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[00:00.00]美剧MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:56:37
[00:00.86]Previously on "grey's anatomy". 前情提要...
[00:04.10]You're not attracted to me. 你一点也不吸引我
[00:05.47]You think you are,but you're not. 你以为自己很有吸引力 其实不然
[00:07.28]You are nowhere near hard-core enough to commit to cardio. 你还没有能力应付心血管科
[00:11.00]Why isn't this easier? 为什么那么不轻松?
[00:11.92]I don't know. 我不知道
[00:13.06]Well,I want my best friend back. 我想找回我最好的朋友
[00:15.08]You deserve the jo I should've given it to you in t first place. 这份工作是你应得的 我一开始就该给你
[00:18.43]Things are gonna be different from here on in. 从此事情要有个改观
[00:20.43]Your love lives,your hopes and dreams, 你们的爱情生活 你们的希望和梦想
[00:22.78]the little joys and tragedies that make you who you are have no place in my hospital. 你们个人的小乐子 小麻烦 在我的医院都没有容身之处
[00:27.56]This is our son. 这是我们的儿子
[00:29.44]He's beautiful. 他真可爱
[00:36.46]we got into medicine because we want to save lives. 我们从医是为了拯救生命
[00:41.36]We go into medicine because we want to do good. 我们从医是为了积德行善
[00:44.98]We go into medicine for the rush, 我们从医是为了追求忙碌
[00:48.56]for the high, 为了刺激
[00:50.90]for the ride. 为了驾驭
[00:52.43]You're not dancing. 你怎么不跳舞
[00:53.69]I'm too tense to dance. 我太紧张了 根本不能跳
[00:54.27]Which is why we're dancing. 所以才要跳舞
[00:55.97]My problem is,I'm sleeping with a man who's dating. 我的问题是 我爱的男人正在跟别人约会
[00:59.02]And I don't care if he dates sydney. 我不在乎他跟Sydney约会
[01:00.85]It's the woman he dates after sydney,that's my problem. 我苦恼的是Sydney之后的那个女人
[01:04.41]And if I had any sense at all,I would break up with the breakup sex. 如果我当初理智的话 就应该让最后的激情作为终结
[01:07.67]There would be no more breakup sexing. 而不是更多次的"最后的激情"
[01:09.87]-If I had any sense. -shut up! - 如果我有丁点理智的话 - 闭嘴!
[01:12.04]Dance it out. 跳个舞吧
[01:13.33]But what we remember at the end of most days are the losses. 但一天下来 我们的脑子里只有失落
[01:19.80]What we lay awake at night replaying is. 我们因此失眠 躺在床上
[01:22.87]the pain we caused or failed to cure,the lives we ruined or failed to save. 回想着带不走的痛苦 和拯救不了的生命
[01:29.12]You know,I'm gonna tell him. 我要跟他说
[01:32.22]I don't want him seeing other people. 我不想让他跟其他人约会
[01:33.91]Good. Fine. Whatever. 不错 很好 随便吧
[01:35.54]I'm gonna tell him,and I feel good about it. 我要告诉他 这让我感觉不错
[01:38.56]Dancing makes you brave. 跳舞让你勇敢
[01:42.80]So the experience of practicing medicine rarely resembles the goal. 从医的经历总是和目标不相匹配
[01:48.10]The experience,too often,is ass-backwards and upside down. 总是背道而驰 颠倒错乱
[01:58.58]I am so sick of meredith and cristina and their stupid love affair with each other 受不了Meredith和Cristina 还有她们俩的风流韵事
[02:01.46]that they have to rub in everyone's faces. 她们对谁都是一副臭脸
[02:03.41]It's. stupid dancing. Friggin' bobbsey twins. 她们跳舞姿势太愚蠢了 还真是一对
[02:06.60]Stupid. 太愚蠢了
[02:07.49]you're ranting. 你又开始嚷了
[02:08.93]It's kinda early in the morning for ranting. 每天早上你都嚷
[02:10.59]We're supposed to be the happy ones. We should be dancing,george. 我们应该是幸福的一对 我们应该跳舞 George
[02:12.63]Why aren't we dancing? 为什么不呢?
[02:14.98]You want to dance? 你想跳舞?
[02:17.74]Whatever. 无所谓
[02:19.59]I'm gonna go in early. 我要早点去上班
[02:20.90]I'm gonna get on hard-core erica hahn cardio,and I'm gonna kick ass at it. 我要成为Erica Hahn的得力助手 我要大展身手
[02:24.65]And when I kick ass at cardio,it's gonna piss cristina off, 那样 准能把Cristina气死
[02:26.85]but it won't matter,because I'll be a kick-ass cardio god. 不过没关系 因为我会成为心脏外科的权威
[02:38.83]I'm justaying,you're never here. 你还在家啊 真少见
[02:40.54]J. hold on,hold on. 等一下再说话
[02:41.58]I mess up the rotation schedule,the residents are gonna dog me all week. 如果我把轮班表搞乱了 会被住院医生烦上一礼拜的
[02:45.80]Okay. 好了
[02:47.35]You're never here. 你很少在家
[02:48.96]I'm here in the mornings. 我早上在啊
[02:50.63]I'm here at night. 晚上也在
[02:52.04]You're here between midnight and 6:00 A. M. 你物业回来 早上6点就走
[02:54.08]I'm chief resident now. 我是住院总医师
[02:55.98]and I'm loading the dishwasher! 所以 要我来启动洗碗机!
[03:07.93]hi. 嗨
[03:13.15]You volunteered to stay home with t-u-c-K. 你自愿在家照顾Tuck的
[03:20.06]Who else was gonna take care of t-u-c-k? 还有谁能来照顾Tuck呢?
[03:22.64]I'm late for work. 我要迟到了
[03:26.10]Okay. Hey,honey. 好的 小宝贝
[03:28.02]We need to talk. 我们得谈谈
[03:29.94]Okay. 好吧
[03:31.35]Uh,take the baby by your mom,and meet me for lunch,okay? 把孩子送到你妈妈那 咱俩中午吃个饭 行吗?
[03:34.42]We'll talk then. 边吃边聊
[03:36.21]Well,why can't we talk here? 为什么不能在家谈呢?
[03:37.86]'Cause I'm only here between the hours of midnight and 6:00 A.M. 因为我只有午夜到清晨6点在家
[03:41.16]Now come on. Now just meet me for lunch,tucker. 拜托了 午饭的时候再谈吧 Tucker
[03:43.47]Come on now. 拜托了
[03:47.37]-Lunch. -Yes,lunch. - 午饭时候吧 - 太好了 午饭时
[03:56.11]thatcher's not my problem. Thatcher不是我的问题
[03:58.28]-He can get drunk all he wants. I don't care. -Right. - 随他去酗酒吧 我不在乎 - 好的
[04:01.04]I don't care about lexie,either. 我也不在乎Lexie
[04:03.00]She's a big girl. She can take care of herself. 她是大姑娘了 能照顾好自己
[04:05.23]You talk about them an awful lot for someone who doesn't care. 如果你不在乎 为什么整天挂在嘴边
[04:08.95]You care because you're you. 因为是你 所以关心他们
[04:17.50]Yore gonna make me late for my meeting with sloan. 因为你 Sloan的会诊我要迟到了
[04:19.82]Well,okay then,go. 哦 好吧 你走吧
[04:27.36]What? 怎么了?
[04:31.22]Nothing. I'M. 没什么 我...
