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欲望都市第二季 球场爱情学 talk me out to zhe ballgame








[00:50.64]When you llve on a tlny lsland llke Manhattan... 当你住在像曼哈顿 这么小的岛上…

[00:54.72]...the odds of bumplng lnto the one who broke your heart are lncredlbly hlgh. 遇见前任男友的机率出奇地高

[00:59.08]The odds of bumplng lnto hlm when you look llke shlt are even hlgher. 当你面容憔悴时的机率 甚至会更高

[01:18.56]After a break-up, certaln streets, locatlons... 分手之后,在某些街道

[01:24.64]...even tlmes of day are off-llmlts. 场所,甚至一天中某些时段 都得格外谨慎

[01:27.12]The clty becomes a deserted battlefleld loaded wlth emotlonal land mlnes. 这城市变成一个 遍布感情地雷的战场

[01:30.92]You have to be very careful where you step or you could be blown to pleces. 你得步步为营 否则可能会粉身碎骨

[01:40.96]Get your coat, Anne Frank, we're going out. -去穿外套,我们要出门 -我不想去…

[01:43.00]-I'm reaIIy not in the mood. -Coat on. Body out.

[01:45.32]-Where are we going? -It's a surprise. -我们要去哪里? -这是个惊喜

[01:47.08]OnIy if it's nowhere I can run into him. 除非是去不可能遇见他的地方

[01:49.16]When do you think you're gonna be getting out of this hostage situation? 你何时才打算从这种囚禁的 处境中解脱?我说错了吗?

[01:55.64]Am I wrong? 别听她瞎说,才一个月而已

[01:55.12]Don't Iisten to her, it's onIy been a month.

[01:59.12]It takes haIf the totaI time you went out with someone to get over them. 忘掉旧情人 需要和他交往时间的一半

[02:01.52]I aIways Iike a math soIution to any Iove probIem. 我一向喜欢用数学 来处理感情问题

[02:05.12]It's the break-up ruIe. You and Big onIy went out for a year. 这是分手定律,你们交往一年 所以她还需要五个月

[02:07.76]She's got five more months to get over him.

[02:08.76]Cut your Iosses and get back in the game. 才怪,要忍痛割舍,重返球场

[02:11.96]When Eric and I broke up, I got over him right away. -我马上就把艾瑞克抛在脑后 -我印象中好像不是这样

[02:13.64]I don't reaIIy remember it being Iike that.

[02:17.64]Eric who? -哪个艾瑞克? -几年前我交往的一个混蛋

[02:19.32]Eric, asshoIe I dated a coupIe of years ago.

[02:19.52]That Eric. 米兰达曾称艾瑞克是一生挚爱 直到他另结新欢而离开

[02:21.60]Mlranda called Erlc the love of her llfe untll he left her for another woman.

[02:25.88]Now, she almost never mentloned hlm. 现在她几乎不再提到他

[02:27.36]You can't push yourseIf into feeIing good. 你不能勉强自己快乐

[02:30.04]The onIy way to get over somebody is to feeI reaIIy bad, cry to your girIfriends... 忘记前男友的唯一办法就是 经历十足痛苦,向朋友哭诉

[02:34.40]...and to repIay what you hated about him over and over in your head aII day. 然后脑中整天不断复述 他可恨之处

[02:38.80]That sounds about right. 那方法还不赖

[02:40.16]You're too dressed up for where we're going. 你太盛装打扮了

[02:43.64]I'II risk being overdressed vs. the chance of meeting Big Iooking the way I feeI. 我宁愿冒险,免得我 黯然神伤的模样让大人物看见

[02:48.76]The first meeting is the worst, you never know how to act. 第一次和前男友见面 总会让人手足无措

[02:52.04]Then there's the vomiting. 没错,然后便开始反胃

[02:54.48]If Big had any cIass, he wouId've moved away. I was here first. 大人物若是有风度便会离开 是我先到的

[02:57.28]You're giving him too much power. You broke up with him. 你对他过于让步,是你甩了他

[03:00.44]Right, and that makes me what, happy? -而我…怎样,开心了吗? -计程车

[03:05.92]Taxi! 令人惊奇的是 莎曼珊仍在和詹姆斯交往

[03:04.20]Amazlngly, Samantha was stlll wlth James. A monogamous relatlonshlp...

