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欲望都市第二季 阶级制度The Caste System





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:24:56





[01:11.32]Here are some thlngs I love about New York.: 我喜爱纽约的几件事如下

[01:14.88]That week ln sprlng when lt's warm, but not hot... 春季的暖和天气,不冷也不热 正要萌芽开花的树

[01:16.80]...and the trees are just beglnnlng to bloom.

[01:17.56]Men ln sults. 穿西装的男人 三份报纸以及12个八卦专栏

[01:19.16]Three papers and 12 gosslp columns.

[01:22.04]It's easy for me to say, ''I love you, New York.'' “我爱你,纽约” 这句话很容易说出口

[01:26.44]It's not so easy to say, ''I love you, Mr. Blg.'' “我爱你,大人物” 这句话却很难

[01:29.100]The flrst tlme I reallzed I actually loved Blg... 我第一次发现 自己真的爱大人物

[01:34.08]...was over toast and coffee one mornlng. 是在某个早上 吃面包、喝咖啡的时候

[01:35.48]What? 怎么了?

[01:40.92]Thanks, honey. 谢了,亲爱的

[01:47.88]What? -怎么了? -没事

[01:49.96]Nothing. 我第一次想对他说“我爱你” 是他带我去看芭蕾舞时

[01:49.40]The flrst tlme I felt llke saylng lt was the nlght he took me to the ballet.

[01:53.96]And he hates the ballet. 而他讨厌芭蕾舞

[01:55.44]I don't want to disappoint you. 我不想扫你的兴

[01:58.52]A coupIe of those dancers were on wires. 但是有几个舞者吊钢丝

[02:01.08]They were not. 他们没有吊钢丝

[02:03.12]On a coupIe of those big Ieaps I saw the wires. 在做一些跳跃动作时我看见了

[02:08.60]You know what? 你知道吗?


[02:11.92]I Iove...your hair Iike that. 我爱…你乱七八糟的头发

[02:15.84]Cut it out. 别闹了

[02:21.92]And then there was the tlme I never expected to say lt. 然而我从未预期说出口的时机 却突然来临

[02:25.08]Last Frlday nlght at approxlmately 7.:20 p.m... 上周五晚上,大约七点二十分

[02:29.16]...Blg was plcklng me up to take me out to dlnner. 大人物来接我出去晚餐

[02:33.64]I just have to change my shoes. -我只要换双鞋就好了 -动作快,迟到可不好

[02:36.72]Hurry, we don't want to be Iate.

[02:38.20]If we grab a cab on Madison, we can be there in five minutes. 如果搭计程车 五分钟之内就可以到

[02:49.40]Here. 送给你的

[02:51.20]What's this for? -为什么? -我看到它便想起了你

[02:52.92]I just saw it and thought of you.

[03:08.84]It was just wrong. 这…就是不对劲

[03:10.52]It was wrong.

[03:11.08]I dldn't know what to say except.: 我不知该说什么,只好说…

[03:16.48]I Iove you. 我爱你

[03:18.76]You toId Big, ''I Iove you'', because he gave you that? 你因为这玩意儿 对他说你爱他?

[03:23.60]What did you think it was, a Iarge diamond duck ring? 你以为这是个钻石鸭戒指吗?

[03:25.40]I think my mother has one in the shape of a squirreI. 我妈有一个松鼠形状的

[03:27.20]Note that I did not say, ''I Iove the purse.'' -我不是说“我爱钱包” -他说什么?

[03:31.28]What did he say? 他只是反应有点吃惊 然后说…

[03:31.16]He just...

[03:32.96]...sort of reacted stunned for a moment and then he sald.:

[03:39.80]You're weIcome. I'II just wait for you outside. 不客气,我在外面等你

[03:44.80]Maybe he thought you said, ''I Iove it.'' 也许他以为你说的是 “我爱钱包”

[03:48.08]It was a very deIiberate and distinct ''you.'' 不,我刻意说清楚是“你”

[03:52.56]He just pretended you didn't say it? 所以他假装你没说?

[03:52.24]Yeah, but we both know I did. 但我们都知道我说了 现在我已经摊牌

[03:56.64]I've Iaid down the gauntIet. 如果他不回应“我爱你” 我就得跟他分手

[03:57.44]He has to say ''I Iove you'' back or I have to break up with him.

[04:01.36]How Iong are you giving him? -你要给他多久时间? -我没有设定有效期限

[04:04.88]I didn't put an expiration date on it.

