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[00:00.00]美剧MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:57:21
[00:04.50]there's this person. 在我的脑海中
[00:07.36]in my head. 有这样一个人
[00:09.94]She is brilliant,capable. 机智聪明 沉稳能干
[00:12.94]She can do chest tubes and craniotomies. 插胸管 开颅手术 都应付自如
[00:15.45]She can run a code without freaking out. 抢救时也从容不迫
[00:18.59]she's a really good surgeon. 她是个出色的医生
[00:20.95]maybe even a great surgeon. 也许是个伟大的医生
[00:24.36]She's me. 她就是我
[00:26.43]only so much better. 只是比现实的我好得多
[00:29.97]this is good news. 这是个好消息
[00:31.86]Reflects well on seattle grace. 反映了西雅图仁爱医院的水准
[00:35.16]Is yang gonna have a problem with it? Yang会不会有问题?
[00:37.25]I'd say so. 估计会
[00:41.39]every time derek walks into a room, all I can think about is his tongue. 每次见到Derek 我都会想到他的舌头
[00:45.96]in my mouth. 伸进我的嘴里
[00:46.90]So you think about kissing derek? 你在幻想亲吻Derek?
[00:48.87]It's making surgery very difficult. 妨碍到我做手术
[00:50.90]So I need some therapy tools so that I can move on. 我希望能有办法 让我收拾心情向前看
[00:53.81]You sure you want to move on? 你确定 你想这样?
[00:55.06]Well,we have our fifth clinical trial patient today,and the first four, 今天要做第五例临床实验手术了 前四例...
[00:58.61]we've learned a lot,but we haven't saved one, 我们积累了很多经验 但手术都失败了
[01:01.19]and I really w so I can't be distracted by things like tongues. 我希望成功 不想被舌头分神
[01:06.04]So I need some tools,now. 帮我想想办法
[01:08.59]You're having fantasies about derek. 你对Derek存在幻想
[01:11.14]The only way to get rid of them is to remind yourself of the reality. 你只能用现实 来帮自己摆脱
[01:17.34]The kissing's not gonna happen now because he's with rose. 我们不可能接吻 因为他有Rose
[01:20.18]Powerful stuff...reality. 现实 是很强大的
[01:26.47]he's with rose.He's with rose. He's with rose.He's with rose. 他跟Rose一起 他跟Rose一起
[01:30.48]sorry I'm late. 抱歉来晚了
[01:32.33]Just getting started. 我们刚开始
[01:33.08]- Hi,I'm dr.Grey. - Jonathan evett. - 你好 我是Grey医生 - 我是Jonathan Evett
[01:34.99]I've been treating darren over at the V.A. 我在退役军人管理局负责治疗Darren
[01:37.14]I'm so glad that you were able to get him into the clinical trial. 感谢你们 答应把他加入临床实验
[01:39.67]So you're gonna inject a virus into my son's brn. 你们要把病毒注入我孩子的大脑?
[01:42.85]Not in the brain,dad.In the tumor. 不是大脑 是注入肿瘤里
[01:44.85]The theory is that the virus will attack the tumor and shrink it. 病毒会攻击肿瘤 使其缩小
[01:49.44]Still,there's an enormous amount of risk involved. 不过风险也是很大的
[01:51.67]That's okay. 没问题
[01:53.21]He survived two tours in afghanistan. 两次在阿富汗的战争 他都挺过来了
[01:55.35]He's used to risk. 他与风险为伴
[01:57.01]Sir. 长官好
[01:58.53]Mr.Covington. Covington先生好
[02:01.52]Todd. Todd
[02:02.58]Your dad called me. 你爸爸给我电话
[02:04.15]What'd you do,call my whole platoon,dad? 爸爸 你要把整个排都叫来么?
[02:06.55]Well,if you're gonna beat this, you need your friends byour side. 与病魔抗争时 要有朋友在身边
[02:14.58]dr.Sloan. Sloan医生
[02:17.03]Dr.Bailey. Bailey医生
[02:18.83]Dr.Bailey's baby. 你孩子也在啊
[02:20.13]It appears nurse tanya is no longer available for your liposuction at 10:00. 你10点的抽脂手术 Tanya护士不能参加了
[02:25.00]Shall I cancel the procedure? 要取消手术么?
[02:27.90]Get me another nurse. 帮我再找个护士
[02:28.97]Get me kate.Yeah. 找Kate
[02:35.66]dr.Torres,dr.Sloan would like to use nurse kate this morning. Torres医生 Sloan想借用Kate护士
[02:39.17]Currently,she's scheduled for your arthroplasty, 她要参加你的关节造形术
[02:41.69]but if you're willing to move it back an hour, 如把手术提前一小时
[02:43.73]perhaps she could do both. 2个手术她都能参加
[02:49.75]dr.Torres,I know you're in there. Torres医生 我知道你在里面
[02:51.07]Yeah,fine. 行 好啊
[02:51.84]Just an hour later,an hour earlier.Whatever. 提前推后都可以 无所谓
[02:54.09]Hey,tuck. 嗨 Tuck
[02:55.55]Don't judge me,bailey. 别加评论 Bailey
[02:57.72]Has cristina seen it? Cristina看到了么?
[02:58.97]Let's take it down. 撕下来吧
[02:59.85]- You can't take it down. - Take it down. - 不能随便撕下来 - 撕下来
[03:00.97]Take it down.She never has to know. 撕下来 别让她看见
[03:02.19]she's gonna hear about it. 她迟早会听说的
[03:03.40]Who's gonna hear about what? 迟早听说什么?
[03:07.60]Izzie. Izzie
[03:08.57]move your hand. 把手拿开
[03:09.92]oh,come on. 拜托
[03:11.11]Move it. 快拿开
[03:18.37]Good for him. 这是好事情
[03:25.62]no one wins the harper avery. 获得哈帕 艾华利奖太难了
[03:27.57]That is so weird. 太奇怪了
[03:28.33]We know someone who won the harper avery. 我们竟然认识获奖的人
[03:30.70]Hey,talk to meredith,see if she'd be okay if rebecca moved in for a couple of weeks. 你问问Meredith 如果Rebecca搬来几周 她介意么
[03:34.34]- What? - Yeah,well, - 什么? - 是啊
[03:35.30]we're gonna get our own place, 我们会找间房子
[03:36.19]but it's gonna take me a while to save up for a security deposit. 不过要交押金 我还要存钱
[03:39.28]Uh,she's married. 她结婚了啊
[03:40.62]She's leaving her husband. 她要离婚了
[03:41.65]She's telling him right now. 正要跟她丈夫说
[03:42.97]Okay.What about her kid? 好吧 那她孩子怎么办?
[03:44.22]Uh,I don't know. 我也不知道
[03:45.04]It's a mess right now, but we're figuring it all out. 这件事太乱了 不过我们会解决的
[03:47.96]Alex,wait. Alex 等等
[03:49.27]She's pregnant. 她怀孕了
[03:50.33]She's knocked up. 已经精疲力尽
[03:51.49]Look,just talk to meredith. 帮我问问Meredith
[03:56.67]who would like to present? 谁来介绍这个病例?