[04:32.83]gonna be late. 我要迟到了
[04:40.37]I'm late for sloan's meeting. Sloan的会诊我要迟到了
[04:41.68]Yeah,so am I. 是啊 我也是
[04:42.65]Also,I'm not speaking to you. 我还不想跟你说话
[04:57.30]I'm still not speaking to you. 我还是不跟你说话
[04:58.87]You don't have to speak. 你不需要说话
[05:01.94]Late for sloan. Sloan那边要迟到了
[05:05.70]okay,ladies and gentlemen,this is nick hanscomb. 女士们先生们 这位是Nick Hanscomb
[05:08.30]Hi. 嗨
[05:09.36]Nick was lucky enough to have me remove a large carotid body tumor from his neck. Nick很幸运 我切除了他的大型颈动脉瘤
[05:14.57]The fact that I was able to get clean boundaries is pretty darn impressive,even for me. 手术伤口能愈合得这么好 即便是我 也是很难得的
[05:19.07]-Congratulations. -Don't interrupt. - 恭喜 - 别打断我
[05:21.39]Now despite the fact that it was a wildly successful surgery, 抛开手术的巨大成功不提
[05:24.60]we had to dissect out deep lymph nodes in his neck. 现在我们要化验颈部深处的淋巴组织
[05:27.34]There is now only a delicate flap of skin between his carotid artery and the outside world. 但他的动脉和外界只相隔 一层很脆弱的皮肤
[05:32.69]That said,what am I worried about? 情况就是这样 谁知道我担心什么?
[05:35.81]I would think given the friability of the skin, 考虑到皮肤的脆弱性
[05:37.62]that there's a great possibility that the,um,the artery could blow? 他的颈动脉很可能爆裂
[05:41.91]Right. 没错
[05:43.07]oh,don't worry. I've. I've heard this before. 别担心 我之前听说过
[05:45.05]If that happens,whoever's in the room, 我命令你们 如果此类事情发生 无论谁在场
[05:47.38]I don't care if it's a doctor,a nurse,an orderly, 不管是医生 护士 护工
[05:50.23]your job is to stop the bleeding then page me,in that order. 你们都要先止血 然后通知我
[05:55.20]Are we clear? Any questions? 听清楚了吗? 有问题吗?
[05:59.03]They look scared. 他们看上去有点害怕
[06:00.19]They're medical professionals,nick. 他们都是学医的 Nick
[06:01.25]A healthy level of fear is encouraged. 适当的恐惧是一种鼓舞
[06:04.19]Okay,then. 那好吧
[06:05.81]Uh,if I do die,it will have been lovely meeting you all. 即使我真死了 也很高兴能认识你们
[06:09.92]See? 看到了没?
[06:10.92]The patient is confident. You should be confident. 病人这么有信心 你们就应该更有信心
[06:14.16]That's it. 就这样了
[06:16.43]what do we got? 什么情况?
[06:17.66]Jacob nolston,47,status post a double bypass surgery two weeks ago, Jacob Nolston 47岁 两周前做了心脏双搭桥手术
[06:22.11]now presents febrile with pain and tenderness in his surgical incisions. 现在有点发烧 并伴随伤口敏感疼痛
[06:25.28]We got a 10-car pileup on the freeway. You mind taking him from here? 高速公路上有个10车连环相撞事故 我们要处理 他你们能接手么?
[06:27.55]Oh,you got it. 哦 你们去吧
[06:28.31]okay,I need a gurney for the transfer. 我需要轮床把他推走
[06:29.67]I'll page hahn. 我来呼叫Hahn
[06:31.04]Sounds like we all agree. Get him inside and flip for it. 看来我们都同意了 送他进去检查
[06:33.71]You're in good hands,Mr. Nolston. 他们都很厉害 Nolston先生
[06:35.02]Thank you,gentlemen. 谢谢你们
[06:35.74]on three. One,two,three. 我数三下 1 2 3
[06:38.35]When are you gonna realize you're in over your head? 你何时才能明白 自己的行为已经过头了?
[06:40.20]when are you gonna realize that you don't own the cardio department? 你何时才能明白 心血管科不归你管?
[06:42.32]He's my patient. I got here first. Dibs. 他是我的病人 我先到的
[06:43.69]hey,you guys. 伙计们
[06:44.64]You can't call dibs on a human being. 你不能这么叫我
[06:45.97]You guys,I think we should move. 伙计们 我们快走
[06:46.77]-Let go of the gurney. -You let go. - 你别摸着轮床了 - 你才应该放手
[06:49.63]Move! 快走!
[07:03.20]Grey's Anatomy Season 4 Episode 9 医者当自强 第四季 第9集
[07:11.46]X ah,my leg! 啊 我的腿!
[07:12.18]-You okay? -I'm good. Let's go. - 你还好吗? - 我还好 快点走
[07:17.64]call the fire department! Get some gurneys out here! 去叫火警! 这里需要轮床!
[07:25.70]ray. Ray
[07:27.10]Ray,can you hear me? Ray 能听见我说话么?
[07:28.70]Stan? Stan?
[07:31.13]stan? Stan?
[07:32.72]Oh,my god. 哦 我的天啊
[07:33.70]Stan,open your eyes,man. Stan 睁开眼睛
[07:41.55]oh,man. Don't scare me like that. 哦 伙计 别吓唬我
[07:43.51]Let's get you guys outta there. 我们救你们出来
[07:44.62]No,stop. Stop. Don't touch anything. 不 停下来 什么也不要碰
[07:47.26]Don't touch anything until fire stabilizes the rig. These doors aren't gonna budge. 消防设施到位以前 什么也不要动 不能移动那扇车门
[07:50.59]Uh,torres,I need your help here! Torres 我需要你帮忙!
[07:52.27]Get the driver. 你负责司机
[07:53.19]Okay,on my way. 好的 就来
[07:54.35]All right,listen. Just page somebody to help you and keep them talking. 听我说 去叫人来帮忙 跟他们说话 让他们一直说话
[07:57.76]You got this? 明白了吗?
[07:59.14]Yeah. 是的
[08:03.67]Don't leave. Don'T. 别走开 不要走开
[08:06.98]Okay. 好的
[08:08.69]Somebody page the chief. 谁去通知主任啊?
[08:14.10]hey,you okay? 你还好吗?
[08:15.19]No,but I'm not as bad off as this guy. 不 但他的情况更糟糕
[08:19.30]He started coding after we picked him up. 我们接手的时候 他就心跳停止了
[08:21.83]M-mary had some kind of seizure. Mary有某种癫痫
[08:24.06]Mary? Mary?
[08:25.56]Mary,come on,irl. Wake up. Mary 拜托醒醒
[08:27.42]I need some help here. 我需要帮助
[08:28.33]There's no pulse. We'll call the coroner. 已经没有脉搏了 我叫验尸官
[08:30.19]Let me check your injuries. 我看看你的伤势
[08:31.07]-No. Is she dead? -*** 不用 她死了么?
[08:33.22]No,but she looks postictal. 没有 不过好像癫痫发作过
[08:35.41]She's also got a bad elbow dislocation and a weak pulse. 现在肘部脱臼 脉搏微弱
[08:38.27]She was driving,she was talking to me. 她在开车 还在跟我说话
[08:40.14]She just started convulsing,and then we slammed into that other rig. 然后就开始抽筋 我们就跟另一辆车撞上了
[08:43.21]All right. You think you can move? 好的 你还能动么?
[08:44.63]Yeah. 是的
[08:46.52]hey,now you know I need to stabilize you. You know the drill. 嘿 我要将你固定 你知道程序的
[08:49.14]My c-spine's clear. I can. I can walk. 我的脊椎没事 我还能走动
[08:51.13]Well,come on. 哦 拜托
[08:52.97]Where are you injured? 你伤到哪了?
[08:54.32]My gut. Upper abdomen. 内脏 上腹部
[08:57.41]listen,I know this is gonna sound weird, 听我说 希望你不介意
[08:59.61]but do you think you could get me a guy doctor? 不过能给我找个男医生么?
[09:08.31]how am I doing? 我情况怎样?
[09:09.35]Strong and stable. 情况很不错 很稳定
[09:11.20]Strong and stable. 很不错 很稳定
[09:13.04]two words that have never been used to describe me,ever. 第一次有人用这两个词形容我
[09:19.56]You're a pretty girl. 你长得很漂亮
[09:21.56]I hope you don't think that's rude. I'm just. 希望你不认为我很无礼 只是...
[09:24.12]I haven't been allowed to notice that kind of thing for a while and. 很久以来 我都不被批准看漂亮的女孩
[09:27.66]now I'm allowed. 现在我自由了
[09:28.99]You're allowed to notice prettiness? 你被批准看美女?