[04:06.04]It's got the sheIf Iife of a dairy product, it'II curdIe in a week. 不过我想感情将会在一周内 开始凝结

[04:08.32]It's so interesting. 跟男人说“我恨你” 你将会享受这辈子最棒的性爱

[04:11.84]TeII a man, ''I hate you'', you'II have the best sex of your Iife.

[04:15.64]But teII him, ''I Iove you'', you'II probabIy never see him again. 跟他说“我爱你” 却很可能再也见不到他

[04:19.68]That's very comforting right now. -现在说这话还真令人欣慰 -等等

[04:20.56]Wait a minute. Time out.

[04:22.44]Did you ever think that at this very moment... 你们有没有想过也许这男人 正试着用自己的方式

[04:24.36]...the man might be trying to find his way to teII Carrie that he Ioves her?


[04:31.20]Llstenlng to Mlranda wax optlmlstlc about love... 米兰达对于爱情的乐观态度

[04:33.52]...was more dlsorlentlng than a heat wave ln February. 比二月的热浪更令人困惑

[04:39.60]It seemed that Mlranda, love's greatest skeptlc... 但从前最大的 爱情怀疑论者米兰达

[04:40.16]...had recently experlenced a romantlc eplphany. 已亲身体验浪漫的美妙

[04:43.84]Grab us a seat outside and I'II meet you out there. 去外面找位子

[04:48.52]-WiII you Iet me pay this time? -Your money's no good here. -这次让我付帐好吗? -你的钱在这儿不管用

[04:51.28]Grab us a bench.

[04:53.20]AII right.

[04:55.04]-How much? -$5.90. -多少钱? -五块九

[04:59.84]She was datlng a bartender who worshlped her. 她正和一个崇拜她的酒保交往

[05:01.64]Mlranda was so crazy about hlm ln return... 米兰达为他疯狂 她让他带她出去吃晚餐

[05:02.64]...she let hlm take her out to dlnner.

[05:04.80]But only to places she knew he could afford. 但只去她知道 他负担得起的地方

[05:09.16]Best sIices in the city, don't you think? 这是纽约最好吃的披萨

[05:14.36]我的事务所 星期六要举办年度餐会

[05:14.88]Saturday, my firm is having its annuaI dinner thing.

[05:19.84]I was wondering--if you think the bar couId spare you, you couId be my date. 不知道酒吧能不能放你一天假

[05:25.80]I warn you, it'II be totaIIy boring. 让你当我的男伴 先警告你,那场合非常无聊

[05:25.76]It's not gonna be boring if I'm there with you. 有我陪你就不无聊

[05:34.40]You probabIy shouId wear a suit. 你可能得穿西装

[05:40.40]It's gonna be a big fancy affair. 这是一场盛大豪华的宴会?

[05:44.56]-You do have a suit, right? -Sure, I do. -你有西装吧? -当然有,很漂亮,是金色的

[05:48.24]It's reaIIy nice. It's goId.

[05:49.72]It's goId? -金色的? -对,而且还是灯芯绒的料子

[05:51.52]Yeah, corduroy.

[05:57.68]What's wrong with corduroy? 灯芯绒有什么不好?

[06:01.40]I don't have enough time to teII you what's wrong with corduroy. 说都说不完

[06:07.04]For the flrst tlme, Steve took Mlranda back to hls place. 史蒂夫第一次带米兰达回家


[06:16.36]This is your apartment.

[06:16.48]You Iike? -你喜欢吗? -很别致

[06:20.16]It's sweet.

[06:21.64]I modeIed it after DeNiro's pIace in Taxl Drlver. 我模仿罗伯特迪理路在 “计程车司机”中的房子布置

[06:27.32]I'm kidding. 我开玩笑的

[06:31.72]It's cheap and it's near the bar. 这里租金便宜,离酒吧又近…

[06:35.00]You never have to come here again. 而且你可以永远不必再来

[06:50.80]That evenlng Mlranda experlenced her flrst pangs of yupple gullt. 当晚,米兰达第一次感到 雅痞的罪恶感

[06:54.16]A Iot of wonderfuI artists worked as bartenders for years. 许多很棒的艺术家 都当过好几年酒保

[06:58.12]It doesn't mean he won't make money some day. 也许有一天他会赚大钱

[07:01.60]He's not an artist, sIash, bartender. 他不是艺术家型的酒保 他对当酒保乐在其中

[07:02.72]He's just happy being a bartender, period.

