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[00:00.00]美剧MP3+LRC 12.08.17 16:41:23
[00:01.16]GOSSIP GIRL: Gossip Girl here, your one and only source... 流言蜚女驾到...
[00:03.44]...into the scandalous lives of Manhattan 's elite. 你了解曼哈顿上流社会丑闻的唯一途径
[00:05.88]Since Iast week, I haven't been abIe to stop thinking about you. Blair 自从上周你走进画廊
[00:09.00]Is it too weird to think that maybe fate brought us back together again? 我就没办法忘记你了
[00:09.60]命运又让我们走到一起 这么想会不会很奇怪?
[00:12.60]I was finishing this story for Noah Shapiro. 我整晚都在写 要交给Noah Shapiro的故事
[00:14.84]-Which story? -The one about Chuck Bass. 写"回顾巴黎"的那个人? 你在写什么故事?
[00:16.84]-You said you couIdn't write that story. DAN: I chose not to. 关于Chuck Bass的那个
[00:19.72]Do your own cIothing Iine. I can modeI them. Max wiII do photos. 不是 我一直都能写 只不过不想写而已
[00:22.96]If you think you're getting away with this, you're wrong. 我可以给你做模特 Max负责摄影
[00:23.40]如果你认为今晚可以逃过一劫的话 你就大错特错了
[00:25.72]JENNY: It's too Iate. It's done. 太迟了一切都结束了
[00:29.48]WOMAN: Where has she been?
[00:30.64]GOSSIP GIRL: And who am I?
[00:31.96]That's one secret I'll never tell.
[00:35.28]You know you love me. X O X O... <font color="#ffff00">流言蜚女 第二季 第10集
[00:39.04]... Gossip Girl.
[00:47.48]You're in for a treat, son. 你可以好好吃一顿了 儿子
[00:48.92]-I amazed myseIf with this BoIognese. -I'm amazed at how caIm you're acting. 能做出这样的波伦亚美食 我自己都想不到
[00:52.76]Your 1 5-year-oId daughter just moved in with her crazy modeI friend. 你这么冷静 我都想不到
[00:53.44]你15岁的女儿搬去 和她的疯狂模特女友一起住
[00:56.24]And with the modeI's mother, whom I met today for Iunch. 还有模特女友的妈妈
[00:59.84]Granted, Agnes' mother is more Courtney Love than June CIeaver. 当然 Agnes的妈妈比June Clea摇滚得多
[01:03.28]She's a committed parent. She's gone through simiIar phases. . . 但她还算是个负责任的家长
[01:06.32]. . .with Agnes, and she promises to caII every day. 而且Agnes也有过这样的叛逆期
[01:07.52]她答应每天都给我打电话 所以Jenny应该没事
[01:09.08]-So Jenny's safe. -Act Iike you're cooI with it. . .
[01:11.52]. . .so she chooses to come home instead of being forced? 所以你准备表现得 可以接受目前的状况
[01:12.00]好让她心甘情愿的回来 而不是被强迫的?
[01:14.20]WeII, that's risky, but I Iike it. 呃 这么做很冒险 但我很欣赏
[01:16.96]-I hope it works. -Yep. 我希望这个办法能奏效
[01:19.52]-You ready for the best sauce ever? -I can't stay. I'm gonna meet Shapiro. 准备好享用天下第一的酱汁了?
[01:21.68]呃 实际上我来不及吃了 我要去见Shapiro
[01:23.24]I know you don't agree with me writing the story. . . 我知道你并不赞同 我写关于Chuck和他妈妈的故事--
[01:25.76]-. . .about Chuck and his mother. -I don't beIieve in using peopIe.
[01:27.32]因为我不相信 通过利用别人可以得到你想要的
[01:28.92]WeII, Shapiro Ioved the story. 呃 Shapiro很喜欢我写的故事
[01:30.76]He's writing me the recommendation for YaIe. 他同意给我给耶鲁大学写推荐信
[01:33.32]CongratuIations. I'm happy for you. 祝贺你
[01:37.36]I'm happy for you and your sister both. 为你和你妹妹都感到高兴
[01:40.72]Heh, I'm gIad you're a musician and not an actor. . . 哦 真高兴你是个音乐家 而不是演员 老爸
[01:43.80]. . .because our famiIy wouId have starved. 否则我们家就会出个明星了
[01:46.28]Save me some coId pasta? 帮我留点冷的意大利面?
[01:48.32]-I'II Ieave it on the stove for you. -AII right. 我会帮你留热的
[01:55.60]BLAIR: Though it seems Iike yesterday. . . Serena和我8岁时穿我妈妈的 Vintage Manolo的场景
[01:57.32]. . .Serena and I were 8, pIaying dress up in my mother's ManoIos. . . 似乎还是昨天的事
[02:00.68]. . .my 1 8th birthday has finaIIy arrived. 我的18岁生日竟然就要到了
[02:02.36](GIGGLING ) 这次的生日派对一定要办得完美
[02:03.76]The party needs to be perfect.
[02:05.32]So bIood-orange martinis or beIuga and BeIvedere? 那是选血橙马天尼酒 还是白鲟鱼鱼子酱和雪树伏特加?
[02:07.28](RINGING ) 何不今晚调调各种酒 我们来尝尝看?
[02:08.44]Why don't we make drinks and taste test?
[02:10.36]Oh, I can't. I'm meeting my mother's new boyfriend. 哦 我不行 今晚要见我妈妈的新男友
[02:13.48](GASPS) 妈妈们都有男朋友了 而我却没有
[02:14.92]Even moms have boyfriends, and I don't.
[02:17.68]BLAIR: Cyrus has been my mom's attorney since the divorce. Cyrus自从我妈离婚后就是她的律师之一了
[02:20.28]He asked her out, but she didn't want to mix business with pIeasure. 他们第一次见面之后 他就开始约她了
[02:23.64]FinaIIy, his amorous overtures wore her down. . . 最终 他的浪漫还是打动了我妈 所以她同意跟他一起共进晚餐了
[02:26.16]. . .and she agreed to dinner. She's been smitten ever since. 从那以后 我妈就一直被他的深情所感动呢
[02:29.00]-Aw. -Oh, that's so romantic. 喔 真浪漫啊
[02:31.00]One thing my mom has is good taste in men. 我妈的一大本领就是挑男人特有品味
[02:33.48]Maybe a dashing stepdad is just what I need. 也许我正需要一个时尚的继父
[02:35.64]Speaking of good taste in men, how's the sexy artist, Serena? 说到对男人的品味 你的性感艺术家怎么样了 Serena?
[02:39.60]Oh, Aaron's amazing. 喔 呃 Aaron超赞的
[02:41.44]He's been sending me maps to the most beautifuI pIaces. 他一直发地图给我 带我去那些很美的地方
[02:44.24]The other day, I ended up in a room in the CIoisters overIooking the gardens. 有一天我跟着地图 最后到了 修道院一个有园景的私人房间
[02:48.20]Spare them the detaiIs, Serena. HazeI wiII kiII herseIf from envy. 别跟她们说那么多细节了 Serena
[02:54.12]Oh. This is him again. I gotta go. 喔 又是他发来的
[02:56.88]-What? What about my party? -BIood-orange martinis, aII the way. 我要走了
[02:57.48]什么? 那我的派对怎么办?
[03:01.68]You girIs have been getting a Iot of press. You got taIent. 你们的秀吸引了很多媒体啊
[03:04.88]-Who's the designer? -It's me. 很有天赋
[03:06.44]I'm the face of the Iine and the brains behind the operation. - 谁是设计师? - 我
[03:06.72]我是这个时装系列的模特 还负责运营管理
[03:09.84]Who do you imagine your cIient wiII be? 你们觉得自己的目标客户是哪些人?
[03:11.76]-GirIs Iike us. -Sophisticated, with edge. . . 像我们一样的女孩
[03:14.08]. . .who can afford high-end product. I know their styIe. I'm their peer. 经验丰富 有点个性的女孩 而且能够买得起奢侈品的
[03:15.52]我了解这样的女孩和她们的风格 因为我和她们是同龄人
[03:17.68]-That makes me unique as a designer. -Hmm. What's the name of the IabeI? 这也是我作为设计师的独特之处
[03:21.44]AGNES: Vixen-- JENNY: J. Humphrey-- 品牌名字叫什么?
