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欲望都市第六季 熟女迷思 Catch-38





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:49:36



[00:36.84](性爱专家凯莉布雷萧 并且勇于发问)


[00:47.16]I'd been dating the Russian for two months... 我和俄国佬已交往两个月了 如此甜蜜美好…

[00:49.32]when we hit a reIationship benchmark so rare...

[00:53.64]I didn't even know it existed. 以至于没发现到 我们的关系已迈入另一阶段了

[00:57.88]He gave me his aIarm code. 他告诉我家里的警报器密码

[00:58.100]And l had keys made. 我帮你打了把钥匙

[01:06.16]You made me a set of keys? 你帮我打了串钥匙?

[01:08.84]l had my assistant go to a locksmith... 我叫助理去找锁匠…打钥匙

[01:11.64]but, yes, keys were made.

[01:15.48]Okay, what's the code? 好,密码几号?

[01:16.40]lt's four... 四

[01:20.48]seven... 七

[01:24.32]three... 三

[01:29.60]five? 五

[01:32.76]l will write it down for you. 我帮你写下来

[01:35.56]It was a kind of security I'd never experienced... 在这段恋情中 我得到了从未体验过的安全感

[01:37.88]in a reIationship.

[01:40.64]His alarm code. Like it was nothing. 警报器密码 他却好像不当一回事

[01:43.44]-Do you really want to hear about this now? -Yes, l need the distraction. -你现在想听吗? -我得分散注意力

[01:48.88]Samantha was feeIing Iess secure... 在等乳房肿瘤切除报告出炉时 莎曼珊觉得很没安全感

[01:50.60]as we waited for the resuIts of her Iumpectomy.

[01:51.36]lt's going to be fine, sweetie. They got it out, it's going to be fine. 会没事的 切除后,应该就没事了

[01:55.44]l know. 我知道…佩特洛夫斯基?

[01:57.60]So, Petrovsky....

[01:60.64]好,好像没什么一样 我苦苦哀求大人物才给我钥匙

[02:03.92]lt was just so easy.

[02:03.52]Big made me beg for a key in front of his doorman...

[02:07.96]whereas the Russian... 而俄国佬却敞开大门 欢迎我进入他的生活

[02:08.88]has just welcomed me into his life and apartment.

[02:12.68]Did l mention the extra robe in the bathroom? 我提过他在浴室 帮我放了件外袍吗?

[02:13.24]-ls it as nice as this one? -Even nicer, if you can believe it. -和这件一样美吗? -美多了

[02:23.48]-Hello, l'm Dr. Pinkner. -How do you do? -两位好,我是平克纳医生 -你好,她朋友凯莉

[02:23.80]-Her friend, Carrie. -Hello, Doctor.

[02:27.68]Samantha, l have good news. -医生你好 -好消息,手术很成功

[02:28.52]The lumpectomy went very well, all your scans look clean...

[02:31.92]扫描结果正常 我认为应该是第一期

[02:32.72]and l'd classify you as stage one.

[02:35.24]-And one is-- -The best, right? -第一期… -最好的结果,对吧?

[02:35.72]One is pretty much the best. -对,很好 -太好了

[02:39.100]-好冰 -你复元情况很好

[02:41.24]You're healing nicely. 因为肿瘤的特性 我还是建议你接受化疗

[02:45.96]Because of the nature of your tumor...

[02:46.04]l would still recommend a course of chemo.

[02:50.32]-l still have to have-- -Chemotherapy. As a precaution. -我还是得接受… -化学疗法,以防万一

[02:54.20]l don't understand how this happened to me. 我不懂,我怎么会长肿瘤?

[02:58.48]lt could be genetics. Since there's no breast cancer in your family... 可能是基因遗传 但你家族亲人都没有癌症病史

[02:60.24]it could be a variety of factors: diet, lifestyle choices.... 所以可能是其他因素 饮食、生活方式的选择…

[03:04.96]Lifestyle choices? 生活方式的选择?

[03:04.72]Some studies have shown women who haven't had children... 研究报告显示未生育的女性 得到乳癌的机率相对升高

[03:09.68]have an increased chance of getting it.

[03:10.68]l see. 我懂了,所以是我自找的?

[03:13.16]So l brought this on myself.

[03:15.68]-l'm just giving you the basic-- -l think we're done here. -不是,我只是… -检查完了

[03:16.36]Maybe l wasn't clear-- -也许我没解释清楚 -病历表给我

[03:20.04]Give me my chart. l'm going to find a woman doctor... 我要去找大牌女医生 她也许比较懂

[03:21.84]some hot woman doctor who understands what this is all about.

[03:25.32]-l meant statistically-- -You're lucky to have touched my breasts. 我只是说根据统计…


[03:32.48]Carrie, my purse. 凯莉,皮包拿着

[03:34.64]It was hard to be huffy in a cIoth robe, but Samantha puIIed it off. 穿着外袍时不容生气 但莎曼珊已不管太多了

[03:39.32]All right then, good to meet you. 再见,很高兴见到你

[03:43.08]Like it's my fault. l shouldn't be punished for not having kids. 说得好像是我不对 没生小孩该受奖赏,不是处罚

[03:46.88]l should be rewarded.

[03:46.20]Since when did kids become the get-out-of-cancer-free card? 什么时候生小孩 成了免得癌症的方法?

