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[00:01.33](narrator) Last season on Grey's Anatomy: 前季回顾

[00:03.87]You have to go. l'm late. Seriously. Goodbye... uh... 你该走了. 我要迟到了. 我说真的. 再见...

[00:08.44]- Derek. - Yeah. - Derek. - 是的.

[00:11.54]A month ago you were in med school being taught by doctors. 一个月以前你们在医学院,医生教你们.

[00:14.38]- Today, you are the doctors. - (Bailey) You're interns. Grunts. 现在你们是医生了.

[00:16.90]你们是实习医生, 新兵, 什么都不是 外科的食物链的最底层.

[00:18.78]Nobodies. Bottom of the surgical food chain.

[00:21.22]lt's like candy, but with blood, which is so much better. 像糖果一样, 但是有血, 比糖果好多了.

[00:24.55]Dr. Shepherd? He's over there. Shepherd医生在那里.

[00:26.86](George) Who feels like they have no idea what they're doing? 这里有谁觉得自己不知道在做什么?

[00:29.86]- Stop looking at me like that. - Like what? - 别这样看着我. - 怎么样看了?

[00:32.89]Like you've seen me naked. 像你看着我裸体一样.

[00:34.50]l don't get picked 'cause l slept with my boss 我不是因为和我老板睡觉才被选进外科的

[00:36.53]and didn't get into med school 'cause l have a famous mother. 我不是因为有一个有名的妈妈才进医学院的.

[00:39.53]l used to be a doctor, l think. 我想我以前是一个医生.

[00:41.77](Meredith) Fine, George and lzzie, you can move in. 好吧,George 和Izzie, 你们可以搬进来了.

[00:45.01](Derek) You blew me off for a bottle of tequila. 你和我分手仅仅是因为一瓶tequila(龙舌兰酒)

[00:47.38]lt's not nearly as much fun to wake up to. 意识到真相真是没有什么好处.

[00:49.98]You mind movin' this tail wagon? 你们不介意把车挪一下吧?

[00:52.25]The next time l see you favoring Meredith Grey in any way, 下次我再看到你以任何方式对Meredith Grey表示出好感,

[00:55.78]l'll make sure she doesn't see the inside of an OR for a month. 我保证让她一个月进不了手术室.

[00:59.09]- l'm your boss. - You don't scare me. 你要知道,我是你的上司.


[01:01.12]- Richard promised chief to both of us. - Keep friends close and enemies closer. 你应该知道 Richard 同时向我们两个人 承诺说要提拔我们当主任.


[01:05.73]- Morning, Dr. Model. - Dr. Evil Spawn. 早上好,模特医生.

[01:08.23]You're not the enemy. You're just the competition. 恶魔之子医生.



[01:11.57]What is this that we're doing here? 我们在干吗?

[01:14.34](Yang) You need a definition? 你需要弄清楚吗?

[01:17.01](Meredith) There are other options. 还有别的选择.

[01:21.31]lt's a tumor. lt's pressing against your optic nerve. 这个是肿瘤, 它压迫了你的视神经.

[01:24.11]You've got syphilis. 你得梅毒了.

[01:25.48](George) l don't know how this happened. 我不知道是怎么得的.

[01:27.65]You and Alex? 你和 Alex?

[01:28.98]You gave me syphilis? 你把梅毒传染给我的?!

[01:31.49](Derek) Some people would call this a relationship. 有人说这个是艳情.

[01:33.79]- Who? - Me. - 谁? - 我.

[01:35.79]My God, you're falling for him. 哦,我的天.


[01:38.79]What makes a hotshot doc leave the Big Apple? 是什么能让一个好医生放弃优厚的待遇到西雅图来?

[01:42.10]- Hi. l'm Addison Shepherd. - Shepherd? - 你好,我是Addison Shepherd. - Shepherd?

[01:45.20]You must be the woman who's been screwing my husband. 你就是那个勾引我丈夫的女人吧.

[01:51.37](Meredith) To be a good surgeon, you have to think like a surgeon. 要成为一个好的外科大夫 你必须像外科大夫那样思考.

[01:54.64]Emotions are messy. 情感是凌乱的.

[01:56.68]Tuck them neatly away and step into a clean, sterile room 把它们整齐地藏好步入无菌室

[02:00.38]where the procedure is simple. 一个程序简单的地方...

[02:02.88]Cut, suture and close. 切开,缝合,关上.

[02:08.72]You look familiar. You been here before? 你看上去很眼熟.


[02:11.23]Once. That worked out really well. 来过一次.


[02:14.96]l know that look. lt's one of two things. 只有两件事

[02:17.30]Either your boss is giving you hell or your boyfriend is. Which is it? 你老板让你不爽,或者是你男朋友. 是哪个?

[02:20.87]Both. 都是.

[02:22.17]But sometimes, you're faced with a cut that won't heal. 但是有时你要面对一个不会愈合的伤口

[02:26.54]My boyfriend is my boss, which was a problem. 我男朋友是我的老板, 这曾经是个问题.

[02:30.31]But not as big a problem as the fact that my boyfriend has a wife. 但是比起我的男朋友有个老婆的事实还算不上什么.

[02:35.12]Tell you what, this one, it's on the house. 告诉你吧,


[02:38.49]A cut that rips its stitches wide open. 一个伤口的线开了,敞开着.

[02:42.59]- What are you doing here? - Your hair's different. Addison, 你在这里干嘛?


[02:45.23]- A lot of things are different. - lt's longer. lt's very Russell Crowe. - 很多事情都不一样了. - 比以前长了.我很喜欢,很像Russell Crowe.

[02:48.90]- What are you doing here? - You just pick up and leave everything? - 你在这里干嘛? - 你在这里干嘛?


[02:52.23]Your house, your practice, your friends? You had a life in Manhattan. 你的房子, 你的事业, 你的朋友?

[02:53.28]- 在曼哈顿你曾经有你的生活. - 曾经.

[02:55.74]Had. 现在你在西雅图有了个女友.

[02:57.24]And now you have a girlfriend in Seattle.

[03:00.24]- She seems sweet. - The ice you're on. Thin. 她看起来... 很甜.


[03:03.91]She's young. 她很年轻

[03:05.75]That wide-eyed, he's-a-brain-surgeon thing, but still sweet. 她睁着大大的眼睛, "哦, 他是个脑外医生" 事情就发生了

[03:09.22]Which was what you were going for. The anti-Addison? 但还是很甜, 正是你期待的那样, 对吗?

[03:11.99]lf you came to try to win me back, forget it. 反Addison?

[03:12.51]你如果来这里是想重新得到我, 你休想

[03:14.26]l did. l flew across the country to reminisce over wedding photos, 我是的. 我横跨全国飞过来去回忆

[03:18.19]get drunk, fall into bed, and make you realize you can't live without me. 结婚照片, 醉酒, 跌在床上, 让你认识到你不能离开我.

[03:22.03]Relax. Derek, l'm here for work. 放松,Derek.

[03:25.63]l'm helming the TTTS case you guys admitted last week 我是来这里工作的.


[03:28.74]and from Richard's briefing... - 根据Richard的简报,我应该是... - Richard 知道你来这里?

[03:30.71]- He knew you were coming? - He asked me. Didn't he say?

[03:33.47]- No. He didn't. - Hm. Surprise. 他让我来的.

[03:33.43]- 他没有告诉你? - 不,他没有.


[03:37.38]The hair, though. You know l've always had a thing for Russell Crowe. 这头发, 尽管...

[03:39.57]你知道我一直都喜欢Russell Crowe.

[03:46.65]Let me see it. 让我看看.

[03:49.62]No lacerations, minimal swelling. 没有伤口, 一般性肿胀.