[03:22.60]We haven't fuIIy decided yet, cIearIy. - Vixen时装公司 - J. Humphrey设计公司
[03:23.04]显然 我们还没做最终决定 但是
[03:25.04]It doesn't matter. We're here to take the work to the next IeveI. 这不是很重要 因为我们来这儿 是想进行下一步的工作
[03:28.28]DefiniteIy. Which means a cIear vision for the brand. 当然 也就是说要给品牌的未来 一个清晰的定义
[03:31.00]And since fashion's a designer-based industry. . . 时尚业是一个以设计师为本的产业 而我是设计师
[03:33.40]. . .and I'm the designer, that brand is me. 那品牌当然应该以我命名
[03:35.52]WeII, the brand is the concept, which we both came up with. 不 品牌是个概念 而这个概念是我俩一起想出来的
[03:38.76]Can we taIk about this Iater when we're aIone? Agnes 我们能不能私下里再讨论这些? 拜托了
[03:41.00]We're gonna taIk about this now. 不 我们现在就谈
[03:42.64]If Mr. Smith wants to represent us, he shouId know who he's deaIing with. 我是说 如果Smith先生为我们做代理
[03:46.16]Mr. Smith might get the wrong idea about our professionaIism. 他应该知道他到底在跟谁合作
[03:47.12]或许这会让Smith先生 对我们的专业程度表示质疑
[03:49.24]Then cut the crap and act professionaI. . . 哦 那就别说废话了 拿出点专业精神来吧
[03:51.44]-. . .instead of putting on the Jenny show. -Me? 不要在这上演Jenny个人秀
[03:53.68]Look who's acting out again at another business meeting. 我的个人秀? Agnes 是谁又在商业会谈上胡闹?
[03:56.68]You wanna see acting out? 你想看看什么才叫胡闹吗?
[03:59.92]And yet another one bites the dust. What is the matter with you? 这次又没戏了 Agnes
[04:03.08]This guy was our Iast chance. 你到底怎么回事? 这个人是我们最后的机会了
[04:04.60]He totaIIy overreacted. I mean, we're artists. 好啦 是他反应过度了
[04:08.00]We need somebody who's not freaked out by a IittIe passion. 我是说 我们是艺术家
[04:08.36]跟我们合作的人 不能被一点点激情就吓到
[04:11.08]Passion? The heat from the fashion show isn't gonna Iast that Iong. 激情? 你知不知道上次走秀 遗留下来的热情不会持续太久?
[04:14.36]Jenny, I wiII find us another business manager tomorrow. 好啦 Jenny
[04:17.52]Good. UntiI we get one, we can't meet with any buyers. 很好 如果我们找不到的话 就见不到任何买家
[04:20.32]Yes, okay? Now, it's aII gonna work out, aII right? I'm on it. 没问题 我都知道了 我会去联系的
[04:26.60]-Dorota. BLAIR: Dorota. Dorota
[04:28.52]Hurry up. Cyrus wiII be here any minute. Dorota!
[04:29.04]动作快点 Cyrus随时都可能到的
[04:30.60]He is the most attractive, briIIiant man I have ever met. 他是我见过的最有魅力和才气的男人
[04:35.36]-DarIing, you're gonna Iove him. -I kind of aIready do. 亲爱的 你一定会喜欢他的
[04:38.04]I'm so excited to meet him. 我已经有点喜欢他了
[04:38.16]要和他见面 我超激动的
[04:40.20]I toId you to put the roses on the tabIe. Next to Cyrus' seat. 我叫你把玫瑰放在 Cyrus座位旁边桌子上的
[04:46.52]Cary Grant aIways Iooked his best with white roses. 白玫瑰总能把Cary Grant衬托得最帅 注:英国著名男影星
[04:49.44]-Dorota, are you insane? -I don't know. Dorota 你疯了吗?
[04:52.12]You used the everyday china. 我不知道
[04:53.60]Cyrus wiII think we're just common upper middIe cIass. 你竟然就摆平时用的餐具
[04:54.00]Cyrus会觉得 我们只是普通的中产阶级
[04:56.24]-Go get the Objet, and hurry up. -Yes, Miss BIair. 去拿那套Objet 而且要抓紧
[04:59.92]EIeanor, you Iook Iike a goddess. 遵命 Blair小姐
[04:59.60]哇噢 Eleanor 你看上去就像个女神
[05:02.60]That must be his driver. - 那一定是他的司机 - 你更帅了
[05:06.20]Not enough. Ha, ha, ha. 这可不够!
[05:14.40]DarIing, come meet Cyrus Rose. 亲爱的 过来 这就是Cyrus Rose
[05:18.08]The IoveIy BIair. Come here. 可爱无敌的Blair 快过来!
[05:22.40]Not enough. 这可不够!
[05:24.04](LAUGHING )
[05:34.20]Happy 20th anniversary for Bass Industries. Bass集团创立20周年快乐
[05:37.08]-Surprised you remembered. -Not onIy did I remember. . . 没想到你竟然记得
[05:39.92]. . .I got you something. 我不但记得 还给你买了礼物
[05:42.40]You once toId me you snuck into hockey games as a kid. 你告诉过我 你小时候 悄悄溜进曲棍球赛场
[05:45.04]-Sat in the back. -You got a box for the season? 坐在后排
[05:47.44]Revisit your chiIdhood passion in styIe. 你订了整个赛季的包厢?
[05:50.28]We can go to Rangers games together, hang out. 我们可以一起去看Rangers的比赛 一起找点儿乐子
[05:52.72]WeII, nice gesture, but, uh, misguided as usuaI. 本意不错 但表达方式不对
[05:57.56]I don't have time for hockey games. You know that. 我没时间看曲棍球赛
[06:09.88](CHATTERING )
[06:15.08]I aIways knew you had chops, Humphrey. 我就知道你有两下子 Humphrey
[06:17.20]Here's your Ietter. 这是你的推荐信
[06:19.16]-Have a seat. -Thank you, sir. 请坐
[06:20.68]-Thank you so much. NOAH: Don't thank me yet. 谢谢 先生 太感谢你了
[06:22.64]There's more to come. Meet James WoIf. . . 先别谢我 还有别的事
[06:24.92]-. . .senior editor at New York Magazine. -It's nice to meet you. 来见见James Wolf "纽约杂志"的资深编辑
[06:28.08]Shapiro took the Iiberty of showing me your piece. I'm very interested. 很高兴见到你
[06:32.40]Oh. WeII, I'm fIattered. New York Magazine doesn't pubIish fiction. 哦 过奖了
[06:36.32]It's not reaIIy fiction, though, is it? "纽约杂志"一般不登小说的
[06:36.68]但其实这并不算是小说 对吧?
[06:38.72]I toId James the Trout character is based on Chuck Bass. . . 我告诉James Trout那个角色 原型是Chuck Bass
[06:42.08]. . .son of BarthoIomew. Bart Holomew的儿子
[06:43.56]It's the 20th anniversary of Bass Industries. 马上就是Bass集团的20周年庆了
[06:46.00]We want an expose on the man behind the company. 我们想揭开这个公司背后的创立人 不为人知的故事
[06:49.52]You dated the stepdaughter. You know the son. 你跟他继女约会过
[06:52.08]Look, the Iast thing I need is Bart Bass as an enemy. 你认识他儿子
[06:52.56]听着 我最不愿做的事 就是与Bart Bass为敌
[06:55.60]Yeah, and I'm reaIIy not the undercover type. 我也不是做间谍的料
[06:58.16]If you're afraid of the man's wrath, we won't print your name. 如果你怕他会报复 我们就不登出你的名字
[07:01.20]If your reporting's as good as your fiction. . . 但你的报告要是跟小说一样精彩的话
[07:03.48]-. . .I'II assign you another piece. -Look, I'm sorry, sir. He's not an idiot. 我会再给你个机会
[07:05.56]听着 我... 抱歉 先生 但他不是个傻瓜
[07:07.64]If I miIk him for information and you print it, he'II know it came from me. 如果我跟他套话 你们登了出来
[07:11.68]We'II onIy print something if it can be verified. 他... 他就会知道是我写的
[07:14.24]If the man's cIean, the story goes away. If he's not. . . 如果他没什么可掩盖的 我们自然没什么可写
[07:17.32]. . .weII, that's on him, isn't it? 但如果有的话 就要把握机会 对吧?
[07:21.48]You just grew a pair, Humphrey. Don't Iose them now. 你刚刚才上道 Humphrey
[07:24.96]This opportunity couId open reaI doors for you. 现在可别退缩
[07:48.40](LAUGHING )
[07:54.88]What? How did you do that? I mean, it's amazing, but why? 怎么回事? 你怎么做到的?
[07:57.76]我是说 太棒了 但这到底怎么回事啊?
[07:59.64]WeII, you know, I've shown you the most beautifuI pIaces I know. . . 我想让你看到我认为最美的地方
[08:03.04]. . .and now I'm showing the pIaces you. 现在我把你——展示给这个最美的地方
[08:06.20]This is nothing, though. 其实这没什么
[08:08.28]I want you to pose for me. 我想请你做我的模特 好吗?