[03:49.88]He's basically saying l'm a whore who deserves chemo. 他好像说我人尽可夫 所以该受化疗这种罪

[03:53.84]l don't think that's what he was saying. -我想他不是这么说 -既然都切除了,干嘛化疗?

[03:57.32]What l don't understand is, if they got it all...

[03:58.88]why do you need chemo? -因为他是大混蛋 -有可能是极小的肿瘤

[04:01.32]Because he's an asshole.

[04:00.28]-There can be something microscopic-- -Like his dick?

[04:04.80]Do you have cancer or Tourette's? -就像他的小弟弟? -你是得了癌症还是妥瑞氏症

[04:07.48]-l'm getting a new doctor. A woman. -l think you should. -我要换个医生,女医生 -应该的

[04:09.44]-l've heard great things about a Dr. Mc-- -Andrew. l'm on it. -我听很多人说过… -麦安竹医生,我知道

[04:11.72]Top-rated oncologist by New York magazine four years running. 纽约杂志评为最佳肿瘤学专家 我正在想办法预约

[04:15.80]l'm trying to get in.

[04:17.80]l'm sorry. l got to get back to the office. 抱歉,我得回办公室了 有长周末,午餐就不能太混

[04:21.40]l'm taking a long weekend, so l can't take a long lunch.

[04:24.04]You never take long weekends. 你何时有过长周末?

[04:26.56]Steve wanted to go on a little trip... 史蒂芬想去旅行 明天我们要开车去山上小木屋

[04:27.52]so we're driving up to some mountain lodge tomorrow.

[04:31.04]lt's supposed to be nice. -应该还不错吧 -等等,太太

[04:32.80]Slow down there, missus.

[04:34.12]ls this ''little trip'' your honeymoon? 这是你们的蜜月旅行吗?

[04:37.08]No, it's just a.... 不是,只是…随便啦

[04:40.36]-Whatever. -And yet you just got married last week. 但你上星期刚结婚 可有趣了

[04:44.24]That's interesting.

[04:47.40]lt's your honeymoon. -是蜜月旅行 -完了

[04:48.44]Here we go. -谁来照顾布莱迪? -他一起去

[04:50.12]-Who's taking care of Brady? -We're bringing him.

[04:50.20]lt's not a real honeymoon if Brady's there. -那就不算是蜜月旅行了 -不是就算了

[04:54.88]Then it's a ''whatever.''

[04:54.64]What have you got against honeymoons? lt's basically sex with room service. 那干嘛去度蜜月? 蜜月就是嘿咻外加客房服务

[04:60.44]You have to have a real honeymoon. 你得有个真正的蜜月旅行

[05:01.44]-lt's very important. -To whom? -这很重要 -对谁很重要?

[05:05.60]l'm with Star of David on this one. Leave Brady with Magda. 这次我站在她这边 布莱迪交给梅格照顾

[05:06.00]lt's four days, l've already given her the time off. 我们要去四天 我已经让她休假了

[05:09.96]She's made plans. She's going to nannypalooza or something. 她计划好了 好像要去参加奶妈天堂乐园…

[05:14.76]l'll take him. l'd love to take him. He's adorable. -我可以带他,他好可爱 -总共四天

[05:16.44]lt's four days. Adorable stops after a day and a half.

[05:19.60]-没多久你就受不了了 -我可以和她轮

[05:20.40]l could take care of him part of the time.

[05:22.100]l'm his godmother, it's the least l can do. 什么表情?我是他的教母 几天而已,我可以应付得来

[05:26.88]l can handle him for a couple of days.

[05:27.48]l saw that. 我看到了

[05:31.16]You guys would really do that? -你们真的愿意吗? -非常乐意

[05:34.72]-Absolutely. -With pleasure.

[05:36.32]l wouldn't. 我不行,因为史密斯要回来了

[05:35.12]Because Smith is coming back into town...

[05:37.28]and l've always chosen sex over babies. 我一向觉得性爱比小孩重要 所以我才会得癌症

[05:41.12]And that's apparently why l got cancer.

[05:43.00]The next day, I tried on two IabeIs.: 隔天 我试穿新装也试演新角色

[05:47.88]CIassic Vuitton and New Mommy. 路易威登新装和新妈咪


[05:60.08]We're going to go in the carriage and we're going to see the-- 要坐婴儿车了…

[06:03.24]My phone's ringing. 手机响了,坐好…

[06:04.56]Stay here, hold on.

[06:06.92]-好,你好 -情况如何?

[06:09.92]-Yeah, hello? -How's it going?

[06:10.92]l was just mistaken for a mother by a mother. 刚才有个妈妈 以为我就是真正的妈妈

[06:16.76]So he's okay? -布莱迪好吗? -我们处得好极了

[06:16.08]Yes, Brady and l are having a lovely time.

[06:19.76]We are going to spend the afternoon at the Hotel Petrovsky. 今天下午 我们要去佩特洛夫斯基的豪宅

[06:23.56]ls he a baby person? -他喜欢小孩吗? -他叫我带布莱迪过去

[06:23.72]When l told him l had Brady for the day, he said to bring him over.

[06:28.32]But is it safe? Are there stairs? What about sharp edges? 这样安全吗? 那里有楼梯或尖角吗?

[06:32.08]lt's a deathtrap. We're gonna strap a pillow around the kid... 那里可是危险场所 我会在他身上绑枕头以防万一

[06:35.60]and hope for the best.

[06:36.68]And further downtown, Samantha was in hot pursuit... 随后在市中心,莎曼珊则对 这位大牌女医生紧追不舍

[06:41.56]of the hot woman doctor.