[09:30.92]Well,I'm allowed to notice,uh,other women,women other than my girlfriend. 我被批准看其他女人 除了我女朋友
[09:37.70]My now,uh,ex-girlfriend. 现在是前女友了
[09:39.71]Oh,I'm sorry. 哦 我很遗憾
[09:41.08]yeah,giant neck tumors weren't her thing. 巨大的颈部肿瘤造成的
[09:44.24]She left you because of the tumor? 她因为肿瘤跟你分手?
[09:45.71]Of course not. No. 当然不是 不是的
[09:46.79]She left me because,uh,I didn't make her laugh anymore,and,uh, 她离开是因为我不能再逗她笑了
[09:53.10]she had just lost that lovin' feeling. 她只是失去爱的感觉了
[09:55.77]She left you because of the tumor. 她就是因为肿瘤离开你的
[09:58.33]-That sucks. -Yep. - 真糟 - 是啊
[10:02.08]Y-you seeing anyone? 你有男朋友吗?
[10:03.57]I'm j. I'm just making conversation. 只是随便聊聊
[10:04.88]My. my artery's exposed,you know,which kind of limits my game. 我的颈动脉爆了 使我招数有所限制
[10:09.20]Okay,uh. 好
[10:11.31]yes. Well,kind of,I am. 是的 算是有吧
[10:14.61]Nice guy? 人好吗?
[10:16.39]Yeah,he is. 是的
[10:18.31]Well,he's kind of,um,he's kind of a nice guy disguised as a jerk. 他是个伪装成混蛋的好人
[10:22.39]Oh,yeah,I-I know that type. My. 我知道这种型的
[10:24.27]my girlfriend was A. 我女友就是
[10:25.89]nice girl disguised as a vapid narcissist. 伪装成无趣自恋狂的好女孩
[10:29.80]But then it turnedut she really was just a vapid narcissist. 但结果证实她只是个无趣自恋狂
[10:34.12]-Ouch. -Yeah. - 惨 - 对啊
[10:36.72]So you really like this guy? 你真的很喜欢他?
[10:38.69]Even though he doesn't have a super cool exposed carotid artery? 即使他没有超酷的爆裂颈动脉?
[10:44.59]yeah,I do. 是的
[10:49.58]what's going on in the pit? You just wiped the surgical board. 停车场发生什么事? 你把手术板擦了
[10:52.91]Oh,uh,a couple of ambulances crashed into each other, 几辆救护车互撞
[10:54.93]so I'm canceling all electives to free up the O.R.S for emergent surgeries. 所以我把人手空出 为紧急手术作准备
[10:58.89]Are we friends yet? 我们是朋友了吗?
[11:00.47]I'm sorry? 什么?
[11:01.03]Friends. Are we friends? 朋友 我们是朋友吗?
[11:02.96]I-I know I just learned your name and all,rose,but I. 我知道我才知道你名字 Rose 但是
[11:06.37]I'd like to think I could call you a friend. 我希望可以把你当朋友
[11:08.35]Why? 为什么?
[11:09.46]Because if i'm your friend,I could tell you about the licorice stuck in your teeth. 因为如果我是你朋友 就可以提醒你牙缝里夹着菜
[11:12.67]Whereas a mere acquaintance,I'd smile politely and pretend it wasn't there. 反之一个不太熟的人 我就礼貌的笑笑 装作没看见
[11:17.06]-thank you. -yeah. -谢谢 -好
[11:19.82]-jacob. -dad. -Jacob -爸
[11:22.31]hey,guys. 大家好
[11:23.44]you okay? 你还好吗?
[11:24.85]what happened to your leg? 你脚怎么了?
[11:26.31]There was a. 是一个
[11:27.94]a little accident,but,uh,I'mkay. It doesn't hurt. 小意外 但我没事 不疼
[11:31.53]Well,what kind of an accident? 什么意外?
[11:33.09]-Um,the ambulances crashed. -The ambulances crashed? -救护车发生车祸 -救护车发生车祸?
[11:36.37]Sandra,tell your mother not to panic. Sandra叫你妈别慌
[11:38.47]Stop panicking,mom. 别慌 妈
[11:40.96]Is his heart okay? 他的心脏还好吗?
[11:42.92]What's your name? 你叫什么?
[11:43.84]Lucy. Lucy
[11:44.46]Lucy. I'm izzie. Lucy 我叫Izzie
[11:46.06]Your dad's heart is hurt,but we're gonna work really hard to make it better,okay? 你爸心脏有事 但我们会尽力治好 好吗?
[11:49.68]I was paged. 有人呼我
[11:51.53]-Oh,I. -Dr. Yang? - 是我 - Yang医生?
[11:52.91]Jacob nolston,two weeks post-op from a cabg. Jacob Nolston 两周前做了冠状动脉搭桥手术
[11:54.82]My initial exam suggests a sternal infection. 我的初步检查显示是胸骨感染
[11:57.37]Our initial exam. 我们的初步检查
[11:58.06]And he also sustained injuries to his leg from an accident outside the E.R. 同时因急诊室外的事故 脚受伤
[12:02.36]Okay,stevens,when you can tear yourself away, 好 Stevens 等你有空时
[12:05.60]page torres about the shrapnel in this man's leg. 呼Torres来处理他脚的"散弹"
[12:08.23]And you can work with her today. I only need one. 你今天就跟她 我要一个就行了
[12:12.62]no. 不
[12:13.68]You have to let me examine you. 你得让我检查一下
[12:15.91]I can wait. I. I'll wait for a guy. 我可以等 等男医生来
[12:18.93]Uh,y-you're shy. Okay,I-I get that. 你害羞 我了解
[12:21.46]This is no time for shy. 但这不是害羞的时候
[12:23.16]Now my hands may be smaller than a man's,but my brain is much larger,I assure you. 我保证 或许我的手比男人小 但头脑却聪明得
[12:27.70]Now you're just going to have to let me examine you right. 你让我好好检查就行了
[12:30.28]no,do not. 不 别
[12:31.65]Do. do not touch me. 别碰我
[12:32.89]For the love of. 为了爱起见
[12:34.64]ay,Dr. Bailey,you have an emergent situation? Bailey医生 有紧急情况?
[12:36.53]No,he says he wants a male doctor. 不 他指定要男性医生
[12:38.82]He doesn't want my female hands to touch him. 他不想我的女性手碰他
[12:41.28]Let me see his chart. 让我看他的表
[12:43.07]Um,shane. I'm Dr. Webber. Shane 我是Webber医生
[12:46.76]I'm gonna palpate your abdomen. 我将给你的腹部触诊
[12:48.00]no,no. 不 不
[12:49.92]-I thought you said he wanted a male doctor. -He did. -你不是说要男医生吗? -他是这么说的
[12:52.65]No,look,I-I just. 不 我只是
[12:55.06]I meant. I-I want another. 我要别的
[12:57.79]I want a different doctor. I. 一个不一样的医生
[13:00.09]I'll wait for a different doctor. 我等一个跟你们不一样的医生来
[13:02.12]a-a different doctor? 不一样的医生?
[13:10.60]you mean you want a white doctor. 你指一个白人医生?
[13:17.27]I have paramedics hanging upside down. 我有几个护理人员倒挂着在车里
[13:22.21]Can you handle. 你可以处理
[13:25.20]this? 这事吗?
[13:26.64]Yes,sir. I can. 好的 我可以
[13:33.67]Dr. Torres. Torres医生
[13:34.92]This is mary daltry. She,uh,lost consciousness behind the wheel. 这位是Mary Daltry 她开车时失去意识
[13:38.32]You're the neuro guy? 你就是搞神经的?
[13:39.43]Yes,I'm Dr. Shepherd. 是的 我是Shepherd医生
[13:40.95]-Why did I have a seizure? -I don't know. -我为什么会痉挛? -我不知道
[13:42.88]I mean,I've never had a seizure before. 我以前从没痉挛过
[13:45.57]I mean,I'm fine,except apparently I caused this accident. 我没事 除了是我引发事故之外
[13:50.87]Call radiology. Let's get her in for an M.R.I. 打电话给放射科 给她做个核磁共振
[13:52.76]Yes,sir. 好的
[13:53.49]How's shane. my partner? Shane我的拍档 怎么样了?
[13:55.36]Does anybody know? 有谁知道吗?
