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[00:00.00]美剧MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:35:31
[00:02.86]Remember when you were a kid, and your biggest worry was, 还记得当你还是孩子时, 你最大的担心
[00:06.91]like, if you'd get a bike for your birthday 可能是,是否你的生日 会得到一辆脚踏车
[00:09.70]or if you'd get to eat cookies for breakfast? 或是你是否能在早餐里吃到饼干?
[00:13.41]Being an adult -- totally overrated. 作为一个成年人 -- 真的太理想化了
[00:18.80]I mean, seriously, don't be fooled by all the hot shoes and the great sex 我是说, 真的别在买新鞋和伟大地性爱上做傻事
[00:22.85]and the no parents anywhere telling you what to do. 没有哪里的父母会告诉你要去做些什么
[00:26.97]Adulthood is responsibility. 成人时代是责任
[00:29.87]The lawyer has been managing her estate with a limited power of attorney, 通过一份律师的有限委任书 律师已经在管理她的财产
[00:32.53]but your mother's alzheimer's is advancing. 但妳妈妈的alzheimer病在加重
[00:34.73]So, while she's still lucid enough to consent, 所以, 当她还能清晰做出同意决定的时候
[00:36.89]she needs to sign everything over to you. 她需要在妳的陪伴下 签署文件来确认
[00:40.91]Me? 我?
[00:44.92]Responsibility -- it really does suck. 责任 -- 真的很令人厌恶
[00:48.15]Look, I haven't slept in 48 hours. 妳看, 我已经48小时没睡觉了
[00:50.94]I'm getting my first shot at heart surgery this morning. 今天早上我得到了 我的第一个外科心脏手术
[00:53.95]I'm missing rounds. 我忙得团团转
[00:55.41]Are you sure there isn't anybody here, or the attorney...? 妳确信没人在这里, 或者律师...?
[00:59.84]I mean, do I really have to be the one to handle this? 我的意思是 我真的是那个要接管这些事情的人吗?
[01:02.63]We're talking about her estate, finances, medical care. 我们正在商讨她的不动产, 资金, 医疗保险
[01:05.74]You really want to leave her life in someone else's hands? 妳真的想离开她让其他人管这些事情吗?
[01:07.93]She's your mother. 她是妳的妈妈
[01:10.68]Really, really sucks. 真的, 真的另人厌恶
[01:14.38]Adults have to be places and do things 大人不得不在一个地方做些事情
[01:17.45]and earn a living and pay the rent. 以此来谋生 去支付花销
[01:20.74]And if you're training to be a surgeon, 并且 如果妳正被训练成为一个外科医生
[01:22.68]holding a human heart in your hands -- 而你的手正捧着一个人的心脏 --
[01:26.21]Hello! Talk about responsibility! 喂! 谈谈责任!
[01:32.99]What was that, Dr. Grey? 那是什么,Grey医生?
[01:34.28]Sorry, it slipped. 抱歉, 那心脏有些滑
[01:35.95]My hands... 我的手...
[01:37.34]It's okay. I'm done. 没事 我搞好了
[01:39.19]You can release Mrs. Patterson's heart now, 妳现在可以 把Patterson夫人的心脏放回去了
[01:41.54]very gently. 非常轻的
[01:46.60]All right. 好了
[01:48.17]Let's warm her up. 让我们使她恢复温暖
[01:49.88]Get her off bypass. 把她的心脏动脉替代管关闭
[01:50.92]Kind of makes bikes and cookies look really, really good, doesn't it? 得到脚踏车和饼干看起来真的,真的很好, 不是吗?
[01:54.45]I wish I could hold a heart. 我希望能够捧着心脏
[01:56.20]A monkey could hold a heart. 一个猴子也可以捧着一个心脏
[01:58.27]You're mad Burke didn't ask you. Burke没有邀请妳 妳是疯了
[02:00.00]George, I need more ice and chips. George 我需要更多的冰块和署片
[02:02.40]Who did you invite? 妳邀请谁了?
[02:03.47]We said the list was jocks only -- surgery, trauma, plastics. 我们说过只邀请内部的人 -- 外科的, 外伤科的,整形外科的
[02:07.33]Who else? 还有谁?
[02:08.29]Some people from peds. 一些来自儿科的人
[02:10.27]You invited the preschoolers to Meredith's house. 妳邀请学龄前儿童去Meredith的家
[02:12.68]Next thing, you'll say that you invited the shrinks. 接下来, 妳会说妳邀请了精神科的
[02:16.46]She invited mental defects. 她邀请了精神智障科的人
[02:18.26]This party is D.O.A. 这是D.O.A.的派对
[02:19.35]Meredith thinks this is going to be a small, meet-your-boyfriend cocktail thing. Meredith认为这是一个小范围的, 和妳男友会面的鸡尾酒会
[02:23.15]Did you clear this with her? 她清楚这些吗?
[02:24.21]No, but I will. 不清楚,但我会告诉她的
[02:26.27]I promise. 我保证
[02:27.48]Why are you wasting the only weekend your boyfriend is in town on a big party? 为什么你要浪费你男友在这儿 仅有的周末去参加一个大派对呢?
[02:31.36]Is he bad in bed? 他床上功夫差吗?
[02:33.59]No. I just want him to meet some of my friends. 不是 我只是想让他见见我的朋友
[02:36.26]Right. 60 geeks in scrubs are your friends. 是的 清理室的60个滑稽的人也是妳的朋友
[02:41.91]Bad sex -- sucks for you. 糟糕的性生活-- 为他口交吧
[02:43.62]I heard there's a party tonight. At Meredith's house. 我听说今晚有个派对 在Meredith的家
[02:45.63]- A party? - Uh, news to me. - 一个派对? - 嗯,我发的消息
[02:47.70]No party. 没有派对
[02:48.49]We losing her or what? 那病人不行了还是怎么了?
[02:50.80]- Are the grafts...? - They're open. - 嫁接怎么...? - 嫁接破裂了
[02:52.49]- Temperature? - She's at 96 and rising. - 温度? - 96 还在升高
[02:55.46]She should be doing this on her own. 她要自己去解决这个
[03:00.86]That's her falling. 她不行了
[03:03.23]Continue the progressions. 继续观察
[03:07.34]Come on, Mrs. Patterson. 快点, Patterson夫人
[03:08.76]- Paddles. - Sets are below 90. - 电击棒 - 温度显示低于90.
[03:11.07]Charge. 准备好
[03:12.90]10 joules. 10 焦耳电量
[03:14.28]Clear. 完成
[03:17.27]Come on, Mrs. Patterson. 快点, Patterson夫人
[03:19.56]- Give me 20. - Charge. - 电量调到20. - 准备好
[03:21.09]There. We have rhythm. 心跳恢复了
[03:24.39]Reluctant heart. 难处理的心脏
[03:26.69]All right. 好了
[03:28.32]Let's close. 让我们开始缝合
[03:29.67]Keep an eye on her. 保持观察她的状况
[03:31.18]Good work, everyone. 干得不错, 各位
[03:33.63]The scariest part about responsibility? 当你振作精神 让心脏通过 你的手指划入正确的位置时
[03:37.08]When you screw up and let it slip right through your fingers. 引起惊慌的原因是责任吗?
[03:44.43]Hey, I heard you did a cabg with Burke. 嗨, 我听说妳和Burke做了一 个cabg(冠状动脉旁路嫁接)手术
[03:47.05]Did you get to hold the heart? 妳去捧着那个心脏了吗?