[06:43.44]Hi. l'm Samantha Jones. 你好,我是莎曼珊琼斯 我们讲过几次电话

[06:45.52]We've spoken on the phone several times.

[06:47.28]-Please stay behind the partition. -Sorry. -请别靠在柜台上 -抱歉

[06:52.20]l know that you said Dr. McAndrew was booked... 你说麦安竹医生约满了

[06:54.04]but l was referred here by Dr. Ward and Dr. Popham... 但这是瓦德医生 和波本医生推荐我来的

[06:56.04]who both attended the Paint for the Cure benefit l threw. 他们参加了我主办的 “为医疗而画”的慈善会

[06:59.84]l'm sorry, the doctor is booked through March. 对不起,三月前都约满了

[07:04.68]My good friend Susan Schaffer, who threw the Dance for the Cure benefit... “为医疗而舞”慈善会的主席 也是我朋友苏珊

[07:08.28]said that sometimes Dr. McAndrew can squeeze you in... 她说如果人到现场 也许医生能排出时间看诊

[07:10.64]-if you just show up. -March. -要到三月(又指:滚开) -你会搞上得化疗的人…

[07:11.84]Who do you have to fuck to get chemo around here?

[07:15.04]-Excuse me? -l'm sorry, l'm upset. -你说什么? -抱歉,我心情不好

[07:17.64]l'm dealing with cancer. -我正在对抗癌症 -全纽约的人也都在对抗癌症

[07:18.48]All of New York is dealing with cancer...

[07:22.60]not to mention some very pushy people in Los Angeles and Miami. 更别提洛杉矶和迈阿密 那些莽撞粗鲁的人

[07:25.96]Fine, l'll just take a seat and hope for an opening. 好吧,我去坐着等 希望医生有空档

[07:27.84]-The doctor has no openings till March. -You already said that. -医生三月前都没有空档 -你刚说过了

[07:38.76]l've been here since 9:00 a.m... 我从早上九点就来排了 如果有空档,我是第一顺位

[07:41.28]so if anyone's going to get in without an appointment, it's me.

[07:44.24]Loud and clear. Don't you worry about me, l'll get in. 我听得一清二楚 别担心,我会看到诊

[07:48.04]l've been waiting for two days, and so far no one has gotten in yet. 我已经排两天了 现场还没有人看到诊

[07:52.08]l was once told l wouldn't be able to get backstage to see Mick Jagger. 以前有人告诉我 我不能去后台见米克杰格

[07:57.96]Well, l did get backstage. And l blew him. 但我见到了,还帮他口交

[08:05.12]Excuse me... 对不起,我不知道 这个问题可不可以问…

[08:07.24]l don't know if this is an appropriate question to ask.

[08:11.68]l think we passed appropriate a few second ago. 经过刚才那番话 没什么不能问的

[08:15.80]What kind of cancer do you have? -你得了什么癌症? -乳癌

[08:17.28]-Breast. -Me, too. 我也是,我有点好奇 你有小孩吗?

[08:18.16]-l'm curious. Do you have children? -l'm a nun.

[08:22.40]-You have none? -No, l am a nun. -我没… -没有小孩


[08:27.20]But that doesn't mean l didn't enjoy your Mick Jagger story. 但那不表示我不喜欢听 刚才那段米克杰格的轶事

[08:28.56]-l thought that nuns had to wear-- -l haven't worn a habit in years. -我以为修女都要穿… -我好久没穿修女服了

[08:34.64]So then... -所以…你没有性生活? -没有

[08:36.52]you don't have sex.

[08:37.36]-No. -Never had sex. -从来没有? -没有


[08:45.16]-Just one more. -Go right ahead. -我想再问一下 -请说

[08:48.04]Are you allowed to masturbate? -你们可以手淫吗? -我没想过

[08:52.84]l never asked.

[08:53.72]But thanks for getting my mind off cancer for the first time in a week. 不过还是谢谢你 一周来我头一次忘掉癌症的事

[08:59.04]Happy to help. 很高兴能帮上忙

[08:60.12]Samantha feIt a IittIe better knowing that saints and sinners... 莎曼珊心情好多了

[09:03.96]despite their habits, get the same treatment when it comes to cancer.

[09:04.48]她知道不论圣人或罪人 都同样会罹患癌症

[09:07.24]And so far... 而目前为止,还是看不到诊

[09:09.96]that was no treatment at aII.

[09:12.24]We're here. 好,到了

[09:13.84]Come on in, Brady, l'll get you the candy. 布莱迪,快进来

[09:17.48]The alarm. 警报器


[09:25.48]Oh, my gosh, okay. 我的老天,好

[09:29.56]Four, seven, what? 四、七…

[09:29.52]Welcome. -欢迎 -你好


[09:36.40]-Brady knocked the vase over. -That's pathetic, blaming the baby. -布莱迪把花瓶打翻了 -真差劲,居然把错推给小孩

[09:44.92]My other plan was just to leave... 我刚才还想拔腿就跑 假装你家被歹徒闯入

[09:45.64]and pretend you'd been burgled.

[09:48.60]Do you want the keys back right now? -你要我把钥匙还你吗? -行行好

[09:51.80]Noise? Yes, the alarm. 很吵,对,那是警报器

[09:54.64]She's clumsy, isn't she? 对,她很笨,对吧?

