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[07:58.37]He did all this damage in a month? 他一个月竟花了这么多钱?
[08:00.58]Dad, he's an editor in chief. He's gotta entertain people. 好了 爸爸 他是总编
[08:04.08]- What's Bouley? - Bouley. 他需要娱乐大众
[08:05.85]Only the hottest restaurant in TriBeCa. Bow-oo-lay 这是啥?
[08:05.61]Bouley 是Tribeca地区 人气最旺的饭店
[08:08.12]- He spent $821 on dinner? - Next time we go to the chicken place, 他一餐吃了821美元
[08:11.85]l'm ordering white meat, l don't want to hear about it. 下次咱们去吃鸡肉
[08:12.44]我要全点白肉 你可别说贵
[08:14.62]This is business. He's entertaining models, advertisers, designers... 你们不懂 这是商业应酬
[08:16.23]他款待的是模特 广告商和设计师
[08:18.63]- What's that say on the back? - lt's a blank. - 背面写了什么? - 什么也没有
[08:21.16]Another miscellaneous expense. 又一笔杂费
[08:23.56]There's a lot of miscellaneous expenses. 看来有好多杂费
[08:25.83]Fine. Wilhelmina's expenses are miscellaneous. 嗯 我觉得应该没事
[08:28.64]So she went to Rio. - 她去了里约热内卢 - 是的 她是创意总监
[08:30.44]She's creative director. lt was a shoot.
[08:32.71]lt was in the last issue. - 去那里采过风 - 就是上一期
[08:33.94]Twenty-five thousand dollars to Casa Brazil for props and extras? 噢 为了购买道具和雇临时演员 在巴西Caza花了2万5千美元
[08:38.75]- They haven't given you a paycheck? - Actually, they gave it to me today. 他们给你发薪水了吗?
[08:41.42]哦 今天刚发
[08:42.95]And? 还有呢?
[08:49.42]Someone is blowing 25 grand in Rio, and this is what they're paying you? 有人在里约热内卢挥霍了2万5千美元
[08:54.30]She's not doing it for money. lt's an opportunity. 却只给你这点薪水?
[08:54.86]她做这个不单是为了挣钱 Hilda
[08:56.86]Well, maybe you should get another job to support your opportunity. 这是个机遇
[09:01.20](speaks Spanish) They take so much out. 啊 天啊 他们扣掉这么多
[09:05.71]Well, it's still a paycheck, Betty. 好吧 总之也是薪水 Betty
[09:08.11]lt's more than l made on my first job. 比我第一份薪水强多了
[09:11.45]Come on, the novella's waiting. 快来 Novela开始了
[09:14.28]- (sighs) - Betty...
[09:19.69]We have to make some serious cutbacks. 我们不得不大量减少开支
[09:22.72]The pharmacy wouldn't fill his prescription today. 今天药房没给他足够的药
[09:25.53]What? 什么 是Maria Ortiz 她不能这么做
[09:27.19]Maria Ortiz? She can't do that. She knows he needs his pills to work.
[09:32.67]lt wasn't Maria. lt's his HMO. They're not gonna cover him anymore. 他会心律失常 会死的
[09:33.32]不管Maria的事 是H.M.O (医疗保险机构)
[10:07.54]- Stop following me, Walter! - l have something for you. 别跟着我 Walter
[10:11.27]l don't need any more batteries, thank you. 谢谢 我不要什么电池
[10:13.84]lt's a universal remote. 是万能遥控器
[10:15.71]We only have one TV. Now leave me alone. 我家只有一个电视机
[10:25.35]- Walter... - l'm going to get you back, Betty. - Walter… - 我要你回到我身边 Betty
[10:28.39]Not by stalking me. You cheated on me, Walter! 那就别再烦我了
[10:31.89]You cheated with Gina Gambarro. Do you understand what that means? 你骗了我 Walter
[10:32.12]关于Gina Gambaro的事情 你骗了我
[10:33.64]那意味着什么 你懂吗?
[10:35.50]l don't care how many universal remotes you give me. There's no winning me back. 我不在乎你给我多少万能遥控器
[10:46.11]Your father's HMO file is under investigation. 你父亲的H.M.O.档案正在调查中 (医疗保险机构)
[10:49.01]- What kind? - l don't know. 什么样的调查?
[10:50.61]They don't tell me. All l know is they refuse to cover 不知道 他们也没告诉我
[10:52.13]我只知道 事情解决之前
[10:53.65]his prescription until the matter is resolved. 他们拒绝给他配药
[10:56.52](sighs) Maria, my father needs his medication.
[10:58.13]Maria 我父亲缺药
[11:00.52]Did l say he couldn't have his medication? You pay me $1 97 and... 我有说过他不能配药吗?
[11:02.70]给我197美元 他们就会…
[11:05.26]- Walter! - What? l'm shopping. - Walter - 干- 干什么? 我在买东西
[11:08.06]No, you do not have a feminine itch. 你又没得妇科病
[11:12.60]l don't have $1 97. 我没有197美元
[11:15.44]- What, don't they pay you at Mode? - Not enough. - 哦 难道<时尚>杂志社不发工资吗? - 不够
[11:19.61]l'm supposed to give your prescription gratis, huh? 那你就指望着 我白送这些药给你啊 哈?
[11:22.34]That's how my father and l stay in business? 那我跟我爸爸就得这样做生意啊?
[11:24.85]Get out! 滚
[11:32.52]Can you really blame him for trying on Gina Gambarro? 你真怪他跟Gina Gambaro好过?
[11:49.30]Betty! Miss Suarez! Betty
[11:55.18]- Mr. Meade? - l need to see you this morning. Meade先生?
[11:58.71]- Me? - My office, 1 0:30 sharp. - 我? - 十点半准时到我办公室来
[12:01.32]Yes, sir, 1 0:30 sharp. 好的 先生 十点半准时到
[12:03.82]Betty, l don't want anyone to know. Especially Daniel. Betty 我不想让任何人知道 尤其是Daniel

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