[03:58.72]Uh,kyra marshall,history of end-stage cardiomyopathy and C.O.P.D. 病人叫Kyra Marshall 心肌症晚期 伴有慢性阻塞性肺病
[04:02.83],Now awaiting a heart transplant, 等待心脏移植手术
[04:04.48]but her antibody levels were so elevated, 但她体内抗体过分活跃
[04:05.94]she was in danger of rejecting any donor heart. 可能会排斥移植的心脏
[04:08.06]So how did we counteract that? 那要怎么解决呢?
[04:10.07]We've been giving her high levels of chemotherapy to suppress her immune system. 进行大量化疗 抑制身体免疫系统
[04:13.21]And what precautions have we taken to make sure that she is not exposed to infection? 那怎么预防传染病呢?
[04:19.19]Yang,am I boring you? Yang 我说的很无聊么?
[04:21.34]Because if you'd rather spend the day in the morgue, 如果你乐意去太平间的话
[04:23.29]I have about 50 cadaver hearts that need to be harvested for my research. 那里有50个心脏需要采集 做研究之用
[04:28.27]So kyra marshall's protocols... Kyra Marshall的治疗方法...
[04:30.79]I would love to go to the morgue. 我愿意去太平间
[04:33.18]Thank you. 谢谢
[04:34.77]Let yang be an example to all of you. 你们要向Yang学习
[04:37.24]There is no shame in grunt work. 这种工作没什么好羞愧的
[04:39.47]Now let's meet our mom in a plastic bubble. 让我们见见防护罩里的妈妈
[04:42.67]get me outta here,lucas! 让我出去 Lucas!
[04:44.70]I need to get outta here! 我想离开这里!
[04:46.79]Get them to let me outta here. 让他们放我出去
[04:48.72]Honey,calm down. 宝贝 冷静一下
[04:49.42]You said I'd have a heart in three weeks,and it's been eight. 你说3周内就有心脏 现在已经8周了
[04:52.98]It has been eight weeks without touching anoer human being ... 8周了 我都没碰过任何人...
[04:59.05]- kyra,listen to me . - No. - Kyra 听我说 - 不要
[05:01.74]kyra,you need to listen to me. Kyra 你听我说
[05:04.03]I want to leave. 我想离开
[05:05.77]I want to hug my kids, and I want to kiss my husband. 我想抱抱孩子 亲吻我的丈夫
[05:10.79]And I w... god,I'm going crazy in here. 天啊...我快被逼疯了
[05:13.81]Kyra,come here. Kyra 过来
[05:15.15]- Kyra,take my hand. - No. - Kyra 握住我的手 - 不
[05:16.94]Kyra,take my hand. Kyra 握住我的手
[05:22.11]you are gonna leave here soon. 你马上就能离开了
[05:23.99]That is what I came to tell you. 我正要跟你说
[05:26.00]We have a heart for you. 我们找到合适的心脏了
[05:32.18]we have heart. 我们找到了
[05:36.59]you paged me,chief? 主任 你找我?
[05:37.87]Yeah,human resources called. 人力资源部打来电话
[05:39.29]As of this morning,the nurses are boycotting your surgeries. 说今天早上 护士联合抵制你的手术
[05:43.04]I haven't done anything to the nurses. 我没得罪护士啊
[05:45.81]Well,nothing that can get us sued. 至少还不至于被起诉
[05:47.28]Well,whatever you did,they felt strongly enough about it that they sent their union rep. 无论你做了什么 她们派出工会代表来抗议了
[05:55.37]adele? Adele?
[05:56.68]Wait,your wife's the union on? 等等 你妻子也在工会里?
[05:58.45]Nurse mediator,dr.Sloan. 我是护士仲裁人 Sloan医生
[06:00.50]And you know wayne sheehan from human resources. 这位是人力资源部的Wayne Sheehan
[06:03.80]But how... how did you get in... 但...你是怎么进入...
[06:04.92]adele used to be a nurse. Adele曾经是护士
[06:06.47]Apparently,she's gotten back into the field. 显然她重操旧业了
[06:08.92]I'm not just a housewife anymore. 我不再是主妇了
[06:11.19]There have been some complaints about dr.Sloan. 有关于Sloan医生的投诉
[06:13.76]Complaints that this hospital has, up until now,ignored. 到目前为止 这些投诉都被管理层无视
[06:17.11]Hey,everything I did was consensual. 我们都是两情相愿的
[06:19.40]In fact,some of 'em even begged for it. 有时甚至是她们求我
[06:21.17]Sloan. Sloan
[06:21.89]no formal harassment complaints have been filed. 目前没有正式的起诉
[06:25.05]However,the board has decided to aggressively protect itself from possible future litigation, 但董事会决定采取行动 避免日后的麻烦
[06:31.53]so as of today,if a hospital employee 今天开始 如果医院的雇员...
[06:34.65]is having a sexual relationship with another employee, 和其他的雇员有肉体关系
[06:37.76]they have got to register it. 都必须要登记在册
[06:40.24]It's called "date and tell. 这叫做"房事告知"
[06:42.64]" This some kind of joke? 这是个笑话吗?
[06:43.52]Do you want to wait until you have a $20 million lawsuit on your hands? 你想日后被告上法庭吗?
[06:48.26]- Fill out the form. - Chief... - 把表填了 - 主任...
[06:49.43]shut up and fill out the damn form. 闭嘴 填表
[06:52.24]And you,too,richard. 你也要填 Richard
[07:02.45]Grey's Anatomy Season4 Episode14 医人当自强 第四季 第14集 "变化"
[07:04.35]Dr.Yang,are you okay? Yang医生 你还好吧?
[07:06.68]I mean,I-I just wanted to check 我只想来看看你
[07:08.58]because you passed up a really awesome transplant case with dr.Hahn,and I. 你放弃了参加Hahn医生 一个绝好的心脏移植手术
[07:16.38]is this about the thing with. 是...是和
[07:17.99]with dr.Burke? Burke医生有关吗?
[07:19.19]I-I know that y-you two were together and. 我知道你们曾在一起
[07:31.11]I made it through the wilderness somehow iade it through 从迷茫中 我总算走了过来
[07:39.38]didn't know how lost I was until I found you 遇到你之前 我多么沮丧
[07:45.94]I was beat incomplete... 我曾被彻底打败
[07:49.59]should I be doing something? 我该做点什么吗?
[07:50.62]I'd been had ... 曾受到伤害...
[07:52.01]- can I help you in... - I was sad and blue - 我能帮你... - 悲伤又忧郁
[07:54.61]but you made me feel 你让我感到
[07:58.57]yeah,you made me feel shiny and new 让我感到光明和未来
[08:05.62]like a virgin... 宛如童贞...
[08:07.83]hey touched for the very first time like a vir... 首次触碰 宛如童贞般悸动...
[08:19.60]I'll just go upstairs and go charting.I... 我上楼写病历...
[08:26.14]like a virgin ... 宛如童贞...
