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欲望都市第四季 离情依依 I Heart NY





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:41:23



[00:35.72](性爱专家凯莉布雷萧 并且勇于发问)


[00:51.16]There is a time of year in New York when, even before the first Ieaf faIIs... 每年在纽约总会有一个时候

[00:52.20]即使第一片叶子尚未掉落 你都能感到季节的变换

[00:55.68]you can feeI the seasons cIick.

[00:59.80]The air is crisp, the summer is gone. 空气沁凉,夏天过去了

[01:02.56]And for the first night in a Iong time... 这么久以来头一次 晚上睡觉需要毯子

[01:06.72]you need a bIanket on your bed.

[01:16.28]It brings up other needs as weII. 这也牵动了另一种需要

[01:31.16]-Hello? -What are you doing? -你在做什么? -你是我认为的那个人吗?

[01:34.76]ls this who l think it is?

[01:37.44]-Who do you think it is? -Princess Grace of Monaco. -你认为是谁? -摩纳哥的葛莉丝王妃

[01:40.72]She's dead. -她过世了 -可想而知我有多惊讶

[01:40.72]So you can understand my surprise.

[01:42.24]What's shaking, kid? 怎么了,孩子?

[01:45.60]lt's fall. -秋天了 -我以为还是小阳春

[01:46.00]l thought it was still lndian summer.

[01:51.56]Then l guess l should take off my moccasins. 那我应该脱下鹿皮软鞋了

[01:55.96]Are you still smoking? -你还在抽烟? -对和不对,我很坏

[01:59.72]Yes and no.

[02:00.20]l'm bad.

[02:02.88]Are you alone? -你一个人吗? -是的,女士

[02:05.88]Yes, ma'am.

[02:07.16]l can't sleep. 我睡不着,我有点寂寞

[02:08.64]l'm feeling a little lonely.

[02:13.56]Do you ever feel lonely? -你曾经感到寂寞吗? -不曾


[02:20.32]-Can l come over? -Sure. -我可以过去吗? -当然可以

[02:25.08]To be clear... 我说清楚,只是互相陪伴

[02:26.04]it's just to keep each other company.

[02:28.56]l always enjoy company. 我很喜欢有人陪

[02:39.08]Get it while it's hot! -趁热吃了吧 -不是只是互相作伴?

[02:41.36]l thought it was just a ''company'' visit.

[02:60.08]All your furniture's gone. -你的家具都不见了 -你看吧

[03:03.04]See? This is why l'm leaving New York. The crime. 这就是我要离开纽约的原因 犯罪率

[03:07.04]Leaving New York? -离开纽约? -我要搬走了

[03:10.28]l'm moving.

[03:12.80]You are not moving. -你才没有要搬走 -问我在纳帕的房地产经纪人

[03:13.76]Tell that to my realtor in Napa.

[03:16.56]Napa... 在加州的那一个?

[03:19.96]as in California?

[03:19.36]l bought a vineyard. Half a vineyard. 我买了个葡萄园,应该是半个

[03:23.24]Technically, it's three-quarters of it... 实际上是四分之三个 山腰那一块还有争议

[03:25.68]but there's a dispute over a hillside.

[03:30.68]Take this pizza, and put it someplace. 把披萨拿到别处去


[03:38.24]You're moving?

[03:42.08]Moving when? -什么时候搬? -星期一五点

[03:44.32]Monday at 5:00. 要是我今晚没有找你

[03:44.48]And if l hadn't happened to call tonight...

[03:48.16]you were just going to quietly go away without telling me? 你会一声不吭地搬走?

[03:52.12]l'm not big on good-byes. 我不擅长道别,我会打给你

[03:54.72]l would have called you. 从哪里打?某地的酒桶?

[03:55.00]From where? A wine vat somewhere?

[04:03.16]You can't leave New York. 你不能离开纽约 你就像克莱斯勒大楼

[04:05.84]You're the Chrysler Building.

[04:08.48]The Chrysler Building would be all wrong in a vineyard. 不适合出现在葡萄园

[04:09.44]Arrivederci, baby. 再见了,宝贝

[04:13.64]But... -但是…为什么呢? -我厌倦纽约了


[04:18.40]l'm tired of old New York.

[04:20.56]lf you're tired, you take a nap-a. You don't move to Napa. 如果你感到厌倦,到纳帕度假 而不是搬到那里

[04:35.56]l need a cocktail. 我需要一杯鸡尾酒

[04:40.04]And downtown, another woman was feeIing deserted. 在市中心 另一个女人也感到被遗弃

[04:49.52]-Hey, gorgeous. -Don't ''gorgeous'' me! -美女 -不要叫我美女

[04:50.12]You're three hours late. l've eaten half a box of chocolates. 你迟了三小时

[04:51.96]我已经吃掉半盒巧克力了 要是我变胖,都是你害的

[04:52.76]When l get cellulite, you can blame yourself.