[13:56.47]-I think he's with Dr. Bailey. -That's good. -我想他跟Bailey医生在一起 -很好
[13:58.43]Okay,I'm ready to fix the arm. Are you ready,mary? 我现在要正骨了 你准备好了吗?
[14:01.79]Is it gonna hurt? 疼吗?
[14:02.77]-Yes,but. -george. -会 但 -George
[14:05.68]But Dr. Torres is very good. 但Torres医生很棒的
[14:08.29]-Okay,Dr. Shepherd,are you good? -Yeah,I'm good. -Shepherd医生 你准备好了? -好了
[14:10.12]All right,as soon as I get some more information, 好 一有消息
[14:11.92]I'm gonna let you know,okay,mary? 我就会让你知道 好吗 Mary?
[14:13.31]-Okay. -All right. -好 -好
[14:23.96]how's it going in there,fellas? 里面情况如何 伙计?
[14:26.88]I think,uh,I think that they better get us out of here. 我想他们最好把我们弄出去
[14:31.40]Yeah. 对
[14:33.07]If we're putting it to a vote,I think we better get out of here,fast. 让我来说 最好快点把我们弄出去
[14:36.90]I'm afraid keep still is the beste can do for now. 恐怕保持不动才是目前最好的
[14:40.35]Don't want to make anything worse. 不想情况恶化
[14:42.60]We'll get you some pain meds as soon as possible. 我们尽快给你们止痛药
[14:46.15]-Sir? -Call me richard. - 长官? - 叫我Richard
[14:50.02]Richard. Richard
[14:52.25]can you tell me. 你能告诉我
[14:54.90]my legs,are they broken? 我的腿是不是断了?
[14:59.18]I-I can't see your legs. 我看不见你的腿
[15:01.24]How come? 为什么?
[15:03.08]Oh,your. your body's trapped in the door. You can't feel. 你的身体夹在门里 你感觉不到
[15:07.88]I can't. I can't. 我感觉不到
[15:08.85]you can't feel that? 你感觉不到吗?
[15:11.12]I can'T. 我感觉不到
[15:14.52]I can't feel anything. 我什么都感觉不到
[15:18.02]His.his ears are bleeding. 他的耳朵在流血
[15:20.24]Yeah,I see,ray. 是的 我看见了 Ray
[15:26.85]Can you get my wife? 可以叫我妻子来吗?
[15:29.06]She works here. 她在这工作
[15:30.99]- She's an x-ray tech. - You bet. - 她是X光操作员 - 一定叫来
[15:33.33]Stan,you don't die on me.You hear me? Stan 你不准死 听到了吗?
[15:35.83]I'll be so pissed ifou die on me. 要是死在我面前 我会生气的
[15:38.40]I'm doing my best,man. 我尽力吧 兄弟
[15:47.33]Get stan's wife here now. 把Stan的妻子叫来
[15:48.51]- But what do we.how.how do we. - we don'T. - 但我们做什么 该怎么做... - 我们不
[15:51.81]- Okay,we have a whole hospital. - the moment we move him,he's gonna bleed out. - 我们有整间医院在这 - 一移开他 就会失血而亡
[15:56.59]All the medicine in the world won't save him. 世界上所有医药都无法挽救
[15:59.14]His wife has to get here soon 他妻子必须尽快赶来
[16:00.42]she wants to see her husband alive. 她还想见到自己丈夫活着
[16:02.54]Now move. 快去
[16:11.54]Talk to me. 跟我说话
[16:13.40]I need you to help me hold on until sara gets here. 我需要你帮我坚持到Sara赶来
[16:16.12]I'm not helping you hold on, 我才不帮你坚持
[16:18.40]cause you're not dying. 因为你根本就不会死
[16:19.99]Ray. Ray
[16:22.31]talk to him.Help him. 跟他说话 帮帮他
[16:30.12]R-remember the night you met sara,at joe's? 还记得你们俩初遇的晚上 在Joe酒吧?
[16:35.95]You used that. 你用那
[16:37.14]that stupid line about. 蠢到家的开场白关于
[16:43.60]about the bet over the song lyrics? 歌词的赌博?
[16:45.71]Right.Right. 对 对
[16:47.82]What was that song? 那首歌怎么唱的啊?
[16:50.45]It was,uh.it was. 是
[16:55.72]I can see clearly now,the rain is gone. 我可以清晰看见 雨已然停了
[17:04.20]I can see all the obstacles in my way 我看见路途上的挫折
[17:10.65]gonna be a bright bright 会光明起来 光明
[17:15.47]sunshiny day 阳光灿烂的日子
[17:18.17]it's gonna be a bright bright 会光明起来 光明
[17:22.77]sunshiny day 阳光灿烂的日子
[17:28.76]what comes next? 接下来是哪句?
[17:31.02]I don't know. 不知道
[17:34.89]I think I can make it now, 我想我会成功
[17:37.88]the pain is gone. 痛苦已然过去
[17:46.69]I,um,I can't believe sara fell for that line. 真不敢相信Sare居然喜欢那样的开场白
[17:53.15]Listen. 听着
[17:56.56]when you get outta here. 等你好了
[17:59.40]you're gonna have a great story to tell. 你就有很棒的故事了
[18:05.84]you can tell it in the bar. 你可以在酒吧里讲
[18:08.00]You tell 'em how you got 跟他们讲你怎么
[18:11.25]into this accident and your best friend died. 遇上意外 而你的好朋友死了
[18:16.73]Chicks love that stuff. 女孩喜欢这样的故事
[18:20.97]Ray. Ray
[18:22.96]don't tell sara that I was talkin' about you gettin' tail right before I died. 别告诉Sara我跟你说你泡妞的事
[18:30.24]okay. 好
[18:32.40]she should be here any minute. 她马上就到了
[18:35.34]Just hold on,stan. 坚持住 Stan.
[18:38.66]Dr. Sloan. Sloan医生
[18:40.45]I have a patient,13 days status post cabg with a sternal infection. 我有个病人 13天前做了搭桥手术 患上胸骨感染
[18:45.19]So you're gonna remove the sternum? 你打算切除胸骨?
[18:46.40]And I need you to manipulate the pectoral muscles 我需要你处理胸肌
[18:48.76]so we don't leave a giant hole in the man's chest.Can you make time? 这样他胸部就不会有个大洞 你能抽时间吗?
[18:51.93]Can you make time for a drink with me after? 手术完后 能抽时间喝一杯吗?
[18:53.82]Did I mention time is a factor here? 我有提过这事很急吗?
[18:55.71]I'm looking for a yes or no answer. 你说行或不行就好了
[18:58.17]As am I. 我也一样
[18:59.96]this may be enjoyable to you,Dr. Sloan Sloan医生 你也许觉得很好玩
[19:02.12]but I have a patient in serious condition. 但我病人情况很严重
[19:04.45]I came to you because legend has it that you're the best in plastics. 我来是因为 听说你是最好的整容医生
[19:07.86]But if bad jokes and sleazy come-ons are what I'm in for all afternoon, 但要我整下午都得忍受蹩脚的笑话和挑逗
[19:11.83]I'll page whoever's second best. 不如找第二好的
[19:13.64]Dr. Hahn. Hahn医生
[19:16.67]I apologize. 我道歉
[19:18.82]- And I'll clear my schedule. - Thank you. - 我会空出日程表 - 谢谢
[19:21.51]O.R.One. 在1号手术室
[19:23.70]Uh,why don't you clean this up here and,uh, 等你把这搞好
[19:25.69]clear my schedule,and you can scrub in? 空出我的日程表 然后参加手术?
[19:27.50]Thank you. 谢谢
[19:30.14]Sorry about that. 真抱歉啊
[19:36.52]I'm sorry.I'll be right back. 抱歉 我马上回来
[19:38.83]So. 怎样
[19:40.43]coffee? 喝杯咖啡?
[19:42.22]- I can'T. - You can't? - 不行啊 - 不行?