[08:29.94]look,if you needed more money, 如果你需要钱
[08:31.06]- all you had to do was... - I don't need more money. - 你只需要... - 我不需要钱
[08:33.47]I have 50% of yours. 你一半的钱都是我的
[08:35.44]What I need is to be taken seriously. 我需要被认真看待
[08:38.50]I'm working. 我工作
[08:39.34]I'm loving it. 我快乐
[08:41.56]I've changed. 我变了
[08:43.63]- Uh,I've changed,too. - How? - 我也变了 - 何以见得?
[08:46.07]I'm spending more time at home. 我更多留在家里
[08:48.31]I'm...I'm delegating. 我分配了权力
[08:49.87]- I've heard that before. - No,no. - 你以前就这么说 - 真的
[08:51.63]I've...I've gotten myself,uh,an intern. 我自己找了个实习生
[08:55.84]The chief's intern. 主任的实习生
[09:00.05]Change. 改变
[09:03.66]feels good,doesn't it? 还不错 对吧?
[09:05.69]o'malley. O'malley
[09:06.90]yes,sir. 是 主任
[09:08.01]I've been watching you, o'malley,and frankly,I'm worried. 我最近发现 O'malley 坦白说 我很担心
[09:12.64]A guy like you can't get too comfortable. 生于忧患 死于安乐
[09:16.01]A guy like you needs a challenge,needs change. 你这种人 需要的是挑战 是改变
[09:22.32]Well,now that you mention it, I have been feeling a little unchallenged. 既然你提起 好像我最近确实缺乏干劲
[09:24.38]What would you think about being my intern? 你觉得做我的实习生怎么样?
[09:27.55]The chief's intern. 主任的实习生
[09:28.94]The chief's intern? 主任的实习生?
[09:30.33]George o'malley. George o'malley
[09:32.94]tern to the chief. 在主任手下实习
[09:35.01]george o'malley,intern to the chief. george o'malley 在主任手下实习
[09:36.57]is that even a real thing? 你不是开玩笑?
[09:38.45]We need to get aggressive with the virus. 我们要主动攻击
[09:42.09]If we inject the tumor in two sites,we can actually saturate it and have a real impact. 我们在肿瘤两边植入病毒 就能充分发挥其作用
[09:48.58]Okay,now needle number one will go into the tumor here. 1号针从肿瘤这里插入
[09:54.22]Needle number two goes right here. 2号针从这里插入
[09:58.61]Now for the virus to take full effect, we need to inject it at exactly the same time. 为了让病毒发挥最大功效 需要同时插入
[10:03.93]The same time. 同时
[10:06.45]You're needle number two. 你用2号针
[10:07.95]Don't be nervous. 别紧张
[10:08.90]We're gonna practice. 我们会练习
[10:14.45]Now. 现在
[10:16.09]we'll use the fluorescein to help us ilate the tumor from the surrounding tissue. 我们用荧光素 将肿瘤和周围的组织区分开
[10:27.85]Okay. 好的
[10:29.58]Now remember. 记住
[10:31.86]we have to be completely in sync. 我们要完全同步
[10:34.42]Okay? 好吗?
[10:35.72]Let me know when you're ready. 准备好了就告诉我
[10:38.15]he's with rose,he's with rose, he's with rose,he's with rose. 他现在跟Rose在一起
[10:43.38]Do you like princesses? 你喜欢公主吗?
[10:46.52]um,yeah,sure. 当然喜欢
[10:48.72]When you take out mommy's broken heart,what happens? 你拿出妈妈坏的心脏后会怎样呢?
[10:51.93]Well,we're gonna put her on a heart-lung machine. 我们会将她放入心肺机
[10:54.52]Uh,it's like with snow white,when,uh, 就像白雪公主
[10:57.15]she eats the poison apple and she dies for a while, 她吃了毒苹果 暂时死去
[10:59.36]but she's not really dead.It's like that. 但不是真死 只是像死了
[11:01.05]My mom's gonna be dead? 妈妈会死?
[11:02.76]snow white dies? 白雪公主会死?
[11:06.34]when they're little, you skip over the scary parts. 对小孩子 吓人的部分应该略去
[11:09.16]I'm really sorry. 真抱歉
[11:10.32]It's okay.You don't have kids. 没关系 你又没有孩子
[11:12.34]How would you know 你怎么会知道呢
[11:16.83]dr.Bailey, Bailey医生
[11:17.82]if I can't get a hold of my patient,is it okay to give her test results to her friend? 要是我联系不到病人 可否将检验报告给她朋友?
[11:21.35]No! 当然不能!
[11:21.96]What if her friend is a really good friend of mine, 要是她朋友 是我挚友
[11:23.67]and he's changing his whole life for her because he thinks she's pregnant,and she's not. 我的挚友将改变一生 为了她不曾真正怀上的孩子
[11:26.78]Stevens,you want to win yourself a harper avery, Stevens 要想赢得哈帕 艾华利奖
[11:29.09]you need to master the basics of privacy. 你要学会尊重起码的隐私
[11:31.42]The chief needs to know who you've slept with by the end of the day. 今天之内 主任要知道你跟谁睡过
[11:34.03]Be thorough. 填详细点
[11:35.90]The chief needs to know who you've slept with by the end of the day. 今天之内 主任要知道你跟谁睡过
[11:38.21]Be thorough. 填详细点
[11:39.85]The ief needs to know. 今天之内
[11:41.45]who you've slept with by the end of the day. 主任要知道你跟谁睡过
[11:44.20]be thorough. 填详细点
[11:45.20]This is no one's business. 这是个人私事
[11:46.09]uh,it's the chief's business,so it's my business. 这跟主任有关 主任的事就是我的事
[11:48.97]I'm thchief's intern. 我是主任的实习生
[11:50.41]Let me see that. 我看看
[11:52.47]the chief said you're the only person in the whole hospital who is exempt. 主任说 你是全院唯一不用填表的人
[11:56.07]congratulations. 祝贺你
[12:01.89]w-what...what do they mean by "sexual relations"? '肉体关系'是什么意思?
[12:05.62]There are levels... - 有分程度的吧 - 嗯
[12:08.72]- intimacy. - Well.
[12:11.33]they don't need to know the. 他们想知道...
[12:13.64]they just want to know the. 只想知道...
[12:16.94]h-highest level. 最深入那种
[12:20.27]Okay,then. 明白 那么
[12:21.32]Um,I won't need one of these. 我不需要填
[12:29.73]s...okay. 好
[12:31.12]Sure.I just don't wanna turn this back. 当然 你千万不要反悔
[12:34.86]- freak. - I am not A. - 变态 - 我不是
[12:37.34]I am the chief's intern. 我可是主任的实习生
[12:39.79]Okay. 是吗
[12:40.68]That's not a real job. 这可不是正业
[12:41.71]Okay,I just need your form by the end of the day. 今天之内填好表
[12:44.03]it's because I don't have a penis,isn't it? 就因为我没有"萧"?
[12:50.46]I publish more. 我发表的论文比他多
[12:51.59]I do double the research. 做的研究是他的两倍
[12:52.93]I deserve this more tn burke. 我比Burke更该得这个奖
[12:54.85]It's a big men's club,and it's not fair. 简直就是男人俱乐部 何谈公平
[12:58.52]I didn't even realize you were being considered. 我没想到你是候选之一
[13:00.77]I wasn't gonna mention it until I won. 没得奖之前我不想提
[13:03.80]Then I was gonna be all nonchalant, like awards don't matter to me. 我会装作漠不关心 好像得奖没什么大不了
[13:08.17]Now burke's gone and ruined my whole act. 但Burke的得奖 拆穿了我的演技
[13:10.55]You want to meet me at joe's tonight? 今晚去Joe的酒吧喝一杯?