[04:55.08]l got held up at the hotel. -我被公事缠住了 -你不知道电话这种东西吗?

[04:57.04]Richard Wright, the telephone. Have you two met?

[05:01.56]l was busy. 我很忙

[05:08.28]What's up? l mean, besides me. 除了我还有什么事让你生气?

[05:11.40]l don't appreciate being kept waiting. 我不喜欢痴痴地等 尤其是当我有礼物给你时

[05:14.48]Especially when l have a gift for you.

[05:16.32]ls this an actual gift, or are we talking sex? 是真的礼物还是性?

[05:26.60]-What's the occasion? -lt's national ''Richard's A Prick'' day. -是什么大日子? -“理查是混蛋”节

[05:34.44]l saw it, and l thought of you. 我看到这个就想到你 你喜欢吗?

[05:38.40]-Do you like it? -Very much. 很喜欢

[05:41.92]It was the cIosest Samantha had come to giving her heart to a man... 这是莎曼珊长久以来第一次

[05:44.68]in a Iong time. 让男人这么贴近她的心

[05:46.96]l think it would be perfect right there. 很适合挂在那里

[05:58.08]You kept nothing to sit on, but you have your records and a turntable? 你没有留下椅子 却有一堆唱片?

[06:03.56]l know what's important. -我知道事物的价值 -血汗泪合唱团?

[06:04.56]Blood, Sweat and Tears?

[06:07.72]Wow! -这不是应该在博物馆里吗? -不要那么刻薄

[06:09.24]Shouldn't this be in a museum?

[06:11.52]Be nice.

[06:15.72]Henry Mancini. 亨利曼西尼,你到底几岁?

[06:17.56]Exactly how old are you?

[06:19.36]lt was my parents', and don't knock it till you've heard it. 那是我爸妈的 没听过不要下定论

[06:22.24]-Here. -Thank you.

[06:26.84]Easy, pops! -放轻松,老爸 -把唱片给我

[06:28.60]Just give me the record.

[06:32.40]l've been thinking. 我一直在想 你不能就这样逃开这里

[06:34.24]You can't slink out of town this way. We have to do it up right.


[06:41.04]A proper good-bye.

[06:41.24]You, me, New York. 你、我和纽约,你欠我们的

[06:44.04]You owe it to us.

[06:45.68]And by ''us,'' l mean New York and myself. “我们”指的是我和纽约

[06:52.84]How's that wine? 酒好不好喝?

[06:59.84]-lt's from my vineyard. -ln that case, l hate it. -来自我的葡萄园 -这样的话,我不喜欢

[07:10.64]You can't be serious. -你开玩笑的吧 -等一下


[07:19.04]-So corny! -No. 好浮滥

[07:23.36]lt's classic. 这是经典,注意听


[07:27.48]This was my parents' favorite song. 这是我爸妈最爱的歌

[07:29.84]They used to put it on before they went out on the town. 他们总是在进城前放这首歌

[07:38.80]Listen. 注意听,你有听到吗?

[07:41.40]Did you hear that?

[07:42.76]''Two drifters.'' When l was little, l thought it was ''two twisters.'' 两个“流浪汉” 我小时候以为是“龙卷风”

[07:47.44]You know, the twist. 你知道的,扭扭舞

[07:48.00]lt was the '60s... 那是六零年代,我爸妈爱跳舞

[07:51.72]and my parents had the moves.

[08:23.04]See? lt got you. 你看吧?你被吸引了

[08:41.12]Thank you for the company. 谢谢你的陪伴

[08:44.00]That's it? 就这样?

[08:46.48]You can stay. -你可以留下来 -不了,我们星期天晚上见

[08:48.16]No. l'll see you Sunday night.

[08:49.96]Don't disappoint us. 不要让我们失望 “我们”指的是你和我

[08:53.84]And by ''us,'' l mean you and me.

[08:60.08]That pizza will be fantastic for breakfast. 披萨可以当早餐

[09:14.72]The next morning, I broke the Big news. 次日,我爆出这个大新闻

[09:17.40]Going, going, gone. lt's the end of an era. 就要走了,不见了 这是一个时代的结束

[09:18.80]l'm always surprised when anyone leaves New York. -人们离开纽约上哪去? -真实世界?

