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[07:01.12]要我们写篇关于从事 我们羡慕的职业的人的论文
[07:03.79]We get the whole day off tomorrow to go observe them. 我们可以利用明天一整天的 时间去观察他们
[07:06.52]Can you take me to Mode? 你能带我去“时尚”杂志社吗?
[07:07.92]Yeah. Of course. lf it's OK with your mom. 当然可以 如果你妈妈也同意的话
[07:10.66]You know, the fashion world isn't that great. 你知道嘛 时尚界没有你想象中那么好
[07:13.09]A bunch of self-serving, shallow tramps who starve themselves 那里只有一群自私自利
[07:14.50]浅薄的家伙 饿着肚皮
[07:16.50]and backstab each other for expensive clothes 为了昂贵的衣服互相在背后捅刀子
[07:18.97]no self-respecting person would be caught dead in. 任何一个自尊自重的人都不愿意终生 在时尚圈里混
[07:23.17]So, can l go? 那么我可以去吗?
[07:26.61]Well, don't say l didn't warn you. 好吧 别说我没警告过你
[07:36.65]Oh, my God. You're a celebrity. 哦 天啊 你成了个名人了!
[07:39.05]The Meade security guard knows your name! Meade出版社的保安都知道你的名字!
[07:43.02]Oh, look, here are some of my friends. 哦 看 这些是我的朋友
[07:44.83]Just because we're sharing an elevator doesn't mean we're friends. 只是共乘一部电梯
[07:48.40]Marc, uh, Amanda, this is Justin. 可并不意味着我们就是朋友
[07:48.24]Marc, Amanda 这是Justin
[07:52.13]Oh... So that's pregnancy weight. 哦 原来你长这么胖是因为怀孕
[07:54.80]No, he's my nephew. 不是的 他是我侄子
[07:58.67]Oh, my God. Manolo Blahnik, spring 2004. 哦 我的天啊
[08:00.70]Manolo Blahniks的鞋子 2004年春季款!
[08:04.65](gasps) Wearing two-year-old shoes.
[08:09.42]Even l didn't catch that. 连我都没注意到呢
[08:11.62]Definitely not your son. 他绝对不是你儿子
[08:13.35](bell dings) 我什么也没有! 我讨厌这样
[08:14.69]- l got nothing! - Hey, hey!
[08:16.69]Don't take it out on the furniture. 别拿这些家具撒气
[08:18.59](man) lt's October. l shoot the holiday spread this week or we won't make book. 已经是十月下旬了 我这个礼拜得搞定
[08:22.36]- lt's the Tube! - Shh! Justin. 管形通道!
[08:24.30]- Sorry. - Go sit at my desk. lt's right there. 嘘 Justin!
[08:24.98]去坐到我桌子旁边 就在那边
[08:26.73]l went to go get the tanks... gone! 我去要坦克--没了!
[08:29.84]l went to book the models... gone! 我要预定模特--没了!
[08:33.04]l went to get the burned-out Christmas tree... gone! 我要的烧焦的圣诞树--也没了!
[08:36.04]- lsabella took them out from under us. - Calm down. “Isabella” 杂志在我们眼皮子底下 全抢走了
[08:38.68]How can l calm down? Somebody leaked our ideas! 冷静一点
[08:38.45]有人泄漏了我们的创意 我怎么冷静得下来呢?
[08:41.15]lsabella magazine literally stole our entire feature spread! “Isabella” 杂志偷了我们 中心彩页的整个创意!
[08:44.95]- Oh, my God. - Carlo Medina. 哦 我的天啊
[08:46.88]Carlo Medina
[08:49.39]He bought me a drink. 他请我喝了杯酒
[09:07.28]lsabella magazine is doing ''A Post-Apocalyptic Christmas.'' “Isabella” 杂志正在做
[09:12.01]- They copied our entire concept. - Didn't just copy it, they took it! 他们抄了我们的整个创意
[09:16.78]The holiday issue is our biggest source of ad revenue for the year. 他们偷走了它
[09:20.45]We lose advertisers, our circulation goes in the toilet. 我们将失去广告商
[09:23.56]Which is precisely why Mode does not tolerate leaks. 这就是为什么“时尚”
[09:27.93]Now l will give the guilty party one chance to come forward and confess. 现在我给犯错误的人
[09:33.57]Did any of you... 你们之中谁跟 “Isabella” 的人讲过话?
[09:35.57]...speak to anyone...
[09:37.41]...at lsabella?
[09:54.52]Well, then, cowards, we'll do it the hard way. 那好吧 胆小鬼 我们只能采取强硬一点的方式了
[09:57.19]Everyone is considered guilty, and will be treated as such, 你们每一个人都将被视为疑犯 并将受到疑犯的待遇
[10:01.00]until there's a confession. 直到有人自首为止
[10:03.50]But by noon on Thursday, someone's head will roll. 但是截止到周四的中午 你们中就得 有个人掉脑袋了
[10:11.21]See who entered and exited the building. 看看有什么人进出这座建筑物
[10:13.98]l left Fey's music box on my desk and now it's gone. 我将Fey的音乐盒放在我的办公桌上 但现在却找不到了
[10:17.88]lnvestigate everyone. We have to find out who took it. 仔细调查每个人 你得查出是谁拿走了它
[10:20.82]Why didn't you burn it? 你为什么不将它与其他东西一起烧了呢?
[10:22.55]l couldn't. That music box is personal. 我不能 那个音乐盒有私人感情在里面
[10:25.29]But it connects you to Fey. lt could provide a motive. 但它将你和Fey联系在了一起 它会提供一个动机
[10:28.56]- Who knows about the affair? - No one. 还有人知道你与Fey的亲密关系吗?
[10:32.73]No one but my wife. 除了我妻子
[10:34.60]We have two days to conceive and execute an entirely new concept. 我们有两天的时间来构思并制作
[10:40.00]lf any of you have any plans, l need you to cancel them. 如果你们有除工作之外的其他计划 我要你们取消
[10:42.90]l want everyone working together to pull this off. 我希望大家可以团结合作 度过这个难关
[10:45.74]What Daniel's trying to say is kiss your loved ones goodbye Daniel想说的就是跟你们的爱人吻别

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