[13:11.97]We can trash-talk him. 我有很多苦水要吐
[13:16.35]I can'T.I have this other thing. 不行 我有别的安排了
[13:18.94]Uh,hey,can you,uh,can you talk to the nurses? 你能跟护士们谈谈吗?
[13:21.62]I need someone to,uh, 我需要人...
[13:23.21]tell 'em to call off the boycott, tell 'em I'm a good guy. 劝她们不要抵制我 告诉她们我是个好人
[13:26.56]we don't think you are a good guy 我们不觉得你是好人
[13:29.04]dr.Torres thinks I'm a good guy. Torres医生觉得我是好人
[13:31.83]don't you,callie? 不是吗 Callie?
[13:42.03]on call room.Now. 去休息室 现在
[13:43.85]So what's the recovery period for brain surgery? 脑手术的恢复期多长?
[13:47.87]It varies,but usually at least four to six weeks. 视情况而定 至少四到六周
[13:51.51]Well,looks like you'll be stuck with me for four to six weeks. 看来这一个多月 你都得跟我在一起了
[13:54.08]You deploy in five days,man. 你只有5天的假
[13:55.80]That was before I knew you had a brain tumor. 那是因为我不知道 你得了脑瘤
[13:57.58]No,no. 不
[13:58.46]Don't screw this up for yourself. 这跟你没关系
[14:00.01]You're a soldier.It's who you are. 你是个军人 军人得服从命令
[14:01.37]Besides,I'm probably not even gonna make it through surgery. 再说了 我的手术不一定能成功
[14:03.51]- Okay?So... - cool. - 所以... - 没事
[14:04.61]Then I'll be good to go in about five days. 那我5天内就可以回去了
[14:13.26]dude,why did you come,man? 你为什么要来?
[14:16.14]How could I not? 我怎么能不来?
[14:27.95]god,you're so paranoid. 你想太多了
[14:54.39]mr.Covington. Covington先生
[15:04.41]Get out. 滚出去
[15:06.73]Don't make me throw you out. 别等我把你扔出去
[15:12.35]What's wrong? 怎么了?
[15:14.60]Nothing's wrong,sir. 没什么 长官
[15:18.51]Nothing at all. 真的没什么
[15:32.06]Thank you ****** 谢谢你的会诊
[15:36.96]- no. - I haven't said anything. - 不 - 我什么都没说
[15:38.52]I'm not talking to the nurses for you. 我不会帮你说好话
[15:39.98]You're dating my best friend. 你在和我最好的朋友交往
[15:41.64]No. 不行
[15:42.66]Come on,rose.You're one of them. 拜托 Rose 你也是个护士
[15:43.74]Tellem I'm a good guy,a guy who happens to be mind-blowingly good at sex. 告诉她们我是好人 只是碰巧在性生活上颇有建树
[15:47.74]Yeah,see,but that, all the talk about all the sex? 你的生活似乎只有性?
[15:50.73]It's not what I think of as good-guy behavior. 我可不认为这是君子的行为
[15:54.58]I hate women like you. 我讨厌你这样的女人
[15:56.22]You string guys along, acting like sex is some prize, 你盯着男人的表情 像是性是种恩赐
[15:59.55]when really,you're just afraid that once you give it up,he'll lose interest. 事实上 你只是害怕 他得手后就对你没兴趣了
[16:08.72]You know,my dad's not a bad guy. 其实我父亲是个不错的人
[16:11.67]He's just. 只是他
[16:13.19]a soldier. 是个军人
[16:15.11]We're all soldiers. 我们都是军人
[16:17.25]Todd's down in the lobby. Todd在楼下大厅
[16:21.28]he's such an idiot. 他真是个傻瓜
[16:22.70]He should just go, 他应该离开
[16:23.99]put me out of his mind and just... 忘了我...
[16:26.48]well,that's not so easy to do. 可是那并不容易
[16:27.92]Well,it'd be better for everyone, 但这对大家都好
[16:29.95]especially with dr.Evett hanging around. 特别是在Evett医生在的时候
[16:31.51]Todd can't risk getting outted.He... 他会被发现的 Todd不能冒这个险...
[16:33.02]it's crazy that you even have to worry about stuff like thaT. 你居然还在为这种事担心
[16:35.18]"Don't ask,don't tell. 别问 别说
[16:37.37]" Hey,I knew the deal when I signed on. 我签字的时候就明白了
[16:42.41]You keep your personal life separate from your work life. 私生活和工作要分得很清楚
[16:45.94]I just never thought.I'd... 我只是从没想过 我会...
[16:48.40]meet my personal life at work. 在工作中遇见他…
[16:54.47]I can still go get todd. 我帮你把Todd叫来
[16:56.47]No,I-I can'T. 不 我不能那样
[16:59.08]My dad...I can'T. 我的父亲 我不能
[17:03.63]I know what you're thinking. 我知道你在想什么
[17:06.79]Brave soldier who can't even step up to his own father. 勇敢的军人 却不敢面对他的父亲
[17:10.90]I was thinking,this is hard. 我知道这很困难
[17:15.18]The gay part or the tumor part? 同性恋还是肿瘤?
[17:18.76]The whole part. 都是
[17:26.88]I need your form. 给我你的表格
[17:27.90]Lexie,I nd you to fill out a form. Lexie 填张表
[17:30.37]- what's this? - The sex police. - 这是什么? - 风纪队长
[17:32.30]Meredith,I'm gonna need your form. Meredith 给我你的表
[17:34.08]Don't ask,don't tell, george.Forms are stupid. 别问 别说 George 那表格很荒谬
[17:35.92]Yeah,I'm still gonna need it,though. 尽管这样 你还是得填表
[17:37.69]- Pen? - I... - 笔? - 我...
[17:40.53]I,um. 我
[17:41.66]think I'll need one of those after all. 我想我还是要一张
[17:43.29]What?Why? 什么? 为什么?
[17:52.53]I'll just,um. 我只是 嗯…
[17:55.39]thank you. 谢谢
[17:58.23]Oh,god.I'm so sorry. 我很抱歉
[17:59.73]do you want me to get cristina? 需要我帮你去找Cristina吗?
[18:01.95]Derek is with rose, and I'm okay that derek is with rose. Derek和Rose在一起 我对此无所谓
[18:07.27]Get cristina. 找到Cristina
[18:08.93]Get her form. 让她交表格
[18:09.77]Uh,you...you don't want to go near cristina right now. 现在 你不会想接近Cristina的
[18:12.00]- Why,is she crying? - No. - 为什么 她在哭? - 不是
[18:13.38]Is she staring straight ahead being super-scary quiet? 还是她两眼直视 目光呆滞 静得吓死人?
[18:16.57]She's singing. 她不停的唱歌
[18:20.29]I still need your form. 给我你的表格
[18:21.87]Here,perv boy.enjoy. 给你 男孩 慢慢享受
[18:24.85]This isn't complete. 还没填完
[18:27.12]It's fine. 这样就行了
[18:30.32]What? 什么?