[07:05.60]No aspirations beyond shaking cocktaiIs and refiIIing peanut bowIs. 除了调制鸡尾酒


[07:09.88]How's he in bed? -他的床上功夫如何? -无可挑剔

[07:14.16]There are no words. 在我听来像是一段理想的恋情

[07:15.12]Sounds Iike a dream reIationship to me.

[07:17.64]He can make you cum, then make you a CosmopoIitan. 他可以让你达到高潮 接着调一杯四海为家给你

[07:20.72]How can you get serious with a guy whose entire future is based on tips? 你怎能对一个未来靠小费 过活的男人认真?

[07:26.44]Wait a minute. 慢着,多金的男人 总是跟不怎么有钱的女人交往

[07:26.16]Rich men date not-so-rich women aII the time.

[07:31.32]Look at me and Big. 看看我和大人物 这与金钱无关

[07:33.04]It's not about money, it's about compatibiIity. 是因为我们合得来

[07:35.12]It's normaI for the guy to have more money. 但男人比较有钱才正常


[07:41.80]I know Iots of women who make more money than their husbands. 很多女人比老公会赚钱

[07:42.36]You're aII missing my point. 你们没听懂我的重点 这对我一点也不重要

[07:46.56]None of this matters to me.

[07:47.24]I don't want it to matter to him. 我不希望他受影响

[07:50.72]When singIe men have money, it's to their advantage. 如果单身的男人有钱 这是他们的优势

[07:52.40]If a singIe woman has money, it's a probIem to be deaIt with. 但若是单身的女人有钱 就会出问题

[07:56.40]It's ridicuIous. I want to enjoy my success, not apoIogize for it. 这真是太可笑了,我想要享受 事业的成功,而非为此歉疚

[07:58.84]Bravo, honey. 亲爱的,说得好

[08:02.12]You're taIking about more than a difference in income. 你说的不只是收入的差异

[08:06.44]You're taIking about a difference in background and education. 还有出身背景和教育程度

[08:09.88]This guy is working cIass. -这个男人是劳动阶级 -劳动阶级?

[08:10.92]Working cIass?

[08:12.80]It's the MiIIennium. We don't say ''working cIass'' anymore. 现在是千禧年 没有人说“劳动阶级”了

[08:17.84]You're trying to pretend we Iive in a cIassIess society... 你们正假装 我们活在一个无阶级的社会中

[08:20.92]...and we don't. 但并非如此

[08:26.28]Marie-Antoinette, we get the picture. 好吧,玛丽皇后 我们明白了,谢谢

[08:29.68]Thank you. 她说得对

[08:30.96]She's right. 我现在交往的对象 事实上就有一个仆人

[08:31.36]I'm dating a guy right now and he's got an actuaI servant.

[08:36.16]-什么? -真的吗?

[08:38.32]It seems that Samantha was datlng Harvey Terkel... 莎曼珊正和哈维泰凯尔交往

[08:42.24]...a real estate lnvestor who had just made a kllllng ln the market... 他是个刚从不动产市场 大捞一票的投资者

[08:44.40]...turnlng Chelsea sweatshops lnto luxury co-ops for the upwardly trendy. 为上流社会赶时髦的人 将工业区变成精品街

[08:48.84]Sum is a fantastic cook. 桑姆是个很棒的厨子,在曼谷 也吃不到这么棒的泰国菜

[08:51.36]You won't eat better Thai food in Bangkok.

[08:54.84]More, Mr. Harvey? -还要面吗,哈维先生? -好的

[08:55.84]Yes, pIease.

[08:58.88]You Iike spicy Iike Mr. Harvey, miss? 你跟哈维先生一样爱吃辣吗?

[09:02.72]I Iove spicy. 我最爱吃辣了

[09:04.36]Enjoy. 慢用

[09:07.48]Isn't she the best? 她很棒吧?我不能没有她

[09:08.56]I couId not Iive without her.

[09:11.52]I wondered, was New York really any dlfferent from New Delhl? 我纳闷着 纽约和新德里真的有差别吗?

[09:15.40]Had our class system been replaced by a caste system? 社会的阶级制度 是否已被种姓制度取代?

[09:19.76]And lf so, can we date outslde our caste? 若真如此,我们可以 和不同阶级的人交往吗?

