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[00:14.11]Unit 12 Health and Fitness


[00:24.82]PART 1

[00:28.47]Will and Gusta are at an Organic Foods.

[00:34.43]Will:Gusta,I'm starving!What's good here?

[00:39.60]Gusta:Here,have a banana.

[00:43.36]Will:Uhh,is this banana edible?It looks a little brown.

[00:50.13]And what are all these little holes in the lettuce?

[00:55.48]Gusta:Everything here is organic.No pesticides.

[01:02.04]Will:How about fertilizer?

[01:05.49]Gusta:Only natural fertilizers are used.

[01:10.48]I used to work on the farm where they are grown,so I know.

[01:16.33]Will:By natural fertilizer,you mean...

[01:21.50]Gusta:It's best not to think about it while you are eating.

[01:26.96]Will:Right.I'm sorry I asked.

[01:32.32]PART 2

[01:35.56]In the doctor's consultin-room.

[01:40.52]Doctor:Good morning.How are you?

[01:44.49]John:I'm very worried,doctor.

[01:48.85]Doctor:Oh?What are you worried about?

[01:53.40]John:I'm afraid that I'm very ill.

[01:57.47]Doctor:I'm sorry to hear that.Why do you think so?

[02:02.93]John:Because I feel tired all the time,even when I wake up in the morning.

[02:09.88]I have no appetite.

[02:13.41]Doctor:How do you sleep?

[02:16.67]John:Very badly,doctor.I'm worried about my work.

[02:22.73]I'm always afraid of making a mistake.

[02:27.38]Doctor:(The doctor examines the patient.)

[02:31.95]Well,there is nothing very much wrong with you.

[02:37.70]You are working too hard and worrying too much.

[02:44.36]Do you take much exercise?

[02:48.44]John:No,doctor.I never have enough time for exercise.

[02:54.18]Can you give me some medicine to help me to sleep?

[02:58.91]Doctor:I can,but I'm not going to.You don't need medicine.You need advice.

[03:06.98]Don't work so hard.Don't worry about your work.

[03:12.84]Which would you rather have,wealth or health?

[03:18.19]John:You're right,doctor.It's more important to be healthy than wealthy.

[03:24.56]I'll change my job.I'm grateful for your advice.

[03:30.21]Doctor:Come and see me again in a month's time.

[03:34.88]I think you will be a different man!

[03:39.43]PART 3

[03:42.98]Wang and Robert are concerned about the illnesses brought by wealth.

[03:50.35]Wang:Well,yes,new kinds of diseases will replace the old,

[03:57.61]such as cancer,heart trouble...Right?

[04:03.17]Robert:That's true.And diabetes is one of te new diseases.

[04:09.23]Wang:Yes.It can cause heart disease,kidney failure and blindness.

[04:16.89]What is the exact cause of it,do you know?

[04:22.45]Robert:Well,experts say

[04:26.89]it is often the result of primitive bodies living in an increasingly wealthy world.

[04:34.83]Wang:What?The primitive bodies...

[04:39.56]Robert:Well,that is when people were quickly forced from a simple

[04:45.41]to a modern pattern of life,they developed diabetes.

[04:50.98]Wang:Oh,it is terrible.I must be careful about my diet form now on.

[04:59.15]Robert:Well,things are not that bad.

[05:03.41]As long as you keep a traditional life style and diet,plenty of exercise,

[05:10.36]living in the natural environment,you don't develop diabetes.

[05:15.53]Wang:Good idea.

[05:18.98]PART 4

[05:22.22]In the doctor's office.

[05:26.27]Doctor:Hello.What can I do for you today?

[05:31.10]Patient:I've been having severe pains in my stomach and now I feel nauseated.

[05:38.47]Doctor:How many days have you been having these pains?

[05:44.03]Patient:Well,they started about tive days ago

[05:49.18]and for the last three days they have been terrible.

[05:54.46]Doctor:Have you thrown up at all?

[05:58.61]Patient:Yes,I have been sick to my stomach and throwing up.