[18:34.47]Oh,right. 啊 对了
[18:35.65]Sorry.I forgot. 抱歉 我忘了
[18:43.19]he forgot he had sex with me? 他忘了和我上过床?
[18:44.81]- I just collect the forms. - he forgot he had sex with me? - 我只负责收表格 - 他忘了和我上过床?
[18:49.48]You're so fine and you're mine... 你太好 你是我的...
[18:52.53]stop singing. 别唱了
[18:55.42]Make me strong yeah,you make me bold 你让我变得坚强
[18:59.45]- 'cause your love thawed out - you're gonna win your own harper avery award. - 没有你的爱... - 你会得到自己的哈帕 艾华利奖
[19:03.47]- Yeah,your love - burke wouldn't have a career. - 你的爱... - Burke事业不会有此成就
[19:06.11]thawed out if it hadn't been for you. 如果没有你的爱...
[19:07.42]- What was scared and cold - you saved him when he had his tremor. - 我的心仍然恐惧 - 当他手颤的时候 是你救了他
[19:10.03]The harper avery board may not know it,but he does. 哈帕 艾华利奖的评审会可能不知道 但是他知道
[19:12.35]Like a virgin... 如童贞一般...
[19:16.07]- touched for the very first time - I'm in therapy. - 首次接触 - 我在接受心理治疗
[19:22.69]'cause he's with rose. 因为他和Rose在一起了
[19:23.51]I'm...I'm way more screwed up than you are. 我 我比你还糟糕
[19:32.68]Thank you. 谢谢
[19:35.08]That makes me feel a little better. 这让我感觉好点
[19:38.42]You're welcome. 不客气
[19:43.57]Chief,it...adele. 主任 嗯...Adele
[19:45.28]Uh,is it true you have every member of the hospital filing out this form? 你让医院里的每个人 都填这份表格?
[19:49.08]That's right. 是的
[19:50.28]We are taking this very seriously. 我们很重视这件事
[19:53.19]But I'm exempt from this?Me?Just me? 就我没份? 只有我?
[19:56.17]I don't even want to see you holding the form. 我甚至不想看见你拿着它
[20:03.15]Okay,then. 很好
[20:07.17]What? 怎么了?
[20:11.79]100.4. 100.4
[20:14.01]Sorry,karev. 不好意思 Karev
[20:15.14]Oh,come on.I...I'm fine. 行了 我很好
[20:16.84]Immune system protocols. 免疫系统指引
[20:18.57]I am not putting mrs.Marshall at risk. 我只是不想让Marshall太太冒险
[20:20.83]Page yang. 呼叫Yang
[20:21.65]She's scrubbing in. 她替你
[20:22.65]You go get mrs.Marshall's family. 你去接Marshall夫人的家人
[20:24.34]You're on babysitting duty the rest of the day. 你剩下的时间 做个好保姆
[20:32.24]Darren. Darren
[20:39.64]We can take a moment. 我们能等一会
[20:48.35]No. 不
[20:49.65]Are you sure? 你确定?
[20:57.78]No. 不
[21:00.46]let's just go. 我们走吧
[21:15.87]donor heart's on its way. 捐赠的心脏马上就来
[21:22.21]Can't imagine how you must feel about burke's award. 你肯定对Burke的获奖感触颇深
[21:25.96]You actually helped him with all that research. 你对他的研究贡献很大
[21:28.00]He didn't even mention you in the article. 他在文章里对你只字未提
[21:31.88]Well,I guess it's no surprise. 这在意料之中吧
[21:33.90]His arrogance is legendary. 他的傲慢堪称传奇
[21:41.24]Thought we finally had some common ground. 我们终于有了些共同点
[21:47.57]Good for you. 这很好
[21:49.50]refusing to trash him,rising above. 不恶言相向 这让你突显品格高尚
[21:52.55]That's very impressive. 很了不起
[21:53.86]I am going to follow your example,yang. 我要向你学习 Yang
[21:58.41]Congratulations,preston. 恭喜你 Preston
[22:00.72]I wish you well. 希望你过得好
[22:09.40]okay,remember what I said. 好了 记住我的话
[22:11.36]We have to be in total sync for the virus to have maximum infiltration. 我们必须同时开始 让病毒发挥最大效果
[22:15.81]Okay? 好吧?
[22:17.90]Ready? 准备好了?
[22:21.12]Go. 开始
[22:30.73]Easy.Slow down. 放松 慢点
[22:33.63]Easy.Slow down.Slow down.Slow down. 放松 慢点 慢点
[22:35.24]Look at me. 看着我
[22:35.90]Don't...don't look at the machine.Look at me. 别看机器 看着我
[22:38.45]Slowly. 慢点
[22:44.86]That's it. 就这样
[22:48.05]That's it. 就这样
[22:57.81]the virus is in. 病毒注射成功
[23:03.68]we're standing on the moon,dr.Grey. 我们登月成功 Grey医生
[23:09.47]I ju wanted to drop off the form myself. 我只是亲自来送表格
[23:12.26]Answer any questions you might have. 回答你的问题
[23:14.61]There are interns listed on this form. 这表上都是实习的名字
[23:17.17]I require the energy of youth. 我需要年轻人的能量
[23:20.32]Dr.Shepherd was just a moment of weakness,for both of us. 我和Shepherd医生只是一时脆弱
[23:23.73]Dr.Sloan? Sloan医生?
[23:24.91]Oh,that was many moments,in on call rooms. 次数太多了 在休息室里
[23:28.31]Very hot. 非常火爆
[23:30.10]Steamy. 热情
[23:31.12]All right,dr.Bailey,I get the joke,okay? 好了 Bailey医生 玩笑有个限度
[23:32.88]See?This is a joke to you. 你当这是个玩笑
[23:35.03]I am a single woman. 我是个单身女人
[23:37.44]I've been a single woman for some time now, 有段时间了
[23:40.06]but the very idea that i could have a sexual encounter... 我的艳遇 双方自愿的性
[23:44.35]a consensual sexual encounter... is a joke to you? 对你来说只是玩笑吗?
[23:47.52]Dr.Bailey,I never... Bailey医生 我从没...
[23:48.27]so much so that you would single me out of this entire hospital 整个医院 你就这样对我一个
[23:51.87]as the one person who couldn't interest a member of the opposite sex? 是不是我就不能吸引男人和我上床?
[23:55.80]It'S. 这简直...
[23:57.40]- it's just... - it's harassment. - 简直是... - 太过分了
[23:59.32]Adele. Adele
[24:00.53]Just shame on you,sir. 你这混蛋
[24:02.26]Just shame on you! 你是个大混蛋
[24:06.46]liquids for your fever.Drink this. 可以退烧 喝吧
[24:08.65]I'm fine. 我没事
[24:09.45]- You're run-down. - I'm fine. - 你很虚弱 - 我没事
[24:10.67]You're taking on too much. 你压力太大了
[24:12.05]She can't just move up here. 她不能就这样搬进来
[24:13.29]- You guys need to slow down and just... - what's your problem? - 你们要慢慢来 - 你怎么回事
[24:15.52]You can't pass a baby on the street without stopping. 你在路上看见孩子 都要驻足艳羡
[24:17.81]The only friggin' baby in the world you're not happy about is mine. 为何独独对我的孩子这么不满
[24:20.78]It's not that I'm not happy for you. 不是我不替你高兴
[24:21.99]- It's just... - what? - 只是... - 什么?