[03:10.80]...for a woman whose bedroom was busler than Balduccl's on a Saturday. 一个周六时闺房比瓦杜西的 卧室还忙碌的女人


[03:13.76]You Iovebirds.... 你们这对相思鸟

[03:19.28]How are the most beautifuI women in Manhattan? 曼哈顿最美丽的女人们好吗?

[03:20.56]If we see them, I'II ask. 如果有看到她们,我会问候

[03:23.64]Have a fun day. 祝你们玩得愉快,别让任何 坏事发生在我的公主身上

[03:25.32]Don't Iet anything bad happen to my princess.

[03:29.48]I Iove you. 我爱你

[03:34.76]God, everything is going so great. 老天,莎曼珊 一切都进展得好顺利

[03:36.76]Me, James, and his tiny penis: We're one big happy famiIy. 我、詹姆斯和他的小命根子 我们是一个快乐的大家庭

[03:40.32]After two months, desplte all hls sweetness and charm... 过了两个月 尽管他既温柔又有魅力

[03:44.40]...Samantha stlll hadn't qulte accepted James's shortcomlngs. 莎曼珊还是无法接受 詹姆斯的“短处”

[03:51.44]When Mlranda sald, ''Get back ln the game,'' she meant lt. 当米兰达说“重返球场”时 她是认真的

[03:52.92]Forty mlnutes and a $55 cab rlde later, we found ourselves at Yankee Stadlum. 40分钟车程再加上55块 车费后,我们置身洋基球场

[03:59.80]Who wants another? -谁还要一杯? -米兰达是洋基队的死忠球迷

[03:59.80]Mlranda was a fan of the Yankees.

[04:02.36]I was a fan of belng able to smoke and drlnk at 2.:00 p.m. wlthout judgment. 我则爱好任何可以抽烟


[04:08.48]Beer! -啤酒… -这里有卖热可可吗?

[04:10.64]Do they have hot cocoa? 好了,准备打击,洋基队新人

[04:11.84]Coming up to bat, the new Yankee.

[04:12.44]Just up from the Minors, singIe. So cute. 刚从小联盟升上来 单身,好可爱

[04:18.08]I can bareIy see him. Why are we sitting aII the way up here? 我根本看不到他 我们为什么要坐在这里?

[04:22.80]It's the onIy pIace I can smoke without GiuIiani putting me away for 10 years. 因为这里可以让我安心抽烟 不怕被市长驱逐出境十年

[04:26.04]These seats suck. 这椅子烂透了,热狗也烂透了

[04:26.44]This hot dog sucks. My entire Iife sucks.

[04:29.72]-我整个人生都烂透了 -你的人生并不烂

[04:31.32]Your Iife doesn't suck. You have a man who Ioves you. -你有个爱你的男人 -是,爱

[04:32.72]Love! 我想你们不了解 我情况的严重性

[04:34.28]I don't think you Iadies understand the seriousness of my situation.

[04:39.08]How wouId you Iike to make Iove to this every night? 你愿意每晚 跟这么小的玩意儿做爱吗?

[04:42.76]Is it kosher? 干不干净?

[04:47.00]Don't make me Iaugh. It's tragic. 别逗我笑,这很可悲

[04:50.92]Can we try and get into the game for a second? 你们能不能专心看比赛? 加油,秀出你的实力来

[04:51.96]C'mon! Show us what you got.

[04:55.08]Last year this guy was Mr. September. 去年这家伙当选九月之星

[04:57.64]He hit ten home runs in nine days. 他在九天内击出十支全垒打… 坏球,守得好,看紧他们

[04:59.72]BaII! Good eye!

[05:03.60]Way to watch them.

[05:04.64]He batted .373. He drove in 47 runs. 他的打击率是0.373 攻下47分,上垒率是…

[05:07.12]His on-base percentage was .410.

[05:09.00]As Mlranda went on about the new Yankee's stats... 米兰达继续数着那洋基新人的 辉煌战绩,我则回顾自己情史

[05:11.08]...I couldn't help wonderlng about my own.

[05:14.04]Ten years playlng ln New York. Countless dates. 在纽约打滚十年,阅人无数 谈了五次恋爱

[05:16.64]Flve real relatlonshlps. One serlous. All endlng ln break-ups. 一次很认真,全都以分手收场

[05:21.32]If I were a ballplayer I'd be battlng.... Whatever really bad ls. 我要是球员,我的表现… 真是差劲到家

[05:29.16]My God! Here it comes! -我的天 -球往这边飞来了

[05:34.72]You got it! 你接到了…

[05:40.60]Do you know what the odds of catching a fIy baII are? 你知道捡到高飞球的 机率是多少吗?