[09:23.28]That nlght, Blg took me out for a romantlc dlnner. 当晚,大人物带我出去 享用一顿浪漫的晚餐

[09:27.36]I could smell lt comlng the way you can smell a thunderstorm comlng. 我可以感觉到就是今晚了 如同在暴风雨前察觉得到一样

[09:30.24]A mere two days after I had sald, ''I love you''... 在我说“我爱你”仅仅两天后

[09:35.88]...Blg had found hls own way to say ''I love you'' to me. 大人物已找到自己的方式 /对我说“我爱你”

[09:38.56]You're gonna Iove this. 你一定会喜欢这个 它出自多斯加尼一家小酿酒厂

[09:40.04]It's from a smaII winery in the heart of Tuscany.

[09:44.100]Dellcloso. 真好喝

[09:49.80]I rented a viIIa there one summer with the ex. 我曾在那里租了一栋别墅 风景漂亮极了

[09:53.20]It was incredibIe.

[09:58.96]I've aIways wanted to go back with someone I actuaIIy Iiked. 我一直想跟真正心仪的对象 来个旧地重游

[10:05.60]There's something I've been meaning to teII you ever since... 自从送你那个钱包 我就一直想跟你说一件事

[10:06.28]...the night I gave you the purse:

[10:15.68]You can take it back, if you don't Iike it. 如果你不喜欢可以拿去退

[10:17.92]That became the flrst nlght I wanted to tell Blg... 那是我第一次想对大人物说…

[10:21.84]...''I hate you''. “我恨你”

[10:27.48]The next afternoon, Charlotte made the acqualntance... 隔天下午 夏绿蒂认识了最高阶级的成员

[10:29.44]...of a member of the very hlghest caste.

[10:32.24]A caste that from coast to coast, rlch and poor... 从东岸到西岸,不分富贵贫穷

[10:36.04]...everyone deferred to and honored wlthout questlon... 人人都听从尊敬的阶级就是…

[10:38.04]...the movle star. 电影明星

[10:45.08]I'm CharIotte York. I'm the director of the gaIIery. 你好,我是夏绿蒂约克 画廊的经纪人

[10:48.24]WiIey Ford. -我是韦利福特 -我知道

[10:50.12]I know.

[10:51.20]How much for this piece? 这幅画多少钱?

[10:55.60]The fire extinguisher? 灭火器?


[10:60.28]That's a reaI fire extinguisher.

[11:03.96]For the gaIIery, in case there's a fire. 画廊用的,以防发生火灾

[11:09.32]I guess I'm a totaI idiot. -我想我真是个大白痴 -常有这种事

[11:12.84]No, it happens aII the time.

[11:15.92]You can have it. Take it. 你要的话可以拿去 说你在画廊买的

[11:18.20]You can say you got it at the gaIIery.

[11:18.96]PeopIe wiII probabIy think it's a Jeff Koons. 别人搞不好会以为 那是杰夫孔斯的作品

[11:24.76]You are adorabIe. 你真可爱

[11:27.80]What do you think about cIosing up for the rest of the afternoon? 你认为提早打烊怎么样?

[11:35.56]CharIene, you are so hot. 夏琳,你好性感 我等不及跟你上床

[11:39.56]Can't wait to get you to bed.

[11:42.16]CharIotte. My name is CharIotte. 是夏绿蒂,我的名字叫夏绿蒂

[11:43.92]I prefer CharIene. -我比较喜欢叫你夏琳 -好吧

[11:52.84]This champagne is running through me. Yo, bud, puII over, I need to take a Ieak. 我喝太多香槟了


[12:03.20]Sit tight, beautifuI. 坐好,美人

[12:15.52]You'II never beIieve where I am. 你绝不会相信我在哪里

[12:19.52]I'm in the back of a Iimo about to go have sex with WiIey Ford. 在一部豪华轿车的后座 即将和韦利福特上床

[12:21.40]Where is he now? -他现在人呢? -在小巷子里尿尿

[12:23.08]He's taking a Ieak out in the aIIey, isn't that cute?

[12:26.64]It's adorabIe. CharIotte, Iisten to me, get out of there immediateIy. 听我说,马上离开

[12:30.64]AII my ruIes just went right out the window. 我所有的原则都飞出窗外了

[12:34.40]It's Iike, he wants me and I have to obey. 仿佛他想要我而我便得服从

[12:36.48]He's zipping up, gotta go. 他在拉拉练了,我得挂了

[12:50.12]Whlle Charlotte began to enjoy the perks of celebrlty... 当夏绿蒂享受著名人的殷勤

[12:53.12]...Samantha dlscovered Harvey Terkel came wlth some nlce perks of hls own. 莎曼珊发现 哈维也提供完善的服务

[12:58.40]Stay in bed as Iong as you want. 你想在床上待多久都可以 桑姆会为你做早餐

[12:59.44]Sum wiII make you breakfast.