[06:04.25]Doctor:How many times ahve you vomited.

[06:08.82]Patient:In the last two days,probably four or five times and I still puke.

[06:16.37]Doctor:Are you keeping any food down?

[06:20.53]Patient:No,I'm not.

[06:23.87]Doctor:When you vomit,is there any blood?


[06:31.47]Doctor:Good.Are you having any diarrhea?


[06:38.94]Doctor:Have you had a fever?

[06:42.60]Patient:I think I have had a low-grade fever,but I haven't taken my temperature.

[06:49.68]I really feel under the weather.

[06:53.75]Doctor:Have you taken any medicine? Patient:No.

[06:58.48]Doctor:Where is your pain?

[07:01.83]Patient:It's right here in my right side.

[07:06.37]Doctor:How would you describe the pain?Is it sharp,dull,aching,or cramping?

[07:14.70]Patient:They are sharp pains.

[07:18.78]Doctor:Could you please sit on the examination table so that I can examine you now?


[07:28.78]Lower Salt,Better Health

[07:33.83]Doctors have long known that cutting back on salt

[07:39.39]or sodium can help lower blood pressure in folks with hypertension,

[07:45.87]a silent condition that increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

[07:52.53]What hasn't been so clear is whether reducing the amount of sodium in the diet

[07:59.79]will benefit those whose blood pressure is normal.

[08:05.04]Now comes word that restricting salt can indeed lower normal blood pressure level.

[08:12.51]Though the effect isn't as great,it's still important,

[08:17.97]according to a study published in The New England Journal of medicine.

[08:23.43]The decrease in blood pressure occurred regardless of race or gender

[08:30.28]and whether or not study participants ate a "typical American diet",

[08:36.75]which is high in saturated fats

[08:41.01]and contains few fruits and vegetables or the so-called DASH

[08:48.88](for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hyertension)diet,

[08:54.62]which emphasis lots of fresh produce,low-fat diary,

[09:01.70]fish and fewer sweets and which was proved in 1997 to reduce hypertension.

[09:10.06]The biggest decrease in blood pressure in this study

[09:15.02]was recorded in subjects who ate the DASH diet

[09:20.77]and reduced their sodium intake to 1200mg a day.

[09:27.33]Why is this significant?

[09:31.69]Public-health experts estimate that Americans consume,on average,

[09:38.17]about 3500mg of sodium equal to about 9 grams of salt- daily.

[09:46.81]It's not that we're tht heavy-handed with the saltshaker.

[09:52.48]Most of our dietary sodium is added during food processing.

[09:58.33]To get down to 1200mg,you'd have to forgo most prepared foods,

[10:06.09]take-out deliveries and restarurant meals.

[10:10.95]So pay attention to how much salt you're eating,

[10:15.71]but don't forget to make fruits,

[10:19.78]vegetables and whole grains a larger part of your diet.

[10:25.24]They'll help lower your cholesterol level as well as your blood pressure.

[10:30.99]Be sure to drink alcohol moderately,if at all.

[10:36.94]Losing weight-even just 4.5kg-

[10:42.30]and exercising at least 30 minutes most days of the week

[10:47.94]can also have a marked effect on blood pressure.

[10:52.80]Check food labels.

[10:56.95]Pasta sauces,sandwich breads and frozen dinners often contain lots of sodium.

[11:04.40]And remember,even if you don't have to worry about this now,

[11:10.28]you probably will wventually.

[11:14.43]Half of US adults have a blood pressure of at least 120/80 mmHg,

[11:22.79]which is at the high end fo what's considered ideal

[11:27.52]and blood pressure usually increases with age.

[11:32.66]"We can't put everyone on drug therapy,"says Dr.Frank Sacks of the Brigham Women's Hospital in Boston

[11:41.02]and the chairman of the DASH-Sodium Sodium Study.

[11:46.06]But everyone can try to do with a dash of less salt.