[09:22.00]-Where do they go? -The real world?

[09:24.84]A homeless man showed me his dick on the way here. lt doesn't get any realer. 一个流浪汉刚才露老二给我看 这才叫真实

[09:27.92]-Big wasn't even going to tell you? -No. He said he'd call, but what if he didn't? -大人物不打算告诉你? -没有,他说他会打电话

[09:32.84]lt's like the guys you have the great second date with... 就像约过两次会的家伙 却从此了无音信

[09:34.68]and then never hear from again. l pretend they died. -我都当他们死了 -重点来了

[09:37.16]Okay, now the tough question.

[09:38.08]-Should you sleep with him one last time? -Exactly. 你应该跟他睡最后一次吗?

[09:42.96]Going-out-of-business sex. What do we think? 就是这样

[09:42.84]-临别一搞,大家觉得呢? -不

[09:43.96]-No. -Okay, Quick Draw. Give it a second here. -快嘴女,你思考一下再回答 -不可以

[09:48.32]-No. -We like each other. We respect each other. 我们喜欢彼此,尊重彼此 那应该会很美好浪漫

[09:50.100]lt could be nice...


[09:56.04]-No. -You had sex with Steve. -不 -你和史蒂夫上床

[09:60.56]Sex with an ex can be depressing. 和前男友上床会导致沮丧

[10:04.04]lf it's good, you don't have it anymore. lf it's bad, you just had sex with an ex. 要是很美好,他不再是你的了 要是很糟糕

[10:04.68]-你居然跟前男友上床 -不会很糟糕的

[10:08.48]lt wouldn't be bad.

[10:11.48]l'm just saying. 说说而已

[10:11.04]Aren't you afraid that the sheer force of it all... 你不怕再次掉进 大人物陷阱中?

[10:14.48]will just pull you back into all that Big stuff again?

[10:16.32]-No. He's not Niagara Falls. -lsn't he? -不怕,他又不是瀑布 -不是吗?

[10:22.24]l love you, sweetie, but you're not giving me credit. 你一点都不肯称赞我

[10:23.68]This is not two years ago. Things have changed. 那是两年前的事了 一切都已经变了

[10:25.36]l'm different now. Big and l are different. 大人物和我之间不一样了 和他在一起很安全

[10:31.16]l feel safe around him.

[10:32.72]He's like... 他是我生命中重要的人 而他要离开了

[10:36.04]this great man in my life, and he's leaving.

[10:37.64]Use a condom. That's all l'm saying. 我只有一句话,要用保险套

[10:41.40]l don't know how you survived any of it, Big or Aidan. 我不知道你们怎么熬过来的 爱情这玩意真是该死

[10:44.96]This love stuff is a motherfucker.

[10:47.64]Did you just say ''love''? -你刚才说爱情? -管他的

[10:47.68]Oh, what the hell! My name is Samantha, and l'm a love-a-holic. 我叫莎曼珊,我爱上了瘾

[10:52.44]Hi, Samantha. 莎曼珊你好

[10:52.32]lt's so infuriating. l mean, where can this possibly go? 真是令人生气

[10:56.64]到底会爱到什么地步? 没有人真的恋爱成功吧?

[10:57.60]No one actually makes these relationship things work, do they?

[10:60.48]l think they're the same people who leave New York. 所以他们要离开纽约

[11:01.08]l'm just really surprised Big is moving. l always thought.... 我很惊讶大人物会离开 我总是以为…算了

[11:05.36]Never mind.

[11:07.64]You always thought what, never mind? 你总是以为怎么样?

[11:12.24]l just always thought that you two would end up together. 我总是以为你们终究会在一起

[11:14.32]How? -怎么会? -他们失败过,但是…

[11:15.60]l don't know. They made mistakes, but--

[11:19.88]They were never supposed to be together. 要是她和谁会开花结果 也会是艾登

[11:19.96]lf she was going to wind up with anybody, it was Aidan.

[11:22.04]This is all very informative. -你们从来没说过 -你们的距离不够

[11:26.12]You don't have enough distance to have sex with your ex. -不能和前任男友上床 -谢谢你明智的建议

[11:27.64]Thanks for the sound advice, Mommy Biggest.

[11:30.68]l haven't had sex since my ex. -离婚后我再没上过床 -唯有上床才能继续生存

[11:31.60]Honey, you should get on that. lt's the only way to move on.

[11:36.36]Use a condom. 要用保险套

[11:38.84]Later that night, I got to thinking about fate... 当天稍晚 我思索着命运这个观念

[11:41.52]that crazy concept... 我们不能主宰自己的生活

[11:44.12]that we're not reaIIy responsibIe for the course our Iives take.