[03:48.33]Yeah. 是的
[03:49.35]It's an amazing feeling. You never forget the first time. 感觉很令人惊异 妳永远不会忘了第一次的感觉的
[03:52.28]It was pretty great just to watch. 那看着感觉相当的好
[03:54.30]Vicarious thrills, you know? 令人生畏, 你知道吗?
[03:56.54]Yeah. 是的
[04:03.98]See you later. 一会儿见
[04:05.18]Bye. 再见
[04:17.07]I think maybe I did something to the heart when I was holding it. 我想 当我捧着心脏的时候 或许我对它做了些事情
[04:22.90]I nodded off a little, squeezed it. 我走了一下神儿 挤压了一下心脏
[04:26.80]Oh, please. 哦, 请
[04:27.91]The heart's a tough muscle. 心脏拥有强健的肌肉
[04:29.39]It can take a squeeze or two. 它能够经受多次的挤压
[04:31.83]My fingernail popped a glove, cut straight through. 我的手指甲被包在手套里面 指甲直接刺到了心脏
[04:36.46]George, what if I punctured Mrs. Patterson's heart? George 如果我刺伤了Patterson夫人的心脏会怎样?
[04:41.86]If you had punctured it, 如果妳刺伤了她的心脏
[04:45.27]you would have known when they reperfused. 当他们再次覆盖心脏时 妳会知道的
[04:47.16]They got her heart beating. The woman's okay. 他们恢复了她的心跳 这女人没事了
[04:50.15]- So, I shouldn't tell Burke? - Tell him what? - 那么, 我不用告诉Burke吗? - 告诉他什么?
[04:53.25]You know, um... 妳知道, 嗯...
[04:55.45]nothing happened. The woman's okay, right? 什么也没发生 这女人没事, 好吗?
[04:59.02]She's okay. 她没事
[05:00.70]She's fine. 她很好
[05:02.65]She's fine. 她很好
[05:05.60](Greys Anatomy)-(外科女实习生) 第一季 第五集
[05:35.86]What do you see, George? 你看到了什么, George?
[05:37.12]Hyperinflated lungs -- cloudy with bullae. 肺部恶性膨胀 -- 有水泡的阴影
[05:40.52]Seriously diminished capacity. 肺部容量已经降低
[05:42.15]She must be having trouble breathing. 她呼吸肯定有困难
[05:44.88]Course of action? 有治疗办法吗?
[05:46.04]A bullectomy procedure. Remove the bullae. Reduce the pressure. 我们进行水泡外科治疗 移处水泡 减少肺部的压力
[05:49.64]It says here we operated on her back in '99. 病例上说我们在99年给她背部做过手
[05:52.00]So Mrs. Drake has been through this before, but talk her through it anyway. 也就是说Drake夫人以前已经患过此症 但无论如何要跟她谈谈她的病情
[05:55.23]And resist the anti-smoking lectures. 和她谈谈抵抗吸烟反对者的教训
[05:57.63]She feels bad enough already. 她的情况已经很差了
[06:02.49]So, do you think, if they put a picture of these in a pack of cigarettes, people would stop smoking? 那么, 你认为, 如果把这个图片放到 香烟的包装上人们就会停止吸烟吗?
[06:10.27]How long has your back been hurting you? 你的背疼了多长时间了?
[06:12.42]It's chronic. 它是延续性的疼痛
[06:14.63]Means I have it all the time. 其实它一直都在痛
[06:16.13]I know what "chronic" means. 我知道"延续性" 的意思
[06:17.64]What kind of pain are you having? 你背部是怎样的疼痛?
[06:18.83]Oh, man, the pain's bad. 哦, 哥们儿 它是非常的疼
[06:19.84]It's like a thousand samurai warriors stabbing their swords into my spine. 就像有数千个日本武士 用他们的剑在往我的脊骨里刺
[06:23.90]I'm allergic to aspirin, most nsaids. 我对阿斯匹林过敏 我使用了太多的nsaids(止痛药)
[06:26.17]So, maybe we'll start you on morphine. 所以,我们可能会给你用些吗啡
[06:27.93]No. The only things that will work are, uh, 不行. 那唯一管用的药,嗯
[06:30.43]demerol or dilaudid. A ton of dilaudid -- that will set me straight. 是demerol(止痛药)dilaudid(止痛药) 大剂量的dilaudid(止痛药)-对我作用会直接些
[06:35.09]The standard starting dose is two. 标准服用剂量是两粒
[06:37.27]Did you see that tom cruise samurai movie, hmm? 你看过那个tom cruise的日本武士电影吗?
[06:39.63]Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow!
[06:42.12]Exaggerated and overly specific description of his pain. 他对自己疼痛作了夸大和过度细节的描述
[06:44.97]A self-prescription. 他是一个自我治疗处理的人
[06:46.89]"Pow! Pow! Pow!"? "Pow! Pow! Pow!"?
[06:48.11]He's a dilaudid junkie. 他是一个dilaudid(止痛药)上瘾者
[06:49.42]So what do you do? 那你想怎么办?
[06:50.35]Check the database for history, refer to a program, and discharge. 从数据库检查他的履历, 查阅处理程序 并帮他改掉这个毛病
[06:53.56]After you give him something. 要在你先帮他止痛以后
[06:55.32]That's exactly what he wants. 那个才是他真正想要的
[06:56.78]Junlie or not, you still have to treat his pain as if it were real. 他是不是有毒瘾者 你也要先解决他的疼痛
[06:59.94]Why? 为什么?
[07:00.61]The first rule in pain management -- always ERR on the side of caution. 处理疼痛的第一条原则 --总是 在警告的方面犯错
[07:03.79]He's in our care. He says he's in pain. 他是我们的病人 他说他有疼痛
[07:05.76]Start a central line. His veins are shot. 建立一个控制界限 他的问题会被发现的
[07:16.32]The surgery before was supposed to help. 外科手术以前被看作会有帮助
[07:19.43]But it never felt right. 但它感觉很不好
[07:21.86]Probably would have been a good idea to quit smoking. 或许妳要想一个放弃吸烟的好办法
[07:24.03]I did! 我做过了!
[07:25.41]Four-pack-a-day habit. 一天抽四包烟的习惯
[07:27.20]It was hell. 那是地狱
[07:28.04]Here you go, Mrs. Drake. 我们开始吧,Drake夫人
[07:29.13]Didn't do any good. 没有起到任何益处
[07:30.46]Really? Because it looked... 真的? 因为吸烟看来...
[07:32.27]I mean, from the damage, we all thought you probably were still smoking. 我是说, 从肺部损伤情况来看 我们都认为你可能还在吸烟
[07:36.25]Cold turkey, five years ago, and what did I get for my trouble? 在五年前,我突然完全停止使用毒品 我的病又有什么样问题吗?
[07:40.15]I still had to quit my job at the restaurant. 我还不得不辞掉餐馆的工作
[07:42.34]But even sitting, it hurt. 但即使有影响, 它也已经损伤了
[07:44.05]Here you go. 我们走了
[07:45.08]Nobody believed me. They all said it was in my head. 没人相信我 她们总是说我隐藏了事实
[07:47.60]I've seen the films. 我已经看了妳的透视照片
[07:49.20]It's not all in your head. 妳没有隐藏事实
[07:51.33]You're right about that. 你是对的
[07:53.17]Hey, come here. 嗨, 过来
[07:55.20]You're too damn young to be a doctor. 你太年轻了 以至于还不能成为一个医生
[07:57.40]- Hey. - What? - 嗨 - 什么?
[07:59.82]I'm older than I look. 我要比我看起来成熟多了
[08:02.97]Do you think this is going to work this time? 你认为这个会在这个时候有用吗?