[19:44.06]When I was your patient,you made time for me. 我是你病人那会 总能抽时间陪我
[19:46.74]'Cause you were my patient. 因为你是我的病人
[19:48.13]And here I thought it was 'cause you liked me. 我还以为是因为你喜欢我呢
[19:50.41]Look,I'm really sorry. 真的很抱歉
[19:51.94]I gotta finish up with this patient, 我处理完这个病人
[19:53.29]and then I'm scrubbing in on a surgery, 然后要进手术室
[19:54.74]and it's one I've never seen before. 是个从没碰过的手术
[19:56.22]- Can I watch? - What? - 我能观摩吗? - 什么?
[19:58.07]Can I watch the.the surgery? 我能观摩……手术吗?
[19:59.70]- Can I.can you sneak me in? - No. - 你能偷偷放我进去吗? - 不能
[20:01.97]- You know how much trouble I'd get in for that? - Come on. - 你知道那样会惹来多大的麻烦吗? - 拜托啦
[20:04.05]Since when are you a rule follower? 你什么时候开始循规蹈矩了?
[20:05.79]There's always a dozen people in the back of the O.R. 在手术室背后总站着一群人
[20:07.57]- And there's a gallery. - Ava. - 而且那里有一个走廊可以观摩 - Ava
[20:10.91]Please. 求你了嘛
[20:17.48]We're ready to go. 我们要走了
[20:18.57]Hold off for a moment.His wife's arriving. 再坚持一下 他老婆快到了
[20:21.24]Stan,sara's here. Stan, Sarah来了
[20:24.97]Stan,wake up,man.Sara's here. Stan醒醒 Sara来了
[20:27.18]Wake up! 快醒醒!
[20:31.83]That's good. 好
[20:34.89]That's good. 很好
[20:36.19]Baby? 亲爱的?
[20:37.43]Baby. 亲爱的
[20:39.44]Hey. Hey
[20:42.31]your x-ray shows that the metal's embedded in your femur, X光显示那铁片已经刺进了你的大腿骨
[20:45.17]so I'm gonna go in and remove it while Dr. Hahn and Dr. Sloan 我会在Hahn医生和Sloan医生 修复感染的时候
[20:48.20]repair the damage caused by the infection. 移除你大腿骨部的金属
[20:50.80]Repair the damage? 修复损伤?
[20:52.88]They're removing my chest bone. 他们要移除我的胸骨
[20:55.95]Why is this all happening? 这到底是怎么了?
[20:59.01]My kids shouldn't have to see me this way. 我的孩子们不可以看到我这副样子
[21:02.29]It's a dad's job to worry.You worry about your kids. 担心、照顾自己的孩子是爸爸的责任
[21:06.20]worry about 'em every day of their lives. 在他们的有生之年始终照顾他们
[21:09.29]But they aren't supposed to have to worry about dad. 但是他们不应该反过来担心爸爸
[21:11.20]They aren't supposed to have to comfort their mom. 他们不应该承担安抚妈妈的责任
[21:14.57]why am I back here? 我为什么要回到这里?
[21:17.36]- My kids. - your kids are fine. - 我的孩子 - 你的孩子没事
[21:20.42]They're taking care of each other,and they're fine. 他们在互相照顾 非常好
[21:24.14]Lucy was hungry,and the others were,too, Lucy和其他孩子都很饿
[21:26.20]so your wife took them to the cafeteria. 你妻子就带他们去餐厅了
[21:27.71]The point is,th're fine. 重点是 他们现在很好
[21:30.63]They just want their dad to get better. 他们只希望自己的爸爸好起来
[21:33.72]You'll keep an eye on 'em? 你会照顾他们的吧?
[21:36.25]When I'm in surgery,you'll keep them updated? 我在手术室的时候 你会及时通知他们进展的吧?
[21:38.17]'Cause my wife,she,uh. 因为我妻子..
[21:41.05]huh,she gets panicky if she doesn't know what's going on. 如果她不清楚情况的话 她就会很慌张
[21:45.12]I will keep her updated. 恩 我会及时告诉她进展
[21:50.05]Uh,I would like to borrow Dr. Yang. 我想借用一下Yang医生
[21:52.73]It's important.Can you spare her? 很重要的手术 你能把Yang让给我用下吗
[21:54.73]Torres,can I steal stevens off your service? Torres 能借用下Yang医生吗
[21:57.38]I'll give her away for free. 我求之不得
[21:59.26]- Yang's all yours,Dr. Bailey. - Thank you. - Yang归你了 Bailey医生 - 谢谢
[22:01.87]Yang,stevens. Yang Stevens
[22:04.55]Dr. Yang,Dr. Bailey has requested your capable hands. Yang医生 Bailey医生需要你这双能干的手
[22:07.61]Dr. Stevens,take over prepping Mr. Nolston for surgery. Stevens医生 带Nolston先生去准备手术吧
[22:10.69]But what.wait. 什么 等下
[22:11.55]oh,just take it up with Dr. Bailey,yang. 你就跟着Bailey医生吧 Yang
[22:16.37]Hey. Hey
[22:17.37]Hey. Hey
[22:18.38]- Mary's scans come up yet? - not yet. - Mary的检查结果出来了吗? - 还没呢
[22:25.45]What's going on with you and stevens? 你和Stevens之间怎么了
[22:28.42]Just because I don't sleep in your house 虽然我现在不住在你那儿了
[22:29.67]anymore doesn't mean I don't hear the gossip. 并不代表我听不到八卦了
[22:31.39]Why arwe talking about this?We don't talk. 为什么我们会在说这个? 我们不太说话的
[22:34.72]oh,you're. 你..
[22:36.28]you miss meredith and you're clinging. 你想Meredith了 对她还恋恋不舍
[22:38.39]I'm not clinging. 我没有
[22:39.60]- Oh,a little bit,you're clinging. - No,I'm just making small talk. - 不 你有一点儿 - 我只是想随便聊聊而已
[22:42.90]Ah,um,okay. 那好吧
[22:44.09]here we go. 我们开始
[22:53.32]tumor. tumor. 肿瘤
[22:59.37]look,I'm hurt.I'm.I'm really hurt here. 我受伤了 伤得很严重
[23:02.55]You just lie there and try not to die. 你就乖乖躺在那 然后别死了就成
[23:04.22]Someone will be here soon to save the master race from extinction. Someone will be here soon to save the master race from extinction. 有人会马上过来救你的 你这伟大的白人
[23:07.16]- Oh,okay. - Dr. Bailey,can i talk to you a minute? - 好的 - Bailey医生 能跟你说句话吗?
[23:10.19]I mean no disrespect, 无意冒犯你
[23:11.51]but can you please tell me you have an amazingly good reason 但是你能说一个让我信服的原因
[23:14.17]for pulling me off of Dr. Hahn's service 为什么把我从Hahn那儿调走嘛?
[23:16.10]when you know I have been fighting tooth and nail to get into her good graces? 况且你知道的 我一直在拼命打拼希望争取到她那儿
[23:19.65]You're not black. 因为你不是黑人
[23:20.92]But you're not white either. 可你也不是白人
[23:23.33]Dr. Yang will be examining you. Yang医生会给你做检查
[23:27.08]Oh,come on.Are you kidding? 噢 拜托 你在逗我玩儿么?
[23:29.35]Okay,you have medical training. 你受过医学培训的
[23:30.88]How long do you think you have to live if you have internal injuries? 如果得了内伤的话 你觉得你还能活多久?
[23:34.44]Exactly. 没错
[23:36.04]I seriously recommend you let this fine doctor examine you. 我郑重推荐这位好医生给你做检查
[23:39.01]Dr. Yang,give him the best medical treatment possible. Yang 好好医她
[23:42.58]It's the law. 这是规定
[23:44.94]Sir,I need you to move your hands. 先生 我需要你移开你的手
[23:53.99]Look,I-I just didn't want her to see. 可是 我不想让她看见
[23:55.48]I thought she might take offense,you know? 她会觉得被冒犯到 你明白吗?
[24:14.59]I'm not gonna leave you. 我不会离开你的
[24:16.47]I'm not leaving here right now without you.Okay? 我不会把你一个人留在这的
[24:20.38]I've never seen her before. 我以前从没见过她
[24:22.51]What? 恩?
