what you've done. "但我认识你,


[11:55.98]You had sex with my mother, "你和我妈妈上过床,

[11:59.81]and then you stole my dad's money all away. "然后你偷了我爸爸所有的钱

[12:03.88]So he got angry, and he killed my mother. "所以他很生气,


[12:09.99]And then he killed himself too." 之后他就自杀了"

[12:12.23]Don't stop now. 不要停下来

[12:14.46]You're getting to the good part. 好戏马上就来了

[12:20.80]"All I know is your name. "我只知道你的名字,

[12:23.37]But one of these days I'll find you and give you this letter, "但不用多久我会找到你的,

[12:25.14]"然后我会交给你这封信, 好让你记住你对我做过什么

[12:26.84]so you'll remember what you done to me.

[12:32.38]You killed my parents, Mr. Sawyer." 你杀了我的父母, Sawyer先生."

[12:46.06]Now, about that kiss. 那么, 要接吻吗?

[12:55.44]I didn't think so. 我想不会的

[13:14.49]Locke. Locke,

[13:15.96]Where were you last night, around sunset? 昨晚天快黑的时候你在哪?

[13:20.39]Well, I'm afraid the only witness to my whereabouts is the boar 恐怕唯一见到我行踪的就是

[13:24.27]that I was skinning for our dinner. 那只我在剥皮来当晚餐的野猪

[13:27.20]I heard you were trying to send out a distress call? 我听说你要去发送求救信号

[13:29.90]So it would seem whoever attacked you has a reason 那么看起来

[13:33.27]for not wanting to get off the island. 袭击你的人一定有原因不想离开这个岛

[13:37.41]Maybe someone who is profiting from our current circumstances? 也许有人正在我们的状况中受益

[13:44.19]And from what I've seen, you and Mr. Sawyer 在我看来, 你和Sawyer先生

[13:46.55]share a certain animosity. 好像有点仇恨

[13:48.66]No, he has an alibi. 不, 他有不在场的证据

[13:50.79]Just before I was struck, he set off a bottle rocket, 在我被袭击之前,

[13:52.82]他从两公里之外, 发射了一只火箭炮

[13:54.36]a signal we'd worked out, two kilometers away.

[13:57.16]He couldn't have had the time... 他没有时间从 --

[13:59.27]Unless he found a way to time-delay the fuse on his rocket. 除非他有可以延时引燃导火索的办法

[14:04.91]- How could he...? - Anyone who watches television 他怎么会有 --

[14:07.58]knows how to improvise a slow fuse. 看电视的人都会知道怎样延迟引燃导火索

[14:12.18]Use a cigarette. 香烟就可以了

[14:23.99]Just in case there's a next time. 用来防止再发生

[14:37.23]快, Jack

[14:39.91]Just try to breathe. Breathe. 试着呼吸, 呼吸

[14:43.28]Come on, Shannon, work with me. 快, Shan, 配合点

[14:58.73]Give me the inhalers. 把呼吸器给我...

[15:01.23]Now. 现在

[15:04.60]Hell, I was wondering when you were gonna stop asking nice. 妈的, 你什么时候才会好好的问

[15:18.41]Well, it's about time, cowboy. 是时候了, 小子

[15:21.95]I've been telling you since day one we're in the wild. 我从第一天就开始告诉你, 我们在野外

[15:25.12]Didn't think you had it in you. 不要以为你有优势

[15:37.90]Is that all you got? 你就会这些?

[16:04.83]I'm not sure this is such a good idea. 我不知道这是不是个好主意

[16:07.19]Why not? 为什么?

[16:08.40]Because business between friends is always a little sticky. 朋友间做生意总是会很棘手

[16:14.64]I don't know you well, but I know your wife, 我不太了解你, 但我了解你妻子

[16:16.97]working with her at the auto dealership. 我们同在汽车代理商工作

[16:19.24]I'm just not sure I'm comfortable. 不知我会不会适应这个

[16:21.24]Louisiana will invest two-thirds of the drilling cost. 路易斯安那州将会投资2/3的钻探费用

[16:24.31]What is this, a loophole? 这是什么, 法律漏洞?