[13:03.36]That's reaIIy not necessary. 真的没有必要

[13:05.24]PIease, she Ioves it. 拜托,她很乐意

[13:08.04]Do you Iike fresh orange or grapefruit? -新鲜的柳橙还是葡萄柚? -柳橙

[13:12.12]-Orange. -Orange. -蛋要如何料理呢? -半生不熟

[13:12.16]-Eggs? -CoddIed.

[13:16.36]Coming right up. 马上来

[13:20.84]I'II caII you. 我再打电话给你

[13:22.24]Whlle Samantha dldn't belleve ln havlng servants... 她从不考虑请奴仆

[13:26.52]...she had no problem datlng a man who dld. 但跟有奴仆的男人交往 却不成问题

[13:29.68]She knew lt mlght take some adjustlng, but she could get used to lt. 经过一番调适,她已经习惯了

[13:35.96]Bye, Sum. 再见,桑姆,好好照顾莎曼珊

[13:35.16]Take good care of Samantha.

[13:38.100]Bye, Mr. Harvey. 再见,哈维先生

[13:49.36]Okay, Iazy bones, out of bed. 好了,懒骨头,快起床

[13:51.52]-Excuse me? -Up, must wash sheets. -什么? -起来…我得洗床单

[13:55.60]ShouId I have my breakfast in the dining room-- 我应该在饭厅用早餐吗?

[13:59.20]Breakfast? I got no time to make breakfast. 早餐?我才没空做早餐

[14:00.28]Got a Iot of work to do around here. 我有一大堆事要做

[14:07.24]It was then Samantha reallzed that Sum was not so servlle after all. 那时莎曼珊才了解 桑姆并非如此温顺

[14:13.72]That afternoon durlng her lunch break, Mlranda took Steve shopplng. 当天下午米兰达利用午餐空档


[14:17.48]-Thank you. -You're weIcome.

[14:18.12]What do you think? -你觉得怎么样? -我真是好看得吓人

[14:21.00]I think it's frightening how good I Iook.

[14:22.04]It's a beautifuI suit. I think we shouId take it. 这套西装很漂亮 我认为应该买下来

[14:27.64]CouId you do a cuff with a nice break? 裤管可以翻个边吗?

[14:30.84]-WiII these be the shoes? -I think we shouId take the shoes. -要配这双鞋吗? -我想鞋子也应该买下来

[14:33.12]Don't you think so? -应该买这双鞋吗? -我们要买这双鞋

[14:36.48]I guess we're taking the shoes.

[14:40.08]Just Iike that. 就是那样

[14:43.32]Jesus, $1,800. 老天,一千八百块 我想我最好别打翻任何东西

[14:45.72]I guess I better not spiII anything.

[14:49.100]Don't worry. It's my treat. -别担心,我来付帐 -什么?

[14:52.88]What? -是我邀请你,所以由我出钱 -不,你不能买西装给我

[14:54.16]I invited you, I want to pay for the suit.

[14:58.16]No way, you're not buying me a suit.

[15:04.64]I wanted to do this for you. 但我想买给你

[15:08.60]Then I start to think of you Iike my mother and that can get a IittIe weird for me. 这样我会开始觉得你像我妈


[15:15.24]Sorry, sir, it was decIined. 抱歉,先生,这张卡被拒绝了 你还想试另一张吗?

[15:17.24]-WouId you Iike to try another one? -Why don't you try mine? 何不试试我的卡?

[15:19.80]How about this? 这样好了,这张卡刷八百块

[15:20.32]Let's try $800 on the card, I'II write a check for $1,000 and the rest in cash.

[15:24.68]我再开一张一千块的支票 剩下的用现金付

[15:26.76]Forget it. It's too expensive. -史蒂夫,算了,太贵了 -你就让我买这该死的西装吧

[15:29.28]WouId you just Iet me buy the fucking suit?

[15:38.20]That Saturday, Blg took me to a cocktall party... 星期六大人物带我去参加 在莎莲娜布希家中

[15:41.08]...at the home of Sarlna Bush... 举行的鸡尾酒派对…

[15:41.00]Great purse, fabuIous. 很美的钱包

[15:44.96]CarefuI! 小心点,这可是白地毯

[15:45.76]White rugs.