[24:23.49]I've never seen her before. 我之前从没见过她
[24:24.83]I've worked inhis hospital all this time, 我在医院里工作了这么久
[24:27.80]and before today,she was a complete stranger to me. 今天之前 她对我来说都是一个陌生人
[24:31.52]It happens.It's a big hospital. 很正常 这是个大医院
[24:36.56]I've never met her before,and yet, 我从没遇见过她 但是
[24:38.33]I'm the person who handed her the worst day of her life. 我却带给了她这辈子最惨的消息
[24:42.28]In her story,that's who I am. 在她眼里 我就是那样的人
[24:46.57]That's who I'll always be. 我一直都是这种角色
[24:51.82]That's theob. 这就是我们的工作
[24:56.45]that's the job.I know. 这就是我们的工作 我明白
[25:00.31]Look at me. 看着我
[25:03.63]This day,this day you feel helpless. 今天你感到无助
[25:08.06]This day makes all those other days 就是今天成就了你日后
[25:09.82]when you fight to save a life and lose. 日后那些为拯救生命而奋斗的日子
[25:13.00]this day makes you grateful you have a chance to do anything at all. 你应该对今天心存感激 今天之后 什么都打倒不了你
[25:20.32]You take it in. 你好好记着今天
[25:41.36]it's time. 是时候了
[25:50.95]can you go easy?I'm injured here. 你能轻点吗? 我这里受伤了
[25:52.86]You've had plenty of morphine.You'll be fine. 我们已经给你打了吗啡 你会没事的
[25:55.21]It's not like you're in a concentration camp or anything. 你又不是在集中营
[25:59.50]You know,when people are young or.or drunk,they get tattoos. 你知道 人们年轻时 或喝醉后 会去弄个纹身
[26:02.34]They wake up to regret it. 一觉醒来又开始后悔
[26:03.90]Oh,so you regret it? 可是你有后悔么 ?
[26:08.28]You gotta treat me like anyone else. 你得像对待其他人一样对待我
[26:10.91]That's the beauty of this country. 这是美国的魅力所在
[26:12.79]Oh,yes,it is. 是啊
[26:18.09]So. 那么
[26:19.52]you're gonna drill into my skull? 你要在我脑袋上钻孔?
[26:22.63]O'malley. O'malley
[26:24.01]Dr. Shepherd's gonna do what we call a cookie craniotomy. Sheperd医生要做个 名为“曲奇穿颅术”的手术
[26:27.23]Uh,he's gonna drill a very,very small hole, 他会钻一个非常非常小的洞
[26:30.19]and then with a computer,he's going to guide the scope through your brain. 然后他通过电脑来引导观察镜
[26:33.02]It's as minimally invasive as possible. 这已经将伤害降至最低了
[26:36.83]It's just. 这..
[26:38.25]it's weird,you know,to be on the other side of all this. 有点怪怪的 一下成为被救治的
[26:42.15]How are stan and ray. Stan和Ray怎么样?
[26:44.82]and shane?Oh,my god. 还有Shane呢?我的天
[26:47.23]Oh,my god.How did this happen? 上帝 这都是怎么发生的
[26:52.06]she's seizing. 她开始抽搐了
[27:01.34]I always knew you were an ass,but seriously, 我早就知道你是个白痴 可是..
[27:03.76]you brought jane doe into the gallery? 你把Jane Doe带到走廊里去了?
[27:05.45]Are you trying to get yourself kicked out of the program? 你还想不想在这混了?
[27:07.30]She wanted to see what I do. 她想看看我都干些什么
[27:09.11]I thought you were seeing lexie. 我还以为你在和Lexie约会
[27:11.49]I'm a popular guy. 我很抢手嘛
[27:12.85]I'm sure whatever you're talking about is endlessly fascinating, 我相信你们在聊的事儿 一定非常吸引人
[27:15.68]Dr. Karev,but I kind of had my heart set on saving a life today. 但是 Karev医生 我这正忙着救人呢
[27:19.30]Sorry. 不好意思
[27:20.34]so.let's begin. 我们开始吧
[27:27.26]Hey.Nurse olivia said you needed to see me.Are you okay? Olivia护士说你要见我 你还好吗?
[27:30.34]My book is bad, 我的书不好看
[27:31.80]and I hate daytime televisio and all my friends are at work. 也不喜欢白天的电视节目 所有的朋友都在上班
[27:36.55]Yeah,well,I'm at work,too.I'm an intern. 对啊 我也在上班 我是个实习生
[27:38.22]I'm supposed to be learning things. 我本应该在学习才对
[27:39.91]You can.you can learn about my artery. 你 你可以来研究下我的动脉
[27:42.27]You can never know too much about arteries,right? 反正动脉也够你学的了 对吧
[27:44.51]Come on.I have no one to talk to. 拜托了 我连个说话的人都找不到
[27:46.58]- Fine,but I'm taking your vitals again. - Okay. - 好吧 但是我要再听诊一次 - 没问题
[27:51.65]So,uh,you want to help me plot my revenge? 想不想听听我的报复计划?
[27:54.71]Girlfriend? 报复你女友?
[27:56.61]Here's what I'm thinking. 我是这么计划的
[27:58.20]I page her here,and then,uh,you know,I'm all,like," 我呼她 然后假装告诉她
[28:02.37]I'm dying,and I just need to gaze at your beauty one last time," and then. “我快死了 死前想最后再见你一面”
[28:08.64]and then she gets here,and I flash her the artery. 然后她就赶来了 我就给她扫一眼我的动脉
[28:12.12]- It's mean. - Right? - 这样太坏了 - 有吗?
[28:13.48]- I like it. - Okay.Can you get me a phone? - 还不错 - 好极了 你能帮我找个电话吗?
[28:18.36]Gentlemen,the moment they pull apart the rig, 先生们 等他们一解开索具
[28:20.93]we're gonna come in and grab you. 我们就进去然后抓住你
[28:22.29]You take sn,first. 你先带上Stan
[28:24.06]Once we get in there and assess,then we'll see who goes first. 这要等我们进去以后 视情况而定
[28:26.42]No,you take stan first. 不行 你先救Stan
[28:29.25]You take stan first. 你先救Stan
[28:31.77]Ray. Ray
[28:33.37]I think I'm gonna be okay. 我觉得我会没事的
[28:35.87]I'm starting to feel a little better. 我开始觉得好些了
[28:37.61]- Don't you screw with me. - No. - 你别骗我了 - 不
[28:40.79]No,I'm probably not as bad as I think. 我可能没有想象的那么糟
[28:43.66]I'm probably just paralyzed. 我可能只是瘫痪了
[28:46.65]Richard. Richard
[28:49.41]you think maybe that 你觉得有没有可能
[28:51.22]I can get out of here just paralyzed,right? 我可以活着离开这里 只是瘫痪而已 对吗?
[29:01.43]It's possible.It happens. 恩 可能的 有这样的情况发生
[29:04.04]Really? 真的?
[29:06.24]See? 听见没?
[29:09.96]O-okay.Okay. 好 好的
[29:16.21]Is my wife inside? Is my wife inside? 我老婆来了吗?
[29:19.62]- She won't see any of this? - No. - 她不会见到这些吧? - 不会
[29:23.03]You'll be where I can look at you? 你找个我能看着你的地方
[29:25.26]I'm right here,where you can look at me. 我就在这里陪你 你能看着我
[29:39.66]Then let's do this. 我们开始吧
[29:44.38]Try to live,man. 一定要活下去 伙计
[29:48.24]You,too. 你也是
[29:59.92]stop.Stop. 等下
[30:02.15]Stop!Stop! 停下来!
[30:03.70]Make them stop! 让他们停下来!
[30:07.43]Stop!Stop! 快停下来!
[30:08.84]What the hell are you doing? 你到底在搞些什么?
[30:09.90]It's stan! 是Stan!
[30:12.05]Ray.ray's back. Ray的背上
[30:15.23]it's in deep. 那个伤口很深
[30:17.01]He'll bleed out if you move us. He'll bleed out if you move us. 如果你们移动下 他会失血过多的
[30:22.34]It's the oxygen regulator. 那是氧气减压器
[30:24.49]It's embedded in his back. 在他的背上
[30:27.75]Ray!Ray,you still with us? Ray!Ray你还好吗?