[16:26.55]Look, David, you're reluctant. I get it. David, 你不愿意, 我知道了

[16:29.22]You got your lumberyard, you don't need this. 你有你的木场, 你不需要赚这钱

[16:31.69]- We should do this. - Jess, I don't even know this guy. 我们应该做的

[16:32.85]Jess, 我根本不认识这人

[16:35.19]Show him the cash. 把现金给他看

[16:48.67]- How do I know this is real? - The money? 我怎么知道这是真的?

[16:52.34]Hell, how about you hold on to it for a night. 钱吗?


[16:55.98]Check it out. 检查一下

[16:57.88]I want you to feel secure. 我想让你感到放心

[17:06.35]You know what? Let's not do this. 你知道吗?

[17:09.76]I've got another investor who's committed. 我们还是不要做了

[17:10.01]我还有另一个投资人, 已经谈好了

[17:12.26]That should cover lunch. - David! - 午餐钱应该够了

[17:14.23]And I'll see you Monday. - 我们周一见 - David

[17:16.56]- David. - David.

[17:18.93]Wait. 等等

[17:24.47]Warm, fluffy towels. 温暖的绒毛毛巾

[17:27.11]Your turn. 该你了

[17:29.18]Uh... 呃...

[17:32.18]- Banoffi pie. - You already said that. 香蕉太妃派

[17:35.62]Toffee and cream. Mmm. 你已经说过了

[17:35.75]太妃糖加奶油 -- 嗯

[17:38.22]Is food the only thing that you miss? 你想念的就只有吃的?

[17:40.95]You're pregnant. I mean, do you not crave anything? 你怀孕了

[17:42.80]我是说, 你就不馋什么吗?

[17:44.96]Pickles? Fried ice cream? Chocolate... 泡菜, 炸冰淇淋, 巧克力 --

[17:48.50]Peanut butter. 花生酱

[17:50.43]I'm the only Australian who loves peanut butter. 我是唯一喜欢花生酱的澳洲人

[17:54.07]I can get you peanut butter. 我可以帮你弄到花生酱

[17:56.50]- Yeah. Sure you can. - Yes, I can. - 没错, 你可以 - 我真的可以

[17:59.41]When I get you peanut butter, you vacate this shore of depression 如果我弄到花生酱,

[18:00.90]你要离开这死气沉沉的沙滩, 搬到山洞去

[18:02.81]and move to the caves.

[18:06.91]Deal? 成交?

[18:10.25]Deal. 成交

[18:13.09]- Help! She's not breathing!

[18:14.79]救命! 她不呼吸了!

[18:16.96]The attacks are getting worse. 哮喘越来越严重了!

[18:18.96]Shannon? Listen to me. Shannon, 听我说, 看着我, 看着我

[18:20.89]Look at me. Look at me.

[18:22.66]You need to listen now. This isn't just the asthma. 你要听我说


[18:25.63]It's anxiety. It's in your head. Yes. - 是由于你的焦虑 - 不

[18:27.60]You know that your medicine's run out, and you're panicking. 就在你脑子里, 是的

[18:28.22]你知道药用完了, 所以很惊慌

[18:31.11]Shannon. Look at me. But we can fight this. Shannon, Shannon, 看着我

[18:33.84]Together. Okay? 我们可以一起克服的, 好吗?

[18:36.51]Nod your head, Shannon. Good. 点点头, Shannon

[18:39.71]- Breathe in... - She needs her inhaler. 很好

[18:39.98]- 吸气 -- - 她需要呼吸器 - Boone!

[18:42.48]- Breathe in through the nose. Slowly. 用鼻子慢慢的吸气

[18:45.19]No, no, no. In through the nose. Like this. 不, 不, 不, 像这样, 用鼻子吸

[18:48.62]You can do this, Shannon. You can do it. 你能做到的, Shannon, 你能做到的

[18:50.99]- In through the nose. 用鼻子吸气

[19:02.67]You got your breath. Yeah, your color's coming back. 你可以呼吸了

[19:05.54]See? I knew you could do this. 你脸色恢复了, 我知道你能做到的

[19:07.21]- Do you feel it? It's passing. - Yeah. - 感觉到了吗? - 是的

[19:09.51]Okay. Again. In through the nose. 通气了, 好了, 再来


[19:16.25]All right. Just keep doing that. 好的, 继续这样

[19:18.62]Keep breathing like that. That's perfect. Good job. 继续那样的呼吸, 太好了, 干得好

[19:26.73]Keep her relaxed. Do not let her panic. 让她保持放松

[19:28.61]- 不要让她惊慌 - 好的

[19:32.43]Wow, man. That was awesome. 喔, 老兄, 太棒了

[19:35.20]I mean, that was like a... 我是说, 那就像...