[05:41.28]I dldn't. I couldn't help wonderlng lf they were any hlgher... 不知道,但会比找到一段 持久的感情高吗?

[05:45.36]...than flndlng a relatlonshlp that would last.

[05:49.64]Three lnnlngs, four beers and one shameless flash of my press pass later.... 过了三局、灌了四瓶啤酒 加上厚颜无耻使用记者通行证

[05:52.40]We walted outslde the locker room to get my ball slgned by the new Yankee. 我们在更衣室外等着拿我的球 给那洋基新人签名

[05:57.32]Good game. -比赛很精彩 -你看到那凸起吗?

[05:57.88]Did you see that buIge?

[06:01.16]He was wearing a cup. -他穿了护套(杯子) -亲爱的,他的杯子满出来了

[06:03.28]His cup runneth over.

[06:11.32]It's officiaI, you're drunk. -好了,你们喝醉了 -不,我正静静承受痛苦

[06:14.80]I'm not drunk, I'm sedated from my pain.

[06:16.20]She's aIIowed to be drunk, she's going through a break-up. 她有资格喝醉 她正经历失恋阵痛期

[06:21.28]抱歉,我是洋基队死忠球迷 很抱歉打扰你

[06:21.84]Excuse me. Huge Yankee fan.

[06:24.20]We don't mean to bother you but my friend caught your baII. 我朋友捡到你的球…就是她

[06:29.68]This is her. -我是她朋友 -不知道你能否签个名

[06:32.28]I'm her friend.

[06:33.20]We were wondering if you'd sign it?

[06:35.88]-That fouI baII to the upper deck? -Yes. I mean.... -那界外球跑到观众席上方了 -对,如果不麻烦…

[06:37.92]Yes. If it's not too....

[06:42.16]I'm a huge Yankees fan. I'm a Iawyer. 我是洋基队死忠球迷 我是个律师

[06:46.72]If I don't sign it, you'II sue me? -我要是不签,你会告我吗? -不会,不知道我说那个干嘛

[06:48.72]No. I don't know why I said that.

[06:50.40]No probIem, give me the baII. -没问题,球给我 -球给他

[06:50.96]Give him the baII.

[06:55.56]-CouId you hoId these? -Sure. 能帮我拿一下好吗?谢谢

[06:59.20]-You a Yankees fan, too? -No, I came for the beer. -你也是洋基球迷吗? -不是,我是为了啤酒而来

[07:03.68]I think basebaII's a IittIe duII. -我觉得棒球有点无聊 -是吗?你做哪一行?

[07:06.16]-What do you do? -She writes a coIumn. -她写专栏 -性爱专栏

[07:08.16]A sex coIumn.

[07:09.76]-Nothin' duII about that. -You'd be surprised. -那可不无聊 -你会大感意外

[07:13.96]-Here you go. -Thank you. -好了 -谢谢

[07:17.40]He's so cute. 他好可爱

[07:21.00]I'm gonna ask him to the DoIce & Gabbana party. 我要邀他参加杜嘉班纳的派对


[07:26.48]No, reaIIy, you can't. -不,你不能… -等一下…


[07:37.28]I don't know lf lt was the beer or the fact that I was holdlng hls ball. 无论是因为啤酒 还是我手中正握着他的签名球

[07:40.08]Somethlng gave me the strength to ask the new Yankee out. 忽然给了我勇气约那球员出去

[07:44.64]No. This is not fair. 不…这太不公平了 事情不应该这样发展的

[07:45.76]This is not the way this is supposed to happen.

[07:50.04]Why? You toId me to get back in the game. 是你叫我重返球场的

[07:52.20]With some baIding C.P.A. or other boring rebound guy. 没错,是和一些顶上无毛的 会计师或其他乏味的家伙

[07:56.88]Nobody rebounds with the new Yankee. 没人一重返球场 就钓到洋基新人

[07:60.48]Maybe I'm the new Carrie. Let's bIow this hot dog stand. 也许我是焕然一新的凯莉 走吧,我们去吃热狗


[08:05.44]Samantha, Iet's go. 莎曼珊,走吧

[08:09.100]She knew lt was rlsky, but a day of watchlng blg men... 她知道这很冒险 但是看着壮硕的男人

[08:13.96]...swlng thelr blg wooden bats proved to be too much for Samantha. 晃动着他们的大木棒走来走去 莎曼珊实在难以抵挡

[08:18.76]She told herself there's no harm ln just looklng. 她告诉自己 “看一下无伤大雅”

[08:33.84]Can I heIp you? 有事吗?