[30:33.26]I'm here,chief.I'm still here. 主任 我还清醒着
[30:36.25]But my pulse is weak. 不过我的脉搏很弱
[30:40.38]okay,he's sweaty and breathing fast,and with the angle of that regulator. 他盗汗 呼吸急促 可能氧气减压器的突角...
[30:45.82]it's cardiac tamponade. 插到心脏了 是心室压塞
[30:47.37]If that regulator caused a tear in his heart and we move him, the regulator could move. 如果减压器在心脏造成了创口 我们在移动他的话也会动到减压器
[30:53.02]It'll make the tear bigger. 这样的话伤口会变大
[30:56.19]Please let's don't flood my heart.Please. 千万别让伤口扩大
[31:00.24]We'll stabilize him in the ambulance. 先把他在救护车里稳定下来
[31:02.24]Stan. Stan
[31:04.17]you're a hero,man. 你是个英雄
[31:05.99]You saved ray's life. 你救了Ray的命
[31:10.11]Stan? Stan?
[31:16.42]Damn it,stan.Stan. 见鬼 Stan Stan!
[31:24.84]go get the ultrasound so we can be sure, and bring a crash cart just in case, 去拿超声波仪来确认一下 再推辆来 以防万一
[31:29.79]and go find where hahn is. 把Hahn医生也找来
[31:34.70]Hey.Films are up. 片子出来了
[31:36.62]Yeah,there's intraperitoneal bleeding. 有腹膜内出血
[31:38.55]His liver looks completely ruptured. 肝脏也完全破裂
[31:40.14]Yeah,he's gonna need a laparotomy, but maybe it'll be pretty straightforward. 他需要进行腹腔手术 不过应该会比较顺利
[31:43.77]Oh,so I can get back to hahn's service? 那我能回Hahn那帮忙吗?
[31:46.81]-Or not? -No. - 不能吗? - 不行
[31:48.09]- If I have to work on this man,so do you. - Why? - 如果我要给他做手术的话 那你也一样 - 为什么?
[31:52.18]You don't need me. 你又不需要我
[31:55.17]He has a swastika on his abdomen,a giant black swastika. 他的腹部上纹了个纳粹党徽 又大又黑的
[31:59.94]My stepfather's parents died in auschwitz. 我的祖父母就死在奥斯威辛集中营
[32:08.01]okay. 好
[32:09.37]You and I will do this. 我们还是要给他做手术
[32:12.25]We will do this and we will consider ourselves having risen above. 我们可以做到的 可以把这当作舍己救人
[32:17.31]We'll rise...above. 我们是在升华
[32:34.95]You're busted. 你惨了
[32:38.50]Save it. 省省吧
[32:40.58]you're using a cable instead of wires,Dr. Sloan. 你在用钢丝而不是细线缝合 Sloan医生
[32:43.39]I've never seen it done that way before. 我第一次看到这么做的
[32:45.06]Tension banding.Learned it back in new york. 牵力缝合 我以前在纽约学到的
[32:47.82]I moved there after columbia to study under john seever. 从哥大毕业后我就搬那去了 跟着John Seever学习
[32:52.92]He was a great surgeon. 他是名很棒的外科医生
[32:55.19]He died last year. 去年去世了
[32:57.38]I was wrecked,couldn't sleep for weeks. 我很震惊 好几星期都没睡好
[33:00.30]It was like losing my own father. 就好像我亲生父亲去世了一样
[33:02.11]What,are we on a date here? 拜托 我们又不是在约会
[33:03.25]I was complimenting your surgical skills,Dr. Sloan, 我是在赞扬您的医术 Sloan医生
[33:05.74]not looking for a window into your wounded soul.clamp,please. 又不是在找机会窥探你受伤的心灵 钳子 谢谢
[33:09.77]You can't operate. 你们不能给我动手术
[33:12.16]I won't sign the consent form. 我不会签同意书的
[33:13.67]You need the surgery. 你必须动手术
[33:15.14]You will die without the surgery. 否则你会死的
[33:16.66]You may die with the surgery,but your chance of living 手术有一定风险 可如果让我主刀的话
[33:19.16]is greatly increased if you let me operate. 你生还的几率会高很多
[33:22.49]And it's just gonna be you two in there? 就你们俩帮我做手术吗?
[33:25.47]- Yes. - No. - 是的 - 不行
[33:27.44]I need to have at least one white doctor 我至少需要一个白人医生...
[33:29.48]in that operating room so you don't kill me on the table. 在手术室里 这样你们就不会在手术台上把我杀了
[33:33.22]-No offense. -No offense? - 无意冒犯你 - 无意冒犯我?
[33:34.81]Did he just say no offense? 他刚那不是在冒犯我吗?
[33:38.06]- Shepherd. - Yeah. - Shepherd - 嗯?
[33:39.11]I need o'malley. 我要O'malley来帮忙
[33:40.02]We're about to go into surgery. 我们要进手术室了
[33:40.81]I need o'malley. 需要O'malley的帮忙
[33:42.21]You okay,Dr. Bailey? 你还好吧?
[33:43.00]Don't cross me. 别跟我作对
[33:44.03]Oh,I wasn't crossing you. 我没有啊
[33:45.73]I'm rising above. 我在自我升华
[33:46.79]I am rising above and do not want to be crossed while I'm busy rising. 自我升华...我不想在升华的时候被惹恼
[33:53.02]I have to operate on a white supremacist, 我得给一个白人至上主义者做手术
[33:55.37]and he has requested a white doctor to watch me to make sure that I don't kill his crazy white hind. 他要求提供一个白人医生来监视我 以确定我不会杀了他
[34:01.53]Now I need o'malley.Can I have him or not? 我现在就要O'malley 行还是不行?
[34:03.71]Yeah,o'malley,go with Dr. Bailey. 可以 O'malley 跟Bailey医生一起去吧
[34:05.14]Yes,sir. 好的
[34:06.13]Get him to sign the consent,then have him anesthetized and ready. 让他签好同意书 然后做好麻醉
[34:13.12]Dr. Bailey,you're well within your rights to pass this on to somebody else. Bailey医生 这种情况下你有权把这个病人转给别人
[34:17.58]Well,that would make me like him,and I'm not like him. 那我不跟他一样了吗? 可我不是那种人
[34:26.76]Oh,sorry,Dr. Shepherd,I'm running behind today. 哦 Shepherd医生 我今天有点晚了
[34:29.82]I'll be out of your way in just a second. 我马上就出去
[34:31.64]Well,actually,rose,I'm early,so technically,I'm in your way. 事实上 是我早到了 所以 其实是我妨碍到你了
[34:34.23]Oh,well,in that case,don't let it happen again. 哦 这样的话 下回别来这么早
[34:39.01]You're staring at my chest. 你正盯着我的胸部
[34:40.41]What? 什么?
[34:41.44]I think maybe you're intending to admire my ring, but it's coming off as you staring at my chest. 我本以为你在看我的戒指 结果发现你是在盯着我的胸部看
[34:45.71]Oh,sorry.It's just that,uh,you wear your engagement ring on your necklace. 哦 抱歉 只是你把订婚戒指挂在项链上
[34:50.58]When I was engaged,I wore it on my finger. 订婚的时候我是戴在手上的
[34:52.36]Now,yeah,necklace. 可现在 我挂在项链上
[34:53.84]The stone was my grandmother'S.I don't want to lose it. 上面那宝石是我祖母传下来的 我不想弄丢了
[34:56.38]-Sorry.-Sorry,why? - 抱歉 - 为什么?
[34:58.09]About your engagement. 你的订婚
[34:59.72]Did you call it off recently? 是最近取消的吗?
[35:01.40]well,that's a pretty personal question. 这是个很私人的问题
[35:03.44]Yeah,well,we're friends now. 对啊 可我们现在是朋友了
[35:04.66]I mean,I saved you hours of potential licorice humiliation, so I think you can. 毕竟我帮你解决了大问题嘛 所以就问问你咯
[35:08.42]it ended a year ago,and you have nothing to be sorry about. 一年前就结束了 你没必要感到抱歉
[35:10.88]- It was never gonna work out. - How come? - 那段感情不可能成的 - 怎么会呢?