[24:26.39]Nothing. 没事
[24:27.23]Yeah,that's what I thought. 对 我也是这么想
[24:36.66]so are we on for tonight,or what? 我们今晚出去吗
[24:40.19]Um,I don't know. 不知道
[24:41.33]I mean,I told you,I have this other thing. 我跟你说了 我还有其他安排
[24:48.51]I don't,uh. 我交友不易
[24:50.58]make friends easily.
[24:52.44]I'm awkward and I'm bad at small talk,and I generally don't like people I don't know,but. 我很怪 也不擅交际 对不认识的人敬而远之
[25:01.87]I made friends with you. 但我和你是朋友
[25:03.48]And now you have this "thing," and that thing is sloan. 你现在有安排 而这安排就是Sloan
[25:08.78]Are you mad that I'm sleeping with mk sloan? 我跟Sloan上床 你很生气吗
[25:10.86]I'm not mad that you're sleeping with sloan. 你跟他上床 我不生气
[25:13.03]I'm mad at you didn't tell me that you're sleeping with sloan. 我生气的是 你没告诉我这件事
[25:15.51]I'm mad at you. 我是生你的气
[25:17.64]because instead of telling me and admitting 你既没有告诉我此事 也不愿承认
[25:20.21]that you're one of those girls who goes all poofy when she gets a boyfriend, 你是那种有男友后 变得沾沾自喜的女人
[25:23.15]you disappear. 你只是消失
[25:24.95]with your "thing. 和你的安排一起
[25:30.69]" I don't make friends easily. 我交友不易
[25:42.96]That was great. 手术太棒了
[25:44.38]Totally sync,like we were one person. 完全同步 就像我们是一个人
[25:45.86]Yeah,it was great. 对 很不错
[25:47.23]You did great. 你做的很好
[25:48.66]Thanks. 谢谢
[25:51.70]Uh,obviously,his intracranial pressure is going to need to be monitored overnight,so. 他的颅内压需要有人晚上看护
[25:56.82]If you just tell me the parameters. 如果你能告诉我参数
[25:58.60]I'll stay. 我留下
[25:59.82]I mean,we could... I-I. 我是说 我们可以...我
[26:02.73]we can stay together. 我们可以一起看护
[26:05.08]how'd it go? 手术怎么样?
[26:07.30]Great. 很好
[26:08.37]It went really. 进展非常...
[26:10.20]really well. 非常顺利
[26:11.26]Dr.Grey had one of the,um. Grey医生帮助了
[26:14.21]she had one of the,uh,one of the injections. 她帮助了注射病毒
[26:17.19]I was just. 我只是...
[26:18.85]I was heading home.And I didn't know if you. 我正要回家 你...
[26:20.68]yeah,right. 那个...
[26:22.31]Um,I need to stay here tonight. 我晚上得留在医院
[26:25.99]- Okay? - Okay? - 好吧? - 好的
[26:27.55]I'll...I'll just. 那我就...
[26:31.79]- okay. - Rose. - 好的 - Rose
[26:33.82]Wait. 等等
[26:39.02]I can page you if there's any problems. 有问题我就找你
[26:42.28]I'll stay. 我会留下
[26:43.93]If you want me to stay,I'll. 如果你想让我留下 我就留下
[26:46.65]I'll stay. 我会留下
[26:50.25]No.You should go be with rose. 不用 你跟Rose一起走吧
[27:03.77]Sex.Let's go. 上床 快点
[27:09.90]Are you coming? 你来不来?
[27:12.75]I'm just. 我只是...
[27:14.90]- not in the mood. - What? - 没那个心情 - 什么?
[27:17.21]You're always in the mood. 你总是有心情的
[27:18.43]I know. 我知道
[27:20.54]But I'm just. 但我只是...
[27:24.53]all my surgeries got canceled today. 我今天所有的手术都被取消了
[27:28.92]You're useless. 你真没用
[27:35.61]the donor heart just arrived.And I'll take you down to the waiting room. 捐赠的心脏刚到 我带你去等候室
[27:37.45]I think something's wrong. 我觉得有点不对劲
[27:39.68]she's having trouble breathing. 她没法呼吸
[27:42.06]Decreased breath sounds on the right side.I think her lung has dropped. 右侧呼吸减弱 估计是肺衰竭
[27:44.51]- Page hahn. - right away,dr.Karev. - 呼叫Hahn - 马上 Karev医生
[27:46.95]She's not moving! 她不动了
[27:53.21]what are you doing? 你要干什么
[27:54.56]You can't go in there. 你不能进去
[27:56.60]You can't break the isolation barrier. 你不能破坏隔离
[28:01.43]Mr.Marshall,you need to get your kids outta here. Marshall先生 请把你的孩子带走
[28:02.99]Is she dying? 她要死了?
[28:04.38]Mr.Marshall,your kids. Marshall先生 你的孩子
[28:05.76]Don't let her die.Please don't let her die. 别让她死 求你
[28:08.66]Okay,uh,jessie,zoe,this is the scary part, 好了 Jessie Zoe 这部分很吓人
[28:11.56]so I need you guys to turn around.I know what I'm doing. 你们转过身去 我知道自己在干什么
[28:15.76]I'll tell you when it's over. 完事我就告诉你
[28:27.81]okay,zoe,jessie,it's okay. 好了 Zoe Jessie 没事了
[28:29.53]You can look at your mommy now. 你们现在可以看看妈妈了
[28:31.38]Mommy's okay.oh,god. 妈妈没事了
[28:34.19]It's okay.It's okay. 没事了 没事了
[28:40.33]here are the rest of the forms,sir,alphabetized and broken down by department. 这是剩下的表格 已经按字母序重新编排了
[28:44.26]See that,adele? 看见了 Adele
[28:45.40]Didn't have to lift a finger.I'm delegating. 都不用动手指 这就是分配任务的好处
[28:47.74]Well,I've seen some progress today. 似乎确实有些进展
[28:50.74]Well,thank you. 谢谢
[28:57.56]Dr.Webber,may I have a word with you privately? Webber医生 我能私下跟你说几句吗
[29:01.18]I'll be right outside. 我在外面等你
[29:05.00]I gave up a major surgery today,and all my friends think I'm a brownnosing perv. 我今天放弃了参加手术 所有的朋友都觉得我在擦鞋
[29:10.56]But I. 但我...
[29:11.80]it was worth it because I thought that. 这很值得 因为我觉得...