[19:39.41]...Jedi moment. 绝处逢生

[19:48.62]Jack! Jack!

[19:50.88]What will happen if she doesn't get her medicine? 如果弄不到药, 她会怎么样?

[19:55.42]Then we have to make Sawyer give it to us. 那我们就要让Sawyer把它给我们

[19:57.79]Yeah. That's what I'm gonna do. 是的, 这正是我要做的

[19:59.49]No, not you. Me. 不, 不是你, 是我

[20:02.30]I served five years in the Republican Guard. 我在共和国护卫队服了5年役

[20:04.80]You were a communications officer. 我听说你是通讯军官

[20:06.73]Part of my training entailed getting the enemy to communicate. 我的部分训练就是如何与敌人沟通

[20:13.04]Just give me ten minutes with him. 给我10分钟

[20:16.18]He'll give us the medicine. 他就会把药给我们

[20:23.75]Is that a yes? 那是同意了吗?

[20:27.85]Yes. 是的

[20:34.29]Food from the plane's been gone over a week, dude. 飞机上的食物一个礼拜前就吃完了

[20:37.40]What, no secret stash for emergencies? 你没藏点, 以备紧急情况吗?

[20:40.17]You and Jack have a bunch of stuff in that cave. 你和Jack在山洞里有那么多东西

[20:42.64]Sorry, man. 抱歉, 没有花生酱, 没有花生, 什么都没有

[20:43.87]No peanut butter, no peanuts, no nothing.

[20:47.54]Yeah, but... 是的, 但一定会有点什么的, 我是说, 看看你

[20:49.11]There's got to be something. I mean, look at you.

[20:57.25]- Look at what? - No, no, listen... 看看什么?

[20:59.65]- Fat guy hoarding the food, you think? - No. 不, 不, 听我说 --

[20:59.92]胖人会藏食物? 你是这么想的吗?

[21:01.99]We've been here for two weeks, you know, and you've not really... 不! 只是我们来这已经两个礼拜了, 可你一点也没 --

[21:05.59]- Slimmed down? - All I need's a bag... 变瘦?

[21:07.59]I have no food, all right? - 我只是需要一袋花生 - 我没有食物, 好吗?

[21:11.90]And for the record, I'm down a notch on my belt. 事实是, 我的腰带已经减了一个扣了

[21:15.10]Oh! 我很胖

[21:16.34]I'm a big guy. It's gonna be a while before you give me a piggyback ride. 要你看出我变瘦, 需要经过很长时间的

[21:20.04]Sorry. 对不起

[21:21.41]Sorry. 对不起

[21:23.31]- That was bad form. - Yeah. 这不是个好的体型

[21:25.45]- I'm used to it. - So there's not even a bag of... 是的, 我习惯了

[21:28.48]- Dude. - Okay. - 那么, 连一袋 -- - 老兄!

[21:30.38]All right. I'm sorry. 好吧, 很抱歉

[21:36.92]Ahh! Ah!

[21:39.56]Damn, stupid... 真他妈的笨 --

[21:48.10]Michael? Michael...

[21:50.64]- Oh. - The sick girl. 那个生病的女孩...

[21:54.51]- Yeah, asthma. - Yes, asthma. - 是的, 哮喘 - 是的, 哮喘

[21:58.31]I think I can help her. 我想我能帮她

[22:11.36]Good morning. 早安

[22:19.17]What are you doing? 你在干什么?

[22:23.40]- Jack! - This was Sawyer's choice, not mine. Jack!

[22:24.49]是Sawyer自己选的, 不是我

[22:27.07]If you do this... 如果你这么做...

[22:37.55]Well, ain't you the brave one? Jumping a guy while he's napping. 好了, 你不是很勇敢吗? 袭击一个正在睡觉的人

[22:46.79]Uh-oh. 噢, 我有麻烦了, 是吧?

[22:48.96]I'm in trouble now, ain't I?

[22:55.37]Sawyer... Sawyer...