[03:51.79]- George really knocked you around. - He's a lightweight. George 真是把你揍得不轻

[03:54.80]- Could've pinned him in a second. - Why didn't you? 那家伙是个轻量级.


[03:57.47]Are you kidding? l'm riding a career in Plastics all the way to the bank. 是啊, 但是你为什么不揍呢?



[04:01.27]Can't afford to injure these babies. 损伤了我这对宝贝手我可担负不了

[04:04.41]- Especially over O'Malley. - You had it coming. 特别是用在O'Malley这种人身上.

[04:06.94]The dude punches like my sister. 你自找的.


[04:09.24]So, by your definition then you got beat up by a girl. 哦,照你的说法, 你被一个女孩扁了?


[04:15.65]- All hail the champ! - (whooping) 大家都来欢呼吧!

[04:18.39]So my guy Alex finally got what was coming to him. 这么说我们的Alex终于罪有应得了?

[04:20.89]- George knocked him down in one punch. - l don't want to talk about it! George一拳就把他打倒了.

[04:24.46]Brag, champ, brag! You've earned it! 你应该看看.



[04:27.03]Can l have a beer, please? 来瓶啤酒?

[04:29.40]Let's play a game of whose life sucks the most. 咱们赌谁最倒霉吧.

[04:33.07]- l'll win. l always win. - No, you don't want to play with me. 我会赢的.

[04:35.10]- 我总是赢. - 你不会想和我赌这个的

[04:36.90]Oh, l do. l'll even go first. 我就要赌.


[04:40.94]Derek's married. Derek结过婚.

[04:44.05]George, beer is dripping from your nostrils. George, 啤酒从你的鼻孔滴下来.

[04:49.72]- Told you l'd win. - No, you don't win. 我说过我会赢.


[04:54.96]Did you hear me? l said Derek is married. 你听到我了没有?

[04:58.09]As in pigheaded, adulterous, liar married. 我说Derek结过婚了.

[04:58.98]这个猪头, 通奸的, 骗子是结过婚的.

[05:02.23]Nothing you could say could top that. 你说什么都不可能超过这个了.

[05:04.43]l'm pregnant. 我怀孕了.

[05:07.17]l win. 我赢了.

[05:09.04]- (groans) - (man) Joe, you all right? Joe, 你没事吧?

[05:11.31]- (smashing) - (man) Hey, Joe!

[05:13.37]OK. Maybe Joe wins. 可能是Joe赢了.

[05:25.75]- Lie down. - (man) The medics are coming. Joe, 躺下.

[05:27.82]- You called the gurney patrol? - Sit back and relax. 你们叫警察了?

[05:30.39]- The hospital will run some tests... - Tests? l don't need tests. l'm fine! 坐好放松.


[05:34.23]You collapsed! On the floor. lt's your bar. You know how filthy this floor is. 检查? 不. 我不需要任何检查,我很好.



[05:38.30]- Pulse is strong. - Minor skull contusions. - 脉博有力. - 小范围颅骨挫伤.

[05:40.74]- You're sleeping with someone? - What? - 你和人上床了? - 什么? 谁?

[05:42.84]- Even George got some action. - Correction. George got some syphilis. 这有什么奇怪的? george都有做这种事.

[05:46.41]- How could l not know? - Forget this. 没错. George 得梅毒了.


[05:49.34]The hospital is right across the street. 算了吧. 医院就在路对面.

[05:51.65]l can sure as hell walk across the street by myself. 我怎么都相信我能自己走到马路对面.

[05:54.38]- l think we should... - No, l got him. Joe! -我想我们应该... -不,我来吧. Joe!

[06:01.02]All right. 好吧,详细一点.

[06:02.29]Details. You're pregnant?

[06:04.36]What are you gonna do? 你怀孕了?

[06:06.29]Look, you know what happens to pregnant interns. 你打算怎么办?


[06:09.36]l'm not switching to the vagina squad or spending my life popping zits. 我可不要去妇科或者整天和丘疹打交道

[06:13.70]l'm too talented. Surgery's my life. 我太有天赋了.

[06:15.80]Which begs the question: Who are you sleeping with? 外科是我的生活.

[06:16.47]- 别回避话题, 你和谁上床了? - 一个男的.

[06:18.71]- Just a guy. - That's all l get? 就这些?

[06:21.28]You can't just bring something like this up and expect me to drop it. - 你不能把这个事情告诉我了又想让我不管. - 那就盯着我吧.

[06:24.78]Well, watch me.

[06:27.65]Don't you have a date with McDreamy? 你今天晚上怎么回来了?

[06:29.55]- More like McMarried. - McWhat? - 你不是在和梦幻麦克约会吗? - 大概是已婚麦克吧.

[06:31.85]l came to check on Joe. 麦克什么?

[06:33.89]- You think he's gonna be OK? - Will he need an operation? 我来看看Joe.


[06:36.89](Derek) Operation, yes. OK, hard to tell. 你觉得他需要手术吗?

[06:37.42]手术... 是的.

[06:39.96]Basilar artery's like a balloon. Subarachnoid bleeding. 不太好说.

[06:40.49]基底动脉涨的像气球一样, 蛛网膜下腔出血

[06:42.86]- Aneurysm the size of a golf ball. - No way to clip something like that. 动脉瘤想高尔夫球一样大.

[06:46.47]- Not without magic fingers. - Or a standstill operation. 没有办法用血管钳夹住它.


[06:49.74]You're doing a standstill... He's doing a standstill operation. 或者是静止手术.

[06:50.12]你要做静止手术... 他要做静止手术.

[06:53.37]l'd like to try. First l need some additional patient history, 我想试试.

[06:55.09]但是首先我需要一些病例资料, 通宵实验室和脑部诊断.

[06:56.64]overnight labs, and a cerebral angio.

[07:00.52]- l'm drunk. - (Derek) Meredith... 我喝醉了.


[07:08.02](lzzie, softly) McBastard. 混蛋麦克.


[07:18.33]- What are you doing? - Uh... 你在干嘛?

[07:21.27]l am on her side. But we're talking a possible standstill here. 我站在她一边, 但是我们在讨论静止手术的可能性.

[07:24.54]Recognize. 考虑.

[07:29.01]- Meredith! - Go away! Meredith.

[07:30.51]Just wait. We should discuss this. - 走开. - 等下.

[07:32.38]Here's a thought. No! Quit following me! 我们需要谈谈


[07:35.12]- At least let me explain. - Explain? 不. 别跟着我.


[07:38.29]You should have explained the night we met in the bar. 解释? 你知道应该什么时候解释吗?

[07:41.19]Before any of the rest of it. 我们在酒吧里见到的晚上 在任何事情发生以前.

[07:42.96]- That would have been a good time. - Look, l know how you feel. 是的,那时解释才是合适的.

[07:46.83]Do you? Somehow l doubt that. 我知道你的感觉.


[07:49.03]Because if you did, you would shut up, 我才不相信.

[07:49.63]如果你知道, 你应该闭嘴 转身回去,

[07:51.60]and you would turn around and go back inside,

[07:53.97]because you would realize that l am this close to getting in my car 你应该知道我马上就要进我的车里

[07:57.91]and running you down in the parking lot! 我会在停车场把你撞倒!

[08:02.98]- Where're your keys? - l'm fine! 给我钥匙.

[08:04.88]Meredith, give me your keys. - 我很好. - Meredith, 给我钥匙.

[08:07.18](George) Let's go home. 咱们走,好吗?

[08:10.65](man and woman laugh)

[08:13.49]- ...and the husband was the... - (Richard laughs) 这个丈夫是最差劲的.

[08:22.70](clears throat)

[08:24.67](sighs, clears throat)

[08:26.40]Well, l will be back in the morning to report for duty. 我早上回来再汇报我的工作

[08:30.07]And you... get some rest. 你休息一下.