[09:57.88]AIeksandr hoIding a baby was the most disarming thing of aII. 好可爱

[09:60.44]亚力山大抱着婴儿的模样 是完全卸除心防的时候

[10:05.52]And upstate in Honeymoon CentraI.... 而在纽约州北部的蜜月爱巢里

[10:08.80]That was really great. 棒呆了

[10:14.24]Now what? 现在要干嘛?

[10:15.16]What do you mean? 什么意思?放轻松

[10:19.36]We relax.

[10:22.68]Should we go for a walk or something? 要出去走走吗?

[10:25.32]No, let's just lay here, hang out. 不要,赖在床上就好 这种机会可不常有

[10:28.36]-How often do we get to do that? -That's true. 那倒是真的

[10:33.56]Should we get dressed? -起床穿衣服? -我打算这四天都要光溜溜的

[10:34.12]l plan on being naked for the next four days.

[10:43.80]l'm gonna unpack. 我想解开行李

[10:49.36]Knock yourself out. 真有体力

[10:59.60]There's no TV or radio. -没有电视、也没收音机 -别大惊小怪,老婆

[11:03.36]You okay with that, partner?

[11:06.96]l'm fine. 我没事

[11:08.04]But there is a CD player and a CD. 但是有光碟播放机和光碟片

[11:19.08]''Sounds of Mohonk Mountain. '' “摩和克山庄之音”

[11:30.08]Shit. -该死 -怎么了?

[11:32.28]-What's the matter? -l forgot my cell phone charger. -我忘了拿手机充电器 -又用不着,只有你和我

[11:33.80]You won't need your cell phone. lt's just you and me.

[11:36.76]As Miranda got a crash course in Iife as a twosome... 当米兰达正参加如何适应 双人行的短期训练班时

[11:42.12]I got a gIimpse of Iife as a threesome. 我也在学着适应三人行的生活

[11:44.52]He's good. This is your best work yet. 他很厉害,这是你最棒的作品

[11:49.72]The guy's a genius. 这小子是个天才 让我想到涂鸦画家巴斯奎特

[11:50.28]-Reminiscent of the early Basquiat. -You're very good with him.

[11:53.48]你对他很有办法 你想过要有自己的小孩吗?

[11:54.84]-You ever thought about having children? -l have one.


[11:57.44]Many years ago. 多年前的事

[12:01.20]No more children. 事实上,我没办法再生小孩 因为我…

[12:02.80]Actually, l cannot, l've....

[12:07.28]Yeah, closed the factory. 我了解

[12:08.36]没办法生 你呢?你想要小孩吗?

[12:12.04]How about you? You never wanted children?

[12:14.24]You know.... 这个嘛…

[12:18.72]l've always thought that l might. 我一直…觉得自己…

[12:20.48]l just haven't gotten around to it yet. 还没到那个阶段

[12:26.48]When were you planning to do this? How old are you? 那么你打算什么时候生?


[12:29.56]Thirty-eight? 我顿时觉得自己好像被 “点三八”手枪射中了

[12:29.04]I feIt Iike I was just shot with a .38.

[12:38.52]The Russian doesn't want to have kids. Had one a long time ago. He's done. 俄国佬不想要有小孩 他年轻时有小孩,也不能生了

[12:42.80]Then do svidaniya, or however you say it. 那就再见了

[12:43.28]What? For you, maybe, but not for me. 什么?也许你会选择分手 但我不会

[12:45.76]-Don't you want to have the option? -Yes. -你不希望有选择的权利吗? -当然希望

[12:49.92]But it is my experience that men like him don't come along often. 但根据我的经验 像他这样的男人不是随处可见

[12:51.68]But we're 38. These are the years. 但我们都38岁了,岁月不饶人

[12:56.20]Yes, l know, l've heard. l'm running out of time. 我知道,能生育的时间不多了 我连吃饼干的时间都没有

[12:58.08]-l don't even have time to eat this cookie. -How is it?

[13:00.16]lt's so good l forgot to have children. -好吃吗? -真好,能暂时忘了孩子的事

[13:06.80]Maybe he'll change his mind. -也许他会改变心意 -不,他动了输精管切除手术

[13:07.04]No, l don't think so.

[13:09.32]-He had a vasectomy. -Those are reversible.

[13:14.68]ls he willing to have it reversed? 再动手术恢复就行了 他愿意吧?

[13:15.28]l can't ask him that. 这问题我怎么开口 我连他的生日都不知道

[13:18.04]-l don't even know his birthday. -Too bad. 我们这年纪,如果双方来真的 小孩的事没什么不能谈的

[13:18.52]At our age you have to be able to talk about having children...

[13:21.52]if you think it might get serious.

[13:24.80]That attitude... 你是要我告诉他女人青春有限 我快没时间了…

[13:24.24]that awareness on the part of a woman that time is ticking...

[13:27.92]is very sexy to a man. 那可真会让男人倒胃口

[13:29.80]You can't be scared to have those talks. -但你不能避谈这些问题 -为什么?

[13:32.88]Why not? 这种话题很吓人,我不想再谈

[13:34.56]lt's a perfectly scary conversation. l didn't want to have it with myself.

[13:38.84]-What does that mean? -lt means... -什么意思? -如果我要小孩,早就去试了

[13:40.32]if l really wanted to have a baby, wouldn't l have tried to have one by now?

[13:44.72]l wanted to be a writer, l made myself a writer. 我想当作家,也成了作家

[13:45.60]l want a ridiculously extravagant pair of shoes... 我想要一双超怪的鞋子 就会想办法去买

[13:49.24]l find a way to buy them.