[22:58.77]We gave you the chance to do the right thing. 我们给过你机会

[23:02.08]Now, all I want is the asthma medicine. Just tell me where the inhalers are... 现在我只想要哮喘药 告诉我呼吸器在哪,

[23:07.45]...and we'll stop. 我们就会停手

[23:09.52]- Stop what, Chico? 停手做什么?

[23:22.13]It doesn't have to be this way. 本来不用这样的

[23:27.17]Yeah, it does. 不, 用的

[23:40.18]We do not have bamboo in Iraq, 伊拉克没有竹子

[23:43.28]although we do have something similar. Reeds. 可我们有类似的东西 -- 芦苇

[23:47.05]But their effect is the same 但效果是一样的

[23:49.49]when the chutes are inserted underneath the fingernails. 当竹尖插入指甲下面

[23:54.86]You know what I think, Ali? 你知道我在想什么吗, 阿里?

[23:57.30]I think you've never actually tortured anybody in your life. 我想你一生中一定没折磨过人

[24:02.67]Unfortunately for us both... 对于我俩都不幸的是

[24:06.87]...you're wrong. 你错了

[24:24.16]That's it? That's all you got? 就这样?


[24:28.66]Splinters? 竹尖?

[24:31.36]No wonder we kicked your ass in the Gulf... 难怪我们在海湾收拾了你们 -- 啊!

[24:41.94]Sayid. Sayid --

[24:44.08]Sayid! Sayid!

[24:52.32]No. Don't stop now. 不


[24:55.46]I think my sinuses are clearing. 我刚喘过气来

[24:57.66]- What the hell is wrong with you? - Perhaps losing an eye... 你到底怎么了?


[25:01.56]...will loosen your tongue. 会让你松口

[25:04.83]Okay! 好吧!

[25:07.37]Okay. 好吧


[25:11.84]Where is it? 它在哪?

[25:14.88]The only person I'll tell... 我会告诉的人...

[25:18.41]...is her. 只有她

[25:23.25]- Kate? - That's the deal. Kate?


[25:30.42]Tell me, Sawyer, do you want to die? 告诉我, Sawyer, 你想死吗?

[25:36.26]'Cause when a man walks into my place 因为当一个男人走进我的地盘时

[25:39.20]and tells me he left 160,000 of my hard-won dollars 告诉我他把我$160,000辛苦赚来的钱 交给一个平民...

[25:44.80]in the care of a civilian,

[25:48.11]I gotta ask myself if what I'm hearing isn't a desperate cry 我倒要问问自己, 我听到的是不是

[25:51.51]for the sweet release of death. 由于死亡而解脱的绝望的呼喊

[25:55.68]The deal closed today. 今天成交

[25:58.25]See, women are easy. 女人很好骗

[26:01.62]A few Cosmos, a couple of stunts they haven't seen between the sheets 几句甜言蜜语, 再来几招 她们从未见过的床上功夫

[26:05.56]and they think the scam is their idea. 他们就会以为骗局是她们出的主意

[26:08.66]Now, the husbands... They need to touch the money. 丈夫们 -- 他们需要摸一摸钱, 闻一下

[26:11.30]Smell it.

[26:13.37]Believe if they had the brass to put that case 并让他们相信自己可以把钱放到私家车

[26:15.84]in the trunk of their family sedan and speed away, 后备箱的皮箱里, 然后开车走人

[26:18.61]they just might have a chance at being an honest-to-gosh outlaw. 他们就有机会成为忠诚的罪犯了

[26:23.68]Okay, Tex. 好了, Tex, 既然你有这么好的骗局

[26:25.15]You got your grift so pat...

[26:29.48]...what did you need my money for? 你拿我的钱做什么?

[26:31.95]Where's your seed from the last couple you roped? 你从上一对夫妇那骗到的钱哪去了?

[26:34.55]Well, what can I say? 我该怎么说呢?

[26:36.66]I like earning it as much as I like spending it. 我喜欢以我赚钱的速度来花钱

[26:43.76]Be that as it may, 不管怎样

[26:46.87]I know a thing or two about making people suffer. 我知道一两样折磨人的方法

[26:50.10]Now, you have my money, plus 50 percent by noon tomorrow, 明天中午前, 你要把我的钱 加上50%的利息一并给我

[26:55.34]or I'll tell you all about it. 不然我就会让你知道我的方法

[27:22.04]So I'm here. Where is it? 我来了, 它在哪?