[08:05.50]I think it's your best option. 我认为这是妳最好的选择
[08:07.56]Straight shooter, huh? 做个坦白正直的人, 嗯哼?
[08:08.74]Yes, ma'am. 是的
[08:09.63]I like that. 我喜欢
[08:27.48]Hi, Mr. Patterson. 嗨,Patterson先生
[08:29.25]Hi. 嗨
[08:30.11]Hemodynamics stable? 血液流动稳定吗?
[08:31.58]Yeah, map has stayed around 80. Cardiac output at 5. 是的, 心电图停留在80左右 心输出量在5
[08:34.68]- That's good, Dr. Grey? - That's fine, Mr. Patterson. - 那样好吗, Grey医生? - 很好, Patterson先生
[08:37.95]But it's not good. 但这不好
[08:39.59]Well, heart surgery takes a lot out of the patient, 嗯, 心脏外科手术治愈了很多病人
[08:42.07]but we're monitoring your wife very carefully, 但我们会非常小心监视你妻子的情况的
[08:45.07]and she should be fine. 并且 她会好的
[08:51.68]Mr. Sterman, let's see about getting you out of here today. Sterman先生 让我们看看今天你恢复的情况
[08:54.53]How are you feeling? 感觉如何?
[08:55.96]Pretty okay, except I don't think I ever want to have a bowel obstruction again. 十分的好, 除了我不想再次得肠阻塞病
[09:00.45]Really? 真的吗?
[09:01.26]We get people in here all the time requesting one. 我们在这里的病人 都会有这个要求
[09:05.56]So, you keeping down clear fluids? 那么, 你排泄了吗?
[09:07.39]And my all-time favorite question -- have you pooped yet? 我总是喜欢的问题是 -- 你精疲力竭了吗?
[09:10.70]I'm not exactly sure. 我不太确定
[09:13.28]I think you'd probably know. 我想你或许知道
[09:17.04]Passed gas? 放屁了吗?
[09:18.82]Yes. 是的
[09:19.86]Really yes? Because if I bring in my handy lie detector... 真的吗? 因为 如果我拿来测谎器...
[09:22.46]Okay, no. 好吧,我没有
[09:24.13]And I shouldn't try and lie. I know. 我没有努力和说谎 我知道
[09:27.12]I went to medical school. 我上过医学学校
[09:29.01]You went to med school? 你上过医学学校?
[09:30.33]Yeah, dropped out my last year at clinical. 是的, 在最后一年的 临床实习中里我退出了
[09:33.09]Too many hours, and I was staring into the ice-cold eyes of divorce. 太多时间的gon工作 我开始有退出想法
[09:37.99]Wow. 哇哦
[09:39.01]Yeah, I do research now, and I have a life -- a family. 是的, 我现在在做研究 我拥有生活 -- 一个家庭
[09:44.39]No offense. I mean... 没有犯错 我的意思是...
[09:45.94]No, no, that's okay. 不, 不 没关系
[09:48.22]I'm just one of those people who believe you can have both. 我是相信你拥有那两者的人之一
[09:51.04]Maybe so. 或许吧
[09:52.54]But your first responsibility's always gonna be your patient. 但妳的第一个责任总是从你的 病人那里得到
[10:18.97]Just coffee. 只是咖啡
[10:22.86]Good. 很好
[10:23.74]Okay. 好的
[10:24.42]Okay. 好
[11:02.50]We call this "a spaghetti procedure." 我们把这个称作 "意式面条程序"
[11:05.43]We cut and deflate the bullae 我们切开并缩小水泡
[11:08.61]to facilitate gentle manipulation 使Drake夫人的肺
[11:12.26]of Mrs. Drake's lung. 更容易、温和的工作.
[11:14.80]Dr. Bailey, do you see that? Bailey医生, 你看到那个了吗?
[11:18.66]Sir? 什么?
[11:21.81]Oh, my ever-lovin'... 哦, 我曾经喜爱的...
[11:24.47]We need to open her up. 我们需要打开她的上部
[11:26.25]I'm taking out the scope. 我要把它取出来
[11:29.09]You heard him, people. Let's move. 听到他说的了吧, 同仁们 让我们开始
[11:30.95]Lights. 灯光
[11:33.04]10 blade. 10 寸刀片
[11:34.27]- Here you go. - Retractors. - 继续 - 牵引器
[11:36.28]R etractors. 牵引器
[11:38.88]Scalpel ready. 解剖刀
[11:42.40]Towel. 手巾
[11:46.02]Rib spreader. 筋骨延展机
[11:50.88]Suction. 镊子
[12:01.36]Is that a towel? 那是一块儿手巾吗?
[12:03.00]Get a pan. 拿个盘子来
[12:04.36]Where did that come from? 拿手巾从那儿来的?
[12:05.45]Best guess -- her surgery five years ago. 最好的猜测 --她五年前的手术
[12:10.13]Something careless this way comes. 粗心造成这种事发生
[12:19.39]- A towel? - Not good. - 一条毛巾? - 很糟
[12:21.28]She complained of pressure on her chest, but nobody took her seriously. 她抱怨胸闷, 但没人认真地给她检查过
[12:24.06]Not good for the patient, not good for the hospital. 这样对病人很糟 对医院也很糟,
[12:26.41]Not good. 很糟糕
[12:28.19]Cristina, hit the files. Cristina, 去查找记录
[12:29.51]Find out everything you can about that initial operation. 找出你能找到的所有 关于那次手术的东西
[12:31.83]Who was in that room? 谁在那次手术的手术室里?
[12:32.66]Who was responsible for closing? 谁对负责那个手术?
[12:34.16]George, stay with the patient. George, 和病人呆在一起
[12:35.62]Keep her happy. She seems to like you. 保持让她愉快 她似乎喜欢你
[12:37.37]Right, okay, um, how long do you think...? 好的, 好吧, 嗯 妳认为多久...?
[12:40.07]I mean, just technically, I'm off at 6:00. 我的意思是, 只是从技术上说 我6:00要下班
[12:43.35]Am I invited? 我被邀请了吗?
[12:44.65]Excuse me? 对不起?
[12:45.55]Am I invited to the party? 我被邀请参加派对了吗?
[12:47.63]Well, yeah. Yes, yeah, of course. 嗯, 是. 是的, 是, 当然
[12:55.06]What was I supposed to say? 那我能说些什么?
[13:02.02]Okay, yeah, great. All right, 14 cases. 好的, 是的, 非常好. 好吧, 14 案例
[13:05.73]What kind? I don't know. Maybe an assortment. 哪种? 我不知道 也许是一个分类
[13:10.66]Microbrews -- locals. Microbrews(酒名) -- 本地产的
[13:12.14]Make sure they throw in some bar nuts. 确认他们送一些酒吧坚果来
[13:15.27]I'm ordering office supplies. 我正在订购行政用品
[13:17.18]Oh, yeah, sure. 哦, 是的, 确认
[13:19.43]Microbrews -- local. And throw in some bar nuts. Microbrews -- 本地产的 并在送些酒吧坚果来
[13:21.95]7:00 would be better than 5:00. 7:00会比5:00好些
[13:23.67]Hey, any luck? 嗨, 运气如何?
[13:25.79]Hey, if I do, will you invite me to the party? 嗨, 如果我做到了, 妳会邀请我参加派对吗?
[13:30.23]Yeah, great. Okay, thanks. 是的.非常好 好吧 谢谢
[13:32.64]- Take it easy. - Mr. Frost. - 放松 - Frost先生
[13:35.14]- Where have you been?! - We're going to take care of you, all right? - 你去哪里了?! - 我们会小心照顾你的, 好吗?