[13:53.32]But this is totally different. 那不一样,你只是一直在等待 对的时机遇到对的人

[13:54.12]You have been waiting for the right man and the right time.

[13:57.64]That's exactly the way it goes in my head, too. 对,我心里也这么想


[14:02.60]Maybe l'm just not a baby person.

[14:04.20]Why should you give up having a baby for a man you hardly know? 你干嘛为了个认识不深的男人 放弃生儿育女的机会?

[14:08.56]Why should l give up a man for a baby l hardly know l want? 我连自己都不确定要不要小孩 就放弃那个男人?

[14:13.80]l think you're a baby person. 我觉得你很适合生儿育女 只是自己没发觉而已

[14:15.00]-You're a closeted baby person. -What?

[14:16.32]You didn't want to leave Brady with me for two days. 什么?两天来你都不放心 把布莱迪交给我

[14:20.16]Look at how well you did. -看你带得多好 -布莱迪


[14:24.28]l think you should definitely have a baby. 我觉得你真的该生个小孩

[14:29.04]Okay. 好吧

[14:29.24]So what did he have, a boy or a girl? 他的孩子是男生还是女生?

[14:35.12]l forgot to ask. 我忘了问,看吧? 这表示我并不是天生的父母

[14:38.20]See, a baby person would've asked.

[14:39.68]All right. l should get home and do some work. 好了,我得回家做事了

[14:44.96]Why don't you keep Brady a little while longer? Till dinnertime at least. 再多和布莱迪玩一下 至少等到晚餐时间吧

[14:49.52]You think l'll decide if l'm a baby person in the next couple of hours? 到时再决定 我适不适合生儿育女?

[14:51.40]You still have a couple years. 你还有好几年的时间

[15:05.12]l'm starting to prune. 我快变梅干菜了

[15:09.28]You know what would be romantic? 你知道什么是浪漫?

[15:11.04]We have a fire, a bubble bath... 烛光、泡沫浴、香槟


[15:19.72]What would be romantic? 还有呢?

[15:20.60]l want to wash your hair. -我想帮你洗头 -我已经洗了

[15:23.48]l washed it already. 我知道,但我想帮你洗 就像“远离非洲”中的场景

[15:26.76]l know, but l want to wash it for you. Like in...

[15:28.64]Out of Africa.

[15:42.08]Hold the soap. 肥皂拿着


[15:55.12]What could be better than that? 超浪漫的吧

[15:59.92]Hurt, soap in my eye! -好刺,肥皂流进眼睛里 -好

[16:03.48]Hello? -你好 -我得了焦虑症

[16:05.04]l'm having an anxiety attack.

[16:07.04]Brady is fine. -布莱迪很好 -很好,但我打来不是说这个

[16:08.40]Good, but that's not why I'm caIIing.

[16:10.00]l'm in the woods in my negligee, and my cell phone only has two bars left. 现在我穿着便服站在林里 而手机电源只剩两格,救命

[16:15.28]-Help. -Are you lost? -你迷路了? -分不清东西南北

[16:15.40]Completely. 这个鬼地方一直有个声音说… “赶快再来炒饭”

[16:16.80]This whole place, this trip, is screaming:

[16:19.76]''You should have sex with your husband again.''

[16:22.44]The fire, the tub. We've already done it twice today. 炉光、泡沫浴… 今天我们已经炒两次饭了

[16:25.44]lt's like sex is the only thing on the itinerary. 我看旅行日记里 只有一件事可记录…嘿咻

[16:29.12]So you two are getting along. -看来你们很甜蜜 -那还用说,这是蜜月

[16:29.08]Of course, it's our honeymoon.

[16:33.68]-Where's he? -In bed. -他人呢? -他在床上,我去拿冰块

[16:34.48]He thinks l'm getting ice.

[16:36.88]Then don't forget the ice. 那就别忘了

[16:39.04]Last night Steve and l held hands for an hour and a half, watching... 昨晚我们一小时半 都手紧握着手看着…炉火

[16:43.84]the fire. 他凝视着我的双眼 而我的双眼却到处找遥控器

[16:43.84]He was looking into my eyes.

[16:46.68]l was looking for the remote.

[16:49.48]lt feels good to be sarcastic. 能讽刺人真好 但在蜜月时不可以

[16:52.96]You can't be sarcastic on your honeymoon.

[16:54.76]You should talk to Steve. -你该和史蒂夫谈谈 -不行,他正沈浸在其中

[16:55.16]l can't talk to Steve, he's on his honeymoon.

[16:60.80]How's Brady? l miss him. -布莱迪好吗?我好想他 -他很好,我们都很好

[17:02.40]He's great. We're great.

[17:05.40]So, this whole motherhood thing, all it's cracked up to be? 为人母是不是都这样 担心东担心西的?

[17:10.36]There's something in the bushes. 树丛里好像有东西

[17:12.88]l hope it's a wild animal... 我希望是野生动物 而不是史蒂夫跑来叫我嘿咻

[17:14.52]and not Steve coming to have sex with me again.

[17:18.00]l should be able to do this, Carrie. 我应该做得到的

[17:19.92]This shouId be the most romantic time of my Iife. 这应该是我这辈子 最浪漫的回忆

[17:27.08]Raccoon. 浣熊

[17:28.76]After Miranda used the ''S'' word twice... 米兰达连讲了两次“应该”后 (又指:性爱)

[17:30.16]I wondered if shouId was another disease pIaguing women. 我不禁在想“应该”这两个字 可能已成为女性间的传染病

[17:36.24]Did we want babies and perfect honeymoons... 是我们自己要生小孩 要有个完美蜜月吗?