[08:44.20]As my ballpark cheap beer buzz wore off... 在“棒球场与廉价啤酒”的 激情逐渐消退后

[08:46.68]...I began to worry about the ramlflcatlons of my day. 我开始担心现实生活中 错综复杂的难题

[08:49.48]Was Charlotte rlght? 夏绿蒂说对了吗?我们应该 缓慢、痛苦地度过失恋期?

[08:52.76]Were we supposed to get over an ex ln a slow, palnful way?

[08:56.80]Or should we lgnore all the bad feellngs and throw ourselves back ln the game? 还是干脆忽视痛苦 重返情场?

[08:60.20]In a world where leavlng each other seems to be gettlng more frequent.... 在一个分手似乎变成 家常便饭的时代

[09:04.48]What are the break-up rules? 分手定律有哪些?

[09:06.76]Whatever you do, man, don't cry. 无论如何,老兄,不要哭

[09:10.76]'Cause if you do get back together again, then, you're the guy that cried. 如果你们真的复合 你就是那个哭过的人

[09:14.100]Don't caII or see him 'tiI three months have passed... 三个月之内不要打电话 或跟他见面

[09:17.60]...and you've Iost the weight you put on whiIe breaking up. 你需要这么长的时间 减掉因失恋而增加的体重

[09:21.68]Give her whatever she wants, but don't sign a motherfucking thing. 她要什么都答应 但绝不签任何文件

[09:26.52]Change your name, change your phone number. 把名字、电话和工作都换了 男人都是无赖

[09:28.04]Change your job. They're aII bums.

[09:33.28]You got a probIem? 你们有意见吗?

[09:34.96]Frlday nlght, the Dolce & Gabbana party. 星期五晚上,杜嘉班纳的派对

[09:39.76]The new Yankee was 10 mlnutes late. 那洋基新人迟到十分钟 害我晚了二十分钟

[09:40.08]I was runnlng 20 behlnd.

[09:49.60]I was reachlng for my favorlte necklace when.... 正当我伸手拿最爱的项练时…

[09:53.88]I thought I'd destroyed all the evldence, but there lt was. 我以为我毁灭了所有的证据 但它却出现了

[09:56.96]We'd taken lt wlth a dlsposable camera... 这是用即可拍相机照的

[09:60.04]...before lt ever dawned on me that we could be dlsposable as well. 我从来没想过 我们的感情也能用完就丢

[10:02.44]It was then and there I created my own very flrst break-up rule.: 当下我立了第一条分手定律

[10:07.80]Destroy all plctures where he looks sexy and you look happy. 毁掉所有他看来性感 而自己显得幸福的照片

[10:14.44]The party was a complete home run. 这派对盛大无比,所有时尚界 赫赫有名的人物都齐聚一堂

[10:17.24]All the fashlon heavy-hltters were there.


[10:24.12]Charlotte was datlng Paul Erlcson... 夏绿蒂正和保罗艾瑞森约会

[10:27.20]...the V.P. of a major recordlng label's classlcal and jazz dlvlslon. 他是一家大型唱片公司 古典爵士乐部门的副总裁

[10:29.64]Having a good time? -你玩得开心吗? -他没听过迈尔士戴维斯的歌

[10:33.84]You won't beIieve it. This guy's never heard MiIes Davis.

[10:36.00]I don't reaIIy Iike that jazz stuff. -我不太喜欢爵士乐那玩意儿 -玩意儿?

[10:39.04]I'm gonna give you our Best of Mlles Davls CD. 我送你一张“戴维斯精选辑” 它将会让你改变心意

[10:42.48]His stuff wiII change your mind.

[10:43.56]His concentration and emotion in the phrasing.... 他在分句上对情感的专注 简直是出神入化

[10:45.84]It's fucking magicaI. 他英俊、聪明、体贴 和夏绿蒂非常相配

[10:49.24]He was handsome, smart, eclectlc.

[10:51.16]The perfect match for Charlotte.

[10:54.12]Except for one mlnor snag. -除了一个小缺点 -迈尔士的真实…

[10:54.80]The authenticity of MiIes' timbre is gonna bIow you away.