[29:13.41]that you saw me,but. 你重视我
[29:17.65]all due respect,sir,you're using me to get back together with your wife. 我很尊重你 但你利用我获取你太太的好感
[29:20.43]- O'malley... - I don't know - O'Malley - 我不知道
[29:21.82]if it's possible to quit a thing that isn't even a real thing,but I do. 如果能退出这个不算正业的职务
[29:27.96]I-I quit. 我退出
[29:29.54]O'malley,wait. O'malley 等一下
[29:34.59]The truth is,I do see you,o'malley. 事实上 我确实重视你 O'malley
[29:37.28]I see how hard you're working. 我看到了 你是多么努力
[29:39.55]The chief's intern is not a real job,but I'd like it to be. 主任的实习生不是正式职位 但我很希望它是
[29:46.38]Let's give him acetaminophen,add a 500 of vancomycin and, 给他注射醋氨酚 加上500单位的万古霉素
[29:50.06]uh,blood and urine cultures also. 再做一下 血尿培养
[29:52.50]If you want to take a break,I'll sit with him. 你要是想休息一下 我可以替你
[29:54.49]- No,I'm okay. - ok - 没事 不用 - 好吧
[30:10.75]v-fib. 心室纤颤
[30:12.28]Charge the paddles to 300. 电压300
[30:14.18]They are charged. 充好了
[30:15.47]Clear. 安全
[30:28.81]I know my being here makes you feel uncomfortable, 我知道自己在此 让你觉得难受
[30:31.81]but I was trained not to leave a man when he's down. 但我接受的训练 绝不在战友倒下时 弃之不顾
[30:33.86]Our man is down. 我们的战友倒下了
[30:35.98]- Todd... - we both love him. - Todd... - 我们都爱着他
[30:38.37]- Todd... - no! - Todd... - 不!
[30:41.62]All I want to know is how he's doing. 我只想知道 他现在怎么样
[30:50.65]Oh,god. 噢 上帝
[30:56.38]dr.Karev saved your life,but the chance that you were exposed to infection is too great. Karev医生救了你一命 但你极有可能受到感染
[31:03.19]can she get another heart? 她能再得到一个心脏吗?
[31:04.92]You'll be at the top of the list. 你会在移植名单的最前列
[31:06.85]But m gonna have to stay in isolation,right? 但我还得继续隔离 对吗?
[31:27.23]the spinal tap showed encephalitis. 脊椎抽液显示出脑炎的症状
[31:29.98]The virus reverted. 病毒变异了
[31:33.76]There's no way we could've predicted this. 这是我们无法预见的
[31:45.27]On the way here,I stopped and I got this. 来的路上 我买了这个
[31:50.53]for when we get it right. 是为我们成功的时候准备的
[31:54.04]Because we will. 因为我们会的
[31:56.42]We will succeed. 我们会成功
[31:58.49]We will save someone. 我们会拯救他人
[32:01.39]And when we do,we're gonna open this bottle of champagne, 到了那个时候 我们一起开启这瓶香槟
[32:04.34]and we're gonna drink to phillip robinson and darren covington. 为Phillip Robinson 和Darren Covington干杯
[32:07.90]and all the other patients who helped us change the face of medicine, 为所有帮我们 改变了医学面貌的病人干杯
[32:15.67]and we're gonna celebratE. 我们将会庆祝
[32:17.61]We're gonna use this as our victory dance. 将以此酒作为奖赏
[32:21.91]Meredith,we will. Meredith 我们会的
[32:26.34]we will open this bottle of champagne. 我们一定会开启这瓶香槟
[32:39.82]Going through all the forms,I noticed you didn't turn yours in. 看了这些表 我发现你的还没有交
[32:43.19]No,no,sir. 还没有 主任
[32:44.67]Well,I ed you to. 我需要你填表
[32:46.27]The hospital is still liable even though dr.Burke isn't here. 即使Burke医生不在 医院仍是要负责的
[33:09.16]There. 好了
[33:10.32]My sexual relationship... preston burke...on paper. 我的性伴侣... Preston Burke...写上了
[33:13.65]Satisfied? 满意了吧?
[33:15.16]- I know this is difficult for you. - No,it's not difficult,sir. - 我知道这很难受 - 不 不是难受 主任
[33:17.77]It is simple. 这很简单
[33:19.07]Burke is not here.He's gone. Burke不在这里 他走了
[33:21.19]And he's the better for it. 他过得更好了
[33:22.95]He's winning the harper avery award and being celebrated all over the world. 他得了哈帕 艾华利奖 举世闻名
[33:27.14]That is not difficult. 这并非难受
[33:28.69]He's out there. 他远在天边
[33:30.51]And I'm here. 我还在此地
[33:32.50]where everything is the same. 什么都没变
[33:35.12]I still live in his apartment,I walk the same halls of this hospital, 我还住在他的公寓里 每天穿过同样的医院走廊
[33:39.11]I wear the same scrubs,and even that is not difficult. 穿着同样的消毒服 这都并非难受
[33:42.62]This is where I am. 我就在这里
[33:44.12]This is where I choo to be. 是我自己的选择
[33:47.93]But,sir. 但是 主任
[33:49.65]when his hand was shaking,I performed his surgeries, 当他的手颤抖时 我替他做的手术
[33:55.17]I kept his secrets,I nursed his pride. 我安抚他的自尊心 我保守他的秘密
[33:57.82]You know it,and I know it,and he knows it. 你知道 我知道 他知道
[34:01.34]He knows it. 他很清楚这一点
[34:04.33]And yet,nowhere in the newspaper article does my name appear. 可是 在那篇报纸上 他对我只字未提
[34:12.18]I am the unseen hand to his brilliance. 在他的卓越光辉中 我是看不见的手
[34:18.31]Excuse me. 抱歉
[34:21.92]and yet,while everything is. 可是 一切都没变
[34:27.10]the same,it's very,very different. 却又如此如此不同
[34:30.58]Now I'm lucky if I get to hold a clamp. 现在 我能拿个镊子都算走运了
[34:33.85]Hahn treats me like. Hahn对我就像...
[34:40.73]I was his hand,and now I'm a ghost. 我曾是他的双手 如今我却像个幽灵
[34:47.39]That's not difficult. 这不是难受
[34:50.52]It's unbearable. 只是无法忍受
[34:53.35]I know everybody is proud of him,but I'm not. 我知道大家都以他为荣 但我不这样
[34:57.70]And I do not wish him well. 我不希望他过得好
[35:01.55]******** 这种"抵制"已经够了
[35:04.98]Now,okay,I have no authority here, 虽然 我在此并没有任何权威
[35:07.23]but I would like to offer my thoughts on dr.Sloan. 但我想说出 我对Sloan医生的想法
[35:12.30]You're doing great. 你做得很好
[35:13.53]Uh,this man is a whore,has always been a whore,will probably always be a whore. 这个人就是个淫棍 从前就是 将来估计也是
[35:20.65]But,I mean,that's not a secret. 不过 这人尽皆知
[35:22.12]He's not keeping it hidden. 他没有隐瞒这一点
[35:23.40]You all knew who he was before you got involved with him. 在和他搞上之前 你们也都清楚知道
[35:26.02]And now you want to be all "woe is me,he doesn't call me back,he's dating other women. 现在你们却都表现出 "他没给我打电话 他约会别的女人了"
[35:31.57]" He's nasty,but he's a doctor here and a pretty good one. 他是很下流 不过他也是一名医生 一名出色的医生
[35:37.47]So let us all close our knees and get back to our jobs 所以 让我们夹紧大腿 做好自己的工作
[35:42.57]so he can get back to his job and help the people that really need it. 这样他才能做好自己的工作 救助需要帮助的病人
[35:50.84]disperse. 解散
[36:00.72]oh,my god. 上帝
[36:04.29]Hi,my baby. 嗨 宝贝
[36:16.26]I heard.Y did great. 我听说了 你做得很好
[36:21.44]- Alex. - Look,you think I'm scum. - Alex - 听着 你认为我是废物
[36:23.21]You think I can't do this. 你觉得我做不来
[36:24.64]But it's my kid,izzie,my kid,and what you think doesn't matter. 但这是我的孩子 Izzie 是我的孩子 你怎么想无所谓
[36:33.27]I want him to have a military burial. 我希望给他举行军人葬礼
[37:27.24]It was a good day. 这是不错的一天
[37:30.75]heading home. 回家
[37:33.26]Heading home early. 早早回家
[37:37.64]Maybe you have changed. 也许你是变了
[37:44.57]That's a nice blouse. 很漂亮的外衣
[37:49.06]Maybe even a great day. 甚至算是美好的一天
[37:52.41]Good night. 晚安
[37:53.35]Did you ever get in touch with that patient? 你跟那个病人联系上吗?