[17:39.28]or did we think we shouId have babies and perfect honeymoons? 还是我们觉得应该要生小孩 应该要有个完美蜜月?

[17:43.80]How do we separate what we couId do from what we shouId do? 要如何区分我们要做的事 或是我们应该做的事?

[17:45.12]And here's an aIarming thought.: 有个惊人的发现…

[17:49.56]It's not just peer pressure, it seems to be coming from within. 这不只是来自同侪压力 也来自自己本身

[17:52.00]Why are we shouId-ing aII over ourseIves? 为何我们应该做这些事呢?

[17:57.80]Then there are the shouIds of promoting a fiIm... 随后在影片宣传会上

[18:01.96]which Samantha shouId have been in favor of, but she wasn't in the mood. 有件莎曼珊应该一向 很爱做的事,她却没兴致

[18:04.12]You should stay at the party. Harvey Weinstein is here. 你应该留下来 大制片家哈维韦恩斯坦也在

[18:07.52]l did enough parties in L.A. l'd rather go home with my girl. 洛杉矶的派对够多了 我宁可回家和你厮磨

[18:12.48]Smith, right here! -史密斯,看这里 -看这里

[18:17.04]l don't feel like having my photograph taken tonight. 今晚我不太适合拍照

[18:20.16]l'm gonna go out first and we'll talk tomorrow. 我先走,明天我们再谈

[18:23.32]What's going on? We haven't spent a night together since l've been back. 我回来后,我们都没在一起过 我哪里做错了吗?

[18:28.88]-Did l do something? -No. 没有,不是你的关系

[18:30.36]-lt's not you. -Something's up.

[18:30.28]You were quiet all night. 一定有事,你整晚话不多

[18:33.84]You didn't talk that much the last few times we had phone sex. 连上次我们电话性爱时 你都没说几句话

[18:39.44]When you were in L.A... 你去洛杉矶时 我在胸部发现肿块,是癌症

[18:41.04]they found a lump in my breast, and it's cancer.

[18:45.32]Hey, Smith.

[18:49.56]The next day at the HoteI Vasectomy... 隔天在他的豪宅里 我向他发问了

[18:50.44]I had some questions for the man next to me.

[18:55.04]So this child you had.... -你的小孩… -什么?

[18:56.92]-Yes. -How old is.... -他几岁? -她

[18:60.00]-She. -She, yes. 她,好吧

[19:02.20]Her name is Chloe. 她叫做克萝依,22岁

[19:03.28]She is 22. 她住在巴黎 她妈妈也住在那里

[19:07.76]She lives in Paris, and her mother lives there, too.


[19:12.80]-You were married to her mother? -Yes.

[19:15.64]lt's the only time l was married. 有,我只结过那次婚

[19:18.32]lt lasted seven years, five of them good. 持续了七年 前五年的婚姻生活很美好

[19:29.04]This is my little thing at the age of four... 这是我女儿四岁时的相片

[19:32.68]in our little house in Santorini. 就在圣托里尼的小房子里

[19:36.80]-She's beautiful. -Still is. -她好美 -现在还是那么美

[19:37.28]That's her mother? 旁边的是她妈妈?她很漂亮

[19:41.64]She's lovely.

[19:42.28]And so young. -又年轻 -那时的我也很年轻

[19:43.36]l was young then, too.


[19:50.60]Why only one child?

[19:55.68]l like my life the way l like it. 我喜欢过自己喜欢的生活 我很幸运,能拥有克萝依

[19:57.88]l got really lucky with Chloe. Somehow it worked out.


[20:01.36]Look, it's her seventh birthday. 看,这是她七岁生日时

[20:05.92]Everything is purple. 什么东西都是紫色的 紫色蛋糕、衣服、鞋子

[20:05.52]Purple cake, purple dress, purple shoes.

[20:11.60]lt was great. So funny. 很棒,真有趣

[20:17.24]There it was, wrapped up in a bow. 就这样说完了

[20:18.36]The whole life l am never gonna have with him... 我不能和他共度生儿育女生活 是因为他早和别人度过了

[20:20.32]because he had it already with somebody else.

[20:25.28]And l know l shouldn't say this to someone with cancer... 我知道这事不该对癌症患者说 但为什么是我?

[20:27.76]but why me? 顺其自然

[20:30.24]Let it rip.

[20:31.84]l guess it's not going to happen. 如果我和他在一起 也许就没办法生儿育女了

[20:34.56]That life, if l'm with him.

[20:36.32]Then bye-bye, baby. What else is on the menu? 那就算了 人生菜单里有这么多选择

[20:40.40]What do you mean? 什么意思?

[20:42.48]There are a lot of fabulous things in life that don't include a baby. 没有小孩的生活 可以过得多姿多彩

[20:47.08]What would that be like? 比如说呢?

[20:48.08]Well. 他


[20:53.92]Sex and travel, comfort... 性爱、旅行、安逸享受

[20:56.40]love... 爱…还有大胆冒险

[20:57.72]and extraordinary adventures.

[21:01.96]Not too shabby. -还算不赖 -如果我们打算过这种生活

[21:04.44]lf that's where this is going.