[27:27.41]Happy to tell you, soon as I get that kiss. 我得到那个吻以后


[27:32.75]What? Are you serious? 什么? 你是认真的?

[27:35.48]Baby, I am tied to a tree in a jungle of mystery, 宝贝, 我被绑在一个神秘丛林的树上

[27:39.42]and I just got tortured by a damn spinal surgeon 我刚被一个脊椎外科医生 和一个纯种伊拉克人折磨过

[27:42.09]and a genuine Iraqi.

[27:45.69]Of course I'm serious. 我当然是认真的了

[27:48.56]You're not seeing the big picture here, Freckles. 你还没看透吗, 雀斑女

[27:51.26]You're really gonna let that girl suffocate 你真的想让那女孩窒息而死

[27:53.80]because you can't bring yourself to give me one little kiss? 只是因为你不想跟我接吻?

[27:58.30]Hell, it's only first base. 妈的, 只到一垒而已

[28:00.84]Lucky for you I ain't greedy. 你很幸运, 我不贪心

[28:12.85]Okay. 好吧

[28:18.29]Okay. 好吧


[29:13.28]I don't have it. 我没有

[29:17.92]What? 什么?

[29:22.22]The medicine. 药

[29:25.63]I don't have it. Never did. 我没有, 我从没有过

[29:27.99]The book. They said you found it in their luggage. 书呢 --


[29:32.43]Book washed up on shore. 书是在岸边找到的

[29:36.00]Went in the drink with the rest of the... 和饮料还有其它的 --

[29:51.95]- He doesn't have it. - What? 他没有

[29:54.95]He's lying. Can't you see that? He's been lying from the beginning. - 什么? - 他说谎, 你看不出来吗?


[29:58.93]He doesn't want us to get off. That's why he attacked me. 他不想让我们离开这座岛

[30:02.03]- Hold on a minute. - He destroyed the transceiver! - 所以他袭击了我 - 等一下

[30:03.12]- 是他毁了无线电接收器 - 你不知道的

[30:04.83]You don't know that. Sayid.


[30:32.26]You hit an artery. 刺中了动脉

[30:34.06]Keep still, damn it. 别动, 妈的

[30:37.90]Sayid, I need my stuff from the caves. My leather backpack. Sayid, 我需要我山洞里的皮革背包, 快!


[30:45.24]Can you make it stop? 你能止住血吗?

[31:06.39]Whose blood is that? 这是谁的血?

[31:08.60]Whose blood is that? 谁的血?

[31:10.56]Sawyer. Sawyer

[31:13.50]You went after Sawyer and didn't tell me? She's my sister. 你去扁Sawyer, 却不叫上我?

[31:16.70]Boone! - 她是我妹妹 - Boone

[31:19.51]Don't leave me alone, okay? 别丢下我, 好吗?

[31:29.92]I'm not going anywhere. 我哪也不去

[31:32.25]Okay? 好吗?

[31:34.75]Okay. 好

[31:44.76]These the right ones? 是这个吗? 我想我找到了正确的树, 但 --

[31:46.00]- I think I found the right tree... - Let me see.


[31:49.80]Oh, yes. Good. 噢, 是的, 很好


[32:21.50]Don't, man. 不要

[32:23.84]I'm telling you. 我告诉你..

[32:26.54]Don't. 不要

[32:40.72]Let go. I know you want to. 放手

[32:43.42]Shut up, and stop moving. 我知道你想放手的

[32:45.22]You've been waiting for this. You get to be a hero again, 闭嘴, 别动

[32:45.74]你一直在等这个时刻, 是吧?

[32:48.59]because that's what you do. You fix everything up all nice. 你又要成英雄了

[32:49.16]因为你就是这么做的 你把什么事都处理的很好

[32:54.67]Tell him to let go, Freckles. We already made out. 该放手了, 雀斑女 我们已经亲密过了

[32:59.31]What else have I got to live for? 我还有什么好奢求的呢?