[37:55.80]No. 没有
[37:56.69]- Did you tell her friend? - No. - 你告诉她的朋友了吗? - 没有
[38:04.45]even though it killed me,I didn't tell. 即使很难受 我也没有说
[38:07.94]You're growing,stevens. 你成熟了 Stevens
[38:10.28]Yeah,well,I wish it would stop. 但我不希望这样
[38:15.54]My husband is out on a date. 我的丈夫在外边约会
[38:19.07]right now. 现在
[38:20.64]On a date. 正在约会
[38:25.25]I was a good doctor. 我是个优秀的医生
[38:30.54]even when it was hard. 即便当时有那么多困难
[38:33.11]I was the me in my head. 我的印象中 我就是那样的
[38:36.00]I just called three of my ex-boyfriends to find out how unforgettable I am. 我给我三个前男友打电话 想知道自己是否很难忘
[38:40.57]I left messages.I'm sure they'll call me back. 我留言了 他们肯定会回复的
[38:44.08]So you made a mistake and you slept with alex? 你一时糊涂 和Alex上了床?
[38:47.02]No one has made more mistakes or slept with more inappropriate people 没人比我犯的错误更多 和那么多不合适的对象上过床
[38:53.33]or been more publicly humiliated than me. 或者比我更丢脸
[38:56.76]Let me be an inspiration. 我告诉你
[38:58.49]look at me... I am the chief's intern. 看看我...我是个主任实习生
[39:02.58]I am the man at the right hand. 我应该是他的首席助手
[39:07.28]of the man. 主任的助手
[39:10.61]okay,I've been avoiding you. 我是在逃避你
[39:12.74]But. 但是
[39:14.44]when she was here,addison said... well, 当Addison在的时候 她说...
[39:16.70]she implied that...that,well,we... that I...that I was. 她暗示... 说...我... 说我是...
[39:22.35]that. 那个...
[39:25.87]you and i might be lesbians. 你和我可能是同性恋
[39:44.37]there was a moment when I thought. 曾有一刻 我觉得
[39:46.90]I can't do this. 我没法面对
[39:52.92]Well,I'm glad some things haven't changed. 我很高兴 有些东西没有改变
[39:57.73]I can't do this alone. 我没法一个人面对
[40:00.13]The most refined,professional,ladylike doctor in this hospital came to my defense tonight. 今晚 本院最优雅 最专业 最有女人味的医生替我辩护
[40:05.85]The best she could come up with was "he's a whore. 她能想到最贴切的辩词是 "他是个淫棍"
[40:09.55]" I'm a whore. "我是个淫棍"
[40:11.95]I slept with her. 我和她上床时
[40:14.51]The whole time,I was thinking about meredith. 我脑子里想的全是Meredith
[40:18.36]Who's the bigger whore? 谁更像个淫棍?
[40:20.66]But I closed my eyes. 但我闭上双眼
[40:22.69]and imagined myself doing it. 想象着我自己面对困难
[40:27.22]And I did. 我成功了
[40:29.39]I blocked out the fear. 我驱散了恐惧
[40:32.47]and I did it. 我成功了
[40:35.47]It was a really good day. 这的确是不错的一天
[40:40.40]Look,I'm just gonna say this because your insurance only covers 20 sessions, 听着 我这样说 因为你的医保只包含20次疗程
[40:44.27]and I feel we should get right to the point. 我们应该直接点
[40:47.27]That was a load of crap. 这都是胡扯
[40:50.28]It was not a good day. 这天根本不好
[40:53.12]Your patient died alone,unable to tell the love of his life how he felt. 你的病人孤独死去 不能将感受告诉真爱
[40:57.31]Yeah,but he did it for his boyfriend. 没错 但他为男友而这样做
[40:59.04]I mean,I actually think it was kind of heroic. 我确实觉得这很勇敢
[41:01.00]- It's a load of crap. - Stop saying that. - 胡扯 - 别这样说
[41:03.08]Look,let me draw the parallels for you. 听着 我把话说清楚
[41:05.21]The tragic patient dies alone while the love of his life is literally in the next room. 那个可怜的病人孤独死去 他的真爱离他咫尺之遥
[41:12.29]That's you. 这就是你
[41:13.43]What...what... what are you talking about? 你说什么?
[41:14.63]I'm not dying alone. 我没有孤独死去
[41:15.85]Oh,but I think you are. 我想你会的
[41:17.28]And you're...you're telling yourself you're a hero, 你还告诉自己 这么做很勇敢
[41:20.27]when in reality,all you are is alone. 而现实是 你孤独一人
[41:22.58]- That is a load of crap. - He's with rose. - 胡扯 - 他和Rose在一起
[41:28.54]you know what? I'M. 我...
[41:30.34]- not gonna do this.- He's with rose. - 不会这么做的 - 他和Rose在一起
[41:31.93]Why do you keep saying that? 你为什么一直这么说?
[41:33.06]Because if you can't see what's wrong with that sentence... 要是你看不出来 这句话有什么问题
[41:35.44]"he's with rose"... we're never gonna get anywhere. "他和Rose在一起" ... 我们不可能有进展
[41:37.80]He's with rose. 他和Rose在一起
[41:39.30]Okay!So he's with rose.So what? 他和Rose在一起 这又怎么了?
[41:41.13]And if he's with rose,that means he's not with you. 如果他和Rose在一起 就意味着他没有和你在一起
[41:43.54]And do you know why he's not with you? 你知道他为何没和你在一起?
[41:48.00]You're scared. 你害怕了
[41:50.45]Are you calling me a coward? 你是在说我软弱?
[41:54.39]I think you're very frightened,dr.Grey. 我觉得你非常害怕 Grey医生
[41:56.20]Are you calling me a coward? 你是在说我软弱?
[41:58.75]What do you think? 你觉得呢?
[42:01.12]Proudly Presents 医人当自强 第四季 第14集 "变化" -=结束=-

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