[21:05.88]At this point, l've only been invited in as far as... 但目前我也只知道他家的密码 还有一件外袍而已

[21:07.44]a security code and a robe.

[21:10.64]And the question that l need to ask... 我很想问他一个问题 却没办法问

[21:12.92]is just impossible to ask.

[21:14.60]What is that? 什么问题?

[21:16.28]''Will you love me enough... 你对我的爱足够弥补 我不生小孩的遗憾吗?

[21:21.08]''to make up for the fact that l didn't have a baby?''

[21:23.56]-Honey, no. -Exactly, it's only been two months. -别问 -没错,只交往两个月

[21:29.00]38 years and two months. -38岁又两个月了 -千万别问…

[21:31.12]No, no.

[21:31.08]l know. 我知道 我们现在的关系还不适合问

[21:34.20]lt's too early in a relationship to have that conversation...

[21:38.76]but it's too late in my life not to. 但现在不问 我的年龄可等不及了

[21:41.72]lt's a catch-38. 进退维谷的38岁

[21:45.44]And after safeIy putting Brady to bed... 安全将布莱迪 放进坚固的婴儿床后

[21:48.68]in his very sturdy crib...

[21:50.56]CharIotte and Harry enjoyed some romance as weII. 夏绿蒂和哈利 也来点浪漫的性爱


[21:55.44]Oh, my God. 我的天啊

[21:57.32]Oh, my God, stop! -我的老天,快停 -怎么了?

[21:58.92]What happened?

[21:59.20]Brady saw us having sex. l've scarred him for life. 布莱迪看到我们做爱了 他会一辈子留下创伤

[22:02.48]Him? You've scarred me for life. 才不是他 是我会留下一辈子的创伤

[22:06.20]Brady. 布莱迪…

[22:10.08]Look away. 转过去

[22:20.80]Hello? -你好 -坏消息

[22:22.88]l have bad news. 快说,要我回去吗?

[22:25.48]Spit it out. Do l need to come home?

[22:25.68]Brady saw us having sex. -布莱迪看到我们做爱了 -然后呢?

[22:29.76]-And.... -He was looking at me during.... 他刚好看到…

[22:32.12]He doesn't know what he's looking at. 他根本不知道那是什么 也不知道那是什么叫声

[22:35.04]He doesn't know where his nose is.

[22:37.60]Are you sure? 真的?

[22:37.72]Harry, Brady can't be anywhere near this conversation. 哈利 别让布莱迪听到我讲电话

[22:43.28]l think it may be too late. He just said, ''Sex is dirty.'' 来不及了 他刚说“羞羞脸,在嘿咻”

[22:46.68]That's not funny. 不好笑

[22:46.12]Charlotte, he's fine. 夏绿蒂,他没事

[22:51.04]但是…你好像很紧张 我还是回去吧?

[22:52.12]But you sound tense. Maybe l should still come home.

[22:54.48]No, l'm sorry to bother you. Go back to your honeymoon. 不用,抱歉吵到你 快去度蜜月吧

[22:59.76]l still have half a bar left-- 我的手机电源只剩半格…天啊

[22:60.44]-No! -What? 怎么了?

[23:04.92]Are you on the phone? -该死 -你在讲电话?

[23:06.72]Charlotte panicked, but everything's fine. 夏绿蒂手忙脚乱 但一切没事了

[23:08.20]Then come back to bed. 回床上来

[23:13.92]l don't need to come to bed. l'm rested. 我不想回床上,我休息够了

[23:16.96]So am l, come on. -我也是,来吧 -我不要再嘿咻了

[23:18.16]Steve, l can't have sex anymore.

[23:19.92]-l have a brain. -l know you have a brain. -我又不是禽兽 -我知道

[23:22.64]l love you, but l can't love you this often. 我爱你,但我没办法整天爱你 一天爱两次,无时无刻

[23:26.00]l can't love you twice a day every day. l'm going crazy here.

[23:29.48]l miss ESPN and NPR and DateIine. 我快被搞疯了,我好想ESPN 美国公共广播电台、日线节目

[23:32.64]l am not the honeymoon type. 我不是那种适合度蜜月的人 你会恨我吗?

[23:35.88]Do you hate me?

[23:38.76]No, l don't hate you. 哪会,我不会恨你 但这也是我的蜜月

[23:40.40]But it was my honeymoon, too.

[23:42.80]l like being quiet sometimes. 我喜欢偶而静一静,看个书

[23:44.12]l like reading a book.

[23:47.40]Four days is a long time. 四天太长了

[23:49.60]lt isn't actually, but it's all l had off from work. 老实说并不会 但这已是我最长的假期

[23:53.92]SuddenIy, Miranda understood the new shouId in her Iife. 突然间米兰达领悟到 她的新生活中应该做的事

[23:58.04]The things you shouId do for someone you Iove. 就是你该为所爱的人做的事

[23:60.80]l'm sorry, Steve, l'm an asshole. 对不起,我是个混蛋

[24:03.28]Yeah, you are, but you're my asshole. 没错,但你是我的小混蛋

[24:07.76]That's sweet and gross at the same time. 甜蜜又粗野

[24:11.92]Well, relax. 放轻松,一大早我们就回家

[24:11.84]We're leaving in the morning.

[24:14.12]The honeymoon's over. 蜜月结束了

[24:17.12]Say that again. 再说一次

[24:20.36]The honeymoon's over. 蜜月结束了

[24:21.48]For Miranda, once the honeymoon was over... 对米兰达来说 蜜月一结束,她的性致就来了

[24:24.24]it couId finaIIy begin.

