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[30:56.85]Mom, are you mad at me? 妈妈 你生我的气吗?
[31:00.15]No. Oh, my God, no, honey. 不 天啊 当然不了 亲爱的
[31:02.62]Yeah. Why would she be mad at you? 嘿 她为什么要生你的气呢?
[31:05.89]You defended your mother. l'm proud of you. 你是帮着妈妈 我替你骄傲啊
[31:08.46]But we're gonna have to talk about that scratching and hair-pulling. 不过 你抓他 还拉他头发 这个我们得谈谈
[31:12.37]For two years, you put us through hell, Alex! We thought you were dead! 两年了 你让我们 受着地狱般的煎熬 Alex
[31:16.30]Why couldn't you talk to me about what you're going through? 为什么不告诉我 你都经历了些什么?
[31:19.44]l needed a new life. We're not all born into the life we're supposed to have. 我需要新的生活
[31:20.42]不是每个人 天生就能过上想要的生活的
[31:23.44]Well, we all got new lives... 是啊 我们倒是都过上新生活了 悲伤透顶 久久不能平复
[31:25.25]...full of grief and rehab. 我都没想过 还能见到你们
[31:27.21]l never thought l'd see any of you again!
[31:29.62]Then Fey died, and l had a chance to get back at Dad. 后来Fey死了 我意识到 我有机会回到爸爸身边了
[31:32.55]Get back at Dad for what? 回来? 回到爸爸身边干嘛?
[31:35.49]- Worshipping you too much? - He wasn't worshipping! - 因为他太崇拜你了? - 他才不是崇拜我!
[31:38.66]Oh, come on, Alex. 哦 得了吧 Alex 你是我们家的掌上明珠
[31:40.43]You were the golden child. Dad did everything with you. 爸爸什么事都乐意为你做--
[31:43.56]Boy Scouts, football games... 参加童子军 一起玩橄榄球
[31:46.73]Daniel, he figured it out. Daniel 他发现了事实
[31:50.10]He hoped tossing a ball around would change things. 他正是希望通过玩球 来改变一切
[31:53.51]When l told him l was gonna do this... - 后来当我告诉他 我准备这么做- - 你真的告诉他了?
[31:55.51]You actually told him?
[31:58.91]He said if l went through with the surgery, l'd lose everything. 他说 要是我做了手术 我就会失去一切--
[32:02.72]The company, the money... 公司 财富 甚至家庭…
[32:05.39]...our family.
[32:07.69]And then, just to make sure l got the message loud and clear... 为了确保我明确了解他的意思
[32:14.03]...he said he'd rather l were dead. 他说 与其如此 我还不如死了算了
[32:19.17]- Why didn't you tell me? - Because you're just like Dad. 你为什么不告诉我?
[32:25.17]l didn't want to be rejected twice. 我可不想被拒绝两次
[32:31.41]This isn't nearly as fun as it used to be. 这已经不像以前那么好玩了
[32:42.42]l guess this was a mistake. 我想 咱们大概做错了
[33:04.48]How could he say l'm like my father? 他怎么能说 我跟爸爸一模一样?
[33:07.11]l am nothing like my father. 我跟爸爸一点儿都不像
[33:10.02]lt's been a long time. 都过去那么久了
[33:11.85]People change. Maybe he just doesn't know who you are anymore. 人是会变的
[33:13.56]也许 他只是不清楚 现在的你是什么样子
[33:15.79]- l would have been there for him. - Of course. 我应该支持他的
[33:18.26]He's your bigger brother... kind of. 当然了
[33:18.92]他是你哥哥… 算是吧
[33:20.89]And it's not too late to prove to her 而且 要证明你还是支持他的 也为时不晚-- 她
[33:23.66]that you're going to be there for him... her.
[33:26.23]Can we pick a pronoun and stick to it, please? 咱们能不能把叫法固定一下?
[33:36.74]Oh, God. 哦 天哪

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