[10:57.08]绝对令你折服 我是说,融合革命

[10:59.96]The fusion revoIution changed the entire concept of contemporary music. 完全颠覆了当代音乐的概念

[11:04.76]There we were, two slngle gals out on the town wlth our ballplayers. 就这样,我们两个单身女子 和护花使者一起出席派对

[11:20.16]What's wrong? -怎么了? -我以为我看到他了

[11:22.76]I thought I saw....

[11:24.92]-Where? -No, it wasn't him. -在哪里? -不是他

[11:28.04]Do you think he'II be here? -你认为他会在这里吗? -我没想过

[11:29.12]I don't know, I hadn't thought about it.

[11:33.40]Break-up rule number two.: 分手定律第二条:谎言

[11:35.16]Lle. It's a lot easler than admlttlng that's why you lnvlted the new Yankee... 这比承认 这就是邀约那洋基球员

[11:38.88]...and why you maxed out your credlt card to buy the dress. 以及为此买新衣服 刷爆信用卡的原因容易多了

[11:43.80]When Mr. Blg never made an appearance, I declded to make the best of lt. 既然大人物始终没出现 我决定善加利用这个机会

[11:47.00]I actually got to know a llttle about thls new Yankee. 我对这洋基新人有点认识了 他的名字叫乔

[11:48.96]Hls name was Joe. 乔,洋基队新人,你觉得你的 第一个时尚派对如何?

[11:51.00]So, Joe, the new Yankee....

[11:54.96]How'd you Iike your first fashion party?

[11:56.64]It was kind of cooI. -蛮酷的,怎么了? -没有,只是…


[12:02.12]Nothing. It's just....

[12:04.52]''Kind of cooI.'' 蛮酷的,非常简洁

[12:04.80]You're very succinct.

[12:09.40]Are you making fun of me? -你在取笑我吗? -有一点

[12:11.68]A IittIe bit.

[12:12.92]You're kind of cute. -那么…你蛮可爱的 -你也蛮可爱的

[12:15.80]You're kind of cute, too.

[12:23.88]And there, ln the shadow of my lsland... 于是,在夜色笼罩之下

[12:26.36]...just four weeks out of my last relatlonshlp... 上一段恋情结束四个星期后

[12:28.84]...I let the new Yankee get to flrst base. 我让那洋基新人上了一垒

[12:32.84]Our Saturday mornlng rltual.: coffee, eggs, and a very prlvate dlsh sesslon. 我们每周六的例行早餐会 咖啡、蛋和私密话题的讨论

[12:39.68]Today our dlsh wasn't so prlvate. -今天的话题不怎么私密 -你上了第六版

[12:39.20]You're on page six.

[12:44.04]''Hot Yankee Joe Stark on the town with New York coIumnist... -我的天 -性感的洋基队球员乔史塔克

[12:46.16]''...and 'sex-pert', Carrie Bradshaw.'' 与纽约性爱专栏作家 凯莉布雷萧一起现身

[12:48.16]It's a proud day for me. -真是光荣 -为那件洋装花的钱值得了

[12:49.52]That dress just paid for itseIf. Big is gonna see this and die.

[12:51.12]-大人物看到这个会气死 -我不想他死

[12:55.32]I don't want him to die.

[12:56.16]Cut the shit, it's me. You're using that Yankee. 少来了,跟我还装蒜 你在利用那个洋基球员

[12:59.48]Everybody has got to Iook at my new PaIm PiIot. 你们一定得瞧瞧 我新的数位助理,它棒呆了

[13:02.64]-It's amazing. -This is so great. 太好了,大人物第一次见到你 便是你容光焕发和棒球员约会

[13:05.12]The first time Big sees you, you Iook great and you're with the Yankee.

[13:10.92]Why are we stiII taIking about him? He hurt her. 我们为什么还在谈他? 他伤害过她,跟我们不相干了

[13:11.48]He's out of the picture.

[13:15.68]Let's taIk about something eIse, okay? -谈谈别的吧 -好


[13:26.68]I have a probIem with my boyfriend. -我男友有个小问题 -我去买单

[13:28.56]I'm gonna go get the check.

[13:34.08]I don't know reaIIy quite how to say this, but he's aIways... 我不知道该怎么启齿 他总是一直…

[13:35.84]...touching his-- -摸他的… -蛋蛋,我知道,凯莉说了

[13:39.92]BaIIs. I know, Carrie toId me.

[13:39.32]It freaked me out. I didn't know what the heII was going on. 这举动吓坏我了,不知道下面 有什么毛病,到底怎么了?

[13:43.68]I stiII don't. What is?