[11:48.60]That it's aII pre-destined, written in the stars. 一切都是注定的 刻在星星上的

[11:50.60]Maybe that expIains why, if you Iive in a city... 或许这可以解释一切

[11:52.08]要是你住在一个 看不见星星的城市

[11:55.48]where you can't even see the stars...

[11:55.84]your Iove Iife tends to feeI a IittIe more random. 对于爱情会变得比较随意

[11:59.80]And even if our every man, every kiss, every heartache... 要是每个人,每个吻 每次心碎

[12:04.52]is pre-ordered from some cosmic cataIog... 都事先安排好 在某本宇宙目录上

[12:07.80]can we stiII take a wrong step and wander off our own personaI MiIky Way? 我们还能走错路 徘徊在自己的银河之外吗?

[12:10.96]I couIdn't heIp but wonder... 我不禁纳闷 我们犯错因而错过命运吗?

[12:11.52]can you make a mistake and miss your fate?

[12:16.52]lf you look at how brilliantly Monet suggested glimpses of sky... 如果你们留心 莫内处理天空的方式

[12:21.52]and the luscious, tactile quality of the canvas... 和这幅油画触动感官的特质

[12:23.00]you can see how he established his fate as one of the true poets of nature... 就可以察觉他如何将自己的 命运与诗人的天性结合

[12:30.64]and my personal favorite. 夏绿蒂的命运 引领她到现代美术馆

[12:29.96]CharIotte's fate Ied her to the Museum of Modern Art.

[12:33.84]Follow me, and we'll move on to the Pollock. 我们接着看卜洛克

[12:37.48]-Weren't you here last Sunday? -Yes. -你是不是上星期六也有来? -我喜欢印象主义

[12:40.76]l was.... l love the lmpressionists.

[12:45.56]And l'm trying to get up the courage to invite you to dinner. 也一直试着鼓起勇气约你吃饭

[12:48.32]That's very sweet, but-- -我很感动,但是… -你有男朋友?

[12:52.04]You have a boyfriend, right? How could you not?

[12:52.52]Actually, no boyfriend. 不是的,我没有男朋友

[12:56.20]But l was just separated, and l'm not really ready to date yet. 我刚与前夫分居 还没打算约会

[13:01.04]l totally understand. l went through a divorce last year. 我懂,我一年前刚离婚 我叫艾力克

[13:05.36]l'm Eric, by the way.

[13:07.72]Viewing Jackson Pollock's One... 欣赏卜洛克的画作可以说是…

[13:10.08]is an almost overwhelming....

[13:15.68]Really? 说曹操,曹操到,还带着母亲

[13:14.48]And speaking of overwheIming exes...

[13:18.76]there was CharIotte's, with his mother, Bunny.

[13:20.44]l detest Monet! He's such a sap. 我讨厌莫内,像个笨蛋

[13:24.92]Mother, you have simply got to learn how to form an opinion. 母亲 你得学习发表意见的方式

[13:29.00]Okay, enough Pollock. 好了,卜洛克看够了

[13:32.44]Follow me, as we move on to Paul Gauguin. Now! 跟着我来到高更这一区

[13:37.64]Come on. 快来

[13:40.20]l changed my mind. l'll have dinner with you. 我改变心意了 我愿意跟你吃饭

[13:41.100]Hurry, everyone. 为了逃避前夫 夏绿蒂快步走到表现主义时代

[13:43.40]In order to avoid her ex, CharIotte ran aII the way into the Expressionist era.

[13:50.56]And up on the Upper West Side, two other exes... 在上西区

[13:53.84]were deaIing with A, B and Cs. 两个前任男女朋友 在烦脑顺序组合

[13:55.36]''Connect part C with bracket B and bolt 3.'' 把C接上托架B和三号拴

[13:57.80]Okay, now you're not even making sense. 你乱说,这样是不可能的

[14:02.72]That can't be right.

[14:03.68]''Connect part C to bracket B using bolt 3.'' 把C接上托架B和三号拴

[14:08.44]Hand me bolt 3. 把三号拴给我

[14:15.80]Aren't you gonna say you were right? 你为什么不坚持你是对的?

[14:17.68]No, you've got 40 pounds on me. 你身上有四十磅是我的

[14:28.96]l was thinking of Danny. -我在想丹尼 -哪个丹尼?

[14:29.60]-Danny who? -For the baby. Danny... 宝宝的名字,丹尼霍布斯



[14:38.00]l like that. -我喜欢 -你有别的想法吗?