[08:10.96]-WiII you? -Sure, I guess. 我想 应该可以
[08:14.24]Yes. Yes. I can't beIieve this. 好的好的!
[08:32.92]GOSSIP GIRL: Spotted: S and A bringing sexy back to Times Square. 现场报道 S和A正将性感风潮 带回时代广场
[08:37.60]Move over, Disney. Forty-second Street is steaming up. 靠边站吧 迪斯尼 42街火热升温
[08:48.08]Serena, I caIIed you Iike 1 0 times. Where have you been? Serena 昨晚我给你打了 差不多10个电话 你去哪儿了?
[08:50.96]I went to the dentist at Iunch. Yesterday I met Aaron in Times Square. 我午饭时去看牙医了
[08:54.60]-B, it was the most romantic thing. -Who cares about pIaque or artists? B 那简直是最浪漫的事了
[08:58.44]Your best friend's having a meItdown. He's totaIIy unsuitabIe. 谁还关心那些做作的艺术品?
[09:01.52]-Who is? -Cyrus. He's 5 feet taII. 他太不合适了
[09:02.72]Cyrus 他只有5英尺高
[09:04.64]He has a catch phrase. And he's a hugger. 他还有个要命的口头禅 总要抱抱
[09:07.44]I was expecting Cary Grant, and I got Danny De Vito. 盼着Cary Grant 来的却是Danny Devio
[09:09.52](CELL PHONE RINGING ) 听起来真糟糕 抱歉 我得走了
[09:10.68]That sounds, um. . .
[09:12.52]. . .awfuI. Sorry, I gotta run.
[09:15.28]Oh, Aaron? 哦 是Aaron吗?
[09:16.44]Yeah. He asked me to pose for him in his studio. To be his muse. 对 他请我去他的工作室当模特 当他的缪斯女神
[09:19.56]-And you said yes? -Why not? It's romantic. - 你答应了? - 干嘛不? 多浪漫
[09:22.20]No, it's a deathtrap. Being the muse never works out. 不 那是个陷阱
[09:24.88]PIenty of women have been both Iover and muse to famous artists, Iike Picasso. 当缪斯女神永远没戏的
[09:25.28]很多女人既当著名艺术家的爱人 又当缪斯女神 比如毕加索的
[09:29.04]A guy starts out in his bIue period, and everything's great. Serena 一个人在低潮期的时候 一切都那么美好
[09:32.00]It's a matter of time before it's another girI's eye coming out of her forehead. 但他迟早会投身于立体主义 只是时间的问题
[09:36.40]-Okay. I'm gonna go. -Wait. No. What about the gnome? 好了 我要走了
[09:39.48]-I have to take him down. -B, enough aIready. 等等! 不 那个侏儒怎么办? 我得把他踢出局
[09:42.00]You aIways said you wanted to be an eIegant woman at 1 8, Iike Grace KeIIy. B 已经够了
[09:42.48]你总说想在18岁时做个优雅淑女 就像Grace Kelly一样
[09:46.80]You're right. I'm going to be an aduIt. 你说得对 我要像个大人
[09:49.04]I'II try and toIerate him. 我要试着容忍他们
[09:51.04]Good girI. 乖孩子
[09:54.72]This has been great, Mr. Bass. Thanks for answering my questions. 好极了 Bass先生 感谢你回答我的问题
[09:57.88]-Anything for a friend of Serena's. -As I mentioned. . . 愿意为Serena的朋友效劳
[10:00.76]. . .I'm over writing. I wanna see what eIse is out there. 正如我提到的 我有点... 我有点对写作厌倦了
[10:03.84]You're the most successfuI person I know. . . 显然你是我认识的最成功的人
[10:06.00]. . .so I figured, why not start at the top, right? 我想干嘛不从最高点开始呢 对吧?
[10:08.72]I was hoping that I might be abIe to shadow you. . . 我希望这几天放学后
[10:11.32]-. . .for a few days a week after schooI. -I'm a busy man, DanieI. 能跟你到处转转
[10:14.92]-I don't think that's possibIe. -I don't wanna impose. 我很忙 Daniel
[10:17.56]It's just, um, you know. . . . 当然 我不想强加于人 只是
[10:20.64]WeII, my dad, his worId is pretty narrow. 我老爸... 他的社交面太窄了
[10:23.24]He had a hit song in the '90s, but he didn't buiId haIf the Manhattan skyIine. 虽然他有一首歌是90年代的热门金曲
[10:27.24]Hm. 你爸爸是个好人 但是
[10:28.40]Your father is a fine man, but I can see how you'd want something more.
[10:35.44]Why not start with two days a week? 我们从每周两天开始吧
[10:37.56]That's more than enough. Thank you. 足够啦 谢谢
[10:42.64]Agnes, it's 3:00. Agnes 已经三点了
[10:44.12]I've been waiting at the apartment since 8 this morning. 我从早上八点就一直在公寓里等你
[10:47.08]WiII you Iower your voice? 你能小点儿声吗?
[10:48.88]Your high-pitched shriII is not heIping my head. 你这么大嗓门也不能缓解我的头疼
[10:51.36]-Excuse me? -Waitress, can I get a Revive? Thank you. 什么?
[10:52.76]服务生 能来瓶醒酒饮料吗?
[10:55.84]-Where the heII were you? -I went out with Max Iast night. - 当然 - 谢谢
[10:59.04]And then we ran into some friends, and. . . . 我昨晚跟Max出去了
[11:01.28]-It was good. You shouId've come. -You shouId've answered your phone. 玩得很开心 你也该来的
[11:04.72]Or at Ieast turned it on so you couId hear the 50 messages I Ieft you. 那你也该接电话
[11:06.28]那样你就能收到 我发给你的50条信息了
[11:08.28]-What are you, my mother? -No, Agnes, I am your partner. 你是谁啊 我老妈?
[11:10.28]不 Agnes 我是你的搭档!
[11:12.08]You promised you'd find a business manager. 你保证过今天会给我们 找个新业务经理的
[11:14.20]And I wiII do it on Monday. Or today, if my hangover ever wears off. 我会去找的 周一或者今天就去
[11:19.20]Do you understand how much I've given up for this? 你知道我为这一切牺牲了多少吗?
[11:21.96]-Yes. -No, Agnes, you don't. 知道
[11:23.28]不 Agnes 你不知道
[11:25.80]I Ieft home, I quit my job, and my dad, he basicaIIy hates me. 我离家出走
[11:29.52]还有我老爸... 他差不多恨透了我
[11:31.20]You need to chiII out. 你该冷静点儿
[11:32.72]Take a Xanax or a tequiIa shot or something. 来点儿安定 龙舌兰酒什么的
[11:36.68](GAGGING )
[11:55.28]Hi. This is Jenny Humphrey. I'm caIIing for Scott Smith. 嗨 我是Jenny Humphrey 我想找Scott Smith
[11:59.56]Yeah, I know. I met with him yesterday. 我知道 我昨天跟他见过面
[12:02.12]DAN: Thank you for your time. -It's been a pIeasure. 再次谢谢你愿意见我
[12:04.56]-Listen, do you Iike hockey? -Sure, yeah. 非常荣幸 Dan 你喜欢曲棍球吗?
[12:07.24]Maybe I couId give you a business primer over a Ranger game Tuesday night. 当然 喜欢
[12:11.40]-Chuck, what are you doing here? -Sir, I toId him you were in a meeting. Chuck 你来做什么?
[12:12.92]对不起先生 我告诉他你在开会了
[12:15.00]I came by to have Robert cIear your scheduIe for the game. 我来这儿是让Robert 不要在曲棍球比赛那天给你安排活动
[12:18.32]ApparentIy, you aIready have a date. What are you doing here? 看来您已经有约了
[12:21.80]I'm newIy interested in the construction business. 你在这里做什么?
[12:25.00]I thought your dad couId show me the ropes. 我觉得--可以向你爸爸取点经
[12:28.24]I was just Ieaving. Thank you, Mr. Bass. 我正准备走呢 谢谢您 Bass先生
[12:36.24]Eighteen doIIars a fIower? That's absurd. 1支花18美金? 这也太离谱了
[12:39.88]Yeah, yeah. It is a bit steep. 嗯嗯 是 呃 有点贵了
[12:42.08]Now, I'm an attorney, and I'm teIIing you, you're not paying for that peony. 没错 作为一个律师 我要告诉你
[12:46.52]You're paying for the fIorist's Madison Avenue rent. 你是为花商在麦迪逊大道的租金买单
[12:50.72](WHISPERING ) I am Grace KeIIy. Grace KeIIy is me. 我是Grace kelly Grace kelly就是我
[12:53.40]BIair, I wouId Iove to fiII this whoIe penthouse. . . Blair 我非常愿意为你买这些
[12:56.96]. . .with peonies for your birthday, but wouId you aIIow me. . . 生日派对装饰公寓的牡丹
[12:59.96]. . .to buy them somepIace eIse? 不过我能在其它地方买吗?