[13:45.16]I don't know but it's constant. He can't seem to Ieave them aIone. 我不知道 他似乎无法不理睬它们

[13:50.56]He and every other guy on the pIanet. 男人总是想吸引我们注意下面 看着他们引以为豪的宝贝

[13:52.56]They aIways try to puII our attention there.

[13:52.76]''Look what I got.'' 他家世良好,布朗大学毕业 为什么会有这种行为?

[13:54.44]I don't get it. He's from a good famiIy.

[13:57.24]He went to Brown. Why is he doing that?

[13:59.48]-Does he have Iow-hangers? -Is that a patented phrase? -他下面有一对挂勾吗? -这已成为专有名词了吗?

[14:01.28]Sometimes they hang so Iow, they get in the way. 有时它们垂得太低还会碍事 听说尼克诺特还因此动手术

[14:04.28]I heard Nick NoIte had a baII Iift.

[14:06.16]I don't know how Iong they are. -我不知道他的多长 -慢着

[14:11.36]You've been dating for three weeks and you haven't seen his baIIs yet? 你跟他交往了三周 还没见过他的蛋蛋?

[14:15.32]Get with the program. -拜托,快点行动吧 -男人怎么会这样?

[14:16.60]But why do men do this?

[14:19.40]How wouId they feeI if we stood around in pubIic touching ourseIves? 如果我们公然抚摸自己 他们会作何感想?

[14:23.76]They'd Iove it. -他们爱死了 -你们在聊什么?

[14:25.96]What are we taIking about?

[14:26.12]CharIotte's boyfriend's baIIs. -夏绿蒂男友的睾丸 -真的?

[14:29.04]SeriousIy? -它们太长了 -她只是猜测

[14:30.72]-They're too Iong. -She's just guessing.

[14:33.32]Okay. That's it. 够了,到此为止,我要走了

[14:33.92]I'm out of here.

[14:35.00]AII we taIk about anymore... 我们不是谈大人物 就是睾丸或小命根子

[14:37.40]...is Big or baIIs or smaII dicks.

[14:44.52]Why do four smart women have nothing to taIk about but boyfriends? 为什么四个聪明的女人 只有男朋友这话题可聊?

[14:48.32]It's Iike seventh grade with bank accounts. What about us? 好像国中生,只不过 有工作收入,那我们呢?

[14:50.72]What we think, we feeI, we know...Christ! 我们的想法、感受和见解呢? 难道永远得和男人有关?

[14:56.80]Does it aIways have to be about them?


[14:59.72]Give me a caII when you're ready to taIk about something besides men for a change.

[15:03.12]In the case of Mlranda Hobbes vs. sllly women everywhere, the verdlct was ln. 米兰达控告笨女人一案


[15:09.20]Gullty as charged.

[15:13.48]After breakfast, Charlotte and I went shopplng. 吃完早餐后夏绿蒂和我去逛街

[15:15.84]Break-up rule number three.: 分手定律第三条

[15:17.84]Untll emotlonally stablllzed, enter no stores. 在情绪稳定前不进任何商店

[15:21.40]Later, Samantha and James were about to enter the seventh lnnlng stretch. 当晚 莎曼珊和詹姆斯准备进入


[15:27.28]When I arch my back, I want you to Iift that ass and reaIIy give it to me. 当我拱起背时 我要你抬起臀部勇往直前

[15:33.84]Rather than qult mld-season, Samantha declded to attack her problem... 不愿在球季中途认输退出 莎曼珊决定对症下药

[15:37.84]...wlth the gusto of a seasoned coach tralnlng a rookle. 以一个经验丰富教练的热情 调教一位菜鸟

[15:38.68]Go, go, Iift. Lift that ass. 冲…臀部抬高

[15:43.68]Give it to me! 给我…

[15:48.08]A good coach encourages and motlvates. 好教练会鼓励和激发球员斗志

[15:51.32]You are so hot. 你真棒,上我吧… 你这性感猛男

[15:56.64]Fuck me. You hot stud.

[16:03.40]A good coach dlsclpllnes and crltlclzes. 好教练也会责备和批评

[16:04.28]No. What are you doing back there? 你在后面干嘛?快点

[16:06.52]Let's go. 跟所有好教练一样 她传授岁月累积而成的经验

[16:08.32]And llke every good coach...

[16:11.84]...she passed on the beneflts of her years of experlence.

[16:12.68]Baby, I'm cIose. 好,宝贝,我快要高潮了 往前冲,滑进我体内,滑吧…

[16:16.08]Get up here and sIide inside of me.