[14:38.16]Did you have any other ideas?

[14:41.76]-Paul. -Paul! 保罗

[14:44.100]Paul is a big name in the Brady family. You know, my dad and my granddad. 保罗是布莱迪家族重要的名字 是我父亲和祖父的名字


[14:56.08]But even then, Dad, you didn't even know him. 但是他们都过世了 你不会看到他们的

[15:01.32]Danny is better. 丹尼比较好

[15:03.40]''Hey, Danny, you want to go shoot some hoops?'' 丹尼,想不想打篮球?

[15:06.08]lt sounds right. 听起来不错

[15:10.48]Good. 很好


[15:14.24]We're making something for little Danny. 我们在帮小丹尼做东西

[15:17.16]-Don't cry, Steve. -Sorry. -不要哭,史蒂夫 -抱歉

[15:31.28]Gorgeous, l've got work to do here. -我有事情要忙 -你不想要就明讲

[15:35.16]You want out of this, just say it.

[15:37.72]l don't want to have sex once, and l want out? -我不想做爱? -昨天怎么说?

[15:37.24]Not just once. What about yesterday?

[15:39.00]-We were at the opera. -l was bored. -我们在听歌剧 -我很无聊

[15:41.80]l fucked you for three hours when we came home. 回家后我跟你做了三小时

[15:45.68]Big whoop! 了不起

[15:48.44]-Why haven't you hung the hearts? -l will. 送你的心怎么还没挂起来?

[15:52.44]lt's been laying against that wall for days. -我会的 -已经搁在那里好几天了

[15:55.52]-l'm not sure it belongs here. -You mean, l don't belong here. -我不确定是否要放在这里 -你是说我吗?

[15:58.68]Samantha, a stranger to Iove, didn't do it very weII. 不了解爱的莎曼珊不懂得处理

[15:60.40]l heard the weather this morning, but they didn't say anything about a shit storm. 早上的天气预报 没有提到暴风雨

[16:04.76]Where were you on your lunch hour? 你午餐到哪里去了? 我顺道探视你却不在

[16:06.24]l stopped by, and you weren't there.

[16:09.44]-l was eating. -Eating who? -我去吃饭 -和谁?

[16:13.72]l saw you get into a cab with a woman wearing come-fuck-me heels! 我看到你跟一个 放浪的女人上车

[16:20.76]Listen, Richard... 理查,要是你有跟别人睡 请告诉我

[16:22.96]just tell me you're sleeping with someone else...

[16:24.12]and we'll call it a day. 然后我们今天到此为止

[16:32.48]The hearts would be better in the den. 心挂在客厅比较好

[16:37.16]l had a salad and salmon. 我吃了鲑鱼沙拉 那个女人是生意伙伴

[16:38.28]The woman is a business associate.

[16:40.92]l do not want out of this. 我想要做爱,如果你不想 那就算了

[16:43.84]But if you do, this is a good way to go.

[16:51.08]l'm sorry. 抱歉

[16:54.28]She was an interior designer. 她是室内设计师 你相信我了吧?

[16:57.16]You believe me, right?

[16:59.52]Yes. 我相信

[17:02.72]l do.

[17:03.08]He's plowing someone else. l know it. How could he not be? 他在跟别人搞,不然呢?

[17:08.40]The man was a tramp. 你忠心不二,不可思议

[17:08.56]You're not cheating on him. Miracles happen.

[17:11.88]l think he's doing it at lunchtime. l'll follow him. 他应该出去午膳,我要跟踪他

[17:12.64]-Oh, Jesus! -He won't know it's me. 他不会知道的 我买了一顶假发

[17:15.64]l've got a wig from the Raquel Welch wig line.

[17:18.80]The Raquel Welch wig line? 假发?

[17:21.96]Sassy shag, chestnut brown, cute. Very realistic for synthetic hair. 狂野的假发,栗子色,很可爱 看起来很真实

[17:26.36]And why would you be doing this? 你为什么要这么做?

[17:27.16]l can't go any farther down this love road and have my heart broken. 我不能让自己继续心碎

[17:31.36]lf he's cheating on me, l have to know now. 要是他背叛我,我要知道

[17:34.04]Samantha, if you love him... 要是你爱他 是不是应该要相信

[17:34.72]don't you think there's even the slightest chance that he might really love you, too?