[24:28.56]Hey, l got a brain, you know. 拜托,我又不是禽兽

[24:36.36]The next day, at Dr. McAndrew's office... 隔天在麦安竹医生的办公室里

[24:40.48]impatient patients were getting desperate. 没耐心的病患开始焦躁不安

[24:46.56]God bless. 愿主保佑你

[24:53.96]Pulling out all the stops, huh? 全副武装

[24:55.40]What else was l gonna wear? 不然怎么办?罩个大肿瘤?

[24:57.56]A big tumor?

[25:07.60]This is my second day at this... 我已经第二天过来了

[25:09.28]facacta office, and my good friend...

[25:14.64]the features editor at Vanity Fair-- 而我的好友 也是浮华杂志的主编…

[25:15.08]Miss Jones, l've told you a thousand times, there's nothing l can do. 我说过几百遍了,我帮不上忙


[25:22.80]Oh, my God. 我的天

[25:23.48]这…你是… 你是史密斯杰洛德的女友?

[25:26.68]You're Smith Jerrod's girlfriend?

[25:27.20]Yes, l suppose l am. 对,没错

[25:30.36]It was the one name Samantha hadn't dropped. 这个名字 还在莎曼珊的花名册中

[25:34.44]Oh, my gosh, l love him. 我的天,我好爱他

[25:40.44]He's my screen saver. 他是我的荧幕保护程式

[25:42.00]What's he like? -他的人如何? -他不会搞劈腿

[25:45.68]He's a very loyal boyfriend.

[25:48.76]Always by my side. 常会替我着想

[25:49.84]He would probably come here with me if l had an appointment. 他也许会陪我来 如果我能约到诊

[25:55.80]Smith Jerrod, in this office? 史密斯杰洛德会来这里?

[25:57.08]Oh, my gosh. 我的天,这样的话

[25:59.80]Let's see.... 有时候我会约八点的诊

[26:02.16]Sometimes l make an appointment at 8:00. She doesn't like it, but she'll do it.

[26:05.48]-l could come at 8:00. -And Smith? Does he get up that early? -医生不喜欢这样,但会看诊 -我八点可以来

[26:07.84]-这么早史密斯起得来吗? -为了我,他应该会

[26:07.92]For this, l think he would.

[26:09.92]And... 如果你也能帮她约时间

[26:11.52]if you could get her an appointment...

[26:14.52]he might kiss you on the lips. 也许他会亲你一下 (又指:保密)

[26:18.68]You're tomorrow at 8:00 am, she's 7:45. 你是明天早上8点 她是7点45分

[26:22.16]Thank you so much. 谢谢你

[26:24.72]Smith turned out to be more than a screen saver. 史密斯不只是荧幕保护程式 而成了救世主

[26:28.72]He was a Iifesaver. -我们预约到了 -谢谢老天

[26:28.72]We're in.

[26:31.92]Oh, my God.

[26:34.96]No, oh, my boyfriend. 不对,应该谢谢我男朋友

[26:36.80]That is how Smith got Samantha in. 史密斯不但让莎曼珊乐翻天 也造福了修女

[26:37.44]PIus nun.

[26:45.80]-Are you cold? -l'm okay. -会冷吗? -不会,还好

[26:50.60]You're very quiet today. 你今天话不多

[26:51.96]What is it? 怎么了?

[26:56.36]This vasectomy. 输精管切除手术…

[27:02.24]lt's not reversible, is it? -不能再复原,对吧? -我不想

[27:04.08]l guess, not for me.

[27:06.88]Okay. 好吧

[27:12.24]And we are quiet again, eh? 又不说话了?

[27:21.72]l know you may think... 也许你会觉得我要说的话 现在说可能太早了

[27:21.00]it's way too early to say what l'm about to say...


[27:26.56]but it's not. 什么话?

[27:28.88]To say what?

[27:31.44]l think that... 我觉得…

[27:37.08]l could really be with you. 我真的想和你在一起

[27:38.88]And l just want to say that... 我想说的是…

[27:44.76]if this is something... 如果你心中有什么想法…

[27:48.32]you are thinking...

[27:48.24]l need to know, because... 我得知道,因为…

[27:52.52]l'm 38, as you said.... 你说过我都38岁了


[28:02.48]l'm 38. 我38岁了

[28:04.76]Thirty-eight is young. -38岁还年轻 -那得看你说话的对象

[28:05.20]That depends who you're talking to.

[28:11.52]So here we are, so soon. 这么快…

[28:15.28]As you said... 就像你刚说的,我…

[28:19.28]l could really be with you as well. 我也愿意和你在一起

[28:24.84]But believe me, l know who l am... 但是相信我,我很了解自己 我不会改变心意

[28:26.00]and l won't change my mind.

[28:30.32]l'm simply too old for that. 我这把年纪 不再适合生儿育女

[28:32.84]Being a parent is an extraordinary thing. 为人父母是件很棒的事

[28:38.24]l wouldn't want you to miss that, if it's something you want. 如果那是你想做的事 我不希望你错过

[28:42.80]And you should have everything you want. 你可以去做你想做的事

[28:49.08]l am kind of cold. -我有点冷 -过来

[29:02.16]I didn't know exactIy what I wanted... 我不知道自己到底要什么 但我觉得温暖多了

[29:07.08]but I feIt Iike I was getting warmer.


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