[13:37.40]- Just hang on. - Where the hell have you been?! - 坚持住 - 你到底去那里了?!
[13:43.38]When I tell you to start a central line, you start a central line -- no judgment, no question. 当我高度你建立一个控制的界限,你就建立 一个这样的控制界限--没有判断,没有问题
[13:48.43]Guy's been in seven hospitals in the last four months. He's a major addict. 这个病人在过去的四个月里已经住过7家医院 他已经服药上瘾了
[13:51.24]The patient has a three-lumbar fusion. 这个病人有三级腰椎溶解症
[13:53.66]He's a junkie. We shouldn't be giving him -- 他是一个瘾君子 我们不能给他 --
[13:55.60]Yeah, he's an addict, but his pain is real. 是的, 他是沉迷于药物中 但他的疼痛是真实的
[13:58.69]Lose the attitude, get down there, start a central line. 丢弃你的态度 到哪里去 建立一个控制界限
[14:18.54]Told me I had a towel inside me. 告诉我我胸腔里面有一条手巾
[14:22.80]Who told you that? 谁告诉你的?
[14:25.15]A surgeon -- an older man. 一个外科医生 -- 一个老男人
[14:28.77]Handsome. 英俊的
[14:30.47]That's Dr. Webber. 那是Webber医生
[14:31.91]He's our chief. 他是我们的头儿
[14:33.45]Yeah. 是的
[14:35.64]It was a towel that somebody left the last time. 那是上次手术留在里面的一条手巾
[14:41.97]Yes, ma'am. 是的, 夫人
[14:43.28]Who would do that? 是谁那样做的?
[14:47.98]That doesn't seem right, does it? 那似乎不是很好, 对吗?
[14:53.84]No, ma'am, no. 不, 夫人,不
[14:55.83]It doesn't. 不好
[14:58.13]I was walking around with a towel inside of me. 我散步的时候身体里还有块手巾
[15:02.28]How could that happen? 那个是怎么发生的呢?
[15:43.91]So? What happens now? 那么? 现在会发生什么?
[15:51.99]Now you keep this to yourself while we work it out. 现在 当我们解决了这个事情 妳要自己保留这些情况
[15:57.40]Do this for me. 为我而作
[16:14.57]You okay? 你没事吧?
[16:15.52]Yeah, yeah, I'm good. 是, 是的, 我很好
[16:16.72]Are you sure? Because you seem not okay. 妳确信?因为妳看起来不太好
[16:18.78]I'm fine. Cabg was long. 我很好. cabg(冠状动脉旁路嫁接)手术太长了
[16:21.39]Well, let me take you out to dinner tonight. You can tell me all about it. 那好, 让我今晚带妳出去共进晚餐 妳可你和我说说那个手术
[16:24.33]Real food, waiters, big chunks of carbs in a basket. 真正的美食, 侍者, 篮子里大块的糖
[16:27.52]I can't. 我不能
[16:28.63]Forget the party. 忘了那个派对
[16:29.90]You know about the party? 你知道那个派对吗?
[16:31.09]Your friends will be at the party. You and I can be alone somewhere else. 你的朋友们会参加派对 你和我可以 单独的待在其他的地方
[16:34.01]How do you know about the party? 你怎样知道这个派对的?
[16:35.34]Thanks for not inviting me, by the way. That felt good. 多谢没邀请我 顺便说一下 派对感觉不错
[16:37.96]Dinner -- think about dinner. Perfect opportunity. 晚餐 --想想晚餐 完美的机会
[16:40.42]Well... 嗯...
[16:45.78]What happened? 发生什么了?
[16:46.57]Started having swelling over her sternum, then blood started gushing. 她的胸骨处开始涨开 并开始往外出血
[16:49.51]Dr. Burke is on his way right now. Burke医生马上过来
[16:50.89]Is she dying? 她会死吗?
[16:52.08]Somebody get him out of here. Keep applying pressure. 你们谁让他离开这里 保持正常的血压
[16:55.06]Tyler, call for an O.R. Tyler,通知手术室
[16:56.95]What the hell happened? She got her protamine? 到底发生了什么? 给她注射过精蛋白了吗?
[16:58.57]Per protocol. No allergic, anaphylactic, or histamine responses. 正按照程序处理. 没有患过过敏症 可能是过敏的反应或组胺反应
[17:03.08]Her last counts? 她的最后数据记录呢?
[17:04.62]B.T., P.T.T., I.N.R., platelet counts were all stable. B.T., P.T.T., I.N.R., 血小板记录都显示稳定
[17:08.51]Even her H.N.H. were stable. 甚至她的H.N.H.也显示稳定
[17:10.27]What the hell went wrong? Let's move. 到底是什么出了问题呢? 我们出发
[17:12.67]Hold on. 稳住
[17:16.41]- I popped a glove. - What? - 我带的手套很紧 - 什么?
[17:18.69]In surgery, when I was holding it, 在手术室,当我捧着它的时候
[17:20.83]I popped a glove with my fingernail. I think I may have nicked her heart. 我的指甲被手套挤的很紧 我想我可能伤到了她的心脏
[17:24.92]Let's go, people. 走吧,各位
[17:32.15]You had every opportunity to speak up before I closed her chest. Every opportunity. 当我离妳很近的时候 妳有很多机会 可以大声跟我说 很多机会
[17:36.85]I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
[17:37.97]And then you confess in front of her husband? 那妳干吗要在她丈夫面前坦白这些?
[17:40.94]You don't even know if you were the cause. You have no idea. 妳甚至都不知是不是妳的原因 妳没有办法的
[17:43.67]I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
[17:51.37]Over here. 过来
[17:53.25]There. 这里
[17:54.63]Look at the wall rupture. 看看这个破裂的薄壁
[17:56.30]It's a hell of a lot more than a fingernail. 要比那该死地手指甲痕大多了
[17:58.67]Her ventricular walls are weak. 她的心室壁很脆弱
[18:02.01]I just had a conversation with Mr. Patterson. 我刚刚和Patterson先生进行了一个会谈
[18:05.43]I want copies of his wife's chart in my office by 5:00. 我需要你们在五点之前把他妻子的相关 治疗记录送到我办公室
[18:09.13]Tomorrow, the two of you are going to meet with me and legal, 明天早上 你们两个要会见我和律师
[18:11.73]and you better damn well be able to explain what happened here. 你们最好能非常顺利的解释清楚 这里发生了什么
[18:16.63]People poking holes in hearts and leaving towels. 来解释一下病人的心脏被刺了个洞 和遗留在病人身体里的手巾
[18:20.31]You're gonna go back and talk to the husband. 妳要回去和她丈夫谈谈
[18:23.80]Review the history. 查看一下治疗的历史记录
[18:25.28]Apologize profusely. 去深刻的道歉
[18:28.35]Your ass is on the line here, Dr. Grey. 你的职业生涯就压在这上面了,Grey医生
[18:35.27]You got called before the chief? 头儿要召见妳吗?
[18:36.81]Tomorrow morning. 明天早上
[18:38.10]I could get kicked out of the program. 我会被开除的
[18:40.76]I could, right? 我会的,对吗?
[18:42.04]You're not getting kicked out. 妳不会被开除的
[18:43.13]Patterson's just gonna sue. Patterson只是要去起诉
[18:44.51]Patterson is not going to sue. Patterson不会去起诉
[18:46.06]You're not getting kicked out. 妳不会被开除
[18:47.51]What were you thinking? Telling Burke? So stupid. 妳怎么想的? 去告诉Burke? 真愚蠢
[18:50.25]I told her not to. 我告诉她不要
[18:52.88]I got to take this. 我要接个电话
[18:55.65]Thanks. Thank you. Very comforting. 谢谢. 谢谢你们 非常鼓舞人
[18:57.79]I'll watch your books. 我要看看你的书
[19:00.22]Okay, so the beer is coming at 7:00, and some of the floor nurses are bringing wine. 好的, 啤酒会在七点送到 一些基层的护士会带来红酒
[19:05.82]You invited nurses? 妳还邀请了护士?