[17:41.16]l stole a key from his cleaning lady. l'll check his messages. 我偷了钥匙 我要偷听他的留言

[17:45.24]l do not have bail money, just so you know. 我没有钱保你出来

[17:49.52]Hello, lover! 好漂亮

[17:53.48]l am needing those for my last Big night on the town. 我要穿这双见大人物最后一面

[17:58.60]What are you two going to do? -你们要做什么? -喝酒,吃饭,跳舞

[17:59.16]Drinks, dinner, dancing. Very old New York.

[18:02.56]l meant, sex or no sex? -很旧式的纽约 -我是问上不上床?

[18:04.04]Please. l'm just getting around to picking the shoes. 我要去挑鞋子

[18:06.32]Our mistake was we never really agreed... 我们对婚姻的需求不一致

[18:09.28]on what each other wanted out of the marriage.

[18:13.40]My wife and l, totally different backgrounds. 我前妻和我的成长背景迥异

[18:13.20]And you would think we'd be able to see that was gonna be the problem. 你以为我们曾注意过这个问题

[18:18.24]But, nope. 但是没有

[18:23.96]We were in love. -我们当时深爱彼此 -爱情,是吗?

[18:23.12]Love, right? 爱情很吊诡,很难看得清

[18:27.60]Love is tricky.

[18:27.28]l mean, it's just...

[18:31.56]so hard to see clearly through it.

[18:33.56]Exactly. lt's like a fog or something. 没错,就像雾一样

[18:41.72]You're very sweet, Eric. 你很贴心,艾力克

[18:46.00]And after dinner, CharIotte invited Eric home for coffee and.... 用过晚餐后 夏绿蒂邀请艾力克回家喝咖啡

[18:50.96]The ''and'' being, I'm-determined-to-move-on-from-my-ex sex. 意思是“我决定要跟你上床 忘掉前夫”


[18:58.24]This place is huge. You live here alone? 这个地方大得惊人 你一个人住?

[19:01.28]lt's not that big. 没有那么大

[19:05.16]Not that big? Wow! 没有那么大? 你前夫是国王吗?

[19:06.44]Look in there. Was your ex, like, a king or something?

[19:10.16]He was a doctor. -他是医生 -看这个地方有多大

[19:13.20]Look at the size of this place.

[19:17.72]l live in a studio. 我住在工作室,而你很有钱

[19:19.56]You're rich.

[19:22.68]My ex-wife was an orthodox Jew, and now you're a rich girl. 我前妻是传统的犹太人 你是富有的女孩

[19:26.12]Why can't l ever find a woman who's compatible with me? 我为什么找不到 跟我相配的女人?

[19:29.36]You know what? l'm not really feeling that well. 我不是很舒服,你该回去了

[19:34.48]Maybe you should go. 老天,真的好大 还延伸到后面去

[19:34.08]Jesus Christ, it's huge! lt goes all the way back there.

[19:40.08]-Follow me. -Good idea. -跟我来 -好

[19:42.16]CharIotte reaIized she may be ready to deaI with her marriage past... 夏绿蒂此时终于明白

[19:46.72]but not her dating future. 她或许可以忘掉过去 却还没准备好与人约会

[19:47.52]l had a lovely dinner. Bye. 晚餐吃得很愉快,再见

[19:51.76]Contrary to popular opinion... 我要独排众议

[19:53.36]l have decided to give myself permission to sleep with Big... 允许自己在感觉对时 和大人物上床

[19:57.44]if it feels right.

[19:59.72]So put that in your pipe and smoke it. 你自己好好考虑吧

[20:02.32]You're a big girl. -你是大人了 -我可以写进专栏里吗?

[20:05.80]Can l get that in writing?

[20:07.88]lt had better stop raining before tonight. 今晚最好不要下雨 我买了这么漂亮的鞋子

[20:09.88]l have the most amazing shoes, and water will just not do.

[20:14.96]What? Are you having a baby or something? -你要生了吗? -不是,他踢我一脚

[20:16.72]Damn! And that was just a kick.

[20:20.36]-Wait till the labor starts. -You okay? 真正吓人的是分娩时 我开始有点害怕了

[20:22.04]l'm getting a little freaked.

[20:26.28]Will you be in the room with me? 你会陪我进产房吧?

[20:28.20]Steve's a good coach, but he's too emotional. 史蒂夫很好,但是太情绪化了 我需要正常的人陪我

[20:31.04]l'm going to need something normal to look at. lt'll make me calmer.

[20:32.76]Okay, but l'm there purely for decoration. l'm not cutting any umbilical anything. 我只是装饰用的 我不要剪脐带

[20:41.80]That night, after the rain, after the dinner, after the dancing... 那一晚,雨停后,晚饭后

[20:45.76]跳过舞后 我带着大人物去兜风

[20:45.76]I took Big for a ride. 我不敢相信你让我这么做

[20:46.04]l can't believe you actually talked me into this.