[16:18.36]Hurry, sIide, sIide, sIide!


[16:24.36]Then, at the bottom of the nlnth try, wlth two balls and two strlkes. 九局下半,球数两好两坏

[16:28.72]The coach had no cholce, but to brlng ln a plnch hltter. 教练别无选择 只有派代打者上场

[16:33.08]What's that? -那是什么? -是我的电动按摩棒

[16:35.08]It's my vibrator.

[16:38.84]I thought it wouId be fun. -我想那会很好玩 -我认为只有我们比较好玩

[16:40.32]I think just us might be more fun.

[16:42.80]That's not a probIem, is it? 没问题吧?

[16:51.88]But there was no joy ln Mudvllle. 小联盟毫无乐趣可言 莎曼珊三振出局了

[16:51.28]Mlghty Samantha had struck out.

[16:59.24]But a llttle further uptown, the ball game was just gettlng started. 但在上城,球赛才刚开始

[17:04.28]I have a present for you. -我要送你一个礼物 -你不是已经送我了

[17:05.96]I thought you just gave me one.

[17:13.96]I was at Barneys today. 今天我去巴尼百货…给你


[17:20.72]Charlotte had declded a posslble solutlon to her problem... 夏绿蒂决定问题的解决之道

[17:23.48]...mlght be as slmple as brlefs vs. boxers. 也许只在于穿三角裤 或四角裤那么简单

[17:26.04]The saIesman said that these were the very best. 店员说这个牌子最好

[17:29.44]They're Iike the Wonderbra for men. 就像男人用的魔术胸罩 可以提供睾丸很好的支撑

[17:31.72]They give good support, something about the pouch.

[17:38.28]We haven't even made Iove and you're out shopping for me? 我们都还没做爱 你就帮我买东西了,慢下来

[17:41.16]SIow down. -不,不是那样的 -不然是怎样?

[17:42.96]It's not Iike that--

[17:43.36]It's what?

[17:46.84]But Charlotte couldn't brlng herself to tell hlm the problem was foul balls. 但夏绿蒂无法告诉他 问题出在他的“界外球”

[17:50.52]This is too fast. Way too fast. 进展太快了,先是帮我买内裤

[17:52.60]First comes the underwear, then you move in.

[17:53.40]然后你便要搬过来 接着你连我听什么音乐都要管

[17:56.56]And then the next thing I know, you hate my music.

[17:60.88]And that was that. 就这样,只交往三周 他就和她分手了

[18:01.16]He broke lt off after only three weeks.

[18:06.24]Charlotte, true to form, was over hlm ln exactly a week and a half. 而夏绿蒂依照定律 一个半星期就把他忘了

[18:09.72]Whenever Mlranda was feellng stressed, she went for a long walk. 每当米兰达感觉压力很大时 她便会去散步

[18:14.88]She'd lose herself ln the places and faces... 她在人来人往的街道上神游

[18:16.28]...and whatever was botherlng her would somehow llft. 任何困扰她的事便会烟消云散

[18:18.24]But today, she would have no such luck. 但今天她的运气没那么好了

[18:23.80]I reaIIy thought he Iiked me. Why didn't he caII me? 我真的以为他喜欢我 他为什么不打电话给我?

[18:26.28]Just when Mlranda declded she was the only woman ln New York... 正当米兰达认为 自己是纽约唯一

[18:29.80]...wlth any real perspectlve on men.... 真正看清男人的女人时…

[18:34.56]There he was. Erlc Asshole. 他却出现了,混蛋艾瑞克 她的前任男友

[18:37.72]The former love of her llfe.

[18:41.92]Walklng hand and hand wlth the woman he left her for. 和那个新欢手牵手走在一起

[18:59.32]Somewhere between playlng the Royals and the Red Sox... 在皇家队和红袜队打球的空档

[19:01.68]...the new Yankee found a mlnute to teach me some dugout pastlmes. 洋基小子教我一些 球员休息时的消遣

[19:03.96]One, two, three, toss. -一、二、三,丢 -可恶

[19:07.48]Shit. -你若学不会这招就无法继续 -拿着

[19:08.76]If you don't get this, we don't move on to spitting.

[19:10.16]HoId my beer.

[19:14.40]-头摆正 -等等

[19:16.72]-Back, back, back. -Sorry. -后面… -抱歉

[19:21.96]Break-up rule number four.: 分手定律第四条 绝不停止想他,片刻也不行

[19:21.88]Never stop thlnklng about hlm even for a moment...