[15:46.28]...an Upper East Slde hostess famous for her husband's money... 她以丈夫的财富闻名

[15:49.72]...and a close frlendshlp wlth Tlna Brown. 并且和蒂娜布朗交情匪浅

[15:54.00]I knew her 10 years ago when she was famous for... 十年前我便认识她 当时她因父亲有钱

[15:55.12]...her father's money and a close frlendshlp wlth her drug dealer. 以及和毒贩往来密切而出名

[15:60.20]God, I hate Park Avenue. 我讨厌公园大道 好像到了陌生国度

[16:03.16]It's Iike being in a foreign country.

[16:03.88]Just think of me as your passport, baby. 把我当成你的护照吧,宝贝

[16:08.16]As we walked through the room... 当我们穿过房间

[16:09.24]...of women clutchlng thelr bejeweled swan, kltten and asparagus purses... 满屋都是拿着珠宝包的女人

[16:14.88]...I reallzed to my horror that not only dld Blg not love me... 我惊恐地发现 大人物不但不爱我

[16:17.36]...he had absolutely no ldea who I was. 他根本不知道我是谁

[16:21.68]-Can I get you a drink? -Tanqueray and tonic. -需要什么饮料吗? -坦奎利加奎宁水,你呢?

[16:23.36]Carrie, a drink?


[16:28.80]Red wine, pIease. 很抱歉,布希女士不供应 任何有颜色的食物或饮料

[16:28.52]I'm sorry, Ms. Bush doesn't serve any brown food or drink.

[16:33.48]Can I get you something cIear? 可以换一种透明的饮料吗?


[16:38.68]Vodka on the rocks.

[16:43.56]No brown food? 不供应有颜色的食物?

[16:44.32]I think we've encountered a mutant strain of Upper East Side anaI. 我们遇到上东城区的突变体了

[16:48.60]She's a IittIe strange. I've known her for years, she's okay. 她是有点怪,我认识她 好几年了,她人还不错

[16:52.16]I'm sure she's fabuIous untiI you spiII something. 直到你打翻东西 她似乎刻意培养一种怪癖

[16:54.08]It's Iike she's trying to cuItivate an eccentricity...

[16:56.44]...so peopIe won't notice she's compIeteIy devoid of personaIity. 别人才不会注意到她毫无个性

[17:00.72]-Don't be a bitch. -I'm not, I'm being myseIf. -嘴巴别这么坏 -我没有,我只是说出真心话

[17:03.88]You're being a bit of a bitch. 你嘴巴有点坏

[17:07.56]Sweetheart! 亲爱的,你好吗?好久不见

[17:07.56]How are you? It's been forever.

[17:12.96]Thank you for having us. 谢谢你邀请我们 莎莲娜,你认识凯莉的

[17:13.92]Sarina, you know Carrie.

[17:15.40]-是的 -你好

[17:20.40]DarIing, you can't smoke in here. 亲爱的…这里不能抽烟

[17:24.40]Terrace. -阳台可以 -那我过去了

[17:25.08]That's where I'II be.

[17:28.24]Just llke that, I was cast out of the fancy party. 就这样,我被逐出豪华派对了

[17:33.24]Charlotte found herself the newest member of Wlley Ford's entourage. 夏绿蒂发现自己成了 韦利福特身边的新成员

[17:38.68]When did marijuana become IegaI in restaurants? 大麻什么时候在餐厅合法了?

[17:43.44]It didn't. 并没有

[17:48.24]-Here. -No, thank you. -来,吸一口 -不,谢了,我不抽大麻

[17:50.40]I don't smoke pot.

[17:57.80]You do now. 你现在抽了


[18:11.28]Sum was very rude to me the other morning.

[18:14.16]She practicaIIy threw me out of bed. 她几乎把我赶下床

[18:20.32]You must've misunderstood. 你一定是误会了 她的英文不太好

[18:20.44]Her EngIish isn't reaIIy that good.

[18:27.28]More asparagus, Miss? 还要来一点芦笋吗?

[18:30.36]It was then Samantha reallzed... 莎曼珊这才意识到…

[18:32.56]...she wasn't so dlm, that Sum. 桑姆心机有多重

[18:34.16]That nlght, I reallzed that relatlonshlps had a caste system of thelr own. 我发现感情中的确有阶级制度

[18:39.84]There's the person who says, ''I love you.'' 有人说“我爱你”

[18:40.04]And there's the person who never responds. 有人却从不回应

[18:43.40]-凯莉 -嗨


[18:49.76]What are you doing here? 负责送饮料 我只是溜出来抽根烟

[18:51.64]Purveying the beverages.