[08:39.61]What is she doing here? 她在这里干嘛?

[08:41.75]You and l both know she's the best in the field. 你我都知道她在她的领域里是最强的.

[08:45.35]Bringing Addie out was a business decision, nothing personal. 引进Addie是医院的决定,没有私情

[08:48.72]Oh, well, what a relief. 多么轻松的事啊.

[08:50.99]lt's not personal. lt is personal to me. 这个不是私事.

[08:54.00]The workings of my surgical unit don't have any... 这对我来说是私事.


[08:56.63]- Don't include my wife! - Don't include your private life! -别弄出任何事情... -别把我老婆搅和进去!


[09:06.17]Burke will act as chief of surgery until l'm back on my feet. Burke会代理主任直到我回来.

[09:09.24]You gave chief to Burke. 你让Burke当主任?

[09:10.85]There's no room for personal in being chief. 我说过,要成为主任医师就不要闹私人情绪.

[09:13.21]- What is that supposed to mean? - You have been sleeping with an intern. 你这么说是什么意思?



[09:21.49]So l guess part of being chief is personal. 我猜成为主任并不是完全没是有私情的

[09:25.63]Close the door on your way out. 你出去的时候把门关上.

[09:43.24]L.S. Allis.

[09:45.05](woman on PA) IV nurse call ICU, extension 323.

[09:47.85]Babcock. Babcock.

[09:49.65]IV nurse call ICU, extension 323.

[09:51.92]Right-angle clamp. 直角钳.

[09:54.62]Oh. l'm gonna sterilize everything when l'm done. 我弄完了会消毒的.

[09:57.53]The scrub nurses won't know l was here. 器械护士都不会知道我在这里.

[09:59.66]My lips are sealed. 我守口如瓶.

[10:01.66]Dr. Tucker to Radiology. Dr. Tucker to Radiology.

[10:07.00]So, l have a question to ask. 我有一个问题要问.

[10:10.71]l checked the schedule and l noticed that you and l are both off tonight. 我看了时间安排,咱们两个今天晚上都不用值班

[10:15.44]l made reservations. 我为晚餐预订了位置.

[10:17.85]l have a favorite restaurant. 一个我很喜欢的餐馆.

[10:22.18]None of those were questions. 这些都不算是问题.

[10:26.35]Would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight? 你愿意今天晚上和我出去吃饭吗?

[10:36.30]You know, the OR is the one place where l can come and think. 手术室是我唯一可以去的和思考的地方..

[10:42.67]l'm thinking right now, OK? 我现在正在思考,行不行?

[10:46.34]Of course. 好吧.

[10:48.41](metal scrapes)

[10:50.51]l get it. 我明白了.

[10:56.82]l'm not a violent person. l'm a pacifist. 我不是一个暴力的人.

[11:00.05]But, you know, he just kept pushing and push... 我是个和平主义者, 但是, 你知道

[11:03.96]He pushed me, l pushed back. 他不停的弄我

[11:06.23]l was pushed. And now he... 他弄我, 我也返过来弄他.


[11:08.60]lf Alex tries to lay a hand on you, just tell me, l'll take care of it. 你知道吗? Alex 再想把你怎么样,就告诉我

[11:12.40]You... (laughs) 我会处理的.

[11:14.24]l don't need you to take care of it. 我不需要你...

[11:17.10]lf Alex starts something l'll handle it myself. 管这件事.


[11:20.14]l can handle it. 我能处理.

[11:22.04]OK, people, assignments. 好了大伙,有任务了.

[11:24.11]Yang, you're on discharges. O'Malley report to room E1 9. Yang,你今天休息.

[11:27.42]Grey come see me, and who was on call last night? O'Malley,到E19房报道.


[11:31.52]Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy. 邋遢, 邋遢,邋遢.

[11:32.89]Redo these and return them to me before lunch, understood? - 重新做这些然后午饭前把它们给我, 明白吗? - 明白.

[11:36.12]- Understood. - Karev, don't tempt me. Karev,别试我.

[11:38.89]- Somebody's popular. - Meaning? 有人受欢迎.

[11:41.36]There's been a special request, just for you. 什么意思?


[11:43.93](Burke) The chief runs through all of this? 这些主任医师全都要管?

[11:46.10]Before lunch. After, you've got calls to return, a budget to approve, 在午饭前.

[11:47.95]然后, 你要回电话, 批准预算,

[11:50.71]two staff meetings, and four of Richard's surgeries, including your own. 两个员工会议,四个Richard的手术, 包括你的.

[11:55.51]Absolutely. No problem. 没有问题.

[11:57.21](chuckles) Virgins. 新手...

[11:58.88]So. Congratulations are in order. 祝贺词都到位了.

[12:00.95]Don't sweat it, l'll only be your boss for a few days. 别吓我了, Shepherd. 我就当你的老板几天.

[12:03.72]l'm aware of Richard's recovery time. l operated on him, remember? 我很了解Richard的康复时间.


[12:07.22]l do. He survived and chose me to take over while recruiting your wife. 我记得.

[12:08.36]你给他做手术,他手术后选我代理他 还雇用你老婆

[12:11.13]Clearly, he has brain damage. 很清楚,他脑子有毛病.

[12:12.86]Or is it your ex-wife? l'm a little fuzzy on that. 还是你的前妻?

[12:15.40]- We're separated. - Sorry to interrupt, Dr. Burke. 我在弄不清这个事情.



[12:19.07]- You're never interrupting. - She always is. - 没关系. - 她总是很烦人.

[12:21.47]l was checking to see if Dr. Burke secured the intern... 我正在查看

[12:22.72]- Burke是否提供了 - 你要的实习生.

[12:24.54]The intern you requested? He did.


[12:41.46](Addison) Define TTTS. T.T.T.S的定义.

[12:42.92]Twin-twin transfusion syndrome. Conjoined fetal twins. 双胞胎输血综合症, 连在一起的孪生双胞胎.

[12:46.09]Connected by? 通过什么连接?

[12:47.70]- Blood vessels in the placenta. - Meaning? 胎盘内的血管.


[12:51.47]One twin gets too much blood, the other too little, endangering both. 一个胎儿得到的血太多了, 另一个太少了 两人都有生命危险.

[12:54.90]l'd expect you to know that, Grey. 我本以为你知道, Grey.

[12:56.77]You said probably nothing could be done. 你告诉我治愈的机会不多,但是...

[12:59.14]TTTS is usually impossible to correct. T.T.T.S.一般无法治愈, 除非你是世界上某些极少数的

[13:01.28]Unless you are one of a handful of surgeons in the world

[13:04.08]who knows how to separate fetal blood vessels. 知道怎么分离胎儿血管的医生, 你很幸运, 我会.

[13:06.68]Which, luckily for you, l am.

[13:08.98]So we'll get you into surgery tomorrow. 所有你明天就可以手术.

[13:11.15]lf you have any questions at all, please ask Dr. Grey. 如果你还有什么问题,就问Grey医生.

[13:14.49]From what l have seen, she is one of the hospital's most popular interns. 在我看来, 她是本医院最受欢迎的实习医生.

[13:20.23]l could've answered your question given a chance. 如果你给我机会,我能回答你问我的问题

[13:22.86]Chin up. l'm this tough on everyone, not just the women my husband sleeps with. 闭嘴, Grey.

[13:24.20]我对谁都不好, 不仅仅是对和我丈夫上过床的女人.

[13:26.90]Order an ultrasound for her and pre-op labs in... 预约B超...

[13:30.40]Hi. Can l have the chart for E1 9, please? Thank you. 我能看看E19的病例吗?


[13:40.85]Oh, good, you're here. Let's get started. 好的,你来了

[13:43.62]OK. - 咱们开始吧. - 好吧.

[13:48.39]- O'Malley. - Yeah? - O'Malley?