[13:01.56]It's the principIe of the thing. 我是说 这是原则问题
[13:03.36]I prefer to get my own peonies from my own fIorist. 我还是想从我的花商那儿买牡丹
[13:05.88]But thank you so much. 但仍然十分感谢你
[13:07.28]CYRUS: WeII, EIeanor. . . Eleanor 晚餐时你提到很喜欢Cyndi Lauper
[13:09.20]. . .over dinner, you mentioned your fondness for Cyndi Lauper.
[13:12.92]Mom and I Iove Cyndi Lauper. We used to reenact. . . 妈妈和我超爱Cyndi Lauper
[13:15.40]. . . " GirIs Just Want to Have Fun. " Our first DVD was Vibes. 我们曾经重新演绎过"女孩只想追求乐趣"
[13:18.52](CHUCKLING ) 我们的第一张DVD是 "电颤琴"
[13:19.96]WeII, I got tickets to see Cyndi Lauper at Joe's Pub tomorrow night. 我有明晚Cyndi Lauper在Joe演唱的票子
[13:24.52]That way, your mother and I wiII be out of your hair for the party. 如果那样的话 你妈和我就不参加你的派对了
[13:27.92]-My mother's coming to my party. ELEANOR: What? 我妈妈要来参加我的派对
[13:30.60]-You never want me at your parties. BLAIR: This year's different. 什么?! 你从来没要我参加过你的派对
[13:33.56]I'm 1 8, and it's a grown-up party. 今年不同了
[13:33.64]我18岁了 这是一个成年派对
[13:35.60]I e-maiIed Dorota the new guest Iist. Parents are invited. 我传了份新的客人名单给Dorota
[13:38.64]-WeII, we'II return the tickets. -No, nonsense. 邀请了家长
[13:41.16]BIair and I wiII ceIebrate her birthday on her reaI birthday next week. 不 不要不要
[13:41.68]Blair和我将在下周 她真正的生日那天给她庆祝
[13:44.84]We are going to see Cyndi Lauper. 我们还是要去听Cyndi Lauper
[13:51.08]Thank you so much for giving me another chance. 多谢您又给我一次机会
[13:53.40]My ex-partner had some issues. . . 我的前任合伙人有点问题
[13:56.44]-. . .so I've severed aII ties with her. -GIad to hear it. 我已经和她断绝一切关系
[13:59.16]-I'd be deIighted to work with you aIone. -ReaIIy? That's amazing. 很高兴听到这个消息 能和你单独合作我很开心
[14:03.36]We can get started on the incorporation right away. 那太好了
[14:06.00]-You are 1 8, aren't you? -ActuaIIy, no. I'm 1 5. 你满18岁了 是吧?
[14:08.84]-That's not a probIem, is it? -Not at aII. 其实还没有 我15岁 这不会有问题吧?
[14:10.92]We have to get the papers signed by a parent, but that's simpIe. 不不 没事的
[14:14.08]-And then we're good to go. -Awesome. Yeah, no probIem. 不过这很容易 然后我们就可以继续了
[14:15.72]太好了 嗯 没问题
[14:21.08]-Uh, you can stand right here. -Okay. 你可以站这儿
[14:28.36]-Thank you. -You're weIcome. 谢谢
[14:31.16]So, um, teII me when you're ready. 不用客气
[14:31.24]那... 告诉我
[14:33.52](KINGS OF LEON'S " CLOSER" PLAYING OVER SPEAKERS) 你准备好的话 我就开始摆pose了
[14:35.52]I've been practicing my poses.
[14:37.16]Okay, ZooIander. Just give me a second. 好的 超级名模 稍等片刻
[14:39.80]So, what is it that you want? You want, Iike, a IittIe bit of this? 那--你想要什么样的?
[14:41.56]你想要 比如说 这样子的?
[14:43.56]Or. Iike, you know, some of this? I don't know. 还是要 你知道的 这样子?
[14:48.16]How about a IittIe Iess? 我不知道
[14:47.68]能否 能否简单一点
[14:51.20]You know, try being stiII. Try nothing. 你知道的 不要乱动
[14:54.68]Okay. 什么...都别做
[14:56.76]Um. . . . 我们可以试试
[14:58.00]We can try that.
[15:03.80]AARON: You can't hide your face. That's no good. 不要遮住脸 这样不好
[15:06.40]I don't know what to do. 我不知道该怎么做
[15:08.28]Can you say something? 你能给点提示吗
[15:11.08]Okay, okay. Put your head up here. Put your feet up. 好的好的 把头抬起来
[15:14.00]-Okay. -Enjoy yourseIf. - 把脚抬高 - 好的
[15:15.16]-Okay. -There you go. - 很享受的感觉 - 好的
[15:17.40]Okay, Iook up at me. 就这样 看这里
[15:29.60]-That's too cIose. Get out of here. -It's not too cIose. 这样太近了
[15:31.48]- 没有 - 别这么近
[15:51.92]GiIIian. Chuck Bass. Gillian 我是Chuck Bass
[15:53.52]WOMAN (OVER PHONE) : I never thought I'd hear from you again. 没想到还能接到你的电话
[15:55.92]FrankIy, neither did I. Are you stiII an intern at New York Magazine? 说实话 我也没想到
[15:58.96]Yeah. Why? 嗯 怎么了?
[16:00.56]What do you know about a guy named Dan Humphrey? 你对一个叫Dan Humphrey的人有了解吗?
[16:02.92]Nothing, except he's about to meet with my boss. 不了解 除了他现在正要去见我的老板
[16:05.28]I have to go. I'll call you back. 我得挂了 以后打给你
[16:07.72]GOSSIP GIRL: Did Brooklyn Boy really think he could bury the bone in the backyard... 布鲁克林男孩真就以为 他可以这样悄无声息地自行处理
[16:11.24]...and no one would find it? 而不会被人发现?
[16:13.64]Every Bass will have his day. 每个Bass都有出头日
[16:21.00](DOOR SLAMS)
[16:24.88]Now, how many muses come over in the morning bearing breakfast? 过来看看今早有多少缪斯来吃早餐
[16:29.32]Oh, my gosh. 哦 天哪
[16:31.20]You must've stayed up aII night making that. 你肯定一晚上没睡弄这些东西
[16:33.68]Pretty much. 差不多
[16:35.44]What do you think? 你觉得怎样?
[16:37.44]It's beautifuI. 很漂亮
[16:40.16]It's aIso kind of weird, maybe. 有点怪怪的 或许
[16:41.92]Not that it's weird, but it makes me feeI that way. 不是--不是那种奇怪
[16:45.68]You know, seeing myseIf. . . 但让我觉得有点
[16:45.98]你知道的 看到我自己
[16:49.28]. . .Iike this. 像这样
[16:50.48]I shouId probabIy be more cooI and mysterious and stop taIking. 或许我该更酷一点
[16:52.58]更神秘点 最好噤声
[17:02.08]-I kind of Iike being your inspiration. -Good. Get used to it. 我有点爱上成为你的灵感的感觉
[17:05.62]很好 要习惯哦
[17:08.28]-Hey, Aaron. Am I earIy? -No, actuaIIy. You're right on time. 嘿 Aaron 我早了么?
[17:12.00]Serena, this is DanieIIe. She modeIs for me. 哦 没有 事实上你来得正好
[17:12.82]Serena 这是Danielle 她是我的模特
[17:14.96]-Hey, I thought modeIing was our thing. -I'm doing a series. 嘿 我以为模特是我们之间的游戏呢
[17:21.32]-I shouId go. -You don't have to. 我该走了
[17:23.24]Yeah, no, I do, um. 不 你用不着走的
[17:25.12]I have this thing that I forgot about that I, um-- I'm gonna do. 哦 我要走的
[17:25.22]我 我忘了一件事了 我要
[17:29.96]-Ooh. Can I have this coffee? -Yes, yes. Have the coffee. 我要去做
[17:31.98]可以 可以--你喝吧
[17:41.16]DAN: Noah, it's Dan. Noah 我是Dan
[17:43.00]You know how I toId you it might take a whiIe to get anything good on Bass? 我有告诉过你从Bass身上获取好料需要时间吗?