[33:03.41]Hey, Jack, there's something you should know. 嘿, Jack, 有件事你应该知道

[33:07.81]If the tables were turned... 如果我们换个位置的话

[33:11.99]...l'd watch you die. 我会看着你死去的

[33:18.02]Alrighty. 好了

[33:20.53]Looks like we're in the oil business. 看来这笔石油生意我们成交了

[33:23.23]- We're cool? - Oh, we're cool. - 我们酷吧? - 噢, 很酷

[33:26.17]- We get the money back... - A week from tomorrow. Tripled. - 何时能拿回钱... - 明天起一个礼拜, 三倍的

[33:29.74]- You're not gonna skip town, are you? - David, for God's sake. 你不会逃跑吧?

[33:31.95]David, 别这样!

[33:33.54]He left all his money with us. We could've skipped town. 他把他老本都交到我们手里了 要跑也是我们跑

[33:36.58]A smart woman you got there, David. 你有个聪明的女人, David 别放走她

[33:39.01]Don't let her go.

[33:43.45]Hi, baby. What are you doing up? 嗨, 宝贝

[33:46.62]Are you feeling better? 你出来做什么? 感觉好点了吗?

[33:48.59]Will you read to me? 你能给我讲故事吗?

[33:50.92]In a minute, sweetheart. We have company. 等一会, 甜心 我们现在有事要做

[34:02.87]Are you okay? 你没事吧?

[34:05.17]Deal's off. 交易取消

[34:07.47]- Excuse me? - Deal's off. Forget it. - 什么? - 交易取消, 忘了它吧

[34:09.44]- What are you doing? - Is this a joke? - 你在做什么? - 等等, 这算什么, 一个玩笑?

[34:11.58]- Walking away. - You're not walking out. 我不做了, 这就走

[34:13.78]Know what I had to do for this, all this in one day? 你不可以走

[34:14.41]你知道我为了这都做了什么吗 一天内筹到这么多钱

[34:16.38]Take your hand off me, boy. - 不要碰我, 老兄 - Sawyer! - 这是怎么了?

[34:18.32]- Sawyer? - What's going on here?

[34:20.12]This isn't how it was supposed to work. You said we were... 事情不该这样的

[34:23.56]He said? What did he say? - 你说过我们会 -- - 他说过什么了, Jessica!

[34:55.32]You're lucky to be alive. 很幸运, 你能活着

[35:00.76]Jack? Jack?

[35:03.50]He went to the caves to check on Shannon. 去山洞照看Shannon了

[35:09.24]I read it again. And then again. 我又读了一遍

[35:12.34]I've been trying to figure out why you beat up Boone 又一遍,


[35:15.07]instead of just telling him you didn't have his sister's medication. 却不直接告诉他你没有他妹妹的药

[35:19.05]Why you pretended to have it anyway. 但你为什么要假装你有呢?

[35:21.35]The thing that I keep coming back around to is that you want to be hated. 我能想到的解释就是 你想让大家都恨你

[35:27.59]And then I looked at the envelope. 我又看了这信封

[35:31.49]"America's Bicentennial. Knoxville, Tennessee." "美国两百周年纪念, Knoxville市, 田纳西州"

[35:35.90]You were just a kid. 你当时只是个小孩, 8岁, 也许9岁

[35:37.53]- Eight, maybe nine years old. - Kate.

[35:39.53]This letter wasn't written to you. 这封信不是写给你的, 而是你写的

[35:42.37]You wrote this letter.

[35:48.88]Your name's not Sawyer, is it? 你名字不叫Sawyer, 是吧?

[35:55.11]It was his name. 这是他的名字

[35:58.52]He was a confidence man. 他是个骗子

[36:01.19]Romanced my momma to get to the money. 勾引我妈妈, 骗到了钱

[36:06.03]Wiped them out clean, left a mess behind. 骗走了一切, 剩下一堆乱摊子

[36:10.43]So I wrote that letter. 所以我写了那封信

[36:14.60]I wrote it knowing one day I'd find him. 我写了它, 希望有一天能找到他

[36:18.77]But that ain't the sad part. 但那还不算是悲伤的部分

[36:22.11]When I was 19, 我19岁时

[36:25.58]I needed six grand to pay these guys off I was in trouble with. 我需要交6千元给那些找我麻烦的人

[36:32.99]So I found a pretty lady with a dumb husband who had some money. 所以我找到了一个漂亮的女士 她的笨蛋丈夫还有一些钱

[36:40.53]And I got them to give it to me. 我从他那骗到了些钱

[36:46.37]How's that for a tragedy? 还算悲惨吧?