[13:49.82]- You're touching me. - Yeah. - 你碰我了. - 是的

[13:52.39]No. Carmen... 不要.


[13:59.07]l want you to listen to me very carefully. 我想让你认真地听我说.

[14:01.37]As long as l'm in here, l don't know what's happening out there. 自从我来这里, 我不知道我的医生们 病人们、医院怎么了.

[14:05.74]With my doctors. My patients. My hospital.

[14:09.04]You are my eyes today. My ears. 你现在是我的耳目.

[14:12.35]- l want you to be a sponge. - A sponge? 我想让你当我的内探.

[14:15.15]You report any and everything happening in this hospital to me. 内探?


[14:19.02]- l'm an investigative sponge. - l'm not fooling around. 我是个调查内探.

[14:22.12]There's too much been happening lately under my radar. 我不是瞎搅和的, O'Malley.


[14:25.73]lt stops today. 这样的情况不能再发生了.

[14:36.40](woman on PA) IV nurse, call ICU extension 323 1.

[14:39.74]IV nurse, call ICU extension 323 1.

[14:44.95]Burke. You gave Grey to Addison. Are you sure about that? Burke, 你把Grey交给Addison了?

[14:48.58]That's not your call, Shepherd. And for the record, l'm always sure. 你确定吗?

[14:49.25]那不是你能决定的, Shepherd.

[14:50.65]对于记录, 我总是很确信.

[14:54.26]Did you need me? As the new chief, l'm... 你需要我做什么吗?

[14:56.52]- lnterim chief. - ''Chief' nonetheless. - 因为我是新主任, 我是... - 临时主任.

[14:59.13]Ever attempt a standstill surgery? 尽管是主任.


[15:01.33](Derek) lt's the location of the aneurysm that makes it tricky. 主要是因为动脉瘤的位置让手术变得很难.

[15:04.50]Your body temperature would be lowered to protect it and stop the heart. 你的体温会降得很低来,你不会受损伤 但你的心跳会停止.

[15:08.57]Which stops blood flow to the brain which reduces the risk of rupture. 脑部血流停止, 降低动脉瘤破裂的危险.

[15:12.14]l'll have 45 minutes to clip the aneurysm. 我有45分钟来夹住动脉瘤

[15:14.51]- Before l get the heart started again. - You wanna freeze my body, 然后我再让心脏复跳.

[15:16.41]你想冷冻我的身体,抽干我的血 停跳我的心脏?

[15:17.98]- drain my blood, and stop my heart? - And bring you back.

[15:20.85]- ln under 45 minutes? - (Derek) Right. 然后再让我复苏.


[15:22.78]- lf you go over, is it free? - No. 如果你超时了,能免费吗?

[15:25.49]Dr. Yang, you can go and handle the pre-op labs now. 不能.


[15:30.69]How much? How much does something like this cost? 多少钱?

[15:34.66](Derek) Don't worry about that right now. 这种手术一般要花多少钱?


[15:36.86]Look, you guys say that you can kill me and bring me back, l believe you. 你们说你能把我杀了然后救活我

[15:40.97]You're doctors, but l own a bar. 我相信你,你们是医生

[15:43.17]l don't got any insurance so l'm not that concerned about the surgery 但是我有一个酒吧.

[15:43.93]我没有医疗保险, 所以我不是那么关心手术

[15:46.87]so much as what l'm gonna do when l survive it. 只要我能活着.

[15:49.51]l need a number. Ten grand? Twenty? 你给我个数

[15:51.22]1万? 2万?

[15:55.12]- Thirty? - lt's a couple hundred at least. 3万?

[15:57.85]At least. 至少要好几十万吧.


[16:03.56](Alex) Who's Halloran? 谁是Halloran?

[16:05.66]Patient in 41 1 5. 4115房间的病号.

[16:07.63]- (woman on PA) Dr. Cole, call the OR. - Red hair?

[16:09.96]Wife knits all the time? He had the colectomy? 红头发?


[16:12.57]Ah, colon dude. That's right. Who's Monterroso? 他做了结肠切除术?


[16:15.67]4238. Mom with the really cute kids. 谁是Monterosso?

[16:16.23]4238. 有两个可爱孩子的妈妈.

[16:18.27]She spiked a post-op fever. You spent two hours with her. 她昨晚体温骤升.

[16:21.24]Hernia chick. That's right. - 你花了两个小时观察她. - 疝气.

[16:22.88]You've treated them for a week and you don't know their names? 你上周一直在治这些人.

[16:26.08]ln Surgery we don't waste time getting to know the patients. 你怎么都知道他们的名字?


[16:29.38]- They're meat, we're butchers. - They're humans. - 他们是一大块肉, 我们是屠夫. - 他们是人.

[16:31.99]You do know what a human is, Evil Spawn? 你知道人是什么,

[16:34.02]l'm not evil. Unless evil turns you on. - 不是吗, 恶魔之子? - 我不是魔鬼.


[16:37.22]Do you ever wake up, realize nobody likes you, and, l don't know, care? 你有没有早晨醒来,感觉到没有人喜欢你 我不知道你关不关心这个

[16:42.83]Oh. (chuckles) l think somebody likes me.


[16:52.84](Yang) Hey.

[16:54.27]What, you don't speak now you're chief? Burke! 你当了主任就不说话了,嗨,Burke!

[16:56.84]- What do you want? - What? 你想要什么?

[16:59.85]What do you want? You don't want to go out to dinner. 什么?


[17:02.48]You don't want to meet me in the on-call room, and you don't want to talk to me. 你不想出去吃饭.

[17:03.04]你不想在值班室见我, 肯定是你不想和我说话

[17:06.42]l could pretend l know, but l don't have your home phone number. 我可以装着我知道,但是, 我连你家电话号码都没有.

[17:09.69]- So tell me, what do you want? - Don't yell at me. 告诉我,你到底想要什么?!


[17:14.56]- We're having a conversation. - What do you want? - 我们在这里说话的. - 你想干吗?

[17:17.13]l don't know! 我不知道!

[17:24.71]Figure it out. 自己想想.

[17:45.93]What's the report? 今天有什么报告?

[17:47.86]No report. lt's very quiet today, sir. 没有报告.

[17:50.96]There's no gossip? Surgeries l should know about? 今天没有什么事情发生.

[17:51.72]没有新闻, 闲话,手术吗?我都想知道?

[17:53.73]- Now come on, what's the buzz? - You know, not in halls, not in OR. 得了,嚷嚷什么,O'Malley?

[17:55.82]大厅里没事,手术室里没事, 楼梯间也没事.

[17:57.94]Not in the stairwells.

[17:59.77]Especially nothing happening in the, you know... They're just stairwells. 特别是,你知道。没有事情发生在...


[18:10.78](Alex wolf whistles)

[18:12.65]They told me you were in a nightgown, but l thought l'd come see. 他们说你穿着女睡衣, 但是我想自己来看看.

[18:15.76]Very nice, huh. 不错.

[18:16.92]Heard O'Malley laid you out cold. Nice eye. 听说O'Malley扁了你.漂亮的眼睛.

[18:20.33]- Whoa, who sent that? - We all pitched in. The whole floor. 谁送来的?

[18:24.03]Well, please, tell the whole floor a big thank you. 我们都在内.



[18:26.87]Yeah, l will. 好的我会的.

[18:28.27]Alex, you gotta get me out of here, man. Get me transferred to County Hospital. Alex,你一定要把我弄出去.

[18:33.04]Not County. Here, they can kill you and bring you back, 把我转到县医院或者别的医院.


[18:36.04]but at County, they can just kill you. No joke. 我的意思是说 这里他们知道怎么让你心跳停止然后复苏

[18:36.63]但是县医院只知道怎么让你心跳停止 不是开玩笑

[18:38.45]l can't afford this place, man. l'm gonna lose the bar. 我花不起钱啊.