[17:46.68]The story won't take as Iong to crack as we thought. 看来不需要那么久了 这故事就有所突破了
[17:51.44]You have gIow, Miss EIeanor, Iike Chinese Iantern. 你看起来容光焕发 Eleanor小姐 像中国的灯笼
[17:55.16]Ah, pfft. WeII, it's Iove, Dorota.
[17:57.06]是因为爱 Dorota
[18:00.52]How can you possibIy Iove Cyrus? He does aII the things you hate. 你怎么可能爱上Cyrus
[18:03.92]He uses the wrong fork. He sIurps his soup. 他所作所为都是你讨厌的
[18:06.04]He wears sports socks. He's short and pushy. 他用错餐叉 喝汤有声音
[18:07.06]他穿运动袜 他又矮又烦人
[18:09.52]-He's nothing Iike Daddy. -Which is preciseIy why I Iike him. 没一样和爸爸像
[18:13.16]HaroId was IoveIy in a miIIion ways, but he had his secrets. Harold纵是万般可爱 不过
[18:19.32]Cyrus is someone I can trust. Before I go see Cyndi Lauper. . . 但我可以信任Cyrus
[18:23.16]. . .I have to pick up my dress at Barneys. I have to get my hair done. 我去见Cyndi Lauper之前 要去Barneys取衣服
[18:26.52]-WouId you Iike to come with? -No. Thanks. But have fun. 还要做头发 你想和我一起吗?
[18:28.26]不了 谢谢 玩得愉快
[18:36.24]-Screw Grace KeIIy. I need to scheme. -Oh, no. 去它的Grace Kelly 我要重新打算
[18:39.04]That tiny man must have some big secret I can expIoit. 不要了
[18:41.84]With his trusting nature, finding it out shouIdn't be too hard. 他天性容易信任别人 找到他的弱点应该不难
[18:46.16]-Hey. -You're Humphrey?
[18:49.44]-I wasn't expecting a kid. -WeII, I'm sorry to disappoint. 你是Humphrey?
[18:52.28]But no one eIse is showing up, so if you got information, I'm right here. 抱歉让你失望了
[18:52.74]但没别人会来了 如果你有料要爆的话
[18:56.68]AII right. In '87, your friend Bass bought a buiIding in Midtown. . . 好的 在1987年
[19:00.48]. . .to convert to condos.
[19:02.48]Market crashed. He couIdn't raise funds to compIete it. 市场危机 他筹集不齐资金
[19:05.16]-That buiIding burned down. -Are you saying it wasn't an accident? 然后你知怎样? 他烧了那栋楼
[19:08.52]Kinberg BuiIding. Bass coIIects the insurance. 你是说那不是意外?
[19:09.38]Kinberg大楼 Bass拿了保险
[19:11.76]He goes on to buiId an empire. 去建了皇家酒店
[19:14.80]It was Iike All the President's Men. There's no way this can be Iegit. 就像"惊天大阴谋"的桥段
[19:18.24]But aII the facts check out. 嗯 我觉得这一切不可能合法
[19:20.36]The date, the buiIding, the fire. The insurance, even. 可是所有的事实放在一起--
[19:20.42]日期 大楼 火灾 甚至保险
[19:24.12]And you're happy about this? 而你为此高兴?
[19:25.96]It's huge. Bart Bass, an arsonist? This articIe couId change my Iife. 这--这是个猛料
[19:27.94]Bart Bass是纵火犯? 这篇文章会改变我的一生
[19:30.16]CouId change Serena's Iife, LiIy's, their whoIe famiIy's. 也会改变Serena和Lily的一生 他们一家人的生活
[19:33.00]I know, aII right? And I feeI badIy about that. 我知道的 好吧? 我也很难过
[19:35.72]But if this is true, peopIe have a right to know. 但如果这是事实 人们有权知道真相
[19:38.32]Noah says I need a statement from Bart. Noah说我现在只需要从Bart那边套话
[19:40.44]By tricking him to teII you information you can expIoit? 诱使他爆料 你借此飞黄腾达
[19:43.16]I'm writing an important story for a quaIity pubIication. 老爸 我在为一家权威出版社写一个很重要的故事
[19:45.92]Why can't you just admit this is a good thing for me? 为什么你就不能觉得 这对我来说是一件好事呢
[19:48.92](PHONE RINGING )
[19:53.24]HeIIo, AIison. 你好 Alison
[19:55.56]Jenny asked you to sign what papers? Jenny叫你签什么文件?
[19:58.32]AII right. Thanks for having my back on this. TaIk to you Iater. 好的 谢谢你告诉我 再聊啊
[20:01.76]You and I are gonna taIk more. Now I have to go find Jenny. 我们还要再谈谈
[20:08.04](CHATTERING )
[20:11.68]My mom is so happy. I've never seen her Iike this. 我妈妈好快乐 我从未见过她这样
[20:15.96]Your mother is a diamond in an ocean of coaI. 你妈妈就像待开发的钻石
[20:22.96]From the moment we met, I knew she was the one. 从我见到她那一刻起 我就知道她是对的人
[20:26.32]Have you aIways been so romantic? 你是否从来都这般浪漫
[20:29.80]Like with your ex-wife? 比如 跟你的前妻?
[20:31.48]CertainIy not. 当然不是
[20:33.32]ActuaIIy, I've onIy feIt Iike this once before in my Iife. 事实上我这辈子只有过一次这样的感觉
[20:39.84]-TeII me about it. -WeII. . . . 说给我听听
[20:41.82]嗯...要知道 Alice和我结婚的时候都很年轻
[20:43.56]You know, AIice and I were very young when we got married.
[20:47.52]We were very fond of each other, but never passionate. 我们喜欢彼此但缺乏激情
[20:51.04]Then I got drafted, I was sent to Vietnam. 后来我去服兵役 被派到了越南
[20:53.76]And I feII deepIy in Iove with a Vietnamese girI named Kim-Ly. 我不能自拔地爱上了一个越南姑娘
[20:58.80]-It means " goIden Iion. " -How feIine. 她叫kim-ly 意思是金色的狮子
[21:03.96]-Go on. -I knew I couId never. . . 继续
[21:05.68]. . .stay married to AIice if I couId feeI a passion Iike that for somebody eIse. 我知道我不能再维持和Alice的婚姻了
[21:09.84]And I pIanned to bring Kim-Ly back to America. 我打算带kim-ly回美国
[21:13.36]But first I had to go back by myseIf and end my marriage. 但首先 我得先回来结束我的婚姻
[21:19.52]WhiIe I was breaking the news to AIice. . . 当我向Alice坦白这一切时 Kim-ly被杀了
[21:22.80]. . .Kim-Ly was kiIIed in a surprise attack on her viIIage.
[21:29.32]-She died? -Yeah. 她死了?
[21:34.08]So I was devastated, but I aIways knew in my heart. . .
[21:38.48]. . .that what I'd feIt for Kim-Ly was true Iove. 我对Kim-ly的感情就是真爱
[21:42.12]And I think I was too much of a romantic to stay forever in a IoveIess marriage. 我觉得自己这样无法维持一段无爱的婚姻
[21:47.60]So uItimateIy, AIice and I parted as good friends. 所以最终 Alice跟我和平分手
[21:53.40]I'd aIways hoped I couId feeI something Iike that again. 我一直希望能再有那般恋爱的感觉
[21:57.20]Now I have, with your mother. 现在我和你妈妈之间就是这种感觉 所以...
[21:59.48]So, yeah, my prayers have been answered.
[22:02.06]嗯 我的祈祷终于成真
[22:06.72]SERENA: Aaron, hey, it's me. AARON (OVER PHONE) : Hey, what's up? Aaron 嘿 是我
[22:09.08]WeII, it's such a beautifuI day. 哦 嗨 什么事?
[22:10.72]I was thinking I couId take you to one of my favorite spots for a change. 今天--天气挺好的
[22:14.28]Ever been to the puppet theater in CentraI Park? 你看过中央公园的木偶剧吗?
[22:16.64]That sounds great, but I'm still with Danielle. 听上去不错 但我和Danielle还在工作室
[22:19.44]Oh, I'm sorry. You're stiII working? 哦 哦 抱歉 你还在工作?
[22:21.60]No, no, we're just hanging. Can we do the puppet thing tomorrow? 没有啦 我们闲聊呢
[22:27.20]Yeah. Yeah, sure. 当然 当然可以
[22:30.40]GOSSIP GIRL: Looks like B's prophecy came true. 看来B.的预言成真了
[22:32.56]One day you're a muse, the next you're old news. 前一天你还是他的缪斯 接着就变成了昨日黄花
[22:38.44]The caterer's done setting up downstairs? 楼下已经布置好了?
[22:40.96]Yes. 是的
[22:42.80]And what about you, my sneaky daughter? Are you done yet? 那你呢 我的小鬼头女儿?