[20:52.72]Buggy ride in Central Park. 在中央公园坐马车

[20:56.12]-Very corny. -Nope. Classic. -很浮滥 -不,很经典

[21:02.00]What are you going to do out there in Napa, besides watch grapes shrivel? 你在纳帕要做什么? 除了看葡萄以外?

[21:08.32]Work, smoke cigars... 工作,抽雪茄

[21:12.20]look at the stars. -看星星 -一个礼拜就腻了

[21:13.00]l give it a week.

[21:18.60]New York. 纽约,纽约

[21:22.92]Aren't you going to miss it? 你不会想念这里吗?

[21:26.60]No. 不会

[21:31.32]But l will miss you, kid. 但我会想念你,孩子

[21:35.68]Very much. 很想很想

[21:45.12]Your cell phone's ringing. 你的手机在响

[21:49.92]l don't own a cell phone. 我没有手机

[21:53.16]Oh, Jesus, that is me! 老天,是我的

[21:56.76]Miranda gave me one, because, you know.... 米兰达给我的,因为…

[22:03.48]How the hell does this thing.... 这玩意要怎么用?

[22:05.60]Thank you. Miranda? 谢谢

[22:07.48]Hi, l'm in labor. 我要生了,到西奈山医院找我

[22:11.96]Meet me at Mount Sinai, at 99th and Fifth.

[22:11.88]Okay, is Steve with you? -史蒂夫陪着你吗? -他从酒吧赶去

[22:13.12]No, he's on his way from the bar. l didn't think l should wait.

[22:18.64]-Are you okay? -So far. Taxi! -你还好吗? -目前还好

[22:20.88]Okay, l got a cab. l gotta go. 我拦到计程车了,得走了

[22:25.36]Miranda's in labor. l have to get out of here, to Mount Sinai. 米兰达要生产了 我得赶到西奈山医院

[22:28.48]Excuse me, sir. We have an emergency. 你说什么?

[22:28.56]We need to get to 99th Street and Fifth Avenue in a hurry. 我们得赶到99街和第五大道口

[22:33.84]l can't leave the park. l'll get a fine. 我不能离开公园,会被罚款

[22:37.28]-What's your name? -Bobbo. -怎么称呼? -巴波

[22:39.40]Okay, Bobbo.

[22:39.36]Here is... 这里有四百美金


[22:44.48]See what you can do. 看你能帮什么忙,巴波

[22:58.48]One short carriage ride Iater.... 一趟短短的马车之旅后…

[23:09.24]So, you leave tomorrow at 5:00? 你明天五点离开? 两点左右一起吃午餐?

[23:09.20]How about lunch? l'll come over around 2:00?

[23:12.12]l can't believe you're leaving me alone with a horse and buggy. 你扔下我独自坐马车?

[23:16.48]-Thanks for the ride, Prince Charming. -Anytime. -谢谢你,白马王子 -我的荣幸

[23:30.72]81st and Park, Bobbo. 81街和公园大道口,巴波

[23:45.36]Dr. Thomas, caII postpartum emergency.

[23:53.92]Boy, you will do anything to stop me from having sex with Big. 你就是不让我跟大人物上床

[23:57.44]-You look pretty. -So do you. -你好漂亮 -你也是

[24:01.32]Shouldn't you be lying down, or biting on a leather strap or something? 你不是应该咬条皮带躺着吗?

[24:05.36]l'm moving around, trying to get my water to break. 我试着让羊水破裂

[24:07.68]The doctor says it's better than having them break it for you. 自然破裂比人工要好

[24:11.96]So, what can l do? 我能帮什么忙?

[24:14.72]When this gets going, don't let anyone get all cheerleadery on me. 当我开始分娩时 不要让其他人在旁边鬼叫

[24:19.16]l don't want any of that ''You can do it, push!'' shit. 我不想听到 “你可以的,用力…”

[24:26.28]And thus, with a destroyed pair of Christian Louboutins... 就这样,在毁了我的鞋之后

[24:30.44]began Miranda's deIivery. 米兰达的分娩之旅开始了

[24:32.60]And it wouId continue weII into Iunch hour the next day. 一直持续到次日的午餐时间

[24:44.64]There she was, Miss Sassy-in-her-shag... 而野蛮小姐戴着假发

[24:48.44]trying to catch Richard with his Iunchtime shag. 试图逮到理查的午休胡搞

[25:12.16]Follow that car! -跟着前面那辆车 -你在开玩笑吗?