[18:41.55]- Hey, Joe, how you doing? - Hey, Scooter. 我会失去酒吧的.

[18:41.94]Joe, 你好吗?


[18:45.29]OK. That's mine? 好了.那是我的.

[18:47.15]- We'll start by saving your life. - The bar is my life. You know that. 重要的事情先来.


[18:51.63]You've been at last call every night since you moved here. 这个酒吧是我的命啊.

[18:51.76]你知道的.至少你可以让我随叫随到 ,你搬到这里的每天晚上都可以.

[18:54.56]l'm gonna have to shut it down or sell it. 我现在要把它关掉或者卖掉.

[18:58.17]You can't do that. Place is an institution. 你不能这样做.

[19:00.80]l've owned the bar across the street for 1 4 years, 那个地方是公共机构.


[19:03.37]and l've never been inside this hospital till now. 到现在我还没有来过一次医院

[19:06.01]l'll pay my tab. That's gotta be good for something. How much is it? 我现在把我的钱付了?


[19:09.58]Close to a grand. 多少钱?


[19:12.51]How about l pay, like, 60? 你看60块怎么样...

[19:16.38]That's good. And l'll pay you back later. 这不错了.


[19:19.72]Hey, champ! 担心鬼!

[19:22.86](PA) Orderly, please report to station three. Orderly, report to station three.

[19:29.43]What does it take to go after another woman's husband? 偷别人的丈夫会怎么样?

[19:33.37]- Excuse me? - lt happened to me. 什么意思?

[19:35.54]Jeff moved in with a long-legged miniskirt who answers his phones 我在说我.

[19:36.41]Jeff和一个长腿的穿超短裙的女人同居了 我怀孕3周了都是她替我丈夫接的电话

[19:39.14]three weeks into my pregnancy. That gel is really cold.

[19:42.04]l'm sorry. l'm sorry about your husband. 顺便说下这个凝胶太凉了.


[19:44.75]Are you sorry about Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd's husband? 你对Montgomery Shepherd医生的丈夫抱歉吗?

[19:49.85]l'm going to be checking a few things today. 我今天要给你做一些检查.

[19:52.39]l bet she asked to work with you. lt's what l would have done. 我想是她要求和你一起工作的.

[19:56.42]l'm gonna go check on your labs. 这个是我将要做完的.


[20:01.80](steady beeping)



[20:17.21]Heya, sunshine. 你好,阳光.

[20:20.98]Deep breath. 深呼吸.

[20:26.59]Morning sickness must suck. 早孕晨吐真不爽.

[20:30.02]Just so we're clear, 我们说清楚

[20:31.73]do not breathe a word of what you heard last night to anyone. 昨天晚上你听到的东西要只字不提

[20:34.73]Not about me. Not about Meredith. Not about Meredith and Dr. McDreamy... 不许说我,不许说Meredith, 不许说Meredith和梦幻麦克医生.

[20:38.80]- Hey, Dr. Burke. - Joe. 你好,Burke医生.


[20:42.94]Um, vital signs stable overnight. Today's CT shows no re-bleeding. 昨晚生命体征平稳.

[20:47.81]The EKG... 今天CT提示没有新出血.


[20:51.21]shows... 提示...

[20:52.85]um, normal sinus rhythm.

[20:55.75]No ischemia, no dysrhythmias. 正常窦性心律.

[20:56.38]无缺血, 无心律失常.

[21:01.89]Looking good. Page me if there are any changes. 看来不错.


[21:08.16]- (baby wails) - (George) Oh, hi, Chief. 嗨,主任.

[21:10.26]No, not much going on. 没有,没有什么事情发生

[21:12.13]Other than your interim chief making out with my friend in the stairwell, 除了你的临时主任和我的朋友在楼梯间里约会的事。

[21:16.50]but, hey... Sponge duty sucks. 但是,内探的工作真恶心.

[21:19.04]- You talking to yourself now? - Yes. No! 自言自语呢?


[21:23.18]Damn it, l'm a bad sponge. A leaky sponge. 糟糕. 我是一个差劲的内探, 漏消息的内探.

[21:26.75]l'm gonna leak all the wrong secrets. 我会把所有糟糕的秘密都漏了的 我是一个差劲的骗子

[21:28.85]l'm a bad liar, can't even lie about talking to myself.


[21:34.89]You look nice today. 你今天看上去不错.

[21:37.49]Wore my new lip gloss 我用了新的唇膏.

[21:39.73]'cause my ex-boyfriend's wife looks like lsabella freakin' Rossellini, 因为我前男友的妻子看起来像 Isabella freakin' Rossellini,我像我...自己.

[21:43.60]and l'm like... me.

[21:48.10]l'm trying to outdo her when she's the victim here. How crazy is that? 我试着超过她,当她在这儿充当受害者时.

[21:53.17]Not crazy. Smart. 这样想好疯狂啊?

[21:55.14]You know, gloss, you know, prevents chapped lips and... you... 不是疯,是聪明


[21:59.88]Ex-boyfriend? 前男友...不裂开?

[22:02.25]l'm an evil mistress. 我是个邪恶的情妇.

[22:04.38]Well, still. You look nice. 不过,你看上去不错.

[22:07.85]Thanks. What are you doing here? 谢谢.

[22:11.33](stutters) 你在这里干吗?

[22:12.12]- 哦... - 别了, O'Malley. 说出来吧.

[22:14.43]Come on, O'Malley. Out with it.

[22:16.50]OK. Can you think of any reason, any reason at all, really, 你能想像为什么Cristina 吻Burke吗?

[22:20.57]why Cristina would be kissing Burke?

[22:26.41](elevator bell)

[22:39.25]After all this time. All your warnings about me sleeping with my boss, 到现在了,你还在警告我不要和老板上床吗,

[22:42.89]- and you're doing the same thing? - lt's not the same. - 你恰恰在做同样的事情? - 不一样.

[22:45.66]- lt's the same... - You two are in a relationship. - 一模一样! - 你和梦幻麦克确立关系了.

[22:48.70]And you and Burke are in? you和Burke在... 瑞士

[22:50.43]Switzerland. lt's very neutral there. And they make very nice watches.


[22:54.17]Have you even bothered to tell Burke about the baby? 你是不是连怀孕的事情都不想给他说?

[22:57.40]- Are you going to? - Look, Meredith, can we not go there? 你和他说吗?


[23:01.54]Can everyone just accept that l like to keep some things to myself? 你就不能让有事情

[23:04.81]- l don't discuss everything to death. - Well, why even confide in me at all 只有我自己知道, 我不想把任何事都讨论到死


[23:08.62]if you're so intent on not discussing it?

[23:11.15]Why even tell me? 为什么还要告诉我?

[23:21.73]When l found out about the miniskirt, l called her up and took her to lunch. 当我发现了那个穿超短裙的女人 我给她打电话请她吃饭,

[23:26.00]lt was perfectly civil. l said l didn't hold it against her, 瞧这多文明啊.

[23:27.85]我说我不是要和她作对, 既然事情发生了.

[23:29.37]that these things happened. But, really? 但是,真的,我只想给这个婊子点脸色看看 她让我老公放弃了15年的婚姻

[23:32.11]l wanted to put a face on the bitch

[23:33.84]that got my husband to throw away 1 5 years of marriage.

[23:49.26]- Got a second? - Depends on what you need. 有空吗?

[23:52.83]Who the hell is Dr. McDreamy? 看你需要什么了.


[24:00.33]Me. l'm Dr. McDreamy. 我.我是梦幻麦克医生.

[24:02.90]l'm tall, handsome. 我又高又帅.