[19:08.61]Did you clear this with Meredith? 妳让Meredith清楚这些吗?
[19:10.27]A few more people isn't gonna make a difference, okay? 多些人不会有什么不同的, 好吗?
[19:12.00]A party is a party. 派对就是派对
[19:13.38]And the bigger the party, the less time for bad sex. 更大的派对 很短的糟糕性爱
[19:16.13]Would you stop saying that. 妳能不要提及那个吗?
[19:17.74]- Okay. - Hank and I have great sex -- all the time. - 好的 - Hank和我的性生活很好--所有的时候
[19:20.70]We'll probably have sex after the party, or during the party. 我们可能还会在派对后做爱 或是在派对中进行
[19:23.37]As long as you clear it with Meredith. 那要在妳让Meredith清楚这些
[19:27.36]Hank just needs to realize that doctors can have fun. Hank知识需要认识到医生很好相处
[19:29.61]We're not all workaholics with god complexes. 我们不是与上帝合作只会专心工作的人
[19:32.36]We are workaholics with god complexes. 我们是与上帝合作只会专心工作的人
[19:40.04]And the notary can be there at 6:30, too? 公证人也会在6:30到哪里吗?
[19:44.21]And the home's physician will be there to attest to her mental competency? 她的家庭医生也会在那里证实她的神智能力吗?
[19:48.74]Okay. 好的
[19:50.16]Is there anything else I need to bring beside my license? 除了我的驾照,还有什么东西是我 需要带去的?
[19:54.28]My checkbook. 我的支票簿
[19:55.81]6:30 -- I'll be there. 6:30 -- 我会到那里
[19:59.80]I heard. 我听到了
[20:00.75]It's a notary thing -- a thing to get notarized. 是公证人的事 -- 是要去证明些事情.
[20:04.15]I'm talking about the heart thing. 我想谈谈关于那个心脏手术的事情
[20:05.58]Do you want to talk about it? 想谈谈吗?
[20:08.14]We're adults. 我们是成年人了
[20:10.01]When did that happen? 那是何时发生的?
[20:14.32]And how do we make it stop? 我们怎样才能让它停住?
[20:32.42]Dr. Yang. Yang医生
[20:34.34]Dr. Burke. Burke医生
[20:38.34]That bypass graft got a little complicated. 那个心脏手术有点复杂
[20:41.19]It's nothing I couldn't handle. 我处理好了
[20:44.17]Good. 很好
[20:54.93]Yeah. 是的
[21:00.40]Listen, I'll call you back. 听着, 我会再打给你
[21:06.54]That was my lawyer. He's advising me not to talk to you. 那是我的律师 他建议我不要和妳说话
[21:09.38]Mr. Patterson, I know that you're frustrated and angry, Patterson先生 我知道你很失落和气氛
[21:12.95]but I need -- we need some more information about your wife. 但是我需要--我需要关于 你妻子更多的信息
[21:17.87]The walls of her heart are abnormally thin. 她的心室壁薄厚是不正常的
[21:20.20]Hey, don't blame this on my wife. 嗨,妳不要拿这个来责备我妻子
[21:21.76]I heard from your very mouth what happened. I know. 我听到妳亲口所说的 我明白
[21:24.45]But we can't treat her. 但这样我们不能治疗她
[21:25.84]No, she was in the best shape of her life. 不, 她现在拥有她生命中最好的体型
[21:27.84]You ask her cardiologist. 妳去问问她的心脏病专家
[21:29.17]She had lost 100 pounds. 她已经减掉了100磅体重
[21:30.58]Don't you dare try to hang this on her. 妳别想试图把这些怪罪于她
[21:33.04]- Mr. Patterson, please. - We're through talking. - Patterson先生, 请. - 我们的谈话结束了
[21:55.09]You don't like me very much, do you? 你非常不喜欢我,对吗?
[21:57.80]Oh, Jerry, it's not you specifically. It's just people like you, that's all. 哦, Jerry, 不是因为你很特别 只是像你这样的病人, 好吗
[22:03.70]Doc, I'm feeling pretty good. 医生,我感觉相当的好
[22:06.38]Pain's about a 3. 疼痛已经降到a 3.
[22:08.52]A 3? That's excellent. A 3? 那太棒了
[22:10.66]Mr. Frost, I'm glad we could help you out, as well as county, mercy west, seattle pres. Frost先生, 我很高兴我们可以帮你解除疼痛 我们做的和其他的医院一样好, mercy west(医院名), seattle pres(医院名)
[22:15.22]A lot of people have helped you out lately, Jerry. 近期很多人都帮你解除了病痛, Jerry.
[22:17.44]We're pleased we could do our part. 我们很高兴也能这样做
[22:18.98]Who's on discharge today, Dr. Karev? 谁今天负责出院工作,Karev医生?
[22:20.90]Izzie Stevens. Izzie Stevens.
[22:22.14]Mr. Frost, Dr. Stevens is gonna discharge you. Frost先生,Stevens医生会负责你出院的安排
[22:24.41]Whoa, you can't discharge me. 唉, 你不能让我出院
[22:26.16]- I'm in pain. - You were in pain. Now you're not. - 我有疼痛 - 你是有疼痛 但你现在好了
[22:28.73]Dr. Karev here is going to recommend some wonderful treatment programs for you. Karev医生在这里会向你介绍些 奇妙地治疗计划
[22:32.73]Go home. 回家去吧
[22:33.91]Get some help. 为你的毒瘾寻求些帮助
[22:35.26]You can't just do that! 你不能只是那样做!
[22:36.69]He just did, my friend. 他做了, 我的朋友
[22:40.41]Okay, any luck yet? 好的, 还没有好消息吗?
[22:42.83]Nada. 没有
[22:44.62]Ugh. Looks like you're gonna have to spend another night. 啊. 看来你还要再在这里待一夜
[22:47.64]I hate to miss the party. 我讨厌参加派对迟到
[22:50.06]You gonna make it? 妳不会迟到吧?
[22:51.34]You are the last person on my list, so it's looking pretty good. 你是我工作单上最后一个病人 所以看来没问题
[22:54.70]So, doctors have lives after all. Who'd have thunk? 那么,医生也有自己的生活 谁会被惦记着呢?
[22:58.23]Dr. Stevens, discharge my guy in 342. Stevens医生,请安排住在342室的病人出院
[23:04.71]Don't look at me like that. 别那样看着我
[23:06.22]It's not gonna take very long. 这不会花很长时间的
[23:09.04]It's not. 不会
[23:15.47]You paged me? 你呼叫我?
[23:16.51]I'm gonna be a while. Do you think you could get home to sign for the beer? 我还要再耽误一会儿 你认为你能回家签收啤酒吗?
[23:19.20]Why don't you have your boyfriend sign for it? 妳为什么不让妳男友的去签收呢?
[23:23.34]You have a very annoying way of sneaking up on people. 你用卑鄙的令人讨厌的方式对待别人
[23:26.53]Maybe if you were a little less creepy... 也许 如果你是一只较小的爬行...
[23:28.34]I wouldn't come anyway. 总之我不会去参加派对
[23:29.67]I hate big parties. 我讨厌大派对
[23:30.90]Is Meredith the only person who doesn't know the size of this thing? Meredith是唯一不知道派对规模的人吗?