[18:52.24]-Just snuck out here to smoke. -Good.

[18:56.64]Are you friends with these peopIe? -你认识这些人吗? -老天,才不呢

[18:57.12]God, no.

[18:60.68]A IittIe uptight. 有点神经质,不供应 有颜色的食物,什么烂规矩

[19:01.20]-What's with the no brown food deaI? -Whatever.

[19:03.00]Jeremlah was a famous downtown performance artlst... 杰瑞米是下城著名的 表演艺术家

[19:08.08]...who was best known uptown as.: ''Kld, glve me another scotch and soda.'' 在上城以“再来一杯 威士忌和汽水”最为人知晓

[19:11.96]We had engaged ln a mlld fllrtatlon for years. 几年前我们曾有过一段情

[19:15.52]Who're you here with? -你跟谁一起来? -某人

[19:16.40]Some guy.

[19:18.88]I got a new tattoo, want to see it? 我有一个新的刺青,你想看吗

[19:25.36]-Is that reaI? -Yeah, it's reaI. -那是真的吗? -没错

[19:29.84]How far down does that go? 那有多下面?

[19:32.00]Pretty far. 很下面,你看

[19:36.32]Check it out.


[19:45.32]Shit. 糟了

[19:47.72]Excuse me. 抱歉打扰

[19:51.20]Shit. 该死

[20:11.36]你真的在外面 帮那个小弟口交吗?

[20:12.56]Were you reaIIy giving the caterer a bIow job?

[20:13.84]First of aII, he's not a caterer. 首先,他不是小弟 他是个很有名的表演艺术家

[20:16.24]He's a weII-known performance artist.

[20:20.72]That didn't answer my question. -你没回答我的问题 -因为那太侮辱人

[20:21.80]Because it was offensive.

[20:24.52]Whatever you were doing, pIease stop. 不管你在做什么,请你停止

[20:27.60]You're embarrassing me. -你会丢我的脸 -我会丢你的脸?

[20:31.28]I'm embarrassing you?

[20:32.76]If you'd joined me on the terrace Iike a gentIeman... 如果你像个绅士一样 陪我到阳台

[20:34.96]...we wouIdn't be having this conversation. 我们就不必站在这里说这些话

[20:36.52]Let's just go. -我们走吧 -要走你走,我玩得正开心呢

[20:38.72]You go, I'm having a good time.

[20:45.68]And across town, Mlranda was late for the flrm dlnner. 而在城市的另一头 米兰达参加晚宴要迟到了

[20:60.36]Why are you dressed Iike that? 你为什么穿这样?

[21:03.28]I returned the suit. 我把西装退回去了

[21:04.28]FrankIy, I couIdn't afford it. 老实说,我根本买不起

[21:07.32]Then why didn't you Iet me pay for it? 那你为什么不让我付钱?

[21:11.60]Miranda, you need to be with a guy who's more on your IeveI. 米兰达 你得跟和你比较匹配的人交往

[21:14.40]Being in that store with you... 和你一起在那间店里…

[21:20.48]...I didn't feeI good about myseIf. 我觉得不太自在

[21:21.96]I think you're an incredibIe Iady. -你是个很棒的人 -你为了一套西装跟我分手?

[21:27.12]You want to break up with me over a suit?

[21:30.60]Fuck the suit. 去他的西装

[21:31.100]It's not just the suit. 不只是西装,总会不停有 超出我能力所及的东西出现

[21:34.76]There's aIways gonna be things out of my reach.

[21:40.52]I'm being punished for being successfuI. 我因为事业成功而受惩罚

[21:44.80]That's not how I mean it. 我不是这个意思

[21:46.68]Got it. 我懂了

[21:52.20]Thanks for the info and for standing me up. 谢谢你通知我,放我鸽子

[21:53.76]It's been nice knowing you. 很高兴认识你

[21:57.16]An hour later, adrlft ln a sea of Itallan wool crepe... 一个小时后,在穿着意大利 羊毛西装的人海中载浮载沉

[22:01.20]...Mlranda wondered what was really so wrong wlth corduroy, anyway. 米兰达思考灯芯绒布料 到底有什么不好

[22:09.96]In the space of one evenlng, Charlotte had gone from glrlfrlend... 同一个晚上 夏绿蒂的地位从女朋友…

[22:12.32]...to grouple. 变成了跟班

[22:13.24]Who had the rum and coke? 谁点兰姆酒和可乐?