[24:05.14]l lean against things and ponder the difficulties of dating beautiful women. 我喜欢找麻烦, 思考约会美女的困难.

[24:09.18]l'm trying to be a surgeon here! 我想在这里当外科大夫.

[24:12.51]- That took a lot of nerve. - She came highly recommended. - 找Meredith需要很大的勇气. - 得了,她有很好的推荐材料.

[24:15.48]- Right. - So you don't recommend her? -是的. -那么你不推荐她?

[24:17.35]- l did not say that. - Just not her medical skills. - 不,我没有这样说. - 不仅仅是应为她的医疗技术.

[24:19.79]- Dr. Shepherd. - (both) Yes? 你闭嘴好吗?

[24:21.25]Labs confirm what look like abnormalities on the ultrasound. - Shepherd医生? - 嗯.


[24:24.49]- l think you should come and see. - Fine. Let's go. 我想你应该来自己看看.


[24:28.50]- Meredith. Meredith... - Don't. - Meredith. Meredith. - 别.

[24:33.00](PA) Any available IV nurse to OR Two. Any available IV nurse to OR Two.

[24:42.68]Well, no report. 没有消息.

[24:44.81]You know, same nothing as earlier. 是的,没有报告,像前一段一样.

[24:47.68]l should go. 我该走了.

[24:49.48]Oh, actually there is something, sir. 事实上,有些事情,先生.

[24:51.55]- Burke and Shepherd marking territory? - No, sir. Burke和Shepherd在操场上划界?

[24:55.22]lt's about Joe. The bartender. 不是.

[24:55.61]是关于Joe,那个酒吧老板 他们静止手术的病人

[24:57.79]The standstill patient.

[25:01.29]See. Bilateral pleural effusion with evidence of subQ edema. 看到了?


[25:06.67]ln English, please? 说英语好吗?

[25:08.44]We've detected what looks like beginning heart failure in the twins. 我们检查到婴儿看起来有早期心衰的征象.

[25:12.04]- Don't be alarmed. - Are my babies gonna be OK? 别害怕.

[25:14.67]l'm going to take you into surgery now. Book the OR. 我的孩子会没事吗?

[25:15.12]我马上要给你做手术. 不能等了,预定手术室,走!


[25:21.05](Joe) Tell Pete to wash out the taps every night. Not every other night. 让Pete每天晚上冲洗水管

[25:24.62]And remind him that the delivery truck comes at 6:00a.m. Kegs go in the back. 不是隔一天一次,是一天一次.


[25:29.32]Oh, another thing. There's petty cash on the top shelf in the storage closet. 还有一件事,


[25:35.86]We're operating on patients. That's it. 我们只给病人做手术.

[25:38.03]- l know, but... - l sympathize. l do. - 我知道,但是... - 我很同情.真的

[25:40.13]But solving Joe's finances is not my job, it's not your job, 但是解决Joe的经济问题不是我管的

[25:43.30]and it's sure as hell not the job l assigned you today. 这也不是你的事情 我也确定这不是我今天给你分配的任务.

[25:46.44]lt seems wrong to cut him open, sew him up, and leave him, left with nothing. 把他切开、缝起来就不管了是不对的 他什么都没有剩下了.

[25:50.48]lf we can save his life, we'll hardly be leaving him with nothing. 如果我们能救他的命, 我们不可能让他一无所有

[25:56.88](steady beeping)

[26:01.05]That's as far as l can go for now. Let's start cooling him. 这是所有我能做的.


[26:21.07]Can't see much from back here, O'Malley. 从后面看不到什么东西的, O'Malley.

[26:23.68]l know. l'm trying to find a loophole to help Joe. 我知道.我正在找一个能帮助Joe的缺口.

[26:28.08]- (George) You know Joe? - Oh, yeah. 你认识Joe吗?

[26:30.68]l was the only female intern my year. 那年我是这里唯一的一个女实习生

[26:33.12]l didn't know anybody and nobody knew me except Joe. 我谁都不认识, 除了Joe也没有人认识我.

[26:36.46]He knew me. 他了解我.

[26:38.02]Oh. So, you and Joe? 你和Joe...

[26:42.16]All you people ever think about is how to get into somebody's pants. 你这种人想的事情就是怎样和人上床.

[26:45.70]You're nasty. That's why you got syphilis. 你真恶心.

[26:48.30]Joe was the first person here to say l'd make a good surgeon. 所以你得了梅毒.

[26:48.65]Joe是这里第一个告诉我我可以当个好的外科大夫的人 不是你想的那些东西

[26:51.37]Not that he knew anything about it. But it was somethin' when l had nothin'.


[26:58.31]Oh, sure. l'm the guy with the heart of stone and you brought snacks. 是的,我是铁石心肠的人, 你带来了点心.

[27:02.28]- lt's a working lunch. - Snacks to watch Joe die. 这个是工作餐.

[27:04.85]He's not gonna ''die'' die. They'll bring him back. 吃着点心看着Joe死.


[27:07.29]He is going to ''die'' die. No ''pulse'' pulse. He'll be ''dead'' dead. 他要体验一次死,没有脉搏.

[27:10.59]lt's a granola bar, Alex. 他会死翘翘的.

[27:12.49]Not a bag of supersize popcorn and a box of chocolate movie mints. 这是格兰诺拉麦片饼干,不是一包 看电影时吃的巧克力薄荷糖和爆米花

[27:15.70]That's it. 对了.

[27:18.60]Dead! 死了.

[27:20.93]Excuse me. 不好意思.

[27:23.90](Addison) Julie, we're gonna go in laparoscopically. Julie我们要给你做宫腔镜.

[27:26.77]You're not gonna feel anything. And neither are the twins. 你不会有感觉的.

[27:29.88]OK, let's get going! 你的双胞胎也不会.


[27:32.65]Ten blade. Begin with a three-millimeter incision. 薄刀片.


[27:45.53]- (Burke) We stop the blood flow? - To protect the brain. 阻断血流?

[27:48.46]Operate in a bloodless field so the aneurysm won't rupture. 为了保护大脑, 在没有血流的空间做手术 动脉瘤不会破裂

[27:51.67]- (Burke) And cool the body? - To induce hypothermia. 身体降温呢?

[27:54.37]Keeps the tissue viable until the blood is restored. 降低体温.


[27:57.60]Body temp is at 60 degrees. 体温60华氏

[28:00.14]OK, Joe. Time to die. 好了, Joe.死的时间到了.


[28:17.86]- (continuous beep) - Flatline. 血流平稳.

[28:20.96]- We've got 45 minutes, people. - Start the clock. 好的.

[28:22.12]- 我们只有45分钟了. - 开始计时.

[28:24.03]Got it.


[28:38.45](Derek) So what's your ''Joe'' story? Seems like everybody here has one. 你和Joe有什么故事?


[28:42.28]You first. 你先来.

[28:44.12]OK. l went to Joe's place the night before l started working here. 我来这里工作前先去找Joe了

[28:47.92]l'd only been in town, you know, a few days. 我只在市中心呆了几天.

[28:50.16]l met a woman. l got drunk and she took advantage of me. 我认识了这个女人.我喝醉了 她趁人之危

[28:52.93]Or she got drunk and l took advantage of her. 或者是她喝醉了,我趁她之危.

[28:55.26]l got drunk and she took... No. We were drunk. Definitely. 我喝醉了她没有喝酒.

[28:58.36]Somebody took advantage. Either way, l look at it as my initiation to Seattle. 我们一定都醉了.


[29:00.03]不管怎么样 我希望把这事看作我在西雅图的开始.

[29:02.64]- What about you? - Oh, l don't have one. 你呢?

[29:05.74]l just wanted to hear yours. 我没有.


[29:14.88](George) So, technically, the paperwork just needs to be submitted 原则上说书面材料要

[29:18.25]by midnight of the day of the surgery to be considered? 在手术开始那天中午以前上交?