[11:51.71]Words and Expressions

[11:55.65]cut back on sodium folk hypertension

[11:59.73]减少 钠 人们;民族 高血压

[12:03.80]risk stroke benefit pressure

[12:07.33]风险 中风 有益于 压力

[12:10.85]restrict decrease regardless of gender

[12:14.94]限制 减少,下降 不管,不论 性别

[12:19.03]participant typical saturated approach

[12:22.75]参加者 典型的 饱和的 方法,途径

[12:26.48]emphasis diary subject intake

[12:30.05]重点 奶制品 主题 摄入

[12:33.63]significant estimate saltshaker dietary

[12:37.36]重大的,意义显著的 估计 盐瓶 饮食的

[12:41.08]forgo cholesterol be sure to do alcohol

[12:44.96]放弃,绝念 胆固醇 一定要做到 酒精

[12:48.84]moderatly label pasta sauce

[12:52.38]适度地 标签,标志 意大利面食 调味料

[12:55.92]ideal therapy dash

[12:58.64]理想的 治疗 少量掺和物或混和物


[13:05.03]Section I Listening Comprehension

[13:10.49]Listen to the record.

[13:14.44]Answer each question by choosing A,B,C or D from the four possible choices.

[13:23.68]A 1.M:I'm starving!What's good here?

[13:30.63]W:Here,have a banana.Everything here is organic.No pesticides.

[13:38.29]2.W:Different foods are with different calorie values.

[13:44.74]Usually for boys 2 501-2900 grams of daily calorie intake would be enough.

[13:56.10]M:Right.Below 2 200,we would say a boy haing a bird's appetite.

[14:04.36]3.W:For girls,below 1 700 grams of daily calorie intake,it means one is starving.

[14:14.62]So the right amount s 1 901 to 2 200.

[14:23.45]M:How about above 2 201?

[14:29.02]W:But be sure you take regular exercise everyday,

[14:35.08]and you are overeating above 2 400.

[14:40.64]4.M:Good morning.How are you?

[14:46.20]W:I'm very worried.

[14:49.97]M:Oh!What are you worried about?

[14:54.04]W:I'm afraid that I'm ill.

[14:57.99]5.W:Well,there is nothing very much wrong with you.

[15:04.65]You are working too hard and worrying too much.Do you take much exercise?

[15:12.40]M:No.I never have enough time for exercise.

[15:17.97]Can you give me some medicine to telp me to sleep?

[15:22.83]6.M:Well,yes,new kids of diseases will replace the old,

[15:29.80]such as cancer,heart trouble...Right?

[15:34.84]W:That's true.And diabetes is one of the new diseases.

[15:41.32]B M:Well,I'm sorry you're ill.What's the matter with you?

[15:47.77]W:I don't know,doctor.I'm ill.I have a headache and a stomachache.

[15:55.22]M:Show me your tongue.What did you eat yesterday?

[16:00.68]W:I ate some cake.

[16:04.52]M:Did you eat any ice cream?

[16:08.28]W:Well,yes,I did.I ate some ice cream.

[16:13.14]M:Did you eat any candy?

[16:17.11]W:Well,yes,I did.I ate some candy.

[16:22.67]M:Then tell me everything you ate yesterday evening.

[16:28.24]W:Well,doctor.I went to a birthday party.

[16:33.52]M:I see!How many pieces of cake did you eat?


[16:42.42]M:How many plates of ice crean did you eat?

[16:46.97]W:Oh,doctor.I had three plates of ice cream.Jean had four.

[16:54.52]C W:My heart is giving me trouble.

[17:00.87]M:Let me listen to your heart...

[17:04.52]Well,Mrs,Jenkins,stop smoking and then you'll soon be quite all right again.

[17:11.78]W:But,I've never smoked.I don't like smoking.

[17:17.35]M:Oh,well,then don't drink any more alcohol.

[17:22.63]W:But I don't drink alcohol.

[17:26.67]M:Stop drinking tea and coffee then.

[17:31.04]W:I only drink water.I don't like tea or coffee.

[17:36.89]M:Well...er...do you like fried potatoes?

[17:42.24]W:Yes,I like them very much.