[36:49.24]I became the man I was hunting. 我变成了我要找的那个人

[36:53.34]I became Sawyer. 我变成了Sawyer

[37:05.65]Don't you feel sorry for me. 你不同情我吗

[37:12.43]Get the hell out. 滚出去!

[37:15.06]Get out! 出去!

[37:48.79]It was like some miracle. She showed up with that mixture. 我不知道, 好像是奇迹

[37:52.06]She rubbed it on Shannon's chest and ten minutes later she was breathing. 她拿着那个混合物

[37:52.63]把它涂在Shannon的胸前, 10分钟后她就正常呼吸了

[38:06.38]Eucalyptus. 桉树

[38:09.62]Smart, Jack. 聪明, Jack

[38:12.18]Thank you. 非常感谢

[38:14.02]Very much.

[38:38.48]- What are you doing? - Packing your stuff. - 你在干什么? - 收拾你的东西

[38:41.35]You're moving to the caves. 你要搬到山洞了

[38:43.88]You didn't? 你不是?

[38:45.99]Peanut butter? 花生酱?

[38:48.65]No way. - 不可能! - 和你预定的一样

[38:50.09]Just like you ordered.

[38:52.16]Oh. There is one thing. 噢, 还有一点

[38:57.06]It's extra smooth. 是特别柔和的

[38:59.50]That's okay. 没关系的

[39:10.14]It... It's empty. 是空的

[39:13.61]What? 什么?

[39:16.75]No, it's not. It's full. 不

[39:17.01]不, 是满的

[39:19.59]Full to the brim... 满到瓶口了..

[39:21.09]...with stick-to-the-roof-of-your-mouth,


[39:26.16]oh, God, it makes you want a glass of milk, extra smooth... 噢, 上帝, 它会使你想来杯牛奶


[39:39.77]It's the best bloody peanut butter I've ever tasted. 这是我尝过最美味的花生酱

[39:47.28]You want some? 想来点吗?

[40:05.03]Sayid? Sayid

[40:12.34]I can't stay here. - 我不能呆在这了 - 什么?

[40:14.67]What? 我要离开这, 不知道会多久

[40:15.88]I'm leaving. I don't know how long.

[40:17.74]Sayid, you can't... Sayid, 你不能

[40:20.88]We don't know what's out there. 我们仍不知道丛林中有什么

[40:22.65]I have worse things to fear than what's in the jungle. 在这我有比丛林中更害怕的东西

[40:26.95]What I did today, 我今天所作的...

[40:29.39]what I almost did, 我几乎就...

[40:31.76]I swore to do never again. 我发誓再也不会那样做了

[40:35.13]If I can't keep that promise, I have no right to be here. 如果我不能履行我的诺言


[40:41.30]There's nowhere to go. 你没地方可去

[40:42.80]Someone has to walk the shore and map the island. 我们需要有人走遍整个海岸 画出小岛的地图

[40:45.77]See what else there is. 看看这里还有什么

[40:48.71]I can't think of a better person to do it than the only one I trust. 我找不到更合适的人了 我只相信我自己

[40:56.45]I hope we meet again. 希望我们能再见

[41:02.82]* Ben Harper & The Blind Boys of Alabama: I Shall Not Walk Alone

[41:20.44]* Battered and torn * Battered and torn *

[41:23.58]* Still I can see the light * still I can see the light *

[41:30.05]* Battered and worn * tattered and worn *

[41:33.79]* But I must kneel to fight * but I must kneel to fight *

[41:40.09]* Friend of mine * friend of mine *

[41:44.30]* What can you spare * what can you spare? *

[41:49.20]* I know sometimes * I know sometimes *

[41:53.57]* It gets cold in there * it gets cold in there *

[41:59.58]* When my legs no longer * when my legs no longer carry *

[42:04.45]* Carry

[42:07.25]* And the warm wind * and the warm wind chills my bones *

[42:10.06]* Chills my bones

[42:14.93]* I just reach for Mother Mary * I just reach for mother mary *

[42:22.50]* And I shall not walk alone * and I shall not walk alone *

[42:31.39]“迷失 第一季 第八集” -=结束=-


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