[22:27.16]Listen, CharIene. 听着,夏琳 我要你帮我做一件事

[22:31.32]I want you to do something for me.

[22:34.04]I want you to go to the Iadies' room... 你去厕所

[22:37.92]...stick your finger in your pussy... 把手指伸进阴道

[22:39.32]...come back and Iet me smeII it. 然后回来让我闻一闻

[22:51.20]I don't think so. 我想这样不太好

[22:55.60]-借过 -夏琳?

[22:58.40]Charlotte reallzed, another moment at the top... 若在顶端多待一分钟 她恐怕将沦为贱民

[22:59.16]...and she would have become an Untouchable.

[23:05.92]''Jeremiah was a buIIfrog (杰瑞米是只牛蛙)

[23:08.44]''Was a good friend of mine (也是我的好友)

[23:11.12]''I never understood a singIe word he said (他说的话 我一句都听不懂…)

[23:15.60]''But I heIped him drink his wine'' 杰瑞米被开除之后

[23:16.96]After Jeremlah got flred, we celebrated downtown...

[23:20.24]...wlth a couple of pltchers of Margarltas. 我们到下城 灌了好几壶玛格丽特以兹庆祝

[23:23.16]''Joy to the worId (普世欢腾…所有男女…)

[23:24.00]''AII the boys and girIs

[23:30.08]''Joy to the--

[23:38.72]''Joy to the fishes in the deep bIue--''

[23:39.60]I don't Iive here. 我不住这里

[23:43.08]''Joy to you and me'' 那是我当晚记得的最后一件事

[23:43.32]That was the last thlng I remembered that nlght.

[23:47.20]''If I were the king of the worId''

[23:54.92]-You just reIax. -I wiII. 你只管休息,我去淋个浴

[23:56.52]I'm gonna go grab a shower.

[24:06.68]Excuse me. 你要干嘛?

[24:08.96]Nasty. 下流的女人

[24:10.32]Nasty girI.

[24:10.96]You dirty cock-sucking whore. 你这肮脏、无耻的淫妇

[24:15.24]Must wash sheets right away. 得马上洗床单

[24:17.60]Stop it! Let go. You're crazy. 住手,放开,你疯了

[24:24.56]What's going on out here? 这里发生什么事了?


[24:26.76]I'm so sorry.

[24:30.52]I just tried to wash the sheets, but that Iady hit me. 我只是想洗床单

[24:31.80]-但小姐却打我 -有没有搞错?

[24:36.80]How dare you treat Sum that way. 你竟敢如此对待桑姆

[24:39.20]-Let me expIain. -No! -听我解释 -不必了,没什么好说的

[24:40.64]There's no expIanation.

[24:44.12]Just get out of here. 给我滚出去

[24:45.64]Samantha reallzed there was only room for one woman ln Harvey's llfe. 莎曼珊终于明白 在哈维的生命中


[24:54.60]Jesus. 老天

[25:00.24]Llsten... 听着…我知道你在气什么

[25:03.80]...I know what you're reaIIy pissed off about.

[25:05.60]It's just something I gotta do in my own time. 只不过我必须照着我的步调来


[25:14.68]I fucking Iove you. 该死,我爱你

[25:18.64]All rlght? You know I do. 行了吗?你心知肚明

[25:19.92]Good morning.

[25:20.84]It's just a tough thing for me to say... 只是我很难说出口

[25:25.32]...because it aIways seems to get me in troubIe when I say it. 因为每次说了之后 似乎总是惹来麻烦

[25:29.44]Okay? -好吗? -好


[25:35.84]Are we okay? 我们没事吧?

[25:37.72]We're great. 我们很好

[25:41.88]I Iove you, too. 我也爱你,我晚一点再打给你

[25:41.12]I'II caII you Iater, okay?

[25:52.60]Did we? 我们有没有…

[25:58.12]DefiniteIy not. -绝对没有 -我想也是

[25:59.16]I didn't think so.

[26:07.96]I felt llke I was the lowest of the low. 我觉得自己卑劣到极点 但我从未告诉大人物

[26:10.72]I never told Mr. Blg.

[26:11.64]I flgured everythlng before ''I love you''just doesn't count. 我想在说“我爱你”之前 一切都不算数


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