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BBC News :安理会全体投票谴责朝鲜发射远程火箭




BBC News with Marion Marshall

Exit polls suggest that Israel’s governing coalition has lost ground in a general election that’d seen an unusually high turnout across the country. The polls indicate return to power for the right-wing alliance led by the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu but with a substantially reduced majority. They show an unexpected surge of support for the new centrist party Yesh Atid led by a former television presenter Yair Lapid. Kevin Connolly reports from Mr. Netanyahu’s Likud Party headquarters in Tel Aviv.

选 举投票后民意测验表明以色列的执政联盟已失去了普选中的优势,当时他们在全国获得了异乎寻常的高投票率。但是,目前的民意测验暗示由总理内塔尼亚胡领导的 想要再次执政的右翼联盟已实质上失去了多数人的支持。出人意料地,伊朗人民纷纷支持由前电视主持人Yair Lapid领导的新中间党Yesh Atid。Kevin Connolly在特拉维夫市内塔尼亚胡的利库德集团总部发回报道。

As news of the television exit polls flashed on the giant screen at Likud headquarters, partying activists cheered and celebrated it. It was more relief than real jubilation. The polls suggest that the combined list led by Mr. Netanyahu has lost 1/4 of its seats. But that should still leave him in the position to form a coalition. At one point the headquarters was crackling with rumors that he’d done even worse. Parties of left and right both picked up seats. The result of the picture is of a fragmented parliament. The likely outcome, Mr. Netanyahu, a great survivor, has survived again.

当利库德集团总部的巨大屏幕上闪现民意测验的电视报道时,党派活动家们欢呼雀跃,为此庆祝。与其说是真正的 庆祝,不如说是种解脱、放松。测验结果表明由内塔尼亚胡先生领导的联盟在国会中已经失去1/4的席位。但是,他仍然有能力再成立一个新联盟。在这座总部大 厦里曾经谣言四起,说他过去的表现太糟糕了。左右两党纷纷获得了席位。最后的局面就是一个支离破碎的国会。很可能结局就是,内塔尼亚胡先生,一个伟大的幸 存者,再一次幸存下来。

The French President Francois Hollande and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel have marked 50 years of friendship between their two countries. There was a joint cabinet meeting in Berlin and a joint session of both parliaments to celebrate half a century of the Elysee Treaty. This sealed the two countries’ reconciliation after the World WarⅡ. At a joint news conference, Angela Merkel explained that she and Mr. Hollande were urging closer economic and financial ties between Euro zone countries to help them avoid a repeat of Europe’s current debt crisis.

法国总统弗朗西斯科•奥朗德和德国总理默克尔共同庆祝了两国之间50年的友谊。在柏林举行了联合内阁会议,两院都 进行了联合会议以庆祝半个世纪之义的爱丽舍条约,该条约标志着两国在第二次世界大战后的和解。在联合新闻发布会上,默克尔解释到,她和奥朗德先生都曾鼓励 欧元区所有国家在经济和金融上展开更为紧密的合作,以帮助欧元区国家避免欧洲现时的债务危机。

“That’s why we, France and Germany want by May to put forward proposals for the stabilization and deepening of the economic and monetary union. It’s about a deeper cooperation in economic policy.”


The European Union has allowed 11 of its member states to introduce a new tax designed to discourage financial speculation. It’s expected the tax will be levied on every trade in bonds, shares and other financial products. Supporters think the tax will raise billions of Euros, but critics think trading will simply move elsewhere.


About two million people in the Chilean capital Santiago have been left without drinking water after sanitation plants were contaminated by muddy flood waters. From there, is Gideon Long.

由于净水处理厂被带有淤泥的洪水污染而没有饮用水,智利首都圣地亚哥大约二百万人离开了这座城市。Gideon Long从圣地亚哥报道。

The flood sent tons of mud flowing down rivers forcing the closure of the plants. As a result, some 600,000 families in Santiago, around a third of the city’s population have been left without water. The authorities have been distributing emergency supplies from tankers. People rushed out to buy bottled water and restaurants have been forced to close. Santiago citizens have been told only to use hospitals if they really need to. The problem could hardly have come at a worse time. This is the middle of the Chilean summer when temperatures regularly top 30℃.

洪 水顺流而下裹挟着成吨的淤泥,迫使工厂关闭,造成圣地亚哥大约60万家庭(近三分之一该市人口)无水可喝,不得不弃城而去。当局已用水箱分配紧张供应水。 人们冲向商店,购买瓶装水,饭店不得不关门停业。圣地亚哥市民们被告之,如果确实需要,他们才能住进医院。无水问题偏偏在最为糟糕的时期出现,现在是智利 的夏季,温度通常高达30℃。

BBC News

Prosecutors have urged a UN-backed tribunal at The Hague to increase a prison term handed down to Liberia’s former President Charles Taylor from 50 to 80 years. Mr. Taylor is appealing against his conviction for aiding and abetting rebels who committed atrocities during the civil war in neighbouring Sierra Leone. But the prosecution told judges that Mr. Taylor’s sentence should instead be increased to reflect his culpability.

检查官敦促位于海牙的由联合国支持的 法庭将利比亚前总统查尔斯•泰勒裁定的牢狱时间增加到50至80年。泰勒先生对其罪行提出上诉,他曾帮助并且唆使反叛军,这些反叛军在邻国塞拉利昂内战期 间犯下滔天罪行。但是检查官告诉法官泰勒先生的定罪应该有所增加,以反映出他的罪则。

The United Nations Security Council has voted unanimously to condemn North Korea’s recent launch of a long-range rocket and to impose new sanctions on the North Korean space agency. Diplomats speaking on condition of unanimity said that Chinese support for the resolution was a significant diplomatic blow for Pyongyang.


The remains of the last king of Yugoslavia PeterⅡ Karadjordjevic have been flown back to Serbian from the United States where he died in exile 42 years ago. Diane Rodjordrjevic reports.

南斯拉夫最后一位国王彼得II世Karadjordjevic的追随者已从美国飞回塞尔维亚,这位国王42年在美国死于流放中。Diane Rodjordrjevic报道。

Young King PeterⅡ fled in 1941, days after Nazi aerial bombardment flattened many parts of Belgrade ahead of a ground invasion. He never returned because by the end of the conflict Yugoslavia was no longer a kingdom but a Communist Republic led by Marshall Tito. King Peter lived in London. The British royal family were his cousins but his son says he never got all but the fact that he couldn’t go back. He died in the United States where he was buried in a Serbian monastery. His son Prince Alexander who now lives in Belgrade wanted the remains to be laid to rest alongside his ancestors in the royal crypt in central Serbia.

年 轻的彼得II世国王于1941年逃离南斯拉夫,正是在纳粹陆地入侵前的空袭将贝尔格莱德许多地区夷为平地之后的几天。他之后再未返回,因为冲突之后,南斯 拉夫不再是一个王国,而是一个由铁托元帅领导的共产主义共和国。国王老彼得生活在伦敦。英国王室是他的表兄弟,小彼得说他从未得到过任何,但是事实是他再 也回不去了。彼得II世在美国去世,以塞尔维亚王室的葬礼得以安葬。他的儿子王子亚利山大现在生活在南斯拉夫,他想让这些随从日后能埋葬在塞尔维亚中心的 皇家墓穴中,安息在他的父辈身旁。

One of the favorites to win football’s Africa Cup of Nations Ivory Coast has beaten Togo 2-1 in their opening match in South Africa. The Arsenal striker Gervinho scored the winning goal in the dying minutes of the game. In the other group D match Tunisia beat their North African rivals Algeria 1-0.



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