[29:21.32]Oh, good. Well, thank you very much. Thanks. 好的.



[29:27.66]How you doing there, Grey? 你那里怎么样, Grey?

[29:30.10]Good. l'm good. 很好.


[29:38.61]You know, l'm very sweet once you get to know me. - 你要是了解我了我还是很不错的. - 你不是.

[29:41.14]- No, you're not. - We could be good friends.

[29:43.41]- Alex. Never, ever. Ever. - Why not? - 我们可以做好朋友. - Alex, 永远不可能.

[29:46.95]Give me one reason why we could? What about you is even remotely human? - 永远. - 为什么?



[29:52.92]lt's going too slowly. 太慢了.

[29:54.85]- l hope Joe can pull through this. - He can. He will. He has to. 我希望Joe能挺过去.



[30:00.46](Derek) Damn it. I can't get the clamp to hold. 天哪.

[30:03.90]Give me the bipolars. l'm gonna go in at a different angle. 我用这个钳子夹不住.

[30:04.86]给我--好的, 我们要换一个角度.

[30:08.07]Time remaining? 还剩多少时间?

[30:10.30]- (Derek) lrrigation, please. - 1 7 minutes. - 重新灌流,快. - 17分钟.

[30:12.64]Shepherd, l need eight minutes to get him back, to warm him up. Shepherd,我需要8分钟让他复苏

[30:15.81]Time to make the next 1 7 minutes count. 计时下一个17分钟.

[30:18.41](Derek) Right there, go in from there. See it? - 从这里进. - 你看到了?

[30:21.21]See, that's why we can't do it right there.

[30:25.72](George) He's dead. Technically. 他死了,原则上说,这是科学,这是件大事

[30:28.15]Which is science, and this is a huge thing.

[30:31.06]So some research foundation has to be interested. 所以我认为有的科研基金应该对这个有兴趣.

[30:33.93]So, in essence, you want to donate Joe's body to science? 你的意思是说你想捐Joe的身体给科学研究

[30:37.10]At least for the next 1 7 minutes. 至少剩下 17 分钟是

[30:39.33]- ''Privately funded grant.'' - For educational purposes. - 一个私人捐助的基金. - 教育目的.

[30:42.34]We're a teaching hospital. The standstill surgery qualifies. 这是教学医院.

[30:45.74]l didn't peg you for the type to ignore my instructions. 有资格做静止手术.


[30:48.78]All due respect, sir, it's worth a shot. lt's someone's life. 我很尊重的对您说,这个值得去做.

[30:52.08]lt's always someone's life, O'Malley. 这是某人的生命.

[30:52.63]总是关于某人的生命, O'Malley.

[31:01.59]You're hovering. 你迷茫了.

[31:03.86]- You can leave now. - OK. 你可以走了.


[31:12.17](nurse) Eight minutes. 8分钟.

[31:14.23]We need to start rewarming, Shepherd. 我们现在开始复温, Shepherd.

[31:16.64]Take the bipolars, please. Thank you. 拿着两极,谢谢

[31:18.57]Shepherd, we need to start warming him up, now! - Shepherd, 我们现在开始复温 - 拿好.

[31:20.97]- Hang on. - Now. l need it now, Shepherd. - 现在, 我现在就要接手他, Shepherd. - 我够不着.

[31:23.61]l can't seem to get... l just can't get behind the aneurysm.

[31:27.15]lf l could get behind the aneurysm, l could... There it is.


[31:31.58]Got it. That's it. 好了.

[31:34.12]- Are you sure? - l'm always sure. 就这样.


[31:36.86](Derek) Good work, everybody. lt's all yours there, Chief. 我总是肯定.



[31:40.99]OK, let's grab Joe before he decides to go into the light. 好的,伙计们,咱们在Joe见上帝前抓住他

[31:43.93]Start warming him up. 开始给他复温.

[31:46.07]Clamps are coming off. 松掉钳子.

[31:48.07]Turn the pump on. 打开泵.

[31:53.71]Watch cerebral perfusion pressures. 观察脑灌注压.

[31:56.34]Keep M.A.P. at greater than 60, please. Keep M.A.P. Greater than 60, please.

[32:05.29](Richard) l know you're enjoying yourself, Preston. I know you're enjoying yourself, Preston.

[32:07.99]lt's a power kick to be the chief. It's a power kick to be the chief.

[32:09.99]You're never more surrounded. Never more alone. You're never more surrounded, never more alone.

[32:13.43]You're everyone's father, everyone's boss, and no one's friend. You're everyone's father, everyone's boss and old friend.

[32:17.26]Choices you make. Clean slices and neat stitches. The choices we make -- clean slices, neat stitches,

[32:20.97]No emotions, no compromise, no personal life. no emotions, no compromise, no personal life.

[32:23.84]- But, Richard... - l just had brain surgery. Richard--

[32:25.26]I just had brain surgery.

[32:27.04]l'm surrounded by fruit baskets. I'm surrounded by fruit baskets.

[32:31.51]The only people who've been in this room come and kiss my ass. The only people who've been in this room come to kiss my ass.

[32:36.05]l gave you a shot for a reason, Preston. I gave you a shot for a reason, Preston.

[32:39.02]You and l, we're the same. You and I...

[32:43.14]We're the same.

[32:45.53]We put the job first. We put the job first.

[32:59.01]That was the single most amazing surgery l have ever witnessed. That was the single most amazing surgery I have ever witnessed.

[33:02.54]You, you killed a man and brought him back to life. You--you killed a man and brought him back to life.

[33:04.98]You, like, raised the dead. You, like, raised the dead.

[33:06.75]God, how does that feel? Are you rushing? ls it... God, how does that feel? Are you rushing? Is it...

[33:09.32]Like you wouldn't believe. like you wouldn't believe.

[33:11.68]Hey, do you still have those reservations? 'Cause l'm starving.

[33:13.22]Hey, um, do you still have those reservations? 'Cause I'm starving.

[33:15.89]Cristina, l think there's something we should discuss. Cristina...

[33:17.87]I think there's something we should discuss.

[33:23.33]Yeah. Yeah, there is. Yeah. Yeah, there is.

[33:28.30]lt's pretty clear. It's pretty clear.

[33:30.37]lt is? It is?

[33:32.54]We've been fooling ourselves We've been fooling ourselves,

[33:35.07]to think that we can continue without consequences. to think that we can continue like this without consequences.

[33:38.04]Consequences... Consequences?

[33:39.81]We have careers to think about. We have careers to think about, reputations.


[33:43.58]We both put the job first. We both put the job first.

[33:45.72]You are very focused. l respect that. And you are very focused. I respect that.

[33:49.69]- Thank you. - You're welcome. Thank you.

[33:51.72](PA) Any available IV nurse to OR two. You're welcome.

[33:56.66]Oh, you're ending this? 你想结束.

[33:59.47]l think it's best to make a clean break. 我觉得最好结束的彻底一点.

[34:02.90]OK. 好吧.

[34:04.10]Before it gets too involved. Before it gets... 在事情太乱之前.

[34:07.54]Messy. Right, right. That would be bad. - 在之前... - 乱.对,对.


[34:14.51]lt's nothing personal. 这不是针对你的.

[34:50.25]Get in here, O'Malley. 进来, O'Malley.

[35:01.59]OK. l tried. l really tried. 我尽力了,我真的尽力了.

[35:03.43]But there's a lot of stuff happening out there. Stuff l can't tell you. 但是最近这里有很多事情发生,

[35:07.33]Stuff l won't tell you. 我不能告诉你,不会告诉你.

[35:11.97]Crazy stuff. 都是不能想像的事情

[35:13.67]Stuff l'm gonna have nightmares about. 我想起来就做噩梦的事情.

