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[10:55.52]- KiIIer poncho. - Thanks! 斗篷杀手


[11:06.66]Mr. Meade? Meade先生?

[11:09.60]Excuse me, Mr. Meade? 不好意思, Meade先生?

[11:11.33]Hi. I just wanted to come and introduce myseIf personaIIy.


[11:15.64]I'm Betty Suarez. It's a pIeasure to meet you. 我是Betty Suarez


[11:19.34]Hi, Betty. Um... who do you work for? 嗨, Betty

[11:23.58]WeII, um, I work for you. I'm your new assistant. 你替谁做事?



[11:30.62]Did you get the crease under the hairIine? 发际下面的皱纹弄到没有?

[11:32.99]- Yes, WiIIie. - (sighs) Twenty years, Marc. 是的, Willie

[11:35.99]No one has done more, worked harder. 20年了, Marc

[11:36.30]没人比我做得更多, 更努力…

[11:39.03]I have bIed for this magazine, 我为杂志呕心沥血

[11:41.10]heIped make it into the icon it is today, 帮它达到了今天这样的成就

[11:43.33]and that nasty, nepotistic son of a bitch gives my job to his... 而那个下流的, 偏心的老王八蛋 却把我的工作给了他的…

[11:48.10]His son. 他儿子

[11:49.64]Who's a seIf-absorbed Lothario punk who knows nothing about fashion. 这小子是个自大的, 放荡的小流氓


[11:56.08]TeII me the truth. Is it because I'm getting oId? 跟我讲真话--


[11:59.95]AbsoIuteIy not. (scoffs) 当然不是

[12:01.92]Though you couId do with a tad bit more between the brows. 不过眉心这里还可以稍微弄一下

[12:06.72]- So what are you gonna do? - Just wait and see. 那你准备怎么办?

[12:09.89]WeII, he's weII on his way to faIIing fIat on his face. 等着瞧吧


[12:12.99]I mean, can you beIieve that assistant? 我是说, 你看见那个助理没有?

[12:15.56]This is Mode, not Dog Fancy. 这里是<时尚>, 不是<狗迷俱乐部>

[12:18.97]Done. 完工

[12:23.07]What do you want me to do with the, uh, Ieftover? 你想让我怎么处理…

[12:26.91]- AII yours. - (mouthing) I Iove you. 剩下的


[12:29.01](ceII phone ringing)

[12:32.68]Give me a moment, Marc. Marc, 给我几分钟

[12:36.08]How are you recovering, darIing? 亲爱的, 你康复得如何?

[12:39.32]WeII, I'm sure you'II feeI better 我肯定你会好起来的

[12:41.76]once everything here starts coming to a boiI. 等到…



[12:55.87]- Here. - Oh, thank you. 这个给你

[12:57.94]What are you doing? 谢谢你

[12:59.37]Um... I'm just gathering information on Fabia for DanieI. 你在干什么


[13:02.91]Uh! She is so fabuIousIy douchey. 她的注射手术做得真好

[13:05.98]Who's he in with? 和他在一起的人是谁?

[13:07.48]Oh, um, PhiIIippe MicheI, he's a photographer. Phillippe Michel

[13:10.65]Oh. 是个摄影师

[13:11.89]- He's doing the suppIement, isn't he? - Mm-hmm. 他在做增刊, 是吗?

[13:14.36]Oh, he's amazing. He's shot, Iike, everything. 他很令人惊讶

[13:15.70]他的作品, 他的一切

[13:17.26]Yeah... It Iooks Iike they're reaIIy good friends. 是的, 看起来他们是很好的朋友

[13:19.99]There'd been some drama. DanieI hooked up with PhiIIippe's 他们间有过些过节

[13:23.50]ex-girIfriend years ago, but they're fine now. 几年前, Deniel勾引过 Phillippe的女友


[13:26.60]Yeah. We went out for, Iike, a week. 是啊, 我们约会了-- 差不多, 近一周的时间

[13:29.07]They don't caII him ''The Tripod'' because he's a photographer, 他们可不叫他“三脚架”

[13:32.31]if you catch my drift. 因为他是个有才能的摄影师


[13:35.18](PhiIIippe) This is crap. 都是些垃圾

[13:39.18]No. No. Too down. Too out. 不行


[13:43.82]Can't go there. AII this is terribIe. 角度太低, 太偏


[13:47.72]That's what I thought. 真是够糟糕的

[13:49.19]PhiIIippe, can I trust you with something? 我也是这么想的

[13:49.30]Plillppe, 我可以信任你吗?

[13:51.56]Of course, DanieI. You know you're Iike a brother to me. 当然可以, Daniel

[13:53.00]你知道, 你就像是我的弟弟

[13:54.53]I don't think anyone wants me here, especiaIIy WiIheImina. 我觉得, 有人不想让我留在这里


[13:57.93]WeII, that's no secret. 这不是秘密

[13:59.33]She's trying to take me in the wrong direction with this Iayout. 她想让我在Fabia版面上犯错误

[14:02.77]- Do you have any ideas? - Like, a miIIion. 你知道吗?

[14:04.70]比如, 一百万?

[14:06.77]But keep things on the QT. 行事别太张扬

[14:08.38]Most of these peopIe are IoyaI to WiIheImina, 这里很多人 还是对Wilhelmina很忠心

[14:10.88]and you don't want them mucking things up. 你不想让他们把事情搞砸吧?

[14:13.11](knocking on door)

[14:15.02]Um, sorry to interrupt, but can I get you Iunch? 抱歉, 打扰了

[14:18.79]No, no, but you go ahead. Thanks. 要为你们订午餐吗?

[14:18.90]不用了, 你去忙吧, 谢谢

[14:22.69]Hi, I'm a reaIIy big fan of yours. 我是你的忠实读者

[14:25.23]That traveI Iayout you did with the tiki torches? 你帮Tiki Torches做的旅游版面

[14:28.46]Wow, that was... That was reaIIy gorgeous. 哇, 真是…


[14:33.20]Thank you. 谢谢

[14:34.37]It kind of reminded me of this Hiroaki spread 让我想起几年前Hiroaki的作品

[14:36.77]I'd seen a coupIe of years ago.

[14:43.61]Listen, I don't know who you are, or what you're impIying, 听着, 我不知道你是谁 还有你在暗示什么

[14:46.95]but I wouId never use another photographer's idea. 但是


[14:50.55]Oh, no! No, no! I wasn't... I wasn't saying... 不 不


[14:53.19]...um... 我不是这个意思…

[14:56.92]I shouId go. 我该走了

[15:03.90]What's the story here? 发生了什么事?

[15:06.23]- I know the type of woman you hire. - Oh, my father made me. 我知道你雇用女职员的类型


[15:10.47]You're kidding me. 你在开玩笑?

[15:12.57]Look, she appears to be good, capabIe... 她看起来不错

[15:15.51]FugIy! Listen to me, you are the editor in chief of Mode magazine. 有能力




[15:20.05]This business is aII image. Is that what you want representing you? 这行当做的就是表象的东西!


[15:24.12]Paparazzis taking your picture and she's standing behind? 狗仔队会拍你

[15:27.42]I can't fire her, PhiIIippe. 她就站在你身后?

[15:27.10]Phillippe, 我不能炒了她

[15:29.16]WeII... what if she quits?

[15:32.59]And how do I get her to do that? 如果她辞职呢?


[15:34.70]You beat her down... 你数落她…

[15:38.63]...to a puIp. 让她成一滩烂泥

[15:46.24](* The Frank Popp EnsembIe: Hip Teens Don"t Wear Blue Jeans)


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