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大学英语综合教程第四册 15




[00:00.00] In responding to the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington,
[00:04.88]America has entered into a new type of war,one fought in the shadows.
[00:10.97]JOURNEY INTO THE SHADOWS by Mark Hosenball,Michael Hirsh and Ron Moreau
[00:18.05]It was the usual transatantic flight:nine hours of fidgeting to get the pillow right,
[00:24.01]first-run movies flickering mutely on small screens,
[00:28.76]an indigestible flow of starchy food and drinks.Bound for Chicago from Zurich on the morning of May8,
[00:37.54]the passengers of Swiss International Air Lines Flight8 saw nothing amiss.Certainly they didn't know
[00:45.84]they were on the front lines of a global war being waged under their drooping eyes.But the crew knew it.
[00:53.68]They had been warned that a major terrorist suspect was scheduled to fly on the plane.
[00:58.96]And a scattering of very wakeful men
[01:02.64]in nearby seats knew it:a small squad of FBI agents and a separate team of Swiss Special Forces commandos
[01:11.84]all carefully positioned around around the suspect,all warily watching his every move.For nine hours.
[01:19.44]This airborne stakeout was directed at one Jose Padilla,otherwise known as Abdullah al-Muhajir,
[01:27.82]a Brooklyn-born street thug now dientified by investigators as a would-be Qaeda terrorist.
[01:36.16]After moving mysteriously for a mounth from Karachi to Zurich to Cairo and back to Zurich
[01:43.24]the kind of city-hopping we've come to asociate with a Qaeda plot-Padilla was headed back to his homeland to cause havoc
[01:52.69]or possibly just scout out a good target,U.S.authorities believe.Padilla was one of the band of foreign terrists who
[02:03.01]as the Taliban fell late last year,had escaped into Pakistan with Abu Zubaydah,a senior deputy to Osama bin Laden.
[02:13.54]Tipped off by Zubaydah-who was arrested in Padistan in late March and has since been relentlessly interrogated
[02:22.08]in a top-secret location-authorities had recently connected a fresh pair of very alarming dots:
[02:30.33]they had pieced Padilla's name together with vague allegations from Zubaydah about a "dirty bomb"plot,
[02:38.75]possibly aimed at Washington,D.C.Even so,the Feds were lucky.Though Padilla came to their attention back in March
[02:47.00]U.S.intelligence officials say they did not realize how dangerous he was until weeks after he took off on his trip
[02:55.65]and for more than a month they had no firm fix on his whereabouts.
[03:00.09]Only a last-minute search of itineraries of thousands of passengers
[03:05.76]known to be traveling toward the United Sates had turned up Padilla's name-less than 48hours before his flight to Chicago
[03:15.19]FBI bomb and hazardous-materials specialists had been deployed to O'Hare to await Padilla's arrival.
[03:23.28]But the landing at O'Hare International Aiport at 1:30p.m.was as uneventful as the plane ride.Once in,
[03:33.19]Padilla was whisked away to the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan,
[03:39.17]the high-rise federal prison a few blocks from Ground Zero.
[03:48.05]The story of Padilla's quiet capture is the best evidence yet that the war against A1Qaeda has entered an entirely new phase
[03:57.19]If the war began dramatically,with planes crashing into buildings and the Taliban fleeing Afghanistan,
[04:04.90]it is now mostly underground-waged by terroists,spooks,paramilitaries and G-men.
[04:12.29]We must take the battle to the enemy,disrupt his plans and confront the worst threats before they emerge,
[04:20.55]"Bush told West Point graduates a few weeks ago.Many commentators thought
[04:27.65]he was talding about pre-emptively striking future foes like IraqBut Bush was also putting a new emphasis on covert operations
[04:37.29]which has raised fresh concerns about civil liberties.How far is America veering toward police state tactics?
[04:46.43]We shouldn't deceive ourselves .This is not a defensive game,
[04:50.48]says Jack Devine,a former CIA associate deputy operations director
[04:57.04]"If we seal our ports ,they're going to come across the Rio Grande,
[05:01.95]The truth is that[with new homeland security]we'll improve defensived by maybe7percent or10percent.
[05:10.33]The best hope we have is to go after and hestroy the terrorist organization
[05:16.03]What was Padilla's real plan,and how far along was it?Perhaps the endless interrogation he is now undergoing will tell
[05:26.37]What American officials at O'Hare didn't do-but were tempted to-was to tail Padilla
[05:33.45]once he landed to see whom he was meeting.Nervous after a torrent of criticism over other lost suspects
[05:42.65]-principally the hijackers of September 11-theFBI decided he was too dangerous to take a chance with.
[05:50.41]As a result,U.S.officials say,they simply do not know whether Padilla was a lone wolf,
[05:57.41]or had a network of confederates in America.And if there is a nationwide manhunt for any accomplices,that,too,
[06:06.79]is taking place off the radarAll of which points up themain problem withconducting a secret warit's difficult to well who's winning
[06:16.76]Sometimes not even the Feds know what the tally is-
[06:21.05]which doesn't bode well for the new spirit of intelligence cooperation in Washington.Just before Padilla's flight,
[06:30.03]some American intelligence officials back in Washington became alarmed
[06:35.91]when they noticed that an abnormally large number of Swiss and U.S.passengers
[06:41.24]had booked last-minute passage on the same plane
[06:45.71]it took a while for word to get through to the analysts
[06:49.21]that the last-minute passengers were the Swiss and FBI teams tailing the suspect.
[06:55.43]Even the White House,Pentagon and Justice Department could't seem to agree on what kind of threat Padilla posed.
[07:04.18]When Attorney Genral John Ashcroft announced portentoulsy that Padilla was plotting a radiological bomb attack,
[07:13.11]White House officials scoffed privatelyDeputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz countered that the plotwas mostly still talk
[07:23.74]There are other worrisome signs that terror could prove more slippery even than U.S.tactics to contain it.
[07:31.47]Late last week FBI agents were runing down a warning from Canadian intelligence that
[07:38.81]Qaeda operatives might be targeting the G8summit in Canada later this month.Last Friday,at the U.S.Consulate in Karachi
[07:49.81]the fortifed building's guardhouse was struck by a car bomb that killed at least 11 people.
[07:57.02]The attack was strikingly similar to a suspected Qaeda strike on a Pakistani naval bus in May,which slaughtered 14 people
[08:06.95]including11French naval technicians.The surving suspects slipped away.Despite a crackdown in Pakistan,
[08:17.03]its cities remain hosts and seedbeds for radicals.And while terrorists no longer have a haven in Afghanistan,
[08:25.34]they're now forming what one intellgence official calls "virtual training camps"no the Web.For the last two months,
[08:34.01]individuals in a US based Internet chat room have been frantically conversing,
[08:40.12]clearly wanting and planning to attack the United Sates
[08:44.83]law-enforcement authorities say.At least one chat-room participant was asked if he could speak Spanish,
[08:53.32]since terrorist recruiters are looking for Arabs or other Muslims who look Latin"and speak Spanish to infiltrate the U.S
[09:02.90](4)All we can be sure of today is that they have one fewer recruit in Jose Padilla.
[09:10.30](be)bound for wage crew scout
[09:15.04]驶往 发动 全体船员 侦察
[09:19.78]tip off arrest federal phase
[09:25.28]向……密报 拘留 联邦政府的 时期
[09:30.78]put/lay emphace emphasis on undergo tempt book
[09:37.31]强调 经历 吸引 登记
[09:43.84]justice pose counter run down
[09:48.70]正义 造成 反击 撞倒
[09:57.94]峰会 残杀 生人 新成员

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