[35:17.48]But l'm not gonna tell you about any of it. 但是我不准备告诉你任何一件事情 因为都是无关紧要的.

[35:19.78]Because it doesn't matter.

[35:21.65]Not when there's a guy who we all know and love 和我们都认识的喜欢的那个人无关

[35:24.18]who's gonna be bankrupt because he needed a surgery to save his life. 他会因为要做手术而破产.

[35:27.69]- l spent the whole day on it. - O'Malley... - 我整天都在干这个. - O'Malley!

[35:29.82]Let me finish. 让我说完.

[35:32.73]You're wrong, sir. 你错了,先生.

[35:34.79]Now you can fire me, or bring me up on disciplinary action or whatever. 现在你可以解雇我 或者让我老老实实地遵守规矩,怎么样都可以

[35:39.10]l'm telling you, Joe deserves... -但是我告诉你, Joe应该得到我们的... - 应该得到我们的帮助.

[35:41.17]Deserves our help. Couldn't help yourself, could you?

[35:45.64]Whether or not it'd win you any points, even from me. 你控制不住,对吗?


[35:50.08]l signed your request. 我签了你的申请.

[35:51.98]Give it to Patricia, she'll know what to do. 把它给Patricia. 她知道该怎么办.

[35:54.25]- Joe may keep his bar after all. - Thank you, sir. - 看来Joe终于能保住他的酒吧了. - 谢谢你

[35:57.38]- O'Malley! - Yes? - O'Malley. - 在.

[36:00.02]Yell at me again, and l'll snap you like a twig. 再这样朝我吼 我就把你整得像小树枝一样顺从.

[36:02.46]Yes, sir. 遵命.

[36:07.39]See? Just a small scar. 看到了?就是一个小伤疤.

[36:10.03]And my babies? 我的孩子呢?

[36:12.47](PA) Dr. Cole, call the OR.

[36:14.10]Your babies are doing very well. 你的孩子们很好.

[36:18.64]And Dr. Grey will be back to check on you a little bit later. Grey医生一会就会回来给你检查.

[36:21.94]l'd prefer it if Dr. Grey were taken off the case. 事实上,我更希望Grey医生可以不再参与.

[36:24.94]Why, is there a problem? 为什么?有问题吗?

[36:26.91]Just reminds me of someone l don't like. Someone my husband likes a lot. 我想起了一些我不喜欢的人

[36:30.78]Particularly in lingerie. You understand. 我丈夫喜欢的人, 特别是穿紧身内衣的.

[36:33.85]No, no, l don't understand. 你知道.


[36:36.59]Well, she's sleeping with your husband, right? 她不是和你的老公上床了吗?

[36:41.03]Ms. Philips, l lack Dr. Grey's class and patience Phillips太太...

[36:44.01]我喜欢Grey医生的层次和耐心 让我把这事情说清楚

[36:46.90]so, let me set the record straight.

[36:48.90]My husband didn't cheat on me, l cheated on him. 我老公没有背叛我,我背叛了他.

[36:51.37]So the wronged woman here, Dr. Grey. 所以被误解的女人是

[36:54.11]So, l think you owe her one hell of an apology. Grey医生.


[37:06.22]One night l parked my car, 一天晚上我停了车,进了家门 有些东西不对劲.

[37:10.32]l unlock my front door, go inside my house, and something's different.

[37:16.56]Nothing's different, everything's the same 没有什么不对劲, 什么都没有变 但是还是...

[37:19.00]but yet, still, something's different.


[37:25.14]And l stand there for a while. 我在那里站了一会...

[37:30.41]And then l know. 然后我知道.

[37:34.35]See, there are moments for me, you know, usually when l'm in the OR, 有时候,我知道有事情要发生 在手术室也是

[37:40.35]when l just know what's gonna happen next. 我能预感到下面要发生什么.

[37:49.56]So l go upstairs. 所以我上楼了.

[37:51.53]As l walk down the hall, l try to prepare myself for what l'm gonna see 我正在大厅里, 做好心理准备.

[37:55.33]when l go into my bedroom.

[37:56.97]l step on a man's jacket that doesn't belong to me. 我踩到了一个男人的夹克上,那夹克不是我的.

[38:01.51]And everything l think l know... just shifts. 我想我全都知道了...


[38:07.81]Because the jacket that doesn't belong to me is a jacket that l recognize. 因为虽然不是我的夹克 但是我能认出来.

[38:12.25]And what l know now is that when l go into my bedroom, 我知道如果我走进卧室 不仅仅会看到我的妻子不忠.

[38:15.72]l'm not just gonna see that my wife is cheating on me.

[38:18.56]l'm gonna see that my wife is cheating on me with Mark, 会看到我的妻子在背叛我, 和Mark一起 而Mark恰恰是我最好的朋友.

[38:21.49]who happened to be my best friend.

[38:26.90]lt's just so pedestrian, common and dirty, 多么俗套肮脏残酷的故事.

[38:30.94]and cruel.

[38:34.47]Mostly just cruel. 大部分是残酷.

[38:38.34]l left. Came out here. 我出来了. 我来到这里.

[38:41.95]- And you met me. - And l met you. -你见到了我 -我见到了你

[38:54.33]Well, what was l to you? 那我对于你来说算什么?

[38:57.10]The girl you screwed to get over being screwed? 你为了熬过痛苦期而搞的女孩?

[39:03.10]You were like coming up for fresh air. 你像吹来的清风.

[39:06.24]lt's like l was drowning and you saved me. 好像我在堕落,你拯救了我.

[39:12.14]That's all l know. 这都是我想说的.

[39:22.69]lt's not enough. 还不够

[39:24.76](& Joe Purdy: The City)

[39:29.63](Meredith) They say practice makes perfect. 有人说"熟能生巧".


[39:42.44]Theory is, the more you think like a surgeon 原理是,你像外科大夫那样思考 你就能更像个外科大夫...

[39:47.31]the more you become one.

[39:52.49]The better you get at remaining neutral, clinical. 你自己越中立,熟练

[39:56.39]Cut, suture, close. 切开,缝合,关上...

[40:07.07]And the harder it becomes to turn it off... 你越来越难摆脱...

[40:12.41]Thought l might see your ugly mug in here tonight. 我早就知道了我今晚会见到你丑恶的嘴脸的.

[40:16.94]Did you hear the good news? 你听到好消息了没有?

[40:18.78]...to stop thinking like a surgeon. 停止像外科大夫那样思考...

[40:22.35](Alex) O'Malley! O'Malley!

[40:35.93]l heard what you did, champ. 我听说你做的事情了,担心鬼.

[40:40.40](Meredith) And remember what it means to think like a human being. 别忘了像人类那样思考意味着什么.

[41:08.33]The clinic has a policy. 医院有个规矩.

[41:10.83]They wouldn't let me confirm my appointment 除非我安排一个紧急联系人 我才能确定我的职位

[41:13.23]unless l designated an emergency contact person.

[41:16.54]Someone to be there, just in case, 有人在那里以防万一...

[41:19.34]and to help me home, you know, after.

[41:21.93]能送我回家, 在那以后.

[41:30.05]Anyway, l put your name down. 我写了你的名字.

[41:33.92]That's why l told you l'm pregnant. You're my ''person.'' 所以我跟你说我怀孕了.

[41:36.86]l am? - 你是我的人. - 我是?

[41:39.26]Yeah, you are. 是的,你是.

[41:42.56]Whatever. 随便你怎么说吧.

[41:44.90]Whatever. 随便说.

[41:50.40]He dumped me. 他把我甩了.

[42:04.25]You realize this constitutes hugging? 你认为我说这个是要让你抱吗?

[42:06.75]Shut up. 闭嘴.

[42:09.02]l'm your ''person.'' 我是你的人.


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