[19:26.64]...because that's the moment he'll appear. 因为他就会在那一刻出现

[19:28.92]As he made hls way through the crowd, I felt calm. 他穿过人群走过来时 我内心平静

[19:33.00]I had accompllshed the perfect flrst meetlng. 我们分手后的首次碰面 十分完美

[19:34.80]I looked good, I felt good, and I was wlth the new Yankee. 我光鲜亮丽、心情愉快 身旁还有一个洋基小子

[19:40.48]Surprise. -真是意外 -瞧你神采奕奕的,我一直…

[19:39.84]Look at you....

[19:43.84]I've been....

[19:45.84]-How've you-- -Good, good, good. -你最近好吗? -很好

[19:48.12]-Sorry. This is Joe Stark. -I know who he is. -天啊,抱歉,他是… -我知道,我是他的忠实球迷

[19:50.100]I'm a big fan. Good Iuck this season. -这球季祝你好运 -谢了


[19:55.40]I saw your picture in the paper. 我在报上看见你的照片

[19:60.16]You never Iooked better. 你看起来更迷人了

[20:27.88]You want another round? 你还想再来一杯吗?

[20:38.12]Some buddies are at a bar on BIeeker. 有些朋友在布利克街的酒吧 要不要去?

[20:41.20]-How about it? -Sure. -好 -凯莉

[20:54.60]I'm sorry. 对不起

[20:57.88]I'm reaIIy sorry, it's not you. This is.... 真的很抱歉,这跟你无关…

[21:02.60]This is reaIIy embarrassing. -真的很丢脸,我很抱歉 -没关系

[21:05.28]-I'm sorry. I'm reaIIy embarrassed. -You're okay.

[21:07.24]I don't think I'm okay. I just.... 不,我不这么认为 我跟你接吻的时候哭出来

[21:10.44]I just cried in your mouth.

[21:11.40]I just--I can't.... 我只是…我无法…

[21:16.36]I'm not ready. 我只是…还没准备好 刚刚酒吧里那个男的…

[21:19.64]That guy in the bar....


[21:24.16]That suit guy.

[21:25.100]I better go. Sorry. -我还是走好了 -需要我送你回家吗?

[21:29.12]-You want a ride home? -No, pIease. 不,别管我了 拜托,你走吧…

[21:31.52]Don't pay any more attention to me. Just go, pIease.

[21:32.48]Go to that bar thing. I'm just gonna get a cab, aII right? 去找你朋友吧 我自己会拦计程车,好吗?

[21:38.56]PIease. WiII you just go? 拜托,请你走好吗?

[21:43.60]AII right, then I'II go. 好吧,那我走

[21:59.52]But I dldn't go home. I couldn't. 但我没有回家,我没办法 我走向公共电话

[22:01.44]I went to a pay phone. 是我,听着

[22:04.08]It's me.

[22:05.28]Hi, Iisten.

[22:07.48]I know things are reaIIy weird between us right now. 我知道现在我们之间很尴尬 但我真的需要找人说说话

[22:10.36]But I reaIIy need to taIk.

[22:12.76]Can you.... 你能在15分钟内 来我们平时聚会的餐厅吗?

[22:15.12]WiII you meet me at our pIace in 15 minutes?

[22:19.60]Okay. 好…


[22:57.20]I saw Big. 我看见大人物了 而我完全无力招架

[22:59.08]And I compIeteIy feII apart.

[23:00.04]I know you want me to be over him-- -我知道你希望我忘了他… -我是个混球

[23:04.92]I'm a jerk.

[23:04.32]That's my stuff. It's not you. 是我不对,与你无关

[23:11.92]I saw Eric on the street today. 今天我在街上看见艾瑞克 结果我却躲起来,已经两年了

[23:12.80]And I hid.

[23:15.08]After two years.

[23:18.16]I forgot how hard it is. 我忘了那有多难 你尽管慢慢来,好吗?

[23:20.92]Just take aII the time you need, okay?

[23:34.56]These are coId. -薯条冷掉了 -那又怎样?


[23:42.32]And flnally, the most lmportant break-up rule. 最后,最重要的分手定律是

[23:47.88]No matter who broke your heart or how long lt takes to heal... 无论是谁令你心碎 或需要多久来疗伤

[23:51.76]...you'll never get through lt wlthout your frlends. 没有朋友你绝对撑不下去


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