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[06:34.56]- Are you feeIing any better? - I'm fine. 感觉好点儿了吗


[06:38.56](phone ringing)

[06:42.10]HeIIo? 喂?

[06:44.77]- Some guy from Meat PubIications. - ""Meade?"" 男的, 什么肉类出版社的


[06:49.77]This is Betty Suarez. Mm-hmm. 我是Betty Suarez

[06:54.18]Are you serious? 没开玩笑吧?

[06:56.64]Yeah, I... Of course, I can start tomorrow. 行!

[06:57.40]行, 当然, 我明天就可以开始

[07:00.08]What magazine is this for? Mode? 是做什么杂志?


[07:06.85]Yeah, I'II be there first thing in the morning. 好, 我明天一早就过去

[07:09.66]OK. Thank you. Bye. 好的!

[07:11.00]谢谢, 再见!

[07:14.63]Assistant to the editor in chief! 总编助理!

[07:17.20]I didn't know you wanted to work for Mode. 我不知道你想到<时尚>工作

[07:19.80]WeII, this wouIdn't have been my first choice, but if I do good here, 这本来不是我的首选, 但是…

[07:23.87]I can go anywhere in the company. 如果在这儿做得好 这公司的哪本刊物我都能做好了

[07:26.31]WeII, just try and dress fashionabIy. 那么, 试着打扮得时尚点儿

[07:30.48]Do you have anything? 你有准备吗?

[07:33.58]ActuaIIy, I do. 事实上, 我有

[07:42.66]Oh... my... God. 我…的…天!

[07:50.30]- Hi, you the ''before''? - Huh? 嗨, 你是“化妆前”?

[07:53.20]''Before and After.'' The photo shoot? 化妆前, 化妆后


[07:57.44]Are you deIivering something? 你是来送东西的?

[08:00.94]Oh, no, no. I work here. 不! 不是!


[08:06.05]- For? - For the new editor in chief. 替谁工作?


[08:12.55]Everyone's in the conference room, 所有人都在会议室

[08:14.62]and DanieI's about to start his first meeting. Daniel马上要召开 他的第一次职员会议

[08:17.16]- I'm Amanda. - Betty. 顺便说下, 我是Amanda

[08:18.66]OK, FYI, Betsy, assistants are usuaIIy here before their bosses. 我是Betty

[08:18.80]好的, 跟你说一下, Betsy


[08:22.16]- Oh, I was fiIIing out paperwork in HR. - Yeah, just don't Iet it happen again. 我刚才在人力资源部填表格

[08:24.60]是吗, 以后不能这样了

[08:26.47]So, uh, where do you come from? 那


[08:29.20]- Queens. - What job did you have? Queens大学


[08:32.31]Oh, weII, actuaIIy, apart from internships and part-time jobs 实际上, 除了实习和做兼职挣学费

[08:36.14]to pay for schooI, this is my first reaI job. 这是我第一份真正的工作

[08:39.95]That's funny. I was toId I didn't have enough experience for the position. 很有意思

[08:41.10]他们跟我说, 对于这个职位 我的经验还不够

[08:43.92]It's over there. 在那边

[08:47.89]You are an attractive, inteIIigent, confident businesswoman. 你是一个有魅力, 聪明 自信的职业女性

[08:53.46]I gotta confess, I'm not gonna remember everyone's names, 我得承认--


[08:56.80]and I'm reaIIy... 我真的, 呃…

[09:04.11]- Are you OK? - I'm OK. I'm fine. I'm so sorry. 你没事吧?

[09:05.10]我没事, 没事

[09:07.38]I'm sorry. 对不起


[09:11.08]Anyway, uh... I wish I wa... 不管怎样, 我希望我不是…

[09:13.78]I'm so sorry. Can I just... Thank you.

[09:16.15]I wish I wasn't coming in as the new guy under such terribIe circumstances. 我希望我不是在这么糟糕的情况下 作为一个新人来这里的

[09:20.56]I reaIize I have some awfuI big... teeth... shoes to fiII. 我知道今后…


[09:25.93]I can't teII you how excited I am to be working with such 但是, 即将与你们这些有才华的

[09:29.26]an amazingIy taIented and dedicated staff. 专业的职员共事 我难以表达我的兴奋之情

[09:32.30]I'd Iike to take the moment to taIk a IittIe about my ideas. 现在我想花一点时间 来谈一点我的想法

[09:35.67]So sorry I'm Iate. Oh, you began without me. 抱歉我迟到了

[09:39.41]- Sorry, WiIheImina, I waited... - Shh! Marc. 我没来你们就开始了

[09:40.20]- 对不起, Wilhelmina, 我是想… - 嘘!

[09:42.48]Gift. Marc…


[09:47.05]Thank you. 谢谢

[09:48.12]- As I was saying, I reaIIy wanna... - WeII, aren't you gonna open it? 正如我刚才所说



[09:58.03]Swarovski crystaI. 施华洛世奇水晶

[09:59.43]- To commemorate your first day. - Thank you. 纪念你的第一天


[10:03.36]But it is ''DanieI,'' not ''Danny.'' 但我叫Daniel, 不是Danny

[10:05.93]- What? I'm heIIaciousIy upset, Marc. - Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. 什么?

[10:07.60]我很失望, Marc

[10:10.50]Purge this from memory, pIease. 天哪, 非常抱歉


[10:13.44]As I was saying, it's a exciting time for me... 正如我刚才说的

[10:14.50]这对我来说是个特别激动的时刻 因为…

[10:16.01]I think we need to discuss the Fabia Cosmetics suppIement. 我想我们需要讨论一下Fabia 化妆品增刊的事情

[10:19.18]- Fabia Cosmetics? - The biggest ad buy of the year Fabia化妆品?

[10:21.98]and the onIy paid Iayout editoriaI ever works on. 今年最大的广告生意

[10:21.80]也是我们做过的 唯一已付费的版面专栏

[10:24.79]I'm sure Fabia wiII Iove whatever we come up with, right? 我肯定不管我们拿出什么来 Fabia都会喜欢的, 对吧?

[10:27.96]DanieI, you... you don't understand. Daniel, 你-你不明白

[10:30.02]Given the new circumstances, 在这种新形势下

[10:32.49]Fabia needs to sign off on the spread before we go to print. Fabia得在我们印刷之前就签约

[10:35.96]ObviousIy, we're aII here to heIp you succeed 很显然, 我们都是来 帮助你成功的

[10:39.50]and we've got pIenty of ideas. 而且我们有不少好点子

[10:42.07]I think we need to get back to work to make sure that this, 所以我想我们都应该回去工作了

[10:44.97]your very first issue with your name on the masthead, sparkIes. 来确保--


[10:50.08]OK, everyone, Iet's not diIIy-daIIy. Our editor needs us. 大放光彩

[10:50.10]好了, 大家




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