[17:46.40]M:All right,then stop eating those.

[17:50.55]Supplementary Reading

[17:54.31]Healthy Foods Recommended

[17:58.57]Tomatoes Several studies have linked the cooked tomatoes in ketchup,

[18:06.01]soups and sauces to a reduced risk of prostate cancer

[18:12.99]and other cancers of the digestive tract.

[18:18.03]Tomatoes contain lycopene,

[18:22.89]probably the most powerful antioxidant among the carotenoids,

[18:30.26]the compounds that turn fruits and veggies into deep orange.


[18:40.65]Spinach is loaded with iron and folate,

[18:46.30]a Vitamin B considered so important that it is now routinely added to flour.

[18:54.94]Folate not only prevents neural-tube defects in babies

[19:01.60]but also lowers blood levels of homocysteine,

[19:07.48]an amino acid that irritates blood vessels and is linked to heart disease.

[19:15.13]Red Wine

[19:18.66]The skins of the grapes used to make red wine

[19:24.43]contain supercharged antioxidants known as ployphenol,which boosts HDL cholesterol.

[19:34.47]Polyphenols,according to the latest research,

[19:40.11]may also inhabit the production of endothelia,

[19:46.06]a peptide that contributes to hardening of the arteries.


[19:55.26]The types of fat found in nuts are the good fats.

[20:01.42]When eaten instead of junk food high in saturated fats

[20:07.90](like potato chips and dough nuts),

[20:12.76]nuts lower blood levels of triglycerides

[20:18.61]and LDL cholesterol while raising HDL cholesterol

[20:25.59]a perfect formula for preventing heart disease.

[20:31.33]Nuts provide another benefit:

[20:36.01]they contain Vitamin E,

[20:39.95]a potent antioxidant that may help ward off heart disease and cancer.


[20:51.16]Broccoli boasts a fistful of phytochemicals,

[20:56.62]including sulforaphane and indole-3-carbino,

[21:02.86]that may detoxify cancer-causing substances before they have a chance to cause harm.

[21:11.33]In women,indole-3-carbinol may turn the estrogen associated with breast cancer

[21:19.79]into a more benign form.


[21:27.42]Oats contain beta-glucan,a spongy,soluble fiber

[21:34.86]that mops up the precursors of cholesterol in the intestines

[21:40.92]and whisks them out of the body.

[21:45.18]New evidence suggests that oats may also help lower blood pressure

[21:52.03]in hypertensive patients.


[21:59.52]Salmon boasts omega-3 fatty acids.

[22:05.17]Omega-3s prevent platelets in the blood from clumping together.

[22:11.72]They also drive down triglycerides and LDL cholesterol.

[22:18.38]Even more tantalizing,

[22:22.75]omega-3 interact with the fatty layers that surround brain cells.

[22:30.11]Green Tea

[22:33.67]Green tea is loaded with polyphenols,

[22:39.13]a class of phytochemicals with 100 times the antioxidant punch of Vitamin C.

[22:46.78]Laboratory experiments suggest that one group of polyphenols in green tea

[22:54.04]called catechins may inhabit.

[22:58.48]The growth of new blood vessels,

[23:02.74]which some scientists think may help prevent cancer

[23:07.81]by depriving early tumors of nourishment.

[23:12.77]Catechins may also prevent DNA damage caused by carcinogens.

[23:20.22]Drinking green tea daily can lower the risk of stomach and liver cancers.

[23:28.08]Swishing green tea around the mouth may inhabit cavity-causing bacteria.

[23:36.73]Applied to the skin of laboratory mice,

[23:41.71]it also seems to reduce the incidence of skin cancer.


[23:51.30]The most powerful health-promoting compounds in blueberries are anthocyanins.

[23:59.87]Besides combatting the free-radical damage linkied to heart disease and cancer,

[24:07.31]anthocyanins may boost brainpower.

[24:12.67]Another blueberry benefit is:

[24:17.53]like cranberries,they seem to fight off urinary-tract infections by preventing

[24:25.78]E.coli bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall.


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