[22:48.68]What do you mean? 此话怎讲?
[22:50.52]Cyrus toId me that you had Iunch together. Cyrus说你们一起吃了午饭 他很感动
[22:52.76]He was very touched. Of course, he doesn't know yet that you. . .
[22:55.80]. . .have an agenda for absoIuteIy everything. 当然了 他还不知道你无所不能的全盘计划
[23:02.00]I don't know what you're taIking about. 不知道你在说什么
[23:04.92]BIair, you're not a chiId anymore. Blair...你不再是个孩子了
[23:08.64]But you can't heIp it, can you? You can't stop meddIing and scheming. 但你还是忍不住 不是吗?
[23:12.44]Let me guess. 让我猜下啊 你表现得那么乖
[23:14.16]You pIayed nice so that you couId dig up some dirt on Cyrus.
[23:19.36]But it didn't work, did it? 但没能成功 是吗?
[23:21.08]Because he is the most upstanding man I have ever met. 因为他是我见过的最正派的男子
[23:29.32]I'm sorry, Mom. 抱歉 妈妈
[23:31.56]But it turns out that Cyrus is just Iike Daddy. 但结果Cyrus和爸爸是一样的
[23:34.92]He cheated on his ex-wife. 他背叛了他的前妻
[23:36.96]He had an affair. He feII in Iove with her. 他有了外遇 爱上了第三者
[23:41.12]I'm sorry. 很遗憾
[23:43.72]It's true. You can ask him yourseIf. 这是真的
[23:55.60](RINGING ) 喂?
[23:56.76]Yeah? 这是Scott Smith办公室 我想找Jenny Humphrey
[23:58.00]WOMAN (OVER PHONE) : This is Scott Smith 's office calling for Jenny Humphrey.
[24:01.00]-This is Agnes Andrews. -Oh, I'm sorry. 我是Agnes Andrews
[24:02.80]I mixed up your phone numbers. 哦 抱歉 我可能把你们的号码弄混了
[24:04.40]I'm about to see Jenny. Is there something to teII her? 我正要去见Jenny
[24:07.28]Please let her know that the contracts are ready for J. Humphrey Designs. 有什么事的话 我可以转告她
[24:08.14]请告诉她 J. Humphrey品牌的合同已经就绪
[24:11.52]-I'II give her that message. -Thank you. 我会转告的
[24:29.56]-There's a totaIIy cute guy over there. PENELOPE: The busboy? 那边有个很可爱的男生
[24:33.08]Beggars can't be choosers. 要饭还挑肥拣瘦
[24:35.68]How's your cute boyfriend, Serena? 你的可爱小男友呢 Serena?
[24:37.68]-Oh, he's not exactIy my boyfriend. -You mean he's free? 他--他还不算是我男朋友啦
[24:40.92]HazeI, I can hear your desperation from the other room. 你是说他没女朋友?
[24:41.32]Hazel 别的房间都能听到你的饥渴
[24:44.24]Serena, what's wrong? Serena 怎么了?
[24:46.36](GRUNTING ) 嗯...或许你说得对
[24:47.68]PENELOPE: Move over. ISABEL: Guys, move over.
[24:49.32]I think you were right.
[24:50.96]The whoIe muse thing kind of backfired. 有点跟我想的不太一样
[24:53.28]WeII, I wouId say " I toId you so," but since I'm now 1 8, I'II refrain. 我想说早告诉你会这样咯 不过现在我已经18岁了 我要克制
[24:56.76]-What happened? -WeII, we had this amazing night. 怎么了?
[25:00.24]I modeIed for him, and he did this incredibIe instaIIation. 我做他的模特 他把照片美美地装饰了一番
[25:03.36]He totaIIy Ioves you. 他肯定很爱你
[25:06.28]But then another girI showed up at the studio. . . 可是后来又有一个女孩到他工作室
[25:09.04]. . .and she modeIed for him, and they've been hanging out aII day. 她来做他的模特
[25:12.60]So PabIo's aIready moved on? That was faster than I thought. 就是说Pablo已经移情别恋?
[25:15.92]-BIair. -It's okay, S. - Blair - 没关系啦 S
[25:18.20]It's actuaIIy a good thing. 其实这也不是坏事
[25:19.64]This way, you can get out before you're in too far. 这样你可以在还未陷得太深时全身而退
[25:26.00]-Oh, hey. -You missed your dad. - 嗨 - 你爸刚走
[25:27.36]He rang for an hour. 他按了一小时门铃
[25:28.76]My dad? What are you doing with my dresses? 我爸?
[25:29.72]等一下 你拿我的衣服干什么?
[25:31.44]You know, when I Iet you in, I had no idea you'd be such a thief. 当我收留你的时候
[25:34.72]SteaIing my contact Iist, our whoIe business. 偷走我的联系人名单 还有我们所有的生意
[25:37.00]-I wasn't steaIing. -You know. . . 我没有偷东西 Agnes
[25:38.72]. . .you think you're so taIented and unique, don't you? 你自以为才华横溢 品味独特 是不是?
[25:41.40]-No. -You know. . . 不 我没这么想
[25:42.68]. . .three weeks ago, you were absoIuteIy nothing. 你知道吗 三个星期之前 你还是个无名小卒呢
[25:45.12]You were a IittIe intern pinning my hem. 你只是个给我别摺边的小实习生
[25:47.12]It was my idea to do the Iine. I found the photographer. . . 开创自己的时装品牌 是我的主意
[25:50.08]. . .and the modeIs for the shoot. 我找的摄影师...
[25:50.16]和模特 来拍服装照片的
[25:51.92]It was my idea for the gueriIIa fashion show. 是我说举办Guerilla服装秀的
[25:54.16]-I have aII the contacts. -I know. You're right. 所有人都是我联系的
[25:56.64]You're right. Just give me my dresses, pIease. 我知道 你说的都对
[25:58.92]Do you know how many taIented artists there are Iiving in BrookIyn. . . 快把衣服还给我 求你了
[26:02.28]-. . .designing dresses? -Agnes, give me my dresses. 在布鲁克林设计服装吗?
[26:04.88]-What are you doing? -These dresses are as much mine. . . Agnes 把衣服还给我 你要干什么?
[26:07.56]. . .as they are yours. Now they beIong to nobody. 现在谁都别想得到它
[26:10.04]-Are you totaIIy insane? -Yes, I'm insane, Jenny! 你疯了吗?
[26:11.88]没错 Jenny 我是疯了!
[26:17.28]What are you doing? Agnes, don't. 你要干什么? Agnes
[26:20.28]Agnes, pIease. These dresses are everything. 别这样 Agnes 求你了!
[26:22.52]They're my entire future. 这些衣服是我的一切
[26:25.36](CRYING ) 你疯了
[26:26.52]You are out of your mind!
[26:28.92]-What the heII did you do, Agnes? -You did this. By the time I get back. . . Agnes 你为什么要这么做??!
[26:33.40]. . .I want you and your crap out of my apartment. 在我回来之前 你赶紧带着你的东西滚出我家
[26:44.00]-WeII, it was good to see you. -You too. - 很高兴见到你 - 我也是
[26:46.80]Ah. The mythicaI Serena. 哈 你是传说中的Serena
[26:49.52]Oh, you must be Cyrus, EIeanor's boyfriend. 您一定是Cyrus Eleanor的男朋友
[26:52.72]-How did you know who I was? -I recognized you from Aaron's studio. 您怎么认识我?
[26:56.80]You know Aaron? 你认识Aaron?
[26:59.00]-He's my son. -Wha-- Oh, my goodness. 他是我儿子
[27:00.36]什么 我的上帝啊
[27:03.76]You didn't catch the famiIy resembIance? 你不觉得我们长得像吗?
[27:07.12](LAUGHING )
[27:08.76]No, it's okay. You know, I think he's quite smitten with you. 没关系
[27:10.16]我想 他被你深深地迷住了
[27:12.96]ReaIIy? Uh, I'm not so sure. 真的吗? 我可不确定
[27:15.96]WeII, he toId me that he took you to the CIoisters. 他告诉我 他带你去了修道院
[27:19.40]He definiteIy doesn't do that with just anyone. 他绝对不会轻易带别人去的
[27:22.60]You know, I'm actuaIIy gonna go stop by his studio to see him now. . . 我正准备去他的工作室看他
[27:26.24]-. . .but it was reaIIy nice meeting you. -Likewise. 不过 真的很高兴认识您
[27:32.48]-Oh, EIeanor. -Did you cheat on your ex-wife? Eleanor
[27:38.28]WeII, did you? Is it true? 有没有? 是真的吗?