[23:34.10]I'm telling her. 我正要告诉她
[23:35.34]You can't. She's gone already. 妳无法告诉她了 她已经走了
[23:36.78]What, already? 什么, 已经走了?
[23:37.91]I think she had -- um, excuse me -- an errand to run. 我想 她--嗯, 让一下路 -- 有急事去处理
[23:42.90]You don't think Meredith's going to mind, right? 你不认为Meredith会介意派对的, 对吗?
[23:45.62]I want you to make it very clear to her that I had nothing to do with this party -- 我想妳应该让她非常清楚 我没有参与组织这个派对--
[23:49.46]nothing. 没有参与
[24:02.35]Oh, I'm sorry I'm late. It was the traffic. 哦, 很抱歉我迟到了 路上堵车
[24:04.17]It doesn't matter, dear. 没关系,亲爱的
[24:05.36]Okay. Don't tell me the notary didn't show. 好的. 别告诉我公证人没来
[24:07.56]Oh, everybody's here. It's just your mother isn't. 哦, 都来了 只是你妈妈没有.....
[24:12.72]Mom? 妈妈?
[24:14.08]Mom? 妈妈?
[24:15.36]What do you people want from me? 你的人想让我干什么?
[24:16.99]We need you to sign the lawyer's papers. 我们需要妳签署一些律师函
[24:19.06]I have a cranial reconstruction in a half an hour. I need to go. 半小时后我有一个头盖骨重建手术 我要离开
[24:22.00]Okay, mom. We're all here. 好的, 妈妈. 我们都在这里
[24:23.87]We have a notary. 我们有公证人
[24:25.03]I need you to focus, 我需要妳集中精神
[24:26.56]and I need you to sign these papers. 并且 我需要妳签署这些文件
[24:30.16]Mom, look at me. 妈妈, 看着我
[24:33.88]It's an emergency surgery. 这是一个紧急的手术
[24:35.54]I don't have time for this. 我没有时间来做这些事
[24:36.68]She can't sign anything now. 她现在不能签署任何文件
[24:38.49]We should have done this earlier in the day. 我们应该在白天早点做这些事
[24:41.01]I couldn't come earlier in the day. 我白天来不了太早
[24:42.87]I have a job and a life, and I'm here now. 我有工作和生活 并且 我现在已经在这里了
[24:46.19]You're gonna have to come back tomorrow, when she's lucid. 妳要明天再来了 最好当她清醒的时候
[24:49.07]You know, why did she put this off for so long? 妳要明白, 为什么她了解这些事情要 如此长的时间?
[24:51.78]And why did you let her? 为什么你要让她做这个?
[24:53.21]Doesn't it strike you as slightly irresponsible? 这些细微的不负责任的做法不影响妳吗?
[24:55.81]I mean, what the hell is wrong with you people?! 我是说, 妳的这些人到底是怎么回事?!
[26:14.80]Izzie, I'm gonna kill you. Izzie, 我要杀了妳
[26:24.32]You could touch that, but I'd have to kill you. 妳可以碰那个, 但我还是要杀了妳
[26:32.44]So, about that towel thing? 那么, 是关于哪条手巾的事吗?
[26:33.88]It's been taken care of. 那已经去被小心处理了
[26:35.99]Okay. 好的
[26:37.54]You don't need to concern yourself with it. 我不需要把自己涉及到那件事里
[26:40.32]So, what's gonna happen? 那么, 会发生什么事情?
[26:41.54]We're not gonna talk about it anymore is what's gonna happen -- we clear? 我们不要再谈论这个事会发生什么-- 明白吗?
[26:45.09]Or you had too much alcohol to understand me? 还是妳已经喝醉不能明白我说的话?
[26:48.45]We're very clear. 我们非常明白
[26:49.47]Good. 很好
[26:51.30]You have any bourbon? 妳有波旁酒吗?
[27:00.71]You can't discharge a man in pain. 你不能让一个疼痛中的男人出院
[27:02.65]You're hurting me! 你弄疼我了!
[27:03.96]You're the one who's making it difficult. Stop resisting. 你是一个很难治疗的病人 停止抵抗吧
[27:06.33]Just give me the hit of demerol. 那就只给我注射 demerol(止痛药名)
[27:08.88]The dilaudid hasn't worn off yet. dilaudid(止痛药名)药效还没有发挥玩呢
[27:10.45]- Mr. Frost, you have to... - Look, I'm not leaving. - Frost先生,你不得不 ... - 看, 我不要离开这里
[27:13.40]I'm calling psych. 我去叫心理医生
[27:14.42]No, no. Don't call psych. 不, 不. 别去叫心理医生
[27:16.68]Wait, wait, wait. 等等, 等等, 等等
[27:17.94]Stop, Jerry. Stop. Stop. Stop. 停下, Jerry. 停. 停. 停.
[27:24.76]Jerry. Jerry! Jerry. Jerry!
[27:26.52]Concussion? 脑震荡吗?
[27:31.04]He's blown his left pupil. 他左眼的瞳孔散开了
[27:32.20]Page Shepherd. We gotta get him down to C.T. 呼叫Shepherd 我们要带他去做个C.T.
[27:36.86]That was one hard fall. 这是一个严重的撞击
[27:38.69]What do you see? 你们看到了什么?
[27:44.30]Subdural bleed. 硬膜下有出血
[27:45.67]With midline shift. 脑中线移位
[27:47.06]We have to evacuate this now. 我们现在就要清理掉那些出血
[27:48.90]Anywhere else you have to be, Dr. Stevens, or are you in? 妳是要去其他的地方,Stevens医生 还是来加入我们?
[27:52.98]Brain surgery? 我要去作脑手术吗?
[27:54.64]Are you kidding me? 你在和我开玩笑吗?
[27:55.83]That's what I thought. 那是我的想法
[28:21.31]Where is Izzie?! Izzie在哪里?!
[28:23.01]She didn't clear it with you? 她没有让妳知道吗?
[28:25.92]This was supposed to be a meet-the-boyfriend get-together little thing! 这就是会见男友 大家共聚的小聚会啊!
[28:30.14]Izzie has a lot of friends. Izzie有很多朋友
[28:34.66]Izzie doesn't know this many people. Izzie不认识这么多的朋友
[28:36.56]I told her to clear it with you. 我告诉她 让她跟妳说清楚的
[28:38.24]I can't handle this. 我不能接受这些
[28:40.27]You want me to kick everyone out? 你想让我把所有人踢出去吗?
[28:42.36]I'm gonna kick everyone out. 我会把所有人踢出去的
[28:47.38]Baby, you made it! Whoo! 宝贝, 你成全了这一切!哇噢!
[28:52.09]Screw it. 简直疯了
[28:53.71]Hold this. 拿着这个
[28:55.61]And give me this. 给我这个
[29:01.80]I made it! 我搞成这个派对!
[29:06.82]George! George, come here. Come on. George! George, 过来. 快点
[29:37.88]See it? 看到了吗?
[29:38.93]It's hard to miss. 这个和他的指望一样
[29:41.10]Little more than he bargained for. 很难遇到
[29:42.42]Maybe he's lucky. Maybe this is his way out of the hole. 或许这就是他的运气 或许这个洞就是他摆脱困境的出口
[29:45.47]The hole? 这个洞?
[29:46.45]Interesting expression. 有趣的表达
[29:49.34]My father was into smack pretty heavy. He was a musician. 我父亲就喜欢用力地打节拍 他是音乐家
[29:52.10]It's tolerated in his line of work. 这是他工作里我们要容忍的
[29:54.00]Not good for the family at home. 这对家里人很不好
[30:03.90]Why do we want to be surgeons, anyway? 为什么我们无论如何都想成为外科医生?