[35:12.80]Because I was always very clear about what I wanted,and he wasn'T. 因为我对于自己想要的东西一直很明确 而他不是
[35:17.49]And there's no way to build a future on that. 这样的感情不可能有结果
[35:19.91]Yeah. 嗯
[35:22.85]Please,please.I-I can't be in here!I'm gonna die in here! 求求你了 我 我不能呆在这 我会死在这
[35:27.74]no,no,ray,ray!Ray,you can't do that. 别动 Ray!别乱动
[35:29.55]You have to stay perfectly still. 你得保持现在的样子
[35:31.36]You cannot move. 你一下都不能动
[35:33.36]ray,look at me. Ray 看着我
[35:35.14]Don't look at stan.Look at me. 别看Stan 朝我这看
[35:39.47]You are not gonna die today.Okay?Say it. 你不会死的 跟我一起说 好吗?
[35:45.91]I'm not gonna die. 我不会死的
[35:47.50]You are not going to die today. 你会没事的
[35:50.22]He'll need a pericardiocentesis if it's a tamponade, but we need to get an ultrasound to be sure. 如果是心室压塞 他就需要进行心包穿刺术 我们得先做个超声波检查来确认
[35:55.59]I can do it.I can get in. 让我来做检查 我能爬进去
[35:56.79]- Meredith. - I can fit. - Meredith - 我能行的
[36:26.11]Dr. Bailey. Bailey医生
[36:27.36]I'm calling on jesus this time. 我在跟上帝祷告
[36:28.56]Don't bother me when I'm calling on jesus. 我祷告的时候别烦我
[36:30.76]I don't do it very often. 我很少这么做
[36:32.72]He might not hear me. 他并不会听见我的祷告
[36:42.17]Scalpel. 手术刀
[37:21.35]it's amazing,isn't it? 太神奇了 不是吗?
[37:23.18]The...how tenical it all is,how impersonal? 这么富有技术 完全不受个人情感影响
[37:26.71]They're...they're basically just mechanics,but,like, 他们就好像工匠一样 可...
[37:29.06]god's mechanics because what they're actually doing down there is saving a life. 又好像上帝的工匠 因为他们正在下面拯救一个人的性命
[37:36.95]so you're a-a surgeon? 你 你也是外科医生吗?
[37:39.26]Surgical intern,first year. 外科实习生 第一年
[37:41.64]What about you? 你呢?
[37:43.69]Oh,um.I'm not actually supposed to be here. 哦 其实我不该在这
[37:51.32]The guy that I'm...I'm,you know. 我的... 我在...
[37:54.99]your...your husband? 你丈夫吗?
[37:56.22]No.No,no,not my husband. 不不不 不是我丈夫
[37:58.55]The guy that.anyways,I'm just...I wanted to see him operate. 是我的... 总之我只是想看他动手术
[38:02.94]Oh,Dr. Sloan. 哦 Sloan医生
[38:05.17]Oh,I get it. 我明白了
[38:05.95]No,no,I'm not judging.I mean,he's kind of insanely hot. 不是 我没别的意思 我的意思是 他真的很帅
[38:09.61]We...he is,but I'm not...I'm not with him.I'm with...him. 他确实很帅 可我不是跟他在一起 我是跟那个医生...
[38:18.13]Do you know him? 你认识他吗?
[38:19.75]No.No,I-I don't knowim at all. 哦不 我根本不认识
[38:31.43]I'm supposed to be having lunch with my husband,o'malley. 我本来要跟我老公共进午餐的
[38:35.70]Yes,ma'am. 是的
[38:36.87]I'm supposed to be having lunch with my husband, and instead I am elbow deep in a nazi's gut. 我本来该跟我老公共进午餐的 可我却在给一个"纳粹"开刀
[38:44.96]Yes,ma'am. 是的
[38:51.20]No one better ever call me "nazi" again. 你们最好别再叫我"纳粹"了
[38:53.98]okay 好的
[38:58.77]a little suction right there,please. 把这的血吸一下
[39:01.88]that's good...Good.Okay. 好了...嗯 行了
[39:06.02]All right.I should be able to access the tumor now. 好 我现在可以处理肿瘤了
[39:10.77]what's going on?Did we lose power? 怎么了?断电了吗?
[39:12.73]No,the other monitors are fine. 应该不是 其他的显示器都正常
[39:14.32]It must be the stereotactic computer. 应该是这台电脑故障了
[39:17.80]nothing.It's dead. 没反应 死机了
[39:19.05]Are you kiddme? 开玩笑?
[39:20.49]I'm in the woman's brain. 我在给病人的大脑动手术
[39:21.32]Are you kidding me?The navigational system is dead? 你在开玩笑吗?导航系统死机了?
[39:23.01]she should we try to get another machine? 要不换台机器?
[39:24.37]Look, if I remove the probe without a guide, 在没有导航系统的情况下 我动一下探针
[39:25.89]it won't be just the machine that's dead. Call the company. 死的就不只是这电脑了 打电话叫制造公司过来
[39:27.47]Tell them to get over here as quickly as possible. 让他们赶快过来
[39:29.06]Tell 'em we need somebody here now. 告诉他们我们现在就要修理人员
[39:31.26]take it slow,grey. 慢慢来
[39:32.46]There's...there's glass all around you. 你身边都是碎玻璃
[39:45.27]I'm sorry,stan. 我很抱歉Stan
[39:47.88]Oh,I'm so sorry. 哦 我真的很抱歉
[39:49.63]Here. 给
[39:52.75]He's okay. 没事的
[39:54.19]He doesn't mind. 他不介意
[39:55.48]We're losing him,chief. 他昏过去了
[39:56.30]Okay,get in there,grey.Don't worry about stan.Just get in there. 好的 爬进去 别管Stan了 爬过去
[40:02.20]- Hey. - Hi. - 嘿 - 嗨
[40:04.47]You,uh,checking in on me again? 你 又来检查我了?
[40:06.85]Yep. 对
[40:08.52]Will you call me strong and stable again? 你还会叫我"稳健先生"吗?
[40:11.28]Let's hope. 但愿如此
[40:14.78]What's wrong with you? 你怎么了?
[40:16.78]What makes you think something's wrong? 你为什么认为我有事?
[40:18.82]Well,your cheeks are all flushed,which they. 你脸都涨红了
[40:21.04]they weren't earlier. 之前不是这样的
[40:22.97]Is it creeping you out,how observant I am? 你被吓到了吗 我观察太仔细了?
[40:25.16]I'm sorry.It's the...it's the boredom,I'm telling you. 抱歉 我真的太无聊了
[40:31.01]remember your girlfriend who just turned out to be a vapid narcissist? 还记得你提过你发现的女朋友 其实只是个无聊的自我陶醉者吗?
[40:36.34]Your boyfriend turned out to just be a jerk. 你发现你的男朋友也只是个混蛋吗?
[40:38.64]Jerk,ass,and many dirtier words that are inappropriate for me to use in front of a patient. 混蛋 蠢货 还有很多我不适合在病人面前用的词
[40:46.24]I'm sorry. 我很遗憾
[40:47.71]Yeah,me,too. 我也是
[40:50.06]Well,you want me to help you plot your revenge? 你想让我帮你设计复仇计划吗?
[40:53.42]- Okay. - Okay. - 好啊 - 好的
[40:55.69]Here's what I'm thinking. 计划是这样的
[40:57.35]you go out with me. 你跟我去约会
[40:58.83]Just like that.bam.new boyfriend. 让他觉得我是你的新男友
[41:01.97]And he'll be all,"what's he got that I don't have? 然后他就会想"那人有什么是我没有的?"
[41:05.98]" And you'll be all,"carotid artery. 你就告诉他 颈总动脉
[41:08.99]exposed.Top that,loser. 还是暴露的 你有吗 衰人
[41:11.91]" And he'll be all,"I can'T. 他就会说 "我没有"
[41:14.44]- I can't top that. - " No. - "我没有" - "不"
[41:16.12]"I am a loser. "我输了"
[41:25.44]to be continued. 未完待续

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