[27:40.20]-Yes, it is-- -Get out. - 是的 - 滚出去
[27:52.24]I thought he was different. 我原以为他与众不同
[27:57.88]I have to go Iie down. 我得去躺会儿
[28:00.32]PENELOPE: There's so many hot guys here. 天呐 快看那个人
[28:01.80]My God, Iook at that guy.
[28:05.96]Cyndi Lauper? Cyndi Lauper?
[28:08.08]Heh. What are you doing here? 你怎么会来这儿?
[28:10.20]My paI Cyrus caIIed me yesterday. He bought out my gig and asked me. . . 我的好友Cyrus 昨天给我打电话
[28:13.12]他包下了我的演唱会 并且请求我
[28:15.04]. . .to pIay this girI's birthday party instead. 到一个女孩的生日派对上演出
[28:17.28]I guess he's madIy in Iove with her mother. 我猜 他一定是疯狂地爱上她妈妈了
[28:20.00]I'm Iooking for a BIair WaIdorf. 我来找Blair Waldorf
[28:26.88]How do you do? 你好
[28:28.08](MUMBLES INDISTINCTLY) 别客气 您请便
[28:29.64]Make yourseIf at home. I. . . . Oh.
[28:31.92]我... 哦! Dorota!
[28:35.44]This is Dorota. She's your biggest fan. 这是Dorota
[28:38.16]Oh, my. Ms. Lauper-- Wait, Ms. BIair, where are you going? 她是你的铁杆粉丝
[28:38.20]哦 上帝呀 Lauper小姐!
[28:40.64]等一下 Blair小姐 你要去哪儿?
[28:42.88]I wanted a Harry Winston choker for my birthday. 我本想要Harry Winston的项链做生日礼物 现在我良心发现了
[28:45.24]Instead, I got a conscience. I've gotta go.
[28:51.88]DAN: Sorry to bother you at home. 很抱歉打扰你了 先生
[28:53.52]What was it you wanted to speak to me about? 你想跟我说什么?
[28:55.32]Uh. . . . WeII, something kind of strange happened whiIe I was at your office. 当我在您办公室的时候 发生了一件怪事
[28:59.80]I overheard this guy taIking about you to an empIoyee. 我无意间听到 有人和一个员工谈论...
[29:03.00]He said that you were responsibIe for a fire in one of your own buiIdings. 他说 您对发生在你的一幢楼的火灾负有责任
[29:07.96]He had a Iot of detaiIs. 他还说了很多细节
[29:09.44]I figured there must be some kind of expIanation. 我想 这一定是事出有因
[29:11.84]You know, if it even happened, which I'm sure it didn't. 即使事情果真如此... 我相信这肯定不是真的
[29:14.56]I know it's none of my business. I'm sorry. 我知道这不关我的事 很抱歉
[29:16.84]But he was so insistent. If he was teIIing peopIe at work. . . 但他态度坚决 我想 如果他告诉同事
[29:20.04]. . .he couId be teIIing other peopIe too. 他就可能也告诉其他人
[29:22.76]So it's out. 这样就会人尽皆知
[29:25.48]I've had that man's death on my conscience for 20 years. 20年来 那个人的死一直让我备受煎熬
[29:28.76]Wait, someone died? 等一下 有人死了?
[29:30.72]Dad, don't say anything eIse. 爸 别再说了
[29:33.76]He's writing a story for a magazine. 他在给一家杂志写稿
[29:42.08]So, what's it gonna cost to make this go away? 需要多少钱 才能了结这件事?
[29:48.16]I don't want your money. 我不要你的钱
[30:07.44]If you use this against my father, I wiII destroy you. 如果你借此来对付我爸 我绝不会放过你
[30:11.00]What happened is bigger than you hating me. . . Chuck 这件事比起你恨我...
[30:13.24]. . .or me trying to make it as a writer. I couIdn't ignore this if I wanted to. 和我想成为作家 要重要得多
[30:17.84]It wiII ruin our famiIy. 这会毁了我全家
[30:21.92]Don't do it. 别这么做 求你
[30:34.36]-You're stiII here. -I sent my driver to dinner. . . 你还没走啊
[30:37.72]. . .because I thought I'd be at the party, ringing in your birthday. 我让司机吃饭去了 我以为...
[30:41.32]You threw in the toweI rather easiIy. I expected a harder fight. 你也太容易放弃了
[30:45.56]I'm smart enough to know. . . 我还期待会有一场恶战呢
[30:47.88]. . .that getting into a war with EIeanor's daughter. . . 如果和Eleanor的女儿作对
[30:51.32]. . .is never gonna resuIt in a victory. 是必输无疑的
[30:53.32]-So you retreated with dignity. -Who says I gave up? 所以你决定保持尊严 全身而退了
[30:59.24]Oh, my God. You outmaneuvered me. You deIiberateIy Iet me win. . . 哦 上帝呀
[31:03.44]你故意让我赢 然后凭借...
[31:05.16]. . .counting on the fact Cyndi Lauper wouId prey on my emotions. Cyndi Lauper 让我不战而败
[31:08.28]I'm a Iawyer. I do think a few moves ahead. 我是一名律师
[31:12.88]Some of us can't reIy entireIy on our Iooks, you know. 我们是不能以貌取人的
[31:17.20]-WeII done. -Not enough. 你做得好
[31:19.64]Fine, you're a genius. You better be good to my mother. . . 不止吧
[31:19.88]好吧 你是天才
[31:23.00]-. . .or I'II be coming for you. -Those are fair terms. 你要善待我妈 否则我饶不了你
[31:26.48]Now, come upstairs and stand next to me. . . 现在上楼去 一会儿你站在我旁边...
[31:28.72]. . .whiIe I teII my mom the whoIe truth about the goIden Iion. 当我告诉我妈关于金狮的实情时
[31:31.68]She'II be furious with me, so I may need an attorney. 她会对我大发雷霆 所以我需要一个律师
[31:39.84]BLAIR: You're not what I had in mind. 你跟我想像的不一样
[31:41.52]CYRUS: WeII, you're not what I had in mind. 彼此彼此
[31:55.28]Sir, this was Ieft for you with the concierge downstairs. 先生?
[31:56.68]- 楼下的门卫说 这是给您的 - 谢谢你
[31:59.24]Thank you.
[32:33.24]-I'm sorry I'm interrupting your work. -I thought I was seeing you tomorrow. 很抱歉 我打扰你"工作"了
[32:36.72]Serena 我以为明天才会见到你 失陪一下
[32:38.56]Right, because you're seeing DanieIIe tonight. 没错 因为你今晚要和Danielle约会
[32:40.80]WeII, I'm seeing a Iot of peopIe. 我是约很多人
[32:42.80]You and I just started hanging out. Did I miss the taIk. . . 咱们才刚开始约会 好不好
[32:45.64]-. . .where we decided to be excIusive? -No. 有说过要排斥其他人吗?
[32:47.72]I don't know how it is in high schooI, but I Iike to date more than one person. - 没有 但是... - 我不知道在高中是怎么规定的
[32:52.20]-You can see other peopIe too. -Thanks for the Iecture. 你也可以约其他人啊
[32:54.88]But that's not reaIIy my thing. 谢谢你肯屈尊教我 但我不可擅长劈腿
[33:02.32](SINGING )
[33:10.24]Hey, Dad. Can I come in? 嗨 爸爸 我可以进来吗?
[33:12.40]Of course you can, Jenny. This is your home. 当然可以了 Jenny
[33:15.44]-Happy to have you back. -I'm not back yet. 这是你的家
[33:18.72]But I wiII be if you sign these papers. 如果你把这份协议签了 我就回家
[33:21.80]You mean the papers your mother refused to sign? 你是说 你妈没签的那份协议吧
[33:24.16]-She didn't wanna get in the middIe. -I thought you'd come to your senses. 她不签 只是因为她不想掺和进来
[33:27.76]You're aIready using emotionaI bIackmaiI to get your way. 我想你应该冷静下来 好好想想
[33:31.16]Spin it however you Iike, I just need your signature. 随便你怎么想
[33:35.76]If I sign, it means everything you've done up to now. . . 如果我签了这个字 就意味着
[33:38.48]. . .this Iying, cheating, manipuIation. . . 你撒谎 欺骗 暗箱操作都是对的
[33:42.00]. . .it's aII okay.
[33:44.20]And if you don't sign them. . . 如果你不签的话
[33:46.32]. . .then everything I've done, everything, was aII for nothing. 我做的一切...