[25:12.04]Are you fucking kidding me?

[25:14.28]Just go. 开就是了

[25:21.24]One cab ride, and a breaking-and-entering Iater... 下了计程车,私闯民宅

[25:24.68]Samantha found herseIf at Richard Wright's bedroom door. 莎曼珊来到理查的卧房门口

[25:36.96]You bastard! 王八蛋

[25:38.52]Who the hell are you? 你是谁?

[25:42.92]lt's just sex. l love you. 这只是性,我爱你

[25:45.40]Turns out she was right about Wright. 果然被她说中了 但是她希望这一切没有发生

[25:48.08]But now she wished she was wrong.

[25:50.64]There! Now your heart's broken, too! 你的心也碎了

[25:58.48]Who the fuck was that? 那是谁?

[25:60.48]Turns out the baby was aImost as stubborn as Miranda. 宝宝几乎跟米兰达一样固执

[26:03.36]You're doing good there. -你做得很好 -就是这样

[26:03.76]That's right, you're almost there. Now push! 就快出来了,用力

[26:09.32]-用力… -护士,不要这样喊

[26:11.12]Nurse, don't say that.

[26:13.40]Okay, Miranda, one more deep breath. And go. 好,米兰达,深呼吸然后用力

[26:28.92]Oh, my God! 我的天

[26:32.52]There he is! 我的天,他出来了

[26:34.76]-And he's perfect. -He's perfect! -他很完好 -对,很完好…

[26:42.72]Nurse. 护士?

[26:48.60]Ten toes... 他有十根脚趾,十根手指 两颗蛋蛋

[26:50.20]ten fingers, two balls.

[26:57.04]-That feels good. -You did it. -感觉真好 -你好棒

[27:09.48]And just Iike that, Iife comes in... 就这样 新生命来临,物换星移

[27:14.24]and things begin to change.

[27:25.48]lt's weird. 好奇怪 好像房间多了一头长颈鹿

[27:28.24]lt's like suddenly there's a giraffe in the room.


[27:34.72]Hey, Danny. 丹尼

[27:39.80]l was thinking Brady. 我想取名布莱迪

[27:41.28]Brady Hobbes. 布莱迪霍布斯

[27:55.80]That's a fabulous hat. 好可爱的帽子

[28:04.04]-Hi! -Well?

[28:06.44]He's really teeny, and he has red hair. 他真得好小,一头红发

[28:09.60]Really? Oh, my God, that is so cute! 真的吗?好可爱

[28:11.52]Listen, l have to go. l still have a chance to catch Big. 我得走了,还来得及见大人物

[28:14.20]Oh, Jesus! Here comes Raquel Welch. 假发侦探来了 她会告诉你,我来不及了

[28:19.56]l'm late. She'll tell you.

[28:21.16]Why are you wearing that wig? -你为什么带假发? -我的头发不能见人

[28:20.64]Because my hair under it looks like shit!

[28:24.12]Miranda has a son. -米兰达生了儿子 -正是这个世界需要的

[28:24.40]Just what the world needs, another man. -另一个男人 -我们去看宝宝

[28:27.32]-Come on, let's go see the baby! -Wait.

[28:30.20]-Okay. -All right.



[28:51.64]lt's not even 5:00. 都还没五点呢

[29:05.88]What is this? 这是什么?


[29:23.84]''lf l ever feel lonely....'' (如果我寂寞的话)

[29:60.12]It was officiaI. A new season had begun. 新的季节正式开始了

[30:15.56]Maybe our mistakes are what make our fate. 或许我们犯的错误 造就我们的命运

[30:18.44]Without them, what wouId shape our Iives? 没有错误,哪来的人生?

[30:20.40]Perhaps, if we never veered off-course... 如果不偏离轨道 或许就不会坠入爱河

[30:24.92]we wouIdn't faII in Iove, or have babies, or be who we are. 不会有宝宝 不会有现在的我们

[30:29.40]After aII, seasons change. 毕竟,季节会更换,城市也会

[30:31.36]So do cities.

[30:31.48]PeopIe come into your Iife and peopIe go. 有人走进你的生命,有人离开

[30:34.24]But it's comforting to know the ones you Iove are aIways in your heart... 但令人欣慰的是 我们爱的人会永远在我们心里

[30:40.20]and, if you're very Iucky... 够幸运的话 一趟飞机就可以见面了

[30:44.20]a pIane ride away.

[30:47.24](献给我们的纽约 当时、现在和未来)

[30:57.40]Subtitles provided by SOFTlTLER


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