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[07:07.49]As you wish. 随你便
[07:14.86]That was strong in there, very editorial. 刚才你够强悍 这才像个主编
[07:17.13]The book is my responsibility. lt's too important. 样刊是我的职责所在 非常重要
[07:19.90]Know that scene in the movies, the guy's on a plane, 电影里有些场景 人在飞机里面
[07:22.60]- handcuffed to the briefcase? - Wanna handcuff yourself to the book? 把自己的手和手提箱铐在一起?
[07:26.31]No, no, it's a metaphor. By the way, next time you find yourself on the spot 我打个比方而已
[07:28.16]还有, 下次你再和今天一样
[07:30.41]like in there with Natalie, you just gotta go with the vibe in the room. 可以和Natalie这样接触的时候
[07:34.12]Even if l don't agree? 即使我不同意你们的观点?
[07:35.38]lf it's the best thing for the magazine, definitely. 如果是为了杂志好 那是当然的
[07:38.52]l left my PDA in the conference room. Can you grab that for me? 我把PDA落在会议室了
[07:41.96]Sure. 能帮我拿一下吗?
[07:51.93]Has anyone seen my bunny? 我的巴尼兔哪里去了?
[07:53.84]lt's pink, green tummy, graduation cap. 就是粉红色的那个…
[07:56.12]绿色肚皮, 戴学士帽的
[07:59.84]No? 没有
[08:01.48]How dare he embarrass me like that in front of everyone. 他怎么能在那么多人面前让我难堪?
[08:04.85]The tall jar of mayonnaise is clearly making a power play. 那个草包显然开始变的更强势了
[08:08.65]lf that's what he wants... 如果他想那样…
[08:11.59]- What are you thinking? - We give him the book. 你怎么看?
[08:15.06]Leave un-retouched Natalie photos in there. 把没处理过的Natalie Whitman 的照片放到里面
[08:17.59]He signs off, it goes to print, 他签上大名, 然后出版
[08:19.83]enraged publicists, celebrities canceling their layouts. 把出版商给惹火 名人纷纷取消合作
[08:23.66]Mode in chaos and you'll be the only guiding light left <时尚>陷入混乱
[08:25.33]你就会成为引导我们走出黑暗的 唯一一束光芒
[08:27.30]to lead the magazine out. Uberclever.
[08:31.17]Thank you. Marc, get that arch. (groans) 太高明了
[08:32.40]Marc, 就是那里
[09:29.73]What is that?
[09:43.34]- Hey! - Oh, those look damn good. - 嗨 - 嘿
[09:45.18]- Hook me up, girl. - l'm a vegan. 看起来很好吃 给我点儿
[09:48.15]Carnivore here, through and through. 我一直都是食肉的
[09:50.55]- Mmmm! - Mmmm, mmmm...
[09:52.55]So, tell me. What exactly were they retouching on Ms. ''You do the math''? 你们说他们会对“你自个儿算去吧” 女士做什么处理?
[09:57.76]Everything! l never realized how much they do to these people. 全部的东西
[09:59.03]我从来没想到他们 给这些人做了多少处理
[10:01.30]The chin, the butt, the hips, the teeth. 下巴, 屁股, 腿, 牙齿
[10:03.70]They got their hands on me, 你还不知道吧 他们把我随便弄一下
[10:05.17]- l'd look like pre-crack Whitney. - l never got to tell her 我就能成原先的Whitney
[10:08.34]what l really thought, which was she looked great the way she was. 我还从来没告诉她 我的真实想法
[10:11.74]The business we're in. Perfection sells fashion. 这个就是我们从事的工作 完美才是时尚
[10:14.38]lt's fake, unattainable. Nobody seems to get it. 实际上都是假的和做不到的 但似乎没人明白
[10:17.01]- l get it. - Really? 我明白
[10:18.81]Would you buy a magazine if l was on the cover? 是吗? 我做封面人物的杂志你会买一本吗?
[10:21.22]Yeah, National Geographic. 当然, 要是“国家地理”拿你做封面
[10:23.38]l would buy any magazine you were on the cover of, Christina. Christina, 不管你做什么杂志的封面人物 我都会捧场
[10:26.59]Are you trying to suffocate us with that smell? 你是想用那讨厌的气味 把我们窒息死吧?
[10:29.32]- They're empanadas. - They're disgusting. 这是肉馅卷饼
[10:31.73]Oh, my God! There's nothing here except non-caloric space food. 真恶心
[10:36.06]l am starving! Can l have one of those, please? 我饿死了 我能吃一点吗
[10:38.53]Yeah. Of course. Yeah. 当然可以
[10:40.23]Wow. l might as well eat the whole thing. 我最好全部都吃掉
[10:42.40]They're gonna make me look like Nicole Richie. 因为不管怎么样 他们都会让我看起来像Nicole Richie
[10:48.08]So, what do you guys think of the latest Jenna Fletcher movie? 你们觉得最新的Jenna Fletcher 电影怎么样?
[10:51.35]You can be honest because l'm not one of those actresses with some huge ego. 尽管说实话 因为我并不是个
[10:55.32]- lt was really good. l enjoyed it. - Yeah. 确实不错, 我喜欢
[10:57.92]So how do you guys put up with working here? 是的
[11:02.36]Funny thing, being on the other side, everyone believing you've perished. 有趣啊, 跟你作对的每个人
[11:06.53]We have to assume Bradford was behind this fiery car crash. 我们得假设Bradford在背后 制造了这起车祸
[11:09.76]But where do we get the evidence? 但是我们到哪里找证据呢?
[11:11.80]We have to find a way to get it out of him. 我们得想个办法把他揪出来
[11:14.10]Then he goes to jail and we take over the company. 让他去坐牢然后我们掌控公司
[11:16.87]Simultaneously, we need to get Daniel out of Mode. 同时还要把Daniel赶出<时尚>
[11:19.57]We can't have him waiting to take over. 我们可不能让他在这里把翅膀长硬
[11:21.94]Hopefully l'm making strides in that direction. 幸好在这点上我已经有了不少进展
[11:24.58](masked lady) So the question is, how do we get to Bradford? 问题就在于 我们怎么才能搞定Bradford
[11:28.18]Well, l can't confront him directly. He'll just fire me. 不能直接对抗 他会炒了我的
[11:32.49]Then we use Daniel. 我们得利用Daniel
[11:39.39]l didn't know you spoke German. 我不知道你还会德语
[11:41.36]l don't. l just own the newspaper. 是不会
[11:44.37]l found something you should be aware of. 我刚收购了这家报社
[11:48.70]Estate sale for Fey Sommers. l can never just be rid of this woman. Fey Sommers财产出售
[11:54.24]Who knew you hated Fey Sommers that much. 谁会知道你这么恨Fey Sommers?
[11:56.88]Who said l hated her? 谁说我恨她?
[11:58.68]l was thinking l'd break into the place, see if there's anything incriminating. 不管怎样, 我想我今天得 闯到那儿去检查一下了
[12:02.95]l'll do it. l have a key. 看看留下什么罪证没有
[12:07.92]Besides, you don't know what's really incriminating. 而且你并不知道 什么是真正的罪证

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