[33:51.96]I won't put my name on a piece of paper condoning who you've become. 我不想你变成那样 我不会签的
[33:57.96]-Fine. I'II just have to find another way. -You gonna sIeep on Agnes' couch. . . 好 那我只好找其他途径了
[34:02.84]-. . .tiII you turn 1 8? -If that's what it takes. 什么途径? 你打算18岁之前一直睡在Agnes的沙发上吗?
[34:23.24]GOSSIP GIRL: Poor little orphan Jenny. 可怜的小孤儿珍妮
[34:25.08]Looks like she needs a Daddy Warbucks. . . 看来她需要一个爸爸
[34:27.28]. . .but Daddy Warbucks don 't grow on trees. 但爸爸是不会长在树上的
[34:30.20]At least, not a tree that grows in Brooklyn. 至少不会长在布鲁克林的树上
[34:51.52]Mr. Smith. Hi. Smith先生?
[34:54.88]Yeah, sorry to bother you on a Sunday, um. 很抱歉 星期天还得打搅您
[34:58.16]Is there a way we can meet at your office today? 我们能不能今天在您办公室见个面
[35:00.16](KNOCKING ON DOOR)
[35:04.64]-Can I come in? -I can't stop you. 我可以进来吗?
[35:17.72]I want to apoIogize, son. 儿子 我想跟你道歉
[35:22.24]ApoIogize? 道歉?
[35:23.72]I never bIamed you for your mother's death. 我从没因为你母亲的死而责怪你
[35:29.12]I read that short story that, uh, Dan Humphrey wrote. . . 我看了那篇...
[35:32.88]. . .about you and your mother. I had no idea you feIt that way. Dan Humphrey写的关于你和你母亲的小说
[35:37.44]And it's my fauIt. 都是我的错
[35:44.28]I know I've had troubIe being cIose to you. . . 我知道 我对你不够亲近
[35:48.96]. . .but it's not for the reasons you think. It's just hard, because. . . 但原因并不是你想象的那样
[35:57.32]. . .every time I Iook at you, I see her.
[36:05.40]You miss her. 你一直想着她
[36:07.16]You have no idea. 你无法体会
[36:08.92]I've made some terribIe mistakes in my Iife. 我一生中犯了很多错误 但我不能一错再错了
[36:11.08]But I don't wanna make another.
[36:16.04]I wanna know my son. 我想了解我的儿子
[36:21.24]So any interest in going to that hockey game? 你想去看曲棍球赛吗?
[36:26.68]I'II, uh, cIear my caIendar. 我会安排时间的
[36:37.36]I spoke to your sister. 我跟你妹妹谈过了
[36:38.68]My, uh, pIan didn't exactIy pan out. 我的计划没有奏效
[36:42.48]I heard. She caIIed me. 我听说了 她给我打电话了
[36:45.92]You been thinking about that story on Bart Bass? 你还在想那篇关于Chuck Bass的小说?
[36:49.36]Uh, yeah. I took your advice. I kiIIed it. 嗯 我听了你的建议 我放弃了
[36:52.68]You saved that famiIy. 你拯救了他们全家
[36:57.16]I think it's time you save ours, Dad. 我想是你拯救咱家的时候了 爸
[36:59.68]It's so important to you to be right. That's a trait I inherited. 你必须当机立断
[37:02.84]I'II be the first to say it. But you need to get Jenny back. . . 我得先说一下 我继承了你的脾气
[37:06.36]. . .even if it means Ietting her win. 就算是让她赢了
[37:15.28]So, what's the urgent question? 什么问题这么紧迫?
[37:17.60]Neither of my parents wiII sign the papers. Um, what eIse can I do? 我父母都不签这个协议
[37:21.32]WeII, you have one other option, but it's extreme. 你还有一个选择 但非常极端
[37:24.24]You couId fiIe a suit to become emancipated. 你可以申请诉讼 获得自由
[37:26.44]-What's that mean? -You'd be your own guardian. 什么意思?
[37:29.36]Your IegaI ties with your famiIy wouId be severed. 这样就会解除跟你家人的法定关系
[37:32.48]You mean, divorce my parents? 你是说 跟我父母绝交?
[37:41.36]Okay. What do I need to do? 好吧
[37:44.40]WeII, I can't beIieve Aaron is Cyrus' son. 我该怎么做?
[37:46.68]Of course you get the prince, and I get stuck with the toad. 当然了 你得到了王子
[37:49.88]WeII, it doesn't Iook Iike I'm gonna have the fairytaIe ending. 我却被癞蛤蟆缠住了
[37:50.20]可是看起来 我没有一个童话般的结局
[37:52.92]I went to have a taIk with Aaron. 我昨天去找Aaron谈了
[37:54.88]-And? -And instead he had a taIk with me. - 然后呢? - 结果是他给我上了一课
[37:57.88]I tried to deal with the casual-dating thing... 我真的很努力处理我们之间随意的约会...
[38:00.20]-...but I guess it's just not for me. -Of course not. 但我觉得我跟他不合适
[38:02.76]Because beneath that free-spirit facade, you're totaIIy conventionaI, Iike I am. 当然了 在追求自由这方面
[38:07.96]I beIieve in freedom, peopIe foIIowing their hearts. . . 不是的 我坚信自由
[38:10.68]. . .doing what they want. You know I wish I'd Iived in the '60s. 人们应该发自内心 追寻自己的梦想
[38:13.72]You beIieve in Iong hair, peasant skirts and sandaIs. 我一直想生活在60年代
[38:14.24]你向往长发 粗布裙子和凉鞋
[38:16.60]An open relationship? I don 't think so. 但你正处在一段开放的恋爱中 我不这么想
[38:18.56]Speaking of reIationships, how are you faring with Cyrus and EIeanor? 说到恋爱 你怎么处理Cyrus和Eleanor的事了?
[38:21.96]WeII, he's not my cup of tea, but he makes my mother happy. . . 他不是我喜欢的类型
[38:24.92]. . .and he's not that bad. 但他让我妈高兴 而且...
[38:27.76]-WeII, I'm proud of you. -It's not Iike I have to see him often. 我为你感到骄傲
[38:30.88]He'II come pick her up for dinner once, twice a week. 我也不会经常见到他
[38:34.04](LAUGHING )
[38:35.48]-I have to go. -Bye. - 我得挂电话了 - 再见
[38:37.68]DarIing. We have some wonderfuI news. 亲爱的 我们有些好消息
[38:41.48]Thanks to you, BIair, we've been up aII night. . . 谢谢你 Blair 我们整晚都没睡
[38:43.84]. . .taIking about Iove and death and the brevity of Iife. 我们谈论爱情 死亡
[38:49.04]And we have decided that he shouId move in. Today. 我们已经决定 他今天搬进咱们家
[38:53.04]GOSSIP GIRL: Some surprises hit you over the head like a squash racket. 有些事情让你头大
[38:57.16]And others sneak up on you when you're least expecting it. 有些人在你最不想见到时出现了
[39:00.40]-What are you doing here? -Picking you up for an afternoon. . . 你来干什么?
[39:03.36]-. . .of puppet theater in the park. -But we broke up Iast night, remember? 我来接你去公园看木偶戏
[39:08.16]Wait, how did we break up if we're not going out? 等一下 我们还没约会怎么会分手呢
[39:10.92]Thanks for reminding me. That feeIs good. 谢谢你提醒我 感觉真好
[39:16.40]Serena, I reaIIy Iike you. Even though I grew up on the Upper East Side. . . Serena 我真的很喜欢你
[39:20.08]. . .I don't want the same Iife that my parents had. 就算是我在上东区长大
[39:23.56]SociaI obIigations and forced conversations. 因为社会的舆论
[39:27.12]Saying no to aII the things that I wanna say yes to. 就违背自己的意愿
[39:31.60]I thought you feIt the same way. . . 我认为你也是这么想的
[39:33.60]. . .and if I was wrong, I apoIogize. 如果我错了的话 我向你道歉
[39:38.16]No. No, you were right. 不 你没错
[39:44.52]Uh, wait, what are you doing? Don't you wanna get dressed? 等等 你要干什么?
[39:47.24]Nope. 你不想先换衣服吗?
[39:48.40]And sometimes the biggest surprises are the ones you spring on yourself. 不
[39:52.72]Come on. 走吧
[39:57.28]Scampering about in a slip is one way to shed old skin. 摆脱束缚也是一种超越自我
[40:01.48]But will embracing free love be as easy as flinging off a pair of Fendi flats? 拥抱自由的恋爱 会像扔掉一双Fendi鞋一样容易吗?
[40:07.00]Looks like someone's going barefoot in the park. 看来有人光脚去公园了
[40:10.32]X O X O, Gossip Girl. 亲亲抱抱 流言蜚女
[40:36.40]SubtitIes by SDI Media Group
[40:38.60](ENGLISH SDH)

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