[30:06.40]Surgery is a very serious business. 外科是一个非常严肃的行业
[30:10.03]Full house. Full house(三张相同和两张相同的牌)
[30:12.50]Royal flush. 童花大顺
[30:14.04]Get naked, baby boy. 你要脱成裸体了 宝贝男孩
[30:17.76]- Surgery is stupid. - You're so sexy! - 外科很愚蠢 - 你真性感!
[30:19.71]It's stupid. 很愚蠢
[30:20.85]- It's stupid. - Give me that. You're drunk. - 外科很愚蠢 - 给我妳的酒
[30:22.85]I'm not driving. 我精力不旺盛
[30:24.16]I'm not on call. 我不想被呼叫
[30:25.38]I'm in my own house. 我在我的屋子里
[30:26.83]My life is crap. 我的生活一团糟
[30:28.68]And it's my party, and I'll get drunk if I want to. 这是我的派对 我想喝就喝
[30:32.66]Is, um, Izzie Stevens...? 这是, 嗯, Izzie Stevens的...?
[30:35.19]Oh, you must be Hank. 哦, 你一定是Hank.
[30:40.04]He's very large and hockey-like. 他非常高大 像曲棍球手
[30:42.18]No, Izzie's not here right now. 不, Izzie现在不在这儿
[30:44.35]Okay. 好的
[30:46.03]You and Izzie will give birth to very tall, blond people... 你和Izzie都很高大,金发碧眼的人...
[30:50.27]like barbies. 就像芭比娃娃
[30:51.42]Izzie said she was gonna be at home. Izzie说她会在家
[30:52.92]She didn't say there was gonna be a party. 她没说这里会有一个派对
[30:54.56]Well, she pisses both of us off. 很好, 她在我们俩不在的时候小便
[30:56.75]Would you like some tequila? It helps. 你不来点龙舌兰酒吗? 它很有益处
[30:58.59]When do you think she's gonna get here? 妳认为她会什么时候回来?
[31:00.36]Don't know. 不知道
[31:01.48]Look, we're low on ice, Hank. 看, 我们需要冰, Hank.
[31:03.45]- I'm serious. - So am I. - 我是认真的 - 我也是
[31:06.44]We're interns, Hank. 我们是实习医生, Hank.
[31:08.10]The hospital owns us. It's what we do. 医院拥有我们 这就是我们要做的
[31:13.30]Bye. 再见
[31:14.39]Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴
[31:16.44]Can you guys see him through recovery? 你们能观察他 直道他苏醒吗?
[31:18.02]- Yeah, I'll take it. - No, I can do it. - 是的, 我会的 - 不行, 我能做的
[31:19.90]That's okay, Stevens. 那好吧, Stevens.
[31:21.39]He's my patient now, too. 她现在也是我的病人
[31:22.83]No, I got it. See your hockey player. I'm serious. 不, 他是我的 去见妳的曲棍球手吧! 我是认真的
[31:26.32]Yeah, okay. 好, 好的
[31:27.97]I guess. Thanks, Alex. 我想. 谢谢, Alex.
[31:29.83]No problem. 没关系
[31:45.35]Hey! 嗨!
[31:46.42]Hey. 嗨
[31:47.47]What are you doing here? 你在这干什么?
[31:54.11]I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to call. 很抱歉我没有打电话告诉你一下
[31:56.78]My patient needed brain surgery. 我的病人需要进行脑手术
[31:58.87]Like, we were inside his brain. How cool is that? 就像,我们在他的大脑里 那样酷吗?
[32:02.67]Oh, my god. 噢, 我的上帝啊!
[32:07.92]There's a party at your house. 妳的房子里有个派对
[32:09.13]Yeah, did you get a chance to hang out? 是的, 你没有和他们认识一下?
[32:10.73]I wanted you to meet some of the people I work with. 我想让妳见见和我一起工作的人
[32:13.28]I don't care about the people you work with. I just want to see you. 我不在乎和你一起工作的人 我只是想见妳
[32:17.61]You didn't mind meeting the people I worked with when they were models. 当他们在娱乐时 你不介意与和我一起工作的人见面
[32:21.10]Yeah, well, when they were models, you actually showed up to your own parties. 是的,嗯, 当他们在娱乐时 妳应该出现在妳的派对上
[32:26.88]Yeah. 是的
[32:32.22]This is my life now, Hank. 这就使我现在的生活, Hank.
[32:34.93]I work 100-hour weeks. 我一周工作100小时
[32:36.98]I can't always show up to my own parties on time. 我不能总是准时地在我的派对上出现
[32:39.24]My patients have to come first. It's just... 我的病人不得不是第一位的 这只是...
[32:41.57]Yeah, I just flew across the entire country, and there's a hundred people at your house. 是, 我刚刚飞过整个州 并且在妳的房子里却有100个人
[32:46.58]A hundred people who understand what I do all day. 这100个人明白我整天都在做什么
[32:48.95]I shouldn't have to apologize for that. 我不会为这个道歉
[32:51.21]No, you shouldn't. 不, 妳不用
[33:00.17]Look, let's just go by the party for a little while. 看, 让我们去派对里呆一会儿
[33:03.80]You'll really like everyone once you get a chance to know them. 你真的会喜欢你认识的所有人的
[33:08.54]I should just go. 我只想走
[33:10.12]Hank, come on. Hank,快点
[33:14.33]I'll call you. 我会给妳打电话
[34:12.15]You know, in some states, you get arrested for that. 妳知道,在有些国家 妳因为那样要被逮捕的
[34:27.90]So, you blew me off for a bottle of tequila. 那么, 妳喝掉了一整瓶龙舌兰酒
[34:30.41]Tequila's no good for you -- 龙舌兰酒对妳没好处 --
[34:31.88]doesn't call, doesn't write. 没有名称, 没有记录
[34:33.43]It's not nearly as much fun to wake up to. 这个几乎没有当作很好去意识到
[34:50.05]Take me for a ride, Derek. 带我开车兜兜风, Derek.
[34:57.70]You know, it sounds like the party's winding down. 妳知道,这听起来像是派对要接近尾声了
[35:00.61]- Listen to me! - What? - 听我说! - 什么?
[35:02.56]We should probably sneak inside now. 我们现在在车里这样 可能有点偷偷摸摸的
[35:05.43]We've done enough sneaking for the night. 我们已经在夜里 完全这样偷偷摸摸过了
[35:07.60]It was good sneaking, but enough sneaking. 这是很好的偷偷摸摸的事情 但还不够
[35:09.52]Yeah, I'd say we're pretty good sneakers. 是的,我说过我们是非常好的鬼鬼祟祟的人
[35:17.09]You mind moving this tail wagon? 你介意挪一下这辆有尾巴的四轮马车吗?
[35:19.08]You're blocking me in. 你把我的车挡在了里面
[35:23.70]Apparently not good enough. 很显然还不够
[35:47.46]When's your meeting with the chief? 妳什么时候和头儿见面?
[35:51.10]In an hour. 一小时后
[35:57.31]Holy mother of destruction. "圣洁的母亲正毁灭"(谚语)
[35:59.72]You missed doctor-palooza. 妳错过了医生聚会
[36:02.99]Apparently, you didn't. 很显然, 你没有
[36:05.27]I should probably never speak to you again. 或许我会再次不和妳说话了
[36:08.85]I'm so sorry, Meredith. 我非常抱歉, Meredith.
[36:10.61]I had no idea it was going to get so... 我没料到这个派对会如此...
[36:13.28]It's okay. 没事
[36:14.82]Really, I don't care. 真的, 我不在乎
[36:17.24]What would I be doing, anyway? 总之,我还要做些什么吗?
[36:19.17]Preparing for your career-altering meeting. 为妳的职业生涯改变会议作些准备
[36:21.52]Sorry. 抱歉
[36:22.63]That heart wall shouldn't have torn. 那个心脏壁不应该会破裂的
[36:25.21]Anything in the patient's history? 这个病人的历史记录上有什么发现吗?
[36:27.81]Husband said she was in the best shape of her life. 她丈夫说她现在拥有 她生命中最好的体型
[36:31.05]She lost 100 pounds last year. 她去年瘦了100磅
[36:34.16]100 pounds in a year -- how's her muscle mass? 在一年内瘦了100磅 --她的肌肉块怎样?
[36:40.63]Do you even know whose that was? 妳还能知道那酒是谁的吗?
[36:43.61]I'm hoping it was yours. 我希望是你的
[36:45.18]No. 不
[36:49.46]What do you think? 你怎么想?
[36:51.92]50 says Meredith gets tossed out on her ass and Burke walks away clean. 50%的可能是Meredith会被开除 Burke彻底走人
[36:56.38]Please be nice to her. 请对她好点
[36:59.24]So, I have done a lot of research on this, 所以, 我已经对这个做了大量的研究
[37:02.20]and Dr. Burke has been kind enough to help me. 并且Burke医生也亲切的来帮助我
[37:04.51]And I understand my responsibility in what I've done wrong here. 我了解在这里我做错事所要负的责任
[37:08.79]However, I do think the patient's history is significant in this case. 无论怎样, 我认为病人的历史记录对这件事是有意义的
[37:13.42]She still weighs 200 pounds, 她的体重还有200磅
[37:15.54]which is why no one even noticed it. 这点为什么没有人去注意
[37:17.56]But, with that kind of a weight drop, it doesn't matter how much you weigh -- 但是, 随着她体重的不断下降, 这和她重多少没有关系 --
[37:20.66]technically, you're anorexic. 从学术上讲,她属于anorexic.
[37:22.40]Along with all that fat, she was losing heart muscle. 与她的肥胖联系起来, 她同时也损失了心脏的肌肉
[37:25.60]That certainly could be the reason for a small poke to become a large tear. 那当然会成为一个小戳动会造成一个大破裂的原因
[37:28.90]That still doesn't change the fact, though. 尽管如此,那也仍然不能改变事实
[37:30.82]The poke wasn't reported at the time of the occurrence. 这个戳动没有被在事故发生时及时地报告
[37:33.93]- And if I could change that... - And you can't. - 如果我能改变... - 妳不能
[37:36.82]You've left yourself and the hospital open to a tremendous amount of liability. 你已经让妳自己和医院要去 公开承担一个极大数目的债务
[37:40.12]- Not if the weight loss caused the problem. - I'm sorry, I've no choice... - 我们还不知道是否这个体重降低是导致问题的原因 - 我很抱歉, 我已经没有选择...
[37:43.51]I've spoken to the husband, and I believe as long as his wife remains stable -- 我已经和他丈夫谈了, 我相信只要他妻子的身体状况稳定 --
[37:48.14]I can't take your beliefs to the bank, Dr. Burke. 我不能把你的信心带给银行, Burke医生
[37:51.62]- Dr. Grey made a huge error here. - And she reported it. - Grey医生在这里造成了巨大的错误 - 她报告了
[37:54.04]Too late. 太迟了
[37:54.95]And in front of the patient's husband. 并在病人丈夫的面前
[37:56.88]But she reported it. She spoke up. 但她报告了 她大声说出的
[38:02.66]Five years ago, as a C.T. fellow, 五年前, 作为一个C.T.检察员
[38:04.98]I had a nagging feeling that I didn't check the body cavity 我有挑剔的感觉 在我缝合开口以前 以至于
[38:07.53]of a lung patient closely enough before I closed. 我没有充分检察一个肺部病人的胸腔
[38:10.37]The patient seemed fine post-op, and I was in a hurry. 这个病人似乎对快速操作很适应 我也很匆忙
[38:15.08]And yesterday you and Dr. Bailey pulled a towel out from under that patient's lung. 在昨天 你和Bailey医生从那个病人的肺部摘下一条手巾
[38:20.23]Why didn't I report it at an appropriate time? 为什么我没有在适当的时候去报告呢?
[38:23.07]Maybe because I was afraid that I would be called 大概是因为我害怕自己会被叫到 这里开会
[38:25.94]into a meeting where some hospital lawyer's fear of liability could end my career. 来面对一些医院律师 我害怕担当 这种责任会结束我的职业生涯
[38:31.79]Even great doctors make mistakes, and when we do, 即使是伟大的医生也会犯错 并且 我们也会的
[38:35.20]we've got to have a chance to speak up without fear of retribution. 我们需要在一个没有惩罚或 没有人遭受痛苦的时机
[38:39.63]Or everyone suffers. 去大声说出来
[38:41.54]Dr. Grey spoke up. Grey医生大声地说了
[38:55.37]Responsibility -- it really does suck. 责任 -- 真的很令人厌恶
[39:03.88]Meredith. You okay? Meredith. 妳没事吧?
[39:05.30]Yeah, one-month probation. 没事, 一个月的观察期
[39:06.83]- That's good. - Yep. - 还不错 - 是得
[39:08.69]Burke saved my ass. Burke拯救了我的职业生涯
[39:10.31]Don't you all have something better to do? Come on, people, move! 你们不能做点更好的事情吗? 快点, 同仁们, 离开这里!
[39:15.68]He was always gonna tell them about the towel. 他会告诉他们关于手巾的事情
[39:18.11]Just wanted to wait for the right time. 只是在等待合适的时机
[39:20.01]Information is power. 信息就是力量
[39:53.10]Unfortunately, once you get past the age of braces and training bras, 不幸的是, 你曾经度过 穿吊带裤和戴训练胸罩的时代
[39:57.61]responsibility doesn't go away. 责任没有走开
[40:03.70]Jerry, this is sloane. She's here to talk to you, if you want, about options for rehab. Jerry,这位是sloane. 她来这和你谈谈 如果你想, 你想选择康复
[40:12.82]It can't be avoided. 责任是不能避免的
[40:17.70]Mrs. Drake, Drake夫人
[40:19.43]I cannot begin to tell you how truly sorry I am. 我不能开始告诉妳 我是多么的抱歉
[40:23.42]Either someone makes us face it, 不管是谁让我们面对它
[40:26.44]or we suffer the consequences. 还是让我们为后果遭受痛苦
[40:41.67]Izzie! I did it! I pooped! Izzie! 我做到了! 我可以了!
[40:44.27]All right! 好的!
[40:50.04]Missed your party? 错过妳的派对了吗?
[40:51.45]Life as a surgeon. 我的生活就像外科医生
[40:52.49]And loving every minute of it. 我爱这里的每一分钟
[41:13.41]And still, adulthood has its perks. 尽管如此, 成人时代依然激情昂然
[41:19.27]Thanks for the coffee. 谢谢你的咖啡
[41:42.42]I mean, the shoes, the sex, the no parents anywhere telling you what to do... 我是说, 那新鞋, 那性爱 无论何时 没有父母告诉你要怎么做...
[41:51.52]that's pretty damn good. 那真是太好了
[41:55.75](Greys Anatomy)-(外科女实习生) 第